Middle Sound Puzzles—Long Vowels vowel sound. There are two Puzzles each for the five long vowel sounds. Each Puzzle contains a Category Puzzle Piece, which has a yellow background, and six Picture Puzzle Pieces, giving students the opportunity to match seven picture cues per Puzzle. Students build two long vowel Puzzles at a time by placing two Category Puzzle Pieces on their Mat and finding all the matching vowel sound Puzzle Pieces. Both isolating and sorting skills are needed to complete the task. Vary the difficulty of the task by comparing vowel sounds that are easily confused or by adding some sound Pieces that do not belong. Congratulations on your purchase of Really Good Literacy Center-in-a-Box™ Middle Sound Puzzles—Long Vowels, a hands-on activity that strengthens your students’ phonological awareness skills. Objective The student will match long vowel sounds in words using picture cues. This Really Good Stuff® product includes: • 10 Category Puzzle Pieces • 60 Picture Puzzle Pieces • 2 Game Mats • Center Task Card • This Really Good Stuff® Activity Guide Model the Activity Begin by modeling the activity, discussing every step with students. Decide on which two vowel sounds to compare and gather their Category and Picture Puzzle Pieces to introduce to your group. Review and name the pictures on the Puzzle Pieces to make sure students can easily identify them. Emphasize the vowel sounds by stretching them out: caaake, leeeaf. Place the Category Puzzle Pieces on the Mat, one on each side of the T-chart, and name their pictures and vowel sounds, cake and leaf. Scatter the Picture Puzzle Pieces face up around the Mat. Explain that students will build a Puzzle for each of those long vowel sounds. Take a Puzzle Piece, name it, and ask if it has the same vowel sound as cake or leaf. Place the Puzzle Piece in the correct column. Middle Sound Puzzles—Long Vowels reinforces early readers’ long-vowel sound knowledge and builds essential auditory discrimination skills. Students sort Puzzle Pieces into their long-vowel sound categories to make 10 unique long vowel Puzzles. Through repeated practice, they become quick at isolating, identifying, and matching long vowel sounds. Managing the Center-in-a-Box • Display the Center Task Card. • Remind students to check their work by putting the Puzzle Pieces together after sorting them. If they fit together, the sort has been done correctly. • Demonstrate how to tidy the center when the game is complete. • Store the center materials in the box and store it alongside other Centers-in-a-Box. Continue until all the Puzzle Pieces are sorted. Once all the Pieces are placed in their columns, say each word aloud to make sure they all have the same vowel sound. Put the Puzzle Pieces together. If they all fit together, the Puzzle Pieces have been correctly sorted. If they do not fit together, review the pictures and sort again. Introducing Middle Sound Puzzles – Long Vowels As an added challenge, include one or two Picture Puzzle Pieces that do not fit in the vowel categories selected. Have students explain why they do not belong. Long vowel sounds can often be difficult to distinguish for early readers. Middle Sound Puzzles sharpens students’ listening skills by having them focus on one part of a word – the long All activity guides can be found online: Helping Teachers Make A Difference® © 2010 Really Good Stuff ® 1-800-366-1920 www.reallygoodstuff.com Made in Guangzhou, China #304150 Middle Sound Puzzles—Long Vowels Center Task Card Middle Sound Puzzles – Long Vowels Activity One to four students Object: Match long vowel sounds in words using picture cues Materials: Puzzle Pieces, Game Mats Before use, select two vowel sounds to compare and gather their Picture Puzzle Pieces. 1. Put the Category Puzzle Pieces at the top of each column of your Mat. Name each one and say its vowel sound. 2. Scatter the Picture Puzzle Pieces face up around your Mat. 3. Take a Picture Puzzle Piece and name it. Say its vowel sound. 4. Put the Picture Puzzle Piece in the correct column on your Mat. 5. Continue until all the Picture Puzzle Pieces are used. 6. Put the Pieces of your two long vowel Puzzles together. Name each picture. If the Pieces fit together, you have done it correctly. If not, take them apart and try again. Post this at the literacy center in a visible position. The student or helper can refer to the Center Task Card for instructions. Refer to the shaded section at the top of the Card for center preparation, including needed materials. Meeting State Standards This type of practice in middle-vowel sound identification and matching helps students meet grade-level expectations and builds a strong phonological-awareness foundation. Related Really Good Stuff® Products: Middle Sound Puzzles – Short Vowels (#304147) For two or more students, take turns. Middle Sound Puzzles Set 1 (green backs) Long Vowel Sounds a e i o u Category Puzzle Piece cake leaf dice bone flute Picture Puzzle Pieces name bead slide poke spoon in order of how they fit together top to bottom frame feet line rope goose cape beak kite rose tooth plane meat price throne tube state peach time cone moon gate dream hive nose boots e i o u Category Puzzle Piece chain beans pipe bowl pool Picture Puzzle Pieces braid seat bite toast noon in order of how they fit together top to bottom plate cream nine road fruit scale deep spine comb scoop snail wheat night goat juice rain sheep slice coat root snake wheel write globe roof Middle Sound Puzzles Set 2 (purple backs) Long Vowel Sounds a Helping Teachers Make A Difference® © 2010 Really Good Stuff® 1-800-366-1920 www.reallygoodstuff.com Made in Guangzhou, China #304150