Types of Persuasive Speeches Propositions of fact are statements which sound like a __________ and usually contain some conjugation of the verb "__________." The following are propositions of fact: * The defendant ____ guilty. * Many people in Africa _____ suffering severe hunger. * UFO's _______. * The deployment of the MX missile in existing silos ______ increase the population of surrounding areas. Propositions of value call for a __________ that cannot be verified ____________. Examples are: * Frances Farley is a ________ candidate. * Irish Spring soap smells _____________. * The MX missile is a ________________. * Surrogate motherhood is ______________. Propositions of policy are declarative statements which state or imply a _______________ and usually contain the word "__________________." Examples would be: * People ____________ get more exercise. * People ___________ give to their favorite charity. * People ___________ vote for candidate X. * AIDS victims ____________ be quarantined. Six Characteristics of Effective Propositions/Thesis Statements: 1. Must be controversial (difference/conflict) 2. Must involve one central idea. 3. Must be in the form of a statement -­‐-­‐ not a question. 4. Must be stated in neutral language. 5. Most provide a clear, concise statement of the position of the speaker. 6. Burden of proof is on the maker of the proposition. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Directions: Choose 21 of the ideas below and decide what type of persuasive speech would be appropriate for each topic. Then write an effective proposition/thesis statement for each of the 21. Add a new sports team 23. Encourage others to take up a hobby you like A certain writer, musician, athlete is the best 24. Existence of Ghosts Animal rights 25. Facebook standards Aliens Exist 26. Fireworks Abolish the Death Penalty 27. Gangs Abortion 28. Genocide in Darfur Acupuncture as a valid medical technique 29. Go GREEN Age Discrimination 30. Graffiti Ban beauty contests 31. Gun Control Ban unsolicited telephone calls 32. iPod use during school Become a Blood Donor 33. Junk Food Bilingual Education 34. Mobile Phones Body Piercing 35. Prayer in schools Cap on sports salaries 36. Religion – rights, believe in yours, don’t believe in Censor the Internet God, etc. Charity – Increase support for a certain charity 37. Salaries for college athletes Coke vs. Pepsi 38. Sports -­‐ Don't be devoted to one single sport. Curfews for teenagers 39. Texting Donating money to charity 40. TV – sex/violence/drug/alcohol use shouldn’t be Drinking age should be moved to 18, 30, etc. allowed on tv Driving age should be moved to 14, 18, etc. 41. Video games should/shouldn’t be banned. Education could be improved by… 42. Watch less TV Types of Persuasive Speeches KEY Propositions of fact are statements which sound like a fact and usually contain some conjugation of the verb "to be." The following are propositions of fact: * The defendant is guilty. * Many people in Africa are suffering severe hunger. * UFO's exist. * The deployment of the MX missile in existing silos will increase the population of surrounding areas. Propositions of value call for a judgment that cannot be verified objectively. Examples are: * Frances Farley is a superior candidate. * Irish Spring soap smells manly. * The MX missile is a peace keeper. * Surrogate motherhood is immoral. Propositions of policy are declarative statements which state or imply a course of action and usually contain the word "should." Examples would be: * People should get more exercise. * People should give to their favorite charity. * People should vote for candidate X. * AIDS victims should be quarantined. Six characteristics of effective propositions/thesis statements: 7. Must be controversial (difference/confllct) 8. Must involve one central idea. 9. Must be in the form of a statement -­‐-­‐ not a question. 10. Must be stated in neutral language. 11. Most provide a clear, concise statement of the position of the speaker. 12. Burden of proof is on the maker of the proposition. Directions: Choose 21 of the ideas below and decide what type of persuasive speech would be appropriate for each topic. Then write an effective proposition/thesis statement for each of the 21. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Add a new sports team A certain writer, musician, athlete is the best Animal rights Aliens Exist Abolish the Death Penalty Abortion Acupuncture as a valid medical technique Age Discrimination Ban beauty contests Ban unsolicited telephone calls Become a Blood Donor Bilingual Education Body Piercing Cap on sports salaries Censor the Internet Charity – Increase support for a certain charity Coke vs. Pepsi Curfews for teenagers Donating money to charity Drinking age should be moved to 18, 30, etc. Driving age should be moved to 14, 18, etc. Education could be improved by… Encourage others to take up a hobby you like 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Existence of Ghosts Facebook standards Fireworks Gangs Genocide in Darfur Go GREEN Graffiti Gun Control iPod use during school Junk Food Mobile Phones Prayer in schools Religion – rights, believe in yours, don’t believe in God, etc. Salaries for college athletes Sports -­‐ Don't be devoted to one single sport. Texting TV – sex/violence/drug/alcohol use shouldn’t be allowed on tv Video games should/shouldn’t be banned. Watch less TV