Fakulty Department Practicum : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 METHOD ENGINEERING OPERATION PROCESS CHART (OPC), PARETO, & FISHBONE DIAGRAM A. DESCRIPTION Operation process chart (OPC) is a diagram that illustrating the steps of process that will be undergone on the raw material and operating sequences examination from the beginning into finished product or as a component intact, and also contains the necessary information forfurther analysis. So in an operation process chart, noting only occur on operating activities and examination, but sometimes at the end of the process is recorded on the storage (Sutalaksana, 2006). Pareto diagram is a method of organizing a mistake, problem or defect to help focus on problem-solving efforts . This diagram is used for classifying problems according to cause and symptoms. The problem will be sorted according to priority or importance using a bar chart/histogram. Diagram of fishbone/cause and effect diagram is a tool for quality control and developed by Kaoru Ishikawa. The diagram is displayed in the form of a graph that illustrates the relationship of the effects (the issue) with a potential case. Diagram of fishbone is used to process try or devise an activity. Diagram of fishbone can help stimulate rational thinking. Purpose of Practicum 1. Understand the process of making and Assembly product. 2. Being able to determine the sequence of work/production process and designing the Operation Process Chart (OPC) of a product. 3. Able to identify the cause of the damage of a product. 4. Pareto diagram is capable of designing and fishbone. B. INPUT AND OUTPUT input: a) Data raw material required for production Fakulty Department Practicum : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 b) Data production process c) Product assembly sequence data output: a) Diagram of Operation Process Chart (OPC) C. REFFERENCES Sutalaksana, Iftikar.Z, Teknik Perancangan Sistem Kerja, Edisi Kedua, ITB, Bandung, 2006. Barnes, Ralph M., Motion and Time Study Design and Measurement of Work, Seventh Edition, University of California, Los Angles, 1990, 61 pages. Maynard, B H., Industrial Engineering Handbook, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1971. D. THEORY 1. Work map Work Map is one of the tools to systematically communicate broadly and simultaneously through the maps of this work we can get the information needed to improve a work method (Maynard, 1971). Study on a map work in improving the working methods of the production process will more easily implemented andimprovements are possible, such as: eliminate unnecessary operation , an operation combining with others,find systematic work / production process better, determine economical engines, eliminating the delay time between operations, and so on. Basically, all these improvements are intended to reduce total production costs. Thus , this map is a good tool to analyze a job making it easier to plan repair work. 2. Kind ofWork Map Basically work map can be divided into two major groups based on their activities, there are: A. The maps are used to analyze work of whole activities. a) Operation Process Map ( OPC ) Fakulty Department Practicum : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 b) Process Flow Map ( Process Flow Chart ) c) Working Group Process Map d) Flow Diagram B. The maps are used to analyze the work of local work activities . 1. Map of Labor , and Machines 2. Map of Left Hand and Right Hand (Micro motion Study) 3. Symbol On Work Map In 1947, the American Society of Mechanica Engineer (ASME) standard makes the symbol consisting of: Table 7.1 Symbol Type of Activities SYMBOL ACTIVITY DEFINITION operations that occur when changing workpiece properties, both physical and chemical. OPERATION Operation is the most common activities in a process that normally occurs in a machine or work station. inspection activities of the workpiece or equipment, in terms of both quality and INSPECTION quantity. This symbol is used to conduct an examination of a particular object to conform to established standards. Transport activity occurs when an object is moved from one location to another. TRANSPORTATION When the displacement movement that is part of the operation / inspection as well as the loading / unloading of the material then it is not including transport Fakulty Department Practicum SYMBOL : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date ACTIVITY : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 DEFINITION activities. Delay occurs when a material, workpiece, the operator or facility is stop working or did not have any DELAY activity. Usually forced to wait or abandoned objects while until one day done / required return. workpiece store activities for longer periods of time. If the workpiece will be STORAGE taken back usually perform specific licensing procedures. events that occur when operating and DOUBLE ACTIVITY inspection activities performed concurrently or in a place object. 4. Operation Process Chart (OPC) 4. 1. Definition of Operation Process Chart (OPC) Operation Process Chart is a tool for recording a process in the same way, as a means to better understand and improve the process. Operation chart usually begins with the raw materials entering the factory and follow through each step, such as storage transportation, inspection, machine operation, and assembly to be a part of a unit or units to be assembled (Ralph M. Barnes, 1990). The information that can be obtained in the operation process map is as follows: Raw materials and supporting materials needed (represented by arrow horizontally) Operations required in each component or part of the raw material (represented in the circle) Fakulty Department Practicum : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date The time required in the process Machinery or tools used in the operation Scrap (furious) generated (dumped) in the process 4. 2. : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 Function of Operation Process Chart With the information that can be recorded through Operation Process Chart, can be obtained following benefits: Can determine the need for machinery and budgeting. Can estimate the demand for raw materials (taking into account the efficiency in each operation / inspection) 4. 3. As a means to determine the layout of the factory As a tool to carry out repair work the way that is being used As a tool for job training Principal of Making OPC To be able to describe the OPC, there are several principles that should be followed as follows : 1. First of all on the top line expressed is known as head “Operation Process Map " followed by other identification such as : object name , the name of the map maker, date mapped how long or how now , map number and picture number. 2. Material to be processed is placed above the horizontal line , which indicates that these materials enter into the process. 3. Symbols are placed in the vertical direction, which shows the change process. 4. Numbering of an operation is assigned sequentially ssuai the sequence of operations required to manufacture these products , or in accordance with the process. 