Week 4 The Use of the Internet and Web Content Dept. of English Education C. H. Lee 1 / 20 / 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web 1. The Internet 1) What is the Internet? ① A global network of networks, based on the Internet Protocol (IP) (* Protocol: A strict set of rules that govern the exchange of information between computer devices.) ② Any network can join the Internet (research, academic, community & commercial networks). * It is often used as a term to describe the Web 2) What the Internet Offers. ① Communications: Across the campus or across the world ② Information resources: On a huge scale/A wide range of subjects/Many formats ③ Publishing: The ability to publish 2 / 20 / 14 1 The Use of the Internet and the Web 3) Electronic mail (E-mail) ① Messages sent between computers -Requires software, e.g., webmail, hotmail, hanmail, gmail, etc. -E-mail address: For example, chlee04@hufs.ac.kr - Free e-mail web sites: www.hanmail.net, www.hotmail.com, www.gmail.com, etc. 3 / 20 / 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web 4) Mailing Lists ① Group communication facility - One message sent to many members - Subject based - Automated distribution systems: Mailbase & Listserve - Many uses: Discussion, disseminating information, surveys & questionnaires, locating colleagues & electronic meetings - Directory for Mailing Lists: www.liszt.com, www.reference.com, www.classroom.net, http://www.lsoft.com/scripts/wl.exe?SL1=TESLL&H=LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU, etc. For example, one of the useful mailing lists for language teaching and learning is TESL-L: LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU 4 / 20 / 14 2 The Use of the Internet and the Web ② To join: TESL-L (Teachers of English as a Second Language List TESLCA-L Computer-Assisted Learning branch of TESL-L Once you have an e-mail ID, you can join TESL-L by doing the following. To subscribe, send mail to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.CUNY.EDU with the command (paste it!): SUBSCRIBE TESL-L 5 / 20 / 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web • The TESL-L will reply to you with 'Subject : Welcome to TESL-L!' and a welcome message – IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTION FOR USING TESL-L. • The welcome message also includes: 1) information on all of the special interest branches, such as TESLCA-L(Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Educational Technology), TESP-L(English for Specific Purposes), etc. and on how to join them; 2) how to set yourself to receive no TESL-L mail temporarily; 3) how to leave TESL-L permanently, etc. All members of TESL-L can join any or all of the special interest branches in the same way as ① and ② above. 6 / 20 / 14 3 The Use of the Internet and the Web 5) Blog A blog (Web log) is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blog#Origins). -Before blogging became popular, digital communities took many forms, including Usenet, commercial online services such as CompuServe, and Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). - The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. ● Cyworld (Hangul: 싸이월드) is a South Korean web community site. ● UCC or UGC refers to various kinds of media content, publicly available, that are produced by end-users. ● Twitter (http://twitter.com/): Social networking in USA ● Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/): Global social networking 7 / 20 / 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web 6) Information Resources ① Many subjects and formats available: Documents, Graphics, video & audio, Software (free & shareware), Newspapers, Directories, Library catalogues & databases, Books & journals, etc. ② Examples of resources for English Language Teaching and Learning on the Internet www.wida.co.uk (WIDA Homepage) www.keris.or.kr (Korea Education & Research Information Service) www.edunet4u.net (for elementary & secondary school) www.sttc.or.kr (Seoul Education Training Institute) www.ericsp.org (The Educational Resources Information Center: Teaching and Teacher Education) www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/links/TESL/CALL/ (Online journal) www.ericae.net (The Educational Resources Information Center: Assessment and Evaluation) www.ike.co.kr , www.eltkorea.com etc. (for English teaching & learning) www.cnn.com, www.bbc.co.uk, www.radio.cbc.ca, www.fox.com, etc. (TV & radio broadcast in U.S) 8 / 20 / 14 4 The Use of the Internet and the Web www.pbs.org/newshour (Live news hours & scripts) www.newslink.org/news.html (searching for TV, radio, newspaper, magazines in the world), www.chosun.com , www.donga.com , www.hani.co.kr etc. (Korean Newspapers) www.nytimes.com, www.usatoday.com, www.washingtonpost.com, etc.(American Newspapers) www.readersdigest.com, www.cosmopolitan.com , etc. (Magazines) www.historychannel.com/speeches (collection of speeches) www.movietunes.com (Movie scenes & music) www.cal.org/chat (talking with ESL/EFL experts) www.amazon.com (Cyber bookstore) www.peak.org/~jeremy/dictionary/dict.html (The differences between American & British English) www.AOL.com (Online chatting) http://schmooze.hunter.cuny.edu:8888 [ESL MOO(MultiUser Dimension, Objected-Oriented)] http://lucien.berkeley.edu/moo.html (The Lost Library of MOO: MUD/MOO client programs and research papers on MOOs, http://www.youtube.com/ (Broadcast yourself), etc. 9 / 20 / 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web 2. The WorldWideWeb(Web) 1) What is the WorldWideWeb(WWW or the Web)? *Web2, Web 3 Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. ① Distributed multimedia hypertext system Distributed: The information held on the World Wide Web can be located on computer systems from around the world. Multimedia: The information held on the World Wide Web can be text, graphics, sound and video. Hypertext: The information held on the World Wide Web can be accessed using a simple hypertext interface, often using a mouse to retrieve information. 