&RQJUHJDWLRQ%HWK(PHWKUHTXHVWVWKHKRQRURI\RXUSUHVHQFHRQ )ULGD\-XQHDWSP LQRXU6DQFWXDU\WRZLWQHVVWKH &RQILUPDWLRQRIWKH&ODVVRI &RQILUPDWLRQRIWKH&ODVVRI DQGWKH&RQILUPDWLRQDQQLYHUVDU\RIWKHFODVVHVRI &ODVVHVRI¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ 2QHJ6KDEEDWLPPHGLDWHO\IROORZLQJ Please join us at the Annual Meeting June 18th from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. as we thank Jill Goodman for her dedication, leadership and commitment and honor our unsung heroes. Some of our wonderful CBE/SAAJCC Health Fair volunteers: L-r: Joe Bierman, Rob Dorkin, Scott Gollop, Mike Barnas, Jay Hurewitz. Front: Mark Swyer. 6XVDQ%6KSHHQ0HPRULDO6LVWHUKRRG'RQRU'LQQHU 6XVDQ%6KSHHQ0HPRULDO6LVWHUKRRG'RQRU'LQQHU Featuring Rabbi Deborah Zecher and son Josh Ross entertaining the audience with Broadway Tunes. VHHHQFORVHGIO\HU The Bulletin this year is being generously underwritten by Margie and Larrry Kirsch June 2014 2XU7HPSOH)DPLO\ Special Birthdays and Anniversaries In Memoriam Beth Emeth wishes to congratulate the following on their Special June Birthdays: Beth Emeth recognizes with profound sorrow the death of our members Ruth Abel Joe Boochever Don Davidoff Beth Davis Michelle Fluster David Freedman Kathy Gersowitz Bruce Ginsburg Ethel Grushky Lil Jacobs Michael Katlan Keith Kowalski Lisa Letourneau Bennett Liebman Shelley Madison Susan Melnikoff Heather Mendel Julie Miller Ron Miller Alicia Osur Serge Patentreger Sharon Radden Lisa Saidel Peter Saidel Debbie Schaffer Bev Vener David Wollner Janet Wright Gloria Hatch Mother of Patricia (Arthur) Roth Adelaide "Addie" deBeer Muhlfelder Mother of Wendy (the late James) Muhlfelder, Mary (Thomas) Harowski and Lewis (Esther) Muhlfelder, Jr. Beth Emeth extends sympathy to those in our congregation who have lost a loved one Anne Smuckler Paktor Mother of Rochelle (Paul) Riven We are looking for softball players to add to our Beth Emeth team for the Tournament of the Temples softball league. The league is slow pitch and co-ed. We play on Sundays. The cost will be between $25 to $35 per player. The games will start on May 18th and will run possibly through the end of August. Anyone interested in joining can email Ken Lasky for information kenlasky1@netscape.net Beth Emeth wishes to congratulate the following on their Special June Wedding Anniversaries: Joanne and Bill Lubin - 15 years Jennifer and David Martin - 20 years Katherine and Yaron Sternbach - 20 years Gwen and Josh Weinstock - 20 years Evelyn and Marc Cohen - 25 years Carolyn and Bruce Ginsburg - 25 years Lillian and Jesse Green - 25 years Patty and Steve Brown - 30 years Carol Ann and Rod Margolis - 35 years Lynn and Andy Warheit - 35 years Toby and Fred Wander - 45 years Ruth and Norm Ellenbogen - 50 years Katherine and Arnold Kaplan - 50 years Gloria and Alan Arnold - 60 years ,Q2XU&RPPXQLW\ The SAAJCC 2014 Jules and Paula Stein Live and Learn Lecture Lunch Series presents Peter Sokolow, master klemzer musician, artist, teacher. The program, entitled Klemzer Music With A Tickle in the Heart will take place on June 12 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please contact Claire Sigal at 438-6651 x 112 for more information or to sign up. Jason Goldstein, M.Ed., a Counseling Psychology doctoral candidate at the University of Louisville, is seeking participants for a survey that looks to identify the impact of self-discrepancies in one's own Jewish identity on overall mental and spiritual wellbeing. The only requirements for participation in the online survey is that they are at least 18 years of age and "self-identify as Jewish." Simply go to http://tinyurl.com/JewishIdentitySurvey to access the survey. If you have any questions or concerns, or you would like a results summary when the project is completed, please contact jrgold05@louisville.edu . A belated Happy 10th Anniversary to Ray and Craig Kimmelblatt. ,W LV RXU SUDFWLFH WR DFNQRZOHGJH WKH PLOHVWRQHV LQ WKH OLYHV RI RXU FRQJUHJDQWV RQ VSHFLDO ELUWKGD\V VWDUWLQJ DW DJH DQG DQQLYHUVDULHV EHJLQQLQJZLWKWKHWKLQPXOWLSOHVRIILYH\HDUV,IIRUVRPHUHDVRQZH IDLO WR DFNQRZOHGJH DQ RFFDVLRQ LQ \RXU OLIH RU WKDW RI D PHPEHU RI \RXU IDPLO\SOHDVHKHOSXVE\LQIRUPLQJWKH7HPSOHRIILFHDWH[W Congratulations to... Harriet and Allen Greenberg, paternal grandparents, on the birth of Caleb Adam Greenberg on February 12, 2014. Caleb is the son of Michael and Melissa Greenberg of Glenmont. Kristine and Kevin Buckley, of Delmar, NY are the maternal grandparents. Susan and Tom Hager on the birth of their first grandchild, Nathan Martin Hager on May 2. Nathan is the son of Amy and Ben Hager, of Greensboro, North Carolina. Ben attended Beth Emeth Religious School, had his Bar Mitzvah and Confirmation at Beth Emeth, and was active in the CBEYG youth group. Rabbi Scott Shpeen on the marriage of his son, Adam to Emily Farber, daughter of Drs. Bruce and Judy Farber of Sands Point, NY and granddaughter of Jean Farber of Floral Park, NY. 0LW]YDK+HURHV Here are this month’s Mitzvah Heroes! Remember, if there is someone (youth or adult) who you feel should be acknowledged for a mitzvah, contact Debbie Sokoler (432-1392 or dsokoler@bethemethalbany.org). It’s that simple! Brianna Price created a soccer tournament to raise funds for the Crohns and Colitis Foundation. She raised $750! Mara Warford has been spending time on a weekly basis with a Holocaust survivor – she wanted to make a difference in the life of a survivor. Mara believes that her Mitzvah Project has now turned into a friendship that she will always cherish. If you have a child graduating from High School or College we would love to include them in our Bulletin. Please send students name, degree or future plans to Debbie Schaffer at bulletin@BethEmethAlbany.org. Bulletin Deadline All articles for the July/ August Bulletin should be submitted by June 10th. 2 :RUVKLS6HUYLFH6FKHGXOH 3UHVLGHQW·V3HUVSHFWLYH As I begin my final column as President, I feel like I’m getting ready for graduation. On the one hand, I’ve given it my all and am looking forward to new opportunities and challenges. On the other hand, moving on is bittersweet. My two years as a Board member and eight years as an Officer have, as Rabbi Shpeen promised they would, been a wonderful experience. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with our diligent Officers, Board of Trustees, affiliates, dedicated clergy and staff, engaged past presidents and so many committed congregants building on our solid foundation and strengthening our congregational community. Listening to each other and working collaboratively we have sustained important long standing traditions while creating equally important new opportunities for connection and relationship building. We have been willing to respectfully bring important discussions into the open even when we don’t agree. We have been eager to discuss new ideas and explore different ways of doing things. I am so proud of the progress that we have made together as a congregational family. But as we know, the process of becoming the best that we can be, is never ending. For me, engaging in this effort for a sustained period of time, with people that I care about and respect, with whom I share a common commitment, has been joyful, exhilarating and extremely fulfilling. I am so appreciative of having had this opportunity! Now, as I prepare to join the ranks of our past presidents and find new ways to contribute to our community, please know how grateful I will always be for the warmth and support that you showed me and how proud I will always be of having served as President of CBE. Warm regards, Jill Goodman, President Erev Shavuot Yiskor / Memorial Service Tuesday, June 3 at 7:30 p.m. The names of our loved ones who have died since last Shavuot will be included in our prayers. The names that will be recited are listed on page 11. Shabbat B’haalot’cha (Numbers 8:1-12:16) Friday Evening, June 6 Confirmation and Confirmation Anniversary Service at 7:30 p.m. Saturday Morning, June 7 Torah Study in Library at 9:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Larner at 10:45 a.m. Shabbat Sh’lach L’cha (Numbers 13:1-15:41) Friday Evening, June 13 Lech Lecha / CBEYG Installation Service at 5:30 p.m. Sisterhood Sponsored Oneg Saturday Morning, June 14 Torah Study in Library at 9:30 a.m. Bat Mitzvah of Abigail Olivieri at 10:45 a.m. Shabbat Korach (Numbers 16:1-18:32) Preneg at 5:00 p.m. Honoring the Participants in our Leadership Engagement Program Friday Evening, June 20 at 5:30 p.m. Saturday Morning, June 21 Torah Study in Library at 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Chukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1) Friday Evening, June 27 at 5:30 p.m. Sisterhood is sponsoring a Pre-Neg at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 20th in honor of the "graduation" of our Leadership Engagement class. This year’s participants are: Muriel Church, Ameera Crellin, Ron Gerrol, Ron Greenberg, Brian Kovelman, Wendy Palat, Darin Price, Debbie Ratner, Joe Schwartz, Cindy Shenker, Ed Sossner, Sheri Townsend and Josh Zamer. Saturday Morning, June 28 Torah Study in Library at 9:30 a.m. A special thank you to the Nina Abrams Fund whose generous donation will allow Live Stream Services to continue to inspire and to enrich the lives of those who cannot make it to Beth Emeth. LIVE STREAM SERVICES ON-LINE Can’t come to Shabbat services? You can watch services live on our web-site. Go to www.BethEmethAlbany.org and click on the purple ‘Worship’ tab on the top. When you see the screen you may have to click an arrow to begin watching. ARE YOU CELEBRATING A SIMCHA at SERVICES? Baby Naming Wedding Blessing Special Anniversary Bar/Bat Mitzvah Special Birthday Graduation Consider sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat! (light refreshments immediately following services on Friday night) Interested? Contact Kathy Golderman at 436-9761 x225 or kgolderman@bethemethalbany.org You can also go to our on-line archive to see a service you missed! To underwrite live-streaming for a week, a month, or more contact Kathy Golderman at 436-9761 x 225. Know a graduating high school senior? If so, please join us for our Lech Lecha Service on Friday, June 13 at 5:30 p.m. We will be honoring and blessing our seniors as they “go forth!” Please let Deb Sokoler know if you plan to attend – dsokoler@bethemethalbany.org or 436-9761 x225. Congregation Beth Emeth Bulletin June 2014 - 5774 Published monthly except August Congregation Beth Emeth 100 Academy Road, Albany, New York 12208 Volume LVII, No. 10 3 :KDW·V+DSSHQLQJLQ%URWKHUKRRG :KDW·V+DSSHQLQJLQ6LVWHUKRRG During April our members distributed almost 2,500 Yom HaShoah yellow candles to households throughout the capital region. Thank you to all who assisted with this project. Through this year’s candle contributions, Brotherhood has chosen to support the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous. The Foundation provides financial support to more than 600 non-Jews who rescued Jews during the Holocaust and preserves their legacy through a national education program. You can learn more about JFR by visiting www.jfr.org. We hope you will return a contribution to Brotherhood with your usual generosity. More than a dozen Brotherhood members participated in the CBE/JCC Health Fair making box lunches and helping vendors unload their vehicles. Over Memorial Day weekend, Brotherhood marked more than three-hundred graves of Jewish war veterans with American flags at the Loudonville and Bethlehem cemeteries. If