The Archaeology of Post-Medieval Ireland from AD1550: A Select

The Archaeology of Post-Medieval
Ireland from AD1550: A Select
3rd Edition, December 2007
The Archaeology of Post-Medieval Ireland from
AD1550: A Select Bibliography
Third Edition, October 2007
This is a project that the Irish Post-Medieval Archaeology Group feels is
very important as it helps disseminate information, particularly of an
archaeological nature, from a variety of sources and covering a variety of
topics and locates it in one accessible place.
It should be noted that this is a work in progress. Style and convention of
entries may change. There are gaps in the listings and new categories will
be added in due course. This is the second revision and expansion of the
original bibliography posted on the IPMAG website in February 2006 to
commence the project. The IPMAG Committee would be happy if people
were to send appropriate material to the Committee that could be added to
the bibliography.
To ensure that each category of the bibliography is also a stand-alone entity
there is, by necessity, a certain amount of duplication. For example, books
or articles on the siege of Limerick in 1690 will be cross-referenced in the
Military, Limerick and Williamite Wars sections.
Contributors to the bibliography:
Richard Clutterbuck
Tracy Collins
Franc Coyne
Donal Fallon
Dr. Wes Forsythe
Dr. Audrey Horning
Paul Logue
Dr. James Lyttleton
Brendan Mc Sherry
Rosanne Meenan
Dr. Emily Murray
Franc Myles
Ruairí Ó Baoill
James O’ Neill
The Archaeology of Post-Medieval Ireland from
AD1550: A Select Bibliography
General archaeological publications
Theoretical publications
Primary Sources
County History & Society series that cover Post-Medieval Ireland
Published county surveys and inventories
Irish National Inventory of Architectural Heritage Series
UAHS publications
Architecture: general publications
Castles, Fortifications and Fortified Houses
Vernacular Architecture
Churches, Religious Houses and Religious Artefacts
Burial Grounds and Human Remains
Graveyard Inscriptions
Religious History
Towns and villages: general publications
Royal Irish Academy Historic Towns Atlas series
Gaelic Ireland
Spanish Armada, 1588
Nine Years War, 1593-1603
Flight of the Earls, 1607
1608 Rebellion
The Plantations
Williamite Wars, 1688-91
The Wild Geese
Robert Emmett, 1803
The Famine/ An Ghórta Mór
The Fenian Movement
First World War
The War of Independence/ The Anglo-Irish War 1919-21
The Irish Civil War 1922-1923
Second World War
Maritime/ Inter-tidal/ Coastal
Fisheries and Fishing
Rural Settlement
Farming and Agriculture
Faunal Remains
Clay Pipes and Tobacco
Material Culture
Women’s History
Trade and Economics
Other Publications of interest
Comparanda: North America
Comparanda: Britain
Comparanda: Europe
General Archaeological Publications
Excavations Bulletin: summary accounts of archaeological excavations in Ireland
(1970-). Currently edited by Isabel Bennett and published by Wordwell Books, Bray.
Bardon, J. 2004
A History of Ulster. Belfast: 2nd Edition. Blackstaff.
Barnard, T. 2005
A Guide to Sources for the History of Material Culture in Ireland, 1500-2000. Maynooth
Research Guides for Irish local History No. 10. Four Courts Press. Dublin and Portland.
Barry, T. (ed.) 2000
A History of Settlement in Ireland. Routledge.
Breen, C. 2007
An Archaeology of Southwest Ireland, 1570-1670. Four Courts Press, Dublin.
Buttimer, N., Rynne, C. and Guerin, H. (eds.) 2001
The Heritage of Ireland. Cork, Collins Press.
Donnelly, C.J. 1997
Living Places : Archaeology, Continuity and Change at Historic Monuments in Northern
Ireland. Institute of Irish Studies, Belfast.
Duffy, P.J. 2007
Exploring the History and Heritage of Irish Landscapes. Four Courts Press, Dublin.
Graham, B. J. & Proudfoot, L.J. (eds.) 1993
An Historical Geography of Ireland. Academic Press, San Diego.
Hamlin, A. and Lynn, C. (eds.) 1988
Pieces of the Past : Archaeological excavations by the Department of the Environment
for Northern Ireland 1970- 1986. HMSO, Belfast.
Harbison. P.
A Guide to National and Historic Monuments of Ireland. Gill and Macmillan, Dublin.
Howe, S. 2000
Ireland and Empire: Colonial Legacies in Irish History and Culture. Oxford University
General Archaeological Publications (ii)
Hyde, D. 1993
Building on the Past: Urban Change and Archaeology. Environmental Institute,
University College Dublin.
Killeen, R. 2003
A Timeline of Irish History. Gill and Macmillan, Dublin.
Mallory, J. & McNeill, T.E. 1991
The Archaeology of Ulster from Colonization to Plantation. Institute of Irish Studies,
Mitchell, F. & Ryan, M. 1997
Reading the Irish Landscape. Town House and Country House, Dublin.
Ryan, M. (Ed) 1992
The Illustrated Archaeology of Ireland. Country House, Dublin.
Smyth, W.J. & Whelan, K. (Eds) 1988
Common Ground : Essays on the historical geography of Ireland. Cork University Press.
Waddell, J. 2005
Foundation Myths: The Beginnings of Irish Archaeology. Wordwell, Bray.
Brannon, N. & Horning, A. 2005
‘Post-medieval archaeology: it hasn’t gone away, you know’. Archaeology Ireland, Vol.
19 No. 2, Issue 72.
Delaney, T.G. 1977
‘The Archaeology of the Irish Town’. European Towns: Their Archaeology and Early
History (ed. Barley, M.W.). London, 47-64.
Donnelly, C.J. and Horning, A. 2002
‘Post-Medieval and Industrial Archaeology in Ireland: an Overview’, Antiquity 76, No.
292: 557-561.
Horning, A. 2007
‘IPMAG in America’, IPMAG Newsletter, Vol. 6, 2007, 11-12.
Horning, A. & Ó Baoill, R. 2001
‘Post- Medieval Archaeologists Descend on Belfast’, Archaeology Ireland. Vol 15 No. 2,
Issue 56.
Theoretical Publications
Brown, T. 1985
The Whole Protestant Community: the making of a historical myth. Field Day Pamphlet.
Coulter, C. and Coleman, S. (Eds.) 2003
The End of Irish History: Critical Reflections on the Celtic Tiger. Manchester University
Curtiz, L. 1984
Nothing But the Same Old Story: The Roots of Anti-Irish Racism. Information on
Foster, R.F. 2002
The Irish Story: Telling Tales and Making it Up in Ireland. Oxford University Press.
Garner, S. 2004
Racism in the Irish Experience. Pluto Press, London.
Graham, C. 2001
Deconstructing Ireland. Edinburgh University Press.
Graham C. and R. Kirkland (eds.) 1999
Ireland and Cultural Theory: The Mechanics of Authenticity. McMillan Press, London.
Howe, S. 2000
Ireland and Empire: Colonial Legacies in Irish History and Culture. Oxford University
Kennedy, L. 1996
Colonialism, Religion and Nationalism in Ireland. Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s
University, Belfast.
Kincaid, A. 2006
Postcolonial Dublin: Imperial Legacies and the Built Environment. University of
Minnesota Press.
