Table of Contents Introduction ....................................... . . . . . .............................................................1 Examining a field .................................................................................................. 2 Tips for shipping to diagnostic laboratories ................................................................ 2-3 Stage I: Scouting from emergence to knee-high ............................................................. 4 Stage II: Scouting from knee-high to tasseling .............................................................. 11 Stage III: Scouting from tasseling to maturity ................................................................ 16 Disease symptoms .............................................................................................. 24 Leaf diseases ................................................................................................ 24-26 Smutting diseases ...................................................... . . . . ..................................... 26 Virus and virus-like diseases ...................................................... . . . . ......................... 27 Fungal systemic diseases .......................................... . . . ..................................... 27-28 Stalk and root rot diseases ................................................................................. 28-29 Ear and kernel rots ...................................................... . . .................................. 29-30 Insect injury symptoms and management recommendations ....................... . . . . . . . ......... 31-39 Herbicide injury symptoms ................................................................................. 40-42 Herbicides that may be used or trigger symptomology in corn ....................................... 43-47 Herbicides listed by active ingredient and mode of action ............................................ 48-51 Nutrient deficiency symptoms ............................................................................. 52-53 Index ............................................................................................................... 54 Introduction This manual is prepared and distributed by Monsanto Company to help farmers, seed dealers, and company personnel determine the likely causes of abnormal corn plant appearance. While the primary target is the North American Region, the principles and many of the situations described in this publication extend to the regions of the world where corn is grown. Symptoms may be due to a single cause or the result of two or more interacting factors. Also, because of their different genetic backgrounds, different hybrids may not have identical symptoms in response to the same cause. Routine field examinations are crucial in spotting problems or potential problems. Some growers employ professional crop scouts rather than perform this function themselves. Weekly examinations are generally sufficient. Once a problem has been identified, its extent and severity must be determined to decide whether corrective action is necessary. Many pest management recommendations include threshold levels when control measures will return a profit. Consult Cooperative Extension Service and chemical company recommendations for control measures. 1 Corn Diagnostic Guide 1 Diagnosing Field Problems in Corn EXAMINING A FIELD Carry the appropriate tools to help effectively scout or monitor fields. Some basic tools to have on hand include: • • • • • Tape measure Knife Trowel (6 or 8 inch) Magnifying glass Clipboard and record keeping materials • • • • • Small plastic bags Water source Paper towels Calculator Field marking flags A spade and a set of nesting pails may be useful if considerable digging is expected. Digital cameras can be helpful in getting a record of insects or disease symptoms. Be very careful when making area-to-area or field-to-field comparisons. Many factors can influence appearance, including: soil type, slope, and drainage; previous crops; fertility practices; seedbed preparation; date, depth, and rate of planting; pest control; seed lot; and hybrid. Look for positives, not just problems. Observe and note hybrid differences, as well as the effects of fertilizer and cultural practices. The following diagnostic key separates plant growth into three primary stages of crop development: Stage I Emergence to knee-high Stage II Knee-high to tasseling Stage III Tasseling to maturity In the field, onset of symptoms might occur earlier or later than indicated, and may be observed during more than one growth stage. TIPS FOR SHIPPING TO DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORIES Trained, experienced agronomists, crop protection, research, and sales personnel stand ready to assist you in diagnosing field problems. Local seed dealers are your first contact when questions arise. Positive diagnosis often requires identification or confirmation of causes by a diagnostic laboratory. Most states have some arrangement, usually through their Cooperative Extension Service office, for accessing expert diagnosis. Some of these are more formally conducted than others, and cost of the service varies. Also, there are a few private laboratories that are equipped to provide such services. Your local Cooperative Extension Service office can suggest companies and provide contact information. When preparing plant or soil samples for a diagnosis, follow these instructions offered by the laboratories. 2 1. Provide representative samples of each problem observed, as well as a healthy sample from unaffected plants or plant parts. 2. If sending leaf tissue, place sections of leaves showing disease symptoms between pieces of dry paper toweling or notebook paper. area twice, on dates about a week apart, to determine whether the problem is intensifying, spreading, or disappearing. • Crop symptoms as observed in the field, such as “plants were wilted” or “leaves appeared spotted.” Describe the size of area affected: spots, strips, or the entire field. • Percentage of plants affected. • Soil type (clay, sand, muck, etc.). • Topography around affected plants, such as high ground, low ground, or gently sloping. 5. Use a sturdy envelope or box for shipping. • 6. Avoid shipping at times that are likely to result in the parcel lying in a post office or freight depot over a weekend or holiday. Overnight delivery, early in the week, is strongly recommended. Fertility level (include a soil test report, if available) and the amount, kind, and timing of fertilizer application. • Pesticides applied (fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, application rate, and date). • Soil moisture situation at and since planting. If the field was irrigated, indicate the amount and dates of water application. • Unusual recent air temperatures or humidity conditions. • Previous cropping and tillage history. • Types of weeds in the field. 3. If sending the whole plant, remove excess soil from the roots and wrap the roots in moist paper toweling. Put roots and towel in a plastic bag. Do not place the entire plant in a plastic bag. Wrap stem and leaves with paper, foil, or cardboard. 4. Do not add water or crush specimens unnecessarily. 7. Information will need to be provided with the plant specimen. Often, laboratories have specific forms that are required when submitting a sample. Information requested on such forms often includes the following: 3 • Variety (hybrid number) of crop. • Location where sample was taken (county, township, and town).. • Date of planting, date problem was first observed, and date sample was collected. Indicate whether the problem is better or worse than when first observed. Visit a problem Corn Diagnostic Guide 2 Stage I: Scouting from Emergence to Knee-High Determine the extent and severity of any problem identified. Is the problem throughout the field or spotty and localized? Has emergence been completed or are there seeds sprouted, ready to emerge? Take accurate stand counts and determine percent of stand achieved. If replanting is necessary, take steps to prevent recurrence of the cause for poor emergence. Verify that the planter is operating properly and that fertilizer or pesticide issues have been corrected. % stand achieved = number of plants established number of seeds planted X 100 If the stand is uneven or if there are skips down the row, dig to find the planted seed and its distribution. GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 1. No seed • Planter Improper adjustment; row unit drive not engaged; worn parts; clogged spout; empty box or tank; wrong plates, disks, or drum; excess or wrong seed treatment. • Rodents or birds Digging and partly-eaten kernels. 2. Normal seed appearance; not swelled • Unfavorable soil conditions Cold, dry soil. • Poor seed-soil contact Inadequate press wheel pressure; improper closing wheel adjustments; inadequate residue management; dry or cloddy soil. 3. Normal seed appearance; swelled but not sprouted • Unfavorable soil conditions Cold, wet soil. • Fertilizer or pesticide injury Phytotoxic pesticides or too much fertilizer too close to the seed. 4. Seed dead, rotted • Seed rots or seedling blights These are accentuated when soil conditions are unfavorable for germination and seedling growth. Many species of fungi and/or bacteria may be involved. Fungicide seed treatment protects the seed, not the seedling. 4 GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 4. Seed dead, rotted (cont.) • Fertilizer injury Fertilizer salts, nitrogen, and potassium draw moisture and may leave seed in soil too dry to support growth. In-furrow applications are more likely to cause fertilizer injury than starter fertilizers placed at least 2 inches from the seed. Ammonia toxicity is caused when planting follows anhydrous or aqua ammonia application too closely or where application was too shallow. This can kill or stunt seedlings. Roots appear sheared off. Boron and some other micronutrients impair germination if they are too close to the seed. • Insecticide injury Some soil-applied organophosphate insecticides can impair germination if placed in furrow with the seed. Check the label and apply only as directed. • Dead seed planted • Unfavorable soil conditions Cold, dry, wet, or crusted soil. 5. Seed hollowed out • Insects Seed corn beetle, seed corn maggot, or wireworm (see pp. 36-38). 6. Sprout twisted or leaves expanded below ground • Unfavorable soil conditions Crusted, cold, or cloddy soil. A cloddy surface can allow light to reach the sprout and trigger leafing too soon. In the case of crusting, rotary hoeing may be beneficial. • Seed planted too deep • Mechanical injury to seed in handling or planting • Chemical injury Fertilizer (see p. 5); insecticides (see p. 5); or some herbicides such as acetanilides and dinitroanilines (see pp. 41-42). • Planter Seed injury due to improper operation or adjustment, including planting depth. • Unfavorable soil conditions Cold, dry, wet, or crusted soil. In the case of crusting, rotary hoeing may be beneficial. Properly banded fertilizer at planting may help seedlings overcome unfavorable soil conditions. • Seed planted too deep 7. Slow, uneven emergence 5 Corn Diagnostic Guide If plants are abnormal in appearance, try to identify one of the following specific symptoms. GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 1. Seedlings pulled or dug up, seed eaten • Bird or rodent damage Chemical repellents may help. 2. Slow, uneven plant growth • Unfavorable growing conditions Cold, dry, wet, or compacted soil. Properly banded fertilizer at planting may help minimize the effects of some unfavorable growing conditions. • Low fertility If a nutrient deficiency due to inadequate amounts in the soil, is confirmed, consider sidedressing or foliar application, depending on the nutrients involved (see pp. 52-53). • Insects attacking roots Corn root aphid, corn rootworm, grape colaspis, webworm, white grub, or wireworm (see pp. 31-38). • Nematodes attacking roots Requires microscopic analysis. • Chemical injury Fertilizer (see p. 5); insecticides (see p. 5); herbicides such as Balance®; Command® or Scepter® carryover (see pp. 41-42); or liquid manure. • Non-uniform planting depth • Dry, loose soil is not conducive to normal root Failure of secondary roots to develop (rootless corn syndrome) development. This condition is accentuated by shallow planting and whipping by wind. Cultivation may help by throwing soil around the base of plants. • Nutrient deficiency Magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, or sulfur (see pp. 52-53). Nitrogen deficiency results in a yellow discoloration of leaves. Phosphorus deficiency results in a purpling of leaves due to the accumulation of anthocyanins. If nutrient deficiency is confirmed, consider sidedressing or foliar application, depending on the nutrients involved. • Unfavorable soil conditions Waterlogged, cold, or compacted soil. These conditions can also affect nutrient uptake and translocation. 3. Discolored leaves 6 GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 3. Discolored leaves (cont.) • Insects attacking roots Most observed leaf discoloration is due to nutrient deficiency induced by damaged or inadequate roots (see nutrient deficiency, above). • Nematodes attacking roots Requires microscopic analysis. • Chemical injury Fertilizer (see p. 5); insecticides (see p. 5); herbicides such as Balance®; Command® or Scepter® carryover (see pp. 41-42); liquid manure. • Wind damage Abrasion by sand or soil particles. Difficulty establishing secondary roots. • Frost or freeze Check growing point for damage. Seedlings often recover. Most pronounced in low-lying areas. • Cold (not freezing) temperature stress Cool nights and warm days promote aboveground plant growth at the expense of root development. This leads to increased demand by the above ground tissues for more nutrients than the roots can deliver. The result can be short-term deficiency symptoms until the root system becomes more developed. • Anhydrous burn • Mechanical injury • Hybrid differences Uneven Corn Plant Growth 7 Corn Diagnostic Guide GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE 4. Leaves rolled or puckered, may be wilted • Drought • Insects attacking roots or stalks See Section 6, Insect Injury Symptoms (p. 31-38), plus chinch bug, cutworm, Japanese beetle, stink bug, or webworm. • Nematodes attacking roots Requires microscopic analysis. • Mechanical root pruning 5. Leaves rolled or • twisted together (“onion leaf” or “buggy • whip”) 6. Shredded leaves or eaten plants 7. Leaves spotted, striped or dead REMARKS Herbicide injury Acetanilides, dinitroanilines, or phenoxys (see pp. 41-42). Temperature variation Alternating hot and cold weather, inducing very rapid growth spurts followed by little or no growth. • Nutrient imbalance Boron toxicity or calcium deficiency (see p. 52). • Hail damage Injury to the growing point at this growth stage can result in short-term wrapping of leaves. • Wind damage • Hail damage • Insects Armyworm, common stalk borer, corn earworm, cutworm, European corn borer, grasshopper, slug, or webworm (see pp. 32-37). • Livestock or wild animal grazing Look for tracks. • Wind damage Abrasion by sand or soil particles. • Low soil pH Beaded streaking of leaves, which turn reddishpurple and may die. • Nutrient deficiency Boron, copper, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, or zinc (see pp. 52-53). • Insects Flea beetle, leaf miner, or thrips (see pp. 35-37). • Disease Anthracnose, bacterial wilt, eyespot, Goss’s wilt, holcus spot, seedling blights (favored by cool, wet soil), virus or virus-like diseases (see pp. 24-27). • Fertilizer or herbicide injury Anhydrous burn; spray drift; foliar-applied herbicides such as Buctril®, Basagran®, Gramoxone®, or Blazer®; Classic®, Scepter®, or Reflex® carryover; premix acentanilides postapplied (see pp. 40-42). • Sunscald or cold Cold nights followed by clear, bright, fast-warming days. • Hybrid differences 8 GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 8. Rows of holes across leaves • Insects Billbug, common stalk borer, corn borer, cutworm, or stink bug (see pp. 32-37). 