- Asia Pacific - Indian Journal of Research and Practice

Asia Pacific Journal of Research
Vol: I. Issue XXV, March 2015
ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793
Multisite Study in Junior High School of Klaten Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, 2015
Ahmad Muhibbin (University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta),Willem Mantja (State University of Malang),
Imron Arifin (State University of Malang), Kusmintardjo (University of Malang)
The study concerns with the process of interpersonal communication performed by the Javanese
school principal. Three aims of the study are finding 1) the process of sending a message, the process of
receiving, and the process of giving feedback. This study used a qualitative approach with multisite design.
The results are as follows: 1) the principal sent a message by means of: initiating a conversation with a smile
and apologized cues, using family greeting, nguwongke, friendly, polite, empathetic, familial, sympathetic,
sumeh, andhap asor, tidak emban cindhe emban siladan, luwes, empan papan, semrambah, and blater. 2) the
principal receives a message by: nguwongke, ngrungokke, nggatekake, ngulatke, nyetitekake, ngajeni, njogo
prajaning liyan, by way of approaching, stare, smile, friendly, kemraket, and 3) the principal gives feedback
by: memilah dan memilih kata yang tepat, rumaket, empan papan, halus, menyentuh hati. ramah, santun, empati,
sumeh, andhap asor, tidak emban cindhe emban siladan, bahasa jawa halus, luwes, semrambah, lembah manah,
memanfaatkan unen-unen jawa, tembang mocopat and to take the story of the puppet characters to draw
attention and reinforce the message content.
Keywords: interpersonal communication process; message content; the school principal; the value of
Javanese culture
Background and purpose
School principal is a teacher (functional position) which is stated to sit on the structural position
(principal) of school. School principal can be defined as a functional staff teacher who is given a duty to
lead a school (Rahman, 2006:106). According to Permendiknas No.13.2007, a school principal must
acquire personality, managerial, entrepreneurship, supervision, and social competency. Nurcholis
(2003:11) stated that school principal has the following functions: 1) evaluator, 2) manager, 3)
administrator, 4) supervisor, 5) leader, 6) innovator, and 7) motivator. School principal is not merely
demanded to perform duties within the school, but also he must be able to build relationship or work
together with the society in order to optimally maintain students’ personality.
The success of school principal in communicating interpersonally using Javanese cultural values as
the basic needs to build a solid teamwork. Sergiovanni (1987) mentioned that there is no student who
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Asia Pacific Journal of Research
Vol: I. Issue XXV, March 2015
ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793
unable to be educated, what presence is teacher who unsuccessfully taught. There is no teacher who
unsuccessfully taught, what presence is school principal who unable to make teacher successfully taught.
Javanese cultural values have a high struggling power, able to guide society so that harmoniously
and balance coexistence. Noble values contained in Javanese traditional expressions are suitable to be
reappointed as the fundamental of social life to build civil society. This step is an effort to maintain culture
which leads to the step of mamasu malaning bumi, memayu hayuning bawana (Nurhayati, 2011:123). In
this global era, world civilization as if to be narrow, even it can integrate. The factual impact of this
civilization is the marginalization of local culture just like Javanese culture.
A society’s culture reflects modesty values and manners, faith system, attitude and behavior,
society system, form of ritual and artifact as the product of culture that will be realized in way of speaking
and behaving (Spencer, 2001:4). Koentjaraningrat (1985:5) mirrors culture in several aspect, they are:
idea, thought, value, norm, activity, attitude, and human work. Javanese culture product, especially the
verbal one, has huge amount of type variety. Javanese expressions have peculiarity of value and norm that
can be used as individual identity of Javanese people (Sarjana & Kuswa, 2010:61).
The principals of junior high school at Klaten that live in javanese culture are varied at a way of
communication. Some are formal bureaucratic and some are not. Problems arise when they use the first.
Personal communication usually will not run well when the first is applaied. Uneffective and clumsy
happen in daily communicating. However, some school principals are opposite to that cases. They can
conduct warm interpersonal communication. It can be said no conflix, no complaint. Of course it arises
questions: Why they are able to do so,what strategies they use to run well communication, how they send,
receive, and give feedback a message in interpersonal communication with Javanese cultural values basis.
Those become the main concern of the researcher doing this study.
