Financial Accounting: Consolidations & Advanced Issues [ FA4 ] Examination Blueprint
The Financial Accounting: Consolidations & Advanced Issues [ FA4 ] examination has been constructed using an examination blueprint. The blueprint, also referred to as the test specifications, outlines the content areas covered on the examination and the weighting allocated to each content area. This document also lists the topics, the level of competence for each topic, and the related learning objectives. In addition, information is provided on the proportion of each question type represented in the examination (that is, multiple choice, quantitative problems, and so on).
Students should use the examination blueprint to prepare for the course examination. The blueprint may not include all the topics listed in the course outline; however, students are still responsible for acquiring a broad-based knowledge of all topics not listed in the blueprint since these topics will be tested in assignment and review questions. The topics not listed in the blueprint will also provide students with a greater depth of understanding of advanced financial accounting concepts.
Examination Objectives
The objective of the four-hour comprehensive examination is to test CGA students on the prerequisite knowledge that is required for advancement into
PA1 and PA2, so as to ensure that the students have the broad-based knowledge in financial accounting needed to function properly in the association’s capstone courses.
Examination Guidelines for Questions
Question Item Description
Multiple-choice questions
Short-answer and/or short case-type problems and/or long integrated problems of both a qualitative and quantitative nature.
Questions may take a conceptual approach or they may require technical or analytical skills to derive the correct solution.
Questions may focus on technical or analytical aspects of the material. Short, integrative cases may be used to pull together related issues. For example, a problem may require students to outline alternatives, supporting their recommendations with numerical analysis. Several questions will also be decision oriented, where the student is asked to take the role of creditor, investor, manager or auditor and make a recommendation or a decision based on analysis performed.
70%-80% ii)
The following table is organized according to content area and provides information on topics, learning objectives, weighting, competencies and levels of competence. The competencies applicable to a particular module are identified independent of the learning objectives.
Examination sessions: December 2014; March 2015; June 2015; September 2015 Page 1 of 20
Note :
Competency codes (such as PK:FN:11 ) have been added to the “Module Competencies” column for all Level 4 and PACE examination blueprints. These codes are used to identify the competencies. They do not affect students’ use of the blueprint. Please see the CGA Competency Framework for more information.
Table 1 Financial Accounting: Consolidations & Advanced Issues [ FA4 ]
1. International accounting standards and financial instruments — Part I
Adoption of international accounting standards
Financial instruments —
Comprehensive income and equity
Classifying and categorizing financial instruments
Initial recognition and measurement of financial assets
Accounting for initial recognition
Learning Objectives
Describe the development of international financial reporting standards (IFRS), and discuss the reasons and processes followed by the AcSB for the adoption of international accounting standards in
Define the term financial instrument ; then evaluate, classify, and categorize types of financial instruments.
Describe and apply the standards for comprehensive income and equity.
Explain how IFRS recommendations for categorizing financial instruments are applied.
Explain how IFRS recommendations for initial recognition, classification, measurement, and derecognition of financial assets are applied.
Discuss the requirements for initial recognition of financial instruments; then analyze and compare the use of settlement-date accounting versus tradedate accounting for recording the regularway purchase/sale of a financial asset.
Examination sessions: December 2014; March 2015; June 2015; September 2015
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 1
Level 1
Levels of
Module Competencies
Group 2: Professionalism
Subgroup: Ethics and Trust
PR:ET:01 Applies professional ethical standards.
Subgroup: Stakeholder Focus
PR:SF:01 Anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
Subgroup: Professional Development
PR:PD:02 Contributes to research and technical advancements in the profession.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Financial Accounting and Reporting
PK:FA:01 Formulates, analyzes, and processes transactions in accordance with applicable professional standards.
PK:FA:02 Evaluates, interprets, and advises on accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:03 Researches, evaluates, and advises on the appropriate accounting treatment for complex transactions.
PK:FA:04 Implements and updates accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:05 Interprets and advises on the organization’s reporting obligations.
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Topics Learning Objectives Levels of
Module Competencies
PK:FA:07 Develops policies and procedures for documenting and maintaining supporting information for transactions and events.
