Pre-writing: Brainstorm/Freewrite

Topic Ideas—Brainstorming Page
Write down one to three, or more, areas of focus you think you might be
interested in for your final paper. A particular character you want to explore more?
Two characters you want to compare? A passage that you want to get further into?
Any question you have about the novel that you want to try to answer?
Once you make your list, freewrite about any or all of the ideas, beginning with the
reason for your interest and then exploring any possible questions or ideas you have
about the topic. Keep writing until you fill up the lines. Try to keep the pen moving.
Catcher in the Rye Index of Topics
-AAckley, Robert - 19-26, 28-9, 33, 34-5, 35, 39, 140, 214
exclusion - 167
fight, after - 46-51
movies trip - 36-7
virgin - 37
actors - 117; see also movies
ads - 2
Agerstown - 2, 3, 36-7
Aigletinger, Miss - 119, 120, 121
Alice Holmborg - (Phoebe's friend) see Holmborg
alienation - (the entire book, in my humble opinion)
- see Caulfield, Allie
Al Pike - 135
Andover guy - 127-8, 151
Anne Louise Sherman - 63
Anthony Wayne Ave. - 5
Antolini, Lillian - 180-1, 185
Antolini, Mr. - 136, 173-4, 179, 180-193, 194
Arthur Childs - 99
atheist - 99, 100
Atlantic Monthly - 7, 10, 12
atomic bomb - 141
Atterbury, Selma - 164
-Bbag - see suitcases
Baker's Wife, The - 67
(imdb entry)
band shell - 118; see also Central Park
(offsite band
shell photo)
Banky, Ed - 43
baseball mitt - see Allie: baseball mit
bears - 209-210
belching, lessons - 174
bell ringers - see collection, charity
bench - 118, 154, 194-6, 211
(a photo)
Bernice (Phoebe's friend) - 160
Bernice Crabs/Krebs - 70-3; see also witches in bar
bike - 98-9
Biltmore, The - 106, 122-4
Birdsell, Eddie - 64
Blanchard, Monsieur - 93
blue - see sad
Bobby Fallon - 98-9
Bob Robinson - 136
books - see reading material
boring guys - 123-4
Boy Scouts - 140-1
breath check - 91
Broadway - 115, 118
Brooke, Rupert - 140
(poetry online)
Brossard, Mal - 36-7, 51
Buddy Singer - see Singer
Bud Thaw - 30
Buffalo - 182
bullet in his guts - see daydreams
Burns, Robert - 173
( and
elsewhere is Comin' thro' the Rye)
busses, Madison Ave. - 130, 133, 153
-Ccab - 59-61, 81-3, 106-7, 128
Campbell, Paul - 4
cancer - 195-6; see also leukemia, tumor
Cape Cod - 77
cars - 123, 130-1
carrousel - 210-3
(album has photos
photos [in offsite
Castle, James - 170-1, 174, 195; see also confrontation
catcher in the rye - 115, 173
Catholic - 112-3
Caulfield, Allie - 38-9, 67, 68, 98-9, 140, 171
baseball mitt - 38-9, 77, 140
funeral and grave site - 155
park visits - 68, 210
Radio City visits - 138
talking to him - 98-9, 198
Caulfield, D. B. - 1, 18, 67, 117, 155, 164, 205, 213
Antolini's - 181
Ernie's nightclub - 80, 86
park visits - 210
room at home - 158-9
Secret Goldfish, The - 1, 181
war - 140-1
see also Simmons, Lillian
Caulfield parents - see father, mother, parents
Caulfield, Phoebe - 59, 66-8, 155, 197
angry - 165-173, 207-212
calling her and thinking of calling - 59, 66
Christmas play - 162, 207, 208
money - 178-9, 181, 194, 198, 199, 205, 211, 212
movies - 67-8, 162-3, 177
notebooks - 160-1
park visits - 67, 68, 118, 208-213
(offsite tour)
shoe shopping - 197
visit her, and prepare to - 156-180, 198, 199-201, 202,
204, 205-213
see also hunting hat, "Little Shirley Beans", Weatherfield,
Cavendish, Faith - 63
cemeteries - 155-6
Central Park - 13, 60, 81, 118-122, 153-6, 208-213; see
also Caulfield, Allie, Caulfield, Phoebe,
(offsite map
charity - see collection, charity
Charlene (maid) - 158, 177, 206
checkers - see Gallagher, Jane
Chicago - 110
Childs, Arthur - 99
Chinese - 146-7
Choate - 135
Christmas tree - 196; see also Hayes, Sally
clavichord - 96
collection, charity - 109, 114, 197
Colorado - 166, 179