Leerssen, J.L. 1986
Mere Irish & Fíor-Ghael: Studies in the ideas of Irish nationality, its development and
literary expression prior to the nineteenth century. John Benjamins Publishing Company,
Amsterdam and Philadelphia.
Theoretical Publications (ii)
McDonough, T. (ed.) 2005
Was Ireland a Colony? Economics, Politics and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ireland.
Irish Academic Press.
Nic Craith, M. 2002
Plural Identities Singular Narratives: the Case of Northern Ireland. Bergahn Books, New
Sheehy, J. 1980
The Rediscovery of Ireland’s Past. The Celtic Revival 1830-1930. London.
Barton, K. 2000
‘History and National Identity: Comparative Findings from Research with Children in
Northern Ireland and the United States’. Paper presented at the Thirteenth UlsterAmerican Heritage Symposium, Omagh, Northern Ireland.
Barton, K. and McCully 2003
‘History Teaching and the Perpetuation of Memories: the Northern Ireland Experience’ in
Cairns, E. and Roe, M. (eds.), The Role of Memory in Ethnic Conflict. Palgrave
MacMillan, New York.
Bell, J. 1988
‘Intelligent Revivalism: the first Feis na nGleann, 1904’, in Gailey, A. (Ed.), The Use of
Tradition: Essays Presented to G.B.Thompson. Ulster Folk and Transport Museum,
Cultra.’, 3-12.
Buckley, A.D. 1988
‘Collecting Ulster’s Culture: are there really Two Traditions?’, in Gailey, A. (ed),
The Use of Tradition. Essays presented to G.B. Thompson. Ulster Folk and Transport
Museum, Cultra, 49-67.
Delle, J.A. 1999
‘Extending Europe’s Grasp: An Archaeological Comparison of Colonial Spatial Process
in Ireland and Jamaica’, in Michael, R.L. and Egan, G. (eds.), Old and New Worlds and
New. Oxbow Books, 106-116.
Ellis, S.G. 1991
‘Historiographical debate: representations of the past in Ireland: whose past and whose
present?’, Irish Historical Studies Vol. XXVII No.108 (November 1991), 289-308.
Theoretical Publications (iii)
Fagan, G.H. 2003
‘Globalised Ireland, or, Contemporary transformations of national identity?’, in Coulter,
C. and Coleman, S. (eds.), The End of Irish History: Critical Reflections on the Celtic
Tiger. Manchester University Press.
Gailey, A. 1988
‘Tradition and Identity’, in Gailey, A. (Ed.), The Use of Tradition: Essays Presented to
G.B.Thompson. Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Cultra.’, 61-67.
Horning, A. 2007
‘On the Banks of the Bann: The Riverine Economy of an Ulster Plantation Village’,
Historical Archaeology 41(3), 94-114.
Horning, A. 2007
‘Materiality and Mutable Landscapes: Re-thinking seasonality and marginality in the
north and west of Ireland’, International Journal of Historical Archaeology 11(4).
Horning, A. 2007
‘Cultures of Contact, Cultures in Conflict?: Identity construction, colonialist discourse,
and the ethics of archaeological practice in Northern Ireland’, Stanford Journal of
Archaeology 5, 107-133.
Horning, A. 2006
‘Archaeology, conflict and contemporary identity in the north of Ireland: Implications for
theory and practice in Irish historical archaeology’, Archaeological Dialogues 13 (2):
Horning, A. 2006
‘English Towns on the Periphery: Seventeenth-Century Town Development in Ulster and
the Chesapeake’, in Green, A. and Leech, R. (eds.), Cities in the World. Society for Post
Medieval Archaeology Monograph Series 3. Maney, Leeds.
Horning, A. 2004
‘Archaeological Explorations of Cultural Identity and Rural Economy in the North of
Ireland: Goodland, Co. Antrim’, International Journal of Historical Archaeology 8 (3):
Horning, A. 2002
‘Myth, Migration and Material Culture: Archaeology and the Ulster Influence on
Appalachia’, Historical Archaeology 36 (4): 129-149.
Kiberd, D. 1997
‘Modern Ireland: Postcolonial or European?’, in Murray, S. (ed.), Not on Any Map:
Essays in Postcoloniality and Cultural Nationalism. University of Exeter Press.
Theoretical Publications (iv)
Kinealy, C. 2005
‘Was Ireland a Colony? The Evidence of the Great Famine’, in McDonough, T. (ed.),
Was Ireland a Colony? Economics, Politics and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ireland.
Irish Academic Press, Dublin.
Klingelhofer, E. 2003
‘The Architecture of Empire: Elizabethan Country Houses in Ireland’ in British’ in
Lawrence, S. (ed) Archaeologies of the British. Routledge, 102-118.
Myles, F. 2006
‘Conference review: CHAT 2005’, IPMAG Newsletter, Vol. 5, 2006, 12-16.
Orser, C.E. 2005
‘The Material Implications of colonization in Early Nineteent-Century Ireland’, in
McDonough, T. (ed.), Was Ireland a Colony? Economics, Politics and Culture in
Nineteenth-Century Ireland. Irish Academic Press.
Orser, C.E. 1996
‘Can there be an archaeology of the Great Famine?’, in Morash, C. and Hayes, R. (eds),
Fearful Realities: New Perspectives on the Famine. Blackrock, Irish Academic Press, 7789.
Gillespie, R. 1993
‘Explorers, Exploiters and Entrepreneurs: Early Modern Ireland and its Context, 15001700’, in Graham, B. J. & Proudfoot, L.J. (eds.), An Historical Geography of Ireland.
Academic Press, San Diego.
Ruane, J. 1992
‘Colonialism and the Interpretation of Irish Historical Development’ in Silverman, M.
and Gullivan, P.H. (Eds) Approaching the Past: Historical Anthropology through Irish
Case Studies. Columbia University Press.
Smyth, W.J. 2000
‘Ireland a Colony: Settlement implications of the revolution in military-administrative,
urban and ecclesiastical structures, c. 1550-1730’ in Barry, T. (ed.), A History of
Settlement in Ireland. Routledge, London, 158-186.
Primary Sources: Gaelic
O’ Donovan, J. (ed and trans) 1848-51
Annála ríoghachta Éireann/ Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters from
the earliest period to the year 1616. 7 volumes, Dublin.
Comyn, D. & Dineen, P.S. (eds) 1908-14
Geoffrey Keating, Foras Feasa ar Éireann. 4 vols, Irish Text Society, Dublin.
Primary Sources: English
Historical Manuscripts Commission.
Russell, C.W. and Prendergast, J.P. (eds) 1874
Calendar of the State Papers relating to Ireland of the reign of James I 1608-10. London.
Simmington, R.C. (ed) 1931-61
The civil Survey, AD 1654-56. 10 volumes, Dublin.
Various editors (prepared prior to 1830)
Calendar of the Irish patent rolls, James I. Dublin.
Various editors 1862
Calendar of the Irish patent and close rolls of chancery in Ireland, Elizabeth, 19 year to
end of reign. Dublin.
Various editors 1860-1912
Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, 1509-1670. 24 volumes, London.
Various editors 1856-1972
Calendar of State Papers preserved in the Public record Office, domestic series,
1547-1695. 81 volumes, London.
