Size Characterization of Stress Cracks in Corn Kernels S. Gunasekaran, S. S. Deshpande, M. R. Paulsen, G. C. Shove ASSOC. MEMBER ASAE ABSTRACT CANNING electron microscopic pictures were taken of corn kernels from four different varieties, all dried at a high temperature. Stress cracks were observed to originate at the inner core of the floury endosperm and propagate radially outward along the boundary of starch granules. Many cracks did not advance far enough to open up at the surface underneath the pericarp. An average stress crack was measured to be 58 ± 14 /^m in width at its widest part. S INTRODUCTION Stress cracks are fine fissures in grain kernel endosperm. In general, the formation of stress cracks is associated with rapid drying of grain at high temperatures. When handled and transported, the kernels with stress cracks break more readily than sound kernels leading to considerable amounts of brokens and fines. Excessive broken material, included as BCFM (Broken Corn and Foreign Material) in the U.S. Grading Standards, reduces the market value of the grain. Therefore, evaluation of a grain lot for the presence of stress-cracked kernels would help assess its quality. Such an index of quality would be helpful in assessing not only the end-use value of the grain but also the drying method used and the appropriateness of subsequent handling procedures. Accordingly, improved drying, tempering and handling systems could be developed to reduce the incidence of stress cracking. At present a candling procedure, shining light through the kernel holding the germ side toward the light source, is used to manually inspect corn kernels for presence of stress cracks. If large samples are involved, this process would take a considerable amount of time and effort and tend to be less accurate owing to fatigue of the human eye. Hence, there is a definite need for a faster, more accurate and automatic system of stress crack evaluation. One of the first steps toward developing such a system is to know the surface nature and size characteristics of stress cracks to more clearly understand their occurence. Article was submitted for publication in September, 1984; reviewed and approved for publication by the Electric Power and Processing Div. of ASAE in April, 1985. Presented as ASAE Paper No. 84-3014. The authors are: S. GUNASEKARAN, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Engineering Dept., University of Delaware, Newark, S. S. DESHPANDE, Research Assistant, Food Science Dept., M. R. PAULSEN, Associate Professor, and G. C. SHOVE, Professor, Agricultural Engineering Dept., University of Illinois, Urbana. Acknowledgments: This study was a part of Project No. 10-0359 of the Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Appreciation is expressed to the Center for Electron Microscopy, University of Illinois, for the use of its equipment and facilities. 1668 MEMBER ASAE MEMBER ASAE Theory of Stress Cracking Stress cracks are generally associated with rapid drying of corn with high temperature drying air. The first indication of drying stress is a single crack usually extending from the tip toward the crown of the kernel and visible on the side of the kernel opposite to the germ. As stresses increase, multiple cracks develop, giving some kernels a checked or crazed appearance (Thompson and Foster, 1963). Gustafson et al. (1979) performed a finite element analysis of a corn kernel subjected to thermal stresses and concluded that the location of the maximum tensile stresses correlated well with laboratory observations of stress crack locations. Kunze and Choudhury (1972) working with rice hypothesized that, as the moisture gradient declines after drying, moisture from the central portion of the kernel diffuses to the surface causing the surface to expand while the internal portions contract due to moisture loss resulting in compression at the surface and tension in the central portions of the grain. When compressive stresses at the grain surface exceed the tensile strength of its interior the kernel pulls apart and fissures. Balastreire et al. (1982), through optical microscopy, observed that the crack narrowed as it approached the kernel surface. Based on this they concluded that the stress cracks initiated at the center of the kernels and propagated toward the outside. Also, the similarity between surfaces that ruptured due to external loading and those that ruptured due to drying stresses indicated that stress cracks propagated through the cells and around the starch granules. Factors Influencing Stress Crack Development Thompson and Foster (1963) noted that the drying speed, expressed in terms of moisture loss in percentage points per hour, is the most significant factor in stress crack development. However, researchers