Australian Embassy Jakarta PROUDLY PRESENTS NOW AND WHEN: KOTA MASA DEPAN 5 - 24 APRIL 2012 PACIFIC PLACE MALL Ground Floor-06 SCBD Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 52-53 Jakarta Selatan Sydney, New South Wales John Gollings FREE ENTRY DAILY Sunday - Thursday: 10:00 - 19:00 Friday - Saturday: 10:00 - 21:00 An exhibition developed and presented by the Australian Institute of Architects. Supported by the Australian Government through the Australia International Cultural Council, an initiative of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Pameran dikembangkan dan diselenggarakan oleh Australian Institute of Architects. Didukung oleh Pemerintah Australia melalui Australia International Cultural Council, suatu prakarsa Departemen Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan. ‘Multiplicity’ by John Wardle Architect and Stefano Boscutti Image by FloodSlicer NOW AND WHEN: KOTA MASA DEPAN Urbanism invites the creative potential of architecture. It offers a rich exploration of issues facing the world’s highly urbanised population. But it also embraces the broader implications for the wellbeing of all people living together in a diversely populated world. Created using ground breaking 3D technology in projected photography and computer generated simulations, this exhibition, Now and When: Kota Masa Depan is presented in two parts: Now, a 3D photographic study from a helicopter of the existing Australian urban condition, and When, speculation into the evolution of this unique continent’s cities in the future. Now describes Australia’s east coast cities of Melbourne, Sydney and Surfers Paradise in counterpoint with their opposition, the mines of the West Australian outback. As Australia builds up in the east, it is digging down in the west, actually digging city-sized holes and shipping the ore to trading partners in Asia and elsewhere to become other cities. 01 MULTIPLICITY 02 SYMBIOTIC CITY 03 MOULD CITY John Wardle Architects and Stefano Boscuitti Steve Whitford (University of Melbourne) and James Brearley (Bau Brearley Architects and Urbanists, Adjunct Professor RMIT) Colony Collective, Melbourne School of Design (University of Melbourne) Team members: Madeleine Beech, Jono Brener, Nicola Dovey, Peter Raisbeck and Simon Wollan 04 TERRA FORM AUSTRALIS 05 FEAR FREE CITY 06 SURVIVAL VS RESILIENCE HASSELL, Holopoint and The Environment Institute TEAM MEMBERS: Tim Horton, Tony Grist, Prof. Mike Young, Ben Kilsby, Sharon Mackay, Susie Nicolai and Mike Mouritz Justyna Karakiewicz, Tom Kvan and Steve Hatzellis Melbourne School of Design (University of Melbourne) BKK Architects, Village Well, Charter Keck Cramer and Daniel Piker TEAM MEMBERS: BKK Architects (Tim Black, Julian Kosloff, Simon Knott, George Huon, Julian Faelli, Madeline Beech, Jane Caught and Stefan Heath) Village Well, Charter Keck Cramer and Daniel Piker 07 THE OCEANIC CITY 08 +41-41 ARUP: Alanna Howe and Alexander Hespe Peck Dunin Simpson Architects. TEAM MEMBERS: Fiona Dunin, Alex Peck and Andrew Simpson in association with Martina Johnson, Third Skin, Eckersley Garden Architecture, Angus McIntyre and Tim Kreger 09 SYDNEY 2050: FRAYING GROUND 10 ISLAND PROPOSITION 2100 11 AQUATOWN 12 CITY OF HOPE scott lloyd, aaron roberts (room 11) and katrina stoll nh architecture with andrew mackenzie Edmond & Corrigan. TEAM MEMBERS: Design: Peter Corrigan, Realisation and |Support: Michael Spooner 13 A TALE OF TWO CITIES 14 IMPLEMENTING THE RHETORIC 15 SEDIMENTARY CITY Here is the Australian urban paradox: building impossibly big cities that cling to the east coast, while running out of land and water, and at the same time, digging impossibly big holes in the west, which create organic urban forms that in themselves allude to future designs and possibilities for redemption. If existing cities demonstrate an impossible future, then we should investigate options and alternatives for the future. When represents 17 speculative approaches ranging from optimistic to subversive. When emerged from an ideas competition for Australian architecture. The entries present a vast range of ways to approach the design. It shows that future cities could evolve from new design methodologies. Clearly, future designers are hungry for new tools to encompass all the dynamics of human cohabitation and work – the means to produce more efficient, beautiful and accommodating environments. When explores architecture’s capacity as a performing urban art by animating the future in super-real stereoscopic images. We aim to eclipse the regulation-weary, political and economic realities of day-to-day architecture. The result is creative speculation, ranging from theory to pure fantasy, exploding the urban debate into a visceral spectacle that defines rational analysis. In human