Lassen Community College Course Outline MATH-101 Basic Mathematics I. 2.0 Units Catalog Description This course is an introduction to the operations on whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Includes ratio, proportion, exponents, percent and applications. This course has been approved for online and correspondence delivery. Does Not Transfer to UC/CSU 17 Hours Lecture, 51 Hours Lab Scheduled: Fall, Spring II. Coding Information Repeatability: Not Repeatable, Take 1 Time Grading Option: Graded or Pass/No Pass Credit Type: Credit - Not Degree Applicable TOP Code: 493041 III. Course Objectives A. Course Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: Solve arithmetic problems involving whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percent, exponents, ratios and proportions by properly applying basic mathematical computational skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and order of operations). B. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course student will be able to: 1. Perform the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication a division, on whole numbers using the rules of order of operations 2. Multiply, divide and reduce fractions; including mixed numbers. 3. Add, subtract and order like fractions, unlike frctions and mixed numbers. 4. Read and write fractions. Add, subtract, multiply, divide and convert decimals to fractions. 5. Compare like quantities using ratios, compare unlike quantities using rates, set up and solve proportions. 6. Calculate percent. Convert from percent to its decimal equivalent, fractional equivalent, and vice versa. Solve interest problems using percent. 7. Solve application problems, including, but not limited to interest, commission, sales tax, and discount. IV. Course Content A. Whole Numbers 1. Reading and writing whole numbers 2. Addition of whole numbers 3. Subtraction of whole numbers 4. Multiplication of whole numbers 5. Division of whole numbers MATH-101 Basic Mathematics Page 1 B. C. D. E. F. V. 6. Long division 7. Rounding 8. Roots and order of operations 9. Solving application problems Multiplying and dividing fractions 1. Identifying fractions 2. Mixed numbers 3. Factors 4. Writing a fraction in lowest terms 5. Multiplication of fractions 6. Applications of multiplication 7. Dividing fractions 8. Multiplication and division of mixed numbers Adding and subtracting fractions 1. Adding and subtracting like fractions 2. Least common multiple 3. Adding and subtracting unlike fractions 4. Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 5. Order relations and the order of operations Decimals 1. Reading and writing decimals 2. Rounding decimals 3. Adding decimals 4. Subtracting decimals 5. Multiplying decimals 6. Dividing decimals 7. Writing fractions as decimals Ratio and Proportion 1. Ratios and rates 2. Proportions 3. Solving proportions 4. Applications of proportions Percent 1. Definition and examples 2. Percents and fractions 3. The percent proportion 4. Identifying the parts in a percent problem 5. Using proportions to solve percent problems 6. The percent equation 7. Applications of percent 8. Simple interest 9. Compound interest Assignments A. Appropriate Readings Students will be required to read and study the assigned chapters in the text book. B. Writing Assignments Students will be expected to complete in-class and out-of-class assignments involving computational practice. MATH-101 Basic Mathematics Page 2 C. Expected Outside Assignments Students can be expected to spend a minimum of two hours outside of class in practice and preparation for each hour of class. Appropriate out of class assignments include:reading assignments, practice problems and applying formulas. Math laboratory assignments. D. Specific Assignments that Demonstrate Critical Thinkng Students will utilize critical thinking in solving a variety of word problems. VI. Methods of Evaluation Traditional Classroom Delivery A student's grade will be based on multiple measures of student performance, including in-class work, out-of-class work, multiple tests and comprehensive final exam. Online Delivery A variety of methods will be used, such as: research papers, asynchronous and synchronous discussions (chat/forum), online quizzes and exams, postings to online website, and email communications. Correspondence Delivery Same as face-to-face with the exception of the desired use of proctored exams and exclusion of participation in classroom activities. Students will be expected to complete assignments and activities equivalent to in-class assignments and activities. Written correspondence and a minimum of six opportunities for feedback will be utilized to maintain effective communication between instructor and student. VII. Methods of Delivery Check those delivery methods for which, this course has been separately approved by the Curriculum/Academic Standards Committee. Traditional Classroom Delivery Correspondence Delivery Interactive Television Delivery Online Delivery Traditional Classroom Delivery Lecture, laboratory, demonstration and discussion Online Delivery Online written lectures. Participation in forum-based discussions. Online exercises/assignments contained on website. Discussion papers, email communications, postings to forums, and web-links will comprise the method of instruction. Correspondence Delivery Assigned readings, instructor-generated typed handouts, typed lecture materials, exercises and assignments equal to face-to-face instructional delivery. Written correspondence and a minimum of six opportunities for feedback will be utilized to maintain effective communication between instructor and student. MATH-101 Basic Mathematics Page 3 VIII. Representative Texts and Supplies Lial, Salzman & Hestwood, Basic College Mathematics, 8th edition. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., ISBN: 0-321-55712-3 or 0-558-26005-5. IX. Discipline/s Assignment Mathematics X. Course Status Current Status: Active Original Approval Date: 11/4/2003 Revised By: Robert Schofield Curriculum/Academic Standards Committee Revision Date: 02/19/2013 MATH-101 Basic Mathematics Page 4