PK:FA:08 Prepares financial statements and related disclosures appropriate for the external users and in compliance with regulatory standards.
PK:FA:10 Evaluates and adapts financial accounting systems and processes in response to emerging issues.
PK:FA:12 Evaluates and advises on financial accounting and related systems.
Subgroup: Finance and Financial Planning
PK:FN:08 Analyzes and advises on financial instruments to meet the organization’s needs.
Subgroup: Business Environment
PK:BE:03 Anticipates and recognizes market factors and stakeholders’ interests and adapts business decisions and processes.
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2. Financial instruments — Part II
2.1 Accounting after initial recognition
2.2 Special issues: Loans and receivables, related party transactions, interest-free loans
2.3 Derivatives: Futures, options, and swap contracts
2.4 Embedded derivatives
2.5 Non-financial instruments
2.6 Impairments in value
2.7 Reclassification and subsequent measurement
2.8 Presentation and disclosure
Learning Objectives Levels of
Identify and explain the requirements for accounting after initial recognition of financial instruments.
Identify and explain the special issues associated with, and the requirements for accounting for, loans and receivables, related party transactions, and interest-free loans.
Define, describe, and apply the requirements for derivatives: futures, options, and swap contracts.
Describe and apply the requirements for embedded derivatives.
Describe and apply the requirements for non-financial instruments to which IAS 39 applies.
Discuss the requirements for recognition and recording of impairments for various financial instruments.
Discuss the requirements for reclassification and measurement for various financial instruments.
Identify and explain presentation and disclosure requirements for financial instruments.
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Levels 1 & 2
Level 1
Level 1
Module Competencies
Group 2: Professionalism
Subgroup: Stakeholder Focus
PR:SF:01 Anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Financial Accounting and Reporting
PK:FA:01 Formulates, analyzes, and processes transactions in accordance with applicable professional standards.
PK:FA:02 Evaluates, interprets, and advises on accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:03 Researches, evaluates, and advises on the appropriate accounting treatment for complex transactions.
PK:FA:04 Implements and updates accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:05 Interprets and advises on the organization’s reporting obligations.
PK:FA:07 Develops policies and procedures for documenting and maintaining supporting information for transactions and events.
PK:FA:08 Prepares financial statements and related disclosures appropriate for external users and in compliance with regulatory standards.
PK:FA:10 Evaluates and adapts financial accounting systems and processes in response to emerging issues.
PK:FA:12 Evaluates and advises on financial accounting and related systems.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Finance and Financial Planning
PK:FN:08 Analyzes and advises on financial instruments to meet the organization’s needs.
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3. Introduction to intercorporate investments
Control, significant influence, and no significant influence
Equity method
Business combinations
Recording and reporting
Overview of consolidation procedures
Calculation of goodwill and allocation of acquisition differential
Consolidation with
100% ownership
Negative goodwill
Consolidation with less than 100% ownership
Consolidation: Related issues
Learning Objectives
Define the following terms: control , significant influence , and no significant influence .
Explain the use of the equity method for recording and reporting investments subject to significant influence.
Discuss the IFRS approach to business combinations, describe the two other theoretical approaches, and explain reverse takeovers.
Discuss the difference between recording and reporting, and explain how investors must report control, significant influence, and no significant influence investments.
Outline the steps in the consolidation process.
Calculate goodwill and allocate the acquisition differential using the acquisition method for a wholly owned subsidiary.
Prepare consolidated financial statements using the working paper and direct approaches for a wholly owned subsidiary at the date of acquisition.
Explain negative goodwill and how it should be allocated in a business combination.
Discuss the entity theory and parent company extension theory approaches to consolidation, including how each one measures non-controlling interests.
Explain contingent consideration and financial statement disclosure of interest in other entities.
Examination sessions: December 2014; March 2015; June 2015; September 2015
Levels of
Level 1
Level 2
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 1
Level 1
Levels 1 & 2
Level 1
Module Competencies
Group 2: Professionalism
Subgroup: Stakeholder Focus
PR:SF:01 Anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
Subgroup: Problem Solving
PR:PS:03 Integrates and analyzes data for patterns, relationships, and trends.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Financial Accounting and Reporting
PK:FA:01 Formulates, analyzes, and processes transactions in accordance with applicable professional standards.
