Session 2006-2007
Semester IV
1.Make a database . The record tag ,TStudent consists of these fields:
Name[20],RollNo.[5],Address[40],Phone[12],UT-1[2,from1 to 20],UT2[2,from 1 to 20],PUT[3,1 TO 100],Total[3,from 1 to 140]
User should able to add new, edit existing, view student in a list, delete
the record also.
2.Write a program for two polynomial additions and subtraction without
using records And by using records also.
3.Write a program for sorting into the linked list.
4. Write program to create, insert and delete elements in a linked list.
5. Write a program to implements a stack using array.
6.Write a program to insert ,delete element in queue.
7. Write a program for addition and deletion in the circular queue.
8. Write a program for creation of binary search tree and Inorder
9.Write a program to create a BST by inserting a node & Preorder
,Inorder and Postorder Traversal.
10. Write a program to store and retrive data of student in a class. The
data is stored ina file name ‘file.dat’.
Experiment no. :--1
Aim :-- Make a database . The record tag ,TStudent consists of these fields:
Name[20],RollNo.[5],Address[40],Phone[12],UT-1[2,from1 to 20],UT-2[2,from 1 to
20],PUT[3,1 TO 100],Total[3,from 1 to 140]
User should able to add new, edit existing, view student in a list, delete the record also.
Theory:-- A record is a collection of data item, usually different datatypes which are
logically combined into single unit.
The record is a heterogeneous component datatype as it is composed of data element s
that may be of different data types. The components of a records are called fields. Each
fields has an identifier and a datatype .
Declaration :-1)Record :type<recordname>=record
<Member 1>: <type>
<member2> :<type>
<member n> : <type>
2) Array of Record
Var <nametype> : array of [l..u] of <recordname>
Diagram :-- Flowchart of program.
Algorithm Record:-1.Declare the Records, Array And type of variables.
2.Create the Menu
a)Add new Record.
b)Edit the Existing.
c)View the List.
d)Delete the Record.
3.To Add new record in a list
A[i].address= ‘Address’;
A[i].phone= 12233;
A[i].address= 19;
A[i].address= 17;
A[i].address= 99;
A[i].address= 139;
4.To view the list
Display all the fields of record by using write statement;
5.To delete the record from the list
Sample input/Sample output:--Execute the program for sample values.
Result :---
Viva voice
What is mean by array.
How to define it .
What is the record .
How to declare it.
How to store value in the array
How to use Array of record.
Experiment No.:--2
Aim: -- Write a program for two polynomial additions and subtraction without using
records and by using records also.
Theory:--An important application of linked list is to represent Polynomials and their
manipulations. In addition and subtraction of two polynomials, say P & Q to get resultant
polynomial R, have to compare their terms stating at the first nodes and moving towards
the end one by one.
Declaration:-Type <PointerType> : ^<Referenced datatype>;
Type intpointer = ^ integer;
Var counter: intpointer;
Diagram:-- Flowchart of program.
Algorithm: -- Steps use to implement the coding.
1.Declare the Records, Array And type of variables.
2.Create the Menu
a)Add new Record.
7.WHILE(Pptr!=NULL)AND(Qptr!= NULL) do
2.Rptr.LINK=new, Rptr=new
3.Rptr.COEFF=P.COEFFptr.+ Qptr.COEFF
2 CASE:Pptr.EXP>Qptr.Exp
2.Rptr.LINK=new, Rptr=new
3 CASE:Pptr.EXP<Qptr.Exp
2.Rptr.LINK=new, Rptr=new
9.If(Pptr1!=NULL)AND(Qptr=NULL) then
1.While((Pptr1= Null)do
2.Rptr.LINK=new, Rptr=new
2. Endwhile
10. Endif
11. If(Pptr1=NULL)AND(Qptr!=NULL) then
1.While((Pptr1= Null)do
2.Rptr.LINK=new, Rptr=new
2. Endwhile
12. Endif
13. Return(RHeader)
14. stop.
Sample Input/Sample Output: --- Execute the program for some sample values.
Viva voice:-•
Definition of pointers
How to declare the pointer.
General form of the polynomial.
How to add two polynomials.
Experiment No.:--3
Aim: -- 3.Write a program for search an element in sorted the linked list.
Theory:--A link list is an ordered collection of finite , homogeneous data element s
called nodes where the linear order is maintained by means of links or pointers.
Declaration:-Type <PointerType> : ^<Referenced datatype>;
Type intpointer = ^ integer;
Var counter: intpointer;
Diagram:-- Flowchart of program.
Algorithm: -- Steps use to sort the elements in linked list.
LIST is a sorted list in memory. This algorithm find the location LOC of the node where
ITEM first appears in LIST , or sets LOC = NULL
1. Set PTR :=START.
2. 2. Repeat Steps 3 while PTR <> NULL
3. If ITEM<INFO[PTR], then:
Else if ITEM:=INFO[PTR],Exit.
Set LOC :=NULL,and Exit.
4. Set LOC :=NULL
5. Exit.
Sample Input/Sample output: --- Execute the program for some sample values.
Viva voice:-•
Definition of pointers
How to declare the pointer.
Definition of pointer to pointer
What is single link list
Circular linked list
Double link list.
Experiment No.:--4
Aim: -- 4. Write program to create, insert and delete elements in a linked list.
Theory:--An important operation on a linked list.
Traversing a list
Insertion of a node into a list.
Deletion of a node from the list.
Searching for an element in a list.
Merging two linked list into a larger list.
Declaration:-Type <Pointer Type> : ^<Referenced datatype>;
Type intpointer = ^ integer;
Var counter: intpointer;
Diagram:-- Flowchart of program.
Algorithm: -- Steps use to implement the coding.
1. new = GETNODE(NODE)
2. If (new = NULL) then
a. Print “Memory is insufficient : Insertion is not possible”
b. Exit.
3. Else
a. Ptr= HEADER
b. While(PTR.DATA<>key)and(ptr.LINK<> NULL) do
1. ptr = ptr1.LINK
c. Endwhile
e. If (ptr.LINK = NULL) then
1. Print “Key is not available in the list”
2. Exit
f. Else
1. new.LINK = ptr.LINK
2. new.data= x
3. ptr.LINK= NEW
g. Endif
4. Endif
5. Stop
Sample Input/Sample output :--- Execute the program for some sample values.
Viva voice:-•
Definition of pointers
How to declare the pointer.
How to insert node in the linked list.
Define the Header.
How to delete the node at the last position in the linked list.
Experiment No.:--5
Aim: --.Write a program to implement stack using array.
Theory:--A stack is an ordered collection of homogeneous data element where the
insertion and deletion operation take place at one end only.
An n-element array can be used to implement a stack with capacity n . The stack top is
indicated by the the index top and it points to the element that was entered into the stack.
Declaration:-Type Stack = array [1.. stacksize] of integer;
Stacklimit = 0..stacksize;
Var s: stack
Diagram:-- Flowchart of program.
Algorithm: -STATUS_A()
Input :-- A stack with elements.
Output : States whether it is empty or full , available free space and item at TOP .
Data Structure : An Array A with TOP as the pointer.
1. If TOP<1
1. Print “Stack is Empty”
2. Else
1.If(TOP>= SIZE) then
a. Print “Stack is full”
2. Else
1. Print “The element at TOP is .” A[TOP]
2. free = (SIZE- TOP)/SIZE * 100
3. Print “ Percentage of free stack ”,free
3. Endif
4. Stop.
Sample Input /Sample output: --- Execute the program for some sample values.
Viva voice:-•
Definition of Stack
What are the different operations on the stack.
Applications of the stack.
Define PUSH operation
Define POP operation.
Experiment No.:--6
Aim: -- Write a program to insert ,delete element in queue.
Theory:-- A Queue is an ordered collection of homogeneous data elements where the
insertion and deletion operation take place at two extreme ends.
Declaration:-Type queue = array [1.. n] of integer;
Var p: queue
Diagram:-- Flowchart of program.
Algorithm: -- Steps use to implement the coding.
Input : An element ITEM that has to be inserted.
Output : The ITEM is at the REAR of the Queue.
Data Structure : Q is the array representation of queue structure ; two pointers
FRONT and REAR of the queue Q are known.
1. If(REAR = N) then
a. Print “Queue is full”
b. Exit
2. Else
1. If (REAR = 0)and (FRONT = 0)
a.FRONT = 1
2. Endif
3. REAR = REAR+1
3. Endif
4. Stop.
Sample Input/Sample Output: --- Execute the program for some sample values.
Viva voice:-•
Definition of Queue
How to use queue in program
Explain the operations on the Queue
Types of Queue
Application of Queue..
Experiment No.:--7
Aim: -- Write a program for addition and deletion in the circular queue.
Theory:-- A Queue is an ordered collection of homogeneous data elements where the
insertion and deletion operation take place at two extreme ends.
Declaration:-Type queue = array [1.. n] of integer;
Var p: queue
Diagram:-- Flowchart of program.
Algorithm: -- Steps use to implement the coding.
Input : An element ITEM that has to be inserted into the circle queue.
Output : The circular queue with the ITEM is at the FRONT if the Queue is not
Data Structure :CQ is the array to represent the circular queue ; two pointers
FRONT and REAR of the queue CQ are known.
1. If(FRONT = 0) then
1.FORNT = 1
2. REAR = 1
2. Else
1. next = (REAR MOD LENGTH)+1
2. If(next<>FRONT) then
1. REAR = next
3. Else
1. Print “Queue is full”
4. Endif
3. Endif
4. stop
Sample Input/Sample output: --- Execute the program for some sample values.