Various editors 1867-73
Calendar of Carew manuscripts preserved in the episcopal library at Lambeth, 1515-74.
6 volumes, London.
Various editors 1879-81, 1883-86, 1889-90
‘Calendar and index to thefiants of the reign of Elizabeth’. Appendices to the 11th- 13th,
15th- 18th and 21st- 22nd Reports of the deputy Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland.
Primary Sources: Other
Secondary Sources
Appleby, J.C. (ed.) 1992
A calendar of material relating to Ireland from the high court of admiralty examinations,
1536-1641. Irish Manuscripts Commission, Dublin.
Hayes, J. 1970
Sources for the History of Irish Civilisation, Vol. 9. Hall & Co, Boston.
Hayes, J. 1965
Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilisation, Vol. 8. Hall & Co, Boston.
Mills, J. 1905-1914
Calendar of the Justiciary Rolls. Dublin
Morrin, J. 1861
Calendar of the Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland of the reigns of Henry
VIII, Edward VI. , Mary, and Elizabeth. Vol I. Dublin.
Pender, S. 1939
A Census of Ireland, Circa 1659: With Supplementary Material from the Poll. Dublin.
Pettigrew & Oulton 1840
The Dublin Almanac and General Register of Ireland.
White, N. B. 1943
Extents of Irish monastic possessions, 1540-1541. Stationary Office, Dublin.
Andrews, K.R., Canny, N.P. & Hair, P.E.H. (eds) 1978
The Westward Enterprise: English Activities in Ireland, the Atlantic and America 14801650. Liverpool University Press.
Connolly, S.J. (Ed) 1998
The Oxford Companion To Irish History. Oxford University Press.
Cullen, F. 1997
Visual Politics: the Representation of Ireland, 1750-1930. Cork University Press.
Cullen, L.M. 1987
An economic history of Ireland since 1660. Batsford, London.
Cullen, L.M. 1968
Anglo-Irish Trade 1660-1800. Manchester University Press.
Devine, T.M. & Dickson, D. 1983
Ireland and Scotland 1600-1850: Parallels and Contrasts in Economic and Social
Development. John Donald, Edinburgh.
Doherty, J.E. & Hickey, D.J. 1989
A Chronology of Irish History Since 1500. Gill and Macmillan, Dublin.
Ellis, S.G. 1998
Ireland in the Age of the Tudors 1447-1603: English Expansion and the End of Gaelic
Rule. Longman History of Ireland. Longman, Harlow.
James, F.F.G. 1995
Lords of the Ascendancy: the Irish House of Lords and its members 1600-1800. Irish
Academic Press, Dublin and the Catholic University of America, Washington.
McIlvanney, L. and Ryan, R. (Eds.) 2005
Ireland and Scotland: culture and society 1700-2000. Four Courts Press, Dublin.
Ó Gráda, C. 1994
Ireland: a new economic history 1780-1939. Oxford.
Palmer, W. 1994
The Problem of Ireland in Tudor Foreign policy 1485-1603. Boydell Press, Woodbridge.
Histories (ii)
Prochaska, A. 1986
Irish History from 1700: A Guide to the Sources in the Public Record Office. British
Records Association, Archives and the User, No. 6.
Rogers, N. 2007
Ireland, Slavery and Anti-Slavery: 1612-1856. Palgrave.
Smyth, W.J. 2006
Map-making landscapes and memory: a geography of colonial and early modern Ireland
c.1530-1750. Cork University Press.
Brady, C. (Ed.) 2002
A Viceroy’s Vindication? Sir Henry Sidney’s Memoir of Service in Ireland, 1556-1578.
Cork University Press.
Brady, C. 1994
The Chief Governors: the rise and fall of reform government in Tudor Ireland, 15361588. Cambridge University Press.
Canny, N. 1976
The Elizabethan conquest of Ireland : a pattern established, 1565-1576. Hassocks,
Crawford, J.G. 1993
Anglicizing the government of Ireland: the Irish privy council and the expansion of Tudor
rule, 1556-78. Irish Academic Press.
Lennon, C. 1994
Sixteenth-Century Ireland: The Incomplete Conquest. New Gill History of Ireland 2.
Gill and Macmillan, Dublin.
Longfield, A.K. 1929
Anglo-Irish Trade in the Sixteenth Century. Routledge, London.
McGurk, J. 1997
The Elizabethan Conquest of Ireland: the 1590s Crisis. Manchester University Press.
Histories (iii)
Morton, G. 1971
Elizabethan Ireland. Longman, London.
Quinn, D.B. 1966
The Elizabethans and the Irish. New York (Ithaca)
Brady, C. & Gillespie, R. (eds) 1986
Natives and Newcomers. Essays on the Making of Irish Colonial Society 1534-1641.
Irish Academic Press, Richard Clay-The Chaucer Press, Suffolk.
Canny, N. 2001
Making Ireland British 1580-1650. Oxford University Press.
Canny, N. 1987
From Reformation to Restoration: Ireland 1534-1660. Helicon, Dublin.
Dudley Edwards, R.W & O’ Dowd, M. 1985
Sources for Early Modern Irish History 1543-1641. Cambridge University Press.
Maxwell, C. 1923
Irish History From Contemporary Sources, 1509-1610. George, Allen & Unwin.,
Moody, T.W., Martin, F.X., & Byrne, F.J. (eds) 1976
A New History of Ireland, III, Early Modern Ireland 1534-1691. Oxford, Clarendon
Quinn, D.B. 1991
Ireland and America : Their Early Associations 1500-1640. Liverpool Historical Essays.
Liverpool University Press.
Agnew, J. 1996
Belfast Merchant Families in the Seventeenth Century. Four Courts Press, Dublin.
Histories (iv)
Bagwell, R. 1909-16
Ireland under the Stuarts. 3 vols, London.
Baillie, M. & Brown, D 1990
'Some 17th-Century Ulster Dendro Dates'. Letter in Archaeology Ireland Volume 4, No.
3, Autumn 1990, 31.
Fitzpatrick, B. 1988
Seventeenth-Century Ireland. The War of Religions. New Gill History of Ireland 3. Gill
and Macmillan, Dublin.
Gillespie, R. 2006
Seventeenth century Ireland: making Ireland modern. Gill and Macmillan, Dublin.
MacInnes, A.I. and Ohlmeyer, J. 2002
The Stuart kingdoms in the seventeenth century: awkward neighbours. Four Courts
Press, Dublin.
O’Brien, G. 1919
The Economic History of Ireland in the Seventeenth Century. Dublin and London.
Jennings, B. 1946-47
‘Melchior De Burgo, a Connaught soldier of fortune in the Low Countries in the
seventeenth century’, JGAHS Vol. XXII (1946-1947), 174-181.
Ó Báille, M. 1946-47
‘The Buannadha, Irish professional soldiery of the sixteenth century’, JGAHS Vol. XXII
(1946-1947), 49-94.
O'Brien, G. (Ed., 1923) 1992
‘State of the army in Ireland, 1623’, Irish Sword, Vol.XVIII, No.73 (Summer 1992),
Patterson, N. 1991
‘Gaelic law and the Tudor conquest of Ireland: the social background of the sixteenthcentury rescensions of the pseudo-historical Prologue to the Senchas már’, Irish
Historical Studies Vol. XXVII No.107 (May 1991), 193-215.