PK:FA:02 Evaluates, interprets, and advises on accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:03 Researches, evaluates, and advises on the appropriate accounting treatment for complex transactions.
PK:FA:04 Implements and updates accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:05 Interprets and advises on the organization’s reporting obligations.
PK:FA:07 Develops policies and procedures for documenting and maintaining supporting information for transactions and events.
PK:FA:08 Prepares financial statements and related disclosures appropriate for external users and in compliance with regulatory standards.
PK:FA:10 Evaluates and adapts financial accounting systems and processes in response to emerging issues.
PK:FA:12 Evaluates and advises on financial accounting and related systems.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Information Technology
PK:IT:02 Selects and uses appropriate business technology tools in the workplace.
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Using consolidation worksheets
Learning Objectives
Reference information from computer spreadsheets to analyze the relationship between the equity method of recording and consolidation.
Levels of
Level 1
Module Competencies Weighting
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4. Consolidation subsequent to acquisition
Accounting for goodwill
Acquisition differential and consolidation one year after acquisition
— Cost method
Consolidation of wholly owned subsidiaries subsequent to the first year — Cost method
Consolidation of nonwholly owned subsidiaries subsequent to acquisition — Cost method
Intercompany receivables and payables
Consolidation of subsidiaries — Equity method
Worksheets subsequent to acquisition — Cost method
Explain how to calculate goodwill impairment.
Learning Objectives
Prepare the acquisition differential amortization and impairment schedule and consolidated financial statements for a parent and its wholly owned subsidiary one year after acquisition when the parent uses the cost method.
Prepare consolidated financial statements for a parent and its wholly owned subsidiary subsequent to the first year after acquisition when the parent uses the cost method.
Prepare consolidated financial statements for a parent and its non-wholly owned subsidiary subsequent to acquisition when the parent uses the cost method.
Explain why and how intercompany receivables and payables are eliminated in consolidated financial statements.
Prepare consolidated financial statements for a parent and its subsidiary subsequent to acquisition when the parent uses the equity method.
Use computer worksheets to prepare eliminating journal entries and consolidated financial statements subsequent to acquisition when the parent uses the cost method.
Levels of
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Module Competencies
Group 2: Professionalism
Subgroup: Stakeholder Focus
PR:SF:01 Anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
Subgroup: Problem Solving
PR:PS:03 Integrates and analyzes data for patterns, relationships, and trends.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Financial Accounting and Reporting
PK:FA:01 Formulates, analyzes, and processes transactions in accordance with applicable professional standards.
PK:FA:02 Evaluates, interprets, and advises on accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:03 Researches, evaluates, and advises on the appropriate accounting treatment for complex transactions.
PK:FA:04 Implements and updates accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:05 Interprets and advises on the organization’s reporting obligations.
PK:FA:06 Ensures the preparation of timely, reliable, and relevant financial information.
PK:FA:07 Develops policies and procedures for documenting and maintaining supporting information for transactions and events.
PK:FA:08 Prepares financial statements and related disclosures appropriate for external users and in compliance with regulatory standards.
PK:FA:10 Evaluates and adapts financial accounting systems and processes in response to emerging issues.
PK:FA:12 Evaluates and advises on financial accounting and related systems.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Information Technology
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Topics Learning Objectives Levels of
Module Competencies
PK:IT:02 Selects and uses appropriate business technology tools in the workplace.
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5. Intercompany transactions
Intercompany revenues and expenses
Downstream and upstream sales
Intercompany inventory profit
Unrealized profit from intercompany inventory sales
Realized profit from intercompany inventory sales
Intercompany profit from the sale of land
Intercompany profit in depreciable assets
5.8 Consolidation with intercompany unrealized profit
Learning Objectives
Discuss the impact of the elimination of intercompany revenues and expenses on consolidated net income.
Define downstream and upstream sales and analyze their effect on the allocation of profit from intercompany transactions.
Calculate intercompany inventory profit using the gross-profit-on-sales and markupon-cost methods.
