Army Safety Management Implementing the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the Army The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed look at business management processes and design of accident and risk management systems. It provides a detailed look at the Army Safety Program and lays out a transition path to compliance with the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 Occupational Health and Safety Management System David W. Johnson 15 September 2009 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Copyright © 2009 David W. Johnson All Rights Reserved Page 2 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 SECTION 1 – ACCIDENT CAUSATION .......................................................................................................................................... 7 HISTORICAL VIEW OF ACCIDENT CAUSATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 THE HEINRICH MODEL OF ACCIDENT CAUSATION ............................................................................................................................................. 7 MODERN ACCIDENT CAUSATION MODEL ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 RISK MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 AN UPDATED APPROACH TO ACCIDENT CAUSATION ...................................................................................................................................... 11 SECTION 2 – A MODERN VIEW OF THE ARMY BUSINESS MODEL .................................................................................. 15 RESOURCING THE OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 15 DID YOU ACHIEVE YOUR OBJECTIVE – PROVIDING FOR ALTERNATE OUTCOMES...................................................................................... 17 SECTION 3 – SAFETY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................. 19 SWAMP – SAFETY WITHOUT ANY MANAGEMENT PROCESSES ................................................................................................................... 19 NORM – NATURALLY OCCURRING REACTIVE MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 19 SAFETY EXCELLENCE............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 SAFETY MANAGEMENT IN THE ARMY ................................................................................................................................................................ 20 PROVIDING FOR A FEEDBACK LOOP IN THE ARMY SAFETY PROGRAM ......................................................................................................... 21 SECTION 4 – MEASURING PERFORMANCE AND EFFECTIVENESS .................................................................................. 23 MEASURES OF PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 23 MEASURES OF EFFECTIVENESS............................................................................................................................................................................ 25 MAKING SAFETY METRICS RELEVANT TO THE ENTERPRISE ......................................................................................................................... 26 SECTION 5 – BASICS OF THE ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS ............................................................................................ 27 PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 THE ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OCCUPATION HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .................................................................. 28 SECTION 6 – IMPLEMENTING ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS IN THE ARMY .............................................................. 31 LIMITATIONS OF THE ARMY SAFETY PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................................... 32 BENEFITS OF THE ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS .................................................................................................................................... 32 MAKING THE TRANSITION TO THE ANSI Z10.................................................................................................................................................. 32 FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 38 SECTION 7 – DESIGNING AND INTEGRATING SAFETY AUTOMATION SYSTEMS ...................................................... 39 DESIGNING TOOLS FOR ANSI Z10 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40 BASE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 ARMY ANSI Z10 SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT MODEL ....................................................................................................................................... 41 END STATE.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52 SECTION 8 – SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................................. 55 APPENDIX A – COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ...................................................... 57 SYSTEMS BASED BUSINESS MANAGEMENT MODELS....................................................................................................................................... 69 APPENDIX B – FIVE STEP COMPOSITE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS ........................................................................ 75 IDENTIFYING AND ASSESSING HAZARDS ............................................................................................................................................................ 75 DEVELOPING COUNTERMEASURES AND CONTROLS TO MITIGATE RISK ...................................................................................................... 76 INTEGRATING RISK MANAGEMENT – MANAGING HAZARDS AND CONTROLS ............................................................................................. 80 APPENDIX C – EXAMPLE SAFETY STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................... 81 MEASURES OF PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................................................................................................. 81 Page 3 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT MEASURES OF EFFECTIVENESS ............................................................................................................................................................................86 GLOSSARY.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 97 ANSI Z10 KEY DEFINITIONS ...............................................................................................................................................................................97 OTHER DEFINITIONS ..............................................................................................................................................................................................97 WORKS CITED .................................................................................................................................................................................. 99 Page 4 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Preface Research by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) initiated in the late 1970s has documented the limited effectiveness of traditional safety approaches in minimizing occupational injuries and illnesses. When safety effectiveness ratings of a studied population of companies were compared to loss outcomes produced, no significant correlation of effort to results was found. However, when the same population of companies was studied a second time comparing management competencies to loss outcomes, a clear correlation of management effectiveness to low incident rate outcomes was revealed. Factors having minimal impact were: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A shift in safety emphasis; safety campaigns and promotions Size of the safety budget; random expenditures without a strategic safety plan Degree of hazard; assessing risk with no actions to control hazards Safety rules (quantity or quality); compliance mandated safety Safety committees; lack of positive leadership direction If traditional safety programs are not meeting the need, what then is the approach that will make an organization safe? One factor is common though, excellent safety performance cannot be attained in a generally poor organization. Safety is nothing more than a byproduct of doing things right (Hansen, 2005). Doing things right has been achieved by many organizations when they transformed the way they manage their business to a systems based business management model. With the general acceptance of ISO 9000 quality management system, corporations implemented practices that provided for continual improvement and systematic elimination of underlying or root causes of deficiencies. Other corporate management elements have followed suit and modeled specific operational areas under similar systems based business management models. An example is the standardization of environmental management practices with the introduction of ISO 14000 environmental management systems. The American National Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management System, ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005, brings this same level of systems based business management to safety. This document provides a detailed look at business management processes and design of accident and risk management systems. It provides a detailed look at the Army Safety Program and lays out a transition path to compliance with the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. The document will also provide a detailed software development strategy designed around the ANSI/AIHA Z102005 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Below is a breakdown for each section: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Section 1 – Accident Causation Section 2 – General overview of the Army Business Model Section 3 – Safety Program Management Section 4 – Measuring Performance Section 5 – Basics of the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS Section 6 – Implementing the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS in the Army Section 7 – Designing and Integrating Safety Automation Systems The document has two target audiences Section 1 through Section 6 is targeted at safety professionals to outline the foundations of existing safety management programs and lay out a path to the ANSI/AIHA Z102005 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Section 7 is provided for safety software development teams to outline a strategy for developing tools and resources designed around the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Though this document focuses on safety programs in the U.S. Army, the principles and concepts outlined in the document can be applied to any organization. For questions and comments related to this document, please contact: David W. Johnson PSC 303 Box 45 (FKSF) APO AP 96204 Phone: +82-10-4123-7699 E-Mail: Page 5 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Page 6 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Section 1 – Accident Causation An accident is an unplanned event that causes harm to people or damage to property. Safety programs and safety managers exist for one primary reason; the prevention of accidents. The goal of any safety program is to provide tools and resources to reduce the risk of occupational injuries, illnesses, and property loss. To develop these programs and implement countermeasures that can prevent accidents, the cause of an accident must be determined. Man’s desire to understand the causes of accidents has gone through a long evolutionary process. Modern accident causation models are very affective in understanding how accidents occur. The most effective accident investigation tools and processes provide information that will allow informed decisions by leadership to prevent future occurrences. This section will review the evolution of traditional accident causation models from their origins to modern causation models. Particular focus will be placed on integrating accident causation models with risk management concepts. Historical View of Accident Causation Early man attributed hurtful happenings or accidents to the spirits. For centuries this approach was predominant. Later a more sophisticated view was accepted- the person injured was somehow at fault. He was at fault because he should be "Punished", was careless", or just "stupid." During the early industrial revolution, factory managers reasoned workers who were injured, were hurt because they weren’t "careful." Accidents were considered a natural side effect of production in other words the cost of doing business. There was no way to change human nature, people always had been and always would be careless. The court system upheld the view of individual responsibility for safety. The injured worker had to sue and to win the suit, the employer had to be found completely to blame for negligence, and this was rare. Public opinion rose against the "worker alone-is-to-blame" theory. The courts responded by being more responsive to workers' claims. State legislatures followed suit and by 1908 every state had an employer's liability law Employers now with financial responsibility for an injured worker began to see that financially at least, it would be more cost effective to prevent accidents. The only theory of what caused accidents was personal carelessness. Individual businesses and factories used a hit-or-miss kind of effort in designing a safety program. These efforts enjoyed varying degrees of effectiveness. Figure 1 - Historical View of an Accident The Heinrich Model of Accident Causation The Heinrich model to accident causation has been the basic approach in accident prevention and has been used mostly by safety societies and professional people since its publication in 1932. This was the first scientific approach. Heinrich began with the fact of injury and traced it back to its causes. An injury, he reasoned, was caused by an accident, and an accident was caused by either an unsafe act on the part of the injured person or an unsafe Page 7 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT condition in the environment. The concept of an unsafe condition was a major breakthrough because it removed some of the blame from the individual worker. The worker might have been careless but it might also have been caused because the machine was poorly designed or maintained, thus making it likely whoever worked with it would be injured. Managers could see the rationale behind this theory. Since one of the remedies against accidents dealt with 'things' instead of people, employers had something concrete to correct. Machines, business and factory layouts were looked at with a new eye and were found to be sadly lacking in safety features. A big push began to engineer for safety. This engineering for safety has been very effective and is still a big area of responsibility under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. However, engineering out unsafe conditions was only part of Heinrich’s corrective action sequence. Heinrich professed that among direct and proximate causes of accidents, 88% are unsafe acts of persons, 10% are unsafe mechanical or physical hazards, and 2% of accidents are unpreventable (Manuele, 2008). To address the unsafe acts of persons, Heinrich proposed: instruction, which workers were taught how to do their particular job safely; persuasion and appeal, in which people were exhorted to behave safely and which prompted all those reams of paper being used for posters; and, discipline, in which, when all else has failed, a worker was threatened with loss of money or job if his safety performance did not improve. From these came the three "E's" of accident prevention: Engineering, Education, and Enforcement. Figure 2 - Heinrich's Accident Causation Theories Modern Accident Causation Model The modern causation model does a better job of depicting the causes of accidents. It is a little more complicated than Heinrich's model, but with it we can demonstrate that it does a lot more in helping to understand how accidents are caused and how to correct those causes. The modern model parallels Heinrich's to a certain point. A few words have been changed. Injury is called Result indicating it could involve damage as well as Personal injury and the result can range from no damage to the very severe. Page 8 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Figure 3 - Basic Modern Causation Model The word Mishap has been used rather than Accident to avoid the popular misunderstanding that an accident necessarily involves injury or damage. Finally, the term Operating Error has been substituted for Unsafe Act & Unsafe condition to better reflect that both are essentially the same thing, resulting from mistakes made by individuals. Examples of operating errors include: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Taking an unsafe position. Stacking supplies in unstable stacks. Poor housekeeping. Removing a guard. The addition of system defects breaks away from Heinrich and adds a concept that virtually revolutionizes accident prevention. This key concept is the single most important concept yet developed in accident prevention theory. It changes what we seek to do and how we do it. System defects are weaknesses in the way the system is designed or operated. Typical examples of system defects include: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Improper assignment of responsibility. Creation of an improper climate of motivation. Inadequate provisions for training and education. Poor provisions for providing suitable equipment and supplies. Improper procedures for selection and assignment of personnel. Improper allocation of funds. The next question is, "What causes systems defects?" The answer is management errors, because managers are the people who design systems. In organizations without a safety staff, the buck stops with the manager. Page 9 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Figure 4 - Leader Failures However, if the organization has a safety staff, we can answer the question, "Why did the manager make the error?" by answering, "Perhaps because he was poorly supported by the safety program responsible for advising him on safety matters." We may further conclude that when safety programs are weak and ineffective, it is generally because safety managers make them that way. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Safety Management Error - a weakness in the knowledge or motivation of the safety manager that permits a preventable defect in the safety program to exist. Safety Program Defect - a defect in some aspect of the safety program that allows an avoidable error to exist. Examples: Ineffective information collection. Weak causation analysis. Poor countermeasures. Inadequate control. Figure 5 - Safety Program Defects Page 10 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Risk Management Traditional industrial type operations are conducted in a stable and predictable operational environment. Because the operational environment is more predictable, accident causation analysis is more direct and controls can easily implemented through a compliance based model. In dynamic operations, there can be a significantly greater number of variables and complexities to consider. Traditional compliance based programs tend to be less effective across the full spectrum of operations. In many cases, relevant controls specific to an operation must be developed and implemented during the planning phase of the operation. To deal with this additional complexity many organizations have implemented policies that require the use of some form of operational risk management. Risk management in its various incarnations has been around for a long time. Originally, risk management was primarily used by engineers and by insurance companies. Engineers traditionally use risk management as a decision making tool during the development and sustainment of engineered systems. Insurance companies have used risk management to calculate insurable risks. Their processes determine the cost to insure based on risk of an accident. More recently, a variety of industries and institutions have looked to risk management as a method to prevent accidents. Arguably, the Service Components of the Department of Defense have implemented operational risk management as an accident prevention tool more than any other industry or institution. An examination of why they have so enthusiastically embraced risk management is in order. Military organizations, like general industry, quickly adopted compliance based programs and institutionalized their programs based on the standard guidelines. These programs contributed to dramatic reductions in accidents from the late 1970s through the 1980s. This steady decline in accidents lasted until the beginning of the 1990s. By the time Desert Storm kicked off, military organizations had achieved all that could be milked from standard compliance based safety programs. Clearly, the military needed a plan to continue downward trends The Service Components aggressively began an analysis into the reasons for the loss of effectiveness of compliance based programs. They soon realized that many of their processes did conform to the operational paradigm that the individual compliance initiatives were originally designed upon. Most compliance requirements originated from industrial operations. These operations take place in a predictable and controlled environment where the “at risk” population is clearly identified. On the contrary, most military operations are not conducted in a controlled industrial environment. Military operations typically focus on situationally dynamic operations and tasks. In the mid to late 1990s they began to look at a process that was designed to adapt to the dynamics of any operational situation. The process came to be known as Composite Risk Management (also known in the US Army as Composite Risk Management). Since that time, other agencies and institutions have adapted similar programs. These agencies and institutions all have one thing in common; they conduct less predictable operations in uncontrolled environments. Additionally, the ―at risk‖ population may not be clearly established for many operations and tasks. Common to these types of organizations are dynamic tasks that vary regularly based on weather, political and ethnic demographics, availability of skilled personnel to complete the task, and availability of tools and resources to ideally control all aspects and outcomes. In addition to the military Service Components, agencies such as Homeland Security, FEMA, law enforcement, and fire fighters all conduct dynamic operations that benefit from operational risk management. Operational risk management is now employed by all military service components and by many other agencies. The U.S. Army’s implementation of operational risk management is known as Composite Risk Management. Appendix B provides an overview of the Composite Risk Management process as defined in FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management. An Updated Approach to Accident Causation In Managing Maintenance Error: A Practical Guide, the authors comment on the need to inquire into the systemic causal factors that result in human errors. They state, ―Errors are consequences not just causes. They are shaped by local circumstance: by the task, the tools and equipment, and the workplace in general. If we are to understand the significance of these factors, we have to stand back from what went on in the error maker’s head and consider the nature of the system as a whole.‖ Page 11 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT The local circumstances referred to in the above excerpt vary greatly in operationally dynamic organizations. Operationally dynamic organizations incorporate risk management into their basic operations and regularly accept and manage risk. At the heart of any risk management program is the concept of acceptable risk. William Lowrance, the author of Of Acceptable Risk: Science and the Determination of Safety, wrote, ―Nothing can be absolutely free of risk. One can’t think of anything that isn’t under some circumstance, able to cause harm. Because nothing is absolutely free of risk, nothing can be said to be absolutely free of risk. There are degrees of risk, and consequently there are degrees of safety.‖ Through risk management, operationally dynamic organizations such as Army strive to achieve the minimum, practicable, and acceptable levels of risk throughout all operations. MIL-STD-882E, The Department of Defense Standard Practice for System Safety defines this acceptable risk as ALARP or As Low as Reasonably Practicable. ALARP is that level of risk which can be further lowered only by an increment in resource expenditure that cannot be justified by the resulting decrement of risk. Levels of acceptable risk are often judgmental. The operational risk management provides leaders with flexibility to weigh the risk against the operational objectives. In some cases the operational objectives may outweigh the risk. Most of the time, operationally dynamic operations are accomplished successfully without any accidents or other failure outcomes. Should an accident occur though, it may be difficult to determine the cause of an accident using traditional accident causation models such as the Modern Causation Model described above. Accounting for Acceptable Risk An operation that has an excepted residual risk usually contains precursor elements that could result in some form of failure outcome if not properly managed. The National Academy of Engineering workshop defines Accident Precursors as any event or group of events that must occur for an accident to occur under a given scenario. A precursor is an event that precedes and indicates the approach of another. In the context of risk management, a precursor is an event or situation that, if it had included (or not included) some other small set of behaviors or conditions, some form of failure outcome such as an accident would have occurred. The ―other set of behaviors or conditions‖ are known as exacerbating factors. The purpose of risk management is to attempt to manage these exacerbating factors and prevent them from resulting in an accident. In his report Root Cause Analysis of Precursors, Dr. William Cochran discusses root cause analysis that includes the consideration of precursors. In this report he states: In a perfect world precursors would be identified and analyzed so corrective actions could be taken to prevent the downstream failure outcomes? In some cases this does not occur. Several high profile accidents occurred with clearly identified precursors. The space shuttle Challenger explosion clearly shows this to be the case. It was commonly known that every shuttle launch included O-ring blow-by. In fact, it can be said that every launch of the space shuttle was a precursor to the Challenger explosion, in that if the pre-launch ambient temperature had been sufficiently low the O-rings would have failed and the vehicle would have been lost. There is also a near miss relationship to the accident or failure outcome. Initial studies showed for each disabling injury, there were 29 minor injuries and 300 close calls/no injury. Recent studies indicate for each serious result there are 59 minor and 600 near misses. A near miss is a special case precursor. There seems to be some agreement that near misses should be investigated commensurate to the potential loss. When the necessary exacerbating factors are highly likely the precursor is often called ―a near miss‖. For example, running a red light in a busy intersection without a collision. The exacerbating factor would have been a crossing vehicle in the intersection. Similarly, one would expect a precursor to be called a near miss if the mitigating factors were unlikely or not robust enough to deal with potential exacerbating factors. For example a high energy power line break that resulted in no injuries because the workers happened to be at lunch when it happened. Page 12 Figure 6. Accident Probability / Near Miss trends ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 What Causes a Precursor to Become an Accident? Dr. Cochran went on to discuss several formulas that clearly define the relationship between precursors and accidents. When an accident does not occur in a risk managed operation, then an exacerbating factor was missing, a mitigating factor was effective, or both. Conversely, when an accident occurs in a risk managed operation then an exacerbating factor was missing, a mitigating factor was effective, or both. The following equations define this relationship: Equation 1: Accident = Precursor + Exacerbating Factor(s) Equation 2: Accident = Precursor – Mitigating Factor(s) Equation 3: Accident = Precursor + Exacerbating Factor(s) – Mitigating Factor(s) It is not uncommon for an accident investigation to overlook precursors and the factors that lead to the accident. If an accident is not effectively investigated with appropriate corrective action put in place, then the causes of it may continue to exist. If the causes continue to exist another similar event may occur. Equation 4: Accident(N+1) = Accident(N) + Nothing + Time Equation 4a: Worse Accident(N+1) = Accident(N) + Nothing + Time + Exacerbating Factor(s) In general, we think of a near miss as a precursor whose ingredients differ in only minor ways from those necessary for an accident to occur. The ―near miss‖ concept suggests the following: Page 13 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Equation 5: Accident = Near Miss ± Not Much The importance of these formulas cannot be overstated. In a risk managed environment, precursors are the mix of DOTLMPF resources used to execute the mission. Exacerbating factors are unmitigated hazards and mitigating factors are controls. Ideally, the DOTLMPF resources are managed to find the right balance ensure success without taking unnecessary risks. Mitigating factors are put in place using risk management principles to protect against exacerbating factors. Usually this approach works. Unfortunately, when one of the conditions described above is in place an accident may occur. For risk management to be effective and to make a positive impact on safety there needs to be a mechanism in place that provides feedback for improvement of the process. Feedback is used to help ensure the proper mix of DOTLMPF resources and use of proper mitigating factors. Without feedback, every time a mission is executed is like the first time. Knowledge gained from previous operations is not put to use. Page 14 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Section 2 – A Modern View of the Army Business Model The General Systems Theory Business Model, also known as a Programs Based Business Model, is the most common business model used today. The approach views an organization as a group of interrelated programs brought together for a common purpose and is the foundation of the Army Business Management Model. Programs Based Business Models rely heavily on compliance with established standards to accomplish results. The figure below is a simple representation of the Programs Based Business Model. Resources used in the event process and make up are represented as the input portion of the model. Each mission or operation has a defined objective. The objective is the missions desired output. Between the input and the output lies the core mission / operation which consists of events and processes that manipulate the input to yield the output. Figure 7 - Standard Programs Based Linear Business Model Resourcing the objective The input portion of all business management models are composed of basic resource elements. Leaders manage these resources to execute their missions and achieve their objectives. An efficient organization expends only enough resources to adequately accomplish the mission. Over resourcing reduces the organizations efficiency and profitability. Under resourcing as a minimum over extend the boundaries of the resources and at worse causes losses such as damaged products, sub-standard products, or losses to one or more organization resources. Finding an efficient balance in the utilization of these resources is critical to the success of the corporate entity. DOTLMPF Resource Elements The Army Business Management Model contains seven resource management elements. These elements are defined by the acronym DOTLMPF. DOTLMPF is used by the U.S. Army as it resourcing model to represent the collection of resource elements that make up the corporate enterprise. Each of the DOTLMPF elements are defined below ♦ ♦ Doctrine – Doctrine is defined as the collection of rules, laws, organizational guideline, and corporate governances that provide the standards by which the business system operates. Organization – Organization is defined as the structure and manning guidelines that specify the hierarchal structure of the business system. The corporate organizational structure is critical to all business categories. It provides the foundation for all reports and metrics. It establishes the scope of the enterprise itself. It may be organized according corporate structure, geographic location, sales region, or any other logical representation of the enterprise. The structure defines how the corporate views itself Page 15 September 15, 2009 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT and how the enterprise will represent itself. From a mission point of view, organization represents the right individual with the proper knowledge and supervision to execute the mission. Training – Training is defined as the instructional guidance provided to leaders and employees necessary for the safe and efficient execution of the organization’s mission. Leadership – Leadership begins with first line supervisors and includes all intermediate levels through corporate executive leadership. It represents those personnel that provide guidance at all levels to employees for the safe and efficient execution of the mission. Leadership is not attached to individuals but instead is attached to positions within the organizational structure. Material – Material represents equipment and materials necessary for the successful completion of the organization’s mission. This includes consumables, production equipment, and durables, but does not include any real property such as buildings and facilities. Material elements are divided into those elements used directly in the execution of the organization’s mission and those used to support the enterprise infrastructure. Raw materials used in the production process are considered missions material resources. Enterprise resources used to support the infrastructure would include machines used in the manufacturing process, vehicles used in logistical support, or equipment used to support service based industries. Person – Person includes employees at all levels from intern through corporate executive. On the mission side, it includes the customer base. Person Resource represent information associated with an organizations employee base and may be used as a reference source for Employee management events such as training, awards, etc. When used with employee based events, historic records of personnel actions are associated with each individual employee. Its metrics focus on the issues directly related to the sustainment of the personal condition. Facility – Facilities represent those real property elements such as buildings and land used to support the organization’s mission at all levels. It does not usually include properties used solely for investment purposes. Real property entities are used as a reference source to manage things such as facility maintenance, inspections, etc. Like personnel resources, real property resources may be used to associate an historical record base for the management of the real property. Figure 8 – Resourcing with DOTLMPF Page 16 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 The DOTLMPF model also defines how each resource element functions within the business model. To do this, each of the DOTLMPF elements is categorized as depicted below: 1. Management Control Processes. Doctrine represents the organization’s management control processes. Through Doctrine all operations and their related tasks are defined. 