we missed your family member, contact the office and they will update the records for next year. We are planning a couple of exciting events this summer including the Valley Cats baseball game on Sunday, July 20th at 4:00 p.m. The cost is $25 for adults and $20 for children under 12. Sunday, August 24th at 12:30 p.m., we will hold another “Day At The Races” at the Saratoga flat track. Check the bulletin flyers or the website for complete details and registration information. As my term as Brotherhood president comes to an end, I want to extend my appreciation to our board members for their support and hard work over these past three years. I look forward to continuing to lead the Brotherhood Chefs for our dinners and assorted events. Please contact Mark Swyer, our incoming president, to serve on the Brotherhood board or volunteer for an event. Thank you for your support, Rob Dorkin – President rdorkin@nycap.rr.com or 456-0503 On Thursday, May 8th, over 100 Sisterhood members and friends attended the Susan B. Shpeen Memorial Donor Dinner. The event’s success was made possible due to the commitment and hard work of the fabulous committee and to the support from the staff at Beth Emeth. Heartfelt thanks go out to Lisa Finkle, Julie Koenig, Heather Linsk, Beth Monaco, Leslie Newman, Lynn Warheit, Kathy Golderman, Joan Paley and Steve Squires. The evening included a delicious meal, pleasant conversations, delightful cabaret style entertainment, the passing of several amendments to the constitution and accepting nominations for new board members and officers. It was indeed a night to remember - and a night to add to the continuing story of Sisterhood. Mazel tov to the new officers and new board members of Sisterhood! Officers: Lisa Finkle and Robyn Marinstein—copresidents, Elizabeth Epstein - vice president, Beth Monaco recording secretary, Gayle Farman and Sue Melnikoff - cocommunication secretaries, and board members: Beth Davis, Melissa Greenberg and Nancy Preston. This month marks the beginning of the Sisterhood Membership Campaign. Your involvement in Sisterhood is personal. You can be a participant, you can be a planner or you can be a dues paying member. Whatever membership path you take, you are a valued member of Sisterhood and we look forward to sharing another year together. Watch your mailbox and email for membership information. With warmest regards, Lisa Finkle, Co– President Robyn Marinstein, President rmarinstein@yahoo.com 7LNNXQ2ODP+HDOLQJWKH:RUOG It is impossible to believe I am completing my second year as Chair of the Social Action Committee. It continues to be one of the most pleasurable volunteer leadership experiences of my life. Social Justice and Social Advocacy have been important to me almost from birth. The intelligence, energy and drive of Barbara Zaron and Arleen Stein in leading this effort for our committee continues to be inspiring and enlightening. They are heroes in my eyes. The Soup Kitchen would not continue to operate without the yeoman work of Ron Miller, Joe Bierman, Terry Freidland and Tom Spagnoletti who get the crew chiefs and menus set. Roberta Fox organizes scheduling of the crews. Register on-line to volunteer for Soup Kitchen and Diane’s Farm. The support and involvement of Sisterhood and Brotherhood with the Soup Kitchen and so much more helps me feel part of a very committed community. Lee Rosen, who has been our liaison to/from the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, has provided great support and wisdom in helping me over these first two years. The entire Board has provided support and often participation in our activities. I want to thank Jill Goodman for her two years of leading the congregation and making all of us feel so very special. She has been a treasure and will continue to be. In the next column I will continue highlighting the people and programs that help make this position such a fulfilling activity. Get involved! Barry Z. Davis, Chairperson barryzdavis@gmail.com, 237-5553 Having a great time at the Social Action Shabbat. 4 3URJUDPPLQJ6RPHWKLQJIRU(YHU\RQH Holiday Toolbox Beth Emeth Programming What a winter we have had – seems like spring and now summer can’t come soon enough and with that (hopefully) more family time . . . maybe time to read that book that’s been staring at you for months . . .. Here are some suggestions for groups you can join that might interest you as well! * Join our gardeners working at Diane’s Farm. Contact Barry Kogan – bkogan@communitycare.com and he’ll put you on his e-mail list so you can know when they are working at the garden. * Take a Sunday morning to work at our Soup Kitchen. Contact Roberta Fox – rffoxylady@nycap.rr.com or call her at 487-4754 and she’ll let you know how to sign up. * Do you like to feed others in need? Whether you can cook or can go to Price Chopper to pick up a meal, our Mitzvah Meal group can use you! Contact Marlene Pressman at mpressman@nycap.rr.com and she’ll welcome you to their group! * If doing periodic community services projects is something you and/or your family is interested in – join our Mitzvah Squad. You’ll get an e-mail about an upcoming project and you simply respond if you think you can join! Contact Lucy Siegel to be part of that group – lsiegel@nycap.rr.com * Did you know that Jewish Family Services has a wonderful program – Project Five? They provide transportation services for seniors. Interested in becoming a Project Five driver? Call them at 482-8856 B’ Shalom Debbie Sokoler It’s that time of year when I go into planning next year!! Is there a program that you’d like to see? Want to help out with a First Friday at Beth Emeth or other program? Let me know – You can e-mail me – dsokoler@bethemethalbany.org -- always happy to hear from