Review of the literature
School principal in leading his subordinates must be able to give support, guidance, elucidation,
control, exemplarity, and be firm and honest, so that his subordinates willing to cooperate and efficient in
realization of intended purposed (Hasibuan, 2001: 211). School principal professionalism can be seen
from his way or effort to influence, support, guide, direct, and get moving teacher, staff, students,
students’ parents, and other parties involve to work or to have a role in order to achieve the defined
purposes (Mulyasa, 2005:9). This issue hints the importance of school principal to have ability of good
interpersonal communication. Leadership is an ability and skill of individual to take position as the leader
of a work to affect other’s attitude primarily the positive one so that he contribute real contribution in the
achievement of organization objectives (Anwar, 2003:66).
Interpersonal communication is communication between people face to face which allow each of
the participants catch other reaction directly both verbal and non verbal (Mulyana, 2004: 44).
Interpersonal communication is always connected with meeting between two, three, or maybe four people
occurs spontaneously and unstructured (Liliweri, 2007:12). Interpersonal communication aspects based on
Devito (2006: 114) are openness, empathy, support, positivity, and similarity. While Liliweri (2007:28)
explained that interpersonal communication has the following characteristics: 1) involving attitude trough
both verbal and non verbal messages; 2) involving spontaneous expression/statement, scripted and
contrived; 3) dynamic, not static; 4) involving personal feedback, message statement interaction relation
that must be correlating; 5) guided by extrinsic and intrinsic rules; 6) involving activity and action and; 7)
communication between personals involving persuasion.
Communication process is involving several terms in association of how to receive message, both
form listening or reading so that able to receive information well and encourages action involving
changing of attitude and behavior (Decker, 1989). The process contains three components: sending
message, listening, and feedback. Fussel and Kreuz (2005:1) claimed that in communication, it emerges
each interpretation actions of messages based on two psycholinguistic processes (for example diction,
sentence/language arrangement) and social interaction.
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Asia Pacific Journal of Research
Vol: I. Issue XXV, March 2015
ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793
Communication in its practice will face several obstacles causing the message unable to be
received well. Obstacles that commonly happen in communication are: 1) communication that is not
suitable with the language of the listener: 2) noise; 3) emotional factor; 4) the direction of speaking; 5)
social classes of the listeners; 6) background and values owned by the listeners (Ardiansyah, 2009:4).
Interpersonal communication of school principal is expected to be able to overcome those obstacles.
Several methods of communication summarized from some sources are as follow: 1) repetition
method; 2) canalization method; 3) informative method; 4) persuasion; 5) educative method; 6) cursive
method (Kaskus, 2010: 2-3). Interpersonal communication also can be divided into three methods, they
are: oral communication, written communication, and non verbal communication.
Leader must maintain cohesive social integrity via high group spirit and team’s spirit. Leader has
to understand his worker individual needs, selection and appropriateness of words and language (Magnus,
2009: 3). A leader who wants to enlarge his control function needs to increase communication core skill
so that it will be more efficient in more complex organization situation.
Effective communication in workplace is a significant issue in every work environment. Manager
nowadays have to increase the quality of interpersonal communication, think critically, and solve problem,
not merely completing routine tasks (Un ange, 2008: 3 - 4). Thus, if communication is ineffective the
purpose of organization will be defeated by individualistic and personal goal (Magnus, 2009: 3). One way
communication is faster and simpler for the sender because it no deal with possible question and conflict
with the receiver (Deepa Sethi & Manisha Seth, 2009: 37). Effective interpersonal communication in the
management of education is very defining the success of each planned program. Aspects that affect the
effectiveness of communication between personal are: 1) openness; 2) empathy; 3) support; 4) positivity;
and 5) similarity (Umar, 2003:22).
Javanese culture is a way of living develops and is owned together by Javanese people and it is
inherited from generation to generation. Javanese culture is a holistic lifestyle, complex, abstract, and
wide. Many aspects of Javanese culture contribute to define the communication attitude. These Javanese
socio-culture elements are widely spread and covering many human social activities (Ridwan, 2008:1-2).
Culture is a device of values that are polarized by an image contains the views over its own privileges.
Those culture images that are coercive supply its members with guidance of appropriate attitude, noble to
get sense of dignity and affinity with their lives (Vatoni, 2011: 1-2).
