Pre-loaded eReaders: Historical Fiction Index Author Title and Date of Publication Categories Ainsworth, William Harrison The Lancashire Witches (1848) Historical Fiction Old Saint Paul's (1841) Historical Fiction Windsor Castle (1842) Historical Fiction Allen, Grant Anglo-Saxon Britain (1884) Historical Fiction Altsheler, Joseph The Civil War Series: The Guns of Bull Run (1914) Historical Children's Literature The Civil War Series: The Guns of Shiloh (1914) Historical Children's Literature The Civil War Series: The Scouts of Stonewall (1914) Historical Children's Literature The Civil War Series: The Sword of Antietam (1914) Historical Children's Literature The Civil War Series: The Star of Gettysburg (1915) Historical Children's Literature The Civil War Series: The Rock of Chickamauga (1915) Historical Children's Literature The Civil War Series: The Shades of the Wilderness (1916) Historical Children's Literature The Civil War Series: The Tree of Appomattox (1916) Historical Children's Literature The Chouans (1829) Historical Fiction/Balzac's The Human Comedy/French Literature Historical Fiction/Balzac's The Human Comedy/French Literature Historical Fiction/Romance/Balzac's The Human Comedy/French Literature Historical Fiction/Balzac's The Human Comedy/French Literature Balzac, Honoré de Catherine de Medici (1842) The Lily of the Valley (1835) A Woman of Thirty (1842) Time Period and Location England 1612 London, England (Great Fire; The Plague) 1666 Great Britain (Henry VIII) 1507-1536 Great Britain (AngloSaxon Period) 4491066 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 France (Brittany) 1793 France (Henry II) 15191589 France 1815-1848 France 1813-1838 Barr, Amelia E. The Maid of Maiden Lane (1900) Historical Fiction/Romance Remember the Alamo (1888) Flowing Gold (1922) Western/War Stories/Historical Fiction Adventure/Historical Fiction The Spoilers (1906) Adventure/Historical Fiction Bellamy, Edward The Duke of Stockbridge (1900) Historical Fiction Bierce, Ambrose An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (1891) Historical Fiction/Short Stories Blackmore, R.D. Lorna Doone (1869) Historical Fiction/Romance Braddon, M.E. Springhaven: A Tale of the Great War (1887) London Pride (1896) Historical Fiction/War Stories Historical Fiction The Eagle of the Empire (1915) Historical Children's Literature/War Stories Historical Children's Literature /War Stories Beach, Rex Brady, Cyrus Townsend For Love of Country (1898) Brontë, Charlotte Burnett, Frances Hodgson South American Fights and Fighters, and Other Tales of Adventure (1910) Shirley (1849) A Lady of Quality (1896) Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886) Cabell, James Branch The Shuttle (1907) Emily Fox-Seton (1901) Chivalry (1909) Domnei (1913) The Eagle's Shadow (1904) Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice (1919) Chambers, Robert W. Chase, Adam Cooper, James Fenimore The Line of Love (1905) The Hidden Children (1914) The Dark Star (1917) The Last of the Mohicans (1826) Adventure/Historical Fiction/Colonial Fiction Social Criticism/Historical Fiction/Industrial-Condition of England Novel Historical Fiction Historical Children's Literature Historical Fiction/Romance Romance/Historical Fiction Fantasy/Historical Fiction Fantasy/Historical Fiction Fantasy/Historical Fiction Fantasy/Historical Fiction/Allegory Fantasy/Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/War Stories/Adventure Romance/Historical Fiction/Adventure Historical Fiction/War Stories/Adventure/Colonial Fiction United States (New York) 1775-1865 United States (Texas) 1835-1836 United States (Texas) ~1920 United States (Alaska) 1899 United States (Massachusetts) 17861787 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 England (Monmouth's Rebellion) 1685 Great Britain (Regency) 1800-1837 Great Britain (Charles II) 1660-1685 Belgium (Battle of Waterloo) 1815 United States (American Revolution) 1775-1783 Peru 1519-1869 Great Britain (Yorkshire) 1811-1812 Great Britain 16501699 United States mid1880s Great Britain ~1900 Great Britain ~1900 Middle Ages Middle Ages Middle Ages Middle Ages Middle Ages United States 16001775 World War I 1914-1918 United States (French and Indian War) 1757 The Spy (1821) Historical Fiction/War Stories/Domestic Fiction The Pilot (1824) Historical Fiction/War Stories/Sea Stories The Deerslayer (1841) Edwy the Fair (1874) Historical Fiction/Coming of Age Literature/War Stories Historical Fiction/Coming of Age Literature/Westerns Historical Fiction Alfgar the Dane (1874) Historical Fiction The Rival Heirs (1882) Historical Fiction Crane, Stephen The Red Badge of Courage (1895) Historical Fiction/War Stories Crawford, F. Marion Marietta: A Maid of Venice (1906) Historical Fiction/Romance In the Palace of the King (1900) A Little Maid of Old Maine (1920) Historical Fiction/Romance Historical Children's Literature Yankee Girl at Fort Sumter (1920) Historical Children's Literature A Little Maid of Massachusetts (1914) Historical Children's Literature A Little Maid of Old Philadelphia (1919) Historical Children's Literature A Little Maid of Provence Town (1913) Historical Children's Literature A Little Maid of Ticonderoga (1917) Historical Children's Literature A Friend of Caesar (1900) Historical Fiction Memoirs of a Cavalier (1720) Historical Fiction/War Stories Historical Fiction Adventure/Historical Fiction The Prairie (1827) Crake, A.D Curtis, Alice Turner Davis, William Stearns Defoe, Daniel A Journal of the Plague Year (1722) The Fortune and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders (1722) United States (American Revolution) 1775-1783 United States (American Revolution) 1775-1783 United States (French and Indian War) 1744 United States (West) 1804 Great Britain (King Edwy) 908-988 Great Britain (Anglo Saxon Period) 4491066 Great Britain (Roman Period) 55 B.C.E. 449 B.C.E. United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 Venice 1470 Spain 1547-1578 United States (American Revolution) 1775-1783 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Revolution) 1775-1783 United States (American Revolution) 1775-1783 United States (American Revolution) 1775-1783 United States (American Revolution) 1775-1783 Rome (Civil War) 49-45 B.C.E. Great Britain (Civil War) 1642-1649 London, England 1666 Great Britain; United States ~1720s Dickens, Charles A Tale of Two Cities (1859) Social Criticism /Historical Disraeli, Benjamin Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of 'Eighty (1841) Sybil (1845) Social Criticism/Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/Romance/IndustrialCondition of England Novel/Political Fiction Historical Fiction/War Stories Historical Fiction/Philosophical Literature/Russian Literature Historical Fiction/Philosophical Literature/Russian Literature Slave Narrative/Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/War Stories Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Alroy: The Prince of Captivity (18291830) The Idiot (1869) The House of the Dead (1861) Douglass, Frederick My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan The White Company (1891) The Refugees (1893) Historical Fiction Micah Clarke (1888) Historical Fiction Rodney Stone (1896) Historical Fiction/Sports Stories Historical Fiction Uncle Bernac (1897) Dumas, Alexandre The Great Shadow and Other Napoleonic Tales (1892) Historical Fiction Sir Nigel (1906) Historical Fiction/Courtly Love and Arthurian Romance Adventure/French Literature/Historical Fiction Adventure/French Literature/Historical Fiction Adventure/Historical Fiction/Romance/French