you! Please note that the Parenting Center Room is available for families to use during Friday night and Saturday morning Services. Please, no children without an adult. Sisterhood members and their families and friends volunteer at the Soup Kitchen on the third Sunday of each month from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Please join us! Contact Jane Sanders to choose a date at 281-0991 or jrs0991@gmail.com. *RXUPHW*URXS Eat, Drink, and Be Merry with Us! Beth Emeth Gourmet Group for Adults. Singles welcome! Here's an opportunity to put your culinary talents to work, share a nice glass of wine, recipes, and camaraderie with us. Contact Alice Slingerland at 518-768-2620 or Joan Weinberg at 513-519-0122. Come join us! %HWK(PHWK %HWK(PHWK 7ULSWR,VUDHO 7ULSWR,VUDHO Experience the trip of a lifetime as Rabbi Shpeen takes you on an extraordinary tour NOVEMBER 1 - 11, 2014 Michael S. Lurie, CPA Gregory H. Lurie, CPA This trip is rapidly filling up. If you can’t make November please join us in February. Please see flyer for more information. www.Ayelet.com/ShpeenNov2014.aspx 518-456-4094 www.luriecpas.com Tax, Accounting & Wealth Management COMPLEXITY MADE SIMPLE Proudly Serving the Capital District for Over 25 Years 5 <RXU'RQDWLRQV0DNHD'LIIHUHQFH The Temple office mails acknowledgement letters to individuals who have made contributions of $100 or more. Notification cards are mailed to all recipients, and will appear in the Bulletin shortly thereafter. Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund Laura and Timothy Atkins Rosalind and Philip Itzkow Jane and Mark Levine Patricia Roth Patricia Snyder Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund in memory of Ruthie and Norman Ellenbogen Gloria Hatch Lauren Frantz, Caryn Mutchnick and Jeffrey Barnet Addie Muhlfelder Jane and Dave Kadish Addie Muhlfelder Caryl Newhof Eleanor Barnet Oppenheimer Caryl Newhof Gloria Hatch Caryl Newhof and Jan Reiss-Weitzman Jennette L. Newhof Lynn and Andrew Warheit Leita Marinstein Lynn and Andrew Warheit Mollie Breslawsky Ruthie and Norman Ellenbogen Blanche Chartoff Harris Sitrin Blanche Chartoff Charlotte and Jeffrey Sperber Mollie Breslawsky in appreciation Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund Roberta and Ned Berkowitz in honor of Pillars Award to Ruth and Ben Mendel Carol and David Grand Bat Mitzvah of granddaughter of Pat and Robert Friedman Ruth and Curtis Manasse special birthday of Richard Bass Lois Mayer Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Cohen Caryl Newhof marriage of Adam Shpeen and Emily Farber Sandi Zarch special birthday of Marvin Grode Sandi Zarch first grandchild of Suzanne and John Berhaupt Gold in appreciation of Fund for Jewish Education Deborah Liebman Rabbi Shpeen and Cantor Groper for conducting Havdalah for the Moveable Feast Fund for Jewish Education in honor of Liz and Jerry Goldstein the 6th and 8th grade teachers at the Einhorn Center for Jewish Education Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund in memory of Isabel and Bruce Carmen Mollie Breslawsky Suzanne Freedman William B. Freedman Suzanne Freedman Ruth L. Laven Ceil and Rich Friedenthal Blanche Chartoff Ceil and Rich Friedenthal Barbara Kellert Carol and David Grand and Family Frances Axelrod Miriam and Marv Grode Anne Paktor Betty and Bill Nathan Eleanor Barnet Oppenheimer William Schwartz Gloria Hatch William Schwartz Addie Muhlfelder William Schwartz Eleanor Barnet Oppenheimer Cindy Shenker Jeff Altman Miriam and Donald Sommers Mollie Breslawsky Miriam and Donald Sommers the Yahrzeits of Irving Chuckrow and Charles Sommers Sandi Zarch Blanche Chartoff Fund for Jewish Education Bernard, Diane, Jennifer & Brian Kern Estelle Kessler Yarinsky General Fund in honor of graduation from college Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Brianna Finkle Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Daniel Golderman Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Alex Iselin Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Andrew Kauffman Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin David Marinstein Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin David Rosen Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Michael Wollner in honor of graduation from high school General Fund Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Max Dembling Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Quincy Epstein Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Joshua Rosenblatt Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Benjamin Smith Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Andrew Schwartz Cantor Glenn Groper’s Discretionary Fund in appreciation Susan Caplan Edith Hellman Religious School Fund in honor of Caryl Newhof birth of grandchild to Paula and Mitchell Chalfin Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund Bert Weinberg contribution Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund Anne and Michael Marmulsten in appreciation of a fun seder, warmth and hospitality at the Yaffee’s in memory of Henry W. Kern Adelaide Muhlfelder in honor of General Fund Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin marriage of Adam Shpeen and Emily Farber Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin birth of 1st grandchild, Nathan Martin Hager, of Susan and Tom Hager Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin The Confirmation Class of 2014 Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund in honor of Sara Lee and Barry Larner Bat Mitzvah of granddaughter of Pat and Bob Friedman Joan Paley Jane and Mark Levine receiving the SAAJCC Pillars Award Joan Paley Ruth and Benjamin Mendel receiving the SAAJCC Pillars Award Bonnie and Stuart Rosenberg 30th anniversary of Anne and Michael Marmulstein Charlotte and Jeffrey Sperber the marriage of Adam Greenstein, son of Dr. and Mrs. Neal Greenstein Charlotte and Jeffrey Sperber Bat Mitzvah of Brianna Price, granddaughter of Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Price General Fund Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Lauren and Harold Iselin Lauren and Harold Iselin Lauren and Harold Iselin Lauren and Harold Iselin Lauren and Harold Iselin Lauren and Harold Iselin Randee Lipnick Ilene and Chip Stein Marilyn Tupler and Les Waltman Inscriber Prayerbook Fund Martin Stein 6 in memory of Addie Muhlfelder Amos Bastiani Richard Bomze Phyllis Goldstein Barbara Kellert Leita Marinstein Eileen “Pixie” Markowitz Berna Berger Mollie Breslawsky Anne Paktor in memory of Tillie and Oscar Stein 'RQDWLRQVFRQW Iselin Family CBEYG Fund Cynthia Freedman Cynthia Freedman Cynthia Freedman Cynthia Freedman Cynthia Freedman Cynthia Freedman in memory of Rose Rogers Singer Memorial Fund Paula Schenck Hilda Stolbof Schenck Paula Schenck Sol J. Schenck Paula Schenck George Singer Paula Schenck Rose Rogers Singer Paula Schenck Frances B. Schenck Paula Schenck Mildred “Mimi” A. Singer in honor of the college graduation of Ari Basen Brianna Finkel Alex Iselin David Marinstein David Rosen Michael Wollner Lorraine Paul Archives Fund Cynthia Freedman Sisterhood YES Fund in honor of CBE SIsterhood the special birthdays of: Ruth Abel, Ethel Grushky, Lillian Jacobs and Mildred Slawsky Cynthia Freedman Cynthia Freedman Sisterhood YES Fund Marcia and Michael Horelick Dorry Kotzin and Family Cynthia Freedman in honor of marriage of Jennifer Sokoler and Prashant Yerramalli marriage of Steven Dembling and Susan 45th anniversary of Bette and Stephen Stracher 25th anniversary of Joni Lieberman Basen and Donald Basen Lorraine Paul Archives Fund Social Action Fund Arleen Stein Lurie Wander Sukkot Fund Toby and Fred Wander Toby and Fred Wander Toby and Fred Wander in appreciation of Jay Hurewitz Youth Scholarship Fund in honor of Cookie and Peter Siegel Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Movitz, granddaughter of Bob and Pat Friedman in memory of Addie Muhlfelder Friends at Bergmeyer Associates, Inc. Janice Cramer Malka and Eitan Evan Muriel Frank Cynthia Freedman Shirley and Herbert Gordon Frances Granoff Sophie Hollander Dorry Kotzin Barbara and Charles Lanigan Betty and Bill Nathan Louise and Larry Marwill Caryl Newhof and Jan Reiss-Weitzman Dale and Craig Raisig The Spitalny Family Patricia Snyder Ilene and Chip Stein Lorraine Paul Archives Fund Patricia Snyder Patricia Snyder in memory of Leita Marinstein Blanche Chartoff Youth Scholarship Fund Cookie and Peter Siegel in memory of Barbara Kellert Contributions to the SISTERHOOD LIMUD CONFIRMATION FUND may be made payable to CBE Sisterhood and sent to: Karen Glaser, 103 Middlesex Court, Slingerlands NY 12159. Contributions to the YES Fund (Youth Education and Special Projects Fund of the Women of Reform Judaism) may be made payable to CBE Sisterhood and sent to: Lisa Finkle, 92 Jordan Blvd., Delmar NY 12054. in memory of Blanche Chartoff Leita Marinstein in memory of Mollie Breslawsky Blanche Chartoff Leita Marinstein in honor of Mendleson Memorial Chapel Fund Judith Roth Ruth and Benjamin Mendel receiving the Pillars Award from SAAJCC in honor of Religious School Tree of Life Fund Sara Lee and Barry Larner Bat Mitzvah of Brianna Price, granddaughter of Vivian and Marshall Price Sara Lee and Barry Larner the marriage of Adam Greenstein and Robyn Rosenblatt Sara Lee and Barry Larner Mark and Beth Scher receiving the SAAJCC Pillars Award Sara Lee and Barry Larner Jane and Mark Levine receiving the SAAJCC Pillars Award Sara Lee and Barry Larner Ruth and Ben Mendel receiving the SAAJCC Pillars Award Marilyn and Ron Silverman college graduation of Aaron, grandson of Elaine Burrick Marilyn and Ron Silverman college graduation of David Marinstein, grandson of Cynthia Freedman 7 7KH)DFHVRI%HWK(PHWK Congregants enjoyed a Second Night Sedar together at CBE. Thank you to Brotherhood for another delicious and memorable meal. The Moveable Feast was a great night for folks of all ages. The night started out at CBE with a Havdalah Service, and continued on at the homes of our generous congregants. Can you tell who appeared at every home? 2XU%·QRW0LW]YDK As is our custom, all B’not Mitzvah participate in Candle Lighting and Kiddush at services on the Friday evening prior to their Bat Mitzvah. Hannah Larner, daughter of Jennifer Larner and Stephen Hogan and Eric Larner will become a Bat Mitzvah on June 7th. Abigail Olivieri , daughter of John and Jessica Repko and Paul Jr. and Danielle Olivieri will become a Bat Mitzvah on June 14th. 8 $Q([FLWLQJ0RQWKDW7KH(LQKRUQ&HQWHUIRU-HZLVK(GXFDWLRQ Closing Ceremonies for the Einhorn Center for Jewish Education included an Improv performance by the Mop and Bucket Company. This engaging and fun performance was made possible by the Ruth Sherman Linn Fund. As part of the Fifth Grade Curriculum of The Jewish Life Cycle, Rabbi Shpeen showed the class and parents around The Beth Emeth Cemetery, including Rabbi Wolk’s Burial Site. Fifth Grade students participated in a mock wedding. The Chuppah was handmade by students of the class. 6th graders and their teachers heard long-time member Bert Weinberg share his story during their recent Holocaust program 8th Grade Met with Assemblymember Patricia Fahy Students from the Einhorn Center for Jewish Education recently met with Albany-area Assemblymember Patricia Fahy. This year’s study sessions on “Jewish Values in Action” included a visit with Assm. Fahy in the Assembly chamber at the New York State Capitol. The students selected issues for discussion – support for GLBT rights, funding for public education and a livable minimum wage—and offered personal perspectives, Jewish teachings and other information and prepared remarks with the help of Rabbi Ross and their teachers. Students enjoying the Einhorn Center for Education’s Butterfly Program. 