Spitzberg and Cupach (1984:100) stated that the concept of relational competency as the functional
objective correlates to the communication which is fulfilled via interpersonal context. Suparlan (1996: 1112) stated that as the guidance of life, culture tends to be enforced to stay static, because human cannot
live in a continuously changing circumstance. Cultural changes occur by the existence of new creation of
technology and innovation or also by numerous discoveries.
The existence as the subsystem of social life lies the institution of life as the part of social system
then it must be sensitive toward social needs and demands surrounding. School is expected to run its
function by educates the nation optimally and secure itself from the bad influence of the surrounding
environment (Hadjam & Widhiarso, 2003: 3). Teachers are free to receive and integrate society values and
hopes within themselves. The power of society’s bonding cultural is more to be guidance in forming
teacher’s identity in the middle of society (Nongo, 2011: 2). If intellectual is separated from spiritual and
emotional then it will provide anarchy. It is danger an intellect individual, who understand the rules/law
but his moral is corrupt.
A. Research design and methodology
This research is using qualitative approach, it is because it related to the qualitative data which are
in form of words, sentence, attitude, and behavior in the interpersonal communication of school principal.
This research has several characteristics as any other qualitative researchers, they are: 1) it is performed in
natural condition and the researcher is as the key instrument; 2) it is descriptive; 3) emphasis on the
process rather than on the product or outcome; 4) conducting data analysis inductively; 5) emphasis on
meaning (Sugiyono, 2007:13-14). This research is emphasis on the understanding and meaning, it is
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Asia Pacific Journal of Research
Vol: I. Issue XXV, March 2015
ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793
closely in relation to some values, emphasis on process rather on measurement, describes, interpreters,
gives meaning, and not merely on the explanation, utilizes the multi-method within the research.
This research is using multisite plan which covers three different sites or places and has almost the
same characteristics, they are Public Junior High School I of Juwiring, Public Junior High School I of
Pedan, Public Junior High School of Cawas in Klaten regency. Those three sites have the same status
(Public), and those three sites are schools with the best quality in the area of its sub-regency. Those three
sites are in the same Regency which is Klaten regency with socio-culturally located between two palace
which are Solo and Yogyakarta.
The research acts as the key instrument as mentioned by Bogdan and Biklen (1998); Guba and
Lincoln (1981), and Patton (1980). The researcher as the key instrument is as the reason that directly he
can adapt to respond interactions happen within the subjects, so that he can maintain the wholeness,
develop basic knowledge, processing information immediately, and able to utilize to observe special
responds as it was stated by Guba and Lincoln (1981). The researcher’s presence as the main instrument
sometime is faced to psychological issues. Thus, the researcher needs to pay attention on the ethical
principles of research.
The data sources are the school principals, the school vice principals, teachers, administration
staffs, school committee of Public Junior High School I of Juwiring, Public Junior High School I of
Pedan, Public Junior High School of Cawas in Klaten regency. Data in this research is qualitative data in
form of words and/or sentence of interview result, observation, analysis result, and documentations
support this research. The selection of informant is conducted purposively which is based on the meaning
and research purpose. Purposive is conducted based on the consideration of informants’ ability to give
information which is needed in this research, they are: school principal, school vice principal, teacher,
administration staffs, and stakeholders.
This multisite research is using induction analysis method which is modified (modified analytic
induction) in appropriate to the focus of the research. This research is using inductive analysis, in
collateral to what have been stated by Bogdan and Biklen (1998). Site study is intended to answer “how”
and “why” questions (Salim, 2001). The benefit of this site study is extremely allowing researcher to
maintain the holistic character and meaningful from the real life that is being observed (Yin, 1984).
There are two data analysis used in this research, they are (1) data analysis within the site, and (2)
inter-site data analysis. Sites analysis is a good device to carefully look back impressions, and for the
forming of temporary explanatory and descriptive generalization. Interaction reciprocal flow of peers
helps the event of honesty of field researchers, although they still must be careful so that they will not be
trapped in the making of generalization untimely the next data collection to complete analysis steps (Miles
and Huberman, 2007: 128). Data analysis consists of test, categorization, tabulation, recombines empirical
evidences to make initial propositions of a research (Yin, 1984).