Literature Adventure/Historical Fiction/Romance/French Literature The Count of Monte Cristo (1845-46) The Three Musketeers: A D'Artagnan Romance (1844) Twenty Years After: A D'Artagnan Romance (1845) The Vicomte De Bragelonne: A D'Artagnan Romance (1847) Great Britain; France (London and Paris during the French Revolution) 1789-1799 England (Gordon Riots) 1780 Great Britain 1845 Crusades (Second) 1147-1149 Russia ~1868 Russia (Siberian Prison) 1849 United States 18181895 Great Britain/France (Hundred Years War) 1339-1453 France; New France (Huguenots)1643-1763 Great Britain (Stuarts) 1603-1714 England 1780-1820 France (Consulate and First Empire) 17991815 Continental Europe (Napoleonic Wars) 1800-1815 Great Britain (Edward III)1339-1453 France (Restoration) 1815-1839 France (Louis XIII) 1610-1643 France (Louis XIV) 1643-1715 France (Louis XIV) 1643-1715 Louise de la Valliere: A D'Artagnan Romance (1847) The Man in the Iron Mask: A D'Artagnan Romance (1847) The Black Tulip (1850) The Prussian Terror (1916 posthumous publication) The Companions of Jehu (1857) Edgeworth, Maria Eliot, George Castle Rackrent (1800) Romola (1963) Ellis, Edward The Boy Patriot (1862) The Jungle Fugitives (1903) Everett-Green, Evelyn The Lost Trail (1884) Oonomoo the Huron (1911) Children's Adventure/ Historical Children's Literature Historical Fiction Historical Fiction The Story of Red Feather (1908) Historical Fiction The Lord of Dynevor (1899) Historical Children's Literature/Children's Adventure Historical Children's Literature/Children's Adventure Historical Children's Literature/Children's Adventure Historical Children's Literature/Children's Adventure Historical Children's Literature/Children's Adventure Historical Children's Literature Historical Fiction In the Days of Chivalry (1898) In the Wars of the Roses (1892) The Lost Treasure of Trevlyn (1894) Tom Tufton's Travels (1898) Fenn, George Manville Adventure/Historical Fiction/Romance/French Literature Adventure/Historical Fiction/Romance/French Literature Romance/Historical Fiction/French Literature Historical Fiction/French Literature Historical Fiction/French Literature Historical Fiction Psychological/Domestic Fiction/Historical Fiction Historical Children's Literature The King's Sons (1900) The Black Tor (1896) Flaubert, Gustave Salammbô (1862) Forster, E.M. Where Angels Fear to Tread (1905) Gaskell, Elizabeth Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich Sylvia's Lovers (1863) Taras Bulba (1835) Historical Fiction/French Literature Historical Fiction/Comedy and Humour/Romance Historical Fiction Short Stories/Romance/ Historical Fiction France (Louis XIV) 1643-1715 France (Louis XIV) 1643-1715 Netherlands (Tulip Mania) 1672 Austro-Prussian War 1866 France (Napoleon I) 1769-1821 Ireland 1700-1780 Italy 1452-1498 United States (American Revolution) 1775-1783 India (Sepoy Rebellion) 1857-1858 United States 1820 United States, Frontier and Pioneer Life United States, Frontier and Pioneer Life Great Britain (Wales) 1272-1307 Great Britain (Edward Prince of Wales) 13301376 Great Britain (Wars of the Roses) 1455-1485 Great Britain (Gunpowder Plot) 1605 Great Britain (Queen Anne) 1702-1714 Great Britain (King Alfred) 849-899 Great Britain (James I) 1603-1625 Carthage (Tunisia) 241 B.C.E. Italy Early 1900s Great Britain 1790s Russia ~1730 Haggard, H. Rider Montezuma's Daughter (1893) Swallow (1899) Lysbeth (1901) Hale, Edward Everett Hawthorne, Nathaniel "The Man Without a Country" (1863) The Scarlet Letter (1850) The House of the Seven Gables (1851) Henty, G.A. Beric the Briton (1893) The Dragon and the Raven (1886) Wulf the Saxon (1895) In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce (1885) St. George for England (1885) A March on London (1898) The Lion of St. Mark (1889) Both Sides of the Border (1899) At Agincourt (1897) By Right of Conquest (1891) By Pike and Dyke (1890) The Lion of the North (1886) Won by the Sword (1900) Adventure/Colonial Fiction/Historical Fiction Historical Fiction Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/Short Stories/Sea Stories Social Criticism /Historical/Romance Domestic Fiction/Paranormal Fiction/Historical Fiction G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature Mexico 1519-1540 South Africa1836-1840 Netherlands (Habsburg House) 1477-1556 United States (Burr Conspiracy) 1805-1807 United States 16421649 United States ~1850 Great Britain (Roman Period) 55 B.C.E.-449 A.C.E. Great Britain (King Alfred) 871-899 Great Britain (Norman Period) 1066-1154 Scotland (William Wallace and Robert the Bruce) 1285-1371 Great Britain (Edward III) 1327-1377 Great Britain (Tyler's Insurrection) 1381 Venice 1300-1399 Great Britain (England and Wales) 1400-1499 France (Charles VI) 1380-1422 Mexico 1519-1540 The Netherlands 15681648 Sweden (Gustaf II Adolf) 1594-1632 Continental Europe (Thirty Year's War) 1618-1648 The Bravest of the Brave (1887) The Cornet of Horse (1881) G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature In the Irish Brigade (1901) G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature A Jacobite Exile (1894) G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature With Clive in India (1906) With Frederick the Great (1898) At the Point of the Bayonet (1902) With Moore at Corunna (1898) Under Wellington's Command (1899) Through Russian Snows (1896) One of the 28th (1890) With Lee in Virginia (1890) In the Reign of Terror (1888) The Young Carthaginian (1887) Bonnie Prince Charlie (1888) Among Malay Pirates (1899) Spain (War of Spanish Succession) 1701-1714 Great Britain (John Churchill Duke of Marlborough) 17021722 France; Spain (War of Spanish Succession; Irish Brigade) 17011714 Sweden (Charles XII) 1697-1718 India (British Occupation) 1746-1774 Prussia; Germany (Frederick II) 17401786 British Occupied India (Mahratta War) 1803 Spain (Battle of Corunna) 1761-1809 Spain; France (The Peninsular War) 18071814 Russia (Napoleon I) 1800-1815 Belgium (Battle of Waterloo) 1815 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 France (French Revolution) 1789-1799 Carthage (Tunisia); Rome (Hannibal) 247182 B.C.E. Scotland 1720-1788 India; China; United States; Channel Islands *date not available At Aboukir (1899) The Boy Knight (1891) By England's Aid (1891) Colonel Thorndyke's Secret (1898) The Dash for Khartoum (1892) A Final Reckoning (1887) For Name and Fame (1886) For the Temple (1888) Friends, though Divided (1883) A Girl of the Commune (1895) The Golden Canyon (1899) Held Fast for England (1892) In the Heart of the Rockies (1895) In Times of Peril (1881) Jack Archer (1883) A Knight of the White Cross (1896) No Surrender! (1900) G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature Egypt (Napoleon) 1798-1801 Crusades (Third; Richard I of England) 1189-1192 The Netherlands 15851604 India (British Occupation) 1782 Africa (Sudan) 18841885 Australia 1851 Afghanistan 1839-1842 The Fall of Jerusalem 1187 Great Britain (Civil War) 1642-1649 France (Commune) 1871 United States (West) *Date not available Gibraltar (1779-1783) United States (Colorado) 1860 India (Sepoy Rebellion) 1857-1858 Crimean War 18531856 Greece (Rhodes) 1480 France (Wars of the Vendée) 1793-1832 On The Irrawaddy (1897) On the Pampas (1868) Orange and Green (1888) The Queen's Cup (1897) Rujub, the Juggler (1893) Saint Bartholomew's Eve (1894) Tales of Daring and Danger (1890) Through the Fray (1886) Through Three Campaigns (1904) The Tiger of Mysore (1896) The Treasure of the Incas (1903) True to the Old Flag (1885) Under Drake's Flag (1883) When London Burned (1895) Winning His Spurs (1882) With Buller in