2. Resource Enablers. Organization, Training, and Leadership represent resource enablers. That is to say, all doctrinal use of an organization’s resources is facilitated through training and through the organization’s leaders and leadership practices. 3. Organizational Resources. The remaining DOTLMPF elements represent the resources within an organization used to execute a task. Material, Personnel, and Facilities represent those organizational elements directly involved in the execution of a task. Figure 9 - Programs Based Linear Business Model with Army defined resourcing (DOTLMPF) Did You Achieve Your Objective – Providing for Alternate Outcomes The standard Programs Based Business Model represents operations in an ideal world. It assumes that the output will always be the desired output. The input side of the model consists of a balance of DOTLMPF resources designed specifically to achieve the desired output. Unfortunately, not all output represents the desired mission objective. Sometime resource performance is less than anticipated. Sometimes resource deficiencies are known from the start and accounted for through the risk management process. Regardless of the reason, output may vary from intended objective. Variable outputs are known as outcomes. Outcomes may be: 1. Desired or Anticipated Outcome. Outcomes that represent the anticipated or desired output 2. Deficiency Outcome. Outcomes other than anticipated or less than the desired outcome deficiency outcomes 3. Failure Outcome. A severe type of Deficiency Outcome represented by a significant loss such as property damage, a personal injury or a fatality where the losses from the resulting outcome exceeds acceptable cost. An accident is always considered a failure outcome even though the risk was accepted as part of the operation. All failure outcomes are a subset of deficiency outcomes (e.g. accident, near miss). When all these elements are combined, they define the Army Business Management Model as depicted below. Page 17 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Figure 10 - The Army’s implementation of the Programs Based Linear Business Model Page 18 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Section 3 – Safety Program Management The ultimate goal of an organization’s safety program is to achieve excellence in safety. During a review of statements made in annual reports on safety, health, and environmental controls issued by five companies that consistently achieve outstanding results, a pattern became evident that defines the absolutes necessary to attain such results (Manuele, 2008): ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Safety considerations are incorporated within the company’s culture, within its expressed vision, values, benefits, core values, and system of expected behavior. The board of directors and senior management lead the safety initiative and make clear by their actions that safety is a fundamental within the organization’s culture. There is a passion for, and sense of urgency to generate, superior safety results. Safety considerations permeate all business decision making, from the concept stage for the design of facilities and equipment, through their disposal. An effective performance management system is in place. All levels of personnel are held accountable for results. Larry Hansen developed a safety management model known as The Architecture of Safety Excellence. In May 2005 he published an article in Occupational Hazards magazine titled Stepping up to Operational Safety Excellence. In this article he defined the various stages types of safety program management as outlined below. SWAMP – Safety Without Any Management Processes COSTS ARE THE PROBLEM – Safety is Unmanaged; Safety is Ignored Organizations mired in the SWAMP frequently reject responsibility and perceive safety as a task with no productive value, a burden placed upon them by regulators, the insurance industry, or labor. They accept accidents as an unavoidable cost of doing business, are autocratic, and have a heavy production focus. Safety is frequently compromised to quota and/or delivery schedules. People are viewed as expendable resources. Their planning is short-term and reactive; communications are one-way (down) and founded in mandates of fear. They employ ―make-do‖ solutions to equipment and facilities problems, often leaving them unsafe. Minimal employee involvement is allowed in the process and labor/management relations often are at odds concerning safety and adversarial on most everything else. It’s always a case of them versus us. These companies have high insurance costs driven by both frequency and severity. They populate the highrisk pools, and adversely affect the insurance rates for their industry classification. These companies operate in statutory ignorance, often in violation of recognized codes and regulations. Employee complaints and whistle blowing occur frequently. They are targets of labor lawsuits and workplace litigation emanating from injuries, which frequently make national headlines. Companies mired in the SWAMP remain there until a Significant Financial Crisis occurs, which can be either a single catastrophic event or a cumulative increase in loss costs so significant as to impact profits, and threaten the CFO’s or CEO’s position, hence forcing senior management to acknowledge a problem and declare: ―We need a safety program!‖ NORM – Naturally Occurring Reactive Management PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM – Safety is Mismanaged; Safety is a Program Because the decision to act was driven by cost and ignorance rather than an understanding of real causes, the NORM is typically christened with the kiss of death the hiring of a safety director. This is a typical move as management believes people are the problem, hence the natural answer is to hire someone to fix them, not us. At this stage, companies implement safety programs without having an adequate understanding of the problems or the actions necessary to resolve them. They implement programs patterned after what others have done, i.e., create committees, establish rules, implement training, and enforce progressive disciplinary policies. None of these proves effective, as they are answers that do not address the problem … the management problem. Page 19 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Line managers typically excuse away accidents as employee carelessness. They are in conflict with the safety officer who they perceive to be a nitpicker impeding their real job to get product out the door. Line supervisors do not accept responsibility for the safety and health of the people assigned to their units and embrace ―quick fix‖ programs that have minimal impact. Employees see through the ploys and blow them off. Safety campaigns have high visibility, with slogans, contests, gimmicks, and incentive programs. Managers issue rules and more rules, but frequently compromise them in their own day-to-day behavior, sending a clear message to employees: Efforts are cyclical as they follow blood cycles injuries occur, pressure applied; injuries reduced, pressure removed. Activities focus on inspecting out hazards and disciplining out unsafe work practices. This process fails to identify core problems, and only addresses surface symptoms. Line managers ―do‖ safety but don’t ―buy into‖ safety. Insurance costs in these organizations show some improvement, but plateau at or about industry norms. The NORM is where many companies exist, and where most will remain. For an organization to advance onward to Stage III ... EXCELLENCE, they must undergo a ―Radical Organizational Change‖ (ROC), discarding traditional beliefs and approaches, and adopting a more progressive mindset on systemic cause and correction. These become the excellence companies. Safety Excellence PROCESS IS THE OPPORTUNITY – Safety is Managed as a System; Safety is Integrated into Other Corporate Systems. In excellence companies, safety is less scheduled and more systemic. Efforts are dedicated to building collaborative systems and cooperative partnerships that integrate safety into core business processes. There are few, if any, safety rules, safety meetings, safety audits, safety training, safety metrics and, least of all, safety committees. The objectives of such activities are integrated into operational procedures. In place of separate safety activities, there are: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Normally held operations meetings (that include, and often start with, safety) Standard operating procedures and training (that include safety as an integrated component) Problem seeing and solving sessions (that address safety as a fundamental element) Manager meetings to address on-going performance improvement opportunities (that include safety as an integral business process) These organizations are well-schooled in progressive management principles such as ISO 9000, Lean Six Sigma, and other modern leadership practices. Accidents are rare events. When they occur, they are addressed quickly and effectively at their root-cause level. Labor relations is healthy with many of these companies listed on recognized business lists, e.g., ―Best 100 Companies to Work For‖ and/or publicized in business trades, B-school case studies and management journals. Accident costs are low. For these companies, safety pays dividends and adds to the bottom line. Many in this group have transformed their safety function from a cost center to a profit center in recognition of its ability to make margin contribution and create shareholder value. Excellence companies face one additional mind shift on the journey to becoming a true world-class safety organization. This final step-change involves a Critical Thinking Shift wherein safety is no longer perceived as a technical and/or managerial issue, but as a core value critical to business success. Safety in world-class organizations is cultural, an issue of leadership values ―Safe is how business is done.‖ Safety Management in the Army When safety is managed as a separate program within an organization the results are often typified by Naturally Occurring Reactive Management (NORM) described above. The NORM type of safety management is the most common management practice in the Army and is a direct result of the Army Business Management Model. The ―programs‖ focused nature of the Army Business Management Model results in a conglomeration of linear programs attempting to work toward a common organizational goal but often falling short. This reactive and chaotic nature of Page 20 Figure 11 - Chaotic nature of program elements in the Programs Based Business Model ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Programs Based Business Models led to the development of Systems Based Business Management Models. Systems Based Business Management Models focus on proactive, standard processes for continuously assuring and improving elemental effectiveness. Systems Based Business Management Models requires a feedback loop that provides evaluation mechanisms, performance measurement, and a framework of continual improvement. The Safety Excellence model described above defines a Systems Based Business Model for safety. The figure below represents the generic Army Business Management Model modified to conform to the Systems Based Business Model Figure 12 - The Army's implementation of the Systems Based Business Management Model Providing for a Feedback Loop in the Army Safety Program The Army Safety Program contains most of the elements to support an effective systems based management model. However, one critical element is missing. The Army has no consistent methodology for providing for the feedback loop. It has no system for continuous feedback and improvement. For feedback to be of consistent use it must be standardized. To do this, a system of metrics needs to be in place. Currently, the Army has no consistent system to measure safety performance. Only accident performance has been defined. Additionally, no system exists to measure the effectiveness of its programs. Before an effective feedback system for continuous improvement can be implemented in the Army, a comprehensive system of metrics needs to be put into place that measures performance of all safety program elements. Page 21 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Page 22 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Section 4 – Measuring Performance and Effectiveness Accident rates are currently the only standardized metric used throughout the Army. Unfortunately, accident rates do little to indicate accident causation trends. They also are unable to provide necessary feedback to improve the organization’s safety initiatives. An accident rate is simply a performance indicator (and not a very good one either). The lack of metrics is indicative of the Army’s programs based safety management model. Though some statistics are kept, few are standardized and none are consolidated to provide holistic view of the performance of the Army Safety Program. This is not to say that data is not available to establish a system of metrics. The process of managing a safety program generates tremendous amounts of data. Data related to safety audits, safety training, and compliance with safety requirements is gathered and kept at virtually every command level. However, this data has no common system of measurement in order to quantify performance. It usually sits in a drawer until its meets guidelines for disposal; never benefiting the safety program and never providing feedback to the safety management system. The Systems Based Business Management Model described in Section 3 above requires an effective means of measuring the performance of the entire management system. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized. A core requirement of the Systems Based Business Management Model is that it must provide for continuous improvement. This requires a system of metrics that measures performance and that measure the effectiveness of its programs. Once processed, this data can be fed back into the planning process to provide for continual improvement. One of the primary reasons for the limited successes of risk management to date can be directly attributed to the lack of metrics used to measure both successes and failures. Data related to operational successes and failures represents only a portion of the available information. Once gathered, data related to safety audits, safety training, and compliance with safety requirements can also be quantified using a standard system of metrics. Accurately measuring these and other safety performance factors is fundamental to providing the necessary feedback required by the management system. Measures of Performance Measures of performance are direct measurements of an organization’s safety and accident prevention activities. Examples include measurements of safety training attendance, percent of required personnel in respiratory protection program, performance on safety surveys, etc. Two types of metrics are used to measure performance: lagging indicators and leading indicators. Lagging Indicators Lagging indicators result from analysis of failure outcomes. Most often they represent an accident or other type of loss and typically are measured as the number of times a failure occurred, the reasons for the failure, and the resulting outcome. Lagging indicators may also be grouped together to show overall organizational trends. For example, the number of time a failure associated with the individual DOTLMPF elements occurs would indicate weaknesses in that resource area. Lagging indicators are generally easier to define and quantify. Lagging indicators represent data elements associated with events that have already occurred. The amounts and types of data available are known and the relevancy on the data is similarly easy to identify and quantify. Because of the ease in identifying relevant quantifiable data, the majority of the data we tend collect and quantify is associated with lagging indicators. Lagging indicators can also be easily grouped into who, where, when, what, and why categories. These categories are often referred to as the 5ws. The 5ws can be further classified into 3 groups: demographics, precursors, and exacerbating factors Measuring Demographics Demographics are represented by who, where, and when. The main purpose of demographics is to identify the at risk population. A population may be defined by age, gender, and pay grade. It may also be defined by duty position and work location. Any set of who, where, and when that can identify a specific working population may be used. This population is then measured against a standard set of metrics. Identification of Page 23 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT mission parameters is critical to defining the elements that make up relevant metrics to measure at risk populations. Demographic metrics then seek out commonalities and accident trends to determine what population is most vulnerable to a reoccurrence of the mishap. Below are examples of information sets that may be used to measure demographic metrics. ♦ ♦ ♦ Who – gender, age, rank, duty position, etc. Where – operational environment, type location, theater of operations, etc. When – period of day, season, etc. What – Conditions Allowing a Hazard As previously mentioned, a deficiency exists when the DOTLMPF resource elements of a task are under resourced or improperly resourced. This deficiency is considered to be a hazard when it increases the probability or severity of a loss. DOTLMPF deficiencies define what conditions were in place that allowed a hazard to exist. Hazards can then be measured as DOTLMPF deficiencies and controls measured as applied DOTLMPF resources. These deficiencies are defined below: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Doctrine – Standards do not exist or they are not clear and practical Organization – Inadequate personnel or services to complete the operation Training – Standards exist but they are not known or ways to achieve them are not known Leader – Standards are known but are not enforced Material – Inadequate material or design of material inadequate for the mission Person – Standards not followed by the individual Facility – Inadequate facility maintenance or facility design inadequate for operation How and Why – Exacerbating Factors that Lead to DOTLMPF Deficiencies DOTLMPF deficiencies measure condition or state but they do not define how and why a condition led to an accident. In a risk managed environment, DOTLMPF deficiencies exist and are managed as part an aspect of the operation. Understanding what exacerbating factor caused DOTLMPF deficiencies to result in an accident is critical to identifying abatements and controls to the root cause of a problem. Exacerbating factors represent behaviors and conditions that lead to accidents. Most often, human behaviors, either by leaders or by individuals, contribute to these exacerbating factors. Human Factor elements (HFACS) are used to define behavioral exacerbating factor. Without understanding how and why these deficiencies exist, countermeasures that address superficial elements and not the fundamental root cause of the deficiency would be implemented. This is most common the case when dealing with systemic deficiencies. Leading Indicators Leading indicators measure the performance of safety programs and initiatives. With leading indicators it is typically more difficult to determine what should be measured. Significant amounts of data may need to be collected over time before quality metrics are identified. Difficulties in determining the usefulness of this type data has led to many safety professionals to overlook its applicability to improving the safety management system. Data for traditional leading indicators such as measurements of compliance, analysis of after action reviews, organizational readiness health assessments, and evaluations of near misses may or may not be kept for an organization and almost no organizations quantify this data and measure performance using a standardized system of metrics. For the most part, the data is collected because of the requirement from a higher authority. Each of these programs though can provide useful data for improving the safety management system. Compliance Compliance record keeping is common to most all organizations. Unfortunately, compliance is usually not quantified and little is done to measure the effectiveness of the compliance requirement. For the most part compliance record keeping is done for the sake of compliance or for liability reasons. Much more can be drawn from the record keeping process. For example, a safety inspection can quantify the DOTLMPF resource deficiencies and the reasons these deficiencies exist in much the same way as described in an accident investigation. The measurement of compliance or in this case lack of compliance can give an insight into the deficiency trends within an organization. Page 24 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Other types of compliance record keeping such as that used for safety training may also be quantified to provide leading performance indicators. The percentage of personnel attending training and measurement of skills and knowledge received in training (normally done through some type of testing) can also represent a safety measure of performance. It is critical to compare the compliance leading indicators with failures identified in accident investigations to measure the effectiveness of the compliance control. Analysis of After Action Reviews An After Action Review is used to identify the successes and failures of an operation. Each of the controls that were implemented for the mission should be measured and quantified for their effectiveness. Likewise, the type of operation being conducted should also be quantified. In this way the effectiveness of a type of control against a particular mission or mission set type can be measured. Additionally, the After Action Review should identify those DOTLMPF resources that were not as appropriate for the operation as expected. The exacerbating factors that caused the failures should also be accounted for. Metrics can be developed for after action reviews to quantify types of events, types of exposures, and types of lessons learned. Over time operational trends derived from the after action reviews can be analyzed to identify organizational shortcomings and systemic trends. Organizational Readiness Health Assessments Organizational Readiness Health Assessments, also known as Safety Health Assessments, measure the integration of safety and risk management in the organization. Most significantly, it measures how effectively leadership has established a risk management culture within the organization. This metric does not directly measure the effectiveness of a particular control but instead measures risk management and safety values impressed upon the organization’s employees. The metrics derived from the assessments should be gathered as a minimum annually to measure progress in developing a risk management culture. Accidents that include deficiencies in the Person DOTLMPF resource should be evaluated against the Organizational Readiness Health Assessment to validate findings. Evaluations of Near Misses As previously defined, a near miss is a special case precursor. When the necessary exacerbating factors are highly likely the precursor is often called ―a near miss‖. Near misses should be investigated using the same processes used in an accident investigation. A level of effort commensurate with the potential loss should be applied to the investigation process. Like accidents, deficiencies in DOTLMPF resources and existing exacerbating factors should be quantified and analyzed. As with accidents, deficiency trends identified in this way can show an organizations strengths and weaknesses. More importantly it can often clearly identify the countermeasures that need to be put in place to prevent future occurrences. Measures of Effectiveness Measures of effectiveness are more difficult to quantify. These measurements represent a quantification of how effective a particular control or program is at preventing accidents. To determine a measure of effectiveness, leading indicators are checked against lagging indicators to see if the plans, policies, and programs represented by the leading indicators reduced the frequency or severity of the events represented by the lagging indicators. Ideally, the metrics used to measure performance and effectiveness should pre-define when program or control put in place. For example, the process for measuring the effectiveness of the mandatory seatbelt requirement should have been put into place when the requirement was first established. The severity of injuries in motor vehicle accidents prior to implementing a mandatory seatbelt rule would have already been established. To measure the effectiveness of the seatbelt policy, the metric system would compare the severity of injuries after implementation to those identified before the implementation of the policy. To realize the full potential of both leading and lagging indicators, exposures must be measured. It is easy to measure the frequency of events such as accidents that generate lagging indicators. It is far more difficult to measure the frequency of our successes. For the most part we tend not to measure our successes. Because our successes, or our exposures, are not measured it is difficult to fully define the effectiveness of systems that have been put into place. Page 25 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Figure 13 - The Systems Based Business Management Model with metrics defined Making Safety Metrics Relevant to the Enterprise The main purpose of both leading and lagging indicators is to measure the effectiveness of existing controls and provide for continual improvement of the management system. The collection of metrics combines to provide the feedback mechanism necessary to support continuous improvement of the management system. The figure above shows where these metrics fit into the Systems Based Business Management Model. Attempts have been made in the Army to provide this type of feedback. Six Sigma is very similar in design the systems based management concepts described in this document and makes use of metrics in much the same way. Unfortunately, Lean Six Sigma has not lived up to its expectation. This is because Six Sigma is a tool, not a management system. When used as a tool within the Systems Based Business Management Model, Six Sigma could unquestionably provide the results Army leadership is searching for. Page 26 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Section 5 – Basics of the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS In 1999, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) officially approved the ANSI Accredited Standards Committee Z10, with the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) as its Secretariat, to begin work on a U.S. Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Standard. A committee was formed with broadly representative members from industry, labor, government, professional organizations and general interest participants. The committee examined current national and international standards, guidelines and practices in the occupational, environmental and quality systems arenas. Based on extensive deliberations, they adapted the principles most relevant from these approaches into a standard that is compatible with the principal international standards as well as with management system approaches currently in use in the United States. The process of developing and issuing a national consensus standard is expected to encourage the use of management system principles and guidelines for occupational health and safety among American organizations. It may also yield widespread benefits in health and safety, as well as in productivity, financial performance, and quality and other business goals. Figure 14. Evolution of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems On July 25, 2005, ANSI approved the new ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ANSI Z10). ANSI Z-10 is a voluntary consensus standard on occupational health and safety management systems. It uses recognized management system principles based on the Systems Business Management Model in order to be compatible with quality and environmental management system standards such as the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System and ISO 14000 Environmental Management System. The ANSI Z10 Standard also draws from approaches used by the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) guidelines on Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and from systems in use in organizations in the United States. The purpose of the standard is to provide organizations an effective tool for continual improvement of their occupational health and safety performance. Additionally, the standard sought to impact favorably on productivity, financial performance, quality, and other business goals through compatibility with other management systems. This compatibility encourages integration of the ANSI Z10 standard requirements into other business management systems (ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14000) in order to enhance overall organizational performance. The ANSI Z10 standard is a set of interrelated elements that establish or support health and safety policy and objectives, and mechanisms to achieve those objectives in order to continually improve occupational safety and health (Specialized Technology Resources, 2009). Page 27 Figure 15. Business & Operations Management Systems September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Plan-Do-Check-Act The ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System reference a methodology known as ―Plan-Do-Check-Act‖ or PDCA. The methodology provides for continual improvement of the organizations quality management systems. The ANSI Z-10 standard is based on the same classic PDCA quality principles. The PDCA is a four-step model for carrying out change. Just as a circle has no end, the PDCA cycle should be repeated again and again for continuous improvement. The elements of the PDCA cycle are defined below: 1. Plan: Establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the expected output. By making the expected output the focus, it differs from other techniques in that the completeness and accuracy of the specification is also part of the improvement. 2. Do: Implement the new processes. Often on a small scale if possible. 3. Check: Measure the new processes and compare the results against the expected results to ascertain any differences. 4. Act: Analyze the differences to determine Figure 16. The PDCA as implemented in ANSI Z10 their cause. Each will be part of either one or more of the P-D-C-A steps. Determine where to apply changes that will include improvement. When a pass through these four steps does not result in the need to improve, refine the scope to which PDCA is applied until there is a plan that involves improvement. Like many organizational management systems, Lean Six Sigma also makes use of the PDCA methodology. Lean Six Sigma adapts the PDCA methodology as ―Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.‖ This Lean Six Sigma methodology is usually referred to as DMAIC. Because of the common foundation to PDCA, Lean Six Sigma can also be plugged into the overall business model providing quantitative metrics and problem solving methodologies that could benefit the OHSMS. The ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 Occupation Health and Safety Management System The ANSI Z10 is designed around a Systems Based Management Model specifically for occupational health and safety. It is a management system standard not a specification standard. The basic elements of the standard address management leadership and employee participation, planning, implementation, evaluation and corrective action and management review. Contained within the standard are processes for continual improvement. These processes are to be in place and implemented to insure: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Hazards are identified and evaluated. Risks are assessed and prioritized. Management system deficiencies and opportunities for improvement are identified. Risk elimination, reduction, or control measures are taken to assure acceptable levels of risk are attained. Page 28 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Figure 17 - The American National Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Below is an overview of the seven different topics contained in the standard: 1. Scope, Purpose and Application: Section 1 defines the scope, purpose, and application of the ANSI Z10 standard. ANSI Z10 defines its purpose to provide a management tool to reduce the risk of occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. The scope of the program and the underlying principles of the new standard are also discussed in this section. 2. Definitions: Section 2 provides definitions of terms used in the standard. Definitions for many of the classics terms such as ―risk‖ and even ―hazard‖ vary slightly from commonly excepted definitions. It is important to understand how these terms are defined in the standard because these definitions form the basis for the provisions set down by the standard. Key ANSI Z10 definitions are included in the Glossary section. 3. Management Leadership and Employee Participation: Section 3 covers management and employee participation. It places the responsibility for the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) directly on the shoulders of management. The standard also emphasizes that there must be effective participation at all employee levels in the OHSMS. The primary elements of this section are: a. Management Leadership (1) Policy (documented, employee protection & participation) (2) Responsibility and Authority (implementation, maintenance, performance of OHSMS, provide resources) b. Employee Participation (1) Involvement in OHSMS by all employee levels of the organization (2) Resources and time to participate in planning, implementation, evaluation, corrective & preventive action (3) Access to relevant OHSMS information (4) Examples of Employee Participation Incident investigations, procedure development, Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) related audits, training development, job safety analysis, planning process, OH&S committee involvement 4. Planning (Plan): Section 4 defines planning. Planning in ANSI Z-10 is described as the process of identifying and prioritizing OHSMS issues. ANSI Z10 further defines issues as hazards, risks, OHSMS deficiencies, and improvement opportunities. The emphasis is on determining the hazards, risks, prioritizing and making corrective measures to reduce or eliminate risks. Classic process safety principles to reduce hazards and risk are emphasized in this section. The primary elements of this section are: Page 29 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT a. Initial and ongoing reviews b. Compliance with legal and other requirements c. Hazard & risk identification d. OH&S Objectives e. Implementation Plans and Allocation of Resources 5. Implementation and Operation (Do): Section 5 covers OHSMS operational elements, training, communications, and documentation. Many of these items are found in most organizational OHSMS. Hierarchy of controls, as described by the standard, means that companies ―shall‖ employ the classic risk reduction steps through elimination, substitution, engineering, warnings, administrative controls and PPE. The documentation and record control process are designed to fit in with ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards. The primary elements of this section are: a. OHSMS Operational Elements (1) Hierarchy of Controls (2) Design Review and Management of Change (3) Procurement (4) Contractors (5) Emergency Preparedness b. Education, Training, and Awareness c. Communication d. Document and Record Control Process 6. Evaluation & Corrective Actions (Check): Section 6 covers evaluation and corrective actions. Highlighted in this section are periodic audits. The audits are critical because they measure the organization’s effectiveness in implementing the OHSMS. The primary elements of this section are: a. Evaluation (1) Monitoring and Measurement (2) Audits (3) Incident Investigation b. Corrective and Preventive Actions c. Feedback to the Planning Process 7. Management Review (Act): The last section of the standard requires that management continue to participate in the process continuing to address issues for improvement. This key focus of this section is the requirement for measures of effectiveness of programs and policies in reducing risks. The primary elements of this section are: a. Review Process Requirements b. Review Elements and Outcomes c. Review Follow-up Page 30 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Section 6 – Implementing ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS in the Army An Occupational Safety and Health Management System is a set of interrelated elements that establish or support health and safety policy and objectives, and mechanisms to achieve those objectives in order to continually improve occupational safety and health (AIHA, 2005). Appendix A includes an overview of various OHSMS in use today. One such OHSMS that would meet the needs of the Army is the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 American National Standard for Occupational Safety and Health Management System. What is the difference between an OHSMS and a Safety Program? The distinction as used here is, a program operates in isolation by itself. The focus is typically on compliance with a specific regulation. Programs also lack strong, if any, feedback or evaluation mechanisms, which then limits their continuous improvement over time (Core Advantage, 2007). Conversely, a systems approach, while not losing sight of programmatic requirements, is broader in scope and addresses many other issues such as the quality of the safety and health performance, integration with other business systems, and focuses on safety and health improvement. A key distinction Figure 18 - The ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS of a systems approach is that there are clear feedback and evaluation mechanisms so that the system responds to both internal and external events (Core Advantage, 2007). The OMB Circular (consistent with Section 12(d) of the NTTAA) directs agencies to use voluntary consensus standards, such as ANSI Z10, in lieu of developing government-unique standards, except when such use would be inconsistent with the law or otherwise impractical. The ANSI Z10 contains many elements very similar to Army Safety Program elements but provides the added advantage of being designed around the core requirement of continual improvement. Each element of the ANSI Z10 is designed to feed into the next until it restarts the improvement cycle. When the individual program elements of the Army Safety Program are integrated into their appropriate place in the ANSI Z10, the non-cyclical nature of the current Army Safety Program becomes clear as do the possibilities for improvement. The transition to ANSI Z10, while not impractical, is not without effort. The Army Safety Program contains elements that need clarification and the addition of several specifications to comply with the ANSI Z10. For example, paragraph 5.1.1 of the ANSI Z10 specifically requires a hierarchy of controls. DA Pam 385-30 defines controls but does not specifically provide for this hierarchy. Each program element of the Army Safety Program would require analysis to determine where it fits into the ANSI Z10 and what changes would need to be made for compliance with the standard. A reasonable estimation would be that the Army Safety Program is currently about 80% to 85% in compliance with the ANSI Z10. Changing the safety culture and the way the Army has managed safety for so many years also presents difficulties. Initiating the ANSI Z10 in the Army would require commitment and direction at the highest levels. To ensure integration of the ANSI Z10 into the Army Safety Program, transition to ANSI Z10 should be initiated through the use of the Strategic Safety Plan to establish the initial goals. The ultimate end result of these goals would be the certification of individual programs and the overall Army Safety Program as ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS compliant. This section compares the Army Safety Program to the ANSI Z10 and looks at requirements to make the transition. It first looks at the advantages of the ANSI Z10 and the limitations of the Army Safety Program from strategic level. The following sub-sections then look at each of the elements that make up the ANSI Z10 with the corresponding Army Safety Program element. Discussion for each section is provided to discuss issues and modifications to the Army Safety Program needed for compliance with the ANSI Z10. Page 31 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Limitations of the Army Safety Program In Section 3 of this document, Army Safety Program management practices were defined as NORM or Naturally Occurring Reactive Management. In the Army Safety Program, activities focus on inspecting out hazards and disciplining out unsafe work practices. Safety campaigns have high visibility, with slogans, contests, gimmicks, and incentive programs. Managers issue rules and more rules, but frequently compromise them in their own day-to-day behavior. In AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program, 24 chapters define individual safety program elements. Unfortunately, none of these chapters include a collective business management process to integrate the individual safety program elements. For that, the Army refers to the standard linear business model. In general, each program element continues in a linear fashion independent of the other program elements. Integration of program elements is a requirement but the Army Safety Program lacks specific guidance or a framework on how to accomplish integration. To provide some semblance of integration, the individual program elements rely heavily on Composite Risk Management (CRM). Like the ANSI Z10, the Army’s CRM process does follow a Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) structure. When the individual safety program elements are used in conjunction with the CRM process, some cyclical benefits can be realized. However, CRM itself was not meant to be a comprehensive business management model as the ANSI Z10 is. Because of this, CRM falls short of being able to fully integrate the individual program elements into single cyclical business management model. Unfortunately, this lack of integration often results in limited program improvement. The Army Safety Program is too large and too complex to require integration without providing a framework and a set of standards to accomplish the task. The Army Safety Program also provides limited guidance on safety performance measurement. Currently, accident rates are the only clearly defined metric in the Army Safety Program. Chapter 2 of AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program requires metrics to measure performance in all areas but the Safety Center has yet to clearly define a system of standardized metrics that can be used to measure overall safety and occupational health performance. No metrics exist for measuring safety training performance, safety compliance reporting, etc. Neither is there a system in place to clearly measure effectiveness of safety program initiatives. Tools such as ARAP, TRiPS, and Safety Audit results should be used along with accident trends to clearly define measures of performance and effectiveness. To accomplish this, specific metrics should be clearly defined. Benefits of the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS Also in Section 3 of this document, safety management practices that focus on safety management systems, such as those found in ANSI Z10, were defined as Safety Excellence. With the ANSI Z10, safety is managed as a system that is integrated into other corporate systems. Unlike programs based linear business management practices, the ANSI Z10 goes beyond the sum of individual safety and health programs. It is made up of interrelated and interdependent components that are designed around a continual improvement model. To achieve continual improvement, the ANSI Z10 is recursive in nature with each section cyclically feeding into the other until the cycle starts again. At the core of this cyclic process is the requirement for Management of Change. This requirement is the engine that drives continuous improvement and is the most critical component that is missing from the Army Safety Program. The individual elements that make up the ANSI Z10 integrate into the management of change process. Each provides feedback into the system. Elements such as accident reporting, audits, and safety training feedback into the system to provide a comprehensive view of the total safety system. The ANSI Z10 requires metrics to measure the systems performance. Because metrics are built into the system, quantitative assessments of safety performance are continually fed into the management of change process. Ultimately, this results in leading indicators being measured against trends in lagging indicators, to measure the system’s overall effectiveness. Making the Transition to the ANSI Z10 The purpose of the following section is to identify structures within the Army Safety Program that support transition to the ANSI Z10. It follows the format and structure of the ANSI Z10 providing corresponding Army Safety Program elements. A discussion is included for each ANSI Z10 element identifying issues and implementation strategies. This section is not intended to be a comprehensive roadmap to change. It is designed to provide a high level overview of implementation. Page 32 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Section 3 Management Leadership and Employee Participation Section 3 places the responsibility for the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) directly on the shoulders of management. It defines roles and responsibilities for implementing, maintaining, monitoring, and resourcing the OHSMS program. The standard also emphasizes that there must be effective participation at all employee levels in the OHSMS. It requires employee participation in planning, implementation, and corrective actions. Army Safety Program AR 385 10, The Army Safety Program encompasses all the individual program elements that make up the Army Safety Program. Chapter 1, Section 2, Responsibilities similarly defines roles and responsibilities for the Army Safety Program. However it lacks requirement to integrate OHSMS into other organizations business systems and processes. Paragraph 2-24(e) states ―Commanders of separate detachments, companies and above will establish a Soldier and Army Civilian Employee Safety Committee. The committee will be representative of the workforce within the organization.‖ Though employee participation is implied, it does not specifically define the requirement for an employee safety committee nor does it define any other mandatory employee participation in planning, implementation, and corrective actions. Discussion and Recommendations Discussion: The Army Safety Program clearly defines management and leadership responsibilities but it does not define relationships to other management programs. Additionally, few organizations actually have effective participation by Soldiers and NCOs. Some organizations have NCO Safety Councils but these programs are hit and miss. Likewise, some organizations have effective civilian employee participation programs but this is not consistent throughout the Army. Recommendation: Identify other management systems and programs that should be integrated with the OHSMS. The scope of integration and key elements of the integration must also be clearly defined. Clearly define participation programs that should be included in DA Pam 385-10, The Army Safety Program. Elements should include requirements for an employee recommendation program, require BOSS representation at Commander level safety councils, define metrics that should be reported to employees/soldiers to promote suggestions, and include requirement for effective employee participation programs to be considered for organizational safety awards. Figure 19 - Section 3 of the ANSI Z10 Section 4 Planning (Plan) Section 4 clearly defines use of information resources in the planning process. It requires processes to review relevant information used to identify OHSMS issues, prioritization of OHSMS issues, development of objectives, and formulation of implementation plans. It requires all systems to provide feedback to the planning process for continual improvement. This methodology creates a cyclical process that provides for continual improvement. Army Safety Program FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management defines implementation of CRM for Army operations. DA Pam 38530, Mishap Risk Management defines risk management used in non-tactical/routine environments. The risk management process has many tenants of the Planning portion of the ANSI Z10. One element that is missing, perhaps the most important element, is a sustainable system of feedback and input to the planning process for continual improvement. Page 33 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Discussion and Recommendations Discussion: Traditionally, the Army has focused on accident reporting. Metrics to measure performance have likewise focused on accident reporting. The Army is missing metrics to measure leading indicators such as inspections and audits as well as other leading performance indicators. For an OHSMS to meet the requirement of ANSI Z10 Section 4.0 Planning it must have systems in place to capture leading and lagging indicators that measure safety performance and the effectiveness of controls. These performance indicators are provided to improve plans, correct deficiencies, and improve the overall OHSMS. Automation tools have likewise focused on accident reporting and analysis tools. More recently, the Army has focused on developing some risk management tools (e.g. TRiPS and GRAT). Unfortunately these tools do not share a common metrics model and are unable to communicate with each other. Because of this, they provide limited functionality in improving the OHSMS over time. Recommendations: Define a system of metrics to measure leading and lagging indicators for all areas of safety. Metrics should be common throughout the system to provide for common comparison and analysis. External data sources should be used and metrics normalized to the common system. Also recommend the development of an information automation system to provide as a repository of a wide range of leading and lagging metrics and to provide for analysis of trends. The information system should be composed of a variety of tools designed around the ANSI Z10 that address specific requirements and management needs. Tools should be designed with common metrics and interoperability in mind. The system should focus on the ability to review relevant information, identify issues, and feedback capabilities as part of its core design. Note: See Section 7 for a detailed automation implementation strategy. Figure 20 - Section 4 of the ANSI Z10 Section 5 Implementation and Operation (Do) Section 5 defines specific implementation processes. Several of the key elements are Hierarchy of Controls, Design Review and Management of Change, Procurement, Contractors, and Emergency Operations. In the area of operations it defines education and training programs, communication processes, and documentation of control processes. Perhaps the most significant element is the requirement for management of change. Management of change is critical to providing for continual improvement of the OHSMS. It is the process that integrates the other elements of the system and is the engine of continual change. Army Safety Program AR 385-10, the Army Safety Program, specifically addresses many of these elements. Chapter 2 addresses communication and documentation programs, Chapter 4 addresses contracting and procurement, Chapter 10 addresses training and education, and Chapter 19 addresses emergency operations. In addition, several DA Pams target these programs and provide detailed guidance. Discussion and Recommendations Discussion: Many of the basic elements that would support Section 5 of ANSI Z10 are essentially in place. Guidance for education and training requirements are adequate for the needs of the Army but a mechanism to track safety specific training is incomplete. The Army has a system known as the Defense Training Management System (DTMS) to track training but a complete list of safety training requirements are not included in the list of available training programs. Additionally, the system is not integrated with other safety information systems. Safety training is a leading performance indicator but, there are no metrics defined to provide measures of performance or to measure the effectiveness of training programs. Page 34 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Additionally, two significant elements are missing from the Army Safety program, a formal hierarchy of controls and a process for management of change. Hierarchy of controls provides a systematic way to determine the most effective feasible method to reduce risk associated with a hazard (AIHA, 2005). Management of change provides for system design reviews and managing of change to improve the OHSMS. Management of change provides mechanisms that manage and track controls and corrective actions in support of the continual improvement process. Like the Safety Centers Recommendation Tracking System, it tracks implementation of recommended corrective strategies, identifies responsible action agencies, and manages the process throughout the lifecycle of the action. Ideally it should also assess the effectiveness of the corrective action. Recommendation: A system to provide metrics related to safety training should be fairly simple to implement. Safety training should be tracked like any other organizational training. Since DTMS is the standard system in the Army to track training, it should be used to track safety training. To facilitate this process, all required safety training should be added to the system so it is available for inclusion as training. Additionally, training requirements based on the individual’s MOS/occupation and environmental exposures should be developed to identify specific safety training requirements (e.g. respiratory protection training, PPE training, etc.). This capability should be also be integrated into DTMS. Finally, the Safety Center, should import training statistics and develop metrics that can be used to gauge safety performance factors and provide for measurement of the effectiveness of specific safety training in preventing accidents. Figure 21 - Section 5 of the ANSI Z10 A hierarchy of controls would also be fairly simple to implement. Integration of the hierarchy of controls into FM 5-19, Composite Risk Management, and DA Pam 385-30, Mishap Risk Management, would probably be the most effective approach. The scope of the program would have to be broadened to encompass all safety program elements but this should create any issues. Implementing a process for change management would be more difficult. First the requirement for management of change would need to be formally defined within the Army Safety Program. Processes and procedures would need to be identified and standardized. Metrics would need to be developed to identify the types of controls and changes being implemented and a measurement of effectiveness would also be necessary. Existing tools such as the Recommendation Tracking System should be used as a starting point to support this requirement. Its scope would need to be broadened and metrics would need to be defined. Section 7 below details elements of this design. Section 6 Evaluation & Corrective Actions (Check) Section 6 defines requirements for evaluating performance of the OHSMS. It requires the ability to track findings and identify trends. The section specifically requires measurement of performance against the OHSMS standards. Section 6.1 defines specific processes and tools used to measure performance. Workplace inspections, exposure assessments, injury / illness investigations, and employee feedback are examples of these mechanisms. Section 6.2 focuses on incident investigation. Section 6.3 addresses audits. Section 6.4 addresses corrective and preventive actions. Finally Section 6.5 addresses feedback to the planning process. Army Safety Program Most of the elements from Section 6.0 are incorporated into the Army Safety Program. AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program, outlines program element implementation. Chapter 2 addresses the Army Command Inspection Program (CIP), Chapter 3 details accident investigation and reporting and Chapter 17 addresses workplace inspections. Specific program implementation details are addressed in various DA Pams. Occupational health and industrial hygiene assessment programs are addressed in Army medical Page 35 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT publications. These programs are designed to operate independent of each other and do not, by design, provide feedback into the planning process. Discussion and Recommendations Discussion: To effectively meet the standards of the Section 6.0, the Army Safety Program requires an effective hazards management model that manages hazards and corrective actions throughout their entire life cycles until they can feedback into the process. Audits and workplace inspections provide a great assessment of safety and occupational health but no standard system exists in the Army to track this leading performance indicator. Findings from inspections and audits are usually given to the command responsible for corrective action and little else is done with the information to ensure continual program improvement. Though a significant amount of data related to accidents is captured, there is also no way to determine if controls emplaced in the work environment were effective in reducing accidents. For example, is eye protection being used in industrial areas and is it effective in limiting the seriousness of eye injuries. Though many of the processes defined in Section 6 exist in the Army they are not integrated and most often different program offices do not share their information. When information is shared it usually has no common metric to clearly define performance trends. The Safety Center and USACHPM are the primary collectors of accident and illness data. The information systems used by these organizations do not currently share information nor do they share a common system of metrics. Common metrics are key to getting usable information from the various program organizations in the Army. Many of the operations in the Army expose personnel to various levels of risk. The Safety Center has developed several effective risk management tools but they are not used to their full effectiveness. The capabilities of the Ground Risk Assessment Tool (GRAT) and Composite Aviation Risk Assessment Tool (CART) could be extended to capture types of risks personnel are being exposed to and types of controls put in place to manage risk. When coupled with resources such as those found in the Center for Army Lessons Learned, these tools could be used as an exposure metric / leading indicator that could be used to gauge overall safety performance. Recommendation: A common metric system should be developed to clearly measure performance across a wide variety of Army Programs. The system of common metrics should be designed so that data can be shared across systems and across commands. Metrics for leading indicators need to be clearly identified and performance goals attached to these indicators. When compared with lagging indicators such as accident performance, these metrics should be capable of generating measures of the program effectiveness. Further recommend the Army develop a comprehensive information system that encompasses all the elements of Section 6. The system would need to include capabilities similar to those in the Army’s Recommendation Tracking System but at a much larger scale. The system would need to manage hazards and deficiencies from all identifying sources. Specific requirements include: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Figure 22 - Section 6 of the ANSI Z10 Need to establish standardized audits (e.g. CIPS and ARMS) designed around OHSMS model with example checklists in DA Pam and capability to track system level safety performance