Natural law - Universidad de Navarra

Natural Law
Natural Law:
Historical, Systematic and Juridical
Edited by
Alejandro N. García, Mario Šilar
and José M. Torralba
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches, Edited by Alejandro N.
García, Mario Šilar and José M. Torralba
This book first published 2008 by
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
12 Back Chapman Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2XX, UK
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Copyright © 2008 by Alejandro N. García, Mario Šilar and José M. Torralba and
All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
ISBN (10): 1-84718-643-2, ISBN (13): 9781847186430
Acknowledgements ................................................................................... ix
Introduction ................................................................................................ 1
Part I: Historical Approaches
Chapter One................................................................................................ 9
Marcus Tullius Cicero and the Role of Nature in the Knowledge
of Moral Good
Laura E. Corso de Estrada
Chapter Two ............................................................................................. 23
Rom 1:18–2:16 and Natural Law: A Rhetorical Approach
Juan-Luis Caballero
Chapter Three ........................................................................................... 43
Practical Truth and Practical Falsehood in Thomas Aquinas
Joaquín García-Huidobro
Chapter Four............................................................................................. 65
The Darkening of Natural Reason and the Force of Law and Custom
María Elton
Chapter Five ............................................................................................. 85
Some Reflections on Ethical Rationality in the Economic Theory
of the School of Salamanca
Maria Idoya Zorroza
Chapter Six ............................................................................................. 109
Phillip Melanchthon and the Reception of Aristotelian Natural Law
Theory in the European Reformation
Manfred Svensson
Chapter Seven......................................................................................... 127
Montaigne and Descartes: A Dialogue on Morals
Raquel Lázaro
Table of Contents
Chapter Eight.......................................................................................... 149
Natural law in Hume: An Imitation of Divine Voluntarism?
Ángel Beleña López
Chapter Nine........................................................................................... 159
The Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Law in the Early Writings
of Leibniz
Agustín Echavarría
Chapter Ten ............................................................................................ 181
Edmund Burke and the Natural Law
Ivone Moreira
Chapter Eleven ....................................................................................... 195
Kant on the Law of Nature as the Type of Moral Law: On the “Typic
of the Faculty of Pure Practical Judgment” and the Good as the Object
of Practical Reason
José M. Torralba
Part II: Contemporary Reception of Natural Law
Chapter Twelve ...................................................................................... 225
Phenomenological Perspectives on Natural Law
Encarna Llamas
Chapter Thirteen..................................................................................... 237
Guaranteeing the Right to Have Rights: Hannah Arendt’s Theory
of Politics
Julia Urabayen
Chapter Fourteen .................................................................................... 259
Alasdair MacIntyre: On Natural Law
Margarita Mauri
Chapter Fifteen ....................................................................................... 267
The Relation between Natural Law and the Law of Christ
in the Context of the Current Debate on the Specificity
of Christian Morality
Tomás Trigo
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
Part III: Systematic Approaches
Chapter Sixteen ...................................................................................... 289
Naturalistic Fallacy and Ethics: Problems of the Normativity of Nature
in Aristotelian-Thomistic Philosophy
Héctor Zagal
Chapter Seventeen .................................................................................. 301
The Practical Value of Natural Law Theory in the Work of St Thomas
Mario Šilar
Chapter Eighteen .................................................................................... 329
Imperium, Instinct and Natural Law
Teresa Enríquez
Chapter Nineteen .................................................................................... 349
Natural Law, Essential Law and Personal Law: A Study on the Nature,
Hierarchy and Aim of these Human “laws”
Juan Fernando Sellés
Chapter Twenty ...................................................................................... 361
Health as a Norm and Principle of Intelligibility
José Ignacio Murillo
Part IV: Juridical Approaches
Chapter Twenty One............................................................................... 379
Practical Reason, Morality and Law
Angela Aparisi Miralles
Chapter Twenty Two .............................................................................. 393
Philosophical Hermeneutics and Natural Law: Some Critical
and Evaluative Considerations
Carlos I. Massini-Correas
Chapter Twenty Three ............................................................................ 409
Rules of Imputation and Human Rationality
Pablo Sanchez-Ostiz
Table of Contents
Chapter Twenty Four.............................................................................. 427
Practical Reason, Justice and Law (the Present Relevance
of the Aristotelean-Thomistic Perspective)
Diego Poole
Chapter Twenty Five .............................................................................. 451
Exigibility in Legal Obligations
Caridad Velarde
Bibliography........................................................................................... 469
List of Contributors ................................................................................ 489
Subject Index.......................................................................................... 495
Name Index ............................................................................................ 511
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Angela Aparisi Miralles
Doctor of Law (University of Valencia). She is currently Lecturer and
Director of the Department of Philosophy of Law and the Institute of
Human Rights at the University of Navarra. She has served as a Deputy
Judge on the Provincial Court of Valencia. Her publications include: Los
orígenes ideológicos de la Revolución Norteamericana, El Proyecto
Genoma Humano. Reflexiones sobre sus relaciones con el Derecho, and
Ética y Deontología para juristas. Research interests: Philosophy of Law,
Human Rights, Bioethics.
Ángel Beleña López
Doctor of Philosophy. He is Honorary Fellow in the Department of Moral
and Political Philosophy II at the Universidad Complutense (Madrid). He
has recently published Obligación y consecuencialismo en los “moralistas
británicos” (2005), and Sociopolítica del hecho religioso. Una
introducción (2007). His research interest is in the field of utilitarian and
consequentialist philosophy.
Juan-Luis Caballero
B.A. in Sacred Scripture (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome) and Ph.D. in
Biblical Theology. He is currently Professor of New Testament at the
University of Navarra. The following biblical studies comprise a number
of his contributions to the study of conscience and human behaviour:
“Retorica y teología. La Carta a Filemón” (2005), “La ‘verdad’ en la
Biblia” (2006), and “Creación y pecado en el pensamiento paulino. Juan
Pablo II, lector de Rm 8,19-22” (forthcoming). His research interests
include the New Testament, Rhetoric, Hermeneutics, and Pauline
Laura Estela Corso de Estrada
Doctor of Philosophy. She is currently Researcher and Professor at the
Catholic University of Argentina and Researcher at the National Council
of Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina. Her recent publications
include: Naturaleza y vida moral. Marco Tulio Cicerón y Tomás de
Aquino (2008), Marco Tulio Cicerón. Sobre Las Leyes. Estudio preliminar
List of Contributors
y edición bilingüe anotada (2008) and “Natura y ratio en la especulación
sobre el cosmos. Guillermo de Auxerre y Felipe el Canciller” (2008). Her
main research interests are the sources of Stoic tradition in Mediaeval
philosophy in the 12th and 13th centuries.
Agustín Ignacio Echavarría
He is currently Research Assistant and Assistant Lecturer in the
Department of Philosophy at the University of Navarra. He has been
DAAD Visiting scholar at Münster University. His recent publications
include: “Harmony, Dissonance and the Permission of Evil in the Early
Writings of Leibniz” (2006), “Existencia y optimidad en Leibniz: una
encrucijada entre arbitrarismo y necesitarismo” (2006) and “Voluntad
antecedente y voluntad consecuente: las aporías de una herencia
escolástica en el sistema de Leibniz” (forthcoming). His research interests
are in the areas of metaphysics and theodicy, with special interest in the
problem of evil in authors such as Leibniz, Thomas Aquinas and Maritain.
María Elton Bulnes
Doctor of Philosophy and currently Professor at the University de los
Andes (Santiago, Chile). She has been a Visiting Scholar at Glasgow
University, Boston University and Cambridge University. She has
published five books, among which are: Amor y reflexión. El amor puro de
Fénelon en el contexto del pensamiento moderno (1989) and La is-ought
question. La crítica de T. Reid a la filosofía moral de D. Hume (2000).