Explain how upstream and downstream unrealized intercompany inventory profits are included in consolidated financial statements.
Prepare consolidated financial statements that include upstream and/or downstream realized intercompany inventory profit.
Calculate the impact on consolidation of unrealized profit from an intercompany sale of land.
Calculate the impact on consolidation of unrealized profit from an intercompany sale of a depreciable asset.
Use computer-generated working papers and supporting schedules to prepare eliminating journal entries and consolidated financial statements involving intercompany profit.
Levels of
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 1
Module Competencies
Group 2: Professionalism
Subgroup: Stakeholder Focus
PR:SF:01 Anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Financial Accounting and
PK:FA:01 Formulates, analyzes, and processes transactions in accordance with applicable professional standards.
PK:FA:02 Evaluates, interprets, and advises on accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:03 Researches, evaluates, and advises on the appropriate accounting treatment for complex transactions.
PK:FA:04 Implements and updates accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:05 Interprets and advises on the organization’s reporting obligations.
PK:FA:06 Ensures the preparation of timely, reliable, and relevant financial information.
PK:FA:07 Develops policies and procedures for documenting and maintaining supporting information for transactions and events.
PK:FA:08 Prepares financial statements and related disclosures appropriate for external users and in compliance with regulatory standards.
PK:FA:10 Evaluates and adapts financial accounting systems and processes in response to emerging issues.
PK:FA:12 Evaluates and advises on financial accounting and related systems.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Information Technology
PK:IT:02 Selects and uses appropriate business technology tools in the workplace.
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Content Topics Learning Objectives
6. Ownership and other consolidation reporting issues
Increase in ownership interest
Decrease in ownership interest: Sale of shares by the parent
Decrease in ownership:
Parent’s nonparticipation in subsidiary’s share issue
Subsidiary’s preferred shares not owned by the parent
Subsidiary’s preferred shares owned by the parent
Indirect shareholdings
Reporting joint ventures
Explain the accounting treatment of an investment change from no significant influence to significant influence and calculate increases in the parent’s ownership interest, including step purchases, when control has been achieved.
Perform consolidation calculations for a decrease in ownership subsequent to sale of the subsidiary’s shares by the parent, including the parent’s gain or loss on disposal, when the parent ceases to have control over the subsidiary.
Perform consolidation calculations for the parent’s non-participation in the subsidiary’s share issue, including the gain or loss on deemed disposal of the subsidiary’s shares.
Describe and calculate the effects of a subsidiary’s preferred shares held outside the consolidated entity on the preparation of consolidated financial statements.
Calculate the effect on the purchase valuation of a subsidiary’s preferred shares, and prepare calculations toward consolidated financial statements when the subsidiary’s preferred shares are held by parties outside the consolidated entity and when they are held by the parent.
Calculate consolidated net income and non-controlling interest for a parent that has gained control over subsidiaries through indirect shareholdings.
Identify joint ventures and explain how they are reported.
Levels of
Level 3
Level 3
Level 2
Level 2
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1
Examination sessions: December 2014; March 2015; June 2015; September 2015
Module Competencies
Group 2: Professionalism
Subgroup: Stakeholder Focus
PR:SF:01 Anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Financial Accounting and Reporting
PK:FA:01 Formulates, analyzes, and processes transactions in accordance with applicable professional standards.
PK:FA:02 Evaluates, interprets, and advises on accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:03 Researches, evaluates, and advises on the appropriate accounting treatment for complex transactions.
PK:FA:04 Implements and updates accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:05 Interprets and advises on the organization’s reporting obligations.
PK:FA:07 Develops policies and procedures for documenting and maintaining supporting information for transactions and events.
PK:FA:08 Prepares financial statements and related disclosures appropriate for external users and in compliance with regulatory standards.
PK:FA:09 Develops, prepares, analyzes, and interprets relevant financial and non-financial performance measures.
PK:FA:10 Evaluates and adapts financial accounting systems and processes in response to emerging issues.
PK:FA:12 Evaluates and advises on financial accounting and related systems.
Subgroup: Finance and Financial Planning
PK:FN:10 Evaluates and advises on capital investments, mergers and acquisitions, or sale of a business.
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Accounting income before tax and taxable income
Disclosure and accounting for deferred income tax
Segment reporting and predictive ability
Learning Objectives
Identify the sources of differences between accounting income before tax and taxable income, explain their accounting treatment, and determine the resulting deferred income tax (DIT) asset or liability.
Describe revaluations of carrying amounts
(temporary differences) and disclosure requirements, and explain the accounting treatment of temporary differences and ensuing tax effects.
Explain the benefits of segmented financial reporting in assessing the quality and predictability of a company’s earnings, and describe the current standards for segment disclosures.
Levels of
Level 2
Level 2
Levels 1 & 2
Module Competencies
Subgroup: Taxation
Determines and advises on taxpayer’s regulatory requirements and exposure.
PK:TX:08 Evaluates and advises on tax implications of alternative business decisions.
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7. Foreign currency translation and hedge accounting
Learning Objectives
Foreign currency transactions
Reporting foreign currency denominated monetary and nonmonetary items
Introduction to hedge accounting
Fair value hedge
Cash flow hedge
Record transactions denominated in a foreign currency in accordance with IFRS recommendations.
Discuss the theoretical issues of reporting foreign currency denominated monetary and non-monetary items.
Explain why hedge accounting is used, and describe hedging using forward contracts.
Define fair value hedge, and discuss its rationale, application, and accounting treatment.
Define cash flow hedge, and discuss its rationale, application, and accounting treatment.
Levels of
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Module Competencies
Group 2: Professionalism
Subgroup: Stakeholder Focus
PR:SF:01 Anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
Subgroup: Professional Self-evaluation
PR:SE:02 Knows when and how to refer to other professionals and experts.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Financial Accounting and Reporting
PK:FA:01 Formulates, analyzes, and processes transactions in accordance with applicable professional standards.
PK:FA:02 Evaluates, interprets, and advises on accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:03 Researches, evaluates, and advises on the appropriate accounting treatment for complex transactions.
PK:FA:04 Implements and updates accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:05 Interprets and advises on the organization’s reporting obligations.
PK:FA:07 Develops policies and procedures for documenting and maintaining supporting information for transactions and events.
PK:FA:08 Prepares financial statements and related disclosures appropriate for external users and in compliance with regulatory standards.
PK:FA:10 Evaluates and adapts financial accounting systems and processes in response to emerging issues.
PK:FA:12 Evaluates and advises on financial accounting and related systems.
Subgroup: Finance and Financial Planning
PK:FN:08 Analyzes and advises on financial instruments to meet the organization’s needs.
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Topics Learning Objectives Levels of
Module Competencies
Subgroup: Business Environment
PK:BE:03 Anticipates and recognizes market factors and stakeholders’ interests, and adapts business decisions and processes.
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Topics Learning Objectives
8. Translation and consolidation of foreign subsidiaries
Financial statement translation
Self-sustaining foreign operations and subsidiaries accounted for using the foreign currency transactions approach
Translating and consolidating foreign subsidiaries
Hedging a net investment in a selfsustaining foreign operation
Foreign currency translation and consolidation
Foreign subsidiaries:
Consolidation with an acquisition differential
Describe financial statement translation methods, and explain the difference between economic exposure and accounting exposure caused by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.
Determine whether a subsidiary should be accounted for as a self-sustaining foreign operation or using the foreign currency transactions approach, and prescribe the appropriate accounting method for translating its financial statements.
Calculate exchange gains and losses, and translate financial statements of foreign subsidiaries.
Describe reporting requirements for hedging a net investment in a selfsustaining foreign operation.
Prepare consolidated financial statements for foreign subsidiaries using computergenerated translated financial statements.
Prepare the acquisition differential amortization and impairment schedule and the ensuing consolidated financial statements for a purchased foreign subsidiary.
Levels of
Level 2
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Module Competencies
Group 2: Professionalism
Subgroup: Stakeholder Focus
PR:SF:01 Anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
Subgroup: Problem Solving
PR:PS:02 Collects, selects, verifies, and evaluates information relevant to the problem
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Financial Accounting and Reporting
PK:FA:01 Formulates, analyzes, and processes transactions in accordance with applicable professional standards.
PK:FA:02 Evaluates, interprets, and advises on accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:03 Researches, evaluates, and advises on the appropriate accounting treatment for complex transactions.
PK:FA:04 Implements and updates accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:05 Interprets and advises on the organization’s reporting obligations.
PK:FA:07 Develops policies and procedures for documenting and maintaining supporting information for transactions and events.
PK:FA:08 Prepares financial statements and related disclosures appropriate for external users and in compliance with regulatory standards.
PK:FA:10 Evaluates and adapts financial accounting systems and processes in response to emerging issues.
PK:FA:12 Evaluates and advises on financial accounting and related systems.
Subgroup: Finance and Financial Planning
PK:FN:03 Develops financial risk management policies and monitors exposure in order to manage the level of financial risk.
Examination sessions: December 2014; March 2015; June 2015; September 2015
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Topics Learning Objectives Levels of
Module Competencies
PK:FN:08 Analyzes and advises on financial instruments to meet the organization’s needs.
Subgroup: Information Technology
PK:IT:02 Selects and uses appropriate business technology tools in the workplace.
Examination sessions: December 2014; March 2015; June 2015; September 2015 Page 15 of 20
Content Topics
9. Financial reporting in the not-for-profit sector
Not-for-profit organizations
Not-for-profit reporting issues
Introduction to fund accounting
Application of NFPO standards
Budgetary control
Financial reporting for governments
GAAP for public sector organizations
Learning Objectives
Define not-for-profit organizations and compare their financial reporting objectives with those of profit-oriented organizations.
Explain the major financial reporting issues in not-for-profit organizations.
Explain the basics of accounting for, and reporting of, contributions under the restricted fund and deferred contribution methods.
Determine appropriate accounting policies for not-for-profit organizations.
Explain how formal recording of a budget helps NFPO managers control operations.
Explain the reporting implications of governments’ unique characteristics, and describe the key messages the financial statements should convey.
Explain the concept of the public sector, determine the handbook applicable to each component of the public sector, and describe the objectives of public sector financial statements.
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Levels 1 & 2
Level 1
Level 3
Level 3
Levels of
Module Competencies
Group 1: Leadership
Subgroup: Organizational Effectiveness
LD:OE:02 Designs, evaluates, and reports on internal control systems to ensure organizational effectiveness.
Group 2: Professionalism
Subgroup: Stakeholder Focus
PR:SF:01 Anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
Subgroup: Ethics and Trust
PR:ET:01 Applies professional ethical standards
(understands and follows the word and spirit of the
CGA-Canada Code of Ethical Principles and Rules of Conduct , and takes action in response to situations that are contrary to the ethical code of the profession).
PR:ET:02 Exercises integrity and a high level of professional judgment.
PR:ET:03 Maintains objectivity and independence in appearance and fact (avoids real and perceived conflicts of interest).
PR:ET:04 Protects the public interest (maintains and raises the visibility of the ethical nature of the profession and professional accounting standards).
PR:ET:05 Plans and exercises due diligence (plans and constructs due diligence checklist for mergers and acquisitions or public listing cases, conducts financial statement reviews with financial due diligence, conducts operations and manages with due diligence).
Subgroup: Communication
PR:CM:03 Communicates information in a timely, clear, and concise manner.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Financial Accounting and Reporting
PK:FA:01 Formulates, analyzes, and processes transactions in accordance with applicable
Examination sessions: December 2014; March 2015; June 2015; September 2015 Page 16 of 20
Topics Learning Objectives Levels of
Module Competencies professional standards.
PK:FA:02 Evaluates, interprets, and advises on accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:03 Researches, evaluates, and advises on the appropriate accounting treatment for complex transactions.
PK:FA:04 Implements and updates accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:05 Interprets and advises on the organization’s reporting obligations.
PK:FA:07 Develops policies and procedures for documenting and maintaining supporting information for transactions and events.
PK:FA:08 Prepares financial statements and related disclosures appropriate for external users and in compliance with regulatory standards.
PK:FA:10 Evaluates and adapts financial accounting systems and processes in response to emerging issues.
PK:FA:12 Evaluates and advises on financial accounting and related systems.
Subgroup: Management Accounting
PK:MA:02 Develops, analyzes, and monitors operational plans and budgets, and recommends corrective action as needed.
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10. Ethics, additional issues, and integration
Case: Business combinations, foreign currency issues, and management issues
Case: Business combinations and intercompany arrangements
Case: Not-for-profit organizations
Case: Ethics
Learning Objectives
Apply the standards and procedures learned in Financial Accounting: Consolidations and Advanced Issues to a case study.
Apply the standards and procedures learned in Financial Accounting: Consolidations and Advanced Issues to a case study.
Apply the standards and procedures learned in Financial Accounting: Consolidations and Advanced Issues to a case study.
Apply the standards and procedures learned in Financial Accounting: Consolidations and Advanced Issues and the requirements of the Code of Ethical Principles and Rules of Conduct to a case study.
Levels of
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Level 1
Module Competencies
Group 2: Professionalism
Subgroup: Stakeholder Focus
PR:SF:01 Anticipates and meets the needs and expectations of internal and external stakeholders.
Subgroup: Professional Development
PR:PD:01 Engages in continuing professional development to maintain and enhance professional knowledge and skills.
PR:PD:05 Applies new learning for the benefit of stakeholders.
Subgroup: Ethics and Trust
PR:ET:01 Applies professional ethical standards
(understands and follows the word and spirit of the
CGA-Canada Code of Ethical Principles and Rules of Conduct, and takes action in response to situations that are contrary to the ethical code of the profession).
PR:ET:02 Exercises integrity and a high level of professional judgment.
PR:ET:03 Maintains objectivity and independence in appearance and fact (avoids real and perceived conflicts of interest).
PR:ET:04 Protects the public interest (maintains and raises the visibility of the ethical nature of the profession and professional accounting standards).
PR:ET:05 Plans and exercises due diligence (plans and constructs due diligence checklist for mergers and acquisitions or public listing cases, conducts financial statement reviews with financial due diligence, conducts operations and manages with due diligence).
Subgroup: Problem Solving
PR:PS:02 Collects, selects, verifies, and evaluates information relevant to the problem.
PR:PS:03 Integrates and analyzes data for patterns, relationships, and trends.
PR:PS:04 Generates and evaluates alternative solutions.
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Topics Learning Objectives
Examination sessions: December 2014; March 2015; June 2015; September 2015
Levels of
Module Competencies
Subgroup: Integrative Approach
PR:IA:02 Evaluates the interrelationship of an issue on different functions of the organization and applies concepts and approaches within and across functional areas to develop integrative solutions.
Subgroup: Communication
PR:CM:02 Prepares information in formats appropriate for specific purposes.
Group 3: Professional Knowledge
Subgroup: Financial Accounting and Reporting
PK:FA:01 Formulates, analyzes, and processes transactions in accordance with applicable professional standards.
PK:FA:02 Evaluates, interprets, and advises on accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:03 Researches, evaluates, and advises on the appropriate accounting treatment for complex transactions.
PK:FA:04 Implements and updates accounting policies and procedures in accordance with professional standards.
PK:FA:05 Interprets and advises on the organization’s reporting obligations.
PK:FA:08 Prepares financial statements and related disclosures appropriate for external users and in compliance with regulatory standards.
PK:FA:10 Evaluates and adapts financial accounting systems and processes in response to emerging issues.
PK:FA:11 Designs financial accounting and related systems.
PK:FA:12 Evaluates and advises on financial accounting and related systems.
Subgroup: Finance and Financial Planning
PK:FN:07 Manages cash flow and working capital.
PK:FN:08 Analyzes and advises on financial instruments to meet the organization’s needs.
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Topics Learning Objectives Levels of
Module Competencies
Subgroup: Taxation
PK:TX:01 Determines and advises on taxpayer’s regulatory requirements and exposure.
PK:TX:09 Designs and advises on international tax planning.
Examination sessions: December 2014; March 2015; June 2015; September 2015 Page 20 of 20