9. Plants wilt and die suddenly • Insects Billbug, chinch bug, cutworm, stink bug, white grub, or wireworm (see pp. 32-38). • Wind damage • Disease Seedling blights, bacterial wilt, or Goss’s wilt (see p. 26). • Herbicide injury Triazines or misapplications of glyphosate herbicides (see pp. 41-42). • Frost or freeze Check growing point for damage. Seedlings often recover. • Lightning Kills everything, usually in circular area. • Anhydrous burn • Flooded, water-logged soil “Buggywhip” Corn plant two days after frost 9 Corn Diagnostic Guide GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 10. Plants twisted or broken off 11. Inhibited root development or malformed roots • Herbicide injury Especially 2,4-D followed by wind (see pp. 4142). • Insects Billbug, cutworm, lesser cornstalk borer, or stinkbug (see pp. 32, 36-37). • Nematode injury Requires microscopic analysis. • Insects Corn rootworm, grape colaspis, white grub, or wireworm (see pp. 34-38). • Fertilizer injury • Herbicide injury Phenoxys, Banvel®, carryover dinitroanilines, and Scepter® or Classic® carryover (see pp. 41-42). • Soil conditions Planting when soils are too wet can cause sidewall compaction that can arrest or severely restrict corn root development. Look for flatsided or abruptly arrested root systems. Wind Damage in Corn Field Hail Damage in Corn Field 10 3 Stage II: Scouting from Knee-High to Tasseling This is the period of most rapid plant growth. Nutrient and moisture demands are high; deficiencies will likely reduce crop yield potential. Problems must be evaluated for economic damage potential before control decisions can be made. Observe differences due to hybrids and management practices. If plants are abnormal in appearance, try to identify one of the following specific symptoms. GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 1. Uneven height (tall plants, short plants) Uneven planting depth; uneven soil moisture. 2. Numerous tillers 3. Discolored or dead leaves 11 Corn Diagnostic Guide • Emerged at different times • Varied nutrient or moisture availability under drought conditions • Low soil pH • Herbicide drift • Nutrients concentrated at dry soil Nutrients are unavailable to the plant. surface • Fallow (idle land) syndrome Phosphorus is unavailable to the plant (see p. 53). • Growing point injury Mechanical or insect damage. • Favorable early-season growing conditions Optimum moisture, high soil fertility, or both. • Low plant population • Adjacent to open spaces (population gaps) in the row • Hybrid differences • Disease Crazy top (see p. 27) • Nutrient deficiency Nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium (see p. 53). Use of burndown products adjacent to cropped area. GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 3. Discolored or dead leaves (cont.) 4. Whorl leaves dead (“deadheart”) 5. Leaves spotted or striped • Fertilizer or herbicide injury Fertilizer or herbicide on foliage. This tends to be more pronounced at row ends or where overlap application was made. • High temperatures Noted as scalding or bleaching of top leaves first. • Sunscald or cold banding Cold nights followed by clear, bright, fastwarming days. • Insects Chinch bug, spider mite, or root-attacking insects, which can reduce nutrient uptake (see pp. 32-37). • Mechanical injury • Frost or freeze • Hybrid differences • Barren stalk Purpling or reddening due to anthocyanin expression in response to accumulation of sugars that cannot translocate to the initiating ear. • Disease Bacterial stalk rot (see p. 28). • Insects Billbug, corn borer, or fall armyworm (see pp. 32-33). • Chemical injury More common following a late over-the-top application of certain herbicides. • Excessive heat Temperature exceeding 100°F, depending on moisture availability and genetics of the hybrid. • Low soil pH Beaded streaking of leaves, which turn reddishpurple and may die. • Nutrient deficiency Boron, iron, magnesium, manganese, nitrogen, or potassium (see p. 52-53). • Chemical injury Herbicides, additives’ reactions, or fertilizers; symptoms may be due to spray drift on foliage. • Disease Bacterial leaf blight, eyespot, Goss’s wilt, holcus spot, leaf blights, Physoderma brown spot, rust, sorghum downy mildew, virus or virus-like diseases (see pp. 24-28). • Insects Cereal leaf beetle, corn rootworm beetle, corn blotch leaf miner, flea beetle, spider mite, or thrips; root-damaging insects induce nutrient deficiency or drought symptoms (see pp. 32-37). 12 GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 5. Leaves spotted or striped (cont.) Abrasion by sand or soil particles. • Wind damage • Hail damage • Genetic stripe Observed only on occasional plants. • Sunscald or cold banding Cold nights followed by clear, bright, fastwarming days. • Livestock or wild animals Look for tracks. • Insects Armyworm, billbug, common stalk borer, corn borer, corn earworm, cutworm, grasshopper, Japanese beetle, leaf miner, slug, or wireworm (see pp. 32-38). • Hail damage Determine if the growing point survived. If it did not, plant will not produce a tassel. Despite this, ear fertilization may still occur. • Wind damage • Disease Sorghum downy mildew (see p. 28). 7. Plants stunted, leaves close together with mosaic mottle or streaks; leaves yellow or red • Virus or virus-like diseases Corn lethal necrosis, corn stunt spiroplasma, maize chlorotic dwarf, or maize dwarf mosaic (see p. 27). 8. Gray or black galls growing on plants • Disease Common corn smut (see p. 26). 9. Stalks spindly, unthrifty, yellow • Nutrient deficiency See pp. 52-53. • Excess soil moisture • Excessive plant population • Root damage Insects, nematodes, chemical, or mechanical. • Stalk damage Insects, disease, or mechanical. • Drought • Root damage Insects, nematodes, chemical, or mechanical. • Stalk damage Mechanical or insects; chinch bug, common stalk borer, or corn borer (see pp. 32-33). • Chemical injury 2,4-D and other phenoxy herbicides; Banvel® (see p. 41). • Cold soil during seedling stage 6. Leaves eaten or shredded 10. Plants wilted or rolled 11. Top leaves tightly rolled (“buggy whip” or “onion leafing”) 13 Corn Diagnostic Guide GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 11. Top leaves tightly rolled (“buggy whip” or “onion leafing”) (cont.) • Temperature response or rapid growth syndrome Alternating hot and cold periods, speeding and slowing plant growth. • Nutrition Boron toxicity or calcium deficiency (see p. 52). • Mechanical injury • Hybrid differences • Recovery after root damage • Recovery after early season environmental conditions • Wind and wet soils • Dry, hot soil surface • Wind action 14. Plants twisted or growing off at 90˚ angle • Mechanical injury 15. Plants leaning or broken off • Wind damage Especially if soil is wet. Wind can cause greensnap at lower nodes of rapidly growing stalk. • Livestock or wild animals Look for tracks. • Root damage Insects, nematodes, chemical, or mechanical. • Insects attacking stalk Common stalk borer or corn borer (see p. 32-33). • Chemical injury, especially if followed by wind Especially Banvel® or phenoxy herbicides (see pp. 39-41). • Soil compaction Inadequate root development. • Poor secondary root development in dry soil Rootless corn syndrome due to weather and aggravated by shallow planting. • Disease Bacterial or Pythium stalk rots (see pp. 28-29). • Hail damage • Lightning Kills everything, usually in a circular area. • Drought Field areas with low water-holding capacity are first to show stress. 12. Plants growing up in a curved “gooseneck” 13. Curled or stubby brace roots 16. Plants wilt and die suddenly Insects (usually, but not limited to corn rootworm larvae), nematodes, herbicides (especially phenoxys), soil compaction, mechanical injury, or wind. 14 GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 16. Plants wilt and die suddenly (cont.) Bacterial or Pythium stalk rots (see pp. 28-29). • Disease • Frost or freeze • Herbicide injury Misapplication of glyphosate, glufosinate, paraquat, or other non-selective herbicides (see pp. 41). 17. Tassel feeding (while in whorl) • Insects Armyworm, corn leaf aphid, or western bean cutworm (see pp. 32-35). 18. Tassels proliferated into green cluster of fingerlike branches, excessive tillering, leaves often thick and straplike • Disease Crazy top (see p. 27). 19. Tassel proliferated, with stringy black vascular bundles present • Disease Head smut (see p. 26). “Greensnap” at lower nodes of rapidly growing corn stalk 15 Corn Diagnostic Guide 4 Stage III: Scouting from Tasseling to Maturity This period, which commences with the critical pollination stage, includes grain fill, plant maturation, and death. It also includes the critical stage before harvest when standability and ear retention become concerns. Field observations are essential to detect yield-depressing factors during this period. If LEAVES are affected, try to identify one of the following specific symptoms GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 1. Eaten 2. Shredded 3. Dead “frosted” appearance 4. Spotted or dead 5. Discolored sheath • Livestock or wild animals Look for tracks. • Insects Armyworm, corn borer, corn rootworm beetles, grasshopper, or Japanese beetle (see pp. 32-36). • Hail damage • Wind damage • Disease • Frost or freeze • Drought • Disease Anthracnose, leaf blights, or stalk and root rots (see pp. 24-26; 28-29). • Insects Corn borer, corn leaf aphid, or spider mite (see pp. 31-33; 37). • Disease Numerous leaf blights such as anthracnose, eyespot, Goss’s wilt, gray leaf spot, Helminthosporium leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, Phaeosphaeria leaf spot, Physoderma brown spot, rust, or southern leaf blight (see p. 26). • Chemical injury Especially spray drift. • Insects Corn leaf aphid (see p. 31). • Disease Purple sheath spot caused by saprophytic organisms existing on pollen trapped between the leaf sheath and stalk. Sorghum downy mildew (see p. 28). 16 GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE 6. Red or purple color 7. White striping with white, downy growth on upper and lower leaf surfaces REMARKS • Mechanical injury • Barren plant Anthocyanins develop in response to accumulation of sugars that cannot be translocated to filling grain. • Disease Corn rust, corn stunt spiroplasma, high plains virus, or maize chlorotic dwarf (see pp. 24-27). • Insects Corn borer (see p. 33). • Hybrid differences • Disease Sorghum downy mildew (see p. 28). If SILKS are affected, try to identify one of the following specific symptoms GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 1. Eaten off • Insects Armyworm, corn earworm, corn rootworm beetle, grasshopper, Japanese beetle, or western bean cutworm (see pp. 32-35). 2. None visible, or delayed several days after tasseling • Heat • Drought • Nutrient deficiency or imbalance Especially nitrogen or phosphorus. • Temperature variation Cold nights occurring just prior to silking. • Insects Corn leaf aphid, fall armyworm, or spider mite (see pp. 31-32; 37). • Excessive population for conditions • Drought • Nutrient deficiency or imbalance • Temperature variation • Hybrid differences Cold nights during early silking. • Hybrid differences Fresh silk color is genetically controlled. 3. Trapped, balled within the husk 4. Red or green color 17 Corn Diagnostic Guide See pp. 52-53. If TASSELS are affected, try to identify one of the following specific symptoms GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE 1. Failed to emerge REMARKS • Drought or heat stress • Nutrient deficiency Especially boron (see p. 52-53). • Insects Aphid stress, corn earworm, or fall armyworm (see pp. 31-32). 2. A mass of leaves • Disease Crazy top, head smut, or sorghum downy mildew (see pp. 27-28). 3. One or more small ears formed • Genotype by environment interaction Most common on tillers. 4. Kernels develop in tassel • Genotype by environment interaction Most common on tillers. 5. Broken off, stalk tunneled • Insects Corn borer (see p. 33). If STALKS are affected, try to identify one of the following specific symptoms GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE 1. Red or purple color 2. Barren (no ear enlargement) • Mechanical injury to plant • Barren stalk • Hybrid differences • Insects • Drought • Heat REMARKS Anthocyanins develop in response to accumulation of sugars that cannot be translocated to filling grain. When corn borers tunnels into a stalk, the area above the point of entry may turn red or purple. 18 GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 2. Barren (no ear enlargement) (cont.) 3. Broken below ear 4. Broken above ear 5. Multiple ears at one node 19 Corn Diagnostic Guide • Nutrient deficiency or imbalance See pp. 52-53. • Insects Corn leaf aphid or spider mite (see pp. 31, 37). • Silks eaten off prior to pollination Corn rootworm beetle and Japanese beetle (see pp. 34-36). • Disease Head smut, mildews, virus or virus-like disease (see pp. 26-27). • Excess population for conditions • Tillers Seldom produce a fully-developed ear. • Timing of silk or pollen shed disrupted Environmental stress. • Mechanical injury • Wind Plants just prior to tasseling are especially vulnerable to greensnap by wind. • Disease Stalk and root rots (see pp. 28-29). • Nutrient imbalance Excess nitrogen, insufficient potassium (see p. 53). • Insects Southwestern corn borer (see p. 33). • Weather stress Drought, heat, or other conditions limiting photosynthesis. • Mechanical injury Machinery; livestock or wild animals. • Excessive population for conditions • Delayed harvest • Wind • Insects European corn borer or fall armyworm (see pp. 32-33). • Mechanical injury Machinery; livestock or wild animals. • Delayed harvest • Hybrid differences • Mechanical injury • Cold temperature when ears formed • Disease Mildews, virus or virus-like disease (see pp. 2728). GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 5. Multiple ears at one node (cont.) • Insects Results from severe silk clipping by insects such as corn rootworm beetle and Japanese beetle (see pp. 34, 36). 