9 <DKU]HLW Please note: If you wish to have a name included on our Shabbat Kaddish list or have a question about a Perpetual Kaddish name being recited, please call Joan Paley in the Temple office, 436-9761 x222. (Please do not leave a name for the Yahrzeit list on email or voice mail.) When phoning in a name, please do so by the Thursday of the week it is to be read. Kaddish will be recited for those beloved departed whose names are perpetuated in Permanent Memorials established by their families. When services are in the Chapel, yahrzeit plaques are located in the alcove to the right of the ark. When services are in the Sanctuary, yahrzeit plaques are placed on the rear brick walls. Shabbat of June 20-21 Sigmund Adler Sara T. Kessler Sarah Geller Ambinder Lillian Kleinberg Sarah Baere Reuben F. Kopp Abraham Berinstein Myer Kornreich Mendall Bloom Herman Krouner Esther Levitz Bocian Sadye Freedman Lerner Mary Bookheim Mary Lincoln Fannie Buchdahl Malka J. Lomax Annette A. Cohen Henrietta Lowenthal Dave Cooper Ann Michaelson David Feuer Shirley C. Nelson Thomas Finklestein Lillian Meckler Nidetch Ruth Galeav Mollie Fischler Reiner Sidney Ginsburg Arthur Robinson Samuel Gordon Frieda Rosenbaum Arthur A. Grosberg Myer Rosengarden Jerome D. Guthmann Benjamin D. Rosenthal Miriam Muffson Hershman Kalman "Kal" Ross Samuel Hessberg Harriett J. Schuster Judith Honigsbaum Huston Harry L. Sherer Tess Solomon Isenbergh David Harris Sokol Avrom M. Jacobs Morton D. Stern Eva Bass Kapewich Joseph Stone Claire Vogel Kaplan Lillian Strumpf Aaron "Al" Kellert Samuel Warshaw David L. Kessler Anna Brothers Wasserman Shavuot June 4 Bruce Howard Huston Babetta Hydeman Shabbat of June 6-7 Beatrice Lillian Allan Bertram S. Armm Susan L. Baker Brian D. Berk Rosalia Blatner Eva Goldstein Brandao Harry Brickman Edward Cohn Rosa Danzinger Ruth Brown Feinman Allen Glick Sarah A. Goldfarb Nathan Hatch Satie Hirschfeld Bruce Howard Huston Babetta Hydeman Arthur R. Kapner Gus Krips Lillian Raskin Kuperman Ferdinand B. Levison Anita Lidman Mary Mandelbaum Henry Mann Louis Mann Sarah K. Metzendorf Samuel Miller Alfred W. Nathan Ray Pollack Harry Allen Raab II Walter A. Saxe William Schaler Carrie M. Silberman Kate Spaner Hannah M. Swartz Lewis A. Swartz Nathan Taylor Shabbat of June 13-14 Lillian Aberman Yvette Hyman Benson Mollie Ostroff Blacker Henry M. Blatner Robert Cantor Sarah K. Clonick Julia Coleman Betty Zolzensky Colin Marvin Eisen Vivian Vener Fink Lillian Mann Fischer Harry M. Fleishman Barbara Symansky Frankel Maurice Glatt George H. Green Joseph Green Lena Green Janice B. Greenstein Henry W. Kern Sally Ann Lavine Sadie Prager Levison Morris Maistelman Samuel Metzendorf Babetta Miller Joseph Myers Jennette Levy Newhof Harry Novik George Oser Oscar Rasken Dr. Kalmon Rosenblatt Mary Lou Rosenthal Donald V. Ruslander Dr. William B. Scharfman Frances B. Singer Schenck Mildred Bersh Shapiro Gladys Heyman Smith Joseph Tinkle Judith Loeb Wander Edith I. Wildove Claire E. Yaguda Shabbat of June 27-28 Daniel Adler Maurice P. Goldstein Jonathan Aaron Albert Beverly G. Greenstein Blanche Roth Ashkenas Irving Hendler Martha Auer Susan L. Kupferman William Barnet II Bernard Leff Gabrielle Beck Milton M. Mann Lillian Hold Berinstein Jessie Ehrlich Marks Elliot Berman Dr. Archie A. Meckler Pauline Bernstein Jesse Mendelsohn Bertram R. Blume Pauline Fisher Myers Ruth Bloomberg Boochever Herbert Reiner William Cohn Elizabeth Roskin Dr. William Feltman Della Dunn Roth Julius K. Finklestein Fannie G. Schlesinger Alford E. Freedman Robert Schreiber Minnie G. Freedman Max Starkman Rose Boochever Freund Ida Stern Matilda T. Getz Gay Jasper Wattenberg A very special thanks to Bill and Betty Nathan for establishing a new endowed fund, in memory of Bill’s brother, The Thomas M. Nathan Fund for Cemetery Maintenance. Caring for the cemetery is truly a wonderful mitzvah and will be appreciated for generations to come. Have you thought about including us in your will? If you love Beth Emeth, you can help perpetuate it. Please contact Kathy Golderman at 436-9761 ext. 225 10 6KDYXRW<L]NRU0HPRULDO6HUYLFH The Shavuot Yizkor/Memorial Service will be held on Tuesday, June 3, at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel. Listed below are the names of our loved ones who have died since last year and will be recited at this service. If you would like the name of a loved one who died since last Shavuot (May 14, 2013) included in the service, please contact Joan Paley at 436-9761 ext. 222. If you would like to honor the memory of a loved one with a contribution to the Beautification Fund, please send a check payable to Congregation Beth Emeth addressed to Lynn Warheit, 213 Colonial Avenue, Albany, NY 12208. Frances Axelrod Lenore Barr Joanne Bass Amos Bastiani Susan Gerstein-Becker Berna Berger Hilde Bloch Richard Bomze Mollie Breslawsky Judith Brown Paul Burman Blanche Chartoff Donald Cohn Ruby Gold Joshua Effron Florence Einhorn Richard Englander Larry Feldman Simon Frank Sophie Freedland Estelle Freedman Shirley Glaser Phyllis Goldstein Janet Green Harold Greenstein Gloria Hatch Bernard Hurewitz Sanford Huston Albert Isaacson Newton Kaplan Leo Katzman Barbara Kellert Joanne Kramer Susan Kupferman Elsie Lapin George Levine Anita Lieberman Martha Lomax Leita Marinstein Eileen Markowitz Irene Meyers Ruth Meckler Miklowitz Theresa Miller Patricia Milstein Adelaide Muhlfelder Nathan Olshin Eleanor Oppenheimer Sanford Ostroff Istvan Ozsvath Anne Paktor Elinor Pohl Bernard Rosen Florence