Need to establish standardized workplace inspection capabilities to manage workplace and facility safety issues as well as facility life cycle management Need capabilities to track type of corrective actions implemented, time to correct deficiencies, effectiveness of corrective actions Need capabilities to report close calls Page 36 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT ♦ ♦ September 15, 2009 Need capability to integrate with issues from Center for Army Lessons Learned Need capability to integrate with occupational illness trends tracked at USACHPM Section 7 Management Review (Act) Section 7 defines methodologies for higher level management review of the overall OHSMS. Section 7.1 defines the management review process and Section 7.2 defines review of outcomes and follow-up procedures. Army Safety Program The Army Safety Program has a clearly defined Management Control Evaluation Process. Appendix C of AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program, contains a detailed checklist of the evaluation elements. The checklist focuses heavily on accident performance but makes little provisions for leading performance indicators. Compliance with OSHA also requires evaluation and reporting of safety performance. Currently annual performance reports a forwarded to DA each year for consolidation. These reports focus primarily on the civilian workforce. No specific reporting requirements for the military workforce are defined but most organizations combine this data with that of the civilian workforce. Discussion and Recommendations Discussion: The Management Control Evaluation Process (MCP) is not currently used as an effective safety performance tool. It is mostly a paperwork drill meeting a GAO reporting requirement. The Army Safety Program needs a tool to elevate and assess its overall effectiveness. Recommendation: The MCP should be expanded to incorporate a comprehensive self assessment model that makes use of all metrics to assess the health of the OHSMS at all organizational levels. The MCP should be merged with annual OSHA reports to provide a comprehensive strategic assessment of the OHSMS. The strategic assessment should also include data from other resources such as the Center for Army Lessons Learned to develop future plans and initiatives. Appendix C contains an example of the type of report that could be implemented. Figure 23 - Section 7 of the ANSI Z10 To ensure accurate representation of performance, metrics used in the reports and the overall content of the reports should be standardized so that data could be rolled up to DA (Safety Center). This data could then provide a strategic overview of the OHSMS. This strategic assessment could drive the foundation of future business strategies and Strategic Safety Plans. It could be used to develop action plans and taskings. Page 37 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Figure 24 - The Army implementation of the ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005 OHSMS Final Recommendations To achieve full integration of ANSI Z10 in the Army, a more comprehensive analysis would be required. The analysis should look at all aspects of the existing Army Safety Program and provide a roadmap to implementation of the ANSI Z10 in the Army. As a minimum, the comprehensive analysis should include: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Levels of effort required for modification of existing programs to comply with ANSI Z10 Levels of effort required to develop common corporate metrics that provide for measures of performance and measures of effectiveness Identification of any obstacles to change Detailed assessment of the total cost of the transition. Include annual costs to allow for incremental implementation Detailed assessment of automation tools needed to meet system requirements with estimated life cycle costs Development of a clear set milestones to set goals and gauge implementation performance Expectations of benefit to Army safety and reasonable accident reduction goals. Accident reduction goals should be specific and linked to specific portions of the OHSMS implementation plan Page 38 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Section 7 – Designing and Integrating Safety Automation Systems The Vice Chief of Staff of the Army has directed U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center (Safety Center) to develop and maintain a single source reporting system and data repository for all Army accidents. This requirement provides direction to the Army and assists leaders in developing strategic plans and goals. Current systems are designed to provide this type of resource and do it quite well, but this is only a start. To truly have an impact on accident reduction and safety in general the Safety Center needs to do more. One of the problems facing safety managers over the years has been managing the information recording and reporting requirements of the Army Safety Program. These requirements are burdensome but the information is not recorded simply for the sake of recording. The information can provide valuable accident prevention and hazard abatement resources. This information is representative of the data and metrics needed to provide for continuous improvement as outlined in ANSI Z10. For the most part though, the Safety Center has focused its information management and analysis resources on accident data only. Far more data related to safety and risk management is collected by operational units and installations on a regular basis. Currently, DA level accident data and organizational safety program data are managed separately. DA level accident data is stored at the Safety Center in a proprietary data system with no system to share data or provide for common metrics. For most organizations, their safety program data is stored in a collection of spreadsheets and documents with no system of automation and little if any metrics captured. Accident reporting and analysis needs vary based on level of command. At Safety Center, information is looked analyzed based on a strategic view of the Army. Installations, specialty organizations, and organizations at various levels of command all have specific safety and risk management information needs that greatly exceed basic accident reporting and DA level analysis provided by the Safety Center. The headquarters centric information provided by Safety Center tends to a good job at providing overall strategic safety and risk management guidance to the Army, but because of their lack of scalability and extendibility, current systems tend to falter in their abilities to provide organizational centric information that can address detailed safety analysis at most organizational levels. Organizational tools such as ASPIRE and RCAS were developed to collectively manage accident data and other safety related data such as hazards logs in a single safety management system. Unfortunately, the design of these systems requires data that should be maintained at DA (e.g. accident data) be duplicated in local data repositories. RCAS and ASPIRE are not to be singled out on this issue. Hundreds of databases exist throughout the Army, all containing mishap data. Multiple databases have created multiple versions of the ―truth‖ often obscuring critical mishap related issues and trends. Most databases are not properly designed and the security of sensitive data has regularly been compromised ASPIRE, RCAS, and similar tools provide a far more comprehensive view of their organization safety program and risk management initiatives than the accident only tools provided by Safety Center. Most commands that use these tools have no desire to lose any of their current capabilities. Most are also more than willing to give up the responsibility of managing their own systems if they don’t lose any functionality when they adopt DA developed tools. From a commander’s perspective, they don’t care where the data or the safety management tools reside as long as they can have access to the resources they need without increasing the complexity and volume of their work. The Safety Center has developed several state of the art automation tools designed to assist in safety program improvement and accident reduction. Like the Army Safety Program in general, most of these tools function independently of each other without taking advantage of information generated by other tools. Ultimately, the goal should be designing a single robust business model that incorporates scalability and extendibility to cover all organizational safety information and record keeping needs. The design of the ANSI Z10 is ideal for use as a safety automation tool development model. The ANSI Z10 provides the basis for a framework in which a safety automation model can be constructed. This model would provide for tight integration of all Safety Center tools and a framework to develop external tools that function seamlessly with Safety Center tools. A single business model, regardless of who develops the tools, provides economy force and sharing of resources. Page 39 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Designing Tools for ANSI Z10 Do design effective safety management tools for the Army, developers must first realize that Army commands vary greatly and by design have significant differences in their needs for safety management and information tools. The variation in command structures and their information requirements begin at the highest levels of command. This is evidenced in the recent restructuring of MACOMs to AC, ASCCs, and DRUs. Army Commands are very large and like the Safety Center have a more strategic view when analyzing safety and risk management information. ASCCs represent our go to war headquarters command and tend to be more directly involved in specific details associated with safety trend analysis. They tend to be more proactive at cross-referencing mishap data with other trend resources. DRUs represent the supporting infrastructure. In many cases they are more systems oriented. They also employ the majority of the civilian workforce and need to look at how OSHA requirements relate to the Army’s safety systems. The model needs to take this variability into account in its basic design. Divisions and other Major Subordinate Commands and below will look at data with much more detail. They also have more direct access to additional safety leading indicators. A composite look at leading indicators, mishaps trends, and other lagging indicators can give a much different view than analyzing mishaps alone. The model must allow for analysis of safety and risk management data and trends from these other resources. With the creation of the Installation Management Command comes the creation of specific safety and risk management needs. An installation not only must address occupational safety but must also address public safety. Their responsibilities extend into restraints, shopping centers, schools, and public service agencies such as fire fighting and law enforcement. Clearly, the model needs to address these needs also. Finally, not all tactical organizations have the same mission. Special Operations Command, Intelligence and Security Command, Army Medical Command, and the Corps of Engineers all have unique missions. Their needs are often neglected when a singular strategic view of the Army is all that is addressed. The model must be capable of addressing the specific needs of these special organizations. These variations in command structure and safety information system requirements present challenges to developers. Fortunately, the ANSI Z10 was designed from the ground up to be applicable to all organizations of all sizes and types. It is designed to be both scalable and extendible to support needs at all levels. Because of this flexibility of ANSI Z10 extends to information systems development in the form of the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model. Base Requirements For a safety information system to be applicable across the Army, certain critical capabilities must designed into the system. These capabilities are the high level objectives of the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model. 1. Encapsulate all the above ANSI Z10 safety elements into the model and, as a minimum, design for a system of continual improvement through the use of a well defined feedback capability. 2. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model must be a subcomponent of the overall corporate business model and be integrated into Army business processes at all levels. . Today, safety and risk management exist as separate activities of Army processes and operations. To achieve the requirements of the ANSI Z10, safety and risk management must be a core process and integrated into all processes as part of the process itself. 3. The design of the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model must be flexible enough to adapt to the wide range of operations executed by the Army. For example: a. High stakes, event driven operations b. Routine support operations such as vehicle repair c. Combat operations and training d. Administrative operations 4. To encapsulate the concepts of safety excellence, the business model must support the concept that leaders manage resources and processes to achieve the objective. 5. The model must be a single model that is both scalable and extendible. It must provide the capabilities to add on features at all levels of command so that it can evolve and mature as the Army’s safety management systems mature. It must anticipate a paradigm shift from traditional reactionary safety programs to the tenants of the ANSI Z10. Page 40 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 6. The model must encompass all accident reporting requirements into a single model regardless of the source of the requirement. The model should be designed with built in extensibility to accommodate additional requirements and evolutionary changes to existing requirements. 7. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model defines a business management system not a software application. An extendible business management system will assure extendible software and nonsoftware based tools. 8. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model must be designed to support both data consumers and data providers. The model must address the functional needs of each from their respective points of view. A data consumer is focused on what information they need to do their analysis and data providers should be identified according to their ability to provide the required data. 9. Simply reporting accidents is not enough. A system to manage hazards, deficiencies, and controls associated with the accidents is essential to preventing future accidents. This system should be designed around the requirement for management of change. Additionally the management of change system should also accommodate hazards, deficiencies, and controls from other sources such as audits, inspections, safety councils, near misses, and those identified independently by the work force. 10. Deficiencies identified by accidents represent lagging indicators of deficiencies and hazards within an organization. Failures of systems and controls must occur for identification of these deficiencies. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model must also be able to accommodate deficiencies and trends identified prior to system and control failures. It must be able to make use of these leading indicators to reduce the potential for accidents. 11. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model should provide for measures of effectiveness. The system should provide capabilities to check leading indicators against lagging indicators to see if the plans, policies, and programs represented by the leading indicators reduced the frequency or severity of the events represented by the lagging indicators. Capabilities to pre-define metrics used to measure performance and effectiveness should be designed into the system. 12. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model should be published as a corporate standard. As part of this standard, commonalities to other systems should be identified. Reference / look-up codes that are common to other systems should be identified and authoritative sources for these resources established. This concept should be built in as an extensibility requirement so that integration with external systems can be supported. 13. Information availability and the capability to use the information for safety and accident prevention purposes vary at different levels of command. The higher the level of command, the more strategic the view and the less detailed the information needs to be. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model should be designed to provide a framework that can be published and integrated into systems at any level of command. A common model would allow users at all levels to identify necessary information resources and have defined business processes to make use of the resource specific to their needs while supporting the overall information needs at higher command levels. 14. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model should address the specific needs of installations (e.g. public safety concerns, recreational safety, traffic safety, etc.) 15. Operational units have a need to capture data in much greater detail than higher level commands. Data related facility inspections, hearing conservation, respiratory protection, radiation safety, explosive safety, and other operational areas provide a profile on the safety health of the organization. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model should address these specific needs. 16. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model should address pure ad hoc analysis needs (e.g. answer specific targeted questions regarding the who, where, when, what, why, and how) 17. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model should be designed as a stateless system to improve performance. Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model The phrase Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model has been used to describe the development approach using the American National Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (ANSI Z10) as a business model for system software development. It is not intended to be a catch phrase but is intended to be a formally defined software development model. It is designed to be compliant with the DoD Software Architecture Standards and designed to provide for growth and maturation of the safety management system and its business requirements. Page 41 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT The purpose of this section is to provide input to the Army Integrated Risk Management Enterprise Architecture at the U.S. Army Combat Readiness / Safety Center. Recommendations and input represent the information systems needs from the viewpoint of an ASCC, installation, or brigade safety office. Recommendations are designed to assist in analysis and in the general management of organizational safety programs. Some of the recommendations may not directly impact the needs of ACOMs, installations with combined safety offices, or the Safety Center. The final end state will be a multi-tiered Risk Management Information System (RMIS) that extends the capabilities of the systems at Safety Center and provides valuable tools at command level safety offices. Designing the Enterprise An assessment of software development plans from the Safety Center was conducted to identify areas of consideration. . (Note: The below analysis is included as separate document titled Army Risk Management Information System Boundary – 20080524 ArchitectureDesignPlans_USASafety Center_Dave.vsd). Few recommendations were made for near term integration. Near term recommendations integrates ASCP initiatives and lays foundation for future recommendations. Out year recommendations include recommendations to Analyze-It, a proposed Track-It, and the Command ARMIS. Finally, to reduce confusion of end users, the system is changed to the Army Risk Management Information System (ARMIS). Users will see this as an evolution and capabilities enhancement of existing systems. Definitions of ARMIS and other tool changes are included below in the section titled Multi-Tiered Risk Management Information System. Specific definitions of the tools that make up ARMIS are included in the section below titled The Army Risk Management Information System. 6 to 12 Months An assessment of the 6 month model indicates that the primary focus of Safety Center is to continue development of Report-It and lay the foundation for the transfer of the database systems from Oracle to SQL Server. At the core of the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model is the requirement to provide for continual improvement via a feedback mechanism. To support this requirement, the system must establish a common set of metrics. Metrics rely heavily on quantifiable data values in the information system. To ensure commonality across applications and across systems, a common set of look-up codes must be defined. Wherever possible, the system should use codes defined by an authoritative source (e.g. consider using ICD-10 codes to represent type injuries). To develop new codes and validate existing codes developed by the Safety Center, a committee of stake holders should be formed. The committee should consist of developers, analysts at the Safety Center, and key users in the field. The committee would be charged with ensuring the relevancy of the code system, its applicability to the ANSI Z10, and the elimination of data noise. The code system should also be managed and new codes only allowed when a consensus among stake holders is achieved. Figure 25 - Integration with DTMS and ALMS A basic framework of metrics must be built for both existing systems and future projects. The framework should provide for controlled additions and changes to the codes system. It should define the purpose of the metric and its role in providing for continual improvement of the OHSMS. Because the ability to provide for continual improvement is critically tied to metrics and the code system, it is critical that this requirement be initiated at the beginning of the project. The only additional recommendation would be to integrate with the Defense Training Management System (DTMS) and the Army Learning Management System (ALMS). With this integration, the Safety Center will be able to provide for centralized reporting of safety training. The Safety Center should establish links with DTMS and ALMS that imports and normalizes data to the common metrics model. Appendix C of DA Pam 385-10, The Army Safety Program, provides a detailed list of all safety training that may be required by soldiers and DA civilians. The list is primarily based on the requirements of 29 CFR 1910 Page 42 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 and 1926. Training requirements are implemented as controls to prevent injuries for specific type operations. Safety managers track the completion of training as part of the risk management process (step 5 – supervise). Reports representing percent of personnel that attended training is a measure of performance for that organization’s safety program. The list from Appendix C of DA Pam 385-10, The Army Safety Program, should be loaded into DTMS as standard Army training requirements. This would allow commanders and safety managers a standardized way of tracking safety training. Data from DTMS could be fed into Analyze-It and represent a measure of effectiveness. Lack of training is often included as a recommendation in an accident report. Recommendations are currently quantified in the Army Safety Management Information System (ASMIS). Training trends could be compared with type recommendations to determine if training is being conducted and if it is, was the training effective. This comparative analysis represents a valuable measure of effectiveness. Initial integration could occur sometime between the 6 month model and the 12 month model. Full integration of DTMS data with Analyze-It would be forecasted for inclusion in the beyond 18 month model. 12 to 18 Months An assessment of the 12 month model indicates the continued focus of Safety Center on development of Report-It and the transition to SQL Server. Focus should continue on the integration of DTMS and ALMS. By the 12 month mark, DTMS can be fully integrated as a training reporting tool. On-line safety classes can be cross referenced with DTMS safety training entries and credit automatically given for a class when an individual completes a training module at CRU-II or ALMS. Integration with Analyze-It should be targeted for a later date. The Safety Center should also conduct an analysis of the capabilities of the Army Readiness Assessment Program (ARAP) providing measures of effectiveness to Analyze-It. ARAP assesses the effectiveness of the command’s safety and risk management initiatives. As a leading indicator it provides feedback directly from the command’s personnel. The analysis of ARAP should look at the ability to sanitize ARAP data to protect is capabilities as a battalion level assessment tool and still provide adequate data for use in Analyze-It. AnalyzeIt could compare ARAP assessment trends with accident trends to measure the effectiveness of the Army’s safety initiatives as well as those of the organization. Analyze-It could also use the data to profile at risk organizations. Interactions with the resulting data could be through the ARAP interface or through AnalyzeIt. Safety Center may want to consider establishing bi-directional data flows for all data in Prevent-It. This data represents leading indicators of Army organizations and operations. All of these leading indicators can provide valuable input into Analyze-It. 18 Months and Beyond An assessment of the 18 month model indicates the most significant shift in the Safety Center’s information infrastructure. Data has been moved off Oracle to SQL Server and integration services are established. Report-It should be fully developed and established as the Army standard accident reporting tool. The number of external interfaces is also increased. At this point DTMS should be moved into the External System list. It is also recommended that the Defense Occupational Health Reporting System (DOHRS) and Integrated Facility System (IFS) be added as external sources. DOHRS provides occupational health and industrial hygiene information that could be used by Analyze-It to determine the health (as it relates to industrial hygiene) of our facilities and the integration of our personnel into programs such as the respiratory protection program and the hearing conservation program. These leading indicators when compared with accident trends can measure the effectiveness of these programs in preventing accidents. The Recommendation Tracking System (RTS) should have evolved into Tack-It and exist independent from Analyze-It. The complete capabilities of Track-It are defined in the section below titled The Army Risk Management Information System. Finally, external Risk Management Systems tools such as RCAS should exist independently as ARMIS compliant tools that must conform to architectural requirements before being allowed to communicate directly with ARMIS. By the 18 month mark, all external independent Risk Management Systems would require compliance with business rules established by the Safety Center. These business rules would define Page 43 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT communication standards, code table standards, communication infrastructures, and other requirements that would guarantee a definable amount of integration. Compliance would be mandatory. Data could flow down to compliant systems. Bi-directional data flow may or may not exist at this time. This would be a transitional phase for external systems. The eventual state for external Risk Management Systems would not take place until well beyond the 118 month model. An assessment of the model beyond 18 month indicates the establishment of the foundation infrastructure with a series of web services encapsulated in tool sets at Safety Center. The focus of efforts from 18 months and beyond should be the evolutionary development of the entire suite of Risk Management tools. The following section defines each of these tools and the recommended end state. Recommendations are based on an assessment of safety management, reporting, and analysis needs for ACOMs, ASCCs, DRUs, installations and brigade level commands. Figure 26 - Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model Page 44 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 The Army Risk Management Information System In FY2000, the Safety Center G6 made a proposal to BG LaCoste (the Safety Center commander at the time) to develop a multi-tiered Risk Management Information System. The DA level tools located at Safety Center would be known as the Risk Management Information System (RMIS) and lower level commands would have a less capable tool designed to manage safety data not managed in RMIS and to integrate tightly with RMIS. This tool was known as Command Risk Management Information System of CRMIS. Since that time, Safety Center has done a tremendous job at evolving on-line safety and risk management tools. The purpose of this section is to update the original concept of tools with their current variants. The collection of tools located at Safety Center would be collectively known as the Army Risk Management Information System (ARMIS). It would consist of the following tools: 1) Report-It, 2) Track-It, 3) Analyze-It, 4) Train-It, 5) Prevent-It, and Review-It. The command level, known as CARMIS, would also be updated. Details on CARMIS are included later in this section. Incorporating ANSI Z10 The introduction of “Report-It,” the Army online accident reporting tool, established precedence for a naming convention that well suits the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model and its safety automation tools. The naming convention focuses on using “It” as the action and purpose of the tool. For example, Report-It, Analyze-It, Track-It, and Prevent-It all define functional aspects of Army safety and the tool’s function within the OHSMS. The long term goal of any safety automation project would be developing a model that provides for continuous safety program improvement and seamless integration of a community of safety management tools and resources. At the core of the ANSI Z10 is the concept of continually improving safety and health performance. Continual improvement requires that program deficiencies be identified, corrective elements be developed, controls be implemented, and performance of control measures analyzed. The ANSI Z10 incorporates this traditional Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach for improving safety in the workplace. The PDCA approach is recursive and provides the methodology for continual improvement. The PDCA approach can also be defined as a change management approach. Figure 27. Overview of basic automation model with change management integrated at its core. Change management is critical to the implementation of the ANSI Z10. From an automation perspective, change management should be designed in as the core concept of the automation business model for all Army safety automation projects. The importance of implementing a change management tool at the core of the Army’s safety development efforts cannot be overemphasized. Without continual improvement and a process to manage change, the Army Safety Program will continue to struggle with sustainable accident, risk, and hazard reduction. Data is either provided or it is consumed. Tools used to manage and manipulate data can be categorized as data providers or as data consumers. Data provider sources such as accident reports, inspection reports, and training records are designed to track and measure performance. Data consumers analyze and process data collected from data providers. Analyzed data can provide measures of effectiveness when implemented corrective actions are measured for their impact in correcting a deficiency. A change management model defines the specifications for all other safety automation tools both internal and external to Safety Center. For the ANSI Z10 to function as a basis for designing safety automation tools it Page 45 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT must have a robust core functional component that defines a framework for all other components. As with the standard itself, the core function should focus on change management. Figure 2 depicts how this Army safety automation model with change management capability at its core might work. On the data provider side are tools such as Report-It, Inspect-It, and Train-It. These tools feed performance data into the change management core of the model. Tools such as Analyze-It and Prevent-It draw data from the core, analyze and process the data, then provide measures of effectiveness back to the core. These measures of effectiveness would then be used to determine if actions managed in Track-It and implemented in tools such as Prevent-It are effective in controlling specific hazards and deficiencies. The following sections outline the individual tools that make up the ARMIS. Each of the tools are categorized into their corresponding Plan-Do-Check-Act categories. Track-It – Providing for Management of Change Change management is at the core of the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model and is the engine that drives continuous improvement. It is singularly the most important component of the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model. Change management requires full life cycle management of hazards and deficiencies to support continual improvement of the OHSMS. The Army Safety Program currently makes limited use of a change management. The current change management tool is known as the Recommendation Tracking System (RTS). The RTS is very limited in its scope and not capable of addressing the broad scope of change management that is required by the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model. To meet the requirements of the ANSI Z10 and the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model, RTS would need to be completely redesigned. Figure 28 - Track-It; the engine of change management The redesigned change management tool is known as Track-It. Track-It would have the core requirement of being a robust change management tool that integrates with all other safety management tools covering all aspects of the OHSMS. Track-It should be designed from the ground up to be scalable and extendible. It should be designed around a clearly defined set of common specifications that would facilitate communication between safety automation tools. Existing tools should be updated to conform to this model as part of their normal upgrade cycle and all new tools, both internal to the Safety Center and externally developed tools, should be required to conform to this model. To manage change, Track-It would need to be designed to support the PDCA approach. In the Plan phase, deficiency demographics (e.g. location, deficiency type, etc.) and deficiency causation factors (e.g. HFACS) would be quantified and stored with the deficiency entry to provide for trend analysis. Likewise recommended corrective actions would be quantified to identify type corrective actions associated with type deficiencies. In the Do phase, the actual corrective action that was implemented would be captured. Like the Plan phase, key elements such as type corrective action, cost, and how implemented would be quantified so performance could be measured. In the Check phase, the effectiveness of the corrective actions would also be quantified. Track-It would use this information to gauge the performance of type corrective actions in abating specific type hazards and deficiencies. Finally in the Act phase, Track-It, through analysis of its data, would provide the basis for improved corrective actions and controls that could be fed back into Army regulations, training programs, prevention tools, and processes. Below are some additional features that should also be incorporated into Track-It. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Provide for responsible action officer and responsible office to track and manage change Provide a design that could be implemented at all levels of command Require implemented corrective actions to include what the expected outcome of the corrective action will be Require measurable elements be defined to determine levels of success for the corrective action Page 46 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Though Track-It would rely on interaction with the entire suite of safety automation tools it would manage hazards and deficiencies independently of any of those tools. Status updates would of hazards and deficiencies would be synchronized between the tools but this synchronization would not be required for either to function. The following sections describes how data provider tools could feed data to Track-It and how data consumer tools make use of the data processed through Track-It. Plan Plan tools should be designed to process and review relevant information used to identify OHSMS issues, prioritize OHSMS issues, develop objectives, and formulate implementation plans. It requires all systems to provide feedback to the planning process for continual improvement. Prevent-It Prevent-It is designed to evolve from Risk Management tools currently in place at the Safety Center. GRAT, CART, and TRiPS all are used to identify and manage operational and individual risks. This data contains information that is significant to analysis tools such as Analyze-It. Currently this information is largely unused by Safety Center for Figure 29 - Section 4; Plan analysis. As the tools within Prevent-It evolve, provisions for extracting performance data should be incorporated. For example, if GRAT or CART required some sort of AAR following a mission, then the successes of controls could be measured. These successes could represent valuable performance trends for use in Analyze-It. To encourage use, GRAT and CART could be integrated into mission planning tools for seamless mission planning integration. Along with data from the Center for Army Lessons Learned, successes could be measured instead of just failures. These development goals are perhaps the most difficult to achieve but have the greatest potential in preventing accidents. Do Do tools incorporate several key elements of the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model to include Design Review and Management of Change, Procurement, Contractors, and Emergency Operations. In the area of operations it defines education and training programs, communication processes, and documentation of control processes. Perhaps the most significant element is the requirement for management of change. Management of change integrates the other elements of the system and is the engine of continual change. Accordingly, the management of change tool, Track-It, exists independently but integrated with of the Do section. Train-It Integration of the Defense Training Management System (DTMS) and the Army Learning Management System (ALMS) would require the development of an interface tool known as Train-It to make use of the data. Train-It would normalize data to the common system of metrics and make the DTMS and ALMS usable throughout the ARMIS. Through Train-It, the Safety Center will be able to provide for centralized reporting of safety training to organizations at all levels. Page 47 Figure 30 - Section 5; Do September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Check Check tools require the ability to track findings and identify trends. Check tools also require measurement of performance against the OHSMS standards. Specific processes and tools used to measure performance such as workplace inspections, exposure assessments, injury / illness investigations, and employee feedback are examples of these requirements. Report-It The current development path of Report-It is an example of best practices in software development. Both scalability and extensibility are built into the design. Report-It would be established as the primary means for reporting all accidents. Accidents could be reported by the safety manager or chain of command personnel. When completed, the finished report could be approved / endorsed by the chain of command electronically. No paper report need exist. The design of Report-It should necessarily include the reporting requirements for civilian injuries and the specific reporting requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (e.g. reporting of contractor mishaps and reporting of injuries and fatalities to visitors of USACE recreation facilities). Once these requirements were included, no other accident reporting system should be allowed. Figure 31 - Section 6; Check Report-It should also includes capabilities beyond accident reporting. It should include hazards and deficiencies reported directly by organizational personnel. It should also transparently link with external systems such as the Center for Army Lessons Learned and USACHPM injury reporting systems. Report-It would include: ♦ ♦ ♦ Report-It – Mishaps: Reports findings and recommendations identified as a result of an accident investigation process. Select findings and recommendations would be exported to Track-It in a similar matter to RTS. Track-It would then provide for full life cycle/change management of the finding. Report-It – Employee Found: Reports observations and recommended abatements reported by employees. In Army Aviation this report is known as an OHR. For all others it is known as a Report of Alleged Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Condition. One requirement of the ANSI Z10 is employee participation. Report-It – Employee Found would be an integral part of the Army’s enhanced employee participation initiatives required by the standard. Track-It would then provide for full life cycle/change management of the validated deficiency observations. CALL & USACHPM Injury Reporting: Reports findings and recommendations derived from external injury and deficiency reporting systems. ARAP Like tools associated with Prevent-It, ARAP offers significant potential for providing safety and risk management measures of effectiveness. ARAP should have the ability to pass sanitized data to Analyze-It while protecting is capabilities as a battalion level assessment tool. Analyze-It could compare ARAP assessment trends with accident trends to measure the effectiveness of the Army’s safety initiatives as well as those of the organization. Analyze-It could also use the data to profile at risk organizations. Commands could access the resulting command specific data from ARAP and access DA level trends from Analyze-It. Page 48 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Act Act tools define the management review process and provide for review of outcomes and follow-up procedures. Incorporated into Act tools is the ability to provide measures of effectiveness of the OHSMS. Analyze-It Analyze-It began as a collection of analysis tools currently in place at the Safety Center. To enhance analysis capabilities, Analyze-It should undergo an assessment to determine what is needed by data consumers and what is the best provider / source of that data. The existing tools could then evolve into a mature analysis tool. Several conceptual capabilities have been described throughout this document. Figure 32 - Section 7; Act Analyze-It should also be designed to provide for measures of effectiveness. To do this Analyze-It would perform detailed statistical and trend analysis of conditions, behaviors, and activities that lead to the existence of hazards and that have caused accidents. Analysis of leading indicators such as training data and audit data defines leading performance factors in the organization. Analysis of demographics define ―at risk‖ personnel and activities. Analysis of causations factors defines those factors that precipitated the conditions into an accident. All elements are then checked against each other to see if the plans, policies, and programs represented by the leading indicators reduced the frequency or severity of the events represented by the lagging indicators Once analyzed and processed, this data can be used to develop effective corrective actions (Plan), implement corrective actions (Do), and verify if the corrective actions were effective (Check). Track-It would provide the communication and tracking mechanism to link analysis with hazards and deficiencies so that life cycle/change management could be accomplished. As a minimum, Analyze-It should provide the following: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A Trend Analysis Tool An AdHoc Query Tool An HFACS Analysis Tool A Hazards Analysis Tool Comparative analysis of leading indicators against lagging indicators Analysis should include the measurement of both leading and lagging indicators and measure performance and effectiveness Analyze-It should be capable of being accessed independently of any other tool and provide data as requested. Additionally, Analyze-It should work in conjunction with Command ARMIS (see below) to combine Safety Center analysis data with organizational data. This combination of data would provide a more detailed view of an organization’s safety health for that commander. The business model for Analyze-It should include this capability as part of its fundamental design. Review-It The Management Control Evaluation Process (MCP) is not currently used as an effective safety performance tool. The MCP should be expanded to incorporate a comprehensive self assessment model that makes use of all metrics to assess the health of the OHSMS at all organizational levels. The MCP should be merged with annual OSHA reporting requirements to provide a comprehensive strategic assessment of the OHSMS. The strategic assessment should also include data from other resources such as the Center for Army Lessons Learned to develop future plans and initiatives. The Safety Center should develop a tool to capture and management this data. The tool, known as Review-It, would draw data already archived and collect additional data not yet captured in the system. Review-It, would make use of existing raw data, analyzed data from Analyze-It, and new data provided by the user. Page 49 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Through the use of a Turbo-Tax like interface, standard reporting criteria could be captured and standardized reports provided. Command ARMIS – Providing for External Safety Automation Tools at Lower Level Commands Hazards and deficiencies with their corresponding recommendations have a scope of impact. They also have a targeted level of command responsibility for actions described in the recommendation. Each level of command below DA requires information in finer levels of granularity than the next higher level of command. DA may not care if annual fire extinguisher inspections were conducted but a battalion level safety manager may have a real need to track this data. This and other detailed information can act as a leading indicator gauging the commands emphasis and involvement in safety. The traditional one size fits all approach to software development would limit the success that could be achieved with command scalable safety automation tools. Scalability describes the ability of a safety automation tool to grow from a simple desktop application to an enterprise wide application. Because scalability is built in, Track-It and other safety automation tools based on the ANSI Z10 are applicable to all levels of command. The original recommendation for a Command RMIS in FY2000 called for multiple information systems located at Headquarter Commands and installations. Given today’s technologies and headaches associated with access control, it is recommended that these systems be centrally located at the Safety Center. The Safety Center, while not managing the data and programs at lower levels of command, could centrally house all data for all command levels. Tools such as Analyze-It and Review-It would include data from these sources in the analysis and review process. Data from these sources may be invaluable in determining measures of effectiveness. The updated model for command level tools is known as the Command Level Army Risk Management Information System (CARMIS). It would consist of the following tools: 1) Inspect-It, 2) Staff-It, and 3) Manage-It (awards, facilities, explosives safety, radiation safety, etc.). Like its big brother ARMIS, CARMIS tools would also be categorized according to their Plan-Do-Check-Act category. Currently, there are no tools anticipated for the Plan category. DA level ARMIS tools are expected to fulfill this need. CARMIS tools begin with the Do category. Do Do tools at the command level incorporate organizational level elements of the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model such as communication processes, compliance programs, and documentation of control processes. Manage-It Manage-It deals primarily with the management of compliance and other directed programs. Tools in this category include management of the following programs: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Safety awards program Facilities management Medical surveillance (a DOHRS lite tool) Explosives safety management Radiation safety program management Organizational management of training should also be included in Manage-It. Access to training should be provided seamlessly through the ARMIS tool Train-It. Page 50 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Check Like ARMIS Check tools, command level Check tools also require the ability to track findings and identify trends. At the command level, these tools focus on audits and inspections. They also include centralized hazards management through the ARMIS tool Track-It. Inspect-It Inspect-It manages findings and recommended abatements identified from workplace safety inspections and audits. Workplace safety inspections and audits are conducted from the DA level down to the organizational level. Many significant safety deficiencies have been identified as a result of this process. Inspect-It provides tools to manage the inspection process and feed hazards, findings, and recommendations into Track-It. Act Act tools at the command level define the information gathered from various sources that has been presented to commanders and senior staff personnel for action and monitoring. Staff-It (Safety Council Tool) Chapter 2 of AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program, requires the establishment of a safety council. Safety councils are directed at all levels from Battalions Safety Councils to the DA level Army Safety Coordinating Panel. Staff-It manages issues and recommendations resulting from these safety councils/committees. StaffIt also provides mechanisms to feed hazards, findings, and recommendations into Track-It. External Data Providers Many external information systems contain data that could be of significant use to ARMIS and the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model. The external information systems serve as data providers to ARMIS. The following are examples of external data providers essential to meeting the goals of the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model. Defense Training Management System – Train-It The Defense Training Management System is being positioned as the standard training reporting tool for all Army training. The Army Learning Management System is the standardized online learning system for the Army. Integration of DTMS and ALMS with the ARMIS has been previously defined in this document. Completion of safety training would be directly entered into DTMS by supervisors or safety managers. As an external system, data from DTMS would represent a measure of safety performance for both the individual organization and for DA. DTMS can be found at Defense Occupational Health Reporting System The Defense Occupational Health Reporting System is used to track industrial hygiene compliance issues and to manage individual industrial hygiene programs such as respiratory protection and hearing conservation. DOHRS can be difficult to use and it is intended for use by industrial hygienists. Because of this, it would probably not be a system used by most safety professionals. Data from the system could be used in Track-It and Analyze-It to represent measures of performance. Trends identified from DOHRS data could also be compared with accident trends to provide measures of effectiveness. DOHRS can be found at Integrated Facility Systems The Integrated Facility System is used for the management of buildings located on Army installations. Currently there is not a module in the system specifically for safety. The IFS could provide a resource list for safety managers to track facility safety functions such as the Standard Army Safety and Occupational Health Inspections. Manage-It would make use of data in the IFS to provide for facilities management at the organization level. The value of IFS as an external resource will be dependent upon the degree of integration with Manage-It. Page 51 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Analyze-It and Review-It would also make use of data in the IFS. These tools would use the IFS data as part of life cycle maintenance of facilities. Life cycle issues that would be tracked include accessibility, traffic flow, building maintenance ease of support, pedestrian flow, and environmental impact. IFS can be found at SaFER SaFER was designed as an intermediate data layer between the Office of Workman’s Compensation (OWCP) claims tool and Safety Center / Command Safety Offices to provide reports of civilian injuries. In the past data from OWCP/Department of Labor (DoL) was used to track civilian injury rates. Data in these reports were based off requirements in 29 CFR 1960. Since 2005, Federal agencies have been required to report civilian accidents in accordance with the guidelines in 29 CFR 1904. The significant differences between these two systems are the way in which lost time injuries are reported. SaFER will usually report more lost time injuries over a given period then required by 29 CFR 1904. To comply with Federal reporting requirements, the Army made changes to AR 385-10 and aligned its reporting requirements accordingly. Civilian injuries are now reported directly to Safety Center and not through OWCP/DoL. Once Safety Center has collected an adequate amount of civilian injury reports (recommend 3 to 5 years worth of data) the need for SaFER / DoL data will no longer exist. Figure 33 - The Army Risk Management Information System End State The Army clearly needs tools that can provide the DA consolidation of select data while still providing information fidelity down to the organizational level. Tools are needed to address all aspects of Army safety and risk management. We need to avoid mistakes from the past where individuals have to learn multiple interfaces on multiple different platforms. The tools we create must not increase the complexity of the task. Our goal should be to create an integrated highly flexible Army Risk Management Information System (ARMIS). Most people are familiar with web portals. AKO, MSN, and yahoo all provided customizable web portals. Web services provide tools and resources to users. The web services can reside in multiple locations and access data across multiple domains. ARMIS should be designed around a web portal that houses web services that would be used to manage the organization safety and risk management programs. Some of the tools accessible in the portal would be sourced from ARMIS. The following are examples of these tools: Page 52 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ September 15, 2009 Prevent-It Report-It Track-It Analyze-It Safety managers and other select individuals also need access to tools that manage safety data at the command level. The command level tools would collectively be known as the Command Level Army Risk Management Information System (CARMIS). CARMIS would be designed from the ground up to integrate with ARMIS. CARMIS would also be designed to compliment ARMIS and house data that Safety Center or other DA repositories have no intent of managing. CARMIS itself would not be a separate web site. It would be a data repository and a collection of web services. The end state would be a system designed around the Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model that meets safety management and information needs at all levels of command. Access to these tools would be transparent. Each tool would be a web service that is accessed through a common Army Risk Management Information System portal. The user would not know nor care where the data repository and services reside. Access to ARMIS and CARMIS would be managed at Safety Center using subscription services. A user would subscribe to ARMIS. Based on the user’s duty position and their function within the organization, the user would be assigned a role. Each user role provides access to tools specifically targeted to the needs of the role. Below is an example of the types of roles that could be implemented: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ACOM / ASCC / DRU Safety Director/Manager – requires role-up views of command data and DA data for key program tracking and analysis. Brigade/Division Command Safety Manager – requires role-up views of command data, facility data, and DA data for program management, integration, and analysis. Facility Safety Manager – requires facility safety data to manage inspections, work conditions, waivers, licenses, explosive storage, and range safety issues. Requires access to DA facility mishap trends for analysis. Organizational Safety Manager – requires organizational safety data, relative facility data, mishap data, and hazard related data for organizational safety program management and analysis. Commander – requires access for chain of command related activities and data relative to level of command. Conducts analysis of mishap and hazard trends. Command Approval Authority – requires access to support operations requiring chain of command approval authority. Supervisor – provides input to system on activities related to their organization and personnel. Examples include DTMS, employee report of hazard, and general safety data reports. General User – mishap reporter and employee report of hazard. Roles would be granted in a similar fashion to the way RMIS currently grants access. Requests would be approved by the supervisor, reviewed by key personnel at Safety Center, and then the role would be granted to the individual. The individual would then be provided the ability to customize their view of the portal. A supervisor may only have 3 to 5 choices for customizing their portal view where as a safety manager may have dozens of options for customization. The customization capabilities would be designed to promote each user taking ownership of their portion of the organization safety program. The figure below shows an example of how the portal could look for a safety manager role. A variety of tools are offered in the menu. The portal would also provide graphic rich charts and graphs. Visual representations of safety related data such as mishap trends and at risk populations are far more effective at conveying a message than numbers alone. Each chart and graph could be clicked on to drill down through the data (similar to some features in RMIS Quick Search). Views could be transparently linked to ARMIS data or data in CARMIS. Views could also represent composite data from DA sources such as the DTMS and IFS. Composite views would give the commands a more comprehensive view of the safety and risk management health of their organization. Page 53 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Figure 34 - Conceptual implementation of ARMIS Page 54 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Section 8 – Summary The purpose of this document was to provide a high level overview of the possible evolution of the Army Safety Program to the ANSI Z10. It also attempted to show the benefits of modeling a safety automation development model around this same standard. Section 3 of this document defined Safety Excellence organizations as organizations that focus on process and management not on simple programs. In Safety Excellence organizations, focus is placed on running safety as part of an integrated management system. The ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005, American National Standard for Occupational Health and Management Systems has the potential to transform Army safety and achieve Safety Excellence. The document also was intended to provide an information system developmental model designed around ANSI Z10. The Army ANSI Z10 Systems Development Model is designed to comply with all aspects of ANSI Z10. The document defined tools that provide for management of change and continual improvement of the OHSMS. It provides high level recommendations designed to lay the foundation for future safety information management needs. This document, however, is only a starting point. Its recommendations represent only high level actions. Much more analysis needs to be done to meet the Army’s needs. The transition to ANSI Z10 requires significant effort as does the development of compliant safety information management tools. Each program element of the Army Safety Program and each safety automation tool would require analysis to determine where it fits into the ANSI Z10 and what changes would need to be made for compliance with the standard. The requirements of this transition are challenging but the can be realized. Page 55 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Page 56 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Appendix A – Comparative Analysis of Safety Management Systems Leadership: An effective leader must unite followers to a shared vision that offers true value, integrity, and trust to transform and improve an organization and society at large. (source: Management: Management characterizes the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization, often a business one, through the deployment and manipulation of resources (human, financial, material, intellectual or intangible). One can also think of management functionally: as the action in measuring a quantity on a regular basis and adjusting an initial plan and the actions taken to reach one's intended goal. This applies even in situations where planning does not take place. Situational management may precede and subsume purposive management. (source: Employee Relations: Employee Relations refers to the characteristics of people understanding their role in the Organization, with two-way open communications and managers ability to effectively relate to inspire, motivate, and leverage the talents of the employees within the organization to achieve organizational goals. Measurement: Measurement is the determination of the size or magnitude of something. Measurement is not limited to physical quantities, but can extend to quantifying almost any imaginable thing such as degree of uncertainty, worker confidence. (source: Safety Culture : Safety Culture refers to the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organization's health and safety management. Organizations with a positive safety culture are characterized by communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance of safety and by the efficacy of preventive measures. (source: The Advisory Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (ACSNI)1993, p23). Core Element Comparisons Leadership at the Top CEO Leader Executive Team Top 12 Managers Operations Leadership in Transition VP Responsible Management System That Works “Trust but Verify” Best Safety Practices Bi-Monthly Reporting to Top Management OHSAS, CHSEA, OSHA Standards & Certifications Behavioral Confidence by all in Company Value Operations Accountability Public Report Accountability Requirements Broad Use of Goals Financial Incentives High Profile VPP Participation Rewards/Recognitions Page 57 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Core Element Comparisons (continued) Performance Monitoring and Feedback Internal & External Audits Real Time Performance Data Focused Staff Follow-up Assessment Program Source: Driving Toward ―0‖ Best Practices in Corporate Health and Safety, R-1334-03-RR, The Conference Board. Page 58 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Independent Safety Management Models Keil Centre Ltd. - Safety Culture Maturity ® Model The safety culture maturity model ® presented refers to organizational behaviors; NOT safety management systems. A positive