Lenmed Health News EDITION 003 THE LENMED HEALTH GROUP NEWSLETTER 3RD QUARTER 2014 FROM » the Chairman’ s Desk Welcome to the second hal�o�this special year. Not only are we commemorating Lenmed Health’ s 30th birthday, but we are also celebrating our country’ s 20 years o LENMED HEALTH DAXINA PRIVATE HOSPITAL NURSES DAY democracy. During July and August we inspired our sta�� , patients, visitors and communities to partake in our Random Acts customers have access to as much in� ormation pertaining to their lighting o�a candle. While not � orgetting our �un side, the nursing o�Kindness Campaign. This campaign enables us all to stay as possible. New unit in� ormation, as well as patient and visitor sta��took part in a cake decorating competition. The winner was the partake in the spirit o� these occasions as well as handbooks, will be arriving at all hospitals over the next � ew months.. maternity ward who enjoyed a hamper �rom Royal Mnandi. demonstrate how much we really do care. This, the third, newsletter really highlights the exciting Please let us know o� any in� ormation you � eel would �urther enhance the customer’ s experience while with us. happenings that have taken place at the Lenmed Health As part o�this experience management process we now have hospitals and I am proud o�the e� � orts o�those involved. branded beanies, mother and baby bags as well as maternity During this quarter, we celebrated a very special day, Bio Oil held a nurses day competition celebrating the most deserving nurse at the hospital. Sr. Ruth Mariemuthoo o�Surgical Care deservedly won, a tribute to her passion, dedication and caring. brochures available or all our new babies and mother’ s to be! Nurses Day. To our nurses, I would like to sincerely thank you � or your tireless e�� orts. I wish you a long, happy and healthy � uture as a member o�our � amily. Health Calendar Days All the best � or the rest o�the year, live your best li� e with NURSES DAY 2014 Lenmed Health. Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital Nurses were treated to a break�ast with motivational speaker, Edris Mr. Prakash Devchand CEO / Chairman Lenmed Health Khamisa, who warmed hearts on a very cold winters day. Hospital Manager, Elsa Benade’ s message was clear“..I have always maintained that nursing comes rom the heart –the love you have in LENMED HEALTH ZAMOKUHLE PRIVATE HOSPITAL NURSES DAY your heart � or your patients will �low into your smile, your voice and Lenmed Health Head O��ice FCPSA CONGRESS your hands. Without love you might not be able to execute the nursing unction but you will never be a ‘ nurse’ ” CAPE TOWN, MAY 2014 Lenmed Health Zamokuhle Private Hospital We were honoured by the presence o the Chairman at our Nurses’ s The marketing team, Elsa Benade as well as Dr. Arthur Manning Day. He emphasised how the Lenmed Group appreciates and cares hosted an exhibition stand at the Faculty o�Consulting Physicians � or their nurses. The nurses were addressed by our new Matron Delina Congress in Cape Town earlier last quarter. The aim was to create Mothiba. awareness o� the Lenmed Health group to the physicians and Talking on “Nurses a Force or change”she said: “There has to be a ultimately attract new physicians to the group. positive change o� our mind-set be� ore we can bring � orth any The exhibition was a huge success and is the beginning o� a change. We need to work at being the best in our �ield, the best to our journey to establish ourselves as a growing health care group in the patients and the best to the community that we serve. industry. It has to start with a person, a committed, passionate and dedicated nurse. The best in nursing care emanates �rom the basics that nurses SOCIAL & ONLINE MEDIA LENMED HEALTH AHMED KATHRADA PRIVATE HOSPITAL NURSES DAY Lenmed Health has launched its social media sites. To keep up to have been taught, the basics that we know, the basics that are so important and critical or us to can yield the best outcomes.” date and receive health news, � ollow us at Lenmed Private Hospitals She called the nurses to go back to the basics o�nursing. Accurately on Facebook and @LenmedHealth on Twitter. The new website Lenmed Health Daxina Private Hospital checking vital signs and taking the necessary steps to immediately development is also underway and we will soon be boasting a brand Nurses at Daxina Private Hospital dressed in traditional white nurse the patient according to the results. Remaining the patient’ s new beauti�ul website. clothing and enjoyed a programme held at the hospital which advocate at all costs to ensure good quality service delivery and demonstrated our appreciation towards the caring and dedicated excellent patient care. Keep your eyes on the clinical picture that you nursing sta�� . see and report all concerns to the treating specialist. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT Lenmed Health Marketing as part o� their larger strategy is The nurses were treated to a lunch while the signi�icance o�the implementing campaigns to ensure that customers and potential day remained the � ocus during a reciting o�the nurses pledge and 01 “Strive to provide the quality that will always exceed your patient expectation. EDITION 003 THE LENMED HEALTH GROUP NEWSLETTER Nurses are channels o�love and compassion and these are the educating them on identi�ying children with an ADHD (Attention leading ingredients that makes a patient � eel important and cared � or. De�icit Hyperactivity Disorder). We also educated the Grade R and or Changing the perception o�a patient is changing the perception about nursing and thus impacting on the perception about our �acility. Remember your basics, keep to your basics, change the mind-set o�the patient, you are the � orce that this community needs. I believe in you, let us join hands and bring the change.” Grade 1 pupils on a healthy li� estyle. Emergency Medical Services Ambulance, together with the �ire department was an absolute thrill � or the learners. Learners enjoyed the educational games, rhymes and managed to remember in all the 3RD QUARTER 2014 students, which could be due to poor hearing or vision • Promotion o�oral hygiene is o�utmost importance to promote a healthy li� estyle • To ensure the educators are well to per�orm their duties • Screenings conducted: hearing, vision, dental, glucose and cholesterol �un, the details that were taught to them. Promotional items: DPH pamphlets, dental pamphlets, a �ruit, a MALARIA DAY toothbrush. Maputo Private Hospital launched their Malaria campaign on Lenmed Health La Verna Private Hospital Secondary Schools: The aim is to engage our local learners and Malaria Day. The campaign included the distribution o� anti- The ceremony was held on Monday the 12th o�May the birthday o� advise on relevant health matters thus creating awareness o�the mosquito bracelets and in� ormation pamphlets. The drive will Florence Nightingale “The lady o the lamp”in recognition o the local healthcare private �acility. continue over the next � ew months. e�� orts and dedication that our nurses put in on a daily basis. The programme commenced with the National Anthem, the lighting o�the lamp � ollowed by the Nurses Pledge. Nursing Service Manager Matron Sha’ s message to the nurses was Pupils � ound the topics o�discussion very interesting, as topics were chosen to suit their age group. Learners interacted with the specialists and had lots o�questions. There has been a request �rom all o�the schools, to engage in these activities during the course o� on 5 ways to celebrate the week: the year, as there is a need in the community � or pupils to be • Recognise the past but don’ t get stuck on it educated, especially on drug abuse and suicide. MuscularChil headac ls hes • Thank every non nurse you work with • Thank and recognise students Lenmed Health La Verna Private Hospital • Thank and recognise those who are more seasoned than you Lenmed Health La Verna Hospital in participation o�School Week • Most importantly promote the nursing pro� ession. Matron read a message sent �rom Mr. P Devchand. Sta��morale was boosted by guest speaker, retired Matron Robeiro, who has 35 years o�nursing experience. Each ward rendered an item in song, poem and a skit providing a brie�synopsis o�nursing. The skit demonstrated a time line o�the duties and uni� orm o�nurses �rom the 18th century to today. The Unit Managers took us back in time as they came dressed up visited three schools in Ladysmith. Sr Caroll Jacks, Sr C N Thabede and Matron S Mathadeen presented topics that were relevant to the age group that attended the presentation. These presentations were without a doubt educational and in� ormative and this was evident in the question and answer segment that � ollowed each presentation. Each student that attended these presentations was given a little gi�t compliments o�Lenmed Health. as Florence Nightingale. Nurses were shining in their white uni� orms, which showed pure compassion, love and care. What is Malaria? What is Malaria? Malaria is an acute infectious diseas e transmitted by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. The most commonMa lariaoms sympt is aninclud acutee:infectious dise ase transmitted by the bite of the fem ale Anopheles mo squito. The most Chills common symptoms Fever incl ude: EnlargedMus spleen cula Tachycardia (elevated heart rate) Fever r headaches