6. Leaning, but not broken (root lodged) • Wind and wet soil • Poor root development Drought, fertilizer placement, soil compaction, low soil pH, or poorly drained soil. • Insects Corn rootworm and other root feeders (see pp. 34-35). • Nematode activity • Disease Stalk and root rots (see pp. 28-29). • Nutrient deficiency Especially potassium (see p. 53). • Herbicide injury Especially 2,4-D and other phenoxys (see p. 41). • Mechanical injury Machinery, livestock or wild animals • Delayed harvest • Hybrid differences • Disease Leaf blights or stalk and root rots (see pp. 2426, 28-29). • Insects Corn borer (see p. 34). • Frost or freeze • Severe drought • Lightning Kills everything, usually in a circular area. • Saprophytic Buildup on dead stalk tissue under warm, humid weather conditions. Timely harvest will deter. 7. Premature death 8. Black mold If EARS are affected, try to identify one of the following specific symptoms GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 1. Numerous ear shoots, leafy and barren Crazy top, sorghum downy mildew, virus or virus-like diseases (see pp. 27-28). • Disease 20 GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 2. Soft, glistening smut • galls, black and powdery when mature Disease Common corn smut (see p. 26). 3. Poorly filled tips • Hybrid differences • Nutrient deficiency • Interaction between population, hybrid, and environment • Insects Silks clipped before pollination. Corn borer, corn earworm, corn rootworm beetle, fall armyworm, or Japanese beetle (see pp. 33- 36). • Disease Foliar disease that reduce photosynthesizing area (see pp. 24-26). • Drought Silks at ear tips were not present when pollen was available • Unusually favorable growing conditions after pollination Cob elongates, but rarely fills up tip kernel. • Suboptimum light, carbon dioxide, or temperature during kernel fill Reduced photosynthesis; tip kernels abort. Nutrient deficiency Especially nitrogen and phosphorus (see p. 48). 4. Small malformed, light • weight • 5. Very short husk, remains tight at maturity; ear tip exposed 21 Corn Diagnostic Guide Especially nitrogen or potassium (see p. 53). Drought or heat stress • Plant damage • Excessive population for conditions • Second or third ear on stalk, or on a tiller • Insect-caused plant stress Numerous ear-feeding insects (see pp. 32-38). • Disease Leaf blights, stalk and ear rots, virus or virus-like diseases (see pp. 24-30). • Soil compaction • Weather • Hybrid differences Mechanical or disease. Usually observed after drought or heat has stopped husk growth, but later favorable conditions permit more normal ear size to develop. GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 6. Barren (little to no grain) • Disease Head smut, virus or virus-like diseases (see pp. 26-27). • Pollination failure Drought, heat, or other stress interfered with silk/pollen shed timing; insect (clipped silks or caused tassel to abort); chemical injury (especially by growth regulators like 2,4-D and Banvel®). • Pesticide injury Following drift or misapplications. 7. Pinched ear syndrome • Chilling injury during early ear development Also called beer can ear. Ear is reduced to 3-4 inches. Well filled kernels are on bottom third of ear, cob tissue on middle third, and undeveloped tissue on top third. 8. Dropped • Drought Weakened shank. • Nutrient deficiency Weakened shank. • Hybrid differences Ears usually drop free of husk. • Insect damage to shank Husk usually remains on the dropped ear; European corn borer (see p. 33). • Lack of adequate viable pollen when silks are receptive • Silks eaten off before pollination • Heat or drought at pollination • Nutrient deficiency • Herbicide injury Phenoxy herbicides or too-late applications of glyphosate (see p. 41). • Insects Corn borer, corn earworm, fall armyworm, picnic beetle, or western bean cutworm (see pp. 3335). • Birds, animals 9. Scattered kernel set 10. Kernel feeding 11. Rotten (spots or entire • ear) Insect or animals. Disease Ear and kernel rots or Helminthosporium leaf spot (see pp. 29-30; 25). • Insects Corn borer, corn earworm, fall armyworm, picnic beetle, or western bean cutworm (see pp. 33-35). Followed by weathering or disease. • Birds Followed by weathering or disease. • Hail or other mechanical injury Followed by weathering or disease. 22 GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE 12. Kernels eaten from ear tips 13. Tunnels in ear, cob, shank, or stalk REMARKS • Birds • Wild animals or rodents • Insects Corn earworm, fall armyworm, picnic beetle, or western bean cutworm (see pp. 33-35). • Insects Corn borer, corn earworm, or fall armyworm (see pp. 32-33). If KERNELS are affected, try to identify one of the following specific symptoms GENERAL SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMARKS 1. Broken seedcoat, “popped” appearance • Genetic and environment interaction Popped kernels usually occur under high temperatures. 2. Horizontally cut or split seedcoat • Silk-cut A genetic and environment interaction. Not visible until kernels are shelled from the cob. 3. Pink or red streaking or lengthwise stripes, especially running over crown • Kernel red streak Caused by toxin secreted during feeding of wheat curl mite. More pronounced toward ear tip. No detrimental effects are known. 4. Sprouted especially at base of ear • High rainfall and warm temperature while ear remained erect on stalk Usually accompanied by mold. 5. White streaking, also known as “starburst” • Disease Associated with Fusarium ear rot. Barren corn 23 Corn Diagnostic Guide Pinched ear syndrome 5 Disease Symptoms This section will help you identify the common corn diseases based on plant symptoms and conditions. It is not uncommon to have symptoms of several different diseases present at the same time. Symptoms of different diseases may appear similar, particularly during early stages of disease development. Laboratory culturing and microscopic examination may be required to make a positive identification. Growth stages during which symptoms generally appear are listed following the disease name and are described as follows: Stage I Stage II Stage III Emergence to knee-high Knee-high to tasseling Tasseling to maturity LEAF DISEASES Anthracnose (Stage I, III) Oval to spindle-shaped water-soaked lesions on youngest leaves turn tan to brown with yellow to reddish brown borders. Heavily infected leaves wither and die. Top-leaf die-back may occur 4 weeks to 6 weeks after pollination, leaving the lower stalk green. The organism thrives in warm, humid weather. The stalk-rot phase of the organism is of greater concern than the leaf blight phase. Bacterial Wilt and Bacterial Leaf Blight (Stewart’s Wilt, Stewart’s Disease) (Stage I, III) Young plants exhibit long, green-gray, water-soaked lesions with wavy margins, accompanied by stunting and wilting which lead to plant death. Cavities may form in stalk near the soil line. Bacterial masses ooze from cut end of infected stalks or leaves. The more common leaf blight phase appears after tasseling. Leaves are streaked with gray-green to yellowgreen lesions, each distinguished by the presence of a flea beetle feeding scar toward the base of the streak. Streaks are long and irregular, turning tan as the tissue dies. Flea beetles (small, oval, black insects) are the primary carrier. Incidence of the disease is relative to beetle population. Sweet corn tends to be more sensitive than field corn to this disease. Common Corn Rust (Stage II, III) Cinnamon-brown, powdery, circular-to-elongated pustules (blister-like growths) can occur on any aboveground plant tissue, but especially on both surfaces of the leaves. In contrast, pustules of southern corn rust occur primarily on the upper leaf surface. Pustules rupture leaf surface and rusty “powder” can be rubbed off with fingers. Pustules become dark brown to black late in the growing season. The organism thrives in moderate to cool temperatures and high humidity. 24 Eyespot (Stage II, III) Small (less than ¼ inch), circular, translucent lesions surrounded by a yellow to purple margin, give a halo effect. Lesions occur on leaves (most commonly as plants approach maturity), sheath and husk. The disease is favored by cool, moist weather. Goss’s Wilt (Leaf Freckles and Wilt, Nebraska Bacterial Wilt and Leaf Freckles) (Stage I, III) Helminthosporium Leaf Spot (Northern Leaf Spot) (Stage III) Numerous races of the organism have been identified. Symptoms vary by race. Lesions tend to be oblong to blocky, and tan to brown in color. This leaf spot may also cause a black, charred-appearing ear rot. It prefers moderate temperatures and high humidity. Holcus Spot (Stage I) Young plants wilt and die. Vascular bundles are discolored. More common later-season infections produce dull gray-green to orange lesions forming water-soaked streaks with irregular margins on leaves. Within developing lesions, small, irregular shaped watersoaked “freckles” appear. Bacterial droplets may ooze from the leaf surface early in the morning. Plant injury, such as from hail or wind damage, enhances infection. This organism causes small, circular to oblong, watersoaked lesions toward tips of lower leaves. Later, lesions become creamy white to tan, then light brown with reddish margins. Holcus spot is very similar in appearance to paraquat damage. Rainstorms accompanied by wind splash overwintering bacteria from the residue onto young plant leaves. This organism does not cause serious loss. Gray Leaf Spot (Stage III) Northern Corn Leaf Blight (Stage II, III) Gray to tan, rectangular lesions on leaf, sheath or husk tissue. Spots are opaque and long (up to 2 inches). Lower leaves are affected first, usually not until after silking. The organism thrives in extended periods of warm, overcast days and high humidity. It has become more prevalent with increased use of reduced tillage and continuous corn. Long (up to 6 inches), elliptical, gray-green lesions that become tan-brown identify infections caused by this organism. Infection spreads up the plant starting on lower leaves. It is favored by high humidity and moderate temperatures. Numerous physiologic races have been described. Host specific races of the organism may also attack sorghum. 25 Corn Diagnostic Guide Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot (Stage III) Lesions are initially small, round to oval, pale green or yellow, and scattered on leaves of mature plants. Spots become light tan with reddish-brown margins and may coalesce into irregularly shaped lesions. This disease is most prevalent in areas of high rainfall and moderate and lower leaf surfaces and readily break through the epidermis.) This organism is favored by warm, humid weather. SMUTTING DISEASES Common Corn Smut (Boil Smut, Blister Smut) (Stage I, II, III) Local infection of any plant part, even below the soil surface, occurs through plant wounds or thin-walled cells of actively growing tissue. Resulting galls are first silver- temperatures. Physoderma Brown Spot (Stage I, III) Small yellow spots appear first at the base of the leaf. These spots become brown and combine to form chocolate-brown to reddish irregular blotches, sometimes as bands of infection across leaf blades. Sheath, husk, tassel, stalk, and leaves may exhibit symptoms late in the season. Infected stalks may break at a node. This organism is favored by warm, wet weather. Southern Corn Leaf Blight (Stage II, III) The most common race, named “O,” produces small, elongated (up to 1 inch long), parallel-sided lesions that are tan with brownish borders. This blight primarily attacks leaves. It is favored by high humidity and warm temperatures. Southern Corn Rust (Stage II, III) Small, circular, orange-tolight-red pustules (blister-like swelling) occur on leaves, especially the upper surface, and sheaths. Pustules rarely break the leaf surface. (In contrast, common corn rust pustules attack upper white, then become gray to black powdery masses of smut spores that are released when the galls break open. Galls on leaves seldom develop beyond pea-size and tend to harden and dry without rupturing. High fertility and plant injury favor the disease. Common smut is not toxic to animals. Head Smut (Stage III) Seedling infection results in systemic development of the disease as the plant grows and develops. Tassels of affected plants may multiply as a mass of leaves or be replaced by a black, smutty mass which ruptures to release spores, leaving black, thread-like vascular strands. Ears may be completely replaced by similar, often triangular-shaped, smut masses. Occasionally, part of an ear escapes and produces a few kernels. Hot, dry soil at seedling stage favors infection. One type of head smut also attacks sorghum. 26 VIRUS AND VIRUS-LIKE DISEASES Corn Lethal Necrosis (CLN) (Stage II, III) Mosaic patterns appear on leaves and husk. Leaves die from the margins inward and plants may die prematurely. The organism generally starts at the tassel and works downward. Barrenness or sharply reduced grain production is common. CLN is caused by synergistic interaction when plants become infected by maize chlorotic mottle virus and either maize dwarf mosaic virus or wheat streak mosaic virus. Presently, the disease has been identified only in parts of Kansas and Nebraska. Corn Stunt Spiroplasma (CSS) (Stage II, III) Corn stunt is caused by a spiroplasma, not a virus. Margins of whorl leaf turn yellow followed by reddening of older leaves and yellow striping which runs the length of leaves. Plants are stunted, have multiple tillers and produce numerous small ear shoots. Root systems UGA1235014 are reduced. Corn stunt symptom development and epidemiological patterns are similar to those of virus diseases. High Plains Virus (HPV) (Stage I, II, III) Symptoms begin as small yellowish flecks which often appear as lines running parallel to leaf veins. Infected seedlings turn bright yellow and quickly die. Plants may be stunted, older leaves may become red and then necrotic, and ear and kernel 536657 size may be reduced. Considerable symptom variation exists among cultivars. It is spread by the wheat curl mite. 27 Corn Diagnostic Guide Maize Chlorotic Dwarf Virus (MCDV) (Stage II, III) Younger leaves are yellow and finely striped. There is a general yellowing or reddening of leaves and plants are stunted. Most affected plants are barren. MCDV is spread by leafhoppers from infected Johnsongrass and other host species. MCDV is detected more frequently and is more damaging than maize dwarf mosaic. Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus (MDMV) (Stage II, III) Mottling of younger leaves progresses into narrow, lightgreen to yellowish streaks along leaf veins. Leaves, sheaths and husks may show symptoms. Plants are stunted and ear size and seed set are reduced. Sometimes, multiple tillers or ear shoots develop. MDMV is most prevalent in areas where Johnsongrass grows and serves as a winter host for the virus. It is spread by aphids. FUNGAL SYSTEMIC DISEASES Crazy Top (Stage II, III) Plants have excessive tillering with rolling or twisting of newer leaves. The tassel becomes a mass of leaves; ears, if present, often do likewise. Leaves are usually narrow, thick and appear strap-like. Occasionally oversized plants will develop. Infection occurs when young plants are under flooded soil conditions; therefore, it is more frequent in low-lying areas. This is one of numerous downy mildews that attack corn. Sorghum Downy Mildew (Stage II, III) Bacterial Stalk Rots (Stage II, III) At least two organisms have been identified as causing bacterial stalk rot. With either, there is rapid development of a soft rot of stalks, accompanied by wilting and plant death. Stalks twist and collapse while still green, disintegrating into a soft mass often accompanied by Leaves are yellow with white stripes; plants are stunted and ears and tassels multiply into leafy masses. Often the base of leaves are chlorotic and sharply contrast with healthy green leaf tips. White, downy growth appears on either or both leaf surfaces. Leaves often split or shred. This is primarily a disease of sorghum. a foul odor. STALK AND ROOT ROT DISEASES Charcoal Rot (Stage III) Stalk rots are diseases that are most commonly expressed as plants reach maturity. Stalk rot of corn tends to be a complex of several disease-causing fungi and sometimes bacteria; seldom will only one causal organism be isolated and identified. Plants with rotted stalks almost always have rotted roots, too. Usually, but not always, the same causal organisms are involved. Visual identification is very difficult. Typically, wilting is the first sign of stalk rot in a field. In a few days, leaves turn a “frosted” gray, ears droop and the outer rind of the lower stalk turns brown. Fields where stalk rot is developing should be harvested early to reduce grain losses. Anthracnose Stalk Rot (Stage II, III) Early infection may kill plants before pollination, but onset usually occurs just before plants mature. Sometimes a portion of the plant above the ear blanches and dies prematurely (top dieback). Usually, the entire plant is killed and several nodes are rotted. Late in the season, a shiny black discoloration develops in blotches or streaks on the stalk surface, especially on lower internodes. Internal stalk tissue may become black and soft, starting at the nodes. Lodging typically occurs higher on the stalk than with other stalk rots. The same organism causes leaf blighting earlier in the season. 5361254 Charcoal rot can be expected when the crop has grown under hot, dry conditions; it also attacks sorghum and soybeans. Lower internodes are affected, causing premature ripening, shredding, and crown disintegration. Vascular strands remain intact but are black or “charred” in appearance. Stalks become gray-black or charcoal color. Diplodia (Stenocarpella) Stalk Rot (Stage III) Lower internodes are straw-brown, spongy, and dry. Pith disintegrates, leaving vascular strands intact. White fungal growth may appear on the stalk surface. Minute, dark bodies embedded just under the stalk surface are difficult to remove. 28 Fusarium Stalk Rot (Stage III) Rotting of roots, crown, and lower internodes leads to premature ripening and stalk breakage. Split stalks may show whitish-pink to salmon color. Disintegration starts at the nodes. Healthy stalk, left. Diseased stalk, right. Gibberella Stalk Rot (Stage III) Affected plants wilt, leaves turn dull gray-green, and the lower stalk softens and becomes straw colored as plants die. Pith tissue disintegrates, leaving only vascular strands. The inside of a rotted stalk is pink to red. Small, dark bodies are superficial on the lower stalk surface and can be scraped off easily. resulting in darker pigmentation. The role of this root rot in stalk lodging is not fully understood. EAR AND KERNEL ROTS These rots can affect ears, kernels, or cobs, reducing test weight and grain quality. Some rots are responsible for development of mycotoxins that may contaminate grain. Positive identification is difficult. Rotting observed in the field is often due to a complex of causal organisms, not just one. Most ear rots are favored by late-season humidity. Infections are increased by ear damage by birds or insects and by stalk lodging that allows ears to come into contact with the soil. Aspergillus Ear and Kernel Rot (Stage III) Greenish or yellowish-tan discoloration occurs on and between kernels, especially near the ear tip. Symptoms are more prevalent if the husk does not cover the ear tip. The rot is favored by hot, dry weather. It may produce aflatoxins. Pythium Stalk Rot (Stage II, III) This organism attacks individual plants in localized areas, sometimes before flowering. It is usually confined to the first internode above the soil line, where rind and pith develop wet rot. Stalks twist and collapse. Hot, wet weather favors development of this stalk rot. Cladosporium Ear Rot (Stage III) Dark gray to greenish black fungal growth causes kernels to appear blotched or streaked. Initial discoloration appears where kernels are attached to the cob. Infection eventually progresses upwards and infected kernels can be seen Red Root Rot (Stage III) Red root rot often occurs in plants that are also stalk rotted. Seminal roots are most damaged and adventitious root damage increases with their age. The root color of affected plants ranges from pink to royal red, with higher soil temperatures 29 Corn Diagnostic Guide scattered over the ear. If completely colonized, ears are dark and lightweight. This disease is often associated with damage due to insects, hail, or frost. Diplodia (Stenocarpella) Ear Rot (Stage III) Penicillium Ear Rot (Stage III) Symptoms include bleached husks, white mold over kernels, and rotted ears with tightly adhering husks. Early infection (2 to 4 weeks after silking) is likely to lead to complete ear rotting. Later infections may result in partial rotting, usually beginning at the base. Since corn is the only known host, this disease is most severe when corn is planted following corn in reduced tillage situations. Powdery green to bluegreen mold develops on and between kernels. Infection usually begins at the ear tips and primarily occurs on ears with mechanical or insect damage. Infected kernels may become bleached and streaked. “Blue eye” occurs when the embryo becomes discolored due to the presence of blue-green fungal spores and can occur if infected grain is stored at high moisture levels. Fusarium Kernel or Ear Rot (Stage III) Scattered individual or groups of kernels show whitish-pink to lavender fungal growth. Infected kernels may also have a “starburst” pattern of white streaks on the cap of the kernel or along the base. Infections are more frequent on damaged ear tips, and are favored by dry weather. Fusarium rot may produce mycotoxins. Gibberella Ear Rot (Stage III) Symptoms include reddish kernel discoloration, usually beginning at the ear tip. Husks may rot and be cemented to the ear. The organism is favored by cool, humid weather, particularly 2 to 3 weeks after silking. It produces several mycotoxins. Trichoderma Ear Rot (Stage III) Dark green fungal growth is found on and between kernels and husks, often covering the entire ear. The disease usually occurs on ears with mechanical or insect damage. Infected plants tend to be widely distributed within a field. Photo Citations: Clemson University - USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series, (viewed 9/22/10); Corn Stunt 1235014 William M. Brown Jr., (viewed 9//22/10) High Plains Virus 5366657 Howard F. Schwartz, Colorado State University, Bugwood. org (viewed 9/22/10) Bacterial Stalk Rot 5361254 Holcus spot and Pythium stalk rot photos courtesy of Don White at University of Illinois 30 6 Insect Identification, Injury Symptoms, & Management Recommendations Only the most common or the most economically –damaging corn insects in the North American region are discussed in this chapter. Most, but not all, insect identifications can be made in the field by trained individuals. As insects progress through their life cycles, they change form and features. The following comments describe the appearance of damaging stages, which may not correspond with their appearance when damage is being investigated. It is not uncommon to investigate crop insect damage, but find none of the suspected insects. At other times, damage from insect feeding may be detected, but the insect is no longer present. Use economic thresholds whenever possible and seek further pest management guidance if symptoms are unclear. Generalized thresholds for most pests are provided in this guide. These thresholds may change depending on the cost of a control tactic or the commodity value. Always confirm that pest numbers have been suppressed below thresholds following the application of a rescue tactic. Pesticides may perform below expectation due to environmental, chemical, or biological situations, or due to application timing. While this publication is focused on in-season diagnostics and treatment options of insect pests of corn, a number of Bt traits are available for several of the insect pests discussed in this handbook. The Corn Insect Control with Monsanto Corn Insect Traits and Seed Treatments table (see pp. 39) provides a list of some of these products as well as the insects they control. These products provide season-long control of the specific insects and reduce the need for additional pest management action. APHIDS (1) Corn Leaf Aphid This small, soft-bodied, bluish-green to gray insect colonizes on or in the whorl, upper leaves, and tassel, especially under dry conditions. It sucks plant juices and can cause wilting, pollen shed failure, and barrenness. The aphid secretes a sticky honeydew that may gather dirt and act as a medium for mold. Predatory insects, like the lady beetle, may be present and are important predators of aphids. Scouting should 31 Corn Diagnostic Guide occur during late whorl to early tassel. Aphid infestations after 50% pollen shed have little effect on grain yield. A rescue application of insecticide may be warranted if 50% or more plants have light to moderate infestations and the crop is under moisture stress. (2) Corn Root Aphid This pinhead-sized, soft-bodied, blue-green to gray-green insect, may be winged or wingless. Corn root aphid groups are found in clusters on the crown and along the roots of young plants. They suck plant juices and cause wilting, discoloration, and stunting. Cornfield ants are generally found in conjunction with corn root aphid colonies. There are no rescue treatments for corn root aphid. Cultural practices like crop rotation and tillage can be effective preventative tactics. ARMYWORMS Fall Armyworm The fall armyworm grows up to 1.5 inches long and appears greenish-brown in color with an inverted white “Y” on its head. It chews ragged holes in the leaves and usually concentrates in the whorl of young plants. The fall armyworm also feeds on the tassel and bores into developing ears. Early detection is critical since this pest feeds in protected areas of the plant. It lays round, gray eggs in clusters of 50 or more, which are usually covered with scales. Eggs hatch in 3 to 5 days and larvae migrate to the whorl and adjacent plants. Consider using a rescue application if eggs are present on at least 5% of plants or whorl injury is detected on 25% or more plants. Because larvae feed deep in the whorl of young plants, control with insecticides can be difficult. (2) True Armyworm The true armyworm is greenish-gray with orange or pinkish lines along the body. “Armies” migrate from maturing small grains or grass at night. They devour foliage, sometimes leaving 5364223 only leaf midveins, and chew silks. Infestations are more frequent in no-till or reduced tillage systems and the true armyworm is usually only an occasional pest in rotated corn. Consider an insecticide application if 35% or more plants in the field are infested. BILLBUG UGA1234011 This black or gray hardshelled snout beetle is active only at night. Leaves are punctured while still rolled in the whorl. When they unfurl, irregular rows of holes appear across the leaves. The billbug also chews into plant stems at or below ground level. This feeding can damage the growing point and cause plants to be bent, twisted or stunted and sometimes die. Billbug incidence is often associated with nutsedge. Consider spraying for billbug if stand loss during seedling stages exceeds 5%. CEREAL LEAF BEETLE The adult is a 0.2 inch long, hard-shelled beetle with metallic blue-black head and wing covers, and reddishorange legs and thorax. Feeding on corn is rare and usually limited to field borders. Though the beetle eats completely through the leaf between the veins, plants normally outgrow the injury and rescue applications are not necessary. Generally infestations are limited to Michigan, Indiana, and eastward. CHINCH BUG The adult is 0.25 inch long, and is red and black with white wing covers. When crushed, this bug emits a distinct odor. It migrates from grasses and maturing small grains, attacks field borders first and is most destructive during dry years. The young nymph (juvenile stage) is bright red, but turns black as it develops. Chinch bugs cluster in groups behind the sheath of lower leaves, sucking plant juices and causing wilting and eventual plant death. Management may be necessary if 10 or more chinch bugs are found on more than 50% of plants. Insecticide applications may be limited to only the infested area. COMMON STALK BORER This purplish-brown larva may reach 2 inches in length. It has white longitudinal stripes with a distinct purple saddle near the middle of the body. It tends to move out of weedy or grassy field borders and attack corn on field edges (or throughout no-till fields). The larva tunnels into stalks or whorls. Infestation of plants at the 4-7 leaf stage can lead 32 to dead heart. Whorl feeding results in leaves that have a ragged appearance with injury appearing as a series of holes across the leaf. Timing insecticide applications prior to borer tunneling is critical. Consider treating if 10% of V2 plants, 15% of V4 plants, or 30% of V6 plants show symptoms. CORN BORER (1) European Corn Borer This larvae varies in shades of tannish-gray and ranges in size from less than 0.5 to 1.0 inch long. There are two and prepare overwintering tunnels in the stalk below soil level. These larvae girdle the plants near the soil level, resulting in severe stalk lodging. Treatment may be necessary for first generation populations when greater than 35% of plants hold larvae or show symptoms. Insecticide applications for both first and second generations must be applied before