safety culture is the product of effective safety management. As part of a project sponsored by the United Kingdom offshore oil industry and the Health and Safety Executive, The Keil Centre developed the Safety Culture Maturity® Model, providing a structured safety culture improvement process. The Safety Culture Maturity® Model assists organizations to identify their current level of safety culture, and develop level-specific improvement actions. The focus of improvement actions differs, depending upon the existing level. The Model is set out in stages. Organizations progress sequentially though the five levels. Growth in Safety Culture Maturity® normally takes one to two years per level, and collectively five to ten years for an organization to achieve peak performance, assuming they start at Level 1 and maintain a sustained and wellresourced effort. Safety Culture Maturity is a Registered Trade Mark of The Keil Centre Ltd. Copyright The Keil Centre, 1999 1 2 3 4 5 Emerging Managing Involving Cooperating Continually Improving Develop Management Commitment Realize the importance of frontline staff and develop personal responsibility Safety Culture Maturity ® Element Leadership Visible Management Commitment X Safety Communication X Production versus Safety X Learning Organization X Health and Safety Resources Participation in Safety Management Develop consistency and fight complacency Employee Relations Measurement X X X X X X Risk-taking Behavior Trust between Management and Frontline Staff Engage all staff to develop cooperation and commitment to improving safety X X X X X Industrial Relations and Job Satisfaction X Competency X Page 59 X September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Australian Defense Aviation System The specific goals of the Defense Aviation Safety Management System (ASMS) to accomplish this purpose are the: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Preservation of the human and materiel resources of Defense aviation in order to maintain capability, improve quality and enhance readiness to perform the organization’s mission(s) Reduction in the rate of aviation accidents and serious incidents resulting from human, organizational and systemic deficiencies to zero Establishment and maintenance of an effective hazard identification, reporting, investigation and management system, which eliminates, or reduces to an acceptable level, aviation risks within Defense aviation Establishment and maintenance of a generative safety culture 1 2 3 4 Genuine Command Commitment Generative Safety Culture Defined Safety Organization Structure Communication ♦ Safety recognized as a priority ♦ Command committed to improving ♦ Appropriate allocation of resources ♦ Trained and qualified staff ♦ Personnel aware of: orders, instructions, procedures ♦ High level of awareness ♦ Effective risk management process Promote stds of excellence: o Professionalism, o Innovation o Loyalty o Integrity - adherence to codes. Commanders should: o Lead by example o Allocate adequate resources o Acknowledge concerns & suggestions o Give feedback on decisions Actively measure: o Safety climate o Behaviors o SMS Measure perceptions: o Integrity o Trust o Morale o Quality o Leadership Committee purpose: inform commander promote interest Forum for: viewpoints policy objectives eliminate/mitigate safety hazards Policy documentation Review boards/working groups Surveys Audits Safety stand-downs Open reporting mechanisms Confidential reporting Activity briefings/debriefings Face to face discussions Visits and liaisons Safety information Communication strategy 5 6 7 8 Documented Safety Policy Training & Education Risk Management Hazard Reporting & Tracking Group policy: a safety o Mgmt system culture - open reporting hazard o Id process risk o Management target - zero accidents Personnel policy: adequate training awareness risk management Training: o Orientation o Postgraduate o Skill specialization o Contractor o Safety staff o Overseas o Domestic o Conferences o Websites Recognition program Establish the context Identify risks Analyze risks Evaluate risks Treat risks Communication & consultation Monitoring & review 5-m model for assessment Hazard identification Risk control strategies Risk control tools Risk decision making Hazard reporting Occurrence reporting: o Event o Incident o Accident o Serious accident Hazard review board Tracking Reports Hazard identification Perception of a hazard Page 60 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Australian Defense Aviation System (continued) 9 10 11 12 Investigation Emergency Response Survey & Audit ASMS Review Analysis Findings Contributing factors Defenses Risk management Actions & recommendations Standard plan framework Standard terminology Facility names Promulgate authority Planning committee Emergency plan context Define any problems Set planning objectives Design & apply the management structure Determine roles Determine responsibilities Analyze resources Develop emergency systems Document response plan Test the plan Review the plan Safety survey purpose: o Assess the SMS o Recommendations for improvement o Measure culture o Improve the quality Quality mgmt. System: o Identify positive impacts o Identify hazards o Risk mitigation strategies o Facilitate safety education o Transfer new information o Raise safety awareness Mgmt. System audits: o Ensure compliance o Check standards & quality of documentation o Improve the QMS Continuous improvement cycle: o Safety policy planning o Implementation o Measure & evaluate o Management review Page 61 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Transport Canada A safety management system is a businesslike approach to safety. It is a systematic, explicit and comprehensive process for managing safety risks. As with all management systems, a safety management system provides for goal setting, planning, and measuring performance. A safety management system is woven into the fabric of an organization. It becomes part of the culture, the way people do their jobs. The organizational structures and activities that make up a safety management system are found throughout an organization. Every employee contributes to the safety health of the organization. In larger organizations, safety management activity will be more visible in some departments than in others, but the system must be integrated into ―the way things are done‖ throughout the establishment. This will be achieved by the implementation and continuing support of a coherent safety policy which leads to well designed procedures. 1 2 3 4 Senior Management Commitment Safety Policy Safety Information Establishing Safety as a Core Value Expressed as direction Allocates responsibilities Holds people accountable Commitment & objectives Performance goals & review Clear statements of responsibility Accountabilities converge at top Ensure compliance w/ regulations Adequate knowledge & skills Compatibility or integration With other management systems Safety goals Evaluation of progress Accident/incident records Investigation findings Corrective actions Concerns raised by Employees/resultant action Safety review & actions Records of safety initiatives Safety integral to mgmt. Plan Set safety goals Hold managers & employees accountable Achieve goals Establish deadlines Part of normal business Part of normal job In acquisition process 5 6 7 8 Setting Safety Goals Hazard Identification & Risk Management Establishing a Safety Reporting System Safety Audit & Assessment Identify & eliminate or control hazards Risk management Identify: o Systemic weaknesses o Accident precursors Eliminate or mitigate them During implementation Regular intervals afterwards Major operational changes When changes are planned If organization is: o Undergoing rapid change o Changing services new o Equipment/procedures key o Personnel change Employees: o Report hazards o Report concerns o Trust & use system Staff know: how to report Reports are: acknowledged analyzed resolved Includes contractor activities Are staff following procedures? If not? Why? Audits & assessments are conducted regularly 9 10 11 12 Accident & Incident Reporting & Investigation Safety Orientation & Recurrent Training Emergency Response Plan Documentation Every accident/incident is: o Reported o Investigated o Analyzed o What happened o Why it happened o How it happened Responsible manager acts on findings New employee training: o How safety is managed o Company philosophy o Policies o Procedures o Practices Employee training: o Each discipline o Refresher/retrainer Checklists & contact info Regularly updated Exercised to ensure Adequacy & readiness After plan is adopted: o Staff are briefed o Staff receive training o In procedures o Poc has plan on desk Policy statement Reporting chain Key personnel Responsibilities Identifies processes: o Hazard identification o Risk management o Safety reporting o Audit/review Page 62 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Nine Elements of a Successful Safety and Health System © 2005 National Safety Council A safety management system is an organized and structured means of ensuring that an organization (or a defined part of it) is capable of achieving and maintaining high standards of safety performance. A comprehensive safety and health system should be proactive and preventive. It should be an integrated system that involves everyone in the company, starting with a solid commitment from top management. It should include a formal method of measuring and evaluating individual and organizational safety performance with an emphasis on improving safety performance within the system. In creating a safety management system, a company’s management system must first clarify and establish its safety and health philosophy, beliefs, and vision or mission. Through these efforts, a culture that promotes safety and health is established. A comprehensive safety management system should give equal consideration to the administrative, operational and technical, and cultural issues of safety and health. 1 Management Leadership & Commitment Clear policy Goals & objectives Performance measures Resources Accountability Integrated 4 Hazard Recognition, Evaluation & Control Administrative - Management 2 Organization Communications & System Documentation Two-way communication Record keeping Documentation Technical - Operational 5 Workplace Design & Engineering 3 Assessments, Audits & Continuous Improvement Compliance to policy & procedure Audits Assessments at all levels Action plans 6 Workplace Design & Engineering Ergonomic design Regulations & standards Design Policies Ergonomic design Regulations & standards Design Policies 7 Employee Involvement Cultural - Behavioral 8 Motivation, Behavior & Attitudes 9 Training & Orientation Organization Behavior Management (OBM) Reinforcement & feedback Total Quality Management (TQM) Attitude adjustment methods Systematic Training plan Management training Orientation program Training Communications Behavior auditing Recognition & reward Observations Page 63 Training Communications Behavior auditing Recognition & reward Observations September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT "The Architecture of Safety Excellence" © Copyright 2000, Larry L. Hansen, L2H Speaking of Safety, Inc. Peak safety performance is the result of multiple strategies designed and applied across a broad spectrum of issues and risk factors within an organization. Safety excellence is the outcome of a strategy continuum – one that addresses a company’s regulatory, technical, engineering, organizational, behavioral, managerial and cultural loss sources. Safety excellence is a function of individual and organizational behavior, both of which are a function of organizational culture – that force which determines what everyone does to drive safety through the process. For the past 70 years, American business has focused almost exclusively on the ―E‖ in this equation – engineering, education and enforcement. In large part, safety professionals have mastered these areas. Now it is time to work on the building blocks of culture, organizational strategy, performance leadership and organizational behavior – the true accident sources. 1 Education “Awareness” Policies Procedures Meetings Training Disciplinary policies Operational Strategies of a Safety Program 2 Enforcement Engineering “Improving” Facility inspections Compliance audits Walkthroughs Program minimum Requirements Citations, fines, penalties 3 “Engineering” Automation Ergonomics Work methods Safeguarding Process design Safety success = CEOu, where C = culture; E = elements of safety; O = organization and u = you 4 5 6 7 Behavioral Strategy Organization Leadership Cultural Strategy “Actions of All” Human resources Engineers Operations Legal Risk management Behave safely “Structure” Organizational design Job descriptions Responsibilities Communications Performance measurement Rewards systems “Managing People” Encourage Reward Participative Teaming Reinforcing “Culture” Vision & mission building Values clarification High-visibility executive Involvement Note: The 'Operational Strategies' of Education, Enforcement and Engineering…working left to right and the 'Organizational Strategies' of Culture, Leadership, and Organization, working right to left - in concert, influence 'Behavior'…the ultimate event(s) prior to incident...and potential injury. Page 64 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 People Based Safety - E. Scott Geller, Safety Performance Solutions - Alumni Distinguished Professor, Virginia Tech ―People-Based Safety‖ (PBS) strategically integrates the best of behavior-based and person-based safety in order to enrich the culture in which people work — improving job satisfaction, work quality and production, interpersonal relationships, and occupational safety and health. 1 Observable Behavior 2 External/Internal Factors 3 Activators & Motivate 4 Focus on Positive Consequences “Think To Act Differently” What people do Analyzes why Intervention strategy “Improve Behavior” Improve job satisfaction Work quality & production Interpersonal relationship Occupation Safety & Health “ABC’s” Activator, behavior, & consequence Design interventions for Improving behavior at Individual, group, & Organizational levels "Motivate Behavior" Working to achieve success Avoid reactive behavior Using total recordable Injury rates 5 Scientific Method Improve Intervention 6 Theory to Integrate Information 7 Consider Internal Feeling & Attitudes of Others “DO IT” D = define target action & increase or decrease O = observe, set goals I = intervene T = test impact, record Intervention techniques Situation Individual Work practice Leadership empathy & sensitivity to message delivered Page 65 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Values-Driven Safety (Safety is a Social or Cultural Issue) - Copyright 1996, Don Eckenfelder, Profit Protection Consultants, Inc. Organizational attitude will determine whether safety initiatives will be successful. The attitude flows directly from the culture and: 1. Culture predicts performance. 2. Culture can be measured and managed. 3. Nothing is more important than getting the culture right. This knowledge – together with the ―tools‖ to act on it and the resolve to get on with it – can serve as a catalyst for every existing safety effort. It will overcome the deficiencies in behavior-based safety (BBS) and magnify its benefits. 1 Performance Map "Causation Diagram" Create loss resistance Facilitate loss prevention Work on beliefs and values Creating organizational culture 2 Bridge Metaphor 3 Safety Culture Barometer "Strong Bridge" Deal with culture directly Change it consciously Change it strategically "Maturity Grid" "Measurement tool" Organization customized Measurement device 4 Exercises for Improvement Do It For The Right Reason Routine exercises 14 attributes that are invariably resident in organizations that are loss resistant: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Each employee takes responsibility for safety. Safety is integrated into the management process. The presence of the full-time safety professional is limited. There is an off-the-job safety effort. Safety and other training are seamlessly integrated. Compliance comes naturally. Programs and technical processes have history and occur naturally There is a bias against gimmicks. Leadership always sets the example; safety is never taken lightly. There is a recognizable safety culture. The focus is more on process than statistics. Negative findings are treated expeditiously. The few safety professionals have stature. Safety is seen as a competitive edge...not overhead. The beliefs and values, worded as imperatives that will lead to the acquisition of the 14 attributes, are: 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Do it for the right reasons. See it as part of the whole. Recognize there is no end. First, it is a people business; things are a distant second. Put the right person in charge. Use a yardstick everyone can read. Sell benefits...and they are many. Never settle for second best. Be guided by logic, not emotion. Empower others rather than seeking after support. Page 66 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Statistical Process Control - Motorola Inc. The goal or purpose of Six Sigma is to reduce variation and eliminate defects so that virtually all products or services meet or exceed customer expectations. Six Sigma is described both as a capability and as a methodology. As a capability, Six Sigma is defined as 3.4 defects per million opportunities in a process. As a methodology, Six Sigma provides the guidelines and tools to significantly and permanently improve processes and products. There are three basic elements to the Six Sigma methodology: process improvement, process design/re-design, and product design/re-design. Six Sigma was developed by Motorola in the 1980s but has its roots in Statistical Process Control (SPC), which first appeared in the 1920s. 1 2 3 Process Improvement Process Design/Re-design Process Design/Re-design DEFINE process identify goals for process consider customer requirements DEFINE process identify goals for process consider customer requirements develop performance requirements that MATCH goals DEFINE processes key customer requirements key performance indicators MEASURE process categorize key characteristics verify measurement systems collect data ANALYZE data translate data into information identify causes of defects & problems IMPROVE process develop solutions analyze results of changes determine if changes are beneficial ANALYZE performance requirements develop outline design for new process detailed DESIGN for new process & IMPLEMENT VERIFY new process performs as required introduce controls to ensure continued performance CONTROL monitor process to assure no unexpected changes occur Page 67 MEASURE performance against requirements and key performance indicators ANALYZE data to enhance measures refine process management mechanisms CONTROL monitor process inputs process operation process outputs September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Page 68 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Systems Based Business Management Models ISO 14000 Environmental Management System (EMS) - American National Standards Institute (ANSI) The ISO 14000 family is primarily concerned with "environmental management". This means what the organization does to minimize harmful effects on the environment caused by its activities, and to achieve continual improvement of its environmental performance. There are five major elements of the standard; policy, planning, implementation and operation, checking and corrective action, and management review commonly referred to as plan, do, check, act. These elements interact with each other to form the framework of an integrated, systematic approach to environmental management, with the ultimate result being continual improvement of the overall system. Copies of all ISO standards can be purchased from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 West 43rd St., NY,NY 10036; phone: 212-642-4900 e-mail 1 Policy 2 3 4 5 Planning Implementation & Operation Checking & Corrective Action Management Review Pollution prevention Top management Commitment continual improvement Program achieving objectives Objectives & targets Legal & other requirements Environmental aspects & impacts Significant aspects Emergency preparedness & response Operational control Document control Ems documentation Communication Training, awareness, competence Structure & responsibility Ems audit Records Nonconformance, corrective & preventative action Monitoring & measurement Page 69 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Health & Safety Management System OHSAS 18001 OHSAS 18001 is an internationally accepted specification that defines the requirements for establishing, implementing and operating an OHSMS. The specification was developed with the assistance of a number of international standards and certification bodies. OHSAS 18001 fills a void, in that there is currently no international ISO standard suitable for independent third-party certification. OHSAS 18001 was designed to be compatible with ISO 9000 and ISO 14000. This will be helpful if you want to design, implement and operate an integrated quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management system. The benefits of an OHSMS include: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Reductions in staff absence Reductions in claims against the organization Reductions in adverse publicity Improved insurance liability rating may equal lower insurance premiums Improved productivity A positive response from customers who want to deal with an organization with a proven health and safety track record. 1 2 3 4 5 Policy Planning Implementation & Operation Checking & Corrective Action Management Review Policy statement supported & authorized by top management Hazard identification Risk assessment Risk control Objectives to achieve Policy Specific and measureable legal & other requirements Plans that define: o What will be done o Who will do what o And by when Define roles, responsibilities and authorities of staff Top mgmt. Representative Provide appropriate training Int. & ext. Communication Develop process & procedures Control OHSMS documentation Manage risk control Record maintenance Establish, maintain & test a process Procedures for handling & investigating accidents, incidents & non-conformities Eliminate actual or potential cause Assess system suitability & effectiveness "Audits" Top mgmt. Meet periodically Facilitate continual improvement Review policy & performance against objectives Reviews determine suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of management system Reviews focus on improvement & customer satisfaction Page 70 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 ILO-OSH 2001 International Labour Organization’s Guidelines on Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems The International Labour Organization’s Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (ILO-OSH 2001) was developed according to internationally agreed principles defined by the ILO's tripartite constituents. This tripartite approach provides the strength, flexibility, and appropriate basis for the development of a sustainable safety culture in the organization. The ILO has therefore developed voluntary guidelines on OSH management systems which reflect ILO values and instruments relevant to the protection of workers' safety and health (ILO, 2001). Objects (ILO, 2001) These guidelines should contribute to the protection of workers from hazards and to the elimination of workrelated injuries, ill health, diseases, incidents, and deaths. At national level, the guidelines should: Be used to establish a national framework for OSH management systems, preferably supported by national laws and regulations; Provide guidance for the development of voluntary arrangements to strengthen compliance with regulations and standards leading to continual improvement in OSH performance; and Provide guidance on the development of both national and tailored guidelines on OSH management systems to respond appropriately to the real needs of organizations, according to their size and the nature of their activities. At the level of the organization, the guidelines are intended to: Provide guidance regarding the integration of OSH management system elements in the organization as a component of policy and management arrangements; and Motivate all members of the organization, particularly employers, owners, managerial staff, workers and their representatives, in applying appropriate OSH management principles and methods to continually improve OSH performance. Policy Organizing Planning & Implementation ♦ Occupational safety and health policy ♦ Worker participation ♦ Responsibility and accountability ♦ Competence and training ♦ Occupational safety and health management system documentation ♦ Communication ♦ Initial review ♦ System planning, development, and implementation ♦ Occupational safety and health objectives ♦ Hazard prevention Page 71 Evaluation ♦ Performance monitoring and measurement ♦ Incident investigation ♦ Audit ♦ Management review Action for Improvement ♦ Preventive and corrective action ♦ Continual improvement September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Challenge (VPP Model) - OSHA Draft revised 4/4/2007 - Occupational Safety & Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor The OSHA Challenge Pilot uses the Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) model of safety and health program management to guide employers in the development and improvement of workplace safety and health management systems (SHMS), with the goal of improving performance and ultimately qualifying for VPP recognition and participation. Challenge participants follow a 3-stage roadmap of progressively more comprehensive actions, documentation, and results. At each stage, they address the four major elements of the VPP model: 28. Management leadership and employee involvement. Management accepts responsibility for, and commits to implement and operate (including allocation of necessary resources), an effective occupational safety and health program that protects all employees and contractors working at the site. Employees agree to participate in the program and work with management to ensure a safe and healthful workplace. Annual SHMS self-evaluations are performed, actions items identified and SHMS adjustments made to foster continual improvement. 29. Worksite Analysis. Management of workplace. safety and health must begin with a thorough understanding of all hazardous situations to which employees may be exposed, plus the ability to recognize hazards as they arise; 30. Hazard Prevention and Control. Hazards identified during the hazard analysis process must be eliminated or controlled by developing and implementing appropriate systems; and 31. Safety and Health Training. All employees must understand the hazards to which they may be exposed and how to prevent harm to themselves and others. Effective training ensures safety and health personnel, managers, and employees acquire knowledge and skills they need to perform their work free of harm. 1a 1b 1c Management Leadership & Employee Involvement management commitment employee involvement contractor employee coverage Mission & policy statements Goals & objectives Leadership by example Open communications Between managers & employees Adequate resources Responsibility, authority & accountability Employees notified of results of complaints, Investigations, etc. Annual self-evaluation Continual improvement Employee safety & health perception survey Meaningful employee Involvement in the SHMS, such as: o Investigations o Hazard analysis o Planning Employee rights intact “Ownership” of SHMS Documented oversight & management system Adherence to rules Same level of protection as regular employees Contractor selection process Encourage contractors to develop & operate effective SHMS Track correction of hazards Stop work policy 2 3 4 Worksite Analysis Hazard Prevention & Control Safety & Health Training Baseline safety & industrial hygiene (IH) analysis Data trend analysis Hazard analysis of routine jobs, tasks, and processes Hazard analysis of significant changes Pre-use analysis Change analysis Access to certified professional resources Hazard elimination & control methods Hierarchy of controls: engineering, administrative, work practice, personal protective equipment (PPE) Documented system for hazard correction & tracking Emergency preparedness & response IH program Routine self-inspections Employee hazard reporting system Investigation of hazards & near misses Equitable & clearly communicated Disciplinary system Orientation for all employees, including contractors Training for all workers appropriate to level of responsibility and exposure to hazards Training for specific groups of workers Training for non-routine tasks Change of job training Page 72 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005: The American National Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems The American National Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (ANSI/AIHA Z102005) is a voluntary consensus standard on occupational health and safety management systems. It uses recognized management system principles in order to be compatible with quality and environmental management standards such as the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series. The standard draws from approaches used by the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) guidelines on Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and from systems in use in organizations in the United States. This compatibility encourages integration of the standard’s requirements into other business management systems in order to enhance overall organizational performance (AIHA, 2005). The purpose of the standard is to provide organizations an effective tool for continual improvement of their occupational health and safety performance. The ANSI Z10 is a set of interrelated elements that establish or support health and safety policy and objectives, and mechanisms to achieve those objectives in order to continually improve occupational safety and health (AIHA, 2005). 