DATE : 10/02/2011 FILE NUMBER CORK COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 15:39:04 PLANNING APPLICATIONS INVALID APPLICATIONS FROM 24/01/2011 TO 28/01/2011; that it is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their application APPLICANTS NAME AND ADDRESS APP. TYPE DATE INVALID DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION 11/26 Jeremiah Coughlan P 25/01/2011 Refurbishment of two storey structure including alterations and extension to same for use as a dwelling house. Refurbishment of store and installation of a septic tank system and all associated site works Gortnagashel Goleen Co. Cork Board of Management of Kilmeen NS P 25/01/2011 Construct rear extension and front extension to Kilmeen National School and ancillary site works Coolnaconarty Rossmore Co. Cork Fr. Alan O'Leary P 26/01/2011 Demolition of existing house, outbuildings and garage and construction of 1no. new dwelling house including garage and associated site works Meenvane Schull Co. Cork Ann Golden P 25/01/2011 Construction of a two storey and single storey extension to existing dwelling Knockane Donoughmore Co. Cork Supernova P 25/01/2011 Removal of existing enclosed fire escape stairs on south facing elevation (granted under Planning Reg. No. 08/5668) and construction of single storey ground floor extensions and carrying out of internal renovations and alterations to provide a "Drive Thru" Restaurant and take-away facility to be operated in conjunction with the existing Leisure Facility and ancillary site works to include parking modifications and traffic calming measures Westpoint Business Park Link Road Carrigrohane Ballincollig 11/29 11/33 11/4052 11/4059 PAGE : 1 DATE : 10/02/2011 FILE NUMBER CORK COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 15:39:04 PLANNING APPLICATIONS INVALID APPLICATIONS FROM 24/01/2011 TO 28/01/2011; that it is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their application APPLICANTS NAME AND ADDRESS APP. TYPE DATE INVALID DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION 11/4061 Keith Lynch P 24/01/2011 Revision to entrance lobby, provision of new stairs and conversion of existing attic space to for use as afterschool services, installation of 7 no. velux windows and associated works to creche granted under planning permission 05/7439 Glansheskin Kilworth Michelle Cronin R 27/01/2011 Revised location of dwellinghouse from that permitted under Planning Permission 04/1497, retention of sunroom as constructed to rear of dwellinghouse, revised location of site entrance and all ancillary works Dundullerick West Leamlara Karl Keller O 26/01/2011 Construction of 2 no. one and half storey dwellinghouses Site No's 6 & 7 Watermeadow Hoddersfield Crosshaven Jon & Alayne Hynes P 26/01/2011 Construction of ground and first floor extension to rear of existing dwelling and associated works and installation of new waste water treatment unit with percolation area La Mer Coolbane Garrettstown Marice Hanrahan R 27/01/2011 Retention of existing storage shed, existing steel container, alternative entrance and associated works Kilcummer Upper Castletownroche Mallow Board of Management Glanworth National School P 27/01/2011 Retention and completion of macadamed road entrance, driveway and car park for 10 no. cars Boherash Glanworth 11/4065 11/4066 11/4067 11/4068 11/4069 PAGE : 2 DATE : 10/02/2011 FILE NUMBER CORK COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 15:39:04 PLANNING APPLICATIONS INVALID APPLICATIONS FROM 24/01/2011 TO 28/01/2011; that it is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their application APPLICANTS NAME AND ADDRESS APP. TYPE DATE INVALID DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION 11/4074 Orla Fitzpatrick P 25/01/2011 Detached dwellinghouse, access road and installation of wastewater treatment unit Castleinch Ovens Co Cork Lipton Soft Drinks Ireland Ltd P 26/01/2011 Construction of a new warehouse extension to the existing process building, 98sqm gross floor area and overall height not exceeding 8.75m above existing ground level on the west side of the process building Kilnagleary Carrigaline Co Cork Scott Jebb P 26/01/2011 Change of use of former creamery facility to an outlet for the sale of general farm supplies e.g. tools etc. consisting of change of use of three no. buildings to general storage with (A) additional door and roller door to southern elevation of building no. 4 (as shown on site layout) and alteration and partial change of use internally to auxiliary office and staff use, (B) construction of a new general storage building attached to building no. 1 with internal access door between (C) additional door to southern elevation of building no.3 (as shown on site layout) (D) installation of a wastewater treatment unit (E) open storage on site for farm implements e.g. trailers, gates, troughs etc. and auxiliary car parking and associated site works Ballynamona Shanballymore Mallow, Co Cork John Curtin P 26/01/2011 Construct a bungalow, entrance and septic tank Knockearagh Tullylease Charleville, Co Cork John & Marie O'Mahony P 26/01/2011 Construction of a single storey dwelling, domestic garage, treatment plant and all associated site development works. Access to the proposed dwelling will be via an existing laneway which will be upgraded and will include the provision of 2 no. passing bays Ballyhooleen Ballinhassig Co Cork 11/4075 11/4078 11/4084 11/4087 PAGE : 3 DATE : 10/02/2011 FILE NUMBER CORK COUNTY COUNCIL TIME : 15:39:04 PLANNING APPLICATIONS INVALID APPLICATIONS FROM 24/01/2011 TO 28/01/2011; that it is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking into account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their application APPLICANTS NAME AND ADDRESS APP. TYPE DATE INVALID DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION Total: 16 *** END OF REPORT *** PAGE : 4