5. Numbering of an independently administered examination activity and the principle is the same with the numbering for operations. Fakulty Department Practicum : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 In order to obtain a good picture Operations Map , the most widely usually products require operation, should be mapped first, then mapped to a vertical line on the right page of the paper . Figure7.1 OPC Making Principle Description: W = The time required for an operation or examination, usually within hours O-N = Number sequence for the operations IN = Serial number for the inspection activities M = Indicates machine or places where activities are carried out The results of the OPC can be used to analyze and improve the production process of a product because of the work map obtained: a. Stream in chronological order process experienced by raw materials and supporting materials as well as the type of components to packaging processes. b. Logical arrangement of the entire sequence of operation and inspection process. c. The necessities of engine needs to be made budgeting. Fakulty Department Practicum : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 d. The necessities ofraw material needs to take into account the efficiency of each operation. e. Production linkages between components of the product. f. Processing time / highest operation of the components 5. Working on OPC Figure7.2 Product of Teak Chair Determine the main material Describe the process of production of the material symbols follow ASME (operation / transportation / inspection / delay / storage) Give the number of operations (NO) in the operation symbol Give the number of inspection (IO) in the inspection symbols Embed the name of the machine and machining time (if any) Fakulty Department Practicum : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date SANDARAN PAPAN JATI ALAS PAPAN JATI KAKI PAPAN JATI : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 BESI PROPIL Figure 4.3. Operation Process ChartExample Figure 7.3 Operation Process Chart (Sutalaksana, 2006) Fakulty Department Practicum : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 Components: 1.Components of the framework, made of steel profiles 2.Components of the chair seat, made of teak wood 3.Components seat, made of teak wood 4.Component pedestal where writing, made of teak wood In this case, the component order is the main component, so that the operation the process map is mapped to the right of the paper. The time spent in each activity, usually expressed in hours, although not binding.For the examination was not given a specific time. In this case the examiner considered able to work in fixed / regular. More details about the operation and inspection to manufacture teak chair is as follows: Operation 1. Iron propyl average length of 6 meters was measured according to the size of the order-order the chair. Operation 2. Once the appropriate size, then to iron profile is then cut using a hacksaw. Operation 3. For purposes of the merger later, there are some parts of the profile that needs to be drilled in accordance with the size of bolt, using a drilling machine. Operation 4. The profile section is cut and hollowed, smoothed by grinding and the overall profile aside from dirty-dirt rust by sanding. Inspection 1 Profiles that have been cut in size once again checked so when the spliced-connect with the weld does not change the balance (comfortable) seats. Operation 5. Profiles that have been cut spliced-connect with carbide welding, forming the framework of the chair. Inspection 2 The results of the foundation inspected, there may be parts that have not been connected properly or otherwise any part of the excess welds, so it needs to be filed / disposed. Operation 6. Once the order is completed chair, then the frame is painted using spray paint. Operation 7. Teak wood planed boards formed so as to achieve the appropriate thickness and smooth enough. Fakulty Department Practicum : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date Operation 8. : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 Board is already quite smooth drawn using the mall to make the seat according to the desired shape. Operation 9. Having measured (drawn with stationery), then cut with a saw. Inspection 3 Examined the results of cutting the size that we believe that the process of measuring and cutting our already good. Operation 10. To be comfortable wearing the seat, then the seat must be established in accordance with the state of the human body by using shavings. Operation 11. Once formed, then smoothed with sandpaper and putty over and over until really smooth. Operation 12. Seating is already smooth, cleaned of dirty-dirt, then lacquered to shiny as he examined both the color and quality of the varnish. 6. The Notion Of Pareto Diagram Pareto Chart is a method of organizing the error, problem or defect to help focus on problem-solving efforts. This diagram is used for classifying problems according to causes and symptoms. The problem will be sorted according to priority or importance using a bar chart/histogram. Pareto diagram creation process can be described as follows : a. Select several factors the causes of a problem (can be known from the results of the analysis of cause and effect). b. Collect data from each of the factors and calculate the percentage contribution of each factor. c. Stacking factors in new order starting from the largest contribution percentage and having to calculate the value of its accumulation. d. The form framework along with the diagram to the left shows the vertical frequency, whereas vertical along the right side in the form of cumulative. High along the left and right alike. e. Guided vertically along the left side, make the column sequentially along a horizontal on describing the contribution of each factor. Fakulty Department Practicum f. : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014 Guided vertically along the right side of the line, create cumulative percent, starting from 0% at the lower end along the left to 100% at the top along the right side. Example for Pareto Diagram : Table 7.2. Damage clothing data Penyebab masalah Jumlah Kumulatif Break 20 47% Dirty 10 70% Color Fade 5 81% Tangled 5 93% Smell 2 98% Shrinking 1 100% Total 43 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% Jumlah 20% 0% Picture 7.4 Pareto diagram damage clothing 7. Understanding Fishbone Diagram Diagram of fishbone/cause and effect diagram is a tool for quality control and developed by Kaoru Ishikawa. The diagram is displayed in the form of a graph that illustrates the relationship of the effects (the issue) with a potential case. Diagram of fishbone is used for try or device process from an activity. Diagram of fishbone can help stimulate rational thinking. Fakulty Department Practicum : Industrial Technology Meeting : Industrial Engineering Module : Physiology and Work Measurement Date Example for fishbone diagram : Figure 7.5 Causes of low customer satisfaction : 16 :7 : December 3, 2014