Cardiovascular System Lectures


Cardiovascular System

• Composed of blood

, the heart

, and vasculatur e within which blood is pumped throughout the body a) Pulmonary Circulation

9 Concerning blood flow to, within and from the lungs b) Systemic Circulation

9 Concerning blood flow to, within and from the remainder of the body

9 Consists of tissue/organ specific circulation beds

(ex: renal, hepatic, skeletal muscle, etc.)

Figure 15.3a


• Review of anatomy & blood flow

• Systemic and localized (within the heart) blood flow & blood pressure a) Rest, exercise & recovery

• CV regulation & integration

• Functional capacity of CV system

• Adaptations to exercise

Figure 15.1


• Water, clotting proteins, transport proteins, lipoproteins, glucose, FA, antibodies, waste products


– the liquid component of blood & all of it’s non-cellular content

55% of whole blood (0.3ml O



<1% of whole blood

Hematocrit: 45% of whole blood (19.7ml



, 15g Hb)


• Blood volume ~ 5 L, but varies with: a) Body size b) Endurance training c) Exposure to extreme environments

• % distribution at rest

Figure 15.4

Arterial BP Classifications

Hemodynamics – BF & Resistance

• Pressure a) Blood flows from high → low pressure

• Resistance a) Length of the vessel b) Viscosity of the blood c) Radius of the vessel

9 A small change in vessel diameter can have a dramatic impact on resistance!

Resistance =

Length x viscosity

Radius 4

Blood Pressure

• Arterial blood pressure – reflects the combined effects of arterial blood flow per minute & the resistance offered by the peripheral vasculature

BP = Cardiac Output x Total Peripheral Resistance a) Systolic BP

9 Estimate of the work of the heart and the force that blood exerts on the arterial wall during ventricular systole b) Diastolic BP

9 Indicates the ease with which blood flows from the arterioles into the capillaries

9 Peripheral resistance


• Chronically elevated arterial BP

> 140 mmHg systolic

> 90 mmHg diastolic

• Treatment a) Exercise b) Drug therapy


Blood Pressure

(cont.) c) Mean Arterial Pressure – the average force exerted by the blood against the arterial walls during the entire cardiac cycle

MAP = Diastolic BP + [0.33(Systolic BP – Diastolic BP)] d) Relationship between BP, Cardiac Output & TPR

Cardiac Output = MAP / TPR

TPR = MAP / Cardiac Output

Blood Flow Continuum

• Arteries, arterial BP & arterioles

• Capillaries:



Blood Flow Continuum

• Venous system – serves as blood reservoirs

• Skeletal muscle pumps & venous pooling a) Application of an active cool down

Figure 15.5C

BF & Pressure in the Systemic

Figure 15.7

BP Response to Exercise

Resistance exercise

: a) Straining compresses vessels b) TPR ↑ c) Sympathetic nervous system activity, cardiac output, and MAP increase in attempt to restore muscle BF

Heavy resistance training intensifies the BP response


BP Response to Exercise


Graded Exercise

: a) Systolic pressure ↑ with increases in workload b) There is a linear relationship between workload and systolic BP c) Diastolic pressure remains fairly constant

BP Response to Exercise


• Upper Body Exercise a) Resistance to flow is increased with upper body exercise b) Smaller vessels in upper body compress more easily

• Recovery BP a) Following endurance exercise, there is a hypotensive response b) BP temporarily falls below normal resting values

The Heart’s Blood Supply

• Coronary circulation: a) Right and left coronary arteries branch off the upper ascending aorta b) RCA supplies predominantly the right atrium and ventricle c) LCA supplies the left atrium and ventricle and a small portion of the right ventricle

Myocardial O



• At rest, myocardium extracts ~ 70–80% available


2 from the coronary vessels

• During exercise flow must increase to meet O

2 demand a) Flow may increase 5–7 times

• Vasodilation of the coronary vessels ↑ due to: a) Adenosine (byproduct of ATP breakdown) b) Hypoxia c) Sympathetic nervous system hormones

Measurement of Myocardial Work

• Rate Pressure Product:

Systolic BP x HR = RPP

• Myocardial Metabolism – reliant upon energy released from aerobic metabolism a) Myocardium has a significantly higher mitochondrial density compared to skeletal muscle

• Allows the heart to utilize available substrates depending on activity

Figure 15.13


CV Regulation &


Intrinsic Regulation

Figure 15.14

Time sequence (seconds) for electrical impulse transmission

Measuring Electrical Activity

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)



Measuring Electrical Activity

Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)


Extrinsic Regulation

• Elicit changes in HR rapidly through nerves that directly supply the heart & chemical messengers that circulate in blood




Neural Input

Extrinsic Regulation


• Sympathetic neural input: a) Localized – Stimulation of cardioaccelerator nerves causes the release of the catecholamines epinephrine

& norepinephrine

9 Accelerate SA node depolarization which increases HR

(chronotropic effect)

9 Increases contractility (inotropic effect) b) Systemically – Stimulation produces vasoconstriction (except coronary vasculature)

9 Release of norepinephrine by adrenergic fibers causes vasoconstriction

9 Vasomotor tone

Extrinsic Regulation


• Parasympathetic neural input: a) Localized – Stimulation of vagus nerves causes release of the neurohormone acetylcholine which slows sinus discharge & therefore HR