Her main research interests are on Ethics and Modern Moral Philosophy.
Teresa Enríquez
B.A. in Philosophy and M.A. in the History of Thought. She is currently
Professor at the Universidad Panamericana (Aguascalientes, Mexico). She
has been Scholarship Researcher by the Mexican National Council for
Science and Technology. Her research interests lie in moral philosophy
and theory of action.
Joaquín García Huidobro
Doctor of Philosophy. He is currently Professor of Legal Philosophy at the
Universidad de los Andes (Santiago, Chile). His recent publications
include: Filosofía y retórica del iusnaturalismo (2002), and Simpatía por
la política (2006). Research interests: ethics and political philosophy. He
is a former DAAD and Humboldt Foundation scholar.
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
Raquel Lázaro
Doctor of Philosophy. She is currently Lecturer in the Department of
Philosophy at the University of Navarra. She has been a Visiting Scholar
in Glasgow and Paris. Her recent publications include: “Montaigne el
escéptico: ¿un filósofo moderno o postmoderno?” (2005), “Adam Smith:
Individuo, Organización Social y Participación” (2003) and La sociedad
comercial en Adam Smith : método, moral, religión (2002). Her research
interests are in the Scottish Enlightenment and 17th century French
philosophy .
Encarna Llamas
PhD. in Philosophical Anthropology. She is currently Professor in the
Department of Philosophy at the Catholic University of Valencia. She has
been Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Catholic University of America. Her
publications include: Charles Taylor: una antropología de la identidad
(2001), “La imaginación creadora” (2004), and “Intencionalidad como
constitución en el conocimiento práctico” (2005). Research interests:
phenomenology in philosophical anthropology, ethics and the social
Margarita Mauri Álvarez
Doctor of Philosophy. She is currently Professor of Ethics in the Faculty
of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. Her publications include:
“Moral Knowledge in Aristotle’s Ethics” (1992), Les virtuts en el
pensament contemporani (1992), and El conocimiento moral (2005). Her
research interest is in the field of moral philosophy.
Carlos I. Massini Correas
Doctor of Law and Doctor of Philosophy (2001). He is currently Professor
of Philosophy of Law and Ethics at the University of Mendoza (Argentina)
and of Practical Philosophy at Austral University (Buenos Aires). He has
been Visiting Professor at many European and American universities; he is
Academic Secretary of the University of Mendoza and a member of the
Board of the Argentine Association of Philosophy of Law. His recent
publications include: Philosophy of Law (2005), La ley natural y su
interpretación contemporánea (2006), La falacia de la “falacia
naturalista” (1995). His research interests are in the philosophy of law and
List of Contributors
Ivone Moreira
Master in Philosophy. She is currently Reader at the Catholic University of
Portugal. Her recent publications include: “A Virtude da Prudência no
Pensamento Político de Edmund Burke” (2006), “Sociedade Política e
Contrato Social – As Perspectivas de Locke e Burke” (2005), and
“Conceito e Fins da Educação em Sérgio” (2004). Researchs interests:
political and moral philosophy.
José Ignacio Murillo
Doctor of Philosophy. He is currently Lecturer in the Department of
Philosophy and a Board Member of the Institute of Anthropology and
Ethics at the University of Navarra. He has been a Visiting Research
Scholar at the University of Munich, Catholic University of America,
Oxford University and the University of Notre Dame. His publications
include: Operación, hábito y reflexión. El conocimiento como clave
antropológica en Tomás de Aquino (1999), and El valor revelador de la
muerte (1999). His research interests are in philosophical anthropology.
Diego Poole
Doctor of Law (Universidad Complutense, Madrid). He is currently
Professor in the School of Law at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
(Madrid). He is the author of El derecho de los juristas (1998). His
research interests are in the philosophy of law.
Pablo Sanchez-Ostiz
Doctor of Law and Doctor of Philosophy. He is currently Lecturer in
Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Policy in the School of Law at the
University of Navarra. He has been a Fellow of the Deutscher
Akademischer Austausch Dienst (1996), and of the Humboldt Foundation
since 2002. He is the author of El delito contable tributario (1995), and
¿Encubridores o cómplices? (2004), and he was the Spanish editor of
Imputación y Derecho penal (by Joachim Hruschka, 2005). His research
interest relate to the theory of imputation, accessory liability, legal
argumentation and ‘white-collar’ crime.
Juan Fernando Sellés
Doctor of Philosophy. He is currently Lecturer in the Department of
Philosophy at the University of Navarre. He has been Visiting Professor at
Notre Dame University. His recent publications include: Propuestas
antropológicas del siglo XX (2004-2007), Antropología para inconformes.
Una antropologia abierta al futuro (2006), and El conocer personal.
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
Estudio del entendimiento agente según Leonardo Polo (2003). His
research interests are in the fields of philosophical anthropology and
medieval philosophy.
Mario Šilar
He is currently Research Assistant and Assistant Lecturer in Ethics in the
Department of Philosophy at the University of Navarra. He has been a
Visiting Scholar at the University of Reading. His research interests are
moral and social philosophy, natural law in Thomas Aquinas, the
philosophy of law, and the relations between culture and philosophy.
Select publications include: Metodología de investigación y técnicas para
la elaboración de tesis (2006), and “Trascendentales, encuentro entre ética
y religión” (2007).
Manfred Svensson
Doctor of Philosophy (University of Munich). He is currently Professor of
Ethics at the University of los Andes (Santiago, Chile). His research
interests include moral philosophy, St. Augustine and Melanchthon. He
has translated Kierkegaard’s The Present Age into Spanish (2001), and is
the author of “Felipe Melanchthon y la teoría de la primera historiografía
protestante” (2005) and of Das Theorie-Praxis-Problem bei Augustin
José M. Torralba
PhD. in Philosophy. He is currently Lecturer in the Department of
Philosophy at the University of Navarra. He has been a Visiting Scholar at
the Universities of Oxford and Munich. Research interests: moral
philosophy, theory of action and theory of judgment. He is the author of
Acción intencional y razomaniento práctico según G.E.M. Anscombe
(2005), and La facultad del juicio en la filosofía práctica de Kant
(forthcoming), and the editor of Two Hundred Years Later: Returns and
Re-interpretations of Kant (2005).
Tomás Trigo
Doctor of Theology and Philosophy (Pontifical University of the Holy
Cross, Rome). He is currently Professor of Moral Theology in the Faculty
of Theology at the University of Navarra. His recent publications include:
El debate sobre la especificidad de la moral cristiana (2003), and Moral
de la persona (2006). His research interests centre on moral theology and
virtue ethics.
List of Contributors
Julia Urabayen
Doctor of Philosophy. She is currently Professor in the Department of
Philosophy at the University of Navarra, and Secretary of the Humanities
Department and of the journal, Anuario Filosófico. Her recent publications
include: El pensamiento antropológico de Gabriel Marcel. Un canto al ser
humano (2001), Las sendas del pensamiento hacia el misterio del ser. La
filosofía concreta de Gabriel Marcel (2001), and Las raíces del
humanismo de Emmanuel Levinas: el judaísmo y la fenomenología (2005).
Her main research interest is 20th century French Philosophy.