Natal (1901) With Kitchener in the Soudan (1903) G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature Burma (Anglo-Burmese War) 1824-1826 Argentina (Pampas) *Date not available Ireland (Jacobite War) 1689-1691 Great Britain; West Indies *Date not available India (Sepoy Rebellion) 1857-1858 France (Wars of the Huguenots) 1562-1598 Various Great Britain (Luddite Riots) 1811-1813 India (Ashanti War) 1900 India (Mysore War) 1799 Peru 1829-1919 United States; Great Britain (American Revolution) 1775-1783 Great Britain (Sir Frances Drake; Elizabeth I) 1540-1596 Great Britain (Great Fire of London; Restoration) 16601688 Crusades (Third) 11891192 South African War 1899-1902 Sudan 1898 With Wolfe in Canada (1887) The Young Buglers (1880) The Young Franc Tireurs (1872) Hugo, Victor Les Misérables (1862) The Man Who Laughs (1869) Kingsley, Charles Hypatia--Or New Foes with an Old Face (1853) Hereward, the Last of the English (1865) Westward Ho! (1855) Alton Locke (1849) Kipling, Rudyard Kim (1901) Puck of Pook's Hill (1906) Kirby, William The Golden Dog (1877) Lang, Andrew A Monk of Fife (1895) Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan The House by the Church-Yard (1863) The Cock and Anchor (1845) G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature G. A. Henty Historical Fiction and Historical Children's Literature Social Criticism/French Literature/Historical Fiction/Epics Historical Fiction/Romance/French Literature Historical Fiction Historical Fiction Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/Coming of Age Literature/IndustrialCondition of England Novel Nobel Prize Winning Authors/Adventure/Historic al Fiction Historical Fiction/Fantasy/Nobel Prize Winning Authors Canadian/Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/Religious Fiction Historical Fiction/Mystery/French Literature Historical Fiction/French Literature Canada (Quebec) 1759 Spain (Peninsular War) 1807-1814 Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871 France 1815-1833 Great Britain 1690 Egypt 30 B.C.E.-640 A.C.E. Great Britain 1066 Great Britain (Elizabeth I) 1558-1603 Great Britain 1840s Central Asia 1893-1898 Great Britain Various Dates New France; Canada 1748 France (Charles VII; Joan of Arc) 1412-1461 Ireland 1767 Ireland 1700-1799 Leighton, Robert Olaf the Glorious (1894) Historical Children's Literature Norway (Olaf I Trygveson) 968-1000 Lermontov, Mikhail Yuryevich A Hero of Our Time (1839) Russia 1814-1901 Leslie, Emma Hayslope Grange: A Tale of the Civil War (1880) The Call of the Wild (1903) Russian Literature/Psychological/ Historical Fiction Historical Children's Literature Adventure/Children's Adventure/Historical Fiction Historical Fiction London, Jack Lytton, Baron Edward Bulwer The Last Days of Pompeii (1834) Great Britain (Civil War) 1642-1649 Klondike Gold Rush Roman Empire 79 A.C.E. Marryat, Frederick Mason, A. E.W. de Maupassant, Guy Melville, Herman Meredith, George Optic, Oliver Orczy, Baroness Emmuska Osborne, Duffield Peacock, Thomas Love Rienzi (1835) Historical Fiction The Children of the New Forest (1847) Clementina (1901) Historical Fiction A Ladies' Man (1909) *Titled The Works of Guy de Maupassant Vol. 6 on eReader White Jacket; Or, The World on a Man-of-War Vittoria (1867) French Literature/Historical Fiction Historical Fiction Sea Stories/Historical Fiction Taken by the Enemy: Blue and the Gray Book 1 (1883) Historical Fiction/War Stories Historical Children's Literature Within the Enemy's Lines: Blue and the Gray Book 2 (1889) Historical Children's Literature On the Blockade: Blue and the Gray Book 3 (1890) Historical Children's Literature Stand by the Union: Blue and the Gray Book 4 (1891) Historical Children's Literature Fighting for the Right: Blue and the Gray Book 5 (1892) Historical Children's Literature