Columbia - 136, 144
Commander Blop - 86-7
composition - 28
confrontation - see Castle, James, gloves, Maurice,
Stradlater: fight
Cooper, Gary - 74
(IMDB entry, official site [heavy
Copperfield, David - 1
(the first paragraphs are online)
Coyle, Howie - 29
cry - 44, 52, 103, 153-4, 174, 179
Jane - 78-9
Phoebe - 206-7
Sally - 134
woman in theater - 139-40
see also sad
Cudahy, Mr. - 32, 78-9
Cultz, Jeannette - 129
Curtis Weintraub - see Weintraub
-DDavid Copperfield - 1
David, lean jawed - 53
(the first paragraphs are online)
daydreams - 201
bullet in his guts - 103-4, 150-1
disappearing on street - 5, 197-8
ducks - 13
get away - 132-3, 198-9, 204-5
illness and death - 154-6, 195-6
murder - 104, 201
phonies in teapot - 151
see also Stradlater: horsing around with
death/dead - 14, 18, 83, 103, 153, 171, 205
fictional - 18, 63, 111, 125, 162-3
murder - see Castle, James
near misses with - 23, 43, 179, 199, 208
noble - 188
wish for - 48, 90
see also funeral rites; cancer; leukemia and daydreams:
illness and death, murder.
depressed - 7, 14, 61, 90-1, 123, 195-6, 201
depressing locations - 50, 51, 75, 80, 81, 84, 118, 194
depressing situations - 52, 95-9, 108, 110, 116, 133, 169,
194, 211
see also "Good Luck!"; lonesome; and sad.
Thanks to Vasilios Manolios and his students for
the page numbers for "death," "depressed," and "lonesome."
Detroit - 154
Dickinson, Emily - 140
Dick Slagle - 108-9
Dicksteins, The - 157-8, 180
"Digression!" - 183-4
disappearing on street - see daydreams
disappointment - 36-7, 117 (those are two examples, the
book is full of disappointments in one way or another)
Disciples - 99-100
Doctor, The - 162-3
(imdb entry)
dog - see Gallagher, Jane
drums, kettle - 138
ducks in winter - 13, 60, 81, 153; see also daydreams
-EEd Banky - 43
Eddie Birdsell - 64
Edgar Marsalla - 17
Edmont Hotel - 60-80, 90-106
Egyptians - 11, 203
elevators - 90, 157, 180
Elkton Hills - 13, 136, 173, 180; see also Castle, James,
Haas, Mr., Macklin, Harris, Slagle, Dick
El Morocco - 73
Ely - 47, 49
Emily Dickinson - 140
English - 10, 110, 182
Ernest Morrow - see Morrow
Ernest Morrow's mother - 54-8
Ernie (piano player) - 80, 126
Ernie's nightclub - 80, 83-7, 90, 91
-FFaith Cavendish - 63
fall, a kind of a - 187-8
Fallon, Bobby - 98-9
Farewell to Arms, A - 141; see also reading material
father - 107, 112, 162, 165, 172, 186; see also parents
fed up - 130-4
Fencer, Harry - 57
fencing - 3
Fifth Avenue - 197-8, 205
fight - see Ackley, Robert, Stradlater, Ward; see also
fish in winter - 82-3
Fletcher, Estelle - see "Little Shirley Beans"
flit - 142, 143, 144, 149, 194-5
flu - see grippe
Forest Hills, Long Island - 112, 181; see also West Side
Tennis Club
Frederick Woodruff - 52
"fuck you" note - 201, 202, 204
funeral rites - 154-6, 204; see also mummies
futures, girls' - 123
-GGale, Herb - 19
Gallagher, Jane - 30-4, 76-80, 104, 135, 136
calling, thoughts of calling - 63, 105, 116, 135, 136, 150,
191, 202
checkers - 31-2, 44, 78
dog - 31, 76-7
golf - 76-7
Stradlater date - 41-2, 76, 80
see also Shipley
game, life's a - 8
Gary Cooper - 74
(IMDB entry, official site [heavy
general, cowboy - 140
Gertrude Levine - 120
Gloucester, MA - 58
(chamber of commerce page)
gloves - 4, 88-90; see also confrontation
Goldfarb, Raymond - 90
golf - see Gallagher, Jane
"Good Luck!" - 15-6, 202
"grand" - 9, 106
Grand Central Station - see Station, Grand Central
grandmother - 52
grave - 155-6, 204; see also Caulfield, Allie
gray hair - 9, 57, 153
Great Gatsby, The - 141; see also reading material
Greenwich Village - 80, 132, 145
Grendel - 110
grippe/grippy (the flu) - 6, 8, 15, 163, 177
Grendel is a monster in Beowulf. John Gardner's 1971 book,
Grendel, looks at the world from the monster's point of view.