3.0 Policy 4.0 Planning PLAN 3.1 Management Leadership 3.1.1 Occupational Health and Safety Management System 3.1.2 OHS Policy 3.1.3 Responsibility and Authority 3.2 Employee Participation 4.1 Initial and Ongoing Reviews 4.1.1 Initial Reviews 4.1.2 Ongoing Reviews 5.0 Implementation & Operation DO 4.3 Objectives 5.1 OHSMS Operational Elements 5.1.1 Hierarchy of Controls 5.1.2 Design Review and Management of Change 5.1.3 Procurement 5.1.4 Contractors 5.1.5 Emergency Preparedness 4.4 Implementation Plans and Allocation of Resources 5.2 Education, Training, Awareness, and Competence 4.2 Assessment and Prioritization 5.3 Communications 5.4 Document and Record Process Page 73 6.0 Evaluation & Corrective Action CHECK 6.1 Monitoring, Measurement, and Assessments 6.2 Incident Investigation 6.3 Audits 6.4 Corrective and Preventive Actions 6.5 Feedback to the Planning Process 7.0 Management Review ACT 7.1 Management Review Process 7.2 Management Review Outcomes and Follow-up September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Page 74 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Appendix B – Five Step Composite Risk Management Process Figure 35: Five Step CRM Process Step 1. Identify hazards to the force. Consider all aspects of current and future situations, environments, and known historical problem areas. Step 2. Assess hazards to determine risks. Assess the impact of each hazard in terms of potential loss and cost based on probability and severity. Step 3. Develop controls and make risk decisions. Develop control measures that eliminate the hazard or reduce its risk. As control measures are developed, risks are re-evaluated until the residual risk is at a level where the benefits outweigh the cost. The appropriate decision authority then makes the decision. Step 4. Implement controls that eliminate the hazards or reduce their risks. Ensure the controls are communicated to all involved. Step 5. Supervise and evaluate. Enforce standards and controls. Evaluate the effectiveness of controls and adjust/update as necessary. Ensure lessons learned are fed back into the system for future planning. Most organizations with dynamic event driven operations have some sort of risk management program but usually do not fully address all the issues that can impact risk. As the Risk Managed Systems Model indicates, the mission or task exists in an operational environment. This operational environment has significant impact on the mission’s risk. Correctly identifying those exacerbating factors that can impact the safe conduct of an operation must be correctly identified. Likewise, developing effective countermeasures to control the hazard and mitigate risk is just as critical. Identifying and Assessing Hazards A hazard is defined as a condition that can impair mission accomplishment, but this does not indicate to what extent. A risk is a hazard that has been quantified by how much it affects the mission. Three components determine a level of risk– exposure, severity, and probability. Exposure is the number of personnel or resources affected by a given event or, over time, by repeated events. Severity is the estimate of the extent of loss that is likely. Probability is the estimate of the likelihood that a hazard will cause a loss. For example, the risk of the driver of a truck falling asleep at the wheel is a combination of the length of the operation (exposure), how badly the personnel in the truck would be hurt (severity), and how often a driver goes to sleep while driving (probability). A hazard is any real or potential condition that can cause mission degradation; injury, illness, or death to personnel; or damage to or loss of equipment or property. Three actions are required in to identify hazards: ♦ ♦ ♦ Analyze the mission/task List hazards List the causes Page 75 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Analyze the Mission/Task In order to perform a good mission/task analysis, what is at risk must be established. A review of the operational requirements or identification of any special equipment or capabilities will offer insight into what's important. Also, looking at past mishap reports for trends or just talking with other personnel can help clarify what's at risk. A hazard identification tool, called the Operations Analysis can be used to outline the operation in chronological order or by sequence of events. Using the Operations Analysis tool to do a mission/task analysis can reduce the chance of forgetting any individual segment of the operation, ensure there is an accurate plan from which to identify hazards, and chart the events chronologically. Identify Possible Hazards Once the mission/task has been mapped out, each event in the sequence is then reviewed for hazards. For each event in the sequence examine associated DOTLMPF resource elements to ensure adequate resourcing. Additionally, evaluate the overall operation against the DOTLMPF resource model to identify global deficiencies. Identify Related Causes List the cause associated with each hazard. Identify the root cause of the hazard, that is, the exacerbating factor leading to mission degradation; personnel injury, illness, or death; or property damage. The simplest way to accomplish this is to ask why a DOTLMPF resource element is inappropriately resourced. Developing Countermeasures and Controls to Mitigate Risk Hazard controls (also known as countermeasures) are actions designed to reduce, mitigate, or eliminate risk by lowering the probability of occurrence and/or decreasing the severity of an identified hazard. There are three actions to analyze control measures: 1. Identify Control Options – Starting with the highest risk, identify as many control options as possible for the hazards. Ensure the exacerbating factors responsible for the hazard’s existence are specifically addressed. 2. Determine Control Effects – Determine the effect of each control on the risk associated with the hazard. A computer spreadsheet or data form may be useful to list control ideas and indicate control effects. 3. Prioritize Risk Controls - For each hazard, prioritize those risk controls that will change the risk to an acceptable level. The best controls will be consistent with mission objectives and optimize use of available DOTLMPF resources. Identify Control Options There are seven control options available when trying to mitigate risk. Because of risks associated with hazards an operation may be rejected, avoided, delayed, transferred, spread, compensated, and/or reduced. Each of these choices is defined below. Reject – If overall risks exceed benefits, don't take the risk. Reject is a valid option for risk when you don't have the authority or resources to apply the proper controls. This is a way to elevate the risk to the proper level of authority. Avoid – It may be possible to avoid specific risks by "going around" the risk or by doing the activity a different way. For example, risks associated with a night operation may be avoided by planning the operation for daytime. Delay – If there is no urgency to accomplishment of a risky operation, then a delay may be viable. The problem could resolve itself, new technology may reduce the risk, or the need for the operation may no longer exist. For example, delaying a computer buy for six months in order to take advantage of new features/capability. Page 76 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Transfer – As a minimum, the original risk is decreased or eliminated for you because the risk is shifted to another individual/organization. Transfer of risk does not change probability or severity of the hazard, but it may decrease the risk level actually experienced by the accomplishing entity. For example, deciding to fly an unmanned aerial vehicle into a high-risk environment instead of risking personnel in a manned aircraft. Spread – Spread risk by either increasing the exposure distance or lengthening the time between exposure events. For example, risk may be spread over a group by rotating the personnel involved in a high-risk operation more frequently. Risk may also be spread by using decoys such as chaff and flares to provide additional targets for enemy weapons. Compensate – Compensate by creating redundancy. Having spare parts or alternative resources available will lower the risk associated with an equipment malfunction. Another means is to compensate financially. Either budget for anticipated loss or insure the resources that are at risk. Reduce – Risk can be reduced if hazards are identified early enough in the conceptual phase. Reduce takes on an expanded meaning as it gives us as it can give us a priority order of precedence for reducing exposure, severity, and probability. Controls that directly reduce risk may be categorized into four primary categories: engineering controls, protective devices, warning devices, and procedural controls. A proven order of precedence for this is to: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Plan or engineer the design for minimum risk by eliminating hazards upfront. Without a hazard, there is no exposure, severity, or probability. For example, flight control components that are designed so that they cannot be incorrectly connected during maintenance operations. Incorporate safety devices when the hazard can't be eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels. Safety devices do not affect probability but can reduce severity. For example, an automobile seatbelt may not prevent an accident, but can lessen the injuries sustained. Provide warning devices to detect a hazardous condition and alert personnel of the hazard. For example, smoke detectors. Develop procedures and training on the proper response to a hazardous condition. This is the least reliable option as its success depends on human involvement. For example, fire and other disaster drills. Additional, there are two primary types of controls. Institutional Controls are controls that are institutionalized in our doctrine and become part of our business process. For example compliance type controls. Operational Controls are controls specific to a mission or mission set to deal with specific mission issues and variables. Overtime these may evolve into institutional controls. The institutionalization of a control is preferred wherever possible. This ensures that DOTLMPF resources can be developed and implemented to sustain the mitigation of a risk. Determine Control Effects Controls used must affect the risk assessment. The estimated effect on severity and/or probability after implementing the control measure(s) will determine your new risk level. Scenario building and next mishap assessment can help in determining a control's effect. This is also the time to consider cost, which includes manpower, materiel, equipment, money, and time. Can the organization afford the cost of implementing a control? When calculation the cost of a control consider the following: Control Cost Number of employees * time implement procedural controls * salary vs. engineering cost / safety device costs / warning device costs Control measures are most effective when used in depth. How many controls can be afforded? Ensure these realities are considered when prioritizing controls. Prioritize Risk Controls For each hazard, prioritize those controls that lower the risk to an acceptable level. Record this information for future reference. Follow the standard order of precedence if time and cost permit. Otherwise, look to existing controls implemented by operating instructions, technical data, etc. Involve organizational personnel who will be directly affected by the control. Ask them what they think of the control(s). Benchmark (find the Page 77 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT best practice in other organizations) against existing controls which have proven successful. When making risk control decisions, the first action is determining who should make the decision. Consider the following items when making this determination: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Is there any published guidance that dictates the level of leadership for the decision-maker? What level of leadership has control of the resources necessary to implement the recommended control measures? Determine what the cost of implementation of recommended controls will be and what level of leadership does the decision-maker need to be? What level of leadership has "big picture" knowledge of the benefits of the operation/mission? What level of leadership will be held accountable if the operation/mission fails or if a fatality, injury, or property damage/loss occurs? Establishing Decision Making Guidelines A good decision-making system must be established ahead of time. Valuable time and resources can be wasted trying to find the "right" person. A good decision making system will: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Get decisions to the right decision maker Create a trail of accountability Assure like decisions are made at the same levels Assure timely decisions Provide flexibility Things to Consider Once it has been determined who should make the decision, which risk controls to use must be selected. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Select optimum combination – most mission supportive. Be aware some controls are incompatible. Select the best mix of controls that reduce the risk to an acceptable level, but remain consistent with mission objectives and budget constraints. "Get the biggest bang for the buck". Evaluate full costs versus full benefits. The goal is not the least level of risk, but the best level of risk for the total mission. Making the Decision Once the best mix of control measures have been chosen, it's time for making the decision. Keep the following points in mind: ♦ ♦ ♦ Analyze the overall level of risk for the mission with the selected controls in place. Ensure cumulative risk and compound risk are accounted for. Determine whether the benefits of the mission outweigh the reduced level of risk; -OR- determine whether the risk level is still too high for the benefits that would be gained from performing the mission. Document the risk decision analysis for future reference. Once the risk control decision is made, resources must be available to implement the specific controls. This step requires the following three actions: ♦ ♦ ♦ Make the implementation plan clear. Establish accountability for accomplishing the plan. Provide support at all levels to ensure the plan is implemented. Make Implementation Clear To avoid pitfalls in the implementation of risk controls: ♦ Frame implementation plans within the culture of the organization. If the organization normally uses a very decentralized approach, then don't develop a plan that requires centralized control of every step. Personnel will resent it and implementation can fail. Page 78 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT ♦ ♦ ♦ September 15, 2009 Fully involve unit personnel in the development and integration of risk controls. User ownership is key to control success. Integrate controls into the established infrastructure by including in job aids, checklists, training material, etc. Establish timelines for implementation and keep personnel informed of progress. Establish Accountability Consider the follow factors to establish accountability: ♦ ♦ The organizational Director/Commander is ultimately responsible for a control's success. However, specific tasks will be delegated to subordinates. The interest and support of leadership greatly increases the chances of success. It's not enough to have a leaders sign a policy letter; a higher level of involvement needs to be attained. The on-going participation of the leadership speaks volumes and clearly signals support. Motivate personnel through positive and negative means as warranted. Exploit successes at every opportunity. Develop a system of rewards to promote the process. Provide Support A well-supported control has the best chance for successful implementation. It will include the following elements: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A policy pillar Leader support A training package Job aids and tools A measurement package Motivational package Finally, determine the actual effectiveness of hazard controls throughout the operation. There are three actions to successfully complete this step: ♦ ♦ ♦ Supervise the implementation Review the cost/benefit balance Feedback on the original plan and any changes Supervise Supervision requires that risk control implementation be monitored to ensure that all controls remain in place and are effective. Any ineffective controls are detected and corrected and unforeseen hazards are controlled. If events change during the operation, use the appropriate risk management tools and procedures to identify changes that require further risk management. Review Hazard control effectiveness can be measured by many different means. Because it's proactive, a report is not needed to tell if the controls are working or not. Most measurement can be done by simple observation or talking with organizational personnel. The review action focuses on effectiveness and efficiency in the following ways: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Analyze costs to see if they are in line with expectations. Conduct a cost-benefit review to see if the benefits in risk reduction are greater than the costs of the control measure, focusing on the mission performance that the control measure was designed to improve. Compare the actual changes with the pre-established goals recorded during the risk control process. Watch for favorable changes in either physical conditions or personnel behavior. Mishap reports can also be part of the review. Evaluate whether risk control measures were designed to prevent that type of mishap, and record any errors in risk analysis for future reference. Page 79 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Feedback Feedback has four purposes: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Feedback systems must be designed to inform all involved personnel about the effectiveness of the risk control. Crosstell at all levels, regarding successes and failures. This includes from person-to-person, organization-to- organization, and to the entire enterprise. Provide input into a lessons learned process so they may be used by others. Feedback to Resource Business Process to continuously improve upon operations and tasks. Integrating Risk Management – Managing Hazards and Controls The process of managing of hazards and controls is known as Composite Risk Management. It is a systematic process that guides individuals through each aspect of the process (a step by step outline of the Composite Risk Management process is contained in Appendix A). As important as the process itself is how it is integrated into the Risk Managed Systems Model. Composite Risk Management is integrated at each point in the Evolved Systems Management Model. The level of detail and intensity of effort varies at each level as does the decision authority to move forward with the operation. Below is detailed breakdown of the various levels integration in the Risk Managed Systems Model. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Strategic Risk Management – Also known as a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), the strategic CRM requires detailed hazard identification and analysis. It is the process used to establish the fundamental guidelines and controls for standard operations. It is the base line document that is referred to during SOP and policy reviews to validate controls and processes. Detailed Risk Management – Used in high priority or high visibility situations, detailed CRM generally requires use of more thorough hazard identification and risk assessment tools. Generally reserved for the more complex and riskier efforts, as it may be time consuming. Deliberate Risk Management – Used in the majority of workplace applications where experience in a group setting will produce the best results. Hasty Risk Management – Used when there is little time, little complexity, or low risk. Often used during the execution phase of an operation where an unplanned change occurs and must be managed. It's easily applied to typical day-to-day situations. Page 80 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Appendix C – Example Safety Strategic Assessment Measures of Performance Measures of performance are direct measurements of an organization's accident prevention activities. Examples include measurements of safety training attendance, performance on safety surveys, raw accident experience statistics, and accident rates. As part of this Annual Performance Review accident experience statistics, accident rates, and a safety training overview are included as measures of performance. Fiscal Year 2008 DA Reportable Mishaps The workforce supporting this mission consists of military personnel, DA Civilian employees, and a Korean National workforce (classified as Foreign Indirect Hire employees). The majority of the accidents reported by this workforce involve military personnel. Forty-four percent of all military personnel injuries are non-work related and occur during off-duty activities. The majority of on-duty accidents involve personal injuries not associated with other accident types such as motor vehicle accidents. The figures below represent a breakdown of all Class A through Class D accidents that occurred during Fiscal Year 2008. The vast majority of accidents are defined as Personal Injury – Other type mishaps. Sixty-five of these accidents involved injuries resulting in lost work days with five of those involving more serious losses (includes 2 off-duty fatalities). DA Reportable Mishaps Personal Injury-Other Mishaps 58% POV-Not on Official Business 5% Flight Related Mishap 2% Mishap Type / Category Aircraft Ground Mishap Army Combat Vehicle Mishaps Army Motor Vehicle Mishaps Flight Mishap Flight Related Mishap Personal Injury-Other Mishaps POV-Not on Official Business Property DamageOther Mishaps Totals Property Damage-Other Mishaps 3% Aircraft Ground Mishap 2% Army Combat Vehicle Mishaps 3% Army Motor Vehicle Mishaps 13% Flight Mishap 14% A B C D Total 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 3 0 0 6 8 14 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 1 7 1 2* 2 61 1 66 0 0 3 1 4 0 0 0 3 3 2 3 73 21 99 Note: Data on above table represents all Class A through Class D accidents. It also includes a fatal accident involving a KATUSA that was not recordable to DA. Note: Data on above pie chart represents accidents from all categories of accidents to include off-duty military accidents The table below represents military on-duty and civilian employee on-duty accidents. In FY2008 the command experienced the same number of military on-duty lost workday injuries but this occurred with a reduced workforce. The resultant lost workday rate showed a 54% increase for FY2008. Similar increases were also experienced among the civilian workforce. Appendix A includes a summary report of all accidents from 2008. Page 81 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT FY 2007 Military OnCivilian duty Number of Federal Employees, including full-time, part-time, seasonal, intermittent workers Lost Time Cases (number of cases that involved days away from work) Lost Time Case Rate (rate of only the injury/illness cases with days away from work per 100 employees) Lost Work Days (number of days away from work) FY 2008 Military OnCivilian duty 26998 10877 17435 10877 33 10 33 18 1.22 0.09 1.89 0.17 712 377 819 635 Accident experience statistics and accident rates represent raw performance statistics for the Command. As lagging indicators, they represent failures in safety systems and controls. Accident experience statistics represent the occurrence of an accident type. Accident rates represent only the frequency of a type accident in relationship to the exposure to an operation. Because neither take complexity of an operation into consideration or any other factors that could play into the accident causation process, the value of the information for future accident prevention purposes is limited. The charts below represent accident performance statistics from FY2006 through FY2008. The red lines on each of the charts represent accident rates for the category represented. Aviation Class A through C Mishaps FY06 to FY08 Military Lost Workday Mishaps FY06 to FY08 8 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 6.75 6 4 2 1 3.05 2 0 0 FY06 FY07 0.00 FY08 61 51 42 2.41 3.50 3.00 2.00 1.89 1.00 0.00 FY06 Page 82 4.00 FY07 FY08 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT DA Civilian Employee Lost Workday Mishaps FY06 to FY08 2 2.5 0.11 2 KN Civilian Employee Lost Workday Mishaps FY06 to FY08 0.12 20 0.10 1 1 0.06 0.05 0.15 9 9 10 0.04 0.5 0.00 FY07 0.05 0 0.00 FY06 0.10 0.10 0.10 5 0.02 0 0 0.20 0.18 15 0.08 1.5 16 0.00 FY06 FY08 FY07 FY08 The aviation mishap rate represents Class A through Class C aviation accidents for every 100,000 flight hours. In FY2008 the Command experienced no Class A through Class C aviation mishaps achieving a mishap rate of 0. The military lost workday mishap rate represents lost workday injuries for every 1000 soldiers, and the civilian lost workday mishap rate represents the frequency of lost workday injuries for every 100 civilian employees. The Command experienced a significant increase in personal injury rates for both military personnel and civilian employees. Detailed causation and trend analyses were conducted and the results are listed in the Measures of Effectiveness section below. The analysis identified several trends but did not pinpoint specific causes for the increases. The Command Safety Office continues to work at identifying underlying causes for these increases. Recordable Mishap Trends FY99 thru FY08 FY06 thru FY08 70 120 66 60 106 100 Number Mishaps Number Mishaps 50 80 67 60 65 64 58 52 47 40 20 51 1999 2000 14 2001 2002 30 30 28 23 20 23 20 19 40 66 30 28 26 23 40 50 46 40 17 0 44 50 16 19 16 12 2003 5 5 2004 2005 2006 2007 10 0 2008 2006 2007 FiscalYear Army Motor Vehicle Mishap Flight Mishap 14 12 15 14 15 2008 FiscalYear Personal Injury - Other Mishap Army Motor Vehicle Mishap Flight Mishap Personal Injury - Other Mishap The chart above represents reportable mishaps by type for each fiscal year (see Appendix C for definitions of accident reportability and type classification). Listed are the three most common accident categories: Army Motor Vehicle Mishaps, Flight Mishaps, and Personal Injury – Other Mishaps. The bars represent the count for each occurrence of a reportable accident by mishap category and the lines represent occurrence trends for the period of FY2006 to FY2008. The Command continues to improve most categories with one exception. As previously mentioned there has been a significant increase in the number of Personal Injury – Other Page 83 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT mishaps (represented by the green line). Specific causational trends and recommendations will be addressed in later sections. Motor Vehicle Mishaps The command experienced eight on duty motor vehicle mishaps with two resulting in recordable personal injuries. This is a reduction by eleven mishaps from the previous year and a reduction in cost of $537, 828. The below table provides specific comparative data for FY2007 and FY2008. Number of motor vehicle accidents experienced by employees Number of accidents resulting in personal injury Vehicle repair costs due to accidents FY 2007 19 2 $1,303,708 FY 2008 8 2 $766,880 Change -11 0 -$536,828 Additional Performance Indicators Accident experience is not the only performance indicator in safety. Safety inspections and audits, safety training, and safety councils are all measures of performance in safety. Below is an overview of these programs for Army in Korea. DA Safety Audit The Office of the Director of Army Safety audited the Command Safety Program in July 2008. The audit evaluated 20 Army safety program elements and concluded that the Command Safety Program meets established requirements for an Army Safety Program, as defined in AR 385-10. The overall rating was 3.2 on a 4.0 scale. Eighteen program elements received ratings indicating they met all requirements; and two program elements received ratings indicating they met key requirements but need some improvement. Appendix B contains a summary of the audit’s findings and recommendations. Employee Support The Command provides a variety of employee support programs. Through training programs and safety councils, the Command strives to ensure its personnel are aware of hazards and risks and trained to protect themselves and their personnel from these hazards. Through councils, the Command engages leaders, key personnel, and employees to collectively find solutions to safety issues and move the safety programs forward. Safety Training The Command provides safety training to all its personnel, from soldiers and civilian employees to supervisors and senior management. The purpose of the training is to provide awareness and the skills to recognize hazards, assess risks associated with these hazards, and implement controls. At the core of this approach is the Army Composite Risk Management (CRM) program and training. Every soldier and civilian employee is taught the principles of CRM and their role in implementing the program. At every leadership level, the increased CRM roles and responsibilities are emphasized. CRM is integrated into the way the Army does business. Through on-line and instructor lead training, personnel are taught how to safely manage their operations, from routine to situation and event driven operations. They are also taught to integrate other safety training programs as controls and abatements of hazards. Training for key safety personnel such as radiation safety training and employee safety training such as PPE training are all integrated into the overall CRM training program. The chart below highlights key training programs. Some training is directed specifically at CRM. Other training programs address specific program needs or identified hazards and risks. All integrate CRM training into the process. Page 84 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Types of Training Provided in FY2008 Top management officials Supervisors Safety and health specialists Safety and health inspectors Collateral duty safety and health personnel and committee members Employees and employee representatives 1. Commander / First Sergeant Course 2. Commander’s Safety Course via CR University 1. Supervisor’s Safety Course 2. Warrior Leader Training (PLDC) 3. Cadets Course 1. Semi-annual Safety Manager’s Workshop 2. CR University on-line safety training 3. Radiation Safety Officer Course 4. Explosives Safety Course 5. Range Safety Training 1. ADSO Facility Inspection Training 2. Fire Evacuation Coordinator Training 1. ADSO / CDSO Training via CR University 2. CR University on-line safety training 3. Local Garrison Safety Training 1. Composite Risk Management Training (military and civilian courses) 2. Driver’s Accident Avoidance Course 3. OSHA mandated safety training (respiratory protection, PPE use, etc.) Completion of safety training is a leading indicator of safety performance. When analyzed against hazard tracking and accident causation it can be used to determine measures of effectiveness in preventing accidents. The Command tracks training performance as part of the Command Inspection Program. During the inspection process, training records are reviewed to ensure proper training is being executed, make-up programs are in place, and personnel requiring training are receiving the training. To improve the record keeping process for all training, the Army has implemented the Defense Training Management System (DTMS). The Command plans to fully embrace this on-line record keeping system for tracking safety training. Completion of on-line safety training available from the Combat Readiness University (CR University) is automatically fed into DTMS. The Command Safety Office is working to get other safety training programs into the course list in DTMS. Once entered into the course list, training managers will be able to record and track safety training for all their personnel. The Command hopes to fully implement DTMS in FY2009. Safety and Health Councils The Command has implemented safety and health councils at all levels. At the lowest levels, organizations conduct Command Safety Councils and NCO Safety Councils. Quarterly, the Command hosts a Commanders’ Safety Council that encompasses all Army commands within the Korea Theater of Operations. These councils deal with safety issues within the command, theater specific seasonal safety issues, accident trends, lessons learned, and best practices. The Command also represents the Army service component in the US Forces Korea Safety Council. In addition to Command Safety Councils, the Command also hosts program specific safety councils. The purpose of these program specific safety councils is to address issues and deficiencies within a particular management program and develop courses of action to improve program safety. The following table represents a listing of program specific safety councils. Council Type Aviation Safety and Standardization Council Radiation Safety Council Explosive Safety Council Installation Safety Council Frequency Semi-Annual Annual Semi-annual Quarterly Page 85 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Measures of Effectiveness Measures of effectiveness are more difficult to quantify. These measurements represent a quantification of how effective a particular control or program is at preventing accidents. For example, measuring the number of motor vehicle accidents that resulted in injuries prior to implementing a mandatory seatbelt rule and after implementation would represent a measure of effectiveness. As part of this Annual Performance Review, Accident Analysis by Mishap Category and Command Inspection results were assessed. Accident Analysis by Mishap Category The Army defines specific accident categories to more effectively analyze demographics and causal factors (see Appendix D). Personal injury accidents and Army motor vehicle accidents are included in the analysis. For each of these categories, specific elements that define ―at-risk‖ personnel and operations are analyzed for FY2006 through FY2008. Included are detailed analysis of DOTLMPF resource deficiencies and causation factors. The analysis also includes a look at off-duty accidents focusing on the impacts of alcohol has on the frequency and severity of off-duty accidents. Finally, pedestrian accident trends are examined