working with rice have observed that grain fissures do not necessarily develop in the grain during drying (Sharma et al., 1979). Kunze and Choudhury (1972) reported that the moisture gradient created during the drying period provides the potential for later damage. Substantiating this, White et al. (1982), in their experiments with popcorn, observed that very few kernels had developed stress cracks at the time the grain was removed from the dryer. Instead stress cracks developed after the grains were stored for a period of time. Ekstrom et al. (1966) reported that stress cracks probably are not caused exclusively by temperature gradients in the kernel; but that moisture gradient stresses or a combination of moisture and thermal stresses are most likely to induce stress cracks. In a simple model study of the corn kernel they observed that if no moisture gradient is present, a temperature ic) 1985 American Society of Agricultural Engineers 0001-2351/85/2805-1668$02.00 TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE difference of at least 97°C (175°F) must exist between the center and the outer surface of the kernel for the cracking to occur due to temperature effects alone. Other factors which contribute to stress cracking are initial and final moisture content of drying, drying air temperature and airflow rate, drying procedures and type of corn. Thompson and Foster (1963) reported that corn dried from near 30% initial moisture content had 33% multiple stress cracked kernels, while that dried from near 20% moisture content had only 23% kernels of that category. Also, drying air temperatures of 60, 87, and 115°C resulted in 20, 30 and 34% stress-cracked kernels respectively. Yellow corn is more susceptible to multiple stress cracks than white (White and Ross, 1972); and large and rounded kernels stress crack more readily than flat kernels (Thompson and Foster, 1963). Equally important as moisture and thermal stresses are the mechanical impact stresses. Roberts (1972) observed that 26% of combine shelled corn had stress cracks before the corn was artificially dried. Corn shelled by the conventional combine (rasp-bar cylinder and concave) would receive external damage to the sound pericarp and internal damage, (such as stress cracks and fissures) to the inside of the kernel. Kernel moisture content, cylinder speed and location of impact with the concave were also found to have a significant effect on formation of stress cracks in corn. This mechanically inflicted damage could be further aggravated during high speed drying (Chowdhury and Kline, 1978a). In an artificial loading experiment quasi-static loading was reported to initiate stress cracks, fissures or faults in the endosperm portion of the kernel. When this deformation exceeded the rupture point of the kernel, external cracks were formed depending on the kernel loading position and moisture content (Chowdhury and Kline, 1978b). Stress cracking also reportedly increased during shipping and handling of corn (Paulsen and Hill, 1977). Stress Cracking—Problem and Prevention The most common problem associated with stress cracking is breakage susceptibility of the kernels. As the number of stress cracks in the corn increases the susceptibility to breakage also increases (Litchfield et al., 1982). Shelled corn dried with heated air was two to three times more susceptible to breakage than the same corn dried with unheated air. The drying air temperature and airflow rate appears to have a direct relationship with kernel breakage susceptibility (Thompson and Foster, 1963). Dry millers expect a lower yield of the more valuable large grits in corn dried with a high percentage of stress cracks. During wet milling, kernels with stress cracks and subsequent broken kernels steep more rapidly and lose part of their starch in the steep water before the sound kernels steep adequately. Also, the protein in the endosperm of severely stress-cracked kernels, due to high kernel temperatures during drying, is case-hardened which makes separation of protein and starch more difficult (Freeman, 1972). Thus, highly stress cracked corn will likely to yield less recoverable starch than sound kernels. A high percentage of checked or crazed kernels in a corn sample always causes low germination. Also, stresscracked grain has a reduced market value due to likely insect and microbial attack (Thompson and Foster, 1963). In case of popcorn, internal stress cracks may Vol. 28(5):September-October, 1985 reduce the expansion volume resulting in poor corn popping quality (White et al., 1980). Hammerle (1972) presented a theoretical analysis of failure in a viscoelastic slab subjected to temperature and moisture gradients. He concluded that timetemperature-moisture relationships could be