Histories (v)
Connolly, S.J. 1995
Religion, Law and Power-The Making of Protestant Ireland 1660-1770. Clarendon Press,
Truxes, T.M. 1988
Irish-American Trade, 1660-1783. Cambridge University Press.
Cochrane, L.E. 1985
Scottish Trade with Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. John Donald, Edinburgh.
O’ Flaherty, E.
Eighteenth-Century Ireland. The Long Peace. New Gill History of Ireland 4. Gill and
Macmillan, Dublin.
Rogers, N. 2000
Equiano and Anti-Slavery in Eighteenth-Century Belfast. Belfast Society Publication
No. 1, in association with the Ulster Historical Foundation.
McLynn, F.J. 1977-79
‘Ireland and the Jacobite Rising of 1745’, The Irish Sword 13.
Garnham, N. 1997
‘How violent was eighteenth-century Ireland?’, Irish Historical Studies Vol. XXX
No.119 (May 1997), 377-392.
Histories (vi)
De Nie, M. 2004
The Eternal Paddy: Irish Identity and the British Press, 1798-1882. University of
Wisconsin Press.
Boyce, G. B.
Nineteenth-Century Ireland. The Search for Stabilty. New Gill History of Ireland 5. Gill
and Macmillan, Dublin.
Brown, M., Geoghan, P.M. and Kelly, J. (Eds.) 2003
The Irish Act of Union, 1800. Irish Academic Press, Dublin.
Crossman, V. 1994
Local Government in Nineteenth Century Ireland. Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s
University, Belfast.
Vaughan, W.E. 1989
A New History of Ireland Vol. 5 : Ireland under the Union, 1, 1801-70. Clarendon Press,
Berresford Ellis, P. and King, J.A. 1992
‘Fenian casualties and prisoners: Fenian invasion of British North America, June 1866’,
Irish Sword, Vol.XVIII, No.73 (Summer 1992), 271-285.
Crossman, V. 1990
‘Preserving the peace in Ireland: the role of military forces, 1815-45’, Irish Sword,
Vol.XVII, No.69 (Summer 1990), 261-272.
Gosling, P. 1989-90
‘Silent guns: two pieces of early 19th century ordnance on the shores of Galway Bay’,
JGAHS Vol. 42 (1989-90), 139-143.
Histories (vii)
Boyce, D.G. and O’ Day, A. (Eds.) 2000
Defenders of the Union: a survey of British and Irish Unionism since 1801. Routledge,
Bull, P. 1996
Land, Politics and Nationalism: a study of the Irish Land Question. Gill and Macmillan.
Ferriter, D. 2005
The Transformation of Ireland 1900-2000. Profile Books, London.
Gray, P. (Ed.) 2004
Victoria’s Ireland? Irishness and Britishness 1837-1901. Four Courts Press, Dublin.
Kenny, K. (Ed.) 2004
Ireland and the British Empire. Oxford History of the British Empire companion series.
Oxford University Press.
Vaughan, W.E. 1994
Landlords and tenants in mid-Victorian Ireland. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Augusteijn, J. (Ed.) 2003
The Irish Revolution, 1913-23. Palgrave
Brown, T. 2005
Ireland: a social and cultural history, 1922-2002. Harper Perennial. Third edition.
Farren, S. 1995
The politics of Irish education, 1920-65. Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s University,
Garvin, T. 2005
1922: The Birth of Irish Democracy. Gill and Macmillan, Dublin.
Histories (viii)
Gkotzaridis, E. 2006
Trials of Irish history: genesis and evolution of a reappraisal, 1938-2000. Routledge,
Hill, J.R. (Ed.) 2004
A New History of Ireland VII: Ireland 1921-1984. Oxford University Press.
Keogh, D. 1994
Twentieth-Century Ireland. Nation and State. New Gill History of Ireland 6. Gill and
Macmillan, Dublin.
McArdle, D. 1937
The Irish Republic. Victor Gollancz, London.
McCarthy, C. 2000
Modernisation: crisis and culture in Ireland, 1969-1992. Four Courts Press, Dublin.
Patterson, H. 2006
Ireland since 1939: the Persistence of Conflict. Penguin Ireland, Dublin.
Regan, J.M. 2001
The Irish Counter-Revolution 1921-1936. Gill and Macmillan, Dublin.
Aalen, F.H.A., Whelan, K. and Stout, M. (eds) 1997
Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape. Cork University Press.
Andrews, J.H. 2002
A Paper Landscape-The Ordnance Survey and Nineteenth- Century Ireland. Four Courts
Press, Dublin.
Andrews, J.H. 1997
Shapes of Ireland: Maps and Their Makers, 1564-1839. Dublin. Geography
Bonar Law, A. and C. 2005
A contribution towards a catalogue of the prints and maps of Dublin. Published by the
authors/Neptune Press.
Doherty, G. 2004
The Irish Ordnance Survey- History, Culture and Memory. Four Courts Press. Dublin
and Portland.
Dolan, J.T. 1929
‘Seventeenth century maps of Ardee Town’, CLAHJ volume VII number 1 (1929), 108109.
Dudley Edwards, R. 1981
An Atlas of Irish History. 2nd Edition. First Edition 1973. Routledge, London
Duffy, D (ed) 1997
Atlas of Irish History. Gill and Macmillan, Dublin.
Hayes-McCoy, G.A. (ed.) 1964
Ulster and Other Irish Maps, c.1600. Dublin, Stationery Office (Irish Manuscripts
Herity, M. (ed) 2001
Ordnance Survey Letters Meath: letters containing information relative to the antiquities
of the county of Meath collected during the progress of the Ordnance Survey in 1836.
Kennedy, L., Ell, P.S., Crawford, E.M. and Clarkson, L.A. 1999
Mapping the Great Irish Famine. Four Courts Press, Dublin.
Cartographic (ii)
The National Library of Ireland 1980
Ireland from Maps. National Library of Ireland, Dublin
Ó Cadhla 2006
Civilizing Ireland. Ordnance Survey 1824-42: ethnography, cartography, translation.
Irish Academic Press, Dublin.
Prunty, J. 2004
Maps and Map-making in Local History. Four Courts Press, Dublin.
Smyth, W.J. 2006
Map-making landscapes and memory: a geography of colonial and early modern Ireland
c.1530-1750. Cork University Press.
Swift, M. 1999
Historical Maps of Ireland. Parkgate Books, London.
Aalen, F.H.A. & Hunter, R.J. 1964
‘Two early 17th century maps of Donegal’, JRSAI Vol. 94 (1964), Part 2, 199-202.
Andrews, J.H 2001
‘The Mapping of Ireland’s Cultural Landscape, 1550-1630’, in Duffy, P.J., Edwards, D.
and FitzPatrick, E. (eds) Gaelic Ireland c. 1250-1650: Land, Lordship and Settlement.
Four Courts Press. Dublin and Portland.
Andrews, J. H. 2000
‘John Norden’s Maps of Ireland, 1607-08’. PRIA, Vol 100C, No. 5
Andrews, J. H. and Loeber, R. 1998
‘An Elizabethan map of Leix and Offaly: cartography, topography and architecture’, in
Nolan, W. and O'Neill, T.P. (eds), Offaly, history and society, interdisciplinary essays on
the history of an Irish county, 243-285. Geography Publications. Dublin
Casey, C. 1992
‘Joseph Ravell’s A Map of the Town and Suburbs of Drogheda 1749’, CLAHJ volume
XXII number 4 (1992), 361-363.