Rosen Suzanne Rosenthal Eileen Schaffer Frances Schere Lillian Schreiber William Schwartz Frances Shabel Roslyn Siegal Doris Singer Mafalda Spagnoletti Phyllis Stern Alvin Strauss Howard Swartz Harold Switkes Herbert Vener Harvey Wasserman Irma Weinberg Betty Weissman Pearl Weinstock Dr. Allen Yarinsky ZZZVWHIDQD]]LVSDUJRFRP 3HUSHWXDO0HPRULDO The following Perpetual Memorials have been established: Annette Einhorn, Marc and Jessica Urdaneta, and Jenessey and Destiney Cordero in memory of Florence Skolsky Einhorn Cynthia Freedman, The Marinsteins and The Benoits in memory of Marvin Freedman Cynthia Freedman, The Marinsteins and The Benoits in memory of Dorothy Teichner Frommer Cynthia Freedman, The Marinsteins and The Benoits in memory of Maurice Jacob Frommer The Family of Robert Herman in his memory The Family of Leo Katzman in his memory 11 52 Holmesdale Street Albany, New York 12203 518-728-0345 www.judyrosenre.com Deborah Rosen Zamer, licensed salesperson Anna Brickman, licensed salesperson FRED B. WANDER, ESQ. JAMI DURANTE ROGOWSKI, ESQ. MATTHEW J. DORSEY, ESQ. 12 129 Winnie Street Albany, NY 12208 * 518-253-1323 mlafrank@namascarservices.com * www.namascarservices.com Insuring Beth Emeth and Its Families for Over 40 Years 13 %LPD)ORZHUV Contributions can be made to the fund in memory of or in honor of a person or event. Contributions can also be made to this fund even though a Perpetual Memorial has not been established. Please send all the information including the name of the donor, and the name of the deceased (with date of the Yahrzeit) or the name of the honoree with a check payable to Congregation Beth Emeth to Lynn Warheit, 213 Colonial Ave., Albany 12208 or beautificationfund@gmail.com. Shabbat of May 2-3 Adrienne Rubin in memory of Chester Fienberg Shabbat of May 16-17 Jill Kapner in memory of Sidney D. Segall in memory of Shabbat of June 13-14 Eileen and Jay Fluster and Family Mollie Ostroff Blacker Jay, Larry and Nicholas Eisen Marvin Eisen Susan and Tim Fischer, Lillian M. Fischer Mary Ellen and Alan Klein Betty and Bill Nathan Joseph Green and George Green Celia Berk Sally Ann Lavine Phyllis and Howard Berk Sally Ann Lavine Gloria and Allan Herkowitz Morris Maistelman Natalie Oser and Ira Oser George Oser Robert K. Ruslander Donald V. Ruslander Sumner Shapiro Mildred Bersh Shapiro in memory of Shabbat of May 23-24 Suzanne Freedman, William Freedman and Ruth Laven Barbara and Lynda Freedman, and Kazi and Sebastian Deminski Diane Green Arthur Green Gary Weitzman, Amy Horwitz Irene Weitzman and Samuel Weitzman Shabbat of May 30-31 Donald Metzner Eli Swartz in memory of Shabbat of June 20-21 Elizabeth Tips Lizan Miriam Muffson Hershman Elaine and Robert Krouner Herman Krouner Valerie and Spike Solomon Shirley C. Nelson Lisa, Steven, Max and William Brown Frieda Rosenbaum Thrittima, Paul and Anika Sherer Harry L. Sherer Gail and Hal Sokol Davis Harris Sokol in memory of Eleanor R. Metzner Max Swartz in memory of Shabbat of June 6-7 A. Richard Goodman Beatrice Allan Lorelei and Sherry Armm Bert S. Armm Celia Berk Brian D. Berk Phyllis and Howard Berk Brian D. Berk Beverly Pearlman Sarah Goldfarb Mona Raskin Lillian Raskin Kuperman Ceil and Richard Friedenthal and Family Anita Lidman Betty and Bill Nathan Alfred W. Nathan The Davidoff Family Harry Allen Raab II in memory of Shabbat of June 27-28 Joe Albert Jonathan Aaron Albert Lissa and Leonard Fine Gabrielle Beck Linda and Larry Schechter Pauline Bernstein Joseph Boochever Ruth Bloomberg Boochever Nancy and Barry Simon and Family Beverly Greenstein Nancy and Barry Simon and Family Maurice Goldstein Lori Strong Jesse Mendelsohn Elaine and Robert Krouner Benjamin D. Rosenthal Judith Roth Della Dunn Roth Nancy and Arthur Roth and Family Della Dunn Roth ,I<RX:RXOG/LNHD&OHUJ\+RVSLWDO9LVLW The Clergy of Beth Emeth take great pride in making themselves available to the members of our congregation at the time of their pastoral needs. However, in recent years the realities of hospital visitations have changed dramatically. First, because of the HIPPA Laws, the Temple is only notified of the hospitalization of a member IF the hospital is specifically instructed to do so OR if a family member chooses to inform us. Secondly, the typical length of a hospital stay has decreased significantly and many procedures require a minimal stay if any. In addition, we understand and fully respect the privacy of our members in that many individuals do not want or require a pastoral visit while hospitalized and, in fact, an unscheduled visit might well interrupt their recuperation, rehabilitation schedule or testing procedure. In light of this, please be reminded that if you are hospitalized and would, indeed, welcome the visit of a member of our Clergy or are in need of pastoral attention, PLEASE either have the hospital chaplain or nurse be in touch with us (as they can easily do) OR have a relative or friend let us know. The Clergy are not routinely in the hospitals and ONLY make calls upon request because of the aforementioned reasons and out of respect for your privacy. 14 2XU6SHFLDO'RQRUV :HDUHVRDSSUHFLDWLYHRIRXUPDQ\JHQHURXVGRQRUV$VZHUHFRJQL]HDQQXDOJLYLQJLQ 7KH%XOOHWLQDQGZLWKLQGLYLGXDOQRWHVDWWKHWLPHRIDGRQDWLRQZHZRXOGDOVRQRZOLNHWR WDNHWKLVRSSRUWXQLW\DVRXUILVFDO\HDULVFRPLQJWRDQHQGWRWKDQNWKRVHLQGLYLGXDOVDQG IDPLOLHVZKRKDYHMRLQHGRXUHIIRUWWKLVSDVW\HDUWRHQVXUHWKDW&RQJUHJDWLRQ%HWK(PHWK ZLOOEHVWURQJDQGYLDEOHIRUIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQVO·GRUYDGRU Endowment Gifts These donors have made outright gifts to support our endowment Albert Foundation Linda and Michael Barnas Larry and Wendy Barnet Wendy Barnet Endowment for Creative Educational Experiences Joyce and Sanford Bookstein Joel and Claudia Burtman Barry and Beth Davis Daniel and Laura Dembling Robert and Marjorie Dorkin Steven and Sherry Einhorn Einhorn Center for Jewish Education Elizabeth and Brian Epstein Mark and Karen Glaser Kol Nidre Violinist Denise and Steve Gonick Gonick Fund for Development The Gordon Family Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin David Goodman Memorial Reyut Fund Susan and Thomas Hager Harold and Lauren Iselin Lauren and Harold Iselin CBEYG Fund Barry and Sara Lee Larner Larner Library Bennett and Deborah Liebman Michael and Melissa Lurie Lurie Wander Fund for Sukkot Greg and Eileen Lurie Lurie Wander Fund for Sukkot Edward and Robyn Marinstein Micki and Norman Massry Bill and Betty Nathan Thomas M. Nathan Fund for Cemetery Maintenance Al and Meryl Norek Marlene and Howard Pressman Rome Family Rome Garden Lee and Donna Rosen Mark Rosen and Leslie Newman Rosen Family Fund for Education Andy and Julie Safranko Judith and Peter Saidel Garry and Jane Sanders Rabbi Scott L. Shpeen Marion L. Strasser Toby and Fred Wander Lurie Wander Fund for Sukkot David and Susan Wollner Legacy Gifts Underwriting Program These donors are supporting our endowment through their estate plans These donors have given an annual gift to underwrite a specific program Howard Berkun Scott and Michelle Davidoff Steven and Sherry Einhorn Renee and Evan Feinman Steve and Lucia Fischer Marvin and Sherry Freedman Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Alan Iselin Ruth and Benjamin Mendel Beth and Fred Monaco Bill and Betty Nathan Caryl Newhof Gregory and Monica Oberting Jane and Garry Sanders Lawrence and Doreen Smith Harold and Gail Sokol Jerry and Ilene Sykes Bertold Weinberg Paula Winig Renee and Evan Feinman Teen Aide/Madrachim Program Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Development Initiative The Goodman Family Diane’s Farm Becky and Paul Kasselman The High Holy Days Margie and Larry Kirsch The Temple Bulletin Jane and Mark Levine Boca Shabbat Leslie Newman and Mark Rosen Development Initiative Donna and Lee Rosen Development Initiative Judith and Peter Saidel Live Streaming David Siegal Sarasota Shabbat Eric and Nancy Yaffee High Holy Day Children’s Program If we have inadvertently omitted your name from this list, please accept our apologies and contact Kathy Golderman at 436-9761 x225 so that we can correct our mistake. 15 100 Academy Road, Albany, NY 12208 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Phone 518.436.9761 Fax 518.436.0476 The Einhorn Center for Jewish Education 518.432.1392 www.BethEmethAlbany.org General Inquiries: info@BethEmethAlbany.org Rabbi Scott L. Shpeen RabbiShpeen@BethEmethAlbany.org Rabbi Dennis S. Ross RabbiRoss@BethEmethAlbany.org Cantor Glenn Groper Cantor@BethEmethAlbany.org Kathy Golderman, Executive Director KGolderman@BethEmethAlbany.org Shara L. Siegfeld, Director of Education Phone Calls for Shara@BethEmethAlbany.org Clergy: Deborah Sokoler, Programming Director Please know that DSokoler@BethEmethAlbany.org phone messages left Debbie Schaffer, Bulletin Editor outside of office hours Bulletin@BethEmethAlbany.org are not forwarded to Jill S. Goodman .…..………………...President clergy until the next Lauren Iselin…...…………..1st Vice President business day. To Lee Rosen…….……...…...2nd Vice President leave a message outMichael Lurie ..……….…..………….Treasurer side of office hours: for Andrew Safranko.….……..………….Secretary Rabbi Shpeen use ext. Rob Dorkin..……...…...Brotherhood President 229; for Cantor Groper Robyn Marinstein……….Sisterhood President ext. 226; and for Rabbi Ben Smith….…………….....CBEYG President Ross ext. 230. *DUDJH6DOH² *DUDJH6DOH²7KH%HVWLQ&DSLWDODQG 7KH%HVWLQ&DSLWDODQG The garage sale begins with opening night on Saturday evening, June 28th, 7-9 p.m. with the main event on Sunday, June 29th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The final sale day is on Monday, June 30th, 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. Volunteer forms are with the bulletin, on the website, and available in the Beth Emeth office. Please volunteer, even if only for a couple of hours. This is the major fundraising event for Beth Emeth and we need your support with donations and volunteering. Donation drop off times are listed below including evening hours on Monday and Tuesday. This information is also on the web site. Donation Drop Off Date-Times Sunday, June 22, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday, June 23, 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 24, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Donations exclude: major appliances, black & white TVs, non-LCD TVs (only LCD TVs accepted), large TVs, CRT computer monitors (only LCD monitors accepted), dot matrix printers, old fax machines, tires, mattresses, underwear, swimsuits, infant car seats, or cribs not meeting federal child safety guidelines, magazine collections, encyclopedias, or textbooks. Magazine collections such as “National Geographic” cannot be accepted since these items just do not sell. Sorry, no pickups this year. Clothing should not have holes, be stained, moldy, musty, or smoky. Items should be washed or cleaned. Please take a little extra time and effort to clean-up your donations and avoid donating junk!!! Bind shoes with rubber bands or lace them together, with the size marked on the sole with magic marker. Please use hangers for clothing where practical since this facilitates the sorting process. In order for the garage sale to be a success, we need your help. If you have volunteered in the past or have not yet participated, we encourage your involvement. If you have any questions or want to serve on the garage sale committee contact the Temple office or e-mail Margie at mdorkin@nycap.rr.com. Thanks for your continued support. Rob and Margie Dorkin