Written in 1971, Holden could not have read this book, but
there is an index of Grendel offsite.
-HHaas, Mr. - 13-4
hair, gray - see gray hair
Hamlet - 117
Hardy, Thomas - 19, 110
Harris Macklin - 123-4
Harry Fencer - 57
Hartzell - 28
Harvard - 106
Hayes, Sally - 20, 59, 105-6, 107, 114, 116, 124-134, 137,
150-1; see also Woodruff, Mary A. (school)
Hazle - see Weatherfield
Herb Gale - 19
Hoffman - 51
Holland Tunnel - 198
Hollywood - 1, 2, 86, 95, 158, 164, 181; see also Caulfield,
Holmborg, Alice - 163, 176
Horwitz (cabbie) - 81-3
Hotel - see New Yorker, Seton, Edmont
Human Bondage, Of - 18; see also reading material
hunting hat - 27, 34, 37, 52-3, 88, 122, 212-3
buying it - 17-8, 29
hat-check girl - 153
inappropriate - 53, 61, 88, 122
Phoebe - 180, 205, 207
playing with - 21-2
-Iice skating at Radio City - 128-9
inferiority complex - 108, 135-6, 176
innocence - see Castle, James, catcher in the rye, Caulfield,
Allie, Caulfield, D.B., Caulfield, Phoebe, "fuck you" note,
Museum of Art, Museum of Natural History, zoo
-JJane Gallagher - see Gallagher
Jesus - 99-100, 137
jump from a height - 48, 104, 170, 173
"Just One of Those Things" - 71
(lyrics offsite)
-Kkicked out - see Pencey Prep.
Kinsella, Richard - 183-5
nuns - 108, 109-113, 170
-LLake Sedebego - 98
Lardner, Ring - 18, 141
(extensive site)
Lavender Room, The - 66, 69-76
Laverne - 69-75, 73, 75; see also witches in bar
Leahy - 51
Legion - 99 (not mentioned by name, actually)
leukemia - 38; see also cancer
Levine, Gertrude - 120
Lister Foundation - 162
literature - see reading material
"Little Shirley Beans" - 114-5, 116, 153, 154, 163
lonesome - 48, 49, 50, 51, 81, 153 see also depressed and
Lorre, Peter - 71
(fan site)
Louis Shaney - 112-3
Luce, Carl - 59, 136-7, 140, 142-9; see also Whooton
lunatic who lived in the tombs and cut himself with stones
(Legion) - 99
Lunts, The (Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne) - 116, 125-6,
127, 130, 151
-O"Oh, Marie!" - 210
(lyrics offsite)
Olivier, Sir Laurence - 117
( about)
Oral Expression course - 182-5, 189
Ossenburger Memorial Wing - 16-7
Ossenburger, Mr. - 16-7
ostracize - 3, 166, 167; see also Ackley: exclusion
Out of Africa - 18, 19; see also reading material
-MMacklin, Harris - 123-4
magazines - 53, 195-6; see also Atlantic Monthly, Saturday
Evening Post
Maine - 38, 77, 98
Mal Brossard - see Brossard
Marco and Miranda - 71
Margulies, Phyllis - 174
Mark Cross suitcases - 108
Marsalla, Edgar - 17
Marty - 69-75, 73-4
Mary A. Woodruff School - 105; see also Hayes, Sally
Massachusetts - 132, 134
matinee - 106, 125-8
Maurice - 94, 97, 105, 106, 140, 214
arrangements - 90-1
confrontation - 101-3
daydream - 103-4
McBurney School - 3
Metropolitan Museum of Art - see Museum of Art
Monday's events - 194-213
money - 52, 69, 75, 97-8, 153, 156
Maurice - 101-3
Phoebe's - 194
see also nuns
Morrow, Ernest - 54-8, 112
mother - 51, 67, 89, 107, 114, 158, 163, 185
Jane, Jane's dog - 76, 77-8
Phoebe, talk to - 177-8
skates, purchase - 51-2
see also parents
mother of Ernest Morrow - 54-8
movies - 29, 36-7, 45, 104
actors - 74, 126-7; see also Lorre, Peter
(fan site)
Jane, with - 115-6
Radio City visits - 137, 138-140
mummies - 11, 202-4
Museum of Art - 200, 202-5
(offsite photo
Museum of Natural History - 119-122
-NNazis - 140
neck nearly broken - 52, 180
Newark - 58
New Yorker Hotel - 60
-Pparents - 1, 51, 67, 163
Sunday night - 162, 163, 176-8
see also father, mother, mother of Ernest Mother
park visits - see Caulfield, Allie, Caulfield, Phoebe, Central
Paul Campbell - 4
Pencey Prep. - 2, 4, 35, 41-2, 54-5, 88, 167-9, 182-6, 202
ads - 2
good-by - 4-5, 52
kicked out - 4, 8-9, 10, 28, 41, 165, 167, 182
meals - 35
Penn Station - 59
Peter Lorre - 71
(fan site)
Phoebe - see Caulfield, Phoebe
phony - 53, 84, 86, 100, 142
actors - 117
alias - 65
applaud anything - 84, 126
audience - 126, 139, 142
avoid being phony - 77, 172, 205
communication - 59, 127-8, 169
daydream, in - 151
"grand" - 9, 106
headmasters - 3, 13-14
love stories - 53, 139
movies - 138-9, 140
Ossenburger, Mr. - 16-17
teachers, specifically Spencer, Mr. - 168
youths - 63, 88
Andover Guy - 127-8, 130
Hayes, Sally - 106-7, 116
Luce, Carl - 137
Stradlater, Ward - 26
Thanks to Peter Gausmann for the page numbers
for "phony."
Phyllis Margulies - 174
Phyllis Smith - 30
Pike, Al - 135
play - see Phoebe: Christmas play, Hamlet
pneumonia - 154-5, 156; see also daydreams
polar bears - see bears
Princeton - 63-4, 85
prostitute - 2, 81 (that's figurative :o), for literal, see
psychoanalysis - 148-9, 213
-RRadio City ice skating - 128-9
Radio City Music Hall - 75, 137-140
Raymond Goldfarb - 90
reading material - see also magazines
Beowulf - 10, 110
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens - 1
Farewell to Arms, A by Ernest Hemingway - 141
Great Gatsby, The by F. Scott Fitzgerald - 141
Hamlet by Shakespeare - 117
Lord Randal My Son - 10
Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham - 18
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens - 138
Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen - 18, 19
poems by Rupert Brooke - 140
poems by Emily Dickinson - 140
Return of the Native, The by Thomas Hardy - 18, 19, 110,
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare - 111
Secret Goldfish, The by D. B. Caulfield - 1, 2
"There are Smiles" by Ring Lardener - 18
religion - 100; see also Jesus
Return of the Native - 19, 110; see also reading material
Revolutionary War - 2
Richard Kinsella - 183-5
Ring Lardner - see Lardner
ringers - see collection, charity
Robert Tichener - 4
Roberta Walsh - 136
Robinson, Bob - 136
Romeo and Juliet - 111; see also reading material
Route 204 - 5
Rudolf Schmidt - 54-5
Rupert Brooke - 140
(poetry online)
-Ssad - 15, 51, 52, 96, 113, 114, 167; see also cry,
depressed, and lonesome.