Daly, G. 1993
‘George Semple's charts of Dublin Bay, 1762’, PRIA Volume 93 (1993), Section C, 81105.
Cartographic (iii)
Dolan, J. 1928
‘The Down Survey or Cromwellian plantation maps of Louth [and drawing of fragment
of Down Survey parish map of Dundalk which survived the 1711 fire (destroyed 1922),
facing page 230]’ CLAHJ volume VI number 4 (1928), 247-249.
Dolan, J. 1929
‘Seventeenth Century Maps of Ardee’, The Journal of the County Louth Archaeological
Society 7(1), 104.
Edwards, D. & Manning, C. 2001
‘A seventeenth-century map of Inistioge, Co. Kilkenny’, JRSAI Vol.131 (2001), 38-55.
Frey, J. 1953
‘A Catalogue of Eighteenth and Nineteenth century Estate Maps in the Antrim Estate
Office, Glenarm, Co. Antrim’, Ulster J. Archeol., 16, 93-103.
McEvoy, F. 1985
‘Gowran in maps’, Old Kilkenny Review, Second Series Vol 3 No 2 (1985), 174-176.
Green, E.R.R. 1949
A Catalogue of Estate Maps etc., in the Downshire Office, Hillsborough, Co. Down’,
Ulster J. Archeol., 12, 1-25.
Hayes-McCoy, G.A. 1965
‘Contemporary Maps as an Aid to Irish History’, Imago Mundi (Amsterdam) XIX (1965),
Horner, A.A. 1978
‘Two eighteenth-century maps of Carlow town’, PRIA Volume 78 (1978), Section C,
Kerrigan, P.M. 1976
‘A military map of Ireland in the late 1790s’, Irish Sword, XII (1976), 247-251.
Klein, B. 1995.
‘English Cartographers and the Mapping of Ireland in the early Modern Period’, J. Study
of British Cultures, 2:2 (1995), 115-139.
McCourt. D. 1957
‘The Maps of the Brownlow Estate and the Study of the Rural Landscape in North
Armagh’, Ulster J. Archeol., 20, 114-122.
Cartographic (iv)
Manning, C. 2000
‘The findings of the Civil Survey of Inistoge and Callan’, Archaeology Ireland Vol 14:
No. 3, Issue 53, 18-23.
Manning, C. 1998
‘Some unpublished Austin Cooper illustrations’, JIA IX (1998), 127-134.
Murtagh, H. 1985
‘Thomas Philips’s plan of Athlone’, Old Athlone Soc. Jn., Vol II No. 6 (1985), 133-135.
Ní Chinnéide, S. 1974
‘A view of Kilkenny, city and county, in 1790’, [journal?] 29-38.
Ó Ceallaigh, S. 1951
‘A preliminary note on some of the nomenclature on the map of S.E. Ulster bound up
with the maps of the escheated counties, 1610’, JRSAI Vol. LXXXI (1951), Part I, 37-43.
O’Sullivan, H. 1963
‘Rothe’s Castle, Dundalk and Hugh O’Neill: a sixteenth-century map’, CLAHJ volume
XV number 3 (1963), 281-291.
Tempest, H.G. 1957
‘A seventeenth-century map of Dundalk and Castletown’, CLAHJ volume XIV number 1
(1957), 35-36.
Tempest, H.G. 1928
‘Three seventeenth century maps of Dundalk’, CLAHJ volume VI number 4 (1928), 270274.
Westropp, T.J. 1913
‘Early Italian maps of Ireland 1300-1600 with notes on foreign settlers and trade’,
PRIA 30C, 361-428.
County History & Society series that cover Post-Medieval
Hughes, A. & Nolan, W. (Eds) 2001
Armagh, History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
O’ Flanagan, P. & Buttimer, C.G. (Eds) 1993
Cork History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
O’Brien, G. (Ed) 1999
Derry & Londonderry History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Nolan, W., Ronayne, L., & Dunlevy, M. (Eds) 1995
Donegal History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Proudfoot, L. (Ed) 1997
Down History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Aalen, F.H.A. & Whelan, K. (Eds) 1992
Dublin: From Prehistory to Present. Studies in Honour of J.H. Andrews. Geography
Publications, Dublin.
Murphy, E.M. and Roulston, W.J. 2004.
Fermanagh History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Moran, G. & Gillespie, G. (Eds) 1996
Galway History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Nolan, W. & Whelan, K. (Eds) 1990
Kilkenny History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Nolan, W. & McGrath, T. (Eds) 2006
Kildare History History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Lane, G. & Nolan, W. (Eds) 1999
Laois History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Nolan, W. & O’Neill, T.P. (Eds) 1998
Offaly History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Nolan, W. & McGrath, T.G. (Eds) 1985
Tipperary History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Dillon, C. & Jefferies, H.A. (Eds) 2000
Tyrone History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
County History & Society series that cover Post-Medieval
Ireland (ii)
Nolan, W. & Power, T.P. (Eds) 1992
Waterford History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Whelan, K. (Ed) 1987
Wexford History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Hannigan, K. & Nolan, W. (Eds) 1994
Wicklow History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Published archaeological surveys and inventories of Irish
counties that cover some aspects of Post-Medieval Ireland.
(listed alphabetically by county)
Brindley, A. & Kilfeather, A. (Compilers) 1993
Archaeological Inventory of County Carlow. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/ OPW,
O’Donovan, P.F. (Compiler) 1995
Archaeological Inventory of County Cavan. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/ OPW,
Power, D., Byrne, E., Egan, U., Lane, S., Sleeman, M., Cotter, E. & Monk, J.
(Compilers) 1992-2000
Archaeological Inventory of County Cork (5 vols). Archaeological Survey of Ireland/
Dúchas The Heritage Service, Dublin.
Lacy, B. (Compiler) 1983
Archaeological Survey of County Donegal. Donegal County Council, Lifford.
Archaeological Survey of Northern Ireland 1966
An Archaeological Survey of County Down. HMSO, Belfast.
Gosling, P., Alcock, O. & de hÓra, K. (Compilers) 1993 & 1999
Archaeological Inventory of County Galway (2 vols). Archaeological Survey of Ireland/
OPW/ Dúchas The Heritage Service, Dublin.
Sweetman, P.D., Alcock, O. & Moran, B. (Compilers) 1995
Archaeological Inventory of County Laois. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/ OPW,
Moore, M.J. (Compiler) 2003
Archaeological Inventory of County Leitrim. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin.
Buckley, V. & Sweetman, P.D. (Compilers) 1991
Archaeological Survey of County Louth. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/ OPW,
Moore, M.J. (Compiler) 1987
Archaeological Inventory of County Meath. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/ OPW,
Brindley, A.L. (Compiler) 1986
Archaeological Inventory of County Monaghan. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/
OPW, Dublin.
Published archaeological surveys and inventories of Irish
counties that cover some aspects of Post-Medieval Ireland. (ii)
O’ Brien, C. & Sweetman, P.D. (Compilers) 1997
Archaeological Inventory of County Offaly. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/ OPW,
Toal, C. (Compiler) 1995
North Kerry Archaeological Survey. Brandon Books, Dingle.