Caridad Velarde
Ph. D. in Law. She is currently Professor of Philosophy and Theory of
Law at the University of Cádiz. She has been a Visiting Scholar at the
Universities of Oxford, Toronto and New York. She is the author of
Hayek. Una teoría de la justicia, la moral y el derecho (1994) and
Universalismo de derechos humanos. Análisis a la luz del debate
anglosajón (2003). Her research interests concern social reality in legal
Héctor Zagal
Doctor of Philosophy. He is currently Lecturer in the Department of
Philosophy at Universidad Panamericana (Mexico City). He has been a
Visiting Scholar at the University of Notre Dame. His recent publications
include: Ethik für junge Menschen (2000), Horismós, syllogismós,
asápheia en Aristóteles (2002), and Método y ciencia en Aristóteles
María Idoya Zorroza
Doctor of Philosophy. She is currently working as a Research Specialist
with the Special Research Group on “Classical Spanish Thought (14th–16th
centuries): its Medieval Inspiration and Influence on Contemporary
Philosophy” in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Navarra.
She has translated and edited a number of books by Báñez, Aquinas,
Francisco de Vitoria, and has published a number of papers on these
topics. She is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Piura, Peru.
and desire, 51
and human goods, 230
and human rationality, 102,
and knowledge, 138, 412
and omission, 413
and performance, 100
and reflexiveness, 424
as effect in the world, 208
as movement, 329
author of an, 411; see also
causes of, 268, 269; see also
contingency of human, 93
ethics and external, 111, 121,
evil, 283
form and matter of, 276, 338
good, 58, 225, 304, 323, 324
institutionalization of, 252
natural and free, 329, 345
object of, 77, 79, 91, 276, 333
secundum naturam, 291
social character of human,
species of, 77
theory of, 204
transcendent and immanent
end of, 269
truth of the, 93; see also
practical truth
voluntary, 412
adiaphorist controversy, 120,
and moral order, 232
and rules, 423
as defining human beings, 239
and imputation, 410
and knowledge, 416
as causa libera, 411
as executor, 337
as origin of conduct, 410
permanence of the, 422
anthropology, 322, 326, 372
and ethics, 199, 363, 374
Christian, 279, 374, 381
dualist, 280, 371
appetite, 46-59, 305, 311, 340,
341, 430-436, 444, 445
and end, 53, 57, 329
and good, 430
and knowledge, 335
and virtue, 46
animal and human, 430
conformity with intellect, 57
free, 336
hierarchy of, 434
intellectual, concupiscible and
irascible, 46, 59
natural, 344
object of, 303
order of, 309
rational and sensible, 340,
341, 430
rectitude of, 52, 61, 62, 437
right, 46, 50-52, 56-62
unruly, 69
Subject Index
applicatio legis ad factum,
levels of, 211
of moral law to actions, 211214, 232, 294
of norms, 3, 54, 427
of principles of natural law,
authority, 12, 81, 87, 92, 134,
147, 222, 325, 426, 446
and law, 447
legitimate, 211, 514
of reason, 381
political, 91
religious, 141, 156
autonomy, 205, 411
and obligation, 461
person and nature, 234
theonomous, 274
bindingness, 197, 201
of law and morality, 452
of legal rules, 399
of the law, 316, 444
see also obligation
casuistry, 99
causality, 206, 214-216, 336,
366, 411
causa libera, 411, 416
efficient, 268, 269, 364
final, 154, 366
formal, 228, 268, 354
material, 443
charity, 268
citizenship, 3, 238, 239, 255
civic harmony, 14
type of, 201
see also bindingness and
cogito, 134-136, 144
commanding, 340
see also obligation and duty
common good, 4, 14, 72, 77, 81,
91, 98, 100, 172, 174, 263,
317, 323, 388, 391, 427, 435,
436, 441-447, 456
and human law, 443, 446
as the harmony of the world,
political, 442
universal, 445
common sense, 293, 384
conscience, 33-41, 56, 69, 72,
98, 128, 272, 280, 374
and action, 39
and law, 23
and natural law, 23
and truth, 39, 322
defective or erroneous, 71,
dignity of, 389
historical progress of, 71
Pauline conception of, 39
judgment of, 100
see also moral judgment
consequences, 387
desirable, 432
good, 432
immediate, 246
of actions, 432, 462, 511
consequentialism, 388
and law, 463
and obligation, 458
of deposit, 383
relations of, 92
see also economics
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
creation and knowledge, 31
creation and redemption, 272
see also God and natural law
Decalogue, 32, 119, 270
as a summary of natural law,
decisionism, 398
deliberation, 100, 434
democracy, 248
desire, 208
rational, 217
see also appetite
determinism, 355
human, 255, 256, 349, 370, 402,
natural and human, 18, 19
moral, 216
duty, 37, 150, 197, 208, 209,
363, 365, 420, 448, 454-458
and law, 457
and moral good, 217
and obligation, 452, 454
and right, 457
civil, 115
contrary to, 209
ends that are, 211
juridical, 200
kinds of, 458
knowledge of, 20, 458
legal and moral, 452, 454,
457, 459
parental, 462
particular, 201
perfect and imperfect, 208,
210, 211
positive, 211
see also obligation
economics, 2, 85-87, 245, 250
and common good, 98
and contracts, 91
and interest, 95; see also
and justice, 88
and law of supply and
demand, 89, 90, 98
and lucrum cessans, 89, 90
and prudent man, 93, 96
as an order of practical
reason, 90, 91, 98
as human action, 89
see also property
emotivism, 63, 260, 381, 459,
empiricism, 150, 260, 381
psychology of, 152
and living beings, 368
aprehended as good, 68
basic in human action, 47
desire of, 209
different from purpose, 228
given by nature, 47, 50
internal, 368
in knowledge and action, 309
last, 435, 438
mediate and immediate, 310
natural, 20, 47, 48, 226, 296
orientation toward the, 47
perfective, 14
practicable, 306
see also mean and teleology
Enlightenment, 69, 83, 110, 125,
260, 394
and grace, 268
and metaphysics, 394
and nature, 150, 289
Subject Index
as inexact science, 294; see
also moral science and
as natural science, 155
as scientia practica, 305
Christian, 267, 268, 276, 277,
319, 326
public and private, 439
a priori knowledge of, 207
and illness, 368
and sin, 31
as fruit of the ignorance, 51
as object of the will, 205
intrinsically, 283
exceptions, 66
exigibility, 5, 452, 460
and definition of law, 457
and endorsement, 461
and obligation, 455
faith, 268
and reason, 140
Faktum, 212, 214, 363
and moral judgment, 157
moral, 156
fideism, 130, 140
finality, 366, 368
and organic being, 366
see also teleology
human, 265
see also happiness
natural, 338, 339