Occasional delusio ns en Enla rged sple Nausea and vomiting Tachycardia (elev ated heart rate) Nausea and vom SensoryMild disturb ances neck stiffness Disorientation Sensory disturban ces SleepinDiso ess or excitem rien tation ent ConvulSlee sions piness or excitem ent Vomitin g and Con vulsheadac ions hes Maputo Private Hospital has specialists who are experts in the treatment Maputo Private Ho and diagn osis of spital has specia malar lists who are experts inia. the treatment and diagnosis of malaria. PossiblVom e coma iting and headach es Various neurolo gical symptoms Poss ible com a Lenmed Health Zamokuhle Private Hospital Various neurologica l symptoms The event was done at Tersia King Learning Academy which has Lenmed Health Shifa Private Hospital a total o�1 600 learners �rom grade 1 through to grade 12. We The nurses at Lenmed Health Shi�a Private Hospital attended a gave simple health talks to the learners and teachers and ceremony in which Management, Matron Neepal and Unit Managers hosted 336 learners and 24 teachers �rom grade one and two commended nurses in all that they do. The nursing sta��then lit classes. We also enjoyed listening to their � eedback on candles, recited the nursing pledge and enjoyed a wonder�ul lunch. preventing accidents in a home. iting Occasional delusion There is also s a one in ten chanc e of developing what is called cerebral malaria which accounts for about The80% re isof also lethal cases. a one in ten chance of dev eloping These sympt what oms is callinclud ed cere e: bral malari a which accounts for about 80% of lethal cases. These sym Mild neck stiffnessptoms include: Live your best life with Lenmed Heal th +258 2148 3905 • www.lenmedh ealth.co.za Rua do Rio Inhamiara, Sommerschie ld II, Maputo, Mozambique Liv e your best life wit h Lenmed He alth +258 2148 3905 • www.lenmedhe Rua do Rio Inhamia alth.co.za ra, Sommerschield II, Maputo, Mozamb ique From the lips o�children: Lenmed Health Randfontein Private Hospital • A nose is � or smelling never put beads and peanuts in your nose. Lenmed Health Rand�ontein Private Hospital shared Nurses day with • I�you are thirsty at home, never drink what you �ind in the bottle, all nursing sta�� . We celebrated Nurse’ s day on the 12th o May 2014. All nurses got smell �irst it might be para��in DEAN (DISCOVERY EXCELLENCE AWARD IN NURSING) • Never bring matches close to para��in This year, Discovery Health has instituted the DEAN Awards. The together � or the renewal o�the Nursing credo. Dr A Manning joined • Never put a lit match stick into a bottle with para�� in, it will explode award is solely based on � eedback �rom patients who have been us and provided a short speech motivating the sta��to the need and • Never run too ast in granny’ s house because you will bump the admitted to the hospital. requirements o nurse’ s day. Matron M Ngobeni also commented on chair and the backrest will �all. Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital had two the role o�Florence Nightingale and the reason why we celebrate • Do not put scissors in your mouth, you will cut your tongue winners selected –Ms. Anita Maasdorp and Mr. Blessing Mosala. We nurse’ s day. • Do not agree to use scissors to cut Mummy’ s hair, she must go to are incredibly proud o�our nurses who have been honoured in this All nurses received a watch and goody bag. Lenmed Rand�ontein the salon � orum. Private Hospital provided a lovely lunch in the dining hall. Lenmed Health Shifa Private Hospital was proud to announce Lenmed Health Randfontein Private Hospital that Nombuso Khumalo had received the Discovery Health award. Lenmed Health Maputo Private Hospital The Twinkle Star school promotion went very well. Dr. Botten and Lenmed Health Zamokuhle Private Hospital Sr Rosina Maroga The nurses attended the ceremonies at Praça dos Heróis � ollowed by his team, Janine Hansrajh (Audiologist) & Sr. Robyn did an excellent won the award! She believes that to be a good midwi� e you have to tea and cake at the hospital. job. be morally sound, passionate about service excellence and • Hearing Screening & Dental Screening committed to see the new parents leave your �acility with a smile. SCHOOL WEEK 2014 • 70 children went through the screening. Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital • All the screening � eedback was noted on the medical cards. head and hands, but nursing �rom the heart allows your patients to The hospital visited Park Primary with the �ire department, Emer-g- • Hearing –only two were noted that they need to go or urther � eel the love and care and there� ore trust you with their li� e and that med and special guest –Gesina the demonstration dog! The children were taught the Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital Emergency Number as well as what to do in an assessment, the remainder were advised on general ear care. • Dental –one case was noted or urgent need or theatre • About 7 were highlighted � or �urther consultation at the hospital. emergency! A car caught alight just as the team were leaving! The EMS Team rushed to rescue the patient! The children were thoroughly engaged and will never � orget to call LENMED HEALTH in an emergency! Lenmed Health Daxina Private Hospital Primary Schools: The aim was to reach out to the respective teachers When nursing a mother in labour, not only do you need your o�their baby. Thoroughly explaining each step to the mother, and simply expressing what to expect next makes the labour process more bearable. Every patient must � eel like a queen, treated with love, Lenmed Health Shifa Private Hospital dignity , privacy and respect irrespective o� race, colour or Aim: To provide wellness programs to learners and educators via the nationality. schools they attend in the community What other patients say about her:“Teaches us how to care about • Detection o�problems in these particular areas where it is at a our babies” ,“Ensured at all times that I was ok” ,“she knows what she’ s crucial level in their schooling career is vital, as they can be doing” , “she maintained a high level o rendering a good service” , re� erred � or �urther assessment and treatment “save my li e be ore arrival o the doctor” , “She is the riendliest, • Assist teachers to understand why per�ormance is poor in some most patient, cheer ul, excellent in her duties, she’ s really good with people, caring, loving and makes us eel at home.” 02 EDITION 003 ICU SHORT COURSE THE LENMED HEALTH GROUP NEWSLETTER 3RD QUARTER 2014 TIBA OPEN DAY entrance o�the hospital but promises to serve the community o� Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital has a long- Lenasia South. The co�� ee shop is open 7 days a week and serves a standing relationship with TIBA Services � or the Blind. The delicious warm break�ast, light meals, meals � or those with a larger partnership has enabled the Right � or Sight Project to o�� er cataract appetite and boasts many weekend specials. The co�� ee shop also surgery to deserving recipients over many years. This year, Lenmed has many gi�t options available to spoil loved ones in hospital. Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital also supported the TIBA open day by providing health screening to the community in THE OPEN DAY partnership with IMA and MAP. Lenmed Health Daxina Private Hospital invited the community to visit the hospital in May 2014. The hospital team o�� ered �ree screening and testing while the resident GPs, Physicians and Physiotherapists were on hand to o�� er advice. Honnetsweng Emergency Services thrilled spectators during a CPR demonstration and shared knowledge o�how to handle an emergency. “Following recent upgrades DPH is certainly the gem in the south o�Lenasia, o� � ering 24 hour care to the whole � amily with an outpatient as well as casualty acility,”says hospital manager Leoni Beaurain SR ROSINA MAROGA LENMED HEALTH AHMED KATHR ADA PRIVATE HOSPITAL HALL OF FAME Lenmed Health Rand�ontein Private Hospital Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital Honours the THE RANDFONTEI N SHOW winners o�excellence awards. The hospital hosted a stand at Rand�ontein Show while emergency Lenmed Health Gauteng hospitals success� ully implemented an ICU services partners, Emer-g-med, assisted with emergency care. short course � or Enrolled Nurses and Pro� essional Nurses. The stand was managed by the highly quali�ied Sr. Anna The aims o�the course were to: Mangoale and Sr. Pulane Mokoane who assisted in treating varied • Improve skills in the Intensive Care Units cases at the show as well as manage the testing and screening � or • Improve nursing care the general public. • Enhance sel�-development Matron Mahomed, Mr. Le�u Sekhutoanyane, Sr. Sehnaaz Moosa and AC TIVATIONS Sr. Patsy Govender developed and �acilitated the course. Lenmed Health Rand�ontein Private Hospital has been making sure Congratulations to the eight nurses �rom the Gauteng region who all surrounding communities are aware o�their o�� erings and have success� ully completed the course: initiated activations at Kagiso Mall and President Hyper. The • Ms. Helen Fakuade, Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private activations have included: Hospital • Free screening and testing • Ms. Cynthia Molupe, Lenmed Health Daxina Private Hospital • Sharing specialist listings, EMS business cards and small giveaways • Ms. Siziwe