10 / 20/ 14 5 The Use of the Internet and the Web ② Client/Server Architecture WWW is based on a client/server architecture. Request made using http Give me file X Desktop Client Here it is Your desktop computer Remote Server A computer elsewhere on the Internet holding information 11 / 20/ 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web ③ The Web was initially developed a CERN, the European Particle Physics Research Laboratories based in Geneva, Switzerland. It is now widely used within universities for teaching, research and administrative purposes, as well as for commercial use and entertainment. ④ Provides access to Internet resources, as well as Web resources. ⑤ Clients known as browsers - Explorer, Google, etc. 12 / 20/ 14 6 The Use of the Internet and the Web 2) Locating Internet Resources Uniform Resource Locator (URL): Standard address format for Internet resources URL indicates: Method of access & Location For example: http://www.hufs .ac.kr 3) Terminology ① HTML - HyperText Markup Language (Native language for documents on the Web ② HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol (Set of rules for communication between client & server) ③ URL - Uniform Resource Locator (Address of an object on the Internet) 13 / 20/ 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web 4) Uses of the Web: Research & teaching ① Sources of research material and funding are available for researchers, administrators & students. ② WWW is used widely for teaching. 5) Searching for Information Subject catalogues and sophisticated search engines can help you find information using the Web. - For example; google (www.google.com) Altavista: www.altavista.com Excite: www.excite.com Empas: www.empas.com Yahoo: (www.yahoo.com, .kr.yahoo.com ) Lycos: www.lycos.com Naver: www.naver.com etc. 14 / 20/ 14 7 The Use of the Internet and the Web 6) Using the Web What can you do with it? ① Make information available: Administrative/Information about courses/Information about yourself/Web CVs/Timetables, etc. ② Teaching: Project work presentations/Personal data/Key-pal exchanges/Find information/ On-line databases/Net search ③ Deliver teaching material: In printed form/In computer-based interactive form ④ Get feedback from users: Email/Questionnaires ⑤ Find resources: For teaching/For language/For writing Web Pages 15 / 20/ 14 ⑥ Advantages - Can reach a wide audience. - Writing for the Web can be cheap, free and easy - What is written for the Web can be portable. - Educational as well as pedagogical benefits ⑦ Disadvantages - Can be slow. - Access time can be expensive. - Lack of security - Some things are difficult or expensive on the net. - Your work is on-display to the world (Adv. or Disadv?). 16 / 20/ 14 8 The Use of the Internet and the Web 7) Using E-mail in FLT/L It offers students lots of benefits in a variety of ways: It can provide interesting and authentic activities for developing and reinforcing writing skills, particularly free or creative writing, since they can exchange some written work, not just trivial everyday information, but thoughts, ideas and opinions on all kinds of subjects in the target language (Goodwin et al. 1993, Kornum 1993, Markee 1994). It is also used as a means of instructional delivery in and out of the language classroom and across the world, though it is often used for interpersonal communication between people (Goodwin et al. 1993). 17 / 20/ 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web There are a number of activities using e-mail and wordprocessors which can help develop the writing skills. First, for example, one of the most obvious benefits in the use of e-mail is to increase one to one interaction between the teacher and the learner in the target language, i.e., individualized tutorials (Goodwin et al. 1993). Goodwin et al. (1993) shows an activity available as follows: students are asked to read an article, write a one-paragraph summary of the content, and respond with their opinions in another paragraph; They focus on reading, summarizing, analyzing, and responding to the texts; The teacher checks their responses for linguistic and stylistic problems as well as overall organization, and give them feedback. 18 / 20/ 14 9 The Use of the Internet and the Web Thus, this activity will be very helpful for students in developing specific academic writing, focusing on the content area of writing. Second, the students also have an opportunity to meet each other and other teachers across the world (Goodwin et al. 1993). They have the chance to ask questions about their interests, e.g., the program of the university, weather, food, accommodation, etc. Since they ask about different cultural aspects of their country, this eases their adjustment to the new culture, language and customs (Goodwin et al. 1993). E-mail can help them to communicate in written English. Stevens (1992) stated that to exchange some information can also be to communicative. Thus, the use of e-mail can be called communicative writing. 19 / 20/ 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web 3. Searching and Using ELT/L Materials in the Internet 1) Text www.flep.co.kr (Education Consulting) www.readersdigest.com, www.cosmopolitan.com , etc. (Magazines) 2) Pictures, Sound, Moving pictures www.richmedia.lycos.com www.msdn.microsft.com/downloads www.pedagonet.com/clipart , www.clipartworld.com , etc. 3) Capturing and Editing Pictures Snagit, Photoshop, Corel Draw, etc. 20 / 20/ 14 10 The Use of the Internet and the Web 4) Reading Texts www.shadisoft.com 5) Editing Sound www.goldwave.com , www.winamp.com , etc. 6) E-dictionary http://kr.dir.yahoo.com/Reference/Dictionaries/, http://dic.naver.com, www.impact.pe.kr/dic www.wordcentral.com , www.encyclopedia.com , http://www.wikipedia.org/, etc. 21 / 20/ 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web 7) A Shareware site for ELT/L www.softSeek.com Reading - Extracting main ideas, inferring, guessing, skimming and scanning: Storyboard & Pinpoint (www.wida.co.uk) etc. - Speed reading: Letter Chase (Letterchase.com, http://www.letterchase.com) Rocket Reader (Rocket Reader, http://www.rocketreader.com), Freader (Readingsoft.com, http://readingsoft.com) … etc. Writing, listening, and Speaking: see MALL, chapter 3 & 10. 22 / 20/ 14 11 The Use of the Internet and the Web 4. Tasks 1) Search and download text (1-2), pictures (2-3), sounds (1-2), and moving picture (1) for ELT and save them on your computer. 2) Search a couple of useful websites for ELT/L and describe their distinctive features. 3) Subscribe TESL-L or TESLCA-L, send one or two questions, a nd share some replies with your classmates. 23 / 20/ 14 The Use of the Internet and the Web Skills for using the internet? (1) Searching Searching effectively It all depends http://www.naver.com http://www.daum.co.kr http://www.google.co.kr http://www.googlefight.com/ 24 / 20/ 14 12