Sally Hayes - see Hayes
Saturday Evening Post - 124-5
Saturday's events - 1-58
Saxon Hall - 2
Schmidt, Mrs. - 45
Schmidt, Rudolf - 54-5
schools, boys' - 131
sea lions - 209
Seattle, WA - 72, 73, 75
Secret Goldfish, The - see Caulfield, D.B. and reading
seesaw - 122
(offsite playground photos)
Seton Hotel - 141
sex/sexy - (too many to list, didn't attempt, but one is 623); see also Ackley, Stradlater, Ward
Shaney, Louis - 112-3
Shanghai - 146
Sherman, Anne Louise - 63
Shipley (school) - 31, 33; see also Gallagher, Jane
Shirley - 161
Simmons, Lillian - 86-7
Singer, Buddy - 69, 71, 74
Slagle, Dick - 108-9
Smith, Phyllis - 30
"Smoke Gets in your Eyes" - 211
(lyrics offsite
recording offsite)
songs - see "Just One of those Things" "Little Shirley Beans"
"Oh, Marie!" "Smoke Gets in your Eyes" "Tin Roof Blues"
South America - 58
Spencer, Mr. - 3, 5-16, 168
Stabile, Phil - 170
Station, Grand Central - 107, 194, 208
Station, Penn - 59
Steele, Jim - 73, 94
Stekel, Wilhelm - 188
Steps, The 39 - 67-8
(imdb entry)
Stork Club - 73
Stradlater, Ward - 18, 23-34, 40-5, 49-50, 51, 109, 140,
Ackley - 19, 23-5, 26
favor - 27-9, 39, 40-1
fight - 43-5, 48, 53
horsing around with - 29, 30, 42-3
Jane - 31, 32-3, 34, 40, 41-4, 48, 49, 80
missing him - 187, 214
personal habits - 27, 31, 33, 153
sex - 48-9
street, run across - 5, 199, 208
suicide - 2, 86, 100, 104; see also jump from a height
suitcases - 51, 54, 66, 106, 108, 192, 205, 206, 207
(photo of gladstone bags)
Sunday's events - 59-193
Sunny - 93-8, 100, 101-3
Sutton Place - 180
-TTaft - 60
Tattersall vest - 85
taxi - see cab
t.b. - 5
tennis - 23, 76, 180
Thaw, Bud - 30
39 Steps, The - 67-8
(imdb entry)
Thomas Hardy - 19, 110
Thomsen Hill - 2-5
Thurmer (headmaster) - 8, 9, 14, 17, 168
Thurmer, Selma - 3
Tichener, Robert - 4
Tina and Janine - 141, 149
"Tin Roof Blues" - 124
(lyrics offsite)
train - 53
Trenton - 54
tuberculosis (T.B.) - 5
tumor - 58
Tunnel, Holland - 198
-VValencia - 149, 152
Vermont - 132, 134, 183
Vicks Nose Drops - 7, 10, 15
Vinson, Mr. - 183-5, 189
violin - 93
vocabulary - 149
-WWalsh, Roberta - 136
war - 138, 140-1
Washington - 138
Weatherfield, Hazle - 68, 166
Weintraub, Curtis - 164
West Point - 106
West Side Tennis Club - 180-1
Whooton School - 10, 13, 90, 112
Luce, Carl - 59, 136, 143, 144, 147, 149
Wicker Bar - 137, 140, 141-153
Wilhelm Stekel - 188
witches in bar - 69-75; see also Laverne, Bernice Crabs
Woodruff, Frederick - 52
Woodruff, Mary A. (school) - 105; see also Hayes, Sally
-YYale - 85
yellowness - 88-90
-ZZambesi, Mr. - 5
zoo - 208-213
indexing tips.)
relevant map)