Today's date Sample Letter for Asia: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I've

Today’s date
Sample Letter for Asia:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,
I’ve enjoyed living here in Lincoln and working with the Nationwide Insurance Company as a computer
programmer. I’ve also been growing in my relationship with God as I’ve been involved with my church,
Candlewood Church. I’ve had a growing desire to help others also know about Jesus Christ.
I’m planning to go on a short-term, team mission trip sponsored by Candlewood
Church. This June 19 – July 4th, I have the opportunity to help a church share the
gospel in “Asia.” I can’t share the specific location for security reasons. On this
trip we will be working with a local church doing education camps. The students
are eager to learn English, so we will help them learn and practice English. We
will also be helping them learn the Bible and understand how they can have a
relationship with God.
In order to make this possible, I need to develop a team of people to support me and the mission team I go
with. I would value your prayer and would appreciate any financial help you could give. For Candlewood to
send me, it will cost $2,650. I am trusting the Lord to provide people who will join me in prayer and for those
who would like to help me with the costs of this trip.
Could you prayerfully consider being a part of my support team, as we plan to help the students and people of
Asia? Of the $2,650, $400 is needed by February 1st, with another $800 by March 1st so the cheapest airfares
can be purchased. I’ll need the final $1,450 by June 1st. If you choose to help, I have enclosed a response card,
which you can simply fill out and return in the envelope also provided. If you write a check, in the memo please
write “ # ______” which is the number designated for me.
I appreciate your friendship and would love to talk with you personally about this opportunity.
(Your signature)
P.S. I’ll be giving you a call soon, so we can talk more. (This ps depends on who you are writing. If you say you
will call then be faithful to call them.)
Gifts to support mission trips sponsored by Candlewood Church are tax-deductible. Checks should be made out to Candlewood Church.
Should the mission trip become over-funded, Candlewood Church will use the excess funds for mission activity in Asia. In the unlikely
event that the mission trip is changed or canceled, or the missionary is unable to make the mission trip, Candlewood Church will use the
collected funds for mission activity in Asia.
Today’s date
Sample Letter for Costa Rica:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,
I’ve enjoyed living here in Omaha and working with the Nationwide Insurance Company and going to college at
the University of Nebraska - Omaha. I’ve also been growing in my relationship with God as I’ve been involved
with my church, Candlewood Church. I’ve had a growing desire to help others also know about Jesus Christ.
This May 10th-16th, I have the opportunity to help a church share the
gospel in San Jose, Costa Rica. A team is planning to go on a shortterm mission trip sponsored by Candlewood Church. On this trip we
will be working with a local church putting on language workshops.
The people of San Jose are eager to learn English. We will help them
learn and practice their English skills with us. We will also be helping
them learn the Bible and understand how they can have a relationship
with God.
In order to make this possible, I need to develop a team of people to support me and the mission team. I would
value your prayer and appreciate any financial help you desire to give. For Great Commission Latin America to
send me, it will cost $1,650. I am trusting the Lord to provide people who will join me in prayer and for those
who would like to help me with the costs of this trip.
Could you prayerfully consider being a part of my support team, as we plan to help the students and people of
Costa Rica come to know Jesus? Each team member needs to raise $1,650. Of the $1,650, $525 is needed by
February 1st, with another $450 by March 1st so we can purchase the cheapest airfares.
If you choose to help, I have enclosed a response card, which you can simply fill out and return in the envelope
also provided. If you write a check, in the memo please write “ # ______” which is the number designated for
I appreciate your friendship and would love to talk with you personally about this opportunity.
(Your signature)
P.S. I’ll be giving you a call soon, so we can talk more. (This ps depends on who you are writing. If you say you
will call then be faithful to call them.)
Gifts to support mission trips sponsored by Great Commission Latin America are tax-deductible. Checks should be made out to Great
Commission Latin America. Should the mission trip become over-funded, GCLA will use the excess funds for mission activity in Latin
America. In the unlikely event that the mission trip is changed or canceled, or the missionary is unable to make the mission trip, GCLA
will use the collected funds for mission activity in Latin America.