Data analysis on each research site is a formulation of research finding. From this research finding,
next is continued with proposition formulation lied in the last part of explanation and conclusion of data of
each site. Based on this data and proposition conclusions it is made diagram describe theory found in each
sites. Analysis of the site is using interactive model analysis from Miles and Huberman.
Inter-site data analysis is as the process of findings comparison acquired in each site. Inter-sites
data analysis is started by finishing the first site analysis using induction-conceptualistic approach. Then,
the researcher continues on the next site. After conducting study and analysis of the second, the findings
acquired are compared and fused with the result of the first site.
From the result of the comparison and fusion of the first and second sites the researcher continues
the study on the last site. After finishing study and analysis of the third site, findings obtained are
compared and fused with the findings of the first and the second sites. From the result of those findings
comparison and fusion it is obtained inter-site conceptual statement. These findings are the substantive
theory as the research’s last finding.
Data validity is an important thing and research because it guarantees reliability of the data in
solving problem that is being researched. In qualitative research, researcher is the primary instrument.
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Asia Pacific Journal of Research
Vol: I. Issue XXV, March 2015
ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793
Thus, the validity and reliability tests are conducted via credibility checking and data audit (Lincoln &
Guba, 1981). In qualitative research, data validity criteria is conducted by four criteria checking/testing
which are credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability level (Ulfatin, 2013:270).
In the checking the validity of the research, which is by data credibility checking is performed
using triangulation technique, member checking, and discussion with peers. Triangulation used includes
data collection technique triangulation and data source triangulation. Data collection triangulation is
performed by comparing data or information collected using other techniques. As for data source
triangulation, it is conducted by asking the truth of certain data or information acquired from an informant
to the other informant. For example, data about school’s programs acquired by interview with school
principal is compared to with data of teacher and student interviews.
Findings and discussion
School principal in sending messages in school principal interpersonal communication using Javanese
cultural value as the basis is by: (a) start conversation with sign of smile and apologize, (b) using family
address to touch the receiver’s feeling, (c) nguwongake (attitude of appreciating other’s existence), (d)
friendly, (e) polite, (f) empathetic, (g) familial, (h) sympathetic, (i) sumeh (smily), (j) andhap asor (turn
down the self ego), (k) not emban cindhe emban siladan (not picky), luwes, (1) empan papan (smart in
place self in acting, speaking, and behaving), (m) semrambah, (down himself to get lot friend), (n) blater
(good at commune, communicate) using unen-unen/Javanese expression, mocopat songs, wayang
character, values upheld, (p) taren (consultative toward parties that considered as a senior), (q) addressing
people politely, (r) sanepan (figurative language), (s) pasemon (satire language), (t) giving order politely
using nyuwun tulung expression (asking for help ), (u) nuwun sewu (asking for permission), (v)
combination of Javanese language nicely.
School principal receive message in the process of school principal’s interpersonal communication using
Javanese cultural values as the basis by: (a) ngrungoake (willing to listen by respect), (b), nggatekake
(paying attention by respect), (c) ngulatke (face to face by heart closeness), (d) nyetitekake (pay attention
to be able to do), (d) ngajeni (respecting other),(f) njogo prajaning liyan (take care other’s pride) by
approaching, smile, friendly, kemraket (enclosing heart in communication), (h) not adigang adigung
adiguno sapa sira sapa ingsun (not overbearing and arrogant), (i) not emban cindhe emban siladan (not
discriminate between people and favoritism), (j) lembah manah (noble).
School principal gives feedback in the process of school principal’s interpersonal communication
using Javanese cultural values as the basis by: (a) select and match the appropriate words, (b) rumaket (get
closer), (c) empan papan (able to put himself properly in acting, speaking, and behaving), (d) smooth, (e)
heart touching, (f) friendly, (g) noble, (h) empathy, (i) sumeh (smily), (j) andhap ansor, not emban cindhe
emban siladan, (k) delicate Javanese language, luwes,(m) semrambah, (o) lembah manah (noble), (p)
using Javanese unen-unen/expression , (p) quotation of tembang mocopat. (q) School principal often gives
illustration by taking story of wayang characters to attract attention and clarify the message.
Study about interpersonal communication is the basic of every relationship studies (Barnes, 2001:
148). Mohr and Nevin (2001: 168) stated that communication is an “adhesive” that holds relation
together. Adherson gives definition of communication as human act to transfer message to other so that it
can be understood using understandable ways. While Duncan and Moriarty (1998:3) stated that it is
impossible to have strong relationship without the presence of communication. Because of that
communication is human activity that connects people and creates relation.