formalism, 212, 216
anti-foundationalism, 394395, 405
of Christian morality, 275
of ethics, 395
of knowledge, 394
free will, 78, 142, 216, 217, 246,
329, 333, 342, 343, 441
and imperium, 330
freedom, 342, 358, 363, 375,
and contingency, 137
and divine command, 316
and evil, 316
and grace, 269
and human condition, 239
and human identity, 254
and imputation, 411
and personal law, 357
as autonomy, 411
as cause, 215 411
categories of, 205-212
legality of, 201
and necessity, 213
right to, 199
transcendental, 272
God, 13, 26-40, 52, 69, 73, 80,
99, 110-119, 130, 134, 136,
139, 141-144, 151, 156, 157,
160-174, 184, 188, 197, 231,
233, 259, 268-282, 315, 320,
321, 325, 334, 339, 342, 343,
350, 362, 380, 385, 435, 436,
and person, 359
and sin, 164
as a judge, 33
as author of the moral law,
as basis of natural law, 165,
as creator, 269, 339
divine command, 339
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
divine retribution, 27, 31, 32,
justice of, 26, 27
knowledge of, 30, 32
obedience to, 117
omnipotence, 160, 164
personal, 350
will of, 188
and health, 368
and natural inclinations, 320
and reason, 344
and truth, 321
as a natural property, 153
as conformity to reason, 314
as end, 228
as object of the appetite, 303
as object of the will, 204, 205
as perfection, 161
basic human goods, 402, 431,
concrete, 232
constitutive, 23-234
definition of, 67
external and internal, 260
general, 156
greatest possible, 163
highest, 112
inconditional character of,
individual and common, 264
kinds of, 207
knowledge of the, 16, 198,
207, 225, 233, 261
life, 47, 48, 62, 127, 144, 261,
262, 264, 384
moral, 65
moving to act, 226
nature of the, 232, 261
not property of the object, 204
of human life, 20
real and apparent, 53, 304
sensitive, 341
tendency towards, 336; see
also appetite
transcendental, 334, 356
universal, 174, 233
see also common good
Gospel, 25-27, 32, 116
and outer actions, 121
universal, 26
innate, 357
theoretical and practical, 355
see also virtues
happiness, 48, 52, 138, 154, 185,
187, 207, 343, 372, 430, 431,
and good, 172
and harmony of the universe,
as human success, 372
as wisdom, 185
imperative of, 209
health, 4, 289, 370-375, 438
and evolution, 370
and happiness, 372
and human perfection, 369,
and virtue, 373
as a normative ideal, 368
biological, 370, 371
definition of, 368, 370
human and moral, 369, 374,
hedonism, 216, 217
hermeneutics, 393, 395, 397
and change of customs, 133
Subject Index
human identity, 262
and nature, 252
moral sources of, 225
human nature, 1, 3, 4, 12-18, 35,
70, 75-79, 116, 129, 141, 157,
188, 225-230, 234, 238-241,
253, 270, 289-296, 331, 349359, 370, 371, 384, 391
and creation, 116
and culture, 295, 355
and ethics, 225, 226, 355
and God, 350
and grace, 35
and history, 362
and human condition, 239,
241, 253
and human essence, 349, 355,
and inclinations, 350
and institutions, 361
and person, 233, 272, 350
and politics, 253
and statistics, 350
and supernatural, 269
and synderesis, 352
and teleology, 226, 234
and totalitarism, 238
body and soul, 371
Christ and, 283
constitutive goods and, 233
definition of, 291, 296
empirical and rational, 199
immutability of, 75
imperfection of, 214
inclinations of, 117
knowledge of, 118, 289
normative character of, 225,
229, 230, 234, 335
and personal act of being, 349
plenitude of, 225, 230, 234
sin and fallen, 79, 80, 116,
351, 374
unity of, 371
universality of, 357
variability of, 351
weakness of, 70
see also nature
human rights, 3, 110, 181, 238,
254-256, 402
abstract concept of, 192
and plurality, 251
and politics, 255
basic natural, 388
and moral judgment, 202, 205
of humanity as an end in
itself, 210
categorical, 196, 201, 203,
208, 212
formula of the law of nature,
219, 214
formula of universal law, 210
three kinds of, 207, 209
imperium, 4, 102, 329-340
and incontinence, 342
and instinct, 331
and virtues, 345
senses of, 340
imputation, 4, 409-425
and application of the law,
and causation, 410
and evaluation of the imputed
act, 415
and ignorance, 417, 421
and necessity, 421
and responsibility, 419; see
also responsibility
as attribution of meaning, 416
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
imputatio facti, 414-424
imputatio iuris, 414, 415, 419,
421, 424
judgment of, 413
merit and demerit, 414
rules of, 409, 415, 417
objects of, 410, 415
see also knowledge
incentive, 209
and law, 317
ends of natural, 68
natural, 14, 20, 66, 68, 80,
199, 297, 320, 322, 371,
384, 445
to act in accordance with
reason, 66
see also dispositions ans
incontinence, 49, 51, 58, 70,
324, 342
and continence, 324
instinct, 292
and inclination, 331
divine, 338
cognitive character of, 338
inner, 338
and happiness, 182
and legality, 459
intellect, 57
and innate ideas, 68
divine, 61, 68
dual form of knowledge of, 68
habits of, 69
practical, 46, 50, 56, 60, 61,
303, 304, 321
theoretical, 379
see also reason and practical
intellectualism, 118, 119, 198,
intention, 91, 434, 459
and imputation, 416, 417
see also action
of law, 400, 455
see also hermeneutics
iusnaturalism, 195, 199, 200,
201, 395, 428, 464, 465
as essentialism, 427
classical, 427
hermeneutic, 396, 405
modern and classical, 201,
rationalist, 427, 458
realist, 405
Jacobinism, 183
Judaism, 24, 30, 40
and application, 68, 211
and imputation of action, 411
and practical knowledge, 308
as instinct, 335
connaturality with the good
and moral, 100
diversity of, 132
faculty of, 101, 103, 202-207,
213, 215
moral, 3, 103, 202, 203, 210213, 237, 434
natural, 132, 344
of action, 304
of duty, 453
practical, 19, 49, 53, 100,
202-206, 212, 213, 434
prudence and moral, 93
synderesis and moral, 68
teleological, 367
Subject Index
Typik, 202
see also knowledge and
practical knowledge
justice, 26-29, 33, 34, 75, 89, 90,
98, 116, 154, 160-178, 187,
252, 356, 389, 390, 397, 399,
429, 438, 440, 441, 446-448,
460, 464
and divine will, 160
and economics, 91
and equity, 173, 389
and law, 75, 460, 463
and legal praxis, 404
and nature of things, 390
as artificial virtue, 155
as potentiori utile, 161, 172
as public utility, 174
as the charity of the wise, 160
as the working of God, 28
commutative, 441
definition of, 171
distributive, 441
divine, 2, 26, 28, 29, 32, 116,
159, 160, 174
formal reason of, 160
immutability of principles of,
inner and outer, 123
jurisprudence, 169, 390
jus strictum, 172, 173