history, speculative urban visions have emerged at turning points in history; when nations have faced the daunting challenge of post-war reconstruction; or passed through the turmoil of cultural and industrial revolutions. We now face our great challenge – adapting to climate change. We hope that through this exhibition of urbanism in Australia, that it sparks interest and debate here in Indonesia on future possibilities for urban space and some of the issues facing the modern day city of Jakarta. NOW AND WHEN: KOTA MASA DEPAN Rag Urbanism: Richard Goodwin (Richard Goodwin Art/Architecture); Andrew Benjamin and Gerard Reinmuth (Terroir) Urbanisme mendorong potensi kreatif arsitektur. Urbanisme menawarkan penjelajahan yang kaya akan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk dunia yang sangat urban. Namun hal ini juga mencakup implikasi yang lebih luas tentang kesejahteraan seluruh penduduk yang berdiam bersama di dunia dengan penghuni yang beranekaragam. Diciptakan dengan menggunakan teknologi 3 dimensi baru pada fotografi yang terproyeksikan dan simulasi komputer, pameran Now and When: Kota Masa Depan diselenggarakan dalam dua bagian: Now (Kini), kajian fotografi 3 dimensi dari helikopter tentang kondisi perkotaan Australia yang ada, dan When (Esok), spekulasi tentang evolusi kota-kota di benua yang unik ini di masa depan. Now menggambarkan kota-kota pesisir timur Australia, Melbourne, Sydney dan Surfers Paradise yang disandingkan dengan pertambangan pedalaman Australia Barat. Saat Australia membangun ke atas di timur, negeri ini menggali ke dalam di barat, benar-benar menggali banyak lubang seluas kota dan mengapalkan bijih ke mitra-mitra perdagangan di Asia dan lain tempat untuk menjadi kota-kota lain. Di sinilah paradoks perkotaan Australia: membangun kota-kota yang luar biasa besarnya di pesisir timur, walaupun kekurangan lahan dan air, dan pada saat yang sama, menggali lubang-lubang yang luar biasa besarnya di barat, yang menciptakan bentuk-bentuk perkotaan organik yang pada dirinya menyinggung rancangan-rancangan dan kemungkinan-kemungkinan masa depan untuk penyelamatan. Bila kota-kota yang ada sekarang memperlihatkan masa depan yang tidak mungkin, maka kita harus mengupayakan opsi dan alternatif untuk masa depan. When mewakili 17 pendekatan spekulatif yang merentang dari optimistik hingga subversif. When muncul dari lomba gagasan arsitektur Australia. Karya-karya yang masuk menghadirkan banyak sekali cara untuk melakukan pendekatan pada rancangan. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa kota-kota masa depan dapat berevolusi dari metodologi-metodologi rancangan baru. Jelaslah, perancang-perancang masa depan haus akan alat-alat baru untuk mencakup semua dinamisme kebersamaan hidup manusia beserta karyanya – sarana untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih efisien, indah dan mengakomodasi. Billard Leece Partnership Pty Ltd. TEAM MEMBERS: Grace Chung, Alan Hunt, Georgie Kearney, David Leece, Grant Roberts, Ardhene Sembrano, Rajith Senanayake, Guy Sendy-Smithers, Suffian Shahabuddin, Bob Sinclair, Stuart Webber Harrison and White (Marcus White, Stuart Harrison) with Nano Langenheim NOW AND WHEN: KOTA MASA DEPAN CREATIVE DIRECTORS John Gollings and Ivan Rijavec When menjelajahi kapasitas arsitektur sebagai seni pentas perkotaan dengan menghidupkan masa depan dalam citra-citra stereoskopik yang sangat-nyata. Kita berniat untuk mengaburkan realitas politik dan ekonomi arsitektur sehari-hari yang letih dengan peraturan. Hasilnya adalah spekulasi kreatif, yang mencakup teori hingga fantasi murni, meledakkan debat perkotaan menjadi tontonan naluriah yang merumuskan analisa rasional. Dalam sejarah manusia, visi-visi perkotaan spekulatif telah muncul pada masa-masa peralihan sejarah; ketika bangsa menghadapi tantangan berat pembangunan kembali pasca-perang; atau melewati kekacauan revolusi kebudayaan dan industri. Kita kini menghadapi tantangan terberat kita – beradaptasi dengan perubahan iklim. Kami harap melalui pameran urbanisasi di Australia ini akan tumbuh minat dan perdebatan di Indonesia tentang kemungkinan-kemungkinan masa depan ruang perkotaan dan beberapa masalah yang dihadapi kota modern Jakarta saat ini. Brit Andresen and Mara Francis (The University of Queensland) 3D VISUALISATION Floodslicer WWW.FLOODSLICER.COM.AU 16 SATURATION CITY McGauran Giannini Soon (MGS), Bild + Dyskors, Material Thinking TEAM MEMBERS: MGS – Eli Giannini, Jocelyn Chiew, Catherine Ranger; Bild – Ben Milbourne; Dyskors – Edmund Carter; Material Thinking – Paul Carter 17 HOW DOES IT MAKE YOU FEEL? Ben Statkus (Statkus Architecture), Daniel Agdad, Melanie Etchell, William Golding, Anna Nguyen And Joel Ng GRAPHIC DESIGN Design by Pidgeon WWW.PIDGEON.COM.AU SOUND ENGINEERS Nick Murray and Carl Anderson WWW.TWO4K.COM