Mthana, Lenmed Health Daxina Private Hospital So �ar, these activations have proven to be success� ul and we are • Ms. Sylvia Peza, Lenmed Health Zamokuhle Private Hospital looking � orward to many more �rom Rand�ontein Private Hospital! • Mr. David T Phele, Lenmed Health Rand�ontein Private Hospital COMR ADES MARATHON • Mr. Matthen Raseroke, Lenmed Health Zamokuhle Private Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital is proud o�their Hospital Comrades Marathon runners Joseph Mokhosi and Bongani Notsi • Ms. Zanela Rathebe, Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital • Ms. Bulelwa Sogiba, Lenmed Health Rand�ontein Private Hospital Lenmed Health Daxina Private Hospital CHANGES AND FACELIFTS Lenmed Health Daxina Private Hospital has recently embarked on a campaign to �aceli� t the hospital. The entrance and reception have ACTIVATIONS AT PRESIDENT HYPER been upgraded resulting in a �resher, cleaner � eel. FORSAKEN FILMING The above movie which will be shown at theatres towards year end was �ilmed at Rand�ontein Private Hospital. Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital GHANDI WALK Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital sponsored the annual Ghandi Charity Fun Walk in Lenasia. This years walk was dedicated to the � ond memory o�Nelson Mandela. Lenmed Health THE NEW PH CAFÉ ! Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital provided health screening to 300 PH Ca� é, the new Lenmed Health Daxina Private Hospital co�� ee members o�the community on the day and emergency services shop, opened its doors to the hospital and community on the 24 partner, Emer-g-med provided emergency assistance. May 2014. The modern ca� é not only adds to the appeal o�the 03 EDITION 003 THE LENMED HEALTH GROUP NEWSLETTER 3RD QUARTER 2014 Lenmed Health Maputo Private Hospital AC TIVATIONS Lenmed Health Maputo Private Hospital has conducted awareness activations at busy shopping centres in and around Maputo. Screenings and testings were conducted, hospital t-shirts and caps were handed out as well as in� ormation pamphlets. Looking ahead the hospital is � ocused on promoting its maternity o�� erings. CAMPAIGNS The hospital has also embarked upon an exciting outdoor campaign including street pole and billboard advertising. THE BUILDING SITE OF THE NEW LENMED HEALTH ZAMOKUHLE PRIVATE HOSPITAL Lenmed Health Zamokuhle Private Hospital Ethekwini Hospital & Heart Centre Team La Verna were very proud to be part o�it. The team set o�� , as DR GEORGE CHIDI’ S FAREWELL PARTY early as 5am, and by 6.30 am, the team was ready in anticipation � or Board o Directors, Management & HOD’ s engaged in an elegant IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING the �irst runners. The Lenmed Health Brand was clearly visible by Dinner Party at the Beverly Hills Hotel to bid �arewell to one o� It has started –the new Lenmed Health Zamokuhle Private Hospital means o�our media wall, banners and sta� �T- shirts. The team had a EHHC’ s most respectable and highly pre erred Physician, Dr is on its way! The demolition has begun on the site where the new most enjoyable day, although somewhat tiring. George Chidi, who relocated to the United States in March this hospital will be built, the team at Zamokuhle Private Hospital is bursting with anticipation! Lenmed Health La Verna Private Hospital received a clock �rom N3TC Arthur Creswell Memorial Marathon in Recognition � or year. Dr Chidi was overwhelmed by this kind and heartwarming gesture � rom the Board o�Directors, Management & sta� � . Commitment and Dedication INTERNATIONAL NURSES’ DAY Lenmed Health La Verna Private Hospital BUILDING REVAMP AND NEW COFFEE SHOP LAD YSMITH SHOW Ethekwini Hospital & Heart Centre lavishly honored their nurses The hospital sponsored a stand at the show and conducted with a �itting & glamorous celebration on this special day. Every screenings, testings as well as CPR demonstrations to the many that nursing sta��was warmly welcomed on arrival to work with a passed through the doors. rose to start o��their day. They were then pampered with a Lenmed Health La Verna Private Hospital is proud to announce the soothing head & neck massage & gi� ts, � ollowed by a scrumptious opening o its brand new co ee shop – Lenca e. The co ee shop lunch and entertainment. This was enjoyed by both day & night boasts many tempting options, but possibly the most tempting being sta� �nurses. Management o�EHHC went out o� their way to the pizza oven �resh pizzas. The hospital building has also seen a � aceli� t with a new lick o� paint and some new additions. Lenmed Health Shi�a Private Hospital ensure that every nurse o�EHHC was � elt special and recognized � or