O’Sullivan, A. & Sheehan, J. (Compilers) 1996
The Iveragh Peninsula: An Archaeological Survey of South Kerry. Cork University
Cuppage, J., Bennett, I., Cotter, C. & O’ Rahilly, C. (Compilers) 1986
Corca Dhuibhne/ Dingle Peninsula [west Kerry] Archaeological Survey.
Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne, Ballyferriter.
Farrelly, J. & O’ Brien, C. (Compilers) 2002
Archaeological Inventory of County Tipperary. Vol. 1, North Tipperary.
Archaeological Survey of Ireland/ Dúchas The Heritage Service, Dublin.
Egan, U., Byrne, E. and Sleeman, M. with Ronan, S and Murphy, C. (Compilers) 2005
Archaeological Inventory of County Sligo. Volume 1: South Sligo. Department of the
Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin.
Moore, M. (Compiler) 1999
Archaeological Inventory of County Waterford. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/
Dúchas The Heritage Service, Dublin.
Moore, M. J. (Compiler) 1996
Archaeological Inventory of County Wexford. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/ OPW,
Grogan, E. & Kilfeather, A. 1997
Archaeological Inventory of County Wicklow. Archaeological Survey of Ireland/ OPW,
Irish National Inventory of Architectural Heritage Series,
published by GSA- Dúchas
(listed alphabetically by county)
Cumming, W. 2006
‘Welcome to the NIAH (National Inventory of Architectural Heritage)’. Archaeology
Ireland, Vol 20, No. 4, Issue 78, Winter 2006, 11-12.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Carlow. 2002.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of South County Dublin. 2002.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Fingal. 2002.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co.Laois. 2002.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Leitrim. 2004.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Kerry. 2002.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Kildare. 2003.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Kilkenny. 2006.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Meath. 2002.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Meath. 2003.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Leitrim. 2004.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Offaly. 2006.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Sligo. 2007.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Waterford. 2004.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Westmeath. 2007.
An introduction to the architectural heritage of Co. Wicklow. 2004.
Ulster Architectural Heritage Society (UAHS) publications
Bell, G.B., Brett, C.E.B. & Mathew, R. (Compilers) 1969
Survey with Lists of Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural
Importance in and near Portaferry and Strangford. UAHS, Belfast.
Brett, C.E.B. (compiler) 1974
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural Importance in the towns
and Villages of Mid Down: Hillsborough, Dromore, Dromara, Ballynahinch, the Spa
and Saintfield. UAHS, Belfast.
Brett, C.E.B. (compiler) 1973
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural importance in the towns
and Villages of East Down including Ardglass, Killough, Dundrum, Clough,
Seaforde, Loughinisland, Killyleagh, Killinchy and Crossgar. UAHS, Belfast.
Brett, C.E.B. (compiler) 1970
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural Importance in the town
of Monaghan. UAHS, Belfast.
Brett, C.E.B. and Lady Dunleath (compilers) 1969
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural Importance in the
borough of Banbridge. UAHS, Belfast.
Brett, C.E.B. and Lady Dunleath (compilers) 1968-69
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural Importance in the
borough of Lisburn. UAHS, Belfast.
Brett, C.E.B. and McKinstry, R. (compilers) 1970-71
Survey and Recommendations for the Joy Street and Hamilton Street district of Belfast.
UAHS, Belfast.
Dixon, H. (compiler) 1972- 1973
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural Importance in the town
of Enniskillen. UAHS, Belfast.
Girvan, W.D. (compiler) 1971-72
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural importance in North
Antrim including the Towns of Portrush, Ballymoney and Bushmills. UAHS, Belfast.
Girvan, D,. Oram, R.W. & Rankin, P.J. (compilers) 1969
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural Importance in Antrim
and Ballymena: Muckamore, Galgorm, Randalstown, Gracehill, Ahoghill,
Broughshane, Kells, Connor and Mossley. UAHS, Belfast.
Ulster Architectural Heritage Society (UAHS) publications (ii)
Girvan, W.D, & Rowan, A.J. (compilers) 1970
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural importance in the Towns
and Villages of West Antrim including Crumlin, Glenavy, Templepatrick, Toome,
Portglenone, Ballyeaston, Clough, Cloughmills and Newtown Crommelin. UAHS,
Larmour, P. 1991
The Architectural Heritage of Malone and Stanmillis. UAHS, Belfast.
McCracken, E. 1971
The Palm House and Botanic Garden, Belfast. UAHS, Belfast.
Oram, R.W. & Rankin, P.J. (compilers) 1970- 1971
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural Importance in and near
Dungannon & Cookstown; Coalisland, Stewartstown, Tullyhogue, Newmills,
Donaghmore, Castlecaulfield and Pomeroy. UAHS, Belfast.
Patton, M 1993
Central Belfast : A Historical Gazetteer. UAHS, Belfast.
Rankin, P.J. (compiler) 1975
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural Importance in the
Mourne Area of South Down including Annalong, Bryansford, Castlewellan, Kilkeel
and Newcastle. UAHS, Belfast.
Rowan, A.J. & Brett, C.E.B (compilers) 1968. Revised by Dixon, H. & Evans, D.
Historic Buildings, Groups of Buildings, Areas of Architectural Importance in the
vicinity of the Queen’s University of Belfast. UAHS, Belfast.
Architecture: General
Bence-Jones, M. 1988
A Guide to Irish Country Houses, London.
Brett, C. E. B. 1999.
Buildings of County Armagh. Belfast.
Brett, C. E. B. 1996.
Buildings of County Antrim. Belfast.
Casey, C., and Rowan, R. 1993.
The Buildings of Ireland: North Leinster. Harmondsworth.
Clements, B. 2003
Defending the North: The Fortifications of Ulster 1796-1956. Colourpoint, Belfast.
Craig, M. 1982.
The architecture of Ireland from earliest times to 1800. Batsford, London
Craig, M. 1976.
Classic Irish Houses of the Middle Size. London.
De Breffny, B. and R. Ffolliott 1975
The Houses of Ireland. London.
Dixon, H. 1975
An introduction to Ulster architecture. Belfast.
Dooley, T. 2007
The Big Houses and Landed Estates of Ireland: A research guide. Four Courts Press,
Dublin City Council 2006
The Georgian squares of Dublin: an architectural history. Four Courts Press, Dublin.
Dublin Heritage Group 1993
Vernacular Buildings of East Fingal. Dublin.
Evans, E.E. 1957
Irish Folkways. Routledge and Keegan Paul, London.
Architecture: General (ii)
Evans, E.E. 1942
Irish Heritage. Dundalgan Press, Dundalk.
Fitzsimmons, J. 1990
Thatched Houses of Meath. Kells.
Glin, Knight of, Griffin, D. J., & Robinson, N. 1989
Vanishing Country Houses of Ireland. 2nd Edition. Irish Architectural Archive and The
Irish Georgian Society
Gailey, A. 1984
Rural Houses of the North of Ireland. Edinburgh.
Green, E.R.R. 1951
Irish Linen Halls. Belfast.