they begin tunneling. Consider a rescue treatment for second generation if eggs or young larvae are found on 20 to 25% of plants. CORN EARWORM or more generations per season. Larvae of the first generation feed on leaves before they burrow into the stalk. This feeding causes broken midribs and creates a “shot hole” appearance as leaves grow out of the whorl. Consider treating first generation populations if the moth flight has already peaked and 5% or more of plants have shot hole feeding. Second generation larvae feed on and bore into stalks, tassels, ear shanks, and ear tips causing top breakage, ear drop (with husk attached), stalk lodging, and kernel damage. Treatment for second generation larvae may be necessary if more than 10% of plants have fresh or hatched egg masses, or young larvae in the leaf axils. Timing insecticide applications prior to insect tunneling is critical. (2) Southwestern Corn Borer This larvae is white or cream-colored and 0.5 to 1.0 inch long. It has distinct black spots except on the overwintering form. Two generations feed on corn. The first feeds on leaves and creates a “shot hole” effect or “dead heart” in very young plants. Later instars tunnel in the stalk. The second generation larvae feed on developing ear tissue, bore into the shank and ear, and tunnel in the stalk below the ear zone. In the fall, overwintering larvae migrate to the base of the stalk 33 Corn Diagnostic Guide This larva varies in color from green, yellow, brown to pink, but all have a yellow-brown head and reach full size at about 1.5 inches. Since the insect is cannibalistic, two or more full-size larvae are seldom found together. They may feed on leaves in the whorl, on the tassel or on silks, but the preferred feeding site is ear tips and on developing kernels. Moreover, ear injury often leads to ear molds and rots. The window for effective treatment is the few days after eggs are laid and before larvae tunnel into the silk channel. CORN ROOTWORM This small, white larva feeds on and tunnels into roots or crowns of young plants. It destroys root systems, can delay development, and causes root lodging. Lodging is accentuated by wind storms. Plants may “gooseneck” across rows and resume upright growth. Rescue treatments for control of corn rootworm larvae are available, but efficacy is greatly dependent on the product’s ability to move into the root zone. Continuous corn or observations of adult beetles made the previous year can trigger the use of control tactics. The adult beetle may feed on corn leaves, stripping spots of the upper surface away. After pollen shed, it feeds on pollen and fresh silks. Heavy silk feeding can reduce or prevent pollination and result in partial or complete failure of (2) Northern Corn Rootworm The adult beetle is less than 0.5 inch long, tan or green to greenish-yellow without distinctive spots or stripes. (3) Southern Corn Rootworm The adult beetle is 0.25 to 0.5 inch long, yellow or greenish with six black spots on each wing cover. (4) Western Corn Rootworm Corn rootworm feeding The adult beetle is about 0.25 inch long, black and kernel set. The beetle can be found in ear tips as maturity approaches. The general guideline for silk clipping insects is as follows: control may be necessary if silks are clipped to less than 0.5 inch and fewer than 50% of plants have been pollinated. Also, one beetle per plant in late summer is a useful guideline for justifying whether a control tactic may be necessary to prevent larval injury in continuous corn. (1) Mexican Corn Rootworm The adult beetle is light green and looks similar to the northern corn rootworm beetle, but can be distinguished by a black stripe on the leg. yellow striped or black with a yellow tip on the wing cover. It cannot be visually identified as to species. CUTWORM There are many species of cutworms that attack corn and other crops such as cotton, tobacco, and many vegetable crops. Cutworms are widely distributed; some species migrate to Corn Belt states from the South and many overwinter there. Young larvae typically feed on leaf margins and larger larvae feed below or at the soil surface. They chew into or completely cut young stalks, causing 34 wilting or death. Plants may recover if injury is limited to above the growing point. Cutworms are primarily active at night. An insecticide application should be considered if 2 to 3% of seedling plants are wilted or cut and larvae are early in their development (<0.75 inch). If larvae are larger, increase the economic threshold to 5% of plants wilted or cut. Plants at V5 or later stages of development usually are unaffected by cutworms. (1) Black Cutworm The black cutworm larva varies from almost black to lighter gray and is a pest of many crops at the seedling stage. Most of the Corn Belt is re-colonized each year with migrant adults. Cutting is usually observed 300 degree days (base 50°F) after heavy adult activity. Several generations per year are possible, but the first generation in spring is most injurious. Areas of high soil moisture or low-lying areas within a field are most favorable for this insect and should be scouted first. (3) Other Cutworms The bronzed, claybacked, dingy, glassy, sandhill, and variegated cutworms are less frequent pests and less injurious to corn. FLEA BEETLE The flea beetle is a tiny, shiny, black beetle that jumps like a grasshopper when disturbed. It feeds on leaves of young plants and produces “scratch marks” or small holes. The flea beetle is the primary vector of the bacterium that causes bacterial (Stewart’s) wilt of corn. Consider treating field corn if five or more beetles per plant are found on V4 or younger corn and adverse growing conditions have slowed corn growth. Current seed treatments generally provide good control. GRAPE COLASPIS This white, curved, grub-like larva develops six distinct foreleg projections. It feeds on young corn roots and can cause nutrient deficiency symptoms. (2) Western Bean Cutworm The western bean cutworm affects corn during reproductive stages. The young larva has a pale body with longitudinal brown stripes along the back. Fully grown, it is light brown to pale gray with a brown head. The cutworm feeds on silks and chews into husks and developing ear tips of the ear shank. Severe ear and kernel damage can lead to mold and ear rots. This insect has historically been limited to the western Great Plains, but has moved eastward and can now be found in many areas of the Corn Belt. 35 Corn Diagnostic Guide GRASSHOPPER Several species of grasshoppers attack corn. The grasshopper generally moves from field-side hatching sites. It eats leaves from the margin inward and may prevent pollination by clipping silks. The grasshopper may also chew on tassels, husks, stalks, or kernels. Defoliation and ear damage should be used to determine if an insecticide treatment is necessary in field corn. It may be more economical to limit applications to infested areas like field margins. UGA4709020 JAPANESE BEETLE This shiny, green-bodied adult beetle has copper- to bronze- colored wing covers. As an adult, it grows to about 0.5 inch in length and feeds on corn leaves and silks. Leaf feeding by this pest appears skeletonized or “lacy.” Larvae are white with a brown head and feed unobtrusively on the roots of plants. They can be differentiated from other white grubs by the V-shaped pattern of bristles on the raster. The general guideline for silk clipping insects, such as an adult Japanese beetle, is as follows: control may be necessary if silks are clipped to less than 0.5 inch and fewer than 50% of plants have been pollinated. LEAF MINER This small, white larva or maggot tunnels between leaf surfaces, leaving long blotchy tunnels within the leaf. This pest seldom reaches economic proportion in corn. cream colored spots on wing covers. It frequently inhabits ear tips as corn approaches maturity and often appears where primary insect pests or birds have damaged ear tips. SEED CORN BEETLE This small, 0.25 to 0.33 inch long brown ground beetle damages the germ and hollows seed before it germinates. The beetle also attacks emerging seedlings, causing spotty stands. Damage is greatest if germination has been delayed by the environment. Current seed treatments generally provide good control. SEED CORN MAGGOT This yellowish-white spindleshaped larva, is about 0.25 inch long and may eat the entire kernel before it germinates. Often times it leaves only the seed coat behind. Wet, cold, and heavy soils are associated with this pest that can create spotty, uneven stands. Modern seed treatment provides good control. Otherwise, there is no rescue treatment for seed corn maggot and replanting may be the only option. SLUG LESSER CORNSTALK BORER This black larva with white bands burrows into the stalk base of young plants. This borer causes wilting and plant deformities like twisted, bent or often barren plants. UGA2511032 PICNIC BEETLE (Sap Beetle, Scavenger Beetle) (to right) This small, dark beetle usually has four orange or This soft-bodied, slimy and legless grayish creature hides under residue. It is active at night and leaves a telltale silver-colored slime trail on the soil surface. It feeds using a rasping action on the lower stalk and leaves of young plants. This feeding often removes only one surface of a leaf and the symptom is more common in notill systems. Insecticidal baits are available for slug control, however, injury seldom warrants this expense. SOUTHERN CORN LEAF BEETLE Adult beetles are dark brown and can be difficult to find in the field because they are often covered with soil. Beetles feed on stems and on the edges of leaves of seedlings. Injured plants appear ragged. When beetles feed in large 36 numbers, plants may die. This beetle is most problematic in fields that have not been cultivated. reduced ear weight. The sugarcane borer is found in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. SPIDER MITE THRIPS Two species can cause severe damage to corn: banks grass mite and twospotted spider mite. Spider mite problems are more prevalent when temperatures are high and humidity and rainfall are low. The tiny (about the size of a pencil dot), eightlegged creature feeds by piercing individual leaf cells and sucking out the contents. Damage is usually first noted as plants approach tasseling and continues through grain dent stage. Lower leaves appear blotched and chlorotic and continued feeding can cause leaves to die. Damage symptoms progress up the plant with time. The mite spins a white web on the leaf surface where it feeds. STINK BUG Several species of green or brown stink bugs occasionally attack corn. The adult (shield bug) has a hard, angular back and wing covers, and gives off a foul odor if crushed. It inserts its piercing-sucking mouthparts into the base of young plants and can kill the growing point or distort further growth. SUGARCANE BORER This tan larvae has indistinct brown spots on each segment. It feeds in whorl-and reproductivestage plants similar to the southwestern corn borer, except that it does not girdle the stalk. Yield losses occur due to 37 Corn Diagnostic Guide Several species of this tiny, slender insect occasionally feed on leaves of young corn plants. As an adult, it develops wings. With mouthparts fitted for rasping and sucking, thrips remove the green surface layer in tiny streaks. Individual leaves have a speckled appearance and fields, or affected areas, may look silvery. WEBWORM The garden webworm and sod webworm attack young corn. It appears as a gray to yellow-green, spotted, bristly larva about 1 inch long. This pest gets its name from the fine web it spins from its silk-lined underground nest. The larva uses this web to travel to plants at night and return to its nest during the day. Similar to the cutworm and wireworm, the webworm’s primary feeding site is at or just below the surface. Injury becomes more obvious as damaged leaves emerge from the whorl. Larvae also feed on the underside of lower leaves. WHEAT CURL MITE (Kernel Red Streak) Kernel red streak is caused by a toxin secreted during feeding of the wheat curl mite. It is most common on yellow corn, but may occur on sweet corn, popcorn, and white corn. Streaks are more pronounced toward ear tips, especially if kernels are exposed. Streaks vary from dark red on yellow kernels to pink on white kernels. No detrimental effects from the discoloration are known. WHITE GRUB The larva has a thick, soft body with three pairs of legs just behind a brown head. It ranges from 0.125 to 1.5 inches long depending on age, and it characteristically curls into a “C”-shape when disturbed. There are several species with 1 to 4 year life cycles. The white grub feeds on developing roots of young plants, and causes stunting, nutrient deficiency symptoms and death. Heaviest infestations occur where corn is planted into killed sod. There are no rescue treatments for grubs and the percent stand loss is the best gauge for determining if replanting is worthwhile. WIREWORM The larva is shiny and slender with a yellow- to browncolored hard body. It ranges in size from 0.5 to 1.5 inches long, depending on age and species. Damage to seed or young plants reduces stand and vigor. It damages the germ, stunts plants by root pruning or kills the growing point by boring into the base of the stem near ground level. Modern seed treatments prevent damage to seeds. Like grubs, there is no way to combat this pest after stands have been thinned. Use percent stand loss as a gauge for determining if replanting is worthwhile. Photo Citations: Frank Peairs, Colorado State University, (viewed 9/23/10) Armyworm 5364223 Clemson University - USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series, (viewed 9/23/10) Billbug 1234011 University of Georgia Archive, University of Georgia, Bugwood. org (viewed 3/11/2011) Grasshopper 4709020 David Riley, University of Georgia, (viewed 9/23/10) Lesser Cornstalk Borer 2511032 Alton N. Sparks, Jr., University of Georgia, (viewed 3/11/2011) White grub (scarab) 1327103 Corn earworm damage 38 Corn Insect Control with Monsanto Corn Insect Traits and Seed Treatments Protection for Above and Below Ground Pests Genuity® SmartStax® Trait Name Genuity® VT Triple PRO™ YieldGard VT Triple® Protection for Above Ground Pests Genuity® VT Double PRO™ Trait Logo Poncho® 250 Seed Treatment Below Ground Above Ground Insects European corn borer Trait Trait Trait Trait Southwestern corn borer Trait Trait Trait Trait Corn earworm (ear feeding) Trait Trait Trait Trait Western bean cutworm Trait NC NC NC Black cutworm Trait/250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate Fall armyworm Trait Trait Trait Trait Sugarcane borer Trait Trait Trait Trait Common stalk borer Trait Trait Trait Trait Lesser cornstalk borer Trait Trait Trait Trait Corn flea beetle (seedling stage) 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate Corn leaf aphid (seedling stage) 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate Chinch bugs (seedling stage) 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate Southern corn leaf beetle (seedling stage) 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate Western corn rootworm larvae Trait Trait Trait NC Northern corn rootworm larvae Trait Trait Trait NC Mexican corn rootworm larvae Trait Trait Trait NC Wireworm (seedling stage) 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate White grubs (seedling stage) 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate Grape colaspis (seedling stage) 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate Seedcorn maggot (seedling stage) 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate 250 Rate Color Key to Activity Insect activity conferred by: = Control Trait, Insecticide 250 rate, or multiple = Suppression Trait, Insecticide 250 rate, or multiple = No Control NC = No Control 39 Corn Diagnostic Guide 7 Herbicide Injury Symptoms Most observed herbicide damage is due to misapplication, but hybrid and environment interactions will sometimes cause injury symptoms to appear. Herbicides used to control weeds in the previous crop must be taken into consideration, as some herbicide carryover may affect the following corn crop. Various tankmixes of herbicides are widely used. Be alert to plant injury that can be caused by individual tankmix components or by an interaction involving two or more components in the tankmix itself. Corn plants frequently outgrow the effects of herbicide injury and their final yields may not be noticeably lowered. ACCase Inhibitors Aryloxyphenoxy Propionic Acids and Cyclohexanediones (Including Assure® II, Fusion®, Poast® and Select Max®) Symptoms of damage from acetyl coA carboxylase inhibitors include chlorosis (yellowing) of newly formed leaves with possible reddening or purpling of older leaves. Tissues at the growing point turn brown and eventually decompose, a symptom called deadheart. Sublethal doses result in pale white to yellow streaks between leaf veins. ALS Inhibitors Imidazolinones, Sulfonylureas, and Triazolopyrimidines (Including Accent Gold®, Beacon®, Classic®, FirstRate®, Lightning®, Pursuit®, and Scepter®) These herbicides alter the function of the acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme and affect root and shoot growth and development. Corn injury typically shows up as reduced root systems, often described as “bottle-brush” roots. Roots often grow flat or parallel to the soil surface and may turn brown. Stems and midribs can purple, and the stem will be short and thick below the whorl. Mid– to late-season symptoms include short internodes, malformed leaves, poor root systems, and pinched ears. Herbicides with sulfonylurea chemistry are labeled for use on both corn and soybeans. Products in this family may persist in the soil, particularly if soil pH is above 6.8 and post-application rainfall has been limited. Though they have the same general chemistry, different herbicides are used on corn and soybeans, and injury of corn may develop the season following sulfonylurea herbicide application to soybean fields. 40 Synthetic Auxins Cell Division Inhibitors Benzoic Acids, Phenoxys, and Pyridine Carboxylic Acids Amides (Including Banvel , Butyrac , Clarity , and Crossbow ) These herbicides, also known as plant growth regulators, are translocated to meristematic tissue and interfere with cell formation resulting in abnormal root and shoot growth. Symptoms ® ® ® ® include twisted whorls or buggy-whipping where the leaves do not unfurl, abnormal brace roots, root proliferation, brittle stalks, and poor pollination. Growing conditions are a factor in damage expression. Auxin Transport Inhibitors (Including Degree®, Dual II Magnum®, and Harness®) Amides (also known as acetanilides, acetamides, or chloroacetamides) are meristematic growth inhibitors that are translocated to the shoot and leaves. These products can cause seedlings to leaf underground or trap seedling leaves so they cannot unfurl, giving a ladder effect. Damage is more likely to take place with cool, wet weather occurring immediately before emergence. EPSP Synthase Inhibitors Glycines (Including Roundup® agricultural herbicides and generic formulations of glyphosate) These non-selective foliarapplied herbicides are translocated and interfere with amino acid synthesis. Semicarbazones (Including Distinct®and Status®) These herbicides are primarily active against broadleaf plants, but injury symptoms may occur in corn under certain conditions. Injury is similar to growth regulator herbicides. Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitors Isoxazolidinones (Including Command®) Shallow planting or stress conditions that slow seedling metabolism can increase the potential for injury. Damage to corn seedlings the season following an application may occur, especially if soil pH is below 6.0. Affected plants are distinctly white or bleached. Most corn plants recover and new leaves have normal color. 41 Corn Diagnostic Guide If spray drift reaches corn, leaves wilt, turn brown, and die. Sublethal rates can cause phenoxy-like symptoms. Glyphosate applications that occur too late to corn with Roundup Ready® 2 Technology can result in poor kernel set. Glutamine Synthase Inhibitors Phosphinic Acids (Including Ignite® and Liberty®) Inhibitors of glutamine synthase are nonspecific and will kill plants that have not been modified to express resistance to them. Symptomology will range from light speckling on leaves and yellowing to plant death, depending on the degree and intensity of drift or spray contamination. 4-HPPD Inhibitors Isoxazoles and Triketones (Including Balance®, Balance® Pro, Callisto®, and Impact®) Injury symptoms range from minor yellowing, through completely bleached plants, to significant stand loss. Shallow planting or stress conditions that slow seedling metabolism can increase the potential for injury. New tissue development should not be affected and the effect of injury on yield potential will vary from field to field. Microtubule Inhibitors Dinitroanilines (Including Prowl® and Treflan®) Dinitroanilines function by inhibiting root and shoot growth. Injury can occur due to carryover from an application made the previous season. Seedling roots are pruned and clubbed. Stunting and purplish discoloration may occur above ground. Symptoms may be confused with nematode damage. PPO Inhibitors Diphenyl Ethers, Phenylphthalimides, Pyrimidines, and Triazolinones (Including Aim®, Authority®, FlexStar®, Reflex®, and Resource®) Herbicide application during hot, humid conditions or before a long period of cool weather can result in crop injury. Drift injury can occur if application takes place under windy conditions. Symptoms range from leaf speckling to browning and death of entire leaves. If enough plant tissue is affected, the plant may wilt and die. The season following application in soybeans, nondegraded herbicide residue can cause interveinal bleaching and discoloration of corn seedlings if postapplication rainfall was unusually low. Photosystem I Electron Diversion Bipyridiliums (Including Gramoxone Inteon™) Drift of these non-selective contact herbicides may cause leaf spotting. Symptoms can be confused with disease; however, the dead leaf areas will not spread. Photosystem II Inhibitors—mobile within plant Triazines and Ureas (Including atrazine, AAtrex®, Princep®, Sencor® and Lorox®) These chemical families inhibit photosynthesis, which leads to leaf yellowing, browning, and death, usually starting at the leaf margins and tip. New leaves may be symptomfree. Symptoms are more common on sandy soil where an excessive rate was applied. Unfavorable growing conditions may accentuate plant injury. Photosystem II Inhibitors—nonmobile within plant Benzothiadiazoles and Nitriles (Including Basagran®and Buctril®) These are contact herbicides that are absorbed through the foliage. Leaf speckling after foliar application is a common injury symptom. 42 Herbicides that may be used or trigger symptomology in corn, grouped by mode of action and class of chemistry. HERBICIDE MODES OF ACTION Acetyl CoA Carboxylase Inhibitors Assure II Fusilade® DX Fusion® ® Hoelon® Poast Poast Plus® Select® Select MAX® ACCase Inhibitor ACCase Inhibitor ACCase Inhibitor ACCase Inhibitor Acetolactate Synthase Inhibitors Authority Assist Optill™ Lightning® Pursuit® Pursuit® Plus Raptor® Scepter® Squadron® Steel® ® Accent Accent Gold® E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Syngenta Syngenta Bayer Cyclohexanediones Cyclohexanedione Cyclohexanedione Cyclohexanedione Cyclohexanedione BASF BASF Valent USA Corporation Valent USA Corporation Imidazolinones ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Imidazolinone + Triazolinone FMC Corporation ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Microtubule Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Microtubule Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + Microtubule Inhibitor Imidazolinone + Pyrimidinedione Imidazolinone + Imidazolinone Imidazolinone Imidazolinone + Dinitroaniline Imidazolinone Imidazolinone Imidazolinone + Dinitroaniline Imidazolinone + Imidazolinone + Dinitroaniline BASF BASF BASF BASF BASF BASF BASF BASF Acetolactate Synthase Inhibitors ® TRADEMARK OWNER Aryloxphenoxypropionates ACCase Inhibitor Aryloxyphenoxypropionate ACCase Inhibitor Aryloxyphenoxypropionate ACCase Inhibitor + ACCase Inhibitor Aryloxyphenoxypropionate + Aryloxyphenoxypropionate Aryloxyphenoxypropionate ACCase Inhibitor Acetyl CoA Carboxylase Inhibitors ® CLASS OF CHEMISTRY ALS Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + Authority® XL Beacon® Canopy® Celebrity® Plus ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Auxin ALS Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Auxin + Auxin Transport Inhibitor Classic® ALS Inhibitor Exceed® ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor NorthStar® ALS Inhibitor Option® ALS Inhibitor + Auxin Peak® ALS Inhibitor Permit® ALS Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor Realm™ Q ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor Resolve® Q ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor Spirit® ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor Steadfast® Steadfast® ATZ ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Synchrony® XP ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitorr Valor® XLT ALS Inhibitor + Auxin Yukon® Sulfonylureas Sulfonylurea Sulfonylurea + Sulfonylurea + Triazolopyrimidine + Pyridine Sulfonylurea + Triazolinone Sulfonylurea Sulfonylurea + Triazine Sulfonylurea + Benzoic Acid + Semicarbazone Sulfonylurea Sulfonylurea + Sulfonylurea Sulfonylurea + Benzoic Acid Sulfonylurea Sulfonylurea Sulfonylurea Sulfonylurea + Triketone Sulfonylurea + Sulfonylurea Sulfonylurea + Sulfonylurea Sulfonylurea + Sulfonylurea Sulfonylurea + Sulfonylurea + Triazine E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Sulfonylurea + Sulfonylurea Phenylphthalimide + Sulfonylurea Benzoic Acid + Sulfonylurea E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Valent USA Corporation Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. FMC Corporation Syngenta E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. BASF E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Syngenta Syngenta Bayer Syngenta Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Syngenta E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Herbicides shown in bold type contain two or more active ingredients, so they may appear in more than one section of the table. 43 Corn Diagnostic Guide HERBICIDE MODES OF ACTION Acetolactate Synthase Inhibitors Accent Gold® ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + Auxin Authority™ First ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor Broadstrike™ ALS Inhibitor FirstRate® ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Gangster® Gauntlet® Hornet® Python® SureStart™ ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Auxin ALS Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Auxin + Cell Division Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + Auxin + ALS Inhibitor TripleFLEX™ Herbicide Synthetic Auxins Banvel® Celebrity® Plus Clarity® Distinct® Marksman® NorthStar® Status® Yukon® Auxin ALS Inhibitor + Auxin + Auxin Transport Inhibitor Auxin Auxin + Auxin Transport Inhibitor Auxin + PS II Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Auxin Auxin + Auxin + Transport Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Auxin Synthetic Auxins 2,4-D Butyrac® Crossbow® Auxin Auxin Auxin + Auxin Synthetic Auxins Accent Gold ® Crossbow® Hornet® Stinger® SureStart™ Tordon® Transline® TripleFLEX™ Herbicide WideMatch® ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + Auxin Auxin + Auxin ALS Inhibitor + Auxin Auxin ALS Inhibitor + Auxin + Cell Division Inhibitor Auxin Auxin Cell Division Inhibitor + Auxin + ALS Inhibitor Auxin + Auxin Auxin Transport Inhibitors Celebrity® Plus Distinct® Status® ALS Inhibitor + Auxin + Auxin Transport Inhibitor Auxin + Auxin Transport Inhibitor Auxin + Auxin + Transport Inhibitor CLASS OF CHEMISTRY TRADEMARK OWNER Triazolopyrimidines Pyridine + Sulfonylurea + Sulfonylurea + Triazolopyrimidine Triazolopyrimidine + Triazolinone Triazolopyrimidine Triazolopyrimidine Triazolopyrimidine + Phenylphthalimide Triazolopyrimidine Triazolopyrimidine + Triazolinone Triazolopyrimidine + Pyridine Triazolopyrimidine Triazolopyrimidine + Pyridine + Amide + Pyridine + Triazolopyrimidine E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. FMC Corporation Dow AgroSciences LLC Dow AgroSciences LLC Valent USA Corporation FMC Corporation Dow AgroSciences LLC Dow AgroSciences LLC Dow AgroSciences LLC Monsanto Technology LLC Benzoic Acids Benzoic Acid Sulfonylurea + Benzoic Acid + Semicarbazone Benzoic Acid Benzoic Acid + Semicarbazone Benzoic Acid + Triazine Sulfonylurea + Benzoic Acid Benzoic Acid + Semicarbazone Benzoic Acid + Sulfonylurea BASF BASF BASF BASF BASF Syngenta BASF Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. Phenoxy Carboxylic Acids Phenoxy Phenoxy Phenoxy + Pyridine Generic chemical name Allbaugh, Inc. Dow AgroSciences LLC Pyridine Carboxylic Acids Pyridine + Sulfonylurea + Sulfonylurea + Triazolopyrimidine Phenoxy + Pyridine Triazolopyrimidine + Pyridine Pyridine Triazolopyrimidine + Pyridine + Amide Pyridine Pyridine Amide + Pyridine + Triazolopyrimidine Pyridine + Pyridine E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Dow AgroSciences LLC Dow AgroSciences LLC. Dow AgroSciences LLC Dow AgroSciences LLC Dow AgroSciences LLC Dow AgroSciences LLC Monsanto Technology LLC Dow AgroSciences LLC Semicarbazones Sulfonylurea + Benzoic Acid + Semicarbazone Benzoic Acid + Semicarbazone Benzoic Acid + Semicarbazone BASF BASF BASF Herbicides shown in bold type contain two or more active ingredients, so they may appear in more than one section of the table. 