Viva voice:-•
Definition of Queue
How to use queue in program
Explain the operations on the Queue
Types of Queue
Application of Queue..
Define CIRCULAR queue
Experiment No.:--8
Aim: -- Write a program for creation of binary search tree and Inorder traversal.
Theory:-- A binary tree t is termed as binary search tree if each node N of T satisfies
the value at N is greater than every value in the left sub-subtree of N and is less than
every value in the right sub tree of N.
In INORDER traversal , before visiting the root node ,left sub-tree of the root is to be
visited then root node and after the visit of the root node right sub-tree of the root node
will be visited . Visit of both Sub-trees again will be in the same fashion .
Declaration:-Type ptr = ^node;
Node = record
Lptr :ptr;
Val: char:
Rptr : ptr;
Diagram:-- Flowchart of program.
Algorithm: -- Steps use to implement the coding.
Input : ROOT is the pointer to the root node of the binary tree.
Out put : Visiting of all the nodes inorder fashion.
Data Structure : Linked structure of Binary tree.
1. ptr = ROOT
2. If (ptr <> NULL)
1. INORDER(ptr.LC)
2. VISIT(ptr)
3. INORDER(ptr.rc)
3. Endif
4. Stop
Sample Input/Sample output: --- Execute the program for some sample values.
Viva voice:-•
Define BINARY tree
How to represent binary tree in memory location
Advantages and Disadvantages of binary tree.
Operations on binary tree.
Traversals of the binary tree
Experiment No.:--9
Aim: -- Write a program to create a BST by inserting a node & Preorder ,Inorder and
Postorder Traversal.
Theory :-- A binary tree t is termed as binary search tree if each node N of T satisfies
the value at N is greater than every value in the left sub-subtree of N and is less than
every value in the right sub tree of N.
Declaration:-Type ptr = ^node;
Node = record
Lptr :ptr;
Val: char:
Rptr : ptr;
Diagram:-- Flowchart of program.
Algorithm: -- Steps use to implement the coding.
Input: ITEM is the data component of a node that has to be inserted.
Output : If there is no node having data ITEM , it is inserted into the tree else a
message .
Data Structure : Linked Structure of binary tree, Pointer to the root node is
1. ptr = ROOT , flag = FALSE
2. While(ptr<> NULL) and (flag = FALSE)
1. Case : ITEM < ptr.DATA
1. ptr1 = ptr
2. ptr = ptr.LCHILD
2. Case : ITEM> ptr.DATA
1. ptr1 = ptr
2. ptr = ptr.RCHILD
3. Case : ptr.DATA =ITEM
1. flag = TRUE
2. Print “ITEM already exits”
3. Exit
4. End Case
3. End while
Sample Input/Sample output: --- Execute the program for some sample values.
Viva voice:-•
Define BINARY tree
How to represent binary tree in memory location
Advantages and Disadvantages of binary tree.
Operations on binary tree.
Traversals of the binary tree
Experiment No. :--10.
Aim :--Write a program to store and retrieve data of student in a class. The data is
stored in a file name ‘file.dat’.
Theory:-- The various types of the file organization are
1)Sequential 2)Random 3) Linked 4)Internal Files
Declaration:-Type <PointerType> : ^<Referenced datatype>;
Type intpointer = ^ integer;
Var counter: intpointer;
Diagram:-- Flowchart of program.
Algorithm: -- Steps use to implement the coding.
Input: ITEM is the data component of a node that has to be inserted.
Output : If there is no node having data ITEM , it is inserted into the tree else a
message .
Data Structure : Linked Structure of binary tree, Pointer to the root node is
2. Declare record type variable name student having 3 fields 1 string type
variable & integer variable storing the name ,rollno & marks of a student
3. Declare two integer variable
4. Declare a variable of the type student
5. Declare the file variable having having the information student in the data
type student
6. Display the message “Program to create a sequential file of student
7. Asign the file variable with the file name
8. write in the file new
9. Repeat steps 10 &1 for n>0
10. Display the massage “Enter the no of Sequential files
11. Accept the response from the user
12. Repeat steps 13 to 21 for n times
13. with the record type variable do steps 14 to 20
14. Display message “Name is “
15. Accept the name from user
16. Display message “age is “
17. Accept the age from user
18. Display message “Enrolment is “
19. Accept the enrolment from user
20. write all the information in a file
21. end for loop
22. Reset file pointer of the file
23. Display the massage the data file contain the following information
24. Repeat steps 25 ,26 as long as the end of file is reached
25. Read the information for the student from file
26. Display the information for each from the file
27. stop
Sample Input/Sample output: --- Execute the program for some sample values.
Viva voice:-•
Explain the types of file organization
Advantages of sequential file
Disadvantage of the random file
Advantage of the Internal files
Explain operation on the file.