legal, 441
particular and general, 438,
perfect and imperfect, 208,
suum cuique tribuere, 172
theory of, 382
universal, 167, 172
virtue of, 88, 427, 438, 441
voluntarist basis for, 161
of Jews and pagans, 29
universality of, 29
and eidetic intuition, 291
charity and moral, 269
eternal reasons, 374
ignorantia facti, 421
ignorantia iuris, 421
interrelation with trend, 19, 48
legal, 16, 380
metaphysical status of, 395
moral, 18, 19, 47, 229, 232,
natural aptitude towards
moral, 17
natural notitiae and moral,
objectivity in, 132
recta ratio scibilium and
moral, 307, 311
practice and moral, 225
scientific and legal, 380
strong evaluation and moral,
see also practical knowledge
agraphos nomos or unwritten,
23, 38, 398
and coercion, 317, 458
and circumcision of the heart,
and community, 443
and customs, 71
and Gospel, 113
and grace, 316
and justice, 456
and morality, 448
and normativity, 455
and rationality, 114, 425, 455
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
and rules, 72
as a dictamen of reason, 165
as reason existing in God, 15,
as a social practice, 400
as force of nature, 15
as right reason, 20
as the reason inherent to
nature, 15
be under the, 316
common to all times, 15
disobedience of, 454
divine and human, 114
divine retribution by the, 27
educational value of, 79
essential, 349
eternal, 69, 110, 118, 154,
188, 278, 319-322, 336,
342, 436, 444
for themselves, 23, 34, 35, 39
formal constituent of, 457
formal nature of the moral,
formal requirements of, 400
ignorance of the, 421
incentive for action and
moral, 209
international, 459
justification by the, 26
lex vetera, 273
moral, 3, 4, 65, 79, 129, 150,
197, 200-218, 278, 355,
Mosaic, 23-41
old and new, 267-281
obligatory nature of, 317, 451
of Christ, 3, 23, 267-276
of freedom, 213
of nature, 38, 151, 201-213,
of the cross, 270
permissive, 210
personal, 4, 277, 349, 357
positive, 381
prescription of the, 317
promulgation of, 72, 111
rule of, 29, 400
source of, 160, 170
type of moral, 212, 214
universal, 2, 191, 201, 202,
203, 218, 294
unjust, 443, 451
unto oneself, 302, 317
utility as foundation of, 186
written in the hearts, 23, 37
see also natural law
legalism, 461
as lord and master of nature,
as measure of things, 130
inner and outer, 122
maxims, 203-206, 210, 213
as relation between will and
action, 206
modality of, 207
of provisional moral code,
two levels of, 204
and end, 51
see also action
mercy, 32
metaphysics, 86, 138, 160, 199,
211, 212, 306, 320, 334, 366,
393, 397
absolutes, 453
and physical possibility, 208
autonomy, 203, 270
modalities, 205, 206, 211
Subject Index
morally forbidden and
permitted 208, 212
morally necessary, 205, 210
morally possible and
impossible, 202-215
norm, 63
order, 9, 11-16, 21, 138, 232,
realism, 149, 153, 232
schematism, 213
science; see ethics and
sense, 151, 153, 154, 158, 331
theology, 270, 271, 276, 277280, 283, 306, 327
and legality, 209, 381, 442,
452, 453, 458, 460, 465
and natural appetites, 431
and nature, 363
and right, 201
and truth, 145
as internal, 458
Christian, 267-275, 279-284
object, end and circumstances,
provisional moral code, 137,
universality of, 189
and artificial, 295
and empirical observation,
Hume’s conception of, 153
knowledge of what is, 290
order, 12-15, 433
philosophy, 334
sociability, 14
natural law
and Aristotle’s Ethics, 113
and biological nature, 361
and Christian ethics, 73, 78,
and civiles mores, 113
and creation, 16, 38, 188
and customs, 73, 79, 80
and divine law, 114
and divine revelation, 73
and eternal law, 278, 320, 336
and human law, 76, 95
and human rights, 192
and inclinations, 119
and instinct, 329, 343
and koinai ennoiai, 119
and marriage, 78
and Mosaic Law, 37
and natural form, 335
and natural reason, 79
and passions, habits and
dispositions, 65
and politics, 115
and positive law, 75, 165,
170, 200, 254, 318, 354,
397, 400
and practical reason, 112
and society, 75, 263
and synderesis, 68, 351
and the Germans, 67-70
as abstract, 181
as an aptitude and not a code,
as bridge between theology
and philosophy, 122
as confirmation of Christian
doctrine, 115
as constituted by reason, 314
as source of positive law, 116
as unavailable, 405
connaturality with, 16
contemporary explanations of,
3, 260
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
definition of, 120
degrees in, 121
descriptive-reflexive level of,
312-314, 321
epistemological and real
levels of, 302
etsi Deus non daretur, 173,
350, 437
first principles of, 427
foundation of, 73, 111, 116118, 402
founded in innate notions and
not in inclinations, 118
honeste vivere, 172, 173
immutable, 350
is not law, 399
ius naturale and ius gentium,
knowledge of, 65, 66, 74, 116,
118, 123, 229, 259, 301,
351, 402
legalist conception of, 152
loss of meaning of, 256
metaphysical foundation of,
modern theory of, 198
naeminem laedere, 172
obligatory character of, 151
practical value of, 301
precepts of, 67, 69, 74, 76, 77,
prescriptive-practical level,
312, 313, 314, 321
principles of, 45, 65, 119, 429
rational justification of, 401
received from Adam through
tradition, 123
restricted to external actions,
theory, 301, 302, 308, 311,
313, 314, 318-324
universality of, 351
voluntarist conception of, 150
without reference to nature,
see also law and nature
natural right, 11, 195, 200
and natural instincts, 331
and positive right, 76
freedom as a, 199
modern conception of, 199
naturalism, 2, 135, 149, 150,
154, 297, 300
and human nature, 226
and supernaturalism in
theology, 269
sources of modern, 149
naturalistic fallacy, 150, 289,
361, 362, 427
and health, 369
is and ought question, 4, 154,
381, 444
ad unum, 330, 334, 339
ambiguities of the concept of,
and freedom, 217
and grace, 272, 276, 281
and normativity, 292, 299
and person, 272
and teleology, 296
animal and human, 333
as biological process, 254
as limit to human will, 396
as principle of operations, 350
as the condition of being well
or unwell, 367
as the mother of justice, 14
cosmic, 14
divine, 12, 16
generic, 335
intelligible, 214, 215
Subject Index
knowledge of, 292, 361
legality of, 201, 212, 216
man and, 245
physical, 17
rational, 20, 21, 186, 188, 260
secundum naturam and
according to, 20, 34, 290,
291, 352
sensible, 199
state of, 192
technique of, 367
work and, 244, 245
see also natural law and
human natue
of human life, 244