A Victorious Union: Blue and the Gray Book 6 (1893) Historical Children's Literature The Scarlet Pimpernel (1905) Adventure/Historical Fiction The Elusive Pimpernel (1908) Adventure/Historical Fiction El Dorado, An Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel (1913) The Laughing Cavalier, The Story of the Ancestor of the Scarlet Pimpernel (1914) Lord Tony's Wife, An Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel (1917) The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel (1919) The Lion's Brood (1901) Maid Marian (1822) Adventure/Historical Fiction Pyle, Howard Otto of the Silver Hand (1888) Quiller-Couch, Arthur The Splendid Spur (1889) Adventure/Historical Fiction Adventure/Historical Fiction Adventure/Historical Fiction Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/Adventure/ Romance Historical Children's Literature Historical Fiction Roman Empire 13131354 Great Britain (Civil War) 1642-1649 Continental Europe 1702-1735 France (Paris) 18701890 United States 18431844 Italy (Revolution) 1848 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 United States (American Civil War) 1861-1865 France (Revolution) 1789-1799 France (Revolution) 1789-1799 France (Revolution) 1789-1799 Netherlands 1623 France (Revolution) 1789-1799 France (Revolution) 1789-1799 Great Britain 11891199 Second Punic War 218201 B.C.E. Great Britain (Charles I) 1625-1649 The Blue Pavilions (1891) Historical Fiction Reade, Charles The Cloister and the Hearth (1861) Historical Fiction/Romance Rinehart, Mary Roberts Sabatini, Rafael The Amazing Interlude (1918) Scaramouche (1921) Romance/Historical Fiction/War Stories Adventure/Historical Fiction The Sea Hawk (1915) Sea Stories/Historical Fiction The Talisman Historical Fiction Ivanhoe (1819) Historical Fiction/Romance The Fair Maid of Perth (1828) Historical Fiction Quentin Durward (1823) The Monastery (1820) The Abbot (1820) Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/Religious Fiction Historical Fiction Kenilworth (1821) Historical Fiction A Legend of Montrose (1819) Historical Fiction Woodstock (1826) Historical Fiction Peveril of the Peak (1822) Historical Fiction The Bride of Lammermoor (1819) The Black Dwarf (1816) Rob Roy (1817) Historical Fiction/ Psychological/Romance Historical Fiction Historical Fiction Waverley (1814) Historical Fiction Redgauntlet (1824) Historical Fiction Guy Mannering (1815) The Antiquary (1816) St. Ronan's Well (1824) Historical Fiction Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/Comedy and Humour Nobel Prize Winning Authors/Polish Literature/Historical Fiction Scott, Walter Sienkiewicz, Henryk With Fire and Sword (1884) Great Britain (William II; Franco Dutch War) 1650-1702 The Netherlands; Rome 1400-1499 World War I 1914-1918 France (Revolution) 1789-1799 Great Britain 15881593 Third Crusade (Jerusalem; Latin Kingdom) 1099-1244 Great Britain 11891199 Scotland (Robert III) 1390-1406 Scotland 1500-1599 (Reformation) Scotland (Mary Queen of Scots) 1542-1587 Great Britain (Elizabeth I) 1532-1603 Scotland (James Graham, Marquis of Montrose) 1612-1650 Great Britain (Commonwealth and Protectorate) 16491660 Great Britain (Charles II) 1660-1685 Scotland ~1669 Scotland 1707 Scotland (Rob Roy) 1671-1734 Scotland (Jacobite Rebellion) 1745-1746 Scotland (James II)1720-1788 Scotland 1760-1780 Scotland 1794 Scotland 1803-1818 Poland (John II Casimir) 1648-1668 The Deluge (in two volumes) (1886) Pan Michael (1888) Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero (1895) The Knights of the Cross (1900) On the Field of Glory (1906) Sinclair, Upton 100% the Story of a Patriot (1920) Stevenson, Robert Louis The Black Arrow (1888) Kidnapped (1886) Catriona: Sequel to Kidnapped (1893) The Master of Ballantrae (1889) St. Ives: Being