suitably selected to prevent stress cracking if the stress states due to thermal and moisture gradients and the necessary material properties could be determined. Since most kernels are not fissured immediately after drying some post drying treatment or procedure can be developed that will prevent subsequent stress cracking. The most beneficial post-drying treatment has been tempering the grain for a certain period of time before cooling (Thompson and Foster, 1963; Gustafson et al., 1982). Also, allowing the kernel to cool slowly after removal from the drier results in a dramatic reduction in the number of stress-cracked kernels (White and Ross, 1972). Short term tempering and multipass, multistage drying have been shown to be effective as well (Emam et al., 1979). Based on model prediction, that during the abrupt transition from drying to tempering the kernel stresses increase quite rapidly due to rapid moisture redistribution, Litchfield et al. (1982) suggested a smooth transition from drying to tempering, that is gradually decreasing the drying rate before tempering. Ross and White (1972) observed a general decrease in stress cracking of corn when it was dried to a lower moisture content started at lower moisture content, supposedly due to unexplained physical and chemical changes during overdrying which would make the kernel more resistant to cracking during cooling. In addition, reducing the drying air temperature and airflow rate also help minimize stress cracking (Thompson and Foster, 1963; Ross and White, 1972). OBJECTIVES The objectives of this investigation were: 1. to discuss the microscopic structure of a corn kernel with respect to formation and propagation of stress cracks, 2. to study the external and internal characteristics of stress cracks, and 3. to determine average dimenisons of stress cracks. MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF A CORN KERNEL Careful study of the microscopic structure of a corn kernel (Fig. 1) will provide some useful insights in understanding the formation and propagation of stress cracks within the kernel. Several researchers have investigated various aspects of kernel structure in detail (MacMasters, 1962; Wolf et al. 1952 a, b, c and d). Major parts of the kernal structure, pericarp, endosperm and germ, are here in discussed with particular reference to stress cracking. The pericarp, the outermost covering of the corn kernel, is composed of four layers. The outer layers, epidermis and mesocarp, are composed of closely adherent, long and fiberous, thick-walled cells with no intercellular spaces (MacMasters, 1962). The characteristic overlapping, interlocking arrangement of the cells provides much crack and breakage resistant strength to corn kernels. Thermal and moisture stresses that induce stress cracks within the kernels are generally 1669 ftt EPIDERMIS MESOCARP CROSS CELLS TUBE CELLS SEED COAT Fig. 2—Categories showing none, single, double, and multiple stress cracks in corn kernels from left to right, respectively. ALEURONE LAYER HORNY ENDOSPERM FLOURY ENDOSPERM CELLS FILLED WITH STARCH GRANULES IN PROTEIN MATRIX WALLS OF CELLS SCUTELLUM PLUMULE OR RUDIMENTARY SHOOT a LEAVES TIP CAP RADICLE OR PRIMARY ROOT Fig. 1—Microscopic structure of a corn kernel (Brooker et al., 1974). not sufficient to rupture the pericarp. Thus, the cracks occur internally. The endosperm of a corn kernel has two distinct regions, the horny endosperm and the floury endosperm. The horny endosperm is hard and translucent whereas the floury endospery is soft, friable and relatively opaque. Horny endosperm cells have thinner cell walls but a thicker proteinaceous matrix. The starch granules within the floury endosperm cells are large and loosely organized in contrast to small and tightly packed granules in horny endosperm cells (Wolf et al., 1952c). Because of the thicker proteinaceous matrix, more force is required to break the cell walls of horny endosperm compared to that of floury endosperm (MacMasters, 1962). According to Schultze and MacMasters (1962), endosperm breakage occurs across cell walls, not between the walls of adjacent cells. Therefore the horny endosperm is more resistant to stress cracking. This explains the narrowing of crack front as the crack approached the kernel periphery as reported by Balastreire et al. (1982), and substantiated in the latter sections of this paper. The aleurone layer, the outermost layer of the endosperm, is even stronger than the horny endosperm. The aleurone layer contains no intercellular spaces and it contains protein and oil but no starch (Wolf et al., 1952c). This layer provides added resistance to the propagation of stress cracks. Hence most cracks do not advance through the aleurone layer and therefore cannot be seen at the surface of the endosperm as reported in the following sections. The germ or embryo, embedded in the endosperm tissue, consists of oil and protein and very little starch. Though the outer portion of the germ, the scutellum, is in close contact with the endosperm, it is separate and discontinuous from the endosperm (Wolf et al., 1952a; MacMasters, 1962). Also, over the upper half of the germ, a thin hyaline band of non-cellular material occupies space between scutellum and endosperm (Wolf et al., 1952c). This structural discontinuity probably prevents the propagation of stress cracks in the germ region of the kernel. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Sample Preparation Corn samples were prepared to examine the kernel stress cracks using a scanning electron microscope. Four corn genotypes (FR4A x FR4C) x Mol7, Mol7 x H100, FRB73, x Mol7, and B73 x FR16 were used. They were grown on the University of Illinois Agricultural Engineering Research Farm, hand picked, hand shelled, and dried with 60 °C air from an initial moisture content of about 25.0% to about 14.0% final moisture. Additional moisture loss of about 2 to 3% was observed when the kernels were allowed to cool overnight at room temperature. The kernels were free of stress cracks at the beginning of the drying process; but the stress cracks developed during drying and shortly after. Test weight and moisture content of the corn samples were determined using a quart cup and a Dickey-John moisture meter respectively. Two hundred kernels of each genotype were randomly selected and examined for stress cracks. The kernels were grouped into none, single, double and multiple stress-cracked categories (Fig. 2). Table 1 summarizes the test weight, moisture and percentage stress cracks in the corn samples used. Since the stress cracks are internal fissures in the endosperm, following techniques were used for easy examination with the scanning electron microscope. The kernels were drawn at random for all the tests. Initially the kernels were soaked in water at room temperature for 2 to 3 min to aid in peeling off the pericap. After pericap removal, the kernels were quickly surface blotted and allowed to dry to original moisture content. Soaking the kernels in water for a brief period of time did not cause the stress cracks to develop further. The SEM picture of the crack as it appeared under the pericarp is shown in Fig. 3. To study the stress crack characteristics inside the kernel, selected kernels were cut perpendicular to the longitudinal axis at about 5 mm from the kernel tip cap (Fig. 4). A belt sander with fine sand paper at low speed was used for this to avoid inducing any artificial flaws in TABLE 1. MOISTURE CONTENT, TEST WEIGHT AND STRESS CRACK DATA FOR FOUR CORN GENOTYPES Corn genotype (FR4AxFR4C)xMol7 FRB73xMol7 B73xFR16 Mol7xH100 1670 Moisture content, Test weight, kg/m3 % w.b. 10.8 11.1 12.2 11.3 782.5 776.1 794.1 745.2 Single 21 20 38 35 Stress cracks,% Double Multiple 13 13 19 14 59 51 40 22 Total 93 84 97 71 TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE Fig. 3—Scanning electron microscope photograph with the pericarp removed showing stress crack at the surface just beneath the pericarp. Fig. 4—Kernels that have the crown removed by sanding to study internal characteristics of stress cracks. the kernel. Although it appeared that sanding did not alter stress crack characteristics, the internal structure of starch granules was greatly disturbed (Figs. 5 and 6). To observe stress cracks while retaining the original structure of the endosperm, samples were obtained by splitting the kernels manually across the longitudinal axis with a sharp razor blade. Kernels that split with relatively even faces were used in the experiments. The SEM pictures taken with this type of kernel sample are presented in Figs. 7 and 8. Scanning Electron Microscopy The kernel samples were glued onto aluminum stubs covered with a coat of silver conducting paint at the point of attachment to facilitate easy grounding of electrical charge. They were then sputter coated to about 100 nm thickness with vaporized gold:palladium (60:40) under vacuum to obtain an electrical conductive surface. A JSM JEOL-U3 model scanning electron microscope was used for viewing and photographing the samples. An accelerating potential of 15 kV was maintained for all exposures. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION An SEM picture of the stress cracked kernel surface is presented in Fig. 4. The stress crack appears to be an opening at the kernel surface under the pericap. However, in a large number of kernels it was not possible to observe the stress cracks with the SEM that were Fig. 6—Scanning electron microscope photograph of the endosperm of a kernel with its crown sanded showing the narrowing of the crack front as the crack approached the periphery (upper left) of the kernel. Vol. 28(5):September-October, 1985 Fig. 5—Scanning electron microscope photograph with the pericarp removed showing stress crack at the surface just underneath the pericarp revealing the internal starch granules. observable visually. This suggests that stress cracks are strictly an internal flaw, some of which do not extend far enough to open up at the pericarp. This also implies that the cracks initiate inside of the kernels and propagate toward the periphary. Balastreire et al. (1982) made a similar observation. When the cracks reach the surface, it is possible with high magnification to see the internal starch granules, Fig. 5. This further substantiates the idea that the stress cracks originate at the inner core of the endosperm. The strands of material on the surface of the kernel in Fig. 5 are parts of pericarp adhering to the endosperm. Stress crack characteristics were more easily observed in the SEM pictures of the sanded kernels. Fig. 6 shows the crack front narrowing toward the surface as the crack propagates to the otuside. It is also clear from this picture that the stress cracks may not extend to the outer periphery of the kernel surface, presumably due to greater resistance offered by the aleurone layer and the outer layers of endosperm. The variations in crack width in the interior part of the kernel could be caused by differences in the hydrostatic expansion (or contraction) coefficient of the floury endosperm as compared to the horny endosperm. The stress crack in Fig. 7 can be observed as being surrounded by numerous tiny starch granules. This SEM picture of a split kernel surface indicates that a stress crack propagates across the cell walls, but along the boundary of starch granules. Here the crack is seen to branch off indicating the possibility of stress cracking in a totally unpredictable manner. Also, several minor Fig. 7—Scanning electron microscope photograph of the split surface of kernel endosperm showing the stress crack being surrounded by starch granules. Fig. 8—Magnified view of the region marked by the arrow in Fig. 7 to show how the stress crack propagates along the boundary of starch granules. 1671 TABLE 2. STRESS CRACK WIDTHS FOR FIVE KERNELS OF EACH CORN GENOTYPE Corn genotype (FR4AxFR4C)xMol7 FRB73xMol7 B73xFR16 Mol7xH100 1 2 50 45 40 35 66 49 44 47 Stress crack width, /dm Kernel Average Standard deviation 5 3 4 74 53 51 54 70 58 55 59 75 95 60 75 Overall 67 60 50 54 57.75 10.15 20.15 8.09 14.80 13.5 flaws were observed within the kernel endosperm under the scanning electron microscope. It is possible that these minature internal flaws grow in size and propagate with increase in thermal and moisture stresses and are eventually recognized as stress cracks. Fig. 8 is a magnified view of the region marked by an arrow in Fig. 7. This clearly shows how stress cracks propagate along the boundary of starch granules. Table 2 summarizes the average stress crack dimensions in the four different corn gentoypes studied. The width of stress cracks was measured at the widest part of the crack and averaged for five kernels. The average crack width varied from 50 to 67 jwm. The average crack width for all the samples was 58 /urn. The individual measurements ranged from 35 jum to 90 pan. Even greater variability in crack dimensions is possible due to individual kernel differences. Therefore, the values obtained in this investigation are only an indication of the size of a typical stress crack. Analysis of variance statistics indicated that the stress crack dimensions are independent of the kernel gentoype at 95 percent level of significance. And there was no correlation (r = 0.12) between the crack width and the percentage of stress cracks in the samples. Since the cracks originate at the center of the kernel and propagate radially outward, average depth of the cracks was estimated to be one half of the kernel thickness which would be 1.9 to 2.4 mm for the corn samples considered in this investigation. CONCLUSIONS 1. Stress cracks are internal fissures in the kernel endosperm which may not be open at the surface underneath the pericarp. 2. The stress cracks originate at the center of the floury endosperm and propagate radially outward, toward the kernel periphery along the boundary of starch granules. 3. A typical corn kernel stress crack has a maximum width of about 5 8 + 1 4 jLtm. 4. For the four corn genotypes tested, stress crack dimensions were independent of kernel genotype and the percentage of stress-cracked kernels in the sample. References 1. Balastreire, L. A., F. L. Herum and J. L. Blaisdell. 1982. Fracture of corn endosperm in bending. Part II: Fracture analysis by fractography and optical microscopy. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 25(4): 1062-1065. 1672 2. Brooker, D. B., F. W. Bakker-Arkema and C. W. Hall. 1974. Drying cereal grains. The AVI Publishing Co., Westport, CT. pp 1-5. 3. Chowdhury, M. H. and G. L. Kline. 1978a. Internal and external damage to corn kernels from the combine cylinder. ASAE Paper MC-78-101, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085. 4. Chowdhury, M. H. and G. L. Kline. 1978b. Stress cracks in corn kernels from compression loading. ASAE Paper No. 78-3541, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085. 5. Ekstrom, G. A., J. B. Liljedahl and R. M. Peart. 1966. Thermal expansion and tensile properties of corn kernels and their relationship to cracking during drying. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 9(4):556-561. 6. Emam, A., M. R. Okos, G. H. Foster and M. Fortes. 1979. Effect of tempering time on quality of dried corn. ASAE Paper No. 79-3532, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085. 7. Freeman, J. E. 1972. Damage factors which affect the value of corn for wet milling. Corn and Soybeans Grain Damage Symposium. The Ohio State Univ., Columbus, April 5-7, 1972. p. 49-52. 8. Gustafson, R. J., D. R. Thompson and S. Sokhansanj. 1979. Temperature and stress analysis of corn kernel-finite element analysis. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 22(4):955-960. 9. Gustafson, R. J., A. Y. Mahmoud and G. E. Hall. 1982. Breakage susceptibility reduction by short term tempering of corn. ASAE Paper No. 82-3514, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085. 10. Hammerle, J. R. 1972. Theoretical analysis of failure in a viscoelastaic slab subjected to temperature and moisture gradients. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 15(5):960-965. 11. Kunze, O. R. and M. S. U. Choudhury. 1972. Moisture adsorption related to the tensile strength of rice. Cereal Chemistry 49(6):684-696. 12. Litchfield, J. B., M. R. Okos, and M. Fortes. 1982. Design of corn drying systems to minimize kernel stress. ASAE Paper No. 82-3552, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085. 13. MacMasters, M. M. 1962. Important aspects of kernel structure. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 5(2):247-249. 14. Paulsen, M. R. and L. D. Hill. 1977. Corn breakage susceptibility in overseas shipments — two case studies. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 20(3):550-557. 15. Roberts, H. J. 1972. Corn damage and its effect on dry milling. Corn and soybean grain damage symposium, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, April 5-7, 1972. 16. Ross, I. J., and G. M. White. 1972. Discoloration and stress cracking of white corn as affected by overdrying. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 15(2):327-329. 17. Sharma, A. D., H. D. Tolley and O. R. Kunze. 1979. A two component drying model related to the fissuring in rough rice. ASAE Paper No. 79-3550, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085. 18. Schultze, W. E. and M. M. MacMasters. 1962. Breakage of endosperm cell walls in flour milling. Cereal Chemistry 39(2):204-209. 19. Thompson, R. A. and G. H. Foster. 1963. Stress cracks and breakage in artificially dried corn. Marketing Research Bulletin No. 631, TFRD, AMS, USDA, October. 20. White, G. M. and I. J. Ross. 1972. Discoloration and stress cracking in white corn as affected by drying temperature and cooling rate. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 15(3):504-507. 21. White, G. M., I. J. Ross and C. G. Poneleit. 1980. Influence of drying parameters on the expansion volume of popcorn. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 25(5):1272-1276. 22. White, G. M., I. J. Ross and C. G. Poneleit. 1982. Stress crack development in popcorn as influenced by drying and rehydration process. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE 25(3):768-773. 23. Wolf, M. J., C. L. Buzan, M. M. MacMasters and C. E. Rist. 1952a. Structure of the mature corn kernel. I. Gross anatomy and structural relationships. Cereal Chemistry 29(5):321-333. 24. Wolf, M. J., C. L. Buzan, M. M. MacMasters and C. E. Rist. 1952b. Structure of the mature corn kernel. II. Microscopic structure of pericarp, seed coat, and hilar layer of dent corn. Cereal Chemistry 29(5):334-348. 25. Wolf, M. J., C. L. Buzan, M. M. MacMasters and C. E. Rist. 1952c. Structure of the mature corn kernel. III. Microscopic Structure of the endosperm of dent corn. Cereal Chemistry 29(5):349-361. 26. Wolf, M. J., C. L. Buzan, M. M. MacMasters and C. E. Rist. 1952d. Structure of the mature corn kernel. IV. Microscopic structure of the germ of dent corn. Cereal Chemistry 29(5):362-382. TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE