Co n t e n t s !$ The City Nickelodeon City: Pittsburgh at the Movies, 1905–1929 Michael Aronson The WPA History of the Negro in Pittsburgh J. Ernest Wright, edited by Laurence Glasco 3 5 Pittsburgh Surveyed: Social Science and Social Reform in the Early Twentieth Century 9 Edited by Maurine Greenwald and Margo Anderson City at the Point: Essays on the Social History of Pittsburgh Edited by Samuel Hays 13 Harry, Tom, and Father Rice: Accusation and Betrayal in America’s Cold War 17 John Hoerr Twentieth-Century Pittsburgh II: The Post-Steel Era Roy Lubove 21 An Uncommon Passage: Traveling through History on the Great Allegheny Passage Trail 25 Edited by Edward K. Muller, photographs by Paul g Wiegman Bone Wars: The Excavation and Celebrity of Andrew Carnegie’s Dinosaur 29 Tom Rea Pittsburgh and the Appalachians: Cultural and Natural Resources in a Postindustrial Age 33 Edited by Joseph Scarpaci with Kevin Patrick 9 vii pittsburgh reader pages5.indd 7 7/11/11 8:47 AM Devastation and Renewal: An Environmental History of Pittsburgh and Its Region 36 Edited by Joel Tarr Front-Page Pittsburgh: Two Hundred Years of the Post-Gazette Clarke M. Thomas 39 Race and Renaissance: African Americans in Pittsburgh since World War II 41 Joe Trotter and Jared Day Early History Pittsburgh: The Story of a City, 1750–1865 Leland Baldwin 47 Whiskey Rebels: The Story of a Frontier Uprising Leland Baldwin 51 Keeping House: Women’s Lives in Western Pennsylvania, 1790–1850 54 Virginia Bartlett The Planting of Civilization in Western Pennsylvania Solon Buck and Elizabeth Buck Council Fires on the Upper Ohio Randolph Downes 57 60 Crossroads: Descriptions of Western Pennsylvania, 1720–1829 John W. Harpster 62 Drums in the Forest: Decision at the Forks, Defense in the Wilderness 65 Alfred James and Charles Morse Stotz A Hugh Henry Brackenridge Reader, 1770–1815 Edited by Daniel Marder Guns at the Forks Walter O’Meara 68 72 9 viii pittsburgh reader pages5.indd 8 7/11/11 8:47 AM Outposts of War for Empire: The French and English in Western Pennsylvania: Their Armies, Their Forts, Their People, 1749–1764 Charles Morse Stotz 74 Breaking the Backcountry: The Seven Years’ War in Virginia and Pennsylvania, 1754–1765 78 Matthew Ward Pioneer Life in Western Pennsylvania J. E. 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Brashear 146 John Brashear 9 x pittsburgh reader pages5.indd 10 7/11/11 8:47 AM Improbable Fiction: The Life of Mary Roberts Rinehart Jan Cohn 148 Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood: Children, Television, and Fred Rogers 151 Edited by Mark Collins and Margaret Mary Kimmel Conversations with Maida Springer: A Personal History of Labor, Race, and International Relations 154 Yevette Richards Helen Clay Frick: Bittersweet Heiress Martha Frick Symington Sanger 158 The Spencers of Amberson Avenue: A Turn-of-the-Century Memoir 162 Ethel Spencer The Puzzle People: Memoirs of a Transplant Surgeon Thomas Starzl Where the Evidence Leads: An Autobiography Dick Thornburgh 165 168 Albert Gallatin: Jeffersonian Financier and Diplomat Raymond Walters Jr. 173 Don’t Call Me Boss: David L. Lawrence, Pittsburgh’s Renaissance Mayor 176 Michael P. 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And the Load Filled Up Roy Blount Jr. Honus Wagner: A Biography 233 236 Dennis DeValeria and Jeanne Burke DeValeria The Pirates Reader 239 Edited by Richard Peterson One for the Thumb: The New Steelers Reader Edited by Randy Roberts and David Welky 243 9 xii pittsburgh reader pages5.indd 12 7/11/11 8:47 AM Pittsburgh Sports: Stories from the Steel City Edited by Randy Roberts The Chief 247 250 Rob Zellers and Gene Collier Spring Training 253 William Zinsser For Younger Readers Three Golden Rivers Olive Price Duffy’s Rocks Edward Fenton 259 262 Greenhorn on the Frontier Ann Finlayson The Tempering 266 269 Gloria Skurzynski Lagniappe The Fallingwater Cookbook: Elsie Henderson’s Recipes and Memories 275 Suzanne Martinson, with Jane Citron and Robert Sendall A Very Concise History of the University of Pittsburgh Press 283 9 xiii pittsburgh reader pages5.indd 13 7/11/11 8:47 AM