the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England (1897) Thackeray, William Makepeace Barry Lyndon (1844) The Virginians (1859) Tolstoy, Leo War and Peace (1869) Trollop, Anthony Castle Richmond (1860) Barchester Towers (1857) Nobel Prize Winning Authors/Polish Literature/Historical Fiction Nobel Prize Winning Authors/Polish Literature/Historical Fiction Nobel Prize Winning Authors/Polish Literature/Historical Fiction Nobel Prize Winning Authors/Polish Literature/Historical Fiction Nobel Prize Winning Authors/Polish Literature/Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/Political Fiction/Thriller Adventure/Historical Fiction Adventure/Historical Fiction Adventure/Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/Psychological Historical Fiction Historical Fiction/Satire/Comedy and Humour Historical Fiction/Domestic Fiction Russian Literature/Historical Fiction/War Stories/ Philosophical Literature Historical Fiction/Romance Aurelian (1838) Domestic Fiction/Historical Fiction/Clergy Fiction Historical Fiction Zenobia (1836-1837) Historical Fiction Wallace, Lew Ben-Hur (1880) Weyman, Stanley John The House of the Wolf (1890) Historical Fiction/Religious Fiction Historical Fiction A Gentleman of France (1893) Historical Fiction From the Memoirs of a Minister of France (1893) Historical Fiction Ware, William Poland; Lithuania; Russia 1655-1697 Poland; Ottoman Empire 1668-1672 Roman Empire (Nero) 54-68 Poland; Lithuania 1410 Poland; Lithuania; Austria 1683 United States 19141918 Great Britain (Wars of the Roses) 1455-1485 Scotland 1751 Scotland 1751 Scotland 1745 Great Britain (Napoleonic Wars) 1800-1815 Great Britain; Ireland 1754-1763 Great Britain; New France 1759 Russia (Alexander I; Napoleonic Wars) 1800-1825 Great Britain; Ireland (Irish Famine) 18451852 Great Britain ~1850 Roman Empire 270275 Palmyrene Empire (Syria) ~240-275 Roman Empire (Tiberius) 14-37 France 1572 (Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre) France (Henry III) 1574-1589 France (Henry IV) 1553-1610 Under the Red Robe (1894) Historical Fiction Wharton, Edith The House of Mirth (1905) Whistler, Charles W. Havelok the Dane (1900) Psychological/Historical Fiction Legends and Mythology/Historical Fiction Wister, Owen Yonge, Charlotte M. A Thane of Wessex (1896) Historical Fiction King Alfred's Viking (1899) Historical Fiction King Olaf's Kinsman (1898) Historical Fiction Wulfric the Weapon Thane (1897) Lady Baltimore (1906) Historical Fiction Historical Fiction The Little Duke (1854) Historical Fiction The Prince and the Page (1866) The Lances of Lynwood (1855) Historical Fiction Historical Fiction The Caged Lion (1870) Historical Fiction Two Penniless Princesses (1891) Historical Fiction Grisly Grisell (1893) Historical Fiction The Dove in the Eagle's Nest (1866) Historical Fiction The Armourer's Prentices (1884) Historical Fiction The Chaplet of Pearls (1868) Historical Fiction Unknown to History (1882) Historical Fiction Stray Pearls (1881-1883) Historical Fiction A Reputed Changeling (1889) Historical Fiction France (Louis XIII) 1610-1643 United States (New York) 1890s Great Britain (Anglo Saxon Period) 4491066 Great Britain (Anglo Saxon Period) 4491066 Great Britain (King Alfred) 871-899 Norway (Olaf II) 9951030 Great Britain 850-1241 United States (Charleston S. C.) Post Civil War (1861-1865 Richard I Duke of Normandy 932-996 Crusades (Eighth) 1270 Great Britain (Edward III) 1327-1377 Scotland (James I) 1394-1437 France (Charles VII) 142-1461; Scotland (James II) 1437-1460 Great Britain (Wars of the Roses) 1455-1485 Holy Roman Empire (Maximilian I) 14931519) Great Britain (Henry VIII) 1509-1547 France 1572 (Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre) Scotland (Mary Queen of Scots; Elizabeth I) 1542-1603 France (Fronde) 16481653 Great Britain 16001699