see also inclinations and
Neoplatonism, 37, 332
nihilism, 393, 394, 398
nominalism, 2, 85
universalist, 232
obligation, 212, 301, 453, 459
and agency, 228
and feeling, 363
and law, 444
and natural inclinations, 320
and natural relationships, 462
and nature, 362
and promise, 461
and reason, 319
based on the will of the
legislator, 150
capacity to obligate, 72, 454
legal and moral, 453
moral, 155, 453, 459
nature of moral, 150
source of normativity, 197
to obey the law, 399, 452, 460
types of, 458, 460
uses of the term, 453
vis obligandi, 301, 317, 320,
see also bindingness and duty
oikeíosis, 19
fundamental, 272, 433
see reason and moral
Patristic, 276
Peasant’s War, 114
internal, 19
of the human self, 16
person, 353, 354, 357
and human essence, 349
and human species, 349
and rationality, 425
as subject of imputation, 422
phenomenology, 225
politics, 3, 169, 185, 237, 239,
245-256, 403
and morality, 189
as a basic human activity, 248
government, 191
positivism, 464
legal, 170, 380, 381, 393, 455
practical, 313
agibile, 313
and practicable, 308, 313
meaning of, 307, 311
necessity, 210
sphere, 206
practical knowledge, 4, 48, 229,
234, 303-310, 403, 404, 438
actual and habitual, 308
and practical science, 307,
308, 311
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
moral science as theoreticalpractical, 313
perfect, 306, 309
practical-practical, 307
theoretical and, 305, 379
see also knowledge and
practical philosophy
rehabilitation of, 43, 382, 451
practical reason, 2-4, 50, 60, 66,
90, 92, 96, 98, 112, 129, 184,
190, 201-205, 208-213, 230,
302-313, 320-323, 355, 383386, 429, 432, 433, 451, 452,
456, 465
and application, 99, 427
and circumstances, 103, 382
and contingency, 66
and legal reasoning, 380
and promulgation of positive
law, 120
and teleology, 225
and truth, 321; see also
practical truth
articulation of goods and, 232
autonomy of, 274
categories of, 206
darkening of, 68
empirically conditioned, 208
its dependence on affects, 68
judicative function of, 202,
law of pure, 214
object of, 204, 205, 211, 212
postulates of, 163, 173
principles of, 117, 117, 304,
314, 429
pure, 198, 202, 204
theoretical and, 66, 302, 303,
305, 306, 320, 321, 379
see also intellect
practical reasoning, 53, 262,
265, 381, 384, 389, 391, 428,
and error, 53
and principles of natural law,
and virtues, 264
correct and morally good, 432
deductive, 232
knowledge and appetite in,
logical-deductive, 389
principles of, 427
specificity of, 428
see also rationality
practical syllogism, 58, 432
and deontic syllogism, 58
conclusion of, 58, 432
premises of, 427, 429
practical truth, 2, 18, 43-63, 96,
97, 304, 389
accordance between intellect
and appetites, 49, 57
and contingency, 44, 59, 61
and intention, 61
and practical falsehood, 43,
52, 56
and rectitude, 50
and speculative truth, 58
and technical truth, 61, 62
and the truth of moral
judgments, 57
and virtues, 45
as order of reason, 98
as the truth of actions, 44, 57
broader and prudential
meaning of, 305
elements of, 46
see also truth, prudence and
practical knowledge
Subject Index
praxis, 4, 45, 47, 52, 54, 58-63,
252, 317, 395, 404, 405
and poiesis, 247
politics as a form of, 246
precepts, 346
instincts and natural law, 329
of practical reason, 322
see also duty and obligation
defence of, 182
first practical, 345
morally-practical, 208
operative, 336, 338
pre-moral, 384
technically-practical, 208, 210
universal moral, 190
see also practical reason and
natural law
property, 182
at the base of society, 183
see also economics
Protestanstism, 73, 110, 112,
118, 269
and ethics, 110
and natural law theory, 109
Reformation, 2, 109, 110,
114, 118, 122, 125
prudence, 4, 46, 56, 61, 77, 92102, 189, 191, 246, 304, 307310, 313, 330, 337-347, 356,
384, 390, 404, 440
and art, 62
and certainty in moral matters,
and law, 444
and legal reasoning, 389
and moral judgment, 92, 311
and moral science, 307, 308,
and objectivity, 104
and practical reason, 304
and science, 403
as practical-practical, 313
command of, 102
history as preceptor of, 189
in political decision, 181
phronesis, 294, 384, 403
phronimos, 384
prudent man, 50, 54, 59, 85,
92-97, 101-103, 183
recta ratio agibilium, 307
see also judgment, practical
truth and practical
rationalism, 260, 458
rationality, 16, 18
divine, 16
imputation and human, 410
practical, 43, 435
ad opposita, 334
and faith, 280, 282
and prejudice, 184
and revelation, 268
as ruler, 319
as unable of seeking truth,
corrupt, 70
darkened, 65, 66, 268
divine, 12, 14, 16, 18
eternal, 319
is useless, 129
living in accordance with, 314
lógos spermatikós, 16
natural, 2, 65, 66, 68, 72-81,
100, 103, 156, 319, 321,
323, 335, 336, 346, 352
order of, 47, 68, 282, 354
recta ratio or right, 12, 13, 16,
20, 48, 55, 61, 98, 99, 100,
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
165, 176, 291, 292, 297,
298, 305, 307, 308, 311,
secundum rationem, 283, 299,
341, 343
spoiled, 70
true, 48, 50, 53, 58, 59, 62
see also practical reason and
relativism, 398
responsibility, 410, 415
attribution of, 409
see also imputation and agent
Respublica optima, 163, 169,
natural, 30, 40
see also God
and obligation, 460
native, 199
source of, 460
to have rights, 239, 254, 255,
see also law and human rights
and deed, 414
practical, 205
see also law
of conduct, 4, 276, 409, 413,
415, 416, 420, 423
of imputation, 4, 410, 415,
416, 417, 422, 425
scepticism, 130
Scholastic, 2, 89, 104, 106, 164,
305, 312
Neo-Scholastic, 289, 296
and values, 365
Biology, 367, 368
Mathematics, 364, 365, 367
Mechanics, 364, 365, 367
moral; see ethics and
Newtonian, 364
self-legislation, 302, 318
see also autonomy
pitfall of the, 133
sin, 33
by passion, 70
by vice, 70
reason of, 315
see also human nature and
synderesis, 47, 53, 67-71, 74,
77-83, 103, 307, 321, 331,
345, 347, 351-357
and conscience, 69
and knowledge of human
faculties, 352
as innate habit, 354
light of, 69
see also conscience and
teleology, 2, 9, 13-16, 225, 228,
261, 296, 297, 337, 366
and biology, 296
and moral rectitude, 297
epistemological difficulties of,
natural, 291
truth, 44
and falsehood, 50
and good, 303
as conformity, 44
divine, 137
divine intellect as the ultimate
measure of, 61
Subject Index
doing the truth, 57
eternal, 160, 168
in the intellect, 58
moral, 269, 433
see also knowledge and
practical truth