44 HERBICIDE MODES OF ACTION Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitors Command Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitor Command® Xtra Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitor + Commence® Micrutubule Inhibitor ® CLASS OF CHEMISTRY Isoxazolidinones Isoxazolidinone Isoxazolidinone + Triazolinone FMC Corporation FMC Coporation Isoxazolidinone + Triazolinone FMC Coporation Cell Division Inhibitors Axiom Define™ Degree® Degree Xtra ® Domain™ Dual II Magnum® ® Guardsman Max® Expert® Halex™ GT Harness® Harness® Xtra Lexar® Lumax® Micro-Tech® Outlook® Radius™ SureStart™ TripleFLEX™ Herbicide Verdict™ Warrant™ Herbicide Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor + EPSPS Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + EPSPS Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Auxin + Cell Division Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + Auxin + ALS Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor + Cell Division Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor Amides Amide + Triazine Amide Amide Amide + Triazine Amide + Triazine Amide Amide + Triazine Amide + Triazine + Glycine Bayer Bayer Monsanto Technology LLC Monsanto Technology LLC Bayer Syngenta BASF Syngenta Amide + Triketone + Glycine Syngenta Amide Amide + Triazine Amide + Triketone + Triazine Monsanto Technology LLC Monsanto Technology LLC Syngenta Amide + Triketone + Triazine Syngenta Amide Amide Amide + Isoxazole Monsanto Technology LLC BASF Bayer Triazolopyrimidine + Pyridine + Amide Amide + Pyridine + Triazolopyrimidine Pyrimidinedione + Chloroacetamide Amide Dow AgroSciences LLC EPSP Synthase Inhibitors Expert® Flexstar® GT Glyphomax® Halex™ GT Roundup PowerMAX® Roundup WeatherMAX® Touchdown® Monsanto Technology LLC BASF Monsanto Technology LLC Glycines Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor + EPSPS Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor + EPSPS Inhibitor EPSPS Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + EPSPS Inhibitor EPSPS Inhibitor Glycine + Triazine Syngenta Diphenyl Ether + Glycine Glycine Amide + Isoxazole + Glycine Syngenta Dow AgroSciences LLC Syngenta Glycine Monsanto Technology LLC EPSPS Inhibitor Glycine Monsanto Technology LLC EPSPS Inhibitor Glycine Syngenta Glutamine Synthase Inhibitors Ignite® Liberty® Liberty® ATZ TRADEMARK OWNER GS Inhibitor GS Inhibitor GS Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Phosphinic Acids Phosphinic Acid Phosphinic Acid Phosphinic Acid + Triazine Bayer Bayer Bayer Herbicides shown in bold type contain two or more active ingredients, so they may appear in more than one section of the table. 45 Corn Diagnostic Guide HERBICIDE MODES OF ACTION CLASS OF CHEMISTRY 4-Hydroxyphenyl-Pyruvate-Dioxygenase Inhibitor TRADEMARK OWNER Isoxazole Balance® Balance® Flex Balance® Pro Corvus™ Laudis™ 4-HPPD Inhibitor 4-HPPD Inhibitor 4-HPPD Inhibitor 4-HPPD Inhibitor 4-HPPD Inhibitor Isoxazole Isoxazole Isoxazole Isoxazole Isoxazole Bayer Bayer Bayer Syngenta Bayer Radius™ Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor Amide + Isoxazole Bayer 4-Hydroxyphenyl-Pyruvate-Dioxygenase Inhibitor Callisto® Halex™ GT 4-HPPD Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + EPSPS Inhibitor 4-HPPD Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor Impact® Lexar® Lumax® Realm™ Q Microtubule Inhibitors Commence ® Pendimax® Prowl® Prowl® H2O Pursuit® Plus Sonalan® Squadron® Steel® Treflan® trifluralin Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitor + Micrutubule Inhibitor Micrutubule Inhibitor Micrutubule Inhibitor Micrutubule Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Micrutubule Inhibitor Micrutubule Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + Micrutubule Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + Micrutubule Inhibitor Micrutubule Inhibitor Micrutubule Inhibitor Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase Inhibitors Blazer® Cobra® FlexStar® Flexstar® GT Goal® Phoenix™ Reflex® Storm® Ultra Blazer® PPO Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor + EPSPS Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase Inhibitors Gangster ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Resource® Valor® SX Valor® XLT PPO Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor ® Triketones Triketone Amide + Triketone + Glycine Sygenta Sygenta. Triketone Triketone Amvac Chemical Corporation Syngenta Amide + Triketone + Triazine Sygenta Sulfonylurea + Triketone E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Dinitroanilines Isoxazolidinone + Dinitroaniline FMC Corporation Dinitroaniline Dinitroaniline Dinitroaniline Imidazolinone + Dinitroaniline Dinitroaniline Imidazolinone + Dinitroaniline Imidazolinone + Imidazolinone + Dinitroaniline Dinitroaniline Dinitroaniline Dow AgroSciences LLC BASF BASF BASF Dow AgroSciences LLC BASF BASF Dow AgroSciences LLC Generic chemical name Diphenyl Ethers Diphenyl Ether Diphenyl Ether Diphenyl Ether Diphenyl Ether + Glycine Diphenyl Ether Diphenyl Ether Diphenyl Ether Diphenyl Ether + Benzothiadiazole Diphenyl Ether United Phosphorus, Inc. Valent USA Corporation Syngenta Syngenta Dow AgroSciences LLC Valent USA Corporation Syngenta United Phosphorus, Inc. United Phosphorus, Inc. Phenylphthalimides Triazolopyrimidine + Phenylphthalimide Phenylphthalimide Phenylphthalimide Phenylphthalimide + Sulfonylurea Valent USA Corporation Valent USA Corporation Valent USA Corporation Valent USA Corporation Herbicides shown in bold type contain two or more active ingredients, so they may appear in more than one section of the table. 46 HERBICIDE MODES OF ACTION CLASS OF CHEMISTRY Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase Inhibitors Optill™ Sharpen™ Verdict™ ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor + Cell Division Inhibitor Pyrimidinediones Imidazolinone + Pyrimidinedione Pyrimidinedione Pyrimidinedione + Chloroacetamide Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase Inhibitors Aim® Authority® Authority® Assist Authority™ First Authority® XL Command® Xtra Gauntlet® PPO Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitorr PPO Inhibitor diquat Reward® Gramoxone Inteon™ PS I Inhibitor PS I Inhibitor PS I Inhibitor Triazolinones FMC Corporation FMC Corporation FMC Corporation FMC Corporation FMC Corporation FMC Corporation Triazolopyrimidine + Triazolinone Triazolinone FMC Corporation Bipyridiliums Bipyridilium Bipyridilium Bipyridilium Photosystem II Inhibitors Basagran Laddok® Storm® PS II Inhibitor PS II Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor PPO Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor ® PS II Inhibitor PS II Inhibitor PS II Inhibitor Benzothiadiazole Benzothiadiazole + Triazine Diphenyl Ether + Benzothiadiazole PS II Inhibitor PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor ALS Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor PS II Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor GS Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Liberty® ATZ Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Lumax® Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Auxin + PS II Inhibitor Marksman® PS II Inhibitor Princep® PS II Inhibitor Sencor® Steadfast® ATZ ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor PS II Inhibitor Winfield Solutions, LLC Bayer Winfield Solutions, LLC Triazines Triazine Triazine Amide + Triazinone Sulfonylurea + Triazine Amide + Triazine Amide + Triazine Amide + Triazine Amide + Triazine Benzothiadiazole + Triazine Amide + Isoxazole + Triazine Syngenta Generic chemical name Bayer E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Monsanto Technology LLC Bayer BASF Monsanto Technology LLC BASF Syngenta Phosphonic Acid + Triazine Amide + Isoxazole + Triazine Bayer Syngenta Benzoic Acid + Triazine Triazine Triazine Sulfonylurea + Sulfonylurea + Triazine BASF Syngenta Bayer E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co Photosystem II Inhibitors Lorox® BASF BASF United Phosphorus, Inc. Nitriles Nitrile Nitrile Nitrile Photosystem II Inhibitors Aatrex® atrazine Axiom® Canopy® Degree Xtra® Domain™ Guardsman Max® Harness® Xtra Laddok® Lexar® Generic chemical name Syngenta Syngenta Benzothiadiazoles Photosystem II Inhibitors Bison® Buctril® Moxy® BASF BASF BASF Triazolinone Triazolinone Imidazolinone + Triazolinone Triazolopyrimidine + Triazolinone Sulfonylurea + Triazolinone Isoxazolidinone + Triazolinone Photosystem I Electron Diversion ® TRADEMARK OWNER Ureas Urea E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Herbicides shown in bold type contain two or more active ingredients, so they may appear in more than one section of the table. 47 Corn Diagnostic Guide Herbicides by Active Ingredient and Mode of Action HERBICIDE ACTIVE INGREDIENT MODE OF ACTION 2,4-D 2,4-D Auxin AAtrex® Atrazine PS II Inhibitor Accent Nicosulfuron ALS Inhibitor Accent Gold® Clopyralid + Flumetsulam + Nicosulfuron + Rimsulfuron ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + Auxin Aim® Carfentrazone PPO Inhibitor Assure II Quizalofop ACCase Inhibitor atrazine Atrazone PS II Inhibitor Authority® Sulfentrazone PPO Inhibitor Authority Assist Imazethapyr + Sulfentrazone ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor ® ® ® Authority First Cloransulam + Sulfentrazone ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Authority® XL Chlorimuron + Sulfentrazone ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Axiom Flufenacet + Metribuzin Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Balance Isoxaflutole 4-HPPD Inhibitor Balance® Flexx Isoxaflutole 4-HPPD Inhibitor Balance Pro Isoxaflutole 4-HPPD Inhibitor Banvel Dicamba Auxin Basagran Bentazon PS II Inhibitor Beacon® Primisulfuron ALS Inhibitor Bison Bromoxynil PS II Inhibitor Blazer Aciflourfen PPO Inhibitor Broadstrike™ Flumetsulam ALS Inhibitor Buctril Bromoxynil PS II Inhibitor Butyrac 2,4-DB Auxin Callisto® Mesotrione 4-HPPD Inhibitor Chlorimuron + Metribuzin ALS Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Celebrity Plus Dicamba + Diflufenzopyr + Nicosulfuron ALS Inhibitor + Auxin + Auxin Transport Inhibitor Clarity Dicamba Auxin Classic® Chlorimuron ALS Inhibitor Lactofen PPO Inhibitor Command Clomazone Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitor Command® Xtra Clomazone + Sulfentrazone Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Commence® Clomazone + Trifluralin Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitor + Microtubule Inhibitor Corvus™ Isoxaflutole 4-HPPD Inhibitor 2,4-D + Triclopyr Auxin + Auxin ™ ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Canopy ® ® ® Cobra ® ® Crossbow ® 48 Herbicides by Active Ingredient and Mode of Action (cont.) HERBICIDE ACTIVE INGREDIENT MODE OF ACTION Define™ Flufenacet Cell Division Inhibitor Degree® Acetochlor Cell Division Inhibitor Acetochlor + Atrazine Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor diquat Diquat PS I Inhibitor Distinct® Dicamba + Diflufenzopyr Auxin + Auxin Transport Inhibitor Flufenacet + Metribuzin Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Degree Xtra Domain ® ® Dual II Magnum Metolachlor Cell Division Inhibitor Exceed® Primisulfuron + Prosulfuron ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor Expert® Atrazine + Glyphosate + Metolachlor Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor + EPSPS Inhibitor FirstRate® Cloransulam ALS Inhibitor Flexstar Fomesafen PPO Inhibitor ® ® Fusilade DX Fluazifop ACCase Inhibitor Flexstar® GT Fomesafen + Glyphosate PPO Inhibitor + EPSPS Inhibitor Fusion Fenoxaprop + Fluazifop ACCase Inhibitor + ACCase Inhibitor Gangster Cloransulam + Flumioxazin ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Gauntlet Cloransulam + Sulfentrazone ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Glyphomax® Glyphosate EPSPS Inhibitor Goal Oxyfluorfen PPO Inhibitor Gramoxone Inteon™ Paraquat PS I Inhibitor Guardsman Max® Atrazine + Dimethenamid Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Halex™ GT Glyphosate + Mesotrione + Metolachlor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + EPSPS Inhibitor Harness® Acetochlor Cell Division Inhibitor Harness Xtra Acetochlor + Atrazine Cell Division Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Hoelon ® ® ® ® ® ® Diclofop ACCase Inhibitor Hornet® Clopyralid + Flumetsulam ALS Inhibitor + Auxin Ignite Glufosinate GS Inhibitor Topramezone 4-HPPD Inhibitor Laddok Atrazine + Bentazon PS II Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Laudis™ Tembotrione 4-HPPD Inhibitor Lexar® Atrazine + Mesotrione + Metolachlor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Glufosinate GS Inhibitor Liberty ATZ Atrazine + Glufosinate GS Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Lightning Imazapyr + Imazethapyr ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor Linuron PS II Inhibitor ® ® Impact ® Liberty® ® Lorox® 49 ® Corn Diagnostic Guide Herbicides by Active Ingredient and Mode of Action (cont.) HERBICIDE ACTIVE INGREDIENT MODE OF ACTION Atrazine + Mesotrione + Metolachlor Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Marksman® Atrazine + Dicamba Auxin + PS II Inhibitor Micro-Tech Alochlor Cell Division Inhibitor Moxy™ Bromoxynil PS II Inhibitor NorthStar Dicamba + Primisulfuron ALS Inhibitor + Auxin Optill Imazethapyr + Saflufenacil ALS Inhibitor + PPO Inhibitor Option® Foramsulfuron ALS Inhibitor Outlook Dimethenamid Cell Division Inhibitor Peak Prosulfuron ALS Inhibitor Pendimax® Pendimethalin Microtubule Inhibitor Permit Halosulfuron ALS Inhibitor Phoenix™ Lactofen PPO Inhibitor Poast Plus® Sethoxydim ACCase Inhibitor Poast Sethoxydim ACCase Inhibitor Princep Simazine PS II Inhibitor ® Prowl Pendimethalin Microtubule Inhibitor Prowl® H2O Pendimethalin Microtubule Inhibitor Pursuit Imazethapyr ALS Inhibitor Lumax® ® ® ™ ® ® ® ® ® ® Pursuit Plus Imazethapyr + Pendimethalin ALS Inhibitor + Mictrotubule Inhibitor Python® Flumetsulam ALS Inhibitor Radius™ Flufenacet + Isoxaflutole Cell Division Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor Raptor Imazamox ALS Inhibitor Realm™ Q Rimsulfuron + Mesotrione ALS Inhibitor + 4-HPPD Inhibitor Reflex Fomesafen PPO Inhibitor Resolve Q Rimsulfuron + Thifensulfuron ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor Resource Flumiclorac PPO Inhibitor Reward® Diquat PS I Inhibitor Roundup PowerMAX Glyphosate EPSPS Inhibitor Roundup WeatherMAX® Glyphosate EPSPS Inhibitor Scepter® Imazaquin ALS Inhibitor Select Clethodim ACCase Inhibitor Select MAX® Clethodim ACCase Inhibitor Sencor Metribuzin PS II Inhibitor Saflufenacil PPO Inhibitor ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Sharpen ™ 50 Herbicides by Active Ingredient and Mode of Action (cont.) HERBICIDE ACTIVE INGREDIENT MODE OF ACTION Sonalan® Ethalfluralin Microtubule Inhibitor Spirit® Primisulfuron + Prosulfuron ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor Imazaquin + Pendimethalin ALS Inhibitor + Microtubule Inhibitor Status Dicamba + Diflufenzopyr Auxin + Auxin Transport Inhibitor Steadfast® Nicosulfuron + Rimsulfuron ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor Steadfast