to determine trends and to raise awareness of the impact of these accidents to the Command. Personal Injury Mishaps Personal injury accidents involve injury or occupational illness to Army personnel (civilian and military), Army direct contractors, contractors and subcontractors contractually required to report accidents, and nonArmy personnel as a result of Army operations not covered by any other accident type and injury to off-duty military personnel not covered by any other accident type. The following section provides trend analysis of demographic data associated with this accident category. “At Risk” Analysis – Accident Demographics Location Type Analysis FY06 thru FY08 Maintenan ce facilities 17% Recreation al facilities 25% Other 4% Vehicle Way 13% Storage Area 6% Activity Analysis FY06 thru FY08 Housing 10% Pedestrian way 8% Loading / unloading 29% Walking / Climbing 37% Range 17% Other 20% Page 86 Sports / MWR 14% ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Nature of Injury Analysis FY06 thru FY08 Other 4% Fractures 47% Mistake Trend Analysis FY06 thru FY08 Lacerations / Punctures 16% Improper planning 10% Improper focus / attention 30% Sprain / Strain 13% Contusion 6% Concussion 6% Burns 5% September 15, 2009 Amputation 3% Improper use of equipment 16% Improper use of safety equipment 13% Other 5% Improper body position 17% Improper motor vehicle operations 9% The Command has experienced a steady increase in accident of this category for the last three years. There was a 25% increase from FY06 to FY07 and an increase of 30% from FY07 to FY08. For FY08 the category accounted for 58% of all accidents. This is up approximately 8% from the average for this category. The accidents occur at a wide variety of locations with no specific location type identified as more problematic than others. The most common activity associated with these mishaps is walking that results in slips, trips, and falls and loading and unloading vehicles that also usually result in falls. Most common injuries experienced are fractures followed by lacerations, sprains, and strains. These type injuries are indicative of slips, trips, and falls associated with human movement activities. They are also commonly associated with loading and unloading of personnel and equipment. Further analysis was conducted to determine specific activities categorized as loading and unloading. Loading and unloading applies to both the loading and unloading of material and the loading and unloading of personnel. For material, the most common occurrence was material falling on personnel loading or unloading equipment. For personnel, the most common injuries occurred when passengers attempted to dismount from the back of FMTVs without the use of the ladder. Similar accidents occurred when personnel improperly climbed down from the backs of HEMTTs. Accident Precursors – DOTLMPF Resource Deficiencies and Exacerbating Factors The acronym DOTLMPF represents resources necessary to the execution of a mission. In safety, deficiencies in DOTLMPF resourcing set the conditions for an accident to occur. The following section looks at DOTLMPF resourcing deficiency trends associated with personal injury accidents and the causal factor trends related to the DOTLMPF deficiencies. All seven DOTLMPF Resource deficiency categories were examined. Leadership and Personnel were the only two categories that contained sufficient data to be considered statistically significant. The following section provides a side-by-side comparison of DOTLMPF Resource Deficiencies and Causation Trends for these two categories. Page 87 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Leadership Deficiencies Hazard Trends for Leadership FY06 to FY08 Causation Trends for Leadership FY06 to FY08 Inadequate supervision higher 17% Inadequate supervision direct 47% Failure to correct known problem 38% Other 21% Choice decision errors 10% Inadequate supervision 36% Accepted risk 14% Procedural decision errors 17% The charts above represent deficiencies in leadership. The Hazard Trends chart represents deficiencies in leadership resources. The Causation Trends chart represents the reasons for leadership deficiencies or why leadership is considered to be deficient. The concentration of leadership deficiencies occur most commonly among first line supervisors. The primary causation trends indicate that standards are known but not enforced. Decision errors represent the second most common causation occurrence. These trends are representative of the staffing deficiencies being experienced at key leadership levels in the Command. The lack of experience and the desire to complete missions tend to provide conditions where compromises and poor decisions can lead to accidents. Personnel Deficiencies Hazard Trends for Personnel FY06 to FY08 Causation Trends for Personnel FY06 to FY08 Overconfidenc e 47% Procedural decision errors 21% Choice decision errors 39% Other 12% Effects of alcohol / drugs 14% Skills based attention failures 15% Other 13% In a hurry 27% Skills based execution failures 12% The charts above represent individual employee deficiencies. The Hazard Trends chart represents deficiencies in individual employee resources. Hazard trends indicate overconfidence and haste as the leading deficiencies. The Causation Trends chart represents why individual employee deficiencies exist. Decisions errors and skills based errors are the most common occurring causation trends. Overall, individuals tend to Page 88 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 not have the skill set and functional knowledge necessary to safely accomplish mission tasks. As with leadership deficiencies, personnel deficiencies are representative of an inexperienced workforce and a workforce focused on mission accomplishment. Overall Risk Assessment: Moderate Findings and Recommendations The impact of manning shortfalls is evident in the accident and causation trends depicted above. These shortages are evident when looking at the ranks of individuals in many leadership positions. Often positions are filled with personnel junior to the position requirements. These junior leaders often lack the experience and training to make know the importance of safety standards and how to properly implement them. Manning shortfalls also impacts individual personnel deficiencies. In the past, time was available to provide additional on-the-job and continuation training. In many cases, personnel shortages have severely limited resources to conduct this training. Soldiers are expected to hit the ground running ready to execute the mission, often without the knowledge necessary to complete it safely. In both cases, corrective actions begin with the training and development of our junior leaders. NCO and officer professional development training that focuses on mission completion to standards, including safety standards, is fundamental to safety program improvement. Safety standards and program elements should be integrated into operational training and not taught as a separate component. For safety standards to be effective and enforced at all levels they must be indoctrinated as the ―way we do business.‖ Junior leaders learn to enforce these standards with their subordinates. Enforcing safety standards helps to ensure accidents, such as eye injuries, are prevented by enforcing the use of established control measures (e.g. wearing of protective eyewear). Army Motor Vehicle Mishaps An accident involving a motor vehicle may be classified as an Army Motor Vehicle (AMV) accident if the vehicle meets the following Criteria: 1. The vehicle is owned, leased (includes General Services Administration (GSA) and Government owned, contractor-operated vehicles, that are under full operational control of the Army; for example, hand receipt or like document), or rented by DA (not an individual). Note: Vehicles rented by individuals while on TDY and POVs used for official business are classified as POV on Official Business Mishaps. 2. The vehicle is primarily designed for over-the-road operation. 3. The vehicle's general purpose is the transportation of cargo or personnel. Examples are passenger cars, station wagons, SUVs, trucks, ambulances, buses, motorcycles, fire trucks, and refueling vehicles. Accidents of this category may or may not include injuries. The following section provides trend analysis of demographic data associated with this accident category. Page 89 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT “At Risk” Analysis – Accident Demographics Equipment Involved Analysis FY06 to FY08 Collision Type Analysis FY06 to FY08 Government non-tactical vehicle 16% Local national vehicle 23% Going forward and rear-ended vehicle 16% Collision with moving vehicle 23% Other 20% HMMWV 19% Other 12% POV 7% HEMTT 7% Collision with parked vehicle 9% Collision with other object 20% FMTV 16% Location Type Analysis FY06 to FY08 Collision while backing 5% Collision while turning 7% Mistake Trend Analysis FY06 thru FY08 Improper focus of attention 21% Vehicle way 89% Trail / offroad 7% Improper supervision / planning Excessive 13% speed 9% Missjudged clearance 8% Improper use of equipment 12% Maintenance / storage facility 4% Improper stopping / braking 11% Other 10% Improper turning / steering 16% The Command has experienced a decrease in motor vehicle accidents over the past several years. In has also experienced decreases in the damage costs associated with motor vehicle accidents and severity of injuries. A review of the demographic information above indicates that accidents are occurring in all types of Army Motor Vehicles. Thirty percent of these accidents involve privately owned vehicles. Since most of the accidents occur off post on the Korean public highway system, the majority of the accidents also involve local national vehicles. Twenty-nine percent of the accidents involve collision with parked vehicles or fixed objects such as telephone poles. This often occurs while backing. In most cases ground guides are not used and the absence of a grond guide is a contributing factor. In all cases, no specific mistake trends have been identified. Most of these mistakes are attributable to a common lack of driving experience. Page 90 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Accident Precursors – DOTLMPF Resource Deficiencies and Exacerbating Factors The following section looks at DOTLMPF resourcing deficiency trends associated with Army Motor Vehicle accidents and the causal factor trends related to the DOTLMPF deficiencies. All seven DOTLMPF Resource deficiency categories were examined. Leadership and Personnel were the only two categories that contained sufficient data to be considered statistically significant. The following section provides a side-by-side comparison of DOTLMPF Resource Deficiencies and Causation Trends for these two categories. Leadership Deficiencies Hazard Trends for Leadership FY06 to FY08 Causation Trends for Leadership FY06 to FY08 Inadequate supervision direct 80% Failure to correct known problem 67% Other 20% Inadequate supervision higher 7% Inadequate supervision 13% Accepted risk 13% The charts above represent deficiencies in leadership. The Hazard Trends chart represents deficiencies in leadership resources. Leadership deficiencies show a concentration among first line supervisors. This focus of deficiencies among first line supervisors would indicate a systemic deficiency throughout the Command. The Causation Trends chart represents why leadership deficiencies exist or why leadership is considered to be deficient. ―Failure to correct known problems‖ accounts for 67% of the causational trends. As with the personal injury accident category, the shortages in key leadership positions have impacted the safety trends. Together, the charts indicate a need for senior management to ensure junior leaders know and enforce safe driving standards. Personnel Deficiencies Hazard Trends for Personnel FY06 to FY08 Overconfiden ce 48% Causation Trends for Personnel FY06 to FY08 Procedural decision errors 13% Fatigue 13% Choice decision errors 33% Skills based attention failures 19% Other 12% Other 6% In a hurry 27% Skills based execution failures 29% The charts above represent personnel deficiencies. Hazard trends indicate overconfidence/complacency in abilities and haste as deficiencies. Causation trends focus in two areas, driving skills errors and decision Page 91 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT errors. Insufficient driver training, particularly under the local driving conditions, accounts for the skill deficiencies. A lack of experience would account for decision errors. Overall Risk Assessment: Moderate Findings and Recommendations As previously mentioned, the Command has experienced a small but steady decrease in Army Motor Vehicle accidents over the past several years. Command focus directed by the Department of the Army and the local Command have put programs in place that have contributed to this trend. Continuation of these programs and initiatives as well as continued command emphasis is required to maintain this downward trend. The following section provides an overview of these programs. Driver Training Programs The Republic of Korea is consistently rated as the one of the most dangerous countries to drive in among the world’s most industrialized nations. Aggressive driving and disregard of traffic laws by many makes driving here particularly challenging. In most cases accidents involving military drivers find the Korean National driver at fault. To address these challenges, Eighth Army should continue to work closely with garrison commands in instilling defensive driving into each vehicle driver. In addition to defensive driver training the Command should continue to place focus with ongoing initiatives to protect our personnel from vehicle mishaps. First, the Command Safety Office has developed a driver’s training program that lays the foundation for the necessary driver skills. Through classroom training and testing, the program standardizes the minimum knowledge and skills needed to drive in Korea. Visiting individuals and commands are also required to take the same training and testing before they are allowed to drive in country. Additionally, the Command has developed guidelines and training programs for vehicle commanders and track commanders (VC/TC). The VC/TC program ensures the senior occupant is engaged in ensuring the driver performs safely and the right decisions are made. The VC/TC is accountable as the supervisor for the driving operation. Because so many of our drivers are young and experienced, having a trained VC/TC of a rank of CPL or above has significantly reduced mishaps associated with bad decisions. Finally, the Command has implemented a roadside inspection program. With this program, any government vehicle or convoy is subject to inspection to ensure seatbelt utilization, proper dispatching/PMCS, availability of emergency equipment, and driver qualifications and licensing. The Command’s 2nd Infantry Division has fully embraced this program and sets up regular roadside inspection points with their area of operation. Seatbelt Use Seatbelt use is mandated by Korea driving laws and DoD, DA, and US Forces Korea driving regulations. The Command maintains records on seatbelt utilization when vehicles are involved in mishaps. No on-duty accidents have been recorded in recent years where seatbelts were not utilized. Utilization of seatbelts has been significant in reducing the number of injuries associated motor vehicle accidents. Records on percentage of usage not associated with vehicle accidents are not specifically measured but enforcement programs have been implemented to ensure utilization. All installations have implemented a ―Click It or Ticket!‖ program. Law enforcement and installation security personnel enforce seatbelt utilization with spot checks and at installation entrances. Roadside inspection points also validate seatbelt utilization. Finally, through awareness programs on AFN, in print, and on Command websites, seatbelt utilization and its importance are regularly emphasized. Off-Duty Mishaps Off-duty accidents are not considered a separate category of accidents in the Army. Off-duty accidents are demographic properties included as part of several different Army accident categories. Each year in CONUS and Europe, POV accident account for the majority of fatalities among Soldiers. These trends do not hold true for Army units in Korea. Army units in Korea experience significantly different off-duty injury trends. Offduty accident data is recorded for soldiers only and does not include any data for civilian employees. The Page 92 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 following section provides an analysis of demographic trends associated with off-duty accidents. It also includes a specific look at pedestrian accident trends. “At Risk” Analysis – Accident Demographics Injury Mishaps Duty Status FY06 thru FY08 On-duty 75% Non-Driving Off-Duty Mishaps FY06 thru FY08 Off-duty MWR Activity 6% Local community 54% Off-duty Local community 12% MWR activity 34% Off-duty Other 7% Other 12% Alcohol Involved Non-Driving Off-Duty Mishaps FY06 thru FY08 Alcohol Involved POV Mishaps FY02 thru FY08 12 None 75% Definate 20% Number Incidents 10 8 6 4 2 0 Suspected 5% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Incidents by Fiscal Year Alcohol Contributed to Mishap Non-Alcohol Related Pedestrian Accidents Korea experiences one of the highest pedestrian fatality rates among the world’s most industrialized nations. The fatality rate per 100,000 persons is almost five times higher than other nations. Pedestrian accidents are those accidents in which a Soldier or civilian employee is struck by a motor vehicle causing injury to the individual. Because it involves a motor vehicle, the Army categorizes pedestrian accidents under the Army Motor Vehicle accident category or the Privately Owned Vehicle accident category. Korea experiences on average three pedestrian accidents each year. Though pedestrian accidents do not represent the greatest number of accidents, they often result in severe debilitating injuries or death. In May Page 93 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT 2008, a Soldier was struck by a taxi when he tried to cross the road resulting in serious injury. In August 2008, a KATUSA was killed when he stepped out into the street in front of a bus. The following charts provide an overview of pedestrian accident trends. Number Pedestrian Mishaps FY01 thru FY08 Pedestrians Struck by Vehicles 6 Injury Severity Analysis FY01 thru FY08 6 5 4 Fatal Injury 29% Permanent Disability 5% 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 Other 14% 1 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 Hospitalizat ion / Lost Workday 52% FiscalYear Analysis The greatest concern associated with off-duty accidents focuses on alcohol as a contributing factor. Off-duty accidents account for 25% of the Command’s personal injury accidents. Off-duty accidents are grouped based on the type and location of the activity as follows: MWR Activity – On and off installation activities sponsored by MWR, Local Community – Non-MWR activities conducted off installation (e.g. shopping, nightclubs, etc.), and Other – Non-MWR activities conducted on installation (e.g. post club, barracks, etc.) The majority of off-duty accidents, 54%, occur in the local community. None of the MWR sponsored activities included alcohol as a contributing factor. Alcohol is a contributing factor in 39% of all other off-duty accidents. Most of the injuries are factures and concussions resulting from the following: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Falling to the ground and into ditches Falling while trying to climb fences Large items falling onto individuals Pedestrian accidents with local national vehicles Since FY2001, one in three pedestrian accidents has resulted in death or permanent total disability. (The command has experienced 6 pedestrian fatalities and one permanent total disability.) Alcohol was a contributing factor in both accidents and is a causal factor in 25% of all the Command’s pedestrian accidents. For those pedestrian accidents that result in a fatality, alcohol was a contributing factor in ½ of the accidents. Overall Risk Assessment: Moderate Findings and Recommendations For off-duty accidents and pedestrian accidents, the analysis focused on the role alcohol plays as a contributing factor to these accidents. The following are recommendations based on the above analysis: MWR accidents have not shown alcohol as a contributing factor and injuries tend to be less severe. Recommend increasing the scope, variety, and frequency of MWR activities. Note: Severe accidents, even fatalities, have been associated with certain MWR activities such as boxing and bull riding. MWR activities must ensure Command involvement and that risk decisions are made at the right levels of command. Page 94 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Many of the most severe accidents could have been prevented if the Soldier had a ―Battle Buddy‖ or a designated ―Battle Buddy‖ was sober enough to prevent a bad decision or action. When both ―Battle Buddies‖ are drunk then who is watching out for them. Junior leaders often mention the Buddy System in passing but don’t truly champion its importance. The Command should place more emphasis on the importance of a ―Battle Buddy‖ and give incentives for ―Designated Battle Buddies.‖ Incentives should be similar to those given for ―Designated Drivers.‖ ―Under the Oak Tree Counseling‖ focuses on junior leaders being engaged with their soldiers. It requires them to know what their soldiers plans are and to intercede when there is potential for trouble. Meaningful ―Under the Oak Tree Counseling‖ can be a key tool to preventing these type accidents but many of our junior leaders don’t truly understand its importance. To be effective, the Command needs to teach our junior leaders how to effectively engage and counsel their soldiers. The Command should implement an alcohol review board process similar to accident review boards. The process would involve establishing a review board at battalion level consisting of the battalion CSM and its 1SGs. Each alcohol related incident would be reviewed to quantify demographic elements such as age group, type location, type activity, type incident (e.g. injury, sexual assault, assault, etc.), and key individual background conditions such as previous incidents, recent redeployment, etc. The review board would also make recommendations to prevent future events. Incident demographic data, recommended controls, and effectiveness of implemented controls would then be briefed at QTBs and SATBs. Finally, the information could be captured at the Eighth Army level. Trends and best practices could then be shared back down the chain-of-command. Other Measures of Effectiveness Safety Inspections, Site Assistance Visits, and Surveys The Command has an aggressive self evaluation program. Each level of command conducts Command Inspections of their subordinate commands. At Eighth Army level, the Command Safety Office conducts Command Safety Inspections of all its Major Subordinate Commands (MSC) annually. Included in this inspection program are ADCOM and OPCOM MSCs covering all Army elements in Korea. The Command also conducts program specialized inspections. The Aviation Resource Management Survey is conducted by the G3 Aviation Office for all aviation organization, aviation support organizations, and airfield operations. Additionally, the Command conducts periodic assessments of its radiation and explosives safety programs. These program assessments evaluate the effectiveness of the programs and controls implemented. In addition to inspection based self-assessments, the Command actively participates in the Army Readiness Assessment Program (ARAP). ARAP uses organization surveys to provide commanders with an assessment of the Safety Command Climate. It assists commanders in determining the effectiveness of their safety programs as well as the overall safety and risk management awareness of their personnel. These assessments are rolled up to each level of command to provide an overall picture of the health of the Command safety and risk management programs. Results of these surveys are compared with accident trends to assist in developing future safety program element controls. Finally, in July of 2008 the Command was audited by the Army Safety Office. Though minor program deficiencies were identified, the Command showed it had effective programs in place in every safety program element and that it had the necessary courses of action underway to correct its deficiencies. Results of all these inspections are entered into the TacSafe system. Deficiency and performance trends are analyzed to assist in the development of abatements and controls. Trends are also analyzed against accident trends and performance indicators such as safety training participation to determine the effectiveness of existing controls and assist in developing future courses of action. Page 95 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT Page 96 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Glossary ANSI Z10 Key Definitions The following definitions are derived from Section 2 of the American National Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005). The definition for Residual Risk is in Appendix E of this publication. Continual Improvement: The process of enhancing OHSMS to achieve ongoing improvement in overall health and safety performance in line with the organization’s health and safety policy and performance objectives. Corrective Action: Action taken to eliminate or mitigate the cause of a system deficiency, hazard, or risk. Exposure: Contact with proximity to a hazard, taking into account duration and intensity. Hazard: A condition set of circumstances, or inherent property that can cause injury, illness, or death. (Army Definition - Any actual or potential condition that can cause injury, illness, or death of personnel or damage to or loss of equipment, property or mission degradation, or a condition or activity with potential to cause damage, loss, or mission degradation.) Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS): A set of interrelated elements that establish and/or support occupational health and safety policy and objectives, and mechanisms to achieve those objectives in order to continually improve occupational health and safety. OHSMS Issues: Hazards, risks, management system deficiencies and opportunities for improvement. Preventive Action: Action taken to reduce likelihood that an underlying system deficiency or hazard will recur or occur in another similar process. Risk: An estimate of the combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s), and severity of injury or illness that may be caused by the event or exposures. (Army Definition - Risk is directly related to the ignorance or uncertainty of the consequences of any proposed action. Risk is an expression of possible loss in terms of hazard severity and hazard probability. Risk is the expected value of loss associated with a loss caused by a hazard expressed in dollars. The risk associated with this loss is mathematically derived by multiplying the probability of the loss’s likelihood of occurrence by the probable dollar loss associated with the loss’s severity. Note that risk has 2 dimensions - likelihood and magnitude, while a hazard has only 1- varied magnitude. Risk Assessment: The identification and analysis, either qualitative or quantitative, of the likelihood of the occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure, and severity of injury or illness that may be caused by it. Residual Risk: Risk can never be eliminated entirely, though it can be substantially reduced through the application of the hierarchy of controls. Residual risk is defined as the remaining risk after controls have been implemented. It is the organization’s responsibility to determine whether the residual risk is acceptable for each task and associated hazard. Where the residual risk is not acceptable, further actions must be taken to reduce risk. Other Definitions The following definitions come from a variety of sources. The definitions of these terms may vary slightly from traditionally accepted definitions. Where used in this document, these terms shall be defined using the following definitions. Acceptable Risk: Acceptable risk is that risk for which the probability of a hazards-related incident or exposure occurring and the severity of harm or damage that may result are as low as reasonably practicable, and tolerable in the situation being considered. Accident Precursor: An accident precursor is a DOTLMPF resourcing deficiency that provides conditions for an accident to occur. In the context of risk management, a precursor is an event or situation that, if it had Page 97 September 15, 2009 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT included (or not included) some other small set of behaviors or conditions (also known as exacerbating factors), a failure outcome would have occurred. ALARP: As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) is defined in MIL-STD-882E, The Department of Defense Standard Practice for System Safety as that level of risk which can be further lowered only by an increment in resource expenditure that cannot be justified by the resulting decrement of risk. Control Category: There are two primary types of control categories. Institutional Controls are controls that are institutionalized in our doctrine and become part of our business process and operational controls that are specific to a mission or operation. Cumulative Risk: Cumulative risk is representative of exposure to risk. Cumulative risk is the sum of the number of personnel or resources affected by a given event or, over time, by repeated events Compound Risk: Compound risk is the combination of hazards associated with a single operation and can increase the probability of an exacerbating factor impacting the operation. Dynamics Based Organizations: Dynamic Based Organizations are organizations with dynamic operational requirements such as the Service Components of the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, FEMA, law enforcement, fire fighting, and other similar agencies. Exacerbating Factors: Exacerbating factors are a set of behaviors or conditions that cause a risk managed activity to result in a failure outcome. Failure Outcome: A failure outcome is a condition that exists when an operation succumbs to the associated risk, either accepted or previously unidentified, and an unfavorable outcome results. Some failures only impact on efficiency while others result in some sort of loss or a failure of the mission or task. An accident is a type of failure outcome. Institutional Controls: Institutional Controls are controls that are institutionalized in our doctrine and become part of our business process. For example compliance type controls. Operational Controls: Operational Controls are controls specific to a mission or mission set to deal with specific mission issues and variables Training related death: A death associated with a non–combat military exercise or training activity that is designed to develop a military member’s physical ability or to maintain or increase individual/collective combat and/or peacekeeping skills, and is due to either an accident or the result of natural causes occurring during or within one hour after any training activity where the exercise or activity could be a contributing factor. This does not apply to Army civilians participating in a wellness program. Page 98 ARMY SAFETY MANAGEMENT September 15, 2009 Works Cited Abrams, A. L. (2006, 3 21). Legal Perspectives - ANSI Z10-2005 Standard Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Retrieved August 30, 2009, from ASSE: AIHA. (2005). The American National Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. 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How Will the New ANSI Z-10 Standard Affect your HSE Management Systems Program? Retrieved August 30, 2009, from Contec Solutions: Reason, J. T., & Hobbs, A. (2003). Managing Maintenance Error: A Practical Guide. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing. Specialized Technology Resources. (2009). Introduction To ANSI/AIHA Z-10:2005 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems. Retrieved August 30, 2009, from Specialized Technology Resources: Page 99