Heritage Council 2002
Policy Paper on Irish Thatched Roofs and the National Heritage. Heritage Council,
Heritage Council 1999a
The Courthouses of Ireland. Heritage Council, Kilkenny.
Heritage Council 1999b
Regulatory Environment for the Management and Repair of Historic Buildings .Heritage
Council, Kilkenny.
Heritage Council 1999c
Irish Thatched Roofs- Is Their Future a Thing of the Past? Heritage Council, Kilkenny.
Hill, J. 1991
The buildings of Limerick. Cork.
Hunt, J. 1974
Irish Medieval Figure Sculpture 1200-1600: A study of Irish tombs with notes on
costume and armour. 2 volumes. Southeby Parke Bernet and Irish University Press.
Hutchinson, S. 2003
Towers, Spires and Pinnacles- A History of the Cathedrals and Churches of the Church of
Ireland. Wordwell, Bray.
Irish Georgian Society 1909-1913
Records of eighteenth-century domestic and decoration in Ireland. 5 Volumes. Dublin.
Architecture: General (iii)
Jope E.M. 1961
Studies in Irish Building History. London: Oldhams Press.
Kerrigan, P. 1995
Castles and Fortifications in Ireland 1485-1945. Collins Press, Cork.
Kingston, B. 1990
Achill island. The Deserted Village at Slievemore. Castlebar.
Larmour, P. 1987
Belfast: Architectural Guide. Friar’s Bush Press, Belfast.
Leask, H. 1951
Irish Castles and Castellated Houses. Dundalgan Press, Dundalk.
Loeber, R. 1981
A Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Ireland, 1600-1720. John Murray, London.
Mc Afee, P.
Irish Stone Walls. O’ Brien Press.
Mc Afee, P. 1997
Irish Stone Walls. O’Brien Press.
McCullough, N. and Mulvin, V. 1987
A Lost Tradition: The Nature of Architecture in Ireland. Gandon Editions, Dublin.
Mc Donald, T. 1995
The Deserted village at Slievemore.
Mc Donald, F. & Doyle, P. 1997
Ireland's Earthen Houses. A. and A. Farmar, Dublin.
McDonnell, H. 2004
A History of Dunluce. Environment and Heritage Service: Built Heritage, Belfast.
McEnery, J.H. 2006
Fortress Ireland- The Story of the Irish Coastal Forts and the Shannon Defences.
Wordwell, Bray.
McNeill, T. 1997
Castles in Ireland, feudal power in a Gaelic World. Routledge, London and New York.
Architecture: General (iv)
McParland, E. 2001
Public Architecture In Ireland 1680-1760. Yale University Press, New Haven & London
Montgomery-Massingberd, H. and Sykes, C. 1999
Great Houses of Ireland. London.
Ní Fhloinn, B. and Dennison, G. (Eds) 1994
Traditional Architecture in Ireland and its role in Rural Development and Tourism.
Ó Cochláin, C. 1987
The Restoration of Kyteler's Inn and its History. Colm Ó Cochláin, Kilkenny.
Ó Cochláin, C. 1986
Shee Alms House : the Story of a Restoration. Kilkenny (Colm Ó Cochláin, Kilkenny.)
Ó Danachair, C. 1975
Ireland’s Vernacular Architecture. Cork.
Ó Maitú, S. and O’Reilly, B. 1997
Ballyknockan: a Wicklow stonecutter’s village. Dublin: Woodfield Press.
O’ Reilly, B 2004
Living under thatch- vernacular architecture in County Offaly. Mercier Press, Cork.
Oram, R. 2001
Expressions of Faith: Ulster’s Church Heritage. Colourpoint Books, Newtownards.
Potterton, H. 1975
Irish church monuments 1570-1880. Ulster Architectural Heritage Society. Belfast.
Reeners, R. (ed) 2003
A Wexford Farmstead- the conservation of an 18th-century farmstead in County Wexford.
Heritage Council, Kilkenny.
Roche, N. 2000
A Legacy of Light: A History of Irish Windows. Wordwell, Bray.
Rowan, A. 1979
The Buildings of Ireland: North West Ulster. Harmondsworth.
Salter, M. 1993
Castles and Stronghouses of Ireland. Folly Publications, Worcester.
Architecture: General (v)
Shraffrey, P. and Shraffrey, M. 1985
Irish Countryside Buildings. Dublin: O’Brien Press.
Shaw-Smith, D. 1984
Ireland’s Traditional Crafts. London.
Sleeman, M. 2004
Thatched Houses of County Cork: A Survey by Mary Sleeman for the Heritage Unit.
Cork County Council.
Symmons, C and Harkin, S. 2004
The Disappearing Irish Cottage: a case-study of north Donegal. Wordwell, Bray.
Walker, S. 2001
Historic Ulster Churches. Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen’s University of Belfast.
Webb, J. and Donaldson, A. 2006
Ballincollig Royal Gunpowder Mills: A hidden history. Nonesuch Publishing, Stroud.
Wiggins, K. 2000
Anatomy of a siege: King John's Castle, Limerick, 1642. Wordwell, Bray.
Williams, J. 1994
A Companion Guide to Architecture in Ireland, 1837-1921. Irish Academic Press.
Aalen, F.H.A. 1994
‘Vernacular Rural Dwellings of the Wicklow Mountains’ in Hannigan, K. & Nolan, W.
(Eds), Wicklow History and Society. Geography Publications, Dublin.
Aalen, F.H.A. 1970
‘The House Types of Gola Island, Co. Donegal, Folk Life Vol. 8 (1970), 32-44.
Aalen, F.H.A. 1964
‘Clochans as transhumance dwellings in the Dingle peninsula’, Co. Kerry, JRSAI Vol. 94
(1964), Part 1, 39-45.
Allen, D. 1996
‘Westport Methodist Church’, Cathair Na Mart No. 16. (1996), 62-65.
Anon 1998
‘Portora Castle Excavation’, Archaeology Ireland Vol 12: No. 1. Issue 43, 4.
Architecture: General (vi)
Anon 1998
‘The rediscovery of Bagnal’s castle, Newry’, Archaeology Ireland Vol 11: No. 2, Issue
40, 5.
Anon 1997
‘Before brick, before cement, there were Ireland’s Earthen Houses: A Photographic
Feature’, Archaeology Ireland Vol 11: No. 2, Issue 40, 20- 21.
Anon. 1994
‘Dublin's City Assembly House’, (document): DHR Vol.XLVII No.2 (Autumn 1994),
Anon 1938
‘Springhill, Co. Derry’, Ulster J. Archaeol., Vol 1: Pt 1, 81-83.
Barnard, T. C. 1994.
'Art, Architecture, Artefacts and Ascendancy'. Bullan, 1 no. 2.
Behan, A. 1994
‘Old Bells of Dublin’, DHR Vol.XLVII No.2 (Autumn 1994), 191.
Boylan, L. 1996-97
‘The Wonderful Barn’, JCKAS Vol. XVIII Part 3 (1996-97), 337-347.
Brannon, N.F. 1990
‘Excavations at Brackfield Bawn, County Londonderry’, Ulster J. Archaeol., 53, 8-14.
Brannon, N.F. 1980
‘Two fortified houses at Castleraw, Co. Armagh’, Ulster J. Archaeol., 43, 165-66.