Process of sending messages using Javanese cultural values as the basis is a message sending
through words and signs. Smile, friendly, sumeh, andhap asor, lembah manah in this research support
theory of persuasion context, theory of persuasion in the interpersonal context, and theory of persuasion in
the mass context, from Muzafer, Carolyn, and Hovland (2001). Theory of persuasion context stated that
there are two kinds of messages, verbal and non-verbal. Examples of non verbal communication are facial
expression, posture, gesture, pitch of voice, touching, distance and systematic, time use. Theory of
persuasion in the interpersonal context stated that when in this context, one person tries to push changing
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Asia Pacific Journal of Research
Vol: I. Issue XXV, March 2015
ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793
on faith, attitude, or behavior of other. Theory of persuasion in the mass context explained that in this
context and individual tries to push changing in faith, attitude, or behavior of group of people.
Usage of mannered, tender language, ora ngasorake liyan, apologize, and expression of thank
while sending, receiving, and feedback of message in this research support the result of Richards’s
research (1985:222) stated that language manner is the usage of language which shows social distance
between speakers and their roles relation within society. Besides that, there is also statement in this
research support statement of Wijaya (1997:7) explained that there is things need to be considered in
interpersonal communication is a conversation, speaker and receiver able to communicate smoothly
because they have the same background of knowledge toward what is exchanged. Between them there is
some kind of “shared agreement” which is in form of unwritten contract that matters that are being spoken
correlate each other, by obeying two main principles, they are: a) cooperative principle, and b) manner
principle. Futher. Wijaya (1997:7) stated that in sending message it is expected that the receiver with his
communicative ability able to catch expressed or signed meaning. That’s way in the interpersonal
communication process needs what is stated by Grice (1975) which is the principle of expression
Andhap asor, luwe, semrambah, and lembah manah attitudes in this research supports statement of
Sigmud Freud, as quoted Graham, (2005:87-88) stated that self is a reflection from his outside appearance.
He argues that identity, personality, and metal functions actually are more complex from what previously
imagined. Instincts and personality controlled and arranged is the requirement of social life.
Attitude of santun, sumeh, kemraket and nguwongke in this research is in accordance to leech
nobility level theory (1983: 194 -199) stated that the determiner of the nobility level of expressions can be
defined its level by considering the nobility scales. While Taman (1994:595) associates goal achievement
in interaction using personal control. He sees accomplishment of objective achievement in communicating
using control of environment which both of them act adaptive and collaborative. Taman also emphasis the
existence of competency signs responsibility within interact.
Respecting interlocutors in interpersonal communication displayed in attitude of nguwongke and
ngrungoake completes what has been said by Suseno (1997: 4) stated that two important basic principles
known by Javanese people in communication are as follow: first is the principle of respecting other
because his position in a society is must be respected, two is the principle of avoiding open confrontation
to maintain harmonic relationship. Further, Hartley (1999) shows that interpersonal communication
includes the following aspects: non-verbal communication, strengthen, questioning, reflecting, open and
close, explaining, listening, and self openness. While Joel (2006: 2) stated that the presence of
interpersonal communication gives openness, honesty support, and contribution in the process of decision
making in the management party hugely affect toward the education institution leaders in performing their
function and responsible.
Expertise of school principal in touching other heart using Javanese expressions and language
politeness supports Un Ange’s research (2008: 3-4) stated that manager nowadays must have qualified
skill in conducting interpersonal communication, think critically, and solving problem, not only with
ability to make jobs done. It is because with the lack of effective communication, the organization
purposes will be defeated by ego and personal intention (Magnus, 2009: 3). Bad communication can broke
relationship, so that it can impact the productivity, satisfaction, performance, moral, trust, respect, self
confidence, and even worst physical health (Un Ange, 2008: 1-2). Organization communication will be
effective if it supported by effective interpersonal communication from all the parties involved within.