characteristic, 167, 169
harmony, 2, 163, 166-170, 174176
universality, 217
usury, 87, 89; see also
ut in pluribus, 104, 290, 291
and natural, 290
and statistics, 290
utilitarianism, 2, 3, 161, 169,
181-185, 192
utility, 157
basic human, 386
see also good and evil
vice, 47, 69, 70, 74, 79, 155,
298, 324, 430, 446
virtue, 11, 45-47, 50, 53-55, 71,
73, 77, 80, 83, 93, 96, 164,
260-276, 282, 304, 323, 345,
346, 353-356, 438-441, 446448
and appetite, 431
and community, 260
and habits, 357
and health, 373
and inclinations, 345
and knowledge, 309
and law, 448
and moral education, 264
and passions, 310
and young man, 310
artificial, 153
as determination of the will,
as good of human life, 260
as practice, 260
as the conformance to nature,
becoming virtuous, 54
charity as the form of, 282
fortitude, 440
intellectual, 112, 262, 345
moral, 4, 47, 61, 73, 99, 100,
282, 323, 438, 439, 440
natural, 153, 155
of recognition, 262
of will, 355
practical judgment and moral,
temperance, 440
theological, 270, 282
virtuous man, 12, 49, 50, 56,
100, 141, 143, 187, 313,
318, 324, 430
see also prudence, justice and
theory of, 216
voluntarism, 2, 85, 118, 120,
149-169, 174-176, 196-198
and ignorance, 417
see also imputation and action
will, 49, 52, 218
and charity, 268
and command, 341
and end, 339
and knowledge of the good,
and moral judgment, 203
and reason, 144, 305
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
and understanding, 138
as an intellective appetite, 59
autonomy of the, 143
causality of the, 215
determining ground of, 203
divine, 274, 277
good, 62, 205
inclination of the, 339
moral determination of the,
perfection of the, 356
pure, 208
voluntas recta, 48
voluntas ut natura, 48, 356
voluntas ut ratio, 356
and ignorance, 131
divine, 165, 167, 173, 175
experience and moral, 104
moral, 69
practical, 384
wise men, 53
as the common city of men
and gods, 20
Abbà, G., 403, 406, 428, 449
Abraham, 28, 37, 38
Aceti, G., 176
Achenwall, G., 218
Aertsen, J., 334, 347
Albert the Great, 305, 324, 332
Aletti, J.-N., 40
Alexy, R., 400, 452, 457, 460,
464, 465
Allison, Henry E., 218
Annas, J., 21
Anscombe, G. E. M., 428, 449,
453, 455, 457, 465
Anthiocus of Ascalon, 10, 13
Antognazza, M. R., 176
Aparisi, Á., 391
Aquinas, 2, 4, 34, 43-83, 86, 9099, 100, 101, 104, 117, 118,
124, 150, 158, 164, 176, 185,
190-193, 201, 218, 259, 260,
263, 265, 268, 269, 273, 276,
297, 300-350, 351, 355-359,
379-384, 388, 389, 391, 405,
412, 417, 426-449, 465, 466
Thomism, 2, 3, 4, 67, 75, 77,
79, 82, 83, 86, 90, 98, 164,
190, 201, 259, 289, 292,
300, 302, 306, 311, 314,
318-327, 356, 427, 450
Neo-Thomism, 280, 289
Arana, J., 218
Arbesu, C., 390, 391
Arendt, H., 3, 237-257, 382, 391
Argiroffi, A., 406
Aristotle, 13, 43-58, 63, 66, 70,
78, 79, 82, 92, 96, 104, 109,
111-113, 117, 119, 123, 124,
172, 252, 260, 293, 294, 297302, 305, 307-309, 322, 324,
327, 329, 330, 333, 338, 342,
347, 365, 368, 372, 374, 375,
379, 384, 389-391, 396, 403,
406, 407, 412, 417, 425-429,
432, 438-444, 450
Aristotelianism, 2, 3, 12, 45,
50, 54, 55, 58, 61, 79, 86,
88, 106, 109-112, 116, 119,
123, 164, 185, 199, 259,
260, 289, 292, 297-300,
302, 308, 309, 321, 326,
349, 384, 395, 401-404
Armogathe, J.-R., 146
Armstrong, R. A., 67, 75, 82
Arnim, H. F. A. von, 21
Arregui, J. V., 394, 406
Atwood, J., 300
Aubert, J. M., 267-270, 273, 284
Augustine of Hippo, 41, 260,
321, 325, 373
Austin, J., 381
Auxerre, W. of, 330
Averrois, 333, 347
Azpilcueta, M. de, 90, 94, 104
Baillet, A., 146
Ballesteros, J., 324, 326, 380382, 391, 464, 465
Balthasar, H. U. von, 277-279,
281, 285
Báñez, D., 90
Barker, E., 193
Barrientos, J., 104
Basso, D., 325
Bastit, M., 325
Bauer, C., 124
Baumgarten, A., 196
Bayón, J. C., 466
Beck, L. W., 218
Beeley, P., 176
Belda, J., 104
Belmans, T. G., 359
Benedict XVI, 39
Benton, R. J., 218
Berman, H., 124
Beuchot, M., 404, 406
Bierbrauer, P., 124
Biffi, I., 281
Bisterfeld, J. H., 166-168, 176,
Blank, A., 177
Bobzien, S., 218
Bonaventure, Saint, 331
Boyancé, P., 10, 16, 21
Boyle, J. M., 406
Bozzi, R., 406
Brock, S. L., 325
Brunschvicg, L., 146
Buchheim, T., 218
Burgundius of Pisa, 330
Burke, E., 2, 3, 181-193
Busche, H., 177
Byrne, B., 40
Caesar, J., 82
Caffarra, C., 281
Calixt, G., 124
Camerarius, J., 124
Campillo, N., 257
Canavan, F., 193
Carande, R., 104
Name Index
Carneades, 14
Carpintero, F., 359
Carranza, B., 104
Carrera, J., 104
Castaño, S. R., 359
Chafuen, A., 88,104
Charron, 128, 129, 139, 141,
142, 146
Christ, 25-29, 34, 35, 268, 270283
Christianism, 11, 74, 116,
271, 279, 280
Chrysostom, John, 40
Cicero, 2, 9-21, 110, 172, 185,
187, 188, 193, 333, 347
Congar, Y., 280, 284
Corpus Christi, M. de, 90, 104
Cotta, S., 217, 218, 382, 384,
391, 392
Cottier, G., 325
Couturat, L., 177
Crowe, M. B., 82
Crusius, C. A., 196, 197, 218
Cruz, A., 291, 300-304, 309,
Cumberland, R., 150, 151, 157,
D’Agostino, F., 395-398, 406
Damascene, John, 330, 347
Damasio, A., 63
Daries, J. G., 414, 425
de Albornoz, B., 104
de Roover, R., 88
del Vigo, A., 105
Delgado, J., 463, 464, 466
Delhaye, P., 267, 275-277, 284
Deman, T., 63, 105, 347
Descartes, R. 2, 52, 63, 127-147
Cartesianism, 2, 127-144
Di Blasi, F., 325
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
Diogenes Laertius, 22
Dostoyevski, F., 233
Dupont, J., 41
Dworkin, R., 400, 461, 464, 466
Edwards, J., 219
Ellscheid, G., 407
Elton, M., 359
Enegrén, A., 257
Enskat, R., 219
Epicurus, 172
Eslin, J.-C., 257
Esser, J., 395
Faye, E., 146
Fernández, P., 95, 105
Ferraris, M., 407
Festugière, P., 16, 22
Feuerbach, L., 43, 57, 64
Feuillet, A., 41
Finnis, J., 47, 64, 259, 320, 325,
382, 384-389, 391, 400, 402,
427, 434, 435, 438, 441, 448450, 454, 456, 466
Fitzmyer, J. A., 41
Forti, S., 257
Frank, G., 124
Frey, C., 124
Friedrich, H., 146
Fuchs, J., 267, 270-273, 284
Fuller, L. L., 400, 407
Gadamer, H. G., 43, 196, 219,
395, 396, 402-407
Gadofre, G., 146
Galindo, J., 300
García Sanz, A., 105
García Villoslada, R., 105
García, F., 105
Gardies, J.-L., 177
Gascón, M., 391
Gauthier, R. A., 347
George, R. P., 303, 326, 405,
406, 438, 449, 466
Geraghty, R. P., 325
Gómez Camacho, F., 105
Gomez Lobo, A., 300
González, A. M., 9, 77, 83, 101,
105, 196, 202, 219, 221, 295,
300, 301, 304, 305, 325
Goyard-Fabre, S., 177
Graband, C., 219
Grafton, A., 146
Greene, R. A., 347
Grice-Hutchinson, M., 88, 105
Grimaldi, N., 127, 128, 138,