ATZ Atrazine + Nicosulfuron + Rimsulfuron ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor Steel Imazaquin + Imazethapyr + Pendimethalin ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor + Microtubule Inhibitor Stinger® Clopyralid Auxin Squadron ® ® ® ® Storm Bentazon PPO Inhibitor + PS II Inhibitor ™ SureStart Acetochlor + Clopyralid + Flumetsulam ALS Inhibitor + Auxin + Cell Division Inhibitor SureStart™ Acetochlor + Clopyralid + Flumetsulam ALS Inhibitor +Auxin + Cell Division Inhibitor Synchrony XP Chlorimuron + Thifensulfuron ALS Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor Tordon Picloram Auxin Touchdown Glyphosate EPSPS Inhibitor Transline® Clopyralid Auxin Treflan Trifluralin Microtubule Inhibitor trifluralin Trifluralin Microtubule Inhibitor TripleFLEX™ Herbicide Acetochlor + Clopyralid + Flumetsulam Cell Division Inhibitor + Auxin + ALS Inhibitor Ultra Blazer Acifluorfen PPO Inhibitor ® ® ® ® ® ® Valor SX Flumioxazin PPO Inhibitor Valor® XLT Flumioxazin + Chlorimuron PPO Inhibitor + ALS Inhibitor Verdict Dimethenamid + Saflufenacil PPO Inhibitor + Cell Division Inhibitor Warrant Herbicide Acetochlor Cell Division Inhibitor WideMatch Clorpyralid + Fluroxypyr Auxin + Auxin Yukon® Dicamba + Halosulfuron ALS Inhibitor + Auxin ® ™ ™ ® 51 Corn Diagnostic Guide 9 Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms This section describes visual symptoms of moderate to severe nutrient deficiencies. These deficiencies are not always due to insufficient nutrient supplies in the soil. Symptoms are often induced by poor root development, root damage, unfavorable soil conditions (dry, water-logged, or compacted), or unfavorable weather. Nutrient availability is highly variable, strongly influenced by management decisions, and is only one component of soil productivity. Therefore, correction does not automatically require application of the suspected nutrient. Mobile elements, like nitrogen, may become unavailable to plants because of leaching or gasification. Soil compaction, dry soil, soil where water has ponded, and inadequate rooting are examples of soil and plant conditions that may limit nutrient uptake. Specific nutrient deficiencies can be difficult to diagnose accurately. Soil and/or plant analysis may help identify and establish the cause of the symptoms. With these analyses be aware of possible nutrient interactions that may influence results. Boron (B) Iron (Fe) Boron deficiency is rare. Irregular white spots occur between leaf veins and may combine into white stripes with a raised waxy appearance. Bush-shaped plants often fail to produce a tassel or ear. Deficiency is favored by drought, high pH and sandy soil low in organic matter. Boron toxicity can cause yellow, dying leaf margins and tips. Iron deficiency symptoms are rare. The upper leaves turn white between the veins, affecting the entire length. Symptoms are favored by high pH (alkaline) soil, cool weather, and wet, compacted soil. Calcium (Ca) Symptoms of calcium deficiency are rare. Seedling leaf tips adhere to the next lower leaf, resulting in laddering effect and failure to unfurl normally. Deficiency is favored by very low pH (below 5.5) and high magnesium or potassium level. Copper (Cu) Copper deficiency is rare. Young leaves yellow as they emerge from the whorl and may die at the tip and edges. Stalks are soft and flexible. Deficiency is favored by high organic matter soils. Magnesium (Mg) Yellow-white streaking occurs between veins of lower leaves if magnesium is deficient. Eventually, margins and tips of older leaves become reddish-purple, then die. Deficiency is favored by low pH, sandy soil and high potassium levels. 52 Manganese (Mn) Manganese deficiency is rare. The area between leaf veins turns pale green-yellow. Stalks are thin and limber. Symptoms are favored by peat or muck soil, high pH and sandy soil high in organic matter. Molybdenum (Mo) Molybdenum deficiency is rare. Young leaves sometimes twist, wilt and die along margins. Older leaves die at the tip, along margins and between veins. Deficiency is favored by low pH and strong soil weathering. Nitrogen (N) Nitrogen-deficient plants are spindly, pale and stunted. Lower leaves develop a yelloworange color in the shape of an inverted “V” beginning at the tip and following the midvein. Leaves may begin to die (fire) at the tip. Symptoms advance up the plant to younger leaves. Ears are small and pinched at the tip. Symptoms are favored by cold, ponded, dry, or low organic matter soil, and incorporation of low-nitrogen residues. Phosphorus (P) Leaves of young phosphorusdeficient plants are bluishgreen and slightly narrowed, turning reddish-purple starting at the tips and along the edges. Leaf tips may die. If conditions for phosphorous uptake improve, newer leaves may be symptom-free. 53 Corn Diagnostic Guide Symptoms are seldom observed on knee-high and larger plants. Ears may be small and misshapen, twisted with one or more kernel rows missing on one side. Potassium (K) Symptoms of potassium deficiency are seldom seen before plants are knee-high. Edges of lower leaves turn yellow and die (fire), starting at the tip. Leaves may break away. Plants are shortened. Ears are small and chaffy with poor tip-fill. Deficiency is favored by wet or compacted soils, sandy or strongly weathered soil, and organic soil. Heavy potassium removal by previous crop can also favor deficiency. Sulfur (S) Deficiency of sulfur causes stunted, slow-growing and yellow plants. Yellowing occurs between veins, especially of younger (upper) leaves. Older plants rarely show symptoms. Symptoms are favored by cold, wet soil, low pH, and low organic matter. Zinc (Zn) Symptoms of zinc deficiency are rare beyond the seedling stage. Yellow to white bleached bands appear on the lower part of leaves while the midvein, margins and tip remain green. Newly affected leaves are sometimes described as “white buds.” The deficiency is favored by high soil phosphorus, high pH, cool, wet soil and low organic matter – such as from exposed subsoil. Index 4-HPPD Inhibitors ........ . . . . . . . . . . 42 ACCase Inhibitors .................... 40 Acetanilides . . . . ....................... 41 ALS Inhibitors..........................40 Amides .................................41 Anthracnose ...........................24 Anthracnose Stalk Rot ... . . . . . . . .... 28 Aphids ................................. 31 Armyworms ............................32 Aryloxyphenoxy Propionic Acids ... 40 Aspergillus Ear and Kernel Rot ......29 Auxin Transport Inhibitors ........... 41 Bacterial Leaf Blight ................. 24 Bacterial Stalk Rot ................... 28 Bacterial Wilt .......................... 24 Benzoic Acids .........................41 Benzothiadiazoles .................... 42 Billbug ... . . . . .......................... 32 Bipyridiliums .......................... 42 Black Cutworm ....................... 35 Blister Smut ........................... 26 Boil Smut .............................. 26 Boron .................................. 52 Calcium ................................ 52 Carotenoid Synthesis Inhibitors .... 41 Cell Division Inhibitors ............... 41 Cereal Leaf Beetle ................... 32 Charcoal Rot .......................... 28 Chinch Bug .................... . . . . ... 32 Cladosporium Ear Rot .............. 29 Common Corn Rust ................. 24 Common Corn Smut ................ 26 Common Stalk Borer ................ 32 Copper ................................ 52 Corn Borer ........................... 33 Corn Earworm ....................... 33 Corn Leaf Aphid ...... . . . . . . . ....... 31 Corn Lethal Necrosis .... . . . . . . .... 27 Corn Root Aphid .................... 31 Corn Rootworm ..................... 34 Corn Stunt Spiroplasma .... . . . . ...27 Crazy Top .............................27 Cutworm .............................. 35 Cyclohexanediones .......... . . . . .... 40 Dinitroanilines ................. . . ...... 42 Diphenyl Ethers .............. . . ...... 42 Diplodia Ear Rot ............ . . . ....... 30 Diplodia Stalk Rot ............ . . ...... EPSP Synthase Inhibitors . . . ....... European Corn Borer .... . . . . ... . . . . Eyespot ............... . . . . . . . . . ....... Fall Armyworm ...... . . . . . . . . ....... Flea Beetle ................... . . ....... Fusarium Kernel or Ear Rot ... . . . ... Fusarium Stalk Rot ..... . . . . . . . . ..... Gibberella Ear Rot ....... . . . . . . . . . ... Gibberella Stalk Rot ......... . . . . . ... Glutamine Synthase Inhibitors ...... Glycines ....................... . ....... Goss’s Wilt .................... . ....... Grape Colaspis ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Grasshopper ........... . . . . . . . . ...... Gray Leaf Spot ............. . . . ....... Head Smut ............ . . . . . . . . ....... Helminthosporium Leaf Spot .. . . . .. High Plains Virus ........... . . . . . . .... Holcus Spot ............... . . . . ....... Imidazolinones ... . . . ........ . . ....... Iron ........................... . . . ....... Isoxazoles ... . . . ............. . . ....... Isoxazolidinones ... . . . ...... . . ....... Japanese Beetle ... . . . ...... . . ....... Kernel Red Streak ....... . . . . . . . . .... Leaf Freckles and Wilt ............... Leaf Miner ................... . . . ....... Lesser Cornstalk Borer ... . . . . . . .... Magnesium ................. . . . ....... Maize Chlorotic Dwarf Virus .. . . . ... Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus .. . . . . . ... Manganese ................. . . . ....... Mexican Corn Rootworm . . . . ....... Microtubule Inhibitors ..... . . . ....... Molybdenum ........ . . . . . . . . . . ....... Nebraska Bacterial Wilt and Leaf Freckles ............... . . . ....... Nitriles ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Nitrogen ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Northern Corn Leaf Blight ........... Northern Corn Rootworm ........... Northern Leaf Spot ......... . . ....... Penicillium Ear Rot ............ ....... Phaeosphaeria Leaf Spot .. . . . ...... Phenoxys . . . . . . . . ........... . . . ....... Phosphinic Acids .......... . . . ....... 28 41 33 26 32 35 30 29 30 29 41 41 26 35 35 25 26 25 27 25 40 52 42 41 36 37 26 36 36 52 27 27 53 34 42 53 25 42 53 26 34 25 30 26 41 41 Phosphorus ................. . . . ....... 53 Photosystem I Electron Diversion .. 42 Photosystem II Inhibitors - mobile .. 42 Photosystem II Inhibitors - nonmobile .. 42 Physoderma Brown Spot . . . . . ...... 26 Picnic Beetle ................ . . . ....... 36 Pinched Ear Syndrome ........... . .. 40 Potassium ................... . . . ....... 53 PPO Inhibitors .............. . . . ....... 42 Pyridine Carboxylic Acids .. . . . ..... 41 Pyrimidines . . . . . . . .................... 42 Pythium Stalk Rot .. . . . .............. . 29 Red Root Rot ............... . . . ....... 29 Sap Beetle .................. . . . ....... 36 Scavenger Beetle ..................... 36 Seed Corn Beetle .... . . . . . .... ....... 36 Seed Corn Maggot .. . . . ............. 36 Semicarbazones ...... . . . . . . . ....... 41 Slug ..................................... 36 Sorghum Downy Mildew ... . . . ...... 28 Southern Corn Leaf Blight .. . . . ..... 26 Southern Corn Rootworm .. . . . . .... 34 Southern Corn Rust .................. 26 Southwestern Corn Borer ........... 33 Spider Mite ............................ 37 Stewart’s Disease .. . . . . . ............. 24 Stewart’s Wilt .. . . . . . . ................. 24 Stink Bug .............................. 37 Sulfonylureas ......................... 40 Sulfur ................................... 53 Synthetic Auxins ..................... 41 Thrips ................................... 37 Triazines ................................ 42 Triazolinones .......................... 42 Triazolopyrimidines ................... 40 Trichoderma Ear Rot ................. 30 Triketones .............................. 42 True Armyworm ....................... 32 Ureas ................................... 42 Webworm ... . . . . . . . ................... 37 Western Bean Cutworm ............. 35 Western Corn Rootworm .. . . . . . . ... 34 Wheat Curl Mite ... . . . . . . . ............ 38 White Grub ............................ 38 Wireworm .............................. 38 Zinc ..................................... 48 54 Notes Corn Diagnostic Guide Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship ® is a registered trademark of Biotechnology Industry Organization. B.t. products may not yet be registered in all states. Check with your Monsanto representative for the registration status in your state. Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Degree ®, Harness ®, TripleFLEX ™ Herbicide, and Warrant ™ Herbicide are not registered in all states. Degree ®, Harness ®, TripleFLEX™ Herbicide, and Warrant™ Herbicide may be subject to use restrictions in some states. Degree Xtra®, Harness®, and Micro-Tech® are restricted use pesticides and are not registered in all states. The distribution, sale, or use of an unregistered pesticide is a violation of federal and/or state law and is strictly prohibited. Check with your local Monsanto dealer or representative for the product registration status in your state. Tank mixtures: The applicable labeling for each product must be in the possession of the user at the time of application. Follow applicable use instructions, including application rates, precautions and restrictions of each product used in the tank mixture. Monsanto has not tested all tank mix product formulations for compatibility or performance other than specifically listed by brand name. Always predetermine the compatibility of tank mixtures by mixing small proportional quantities in advance. Acceleron and Design ®, Asgrow and the A Design ® , Degree Xtra ®, Degree ®, DEKALB and Design ®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, Growing Knowledge and Design®, Harness®, MicroTech ®, Roundup PowerMAX®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup WeatherMAX ®, Roundup®, SmartStax and Design®, SmartStax®, Technology Development by Monsanto and Design®, TripleFLEX™ Herbicide, VT Double PRO™, VT Triple PRO™, Warrant™Herbicide, YieldGard VT and Design ®, YieldGard VT Triple®, DEKALB and Design®, Monsanto imagine® and Vine Design®, and When Performance Counts ® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Permi ® and YUKON ® is a registered trademark of, and used under license from, Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. Ignite®, LibertyLink ® and the Water Droplet Design ®, and Poncho ® are registered trademarks of Bayer. Herculex ® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Authority® is a trademark of FMC Corporation. Gangster® and Valor ® are registered trademarks of Valent U.S.A. Corporation. Respect the Refuge and Corn Design® and Respect the Refuge ® are registered trademarks of National Corn Growers Association. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2011 Monsanto Company.