Respect with the interlocutor, polite, and kemraket conducted by school principal complete the
statement of Daryono (2007: 200-263) stated that principles developed in Javanese culture are: creating
and maintain harmony, develop respect and tolerance, care toward other, and maintain conformity with the
culture’s identity. Generally, Javanese culture is habit that often performed by Javanese people, people
who are live area of Central Java and East Java with the core of culture which is oriented on the palace of
Kasunanan Surakarta and palace of Kasultanan Yogyakarta. The primary identity defines Javanese people
with other ethnics are the usage of Javanese language as the mother tongue in daily activities, both in way
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Asia Pacific Journal of Research
Vol: I. Issue XXV, March 2015
ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793
of thinking and feeling. The usage of Javanese cultural values like budi luhur (well mannered), lembah
manah (humble), tepaslira (tolerance), are the part of Javanese people’s identity. Those values are
performed as a way to implement peace and serenity, by constructing harmony attitude, respect, appreciate
and avoid conflict in interpersonal communication.
The process of school principal’s interpersonal communication using Javanese cultural values as
the basis in this research can be concluded that school principal in conducting interpersonal
communication is guided to values of Javanese culture, they are the following:
School principal in sending messages is by: start conversation with sign of smile and
apologize, using family address, nguwongake, friendly, polite, empathetic, familial,
sympathetic, sumeh, andhap asor, not emban cindhe emban siladan, luwes, empan papan,
semrambah, blater, using unen-unen/Javanese expression, mocopat songs, wayang
character, values upheld, taren toward parties that Considered as a senior.
 School principal receive message in the process of school principal’s interpersonal
communication using Javanese cultural values as the basis by: nguwongake, ngrungoake,
nggatekake, ngulatke, nyetitekake, ngajeni, njogo prajaning liyan, by approaching, smile,
friendly, kemraket. School principal is not adigang adigung adiguno sapa sira sapa ingsun,
not emban cindhe emban siladan, lembah manah.
 School principal gives feedback in the process of school principal’s interpersonal
communication using Javanese cultural values as the basis by: select and match the
appropriate words, rumaket, empan papan, smooth, heart touching, friendly, noble,
empathy, sumeh, andhap ansor, not emban cindhe emban siladan, delicate Javanese
language, luwes, semrambah, lembah manah, using Javanese unen-unen, tembang
mocopat. School principal often gives illustration by taking story of wayang characters to
attract attention and clarify the message.
The research result on the process of school principal’s interpersonal communication using the
Javanese cultural values contains theoretical implications as follows:
 School principal’s interpersonal communication using Javanese cultural values as the basis
is able to be directed to increase the rapport in school organization. It is in appropriate to
the argument of Barnes (2001:148) states that study of interpersonal communication is the
basic of all studies of relation.
 Kemraket school principal’s interpersonal communication, in sending message, receiving
messages, or giving feedback able to enclose relations of school citizens. It is suitable to
argument of Mohr and Nevin (2001:168) states that communication is “adhesive” that
holds relation together.
 The concept of rapport is a very important concept in the study of school principal’s
interpersonal communication using Javanese cultural values basis. Rapport is a set of hopes
exist in school citizens, which by that they show certain attitude and behavior in
communicating interpersonally. This is in accordance to the argument of Littlejohn which
states that rapport among individuals is always underlying interaction patterns between
participants in interpersonal communication. Thus, people that newly acquainted tend to be
more selective in using words and display more noble image, in other hand people who met
his close friend tend to be more open and spontaneous in conversation (Littlejohn, 2002:
 Language nobility and heart touch in school principal’s interpersonal communication is a
reflection of social distance among the school citizens. This is in accordance to the
statement of Richard (1985:22) stated that language nobility is a language usage which
shows the social distance between the speakers and their role relation within a society.
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Asia Pacific Journal of Research
Vol: I. Issue XXV, March 2015
ISSN: 2320-5504, E-ISSN-2347-4793
To increase the rapport between school citizens that will make the interpersonal
communication more effective. An effective communication will fix the implementation of
school principal’s performance in reaching purposes of school organization. School
organization development contains implication of requirement increase will fix the process
of interpersonal communication. This is suitable with the argument of Master stated that
communication must such dept so that it will give opportunity for respondent or message
receiver to make decision in connection with the perceived message.
Practical implication from the research about the communication process of school
principal using Javanese cultural values which contains sending message, receiving
messages, and feedback message have an impact on the interpersonal relationship increase.
Closeness interpersonal relation reflects acceptability of school community toward school
principal leadership so that it can be used to smooth school principals duties.
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