142, 144, 146
Grisez, G., 202, 303, 326, 405,
407, 427, 428, 431, 435, 438,
449, 450
Grondin, J., 407
Grotius, H., 69, 83, 110, 125,
150, 154, 157, 170, 172, 173,
199, 201
Grua, G., 159-162, 172, 177
Guastini, R., 404, 407
Guhrauer, G., 177
Haakonssen, K., 69, 83, 110,
125, 157, 356, 476
Habermas, J., 466
Hadot, P., 375
Hagerström, A., 459
Hall, R. B., 359
Häring, B., 106
Hart, H. L. A., 381, 391, 399,
400, 451-456, 459, 466
Hassemer, W., 395, 407
Heidegger, M., 241, 242, 248,
249, 257, 395
Heinekamp, A., 177
Henrich, D., 203, 219
Name Index
Hervada, J., 73, 83, 383-385,
392, 460, 466
Hobbes, T., 160, 161, 165, 168,
170-172, 176-179, 199, 247,
Hobbesian, 165, 168, 170
Höffe, O., 219
Hruschka, J., 409-426
Honoré, T., 347
Hume, D., 2, 4, 149-158, 362365, 369, 375, 427, 444
Hutcheson, F., 150-156, 158,
196, 197, 219, 331
Ihering, R. von, 451
Inciarte, F., 54-57, 64, 202, 401,
Iparraguirre, D., 106
Irwin, T. H., 407
Isidore of Seville, 331, 332, 347
Jewett, R., 41
Joerden, J. C., 413, 426
Jonas, H., 375
Junges, J. R., 106
Justinian, 332
Kabitz, W., 177
Kafka, F., 255, 257
Kalinowski, G., 407
Kamen, H., 106
Kant, I., 3, 121, 195-221, 253,
273, 363-368, 375, 395, 411,
414, 415, 417, 422, 423, 425,
Kantianism, 3, 195-199, 201,
203, 204, 212, 216, 217, 395
Kaufmann, A. 395, 407, 464
Kaulbach, F., 220
Kelsen, H., 381, 392, 399, 400,
451, 455, 459, 465, 466
Kemp Smith, N., 155
Kennedy, G. A., 41
Klinnert, L., 125
Kluxen, W., 325
Kuss, O., 41
Lafer, C., 257
Langholm, O., 106
Larraz, J., 106
Larrú, J., 41
Legros, R., 257
Leibniz, G. W. F., 2, 159-179,
Lemaire, J., 146
Levering, M., 325
Levi, A., 146
Levinas, E., 257
Lévy, C., 10, 16, 22, 128
Lipovetsky, G., 462, 466
Llano, A., 220, 325, 407
Locke, J., 150, 151, 157, 158,
243, 247
Loemker, L. E., 178
Lottin, O., 348
Luther, M., 69, 73, 109, 114,
118, 122, 125
Lynch, J., 106
Lyonnet, S., 41
MacCormick, N., 466
MacIntyre, A., 3, 259-265, 381,
Mackie, J. L., 466
Mager, I., 125
Maritain, J., 71, 73, 83, 263
Martínez Doral, J. M., 380, 392
Marx, K., 43, 57, 64, 247, 394
Massini, C. I., 64, 407
Maximus the Confessor, 330
Mayer, V., 220
McInerny, R., 326
McKenna, A., 146
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
Medina, B. de, 95, 104
Melanchthon, P., 2, 109-125
Melehy, H., 146
Mercado, T. de, 95, 105
Mercer, C., 178
Mesa, C. A., 359
Mesnard, P., 146
Methuen, C., 125
Millán-Puelles, A., 83
Molina, F., 106, 359
Mommsen, T., 348
Mondolfo, R., 17, 19, 22
Montaigne, M. de, 2, 127-147
Moo, D. J., 41
Moore, E., 106
Moore, G. E., 289
Moreau, J., 13, 22
Mormino, G., 178
Morrice, D. S., 158
Moss, L. S., 106
Mugnai, M., 178
Mulvaney, R. J., 178
Murphy, M., 326
Naert, É., 178
Najman, H., 41
Naus, J. E., 326
Newton, I., 155
Nietzsche, F., 233, 364, 394, 401
Noonan, J. T., 106
Novalis, 43, 64
Nussbaum, M. C., 428, 450,
462, 466
Ollero, A., 466
Origen, 332, 348
Orrego, C., 407
Osuna, A., 348
Pacchiani, C., 392
Pallavicino, P., 172
Paton, H. J., 220
Paul, Saint, 2, 22-32, 38, 40, 41,
57, 190
Pelagian, 34
Pembroke, S., 22
Penna, R., 41
Pepin, J., 13, 22
Pereña, L., 106
Pérez del Valle, C., 392
Pfister, H., 125
Philo of Alexandria, 37, 38, 40
Philo of Larisa, 10
Pieper, J., 102, 106, 441, 450
Pierce, C. A., 41
Pinckaers, S., 275, 282-284
Piro, F., 178
Pitta, A., 41
Plamenatz, J., 181-184, 193
Plato, 12, 13, 16, 22, 119, 160,
169, 171, 172, 237, 242, 247,
365, 371, 372, 384, 396, 458
Platonism, 10-13, 16, 21, 119,
164, 166, 174, 232, 242, 247,
248, 249
Christian Platonism, 161
Polo, L., 4, 350-360
Porphyry, 332, 348
Protagoras, 299
Pufendorf, S., 150, 154, 157,
158, 170, 176, 196-201, 220,
411, 417, 420, 425, 458, 466
Quevedo, A., 300
Radbruch, G., 451
Ramírez, S., 326
Raphael, D. D., 158
Ratzinger, J., 41
Rawls, J., 385, 392, 400
Raz, J., 399, 452, 455, 456, 460,
Name Index
Reale, G., 407
Recaséns, L., 467
Rehm, W., 64
Rhonheimer, M., 3, 70, 83, 275,
282-285, 302- 306, 312, 313,
319-326, 355, 360, 428, 450
Ricoeur, P., 361-365, 375
Riedel, M., 392
Riley, P., 178
Ritter, J., 43, 392
Robinet, A., 178
Röd, W., 178
Rodis-Lewis, G., 147
Rodríguez Luño, A., 446, 450
Rodríguez, R., 220
Rosen, M., 232, 235
Ross, G. M., 178
Rousseau, F., 360
Royce, J., 385, 392
Ruck, E., 178
Sacchi, A., 42
Salamanca, School of, 2, 85101, 105
Sánchez Muñoz, C., 257
Sanchez-Ostiz, P., 426
Sandbach, F., 22
Scarpelli, U., 467
Sharrok, R., 172
Scheler, M., 365
Schiedermair, H., 179
Schmucker, J., 220
Schneewind, J. B., 220
Schneider, H.-P., 179
Schneiders, W., 179
Schönecker, D., 220
Schröer, C., 327
Schumpeter, J. A., 88, 106
Schürmann, H., 277
Schwartz, L., 290, 300
Schwartz, M., 220
Scola, A., 278, 279, 281, 285
Segalla, G., 42
Sellés, J. F., 107, 360
Serna, P., 408
Sève, R., 179
Sgreccia, E., 429, 450
Shaftesbury, A. A. C., 150-154,
Sierra, R., 107
Silber, J., 220
Skarica, M., 64
Slade, F., 227, 235
Soaje, G., 408
Socrates, 80, 242, 247, 374, 385,
Sokolowski, R., 3, 225-231, 234,
Solari, G., 179
Soto, D. de, 85, 90, 94, 105
Spaemann, R., 300, 392
Spicq, C., 38, 39, 42
Stoa, 2, 12, 16-22, 111, 119,
330, 332
Stoicism, 11-21, 30, 37, 38, 45,
128, 165
Stöckle, B., 275, 280
Strohm, C., 125
Suarez, F., 427
Svensson, M., 125
Taylor, C., 3, 225, 230-235
Thomasius, C., 458, 459, 467
Thomasius, J., 164, 170, 171
Thrall, M. E., 42
Thrasymachus, 160-163, 169176
Thweatt, V., 147
Tierney, B., 327
Timmermann, J., 220
Tommasi, C., 179
Tönnies, F., 179
Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches
Torralba, J. M., 220
Toulmin, S., 147
Tremblay, R., 280, 285
Trigo, T., 285
Ulpian, 331-333, 347
Urabayen, J., 360
Vanni, U., 42
Vasoli, C., 179
Vattimo, G., 408
Vázquez de Prada, V., 107
Vereecke, L., 106
Vial, J. de D., 450
Vienna Circle, 394
Vigo, A. G., 51, 52, 55, 64, 86,
196, 199, 200, 214, 220, 393,
394, 404, 408
Vilar, P., 107
Villey, M., 327, 390, 392
Viola, F., 395-401, 404-408
Vitoria, F. de, 85, 86, 90-94, 97,
98, 105-107
Voelke, A., 19, 22
Volpi, F., 408
Von Arnim, I., 22
von Wolff-Metternich, B.-S.,
Wallace, W. A., 327
Walton, K., 467
Wand, B., 156, 158
Welzel, H., 179
Westberg, D., 327
Wieland, G., 327
Wieland, W., 221
Wilkins, B. T., 193
Willaschek, M., 221
Williams, G., 125
Wittgenstein, L., 392
Wolff, C., 196, 197, 221, 411,
419, 426
Wood, A. W., 209, 220
Worland, S. T., 107
Yarza, I., 408
Zaccaria, G., 395, 398, 408
Zagal, H., 300
Zarka, C. Y., 179
Zimmermann, R., 179