their sel�less hard work. CSI INITIATIVES Two learners have been chosen �rom nearby schools as well as � our KZN DHC ARTHUR CRESSWELL MEMORIAL MARATHON o the sta ’ s children to attend nursing school unded by Lenmed EHHC was proud to be a part o�the KZNDHC (Kwa Zulu Natal Friday - 5km, Saturday - 52km Health Shi�a Private Hospital. Doctor Health Care) con� erence that took place �rom 23-25 May 2014. It was a success� ul 3 day con� erence held at the Elangeni Lenmed Health La Verna Private Hospital assisted the Ladysmith Athletic Club in having a seconding table on Friday a�ternoon the MARKETING CAMPAIGN Hotel in Durban and was attended by more than 200 GP’ s around 11th April 2014 Lenmed Health Shi�a Private Hospital will be embarking on an the KZN Region. Lenmed Health La Verna Private Hospital hosted a water table at the intersection providing water, cool drinks, �ruit and sweets to all outdoor advertising campaign promoting the patient shuttle as well as the 24 hour casualty and maternity services. KZNDHC previously known as the KZNMCC (Kwa Zulu Natal Managed Care Coalition). EHHC is also a proud and avid sponsor towards this grand con� erence. those that participated in the run. Five hundred participants consisting o�both adults and kids took part in the race. The sta��that assisted had an enjoyable a�ternoon. On Saturday-12th April 2014, Lenmed Health Team La Verna Lenmed Health Bokamoso Private Hospital TALENT POOL A �arewell celebration in honor o�our Talent Pool Team was held on 19 June 2014. EHHC’ s Talent Pool Team comprised o sta that Private Hospital once again had pleasure in hosting a seconding AWARDS EVENING were identi�ied as high per�ormers in the business and had water table � or the Arthur Creswell Memorial Marathon. This event Lenmed Health Bokamoso Private Hospital hosted their awards success� ully completed their strategic projects during their remains one o�the most popular events on the Kwa Zulu Natal evening earlier this quarter. Excelling sta�� received awards membership on the programme during 2012 –2014. calendar, it is hosted every year �rom Bergville to Ladysmith which is presented by various well-known �igures. a distance o�52 km, 800 athletes participated in the marathon and THE STAND AT THE LADYSMITH SHOW THE LENMED HEALTH BOKAMOSO PRIVATE HOSPITAL AWARDS EVENING 04 Lenmed Health News EDITION 003 THE LENMED HEALTH GROUP NEWSLETTER 3RD QUARTER 2014 AHMED KATHRADA FROM BEHIND THE CHOIR Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital New Name Unveiled Ahmed Kathrada graced us with his presence and did the honours o�cutting the ribbon � or the unveiling o�the new hospital signage on the 17 September 2014. The ceremony was attended by members o� the press, specialists � rom the hospital, sta� � and members o�the community. Mr Prakash Devchand, Lenmed Health Chairman and CEO, AHMED KATHRADA AHMED KATHRADA CUTTING THE RIBBON addressed the guest o honour; “Mr Kathrada though you are a man o�great eloquence, it is the idealism, sel�-sacri�ice and immense courage o�your actions that continues to de�ine you as a leader who has imbued so many lives with hope and purpose. As we go about our business o�delivering world-class healthcare at the Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital and the other hospitals in the group; whilst simultaneously improving quality o�li� e� or our employees and the communities in which we operate, your values, compassion and unwavering moral code will always guide us.” Lenmed Health Ahmed Kathrada Private Hospital Manager, Elsa Benade, added to the dedication “This hospital shares the ideals and objectives o� Mr. Kathrada and The Kathrada Foundation and we wish to a��irm our commitment to providing excellent healthcare to all our clients without any racial prejudice and to promote the values, rights and principles enshrined in our constitution.” LALOO CHIBA, AHMED KATHRADA, PRAKASH DEVCHAND AND DR AHMED FAROUK KAKA EDITION 003 THE LENMED HEALTH GROUP NEWSLETTER 3RD QUARTER 2014 Lenmed Health Celebrates its 30th Anniversary The Group celebrated its 30th birthday on the 20th September at a Gala dinner. Honoured guests included the Group’ s management team, specialists and industry partners. The audience enjoyed an evening �illed with moments o�nostalgia, commemoration o�those who have remained committed since the inception as well as entertainment. While the group celebrates its milestones and history it remains � ocused on opportunities to expand its operations in both South A�rica and A�rica. AHMED KATHRADA, OUR GUEST OF HONOUR DR AHMED FAROUK KAKA ACKNOWLEDGED AS A LONG SERVING DIRECTOR DR GUNVANT GOOLAB, PRINCIPLE OFFICER GEMS THE FABULOUS LENMED HEALTH CHOIR