9 Slows sinus discharge & therefore ↓ HR

9 No effect on contractility

Figure 16.3

Rapid adjustments


mechanisms) with the onset of exercise

Central Command Exercise Anticipation

Figure 16.6

Figure 16.10


Peripheral Input

Chemoreceptors: monitor metabolites, blood gases

Mechanoreceptors: monitor movement and pressure

Baroreceptors: monitor blood pressure in arteries a) Aortic arch & carotid sinus

Distribution of BF during Exercise

Local Factors within the Muscle

• Autoregulatory mechanisms allow for ↑ blood flow, ↑ blood volume with only a small increase in velocity, and ↑ effective surface area for gas & nutrient exchange a) Vasodilation induced by:

9 ↑ blood flow

9 ↑ temperature

9 ↑ CO2

9 ↑ acidity

9 ↑ adenosine, K + & Mg 2+

9 ↑ NO

Figure 16.7

Nitric Oxide

Hormonal Factors

• Adrenal medulla releases: a) Larger amounts of epinephrine and smaller amounts of norepinephrine b) Cause vasoconstriction (except in coronary & skeletal muscle)

• Minor role during exercise

Functional Capacity of the CV System


Cardiac Output (Q)

• Q = HR x SV

• Methods of Measuring Q a) Direct Fick = (VO

2 ml·min -1 /a-vo

2 difference) x 100

Cardiac Output (Q)

• Q = HR x SV

• Methods of Measuring Q a) Direct Fick = (VO

2 b) Indicator dilution ml·min -1 /a-vo

2 difference) x 100 c) CO

2 rebreathing

• Q at rest a) Values vary depending upon:

9 Emotional state (central command via cardioaccelerator nerves & nerves modulating arterial resistance)

9 Posture b) Average male (70kg) ~ 5L · min -1 c) Average female (56kg) ~ 4L · min -1

~ 25% lower in females

• Untrained vs. Endurance trained characteristics of Q at rest

: a) Variation in resting HR


Q = HR x SV

Untrained: 5000 mL·min -1 = 70 b·min -1 x 71 mL·min -1

Trained: 5000 mL·min -1 = 50 b·min -1 x 100 mL·min -1 b) Mechanisms:

9 Increased vagal tone (parasympathetic) w/decreased sympathetic drive

9 Increased blood volume

9 Increased myocardial contractility and compliance of left ventricle

• Untrained (UT) vs. Endurance trained (ET) characteristics of Q during exercise

: a) Both UT & ET Q ↑ rapidly with onset of exercise

9 Subsequently a more gradual rise to meet exercise metabolic demands b) Variation between groups often observed as intensity ↑



Maximal Exercise

Q = HR x

22,000 mL = 195 b·min -1 x

35,000 mL = 195 b·min -1 x


113 mL·min -1

179 mL·min -1

• Mechanisms: a) Enhanced cardiac filling in diastole ( preload

) & a more forceful ejection caused by an ↑ in end diastolic volume (


9 Starling’s Law: the greater the stretch, the more forceful the contraction ( contractility

) b) Greater systolic emptying

9 greater systolic ejection overcomes exercise-induced arterial blood pressures ( afterload ) c) Expanded blood volume & reduced peripheral resistance in tissues in ET individuals


CV Drift w/ Prolonged Exercise

• ↓ SV and coinciding a gradual ↑ in HR

• Proposed mechanisms: a) Progressive H tissues


O loss and a fluid shift from plasma to

9 Drop in PV decreases central venous cardiac filling pressure b) Increased core temperature c) Progressive increase in HR with CV drift during exercise ↓ EDV, subsequently reducing SV

Blood Flow Distribution @ Rest

Figure 17.3

Blood Flow Distribution & Exercise

1. Hormonal vascular regulation

2. Local metabolic conditions

Q & O



• Arterial blood carries ~ 200mL of O

2 blood per L of

• Resting conditions: a) If Q @ rest ~ 5L·min -1 , then 1000mL of O

2 available to the body each minute would be b) Resting oxygen consumption (VO


300mL·min -1

) ~ 250 to c) Leaves ~ 750mL of oxygen returning to the heart unused

Q & O




• Exercise conditions: a) Even during max exercise, Hb saturation remains nearly complete, so each L of blood carries ~ 200mL of O2

9 Ex: a max exercise Q of 16L x 200mLO


·L -1 ~ 3200mL b) Debate exists as to the real cause of a VO plateau

2 max

9 Q

9 O

2 extraction at the tissues

9 O

2 delivery



Q & VO

2 max Association

Figure 17.4




Extraction: a-vO



• Exercise oxygen consumption increases by: a) Increased cardiac output b) Greater use of the O


9 Expanding a-vO

2 already carried by the blood difference



= Q x a-vO

2 difference

From Rest to Exercise

Figure 17.5

• Factors affecting a-vO

2 exercise: difference during a) Central – diversion of blood flow to working tissues b) Peripheral

9 Increased skeletal muscle microcirculation increases extraction

9 Increase in capillary to fiber ratio

9 Cells ability to regenerate ATP aerobically

9 Increased # and size of mitochondria

9 Increased aerobic enzyme concentration

CV Adaptation/

Response to Training

Cardiac Hypertrophy

Figure 21.7

Plasma Volume Expansion

• Up to 20% increase in PV (without changes in

[RBC]) after 3 to 6 aerobic exercise sessions

• Mechanisms: a) Directly related to increased synthesis and retention of plasma albumin

• Increased PV: a) Increases EDV, SV, O

2 transport, & temperature regulation during exercise


Heart Rate



Figure 21.9



Figure 21.10

a-v O

2 difference

Figure 21.11

Blood Flow Distribution

• BF shunting toward Type I fibers (oxidative) during submaximal exercise

• Better distribution from non-active areas

• Enlarged cross-sectional area of arteries, veins & capillary beds

• Myocardial BF: a) Increased perfusion capabilities b) Mitochondrial mass & density increased

• Reduction in BP

Figure 21.6

Figure 21.12

