The Florida Bar Student Application for Affiliate Membership in the

The Florida Bar
Student Application for
Affiliate Membership in the Tax Section
In order to be considered for affiliate membership, students must meet the requirements for membership as
defined by the bylaws of the Section.
Article II, Membership, Section 2. Affiliate Membership, states:
The Directors’ Committee may, at its sole discretion, accept a person who is a full-time law student at any
accredited school of law in Florida; an inactive member of The Florida Bar as defined in Rule 1-3.2(c) of
the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar; or a law faculty affiliate of The Florida Bar as defined in Rule 1-3.9
of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, as an affiliate member of this Section, upon application and payment of the prescribed dues.
Affiliate members shall have all the privileges of membership in this Section, except that they may not:
(a) Hold any office in the Section, whether elected or appointed;
(b) Vote or participate in the election of any officers of the Section; and
(c) Vote on the adoption, change or revision of any provision of these bylaws.
The number of affiliate members of the Section at any time may not exceed one-third (1/3) of the total Section
The dues for affiliate membership are $20.00 per individual. If you are interested in subscribing to The Florida
Bar News or The Florida Bar Journal, you may call 1-800-342-8060 for subscription rates. To be considered for
affiliate membership, please complete the application below and attach a letter from the Dean of your law school
certifying your status and your check for $20.00 made payable to The Florida Bar. If accepted, your dues are payable thereafter in advance of each membership year. You will receive a bill from The Florida Bar each year. At
such time as you become a member of The Florida Bar, and you wish to continue as a Section member, you must reapply for regular Section member status and pay the applicable fee at that time.
Your application and check should be mailed to Tax Section Program Administrator, The Florida Bar, 651 East
Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300.
Application for Student Affiliate Membership
The Florida Bar Tax Section
(Please Type or Print All Information)
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
School Attending: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Official Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ___________________________ Residence Phone: __________________________________________
E-mail _______________________________________________________ Date of Anticipated Graduation: _________
I understand that all privileges accorded to members of the Section are accorded affiliates, except that affiliates may not hold office in the Section or participate in the selection of Executive Council members or officers.
Attach a letter from the Dean of the Law school with your application certifying your status and your payment
of $20.00 for membership.
SIGNATURE: _________________________________
DATE: ________________________________________
Note: Membership in the Section will expire June 30. Dues may not be prorated.
Item # 8191002 sections/tax/AffiliateMembApp.indd / Rev. 01/13