Brannon, N.F. 1986
'Archaeological excavations at Dungiven Priory and Bawn’, Benbradagh 15, 15-18.
Brannon, N.F. 1981-82
'A small excavation at Castle Lug, Greenisland, County Antrim’, Ulster J. Archaeol., 4445, 202-203.
Brannon, N.F. and Blades, B.S. 1980
‘Dungiven bawn re-edified’, Ulster J. Archaeol., 43, 91-96.
Burges, Y.A., Davies, O and Gaffikin, M. 1938
‘Castlecaulfield Church, Parish of Donaghmore’, Ulster J. Archaeol., Vol 1: Pt 1, 96- 98.
Architecture: General (vii)
Cagney, L. and Glynn, I. 2006
‘In Living Memory’, Archaeology Ireland Vol 20: No. 3, Issue 77, 22-25.
Campbell, A. 1938
‘Notes on the Irish House. II.’, Folk-Liv No. 2 (1938), 173-196.
Campbell, A. 1937
‘Notes on the Irish House’, FolkLiv No. 2/3 (1937), 205-234.
Campbell, A. 1935
‘Irish Fields and Houses’, Béaloideas V (1935)
Clutterbuck, R. 2005
‘Excavation of a Cottier’s Cabin at Cookstown, Co. Meath’, IPMAG Newsletter, Vol. 4,
2005, 1-2.
Coleborn, C.F. 1968
‘Naas Workhouse’, JCKAS Vol. XIV No. 3 (1968), 316-321.
Conlon T.P. (& note by H.G. Leask) 1945
‘Old timbered house in Drogheda (recently the Imperial Hotel)’, CLAHJ volume XI
number 1 (1945), 41-42.
Conway, M. 1959
‘The study of our local vernacular’, CLAHJ volume XIV number 3 (1959), 170-178.
Corlett, C. 2001
‘Some features uncovered at Seapoint Martello Tower, Co. Dublin’ (note), JRSAI
Vol.131 (2001), 140-143.
Coyle, M. 1954
‘St. Brigid’s Well, Dunleer’, CLAHJ volume XIII number 2 (1954), 175-178.
Craig, M. 1970
‘New Light on Jigginstown’, Ulster J. Archeol., 33, 107-110.
Cullen, C. 2003
‘The History of St John's Bridge, Kilkenny’, Old Kilkenny Review No.55 (2003),
Cunningham, M. 1957
‘Architecture in nineteenth-century Limerick’, NMAJ Volume VII (1953–1957), Number
4 (1957), 1-3.
Architecture: General (viii)
Curry, J. 1999
‘The amalgamation scheme: The closure of the workhouses in County Mayo’, Cathair Na
Mart, No. 19. (1999), 28-46.
Danaher, K. & Lucas, A.T. 1951
‘Sweathouse, Co. Tyrone’ (note), JRSAI Vol. LXXXII (1952), Part II, 179-180.
Davies, O. 1948
The Castles of Co. Cavan Part II: The English Political Penetration into East Brefny’,
Ulster J. Archaeol., Vol. 11, 81-126.
Davies, O. 1947
The Castles of Co. Cavan Part I: Introductory: Cartographical Traditions’, Ulster J.
Archaeol., Vol. 10, 73-100.
Davies, O. 1941
'The Castle of Benburb'. Ulster J. Archaeol., 4: Pt 1, 31-34.
Davies, O. 1939
'Aughentaine Castle'. Ulster J. Archaeol., 2, 72-82.
Davies, O. 1938
‘Mount Castle (Eden- Killiny)’, Ulster J. Archaeol., 1: Pt 2, 215-216.
Dawkes, G. and Buckley, L. 2006
‘Bagenal’s Castle, Newry: an Elizebethan Tower-house and Cemetery’. Archaeology
Ireland, Vol 20, No. 4, Issue 78, Winter 2006, 31-33.
Delargy, S. 1939
‘Mountain Shielings in Donegal’, Béaloideas 9 (1939), 295-296.
Donovan, T. 2002
‘Ice houses at Glin’ (note), NMAJ volume 42 (2002), 175-176.
Donnelly, C., Logue, P., O’ Neill, J. and Ó Néill, J. 2007
‘Timber castles and towers in sixteenth-century Ireland: some evidence from Ulster’,
Archaeology Ireland Vol 21: No. 2, Issue 80, 22-25.
De Courcy, S. 2001
‘The five defining events in Irish building in the second millenium’, Archaeology Ireland
Vol 15: No. 3, Issue 57, 28-31.
Evans, E.E. 1939
‘Donegal Survivals’, Antiquity 50 (1939), 209-220.
Architecture: General (ix)
Falvey, A. 1999
‘Mayo workhouses and lunatic asylums’, Cathair Na Mart, No. 19. (1999), .
Feely, M., Lidwill, J. and Monaghan, D. 1996
‘Mrs. Coade’s Stone-a late 18th century addition to Co. Galway’s architectural heritage’,
JGAHS Vol. 48 (1996), 92-97.
Ferguson, K. 1990
‘The Royal Hospital and the Battle of the Boyne’, Irish Sword, Vol.XVIII, No.70 (Winter
1990), 80-81.
FfOlliott, R. 1972
‘Cottages and Farmhouses’, The Irish Ancestor 1, 30-35.
Foley, T. 2005
‘Carnew Castle’, in Condit, C. and Corlett, C. (eds), Above and Beyond: Essays in Memory
of Leo Swan. Wordwell, Bray, 423-434.
Forsythe, W. 2007
‘Bantry Bay as a maritime fortified landscape’, Historical Archaeology 41 (3), 51-62.
Gailey, A. 1987
‘Changes in Irish rural housing 1600-1900’ in O’ Flanagan, P., Ferguson, P. and Whelan,
K. (Eds), Rural Ireland 1600-1900: Modernisation and Change. Cork Universty Press,
Cork, 86-103.
Gailey, A. 1981
‘Traditional houses at Riasc’, JKAHS 14 (1981), 94-111.
Gailey, A. 1981
‘Three houses with outshot in North Louth and South Armagh’, CLAHJ volume XX
number 1 (1981), 3-9.
Gailey, A. 1979
‘Vernacular Housing in North West Ulster’ in Rowan A., The Buildings of Ireland,
North West Ulster. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Gailey, A. 1976
‘The houses of the rural poor in nineteenth century Ulster’, Ulster Folklife xxii (1976),
Architecture: General (x)
Gailey, A. 1976
‘Some developments and adaptions of traditional house types’ in Ó Danachair, C. (Ed.),
Folk and Farm: Essays in honour of A.T. Lucas. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland,
Dublin, 56-71.
Gormley, S. and McNeill, T.E. 2001
‘Castle or office block?’ [Dunineny Castle, Co. Antrim], Archaeology Ireland Vol 15:
No. 1, Issue 55, 30- 32.
Gowen, M. 1980
‘17th-century artillery forts in Ulster’, Clogher Record 10.2 (1980), 239-257.
Gowen, M. 1978
‘Dunboy Castle, Co. Cork’, JCHAS Vol 83, no. 237, 1-49.
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Architecture: General (xi)
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Architecture: General (xiii)
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Architecture: General (xiv)
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Architecture: General (xv)
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Architecture: General (xvi)
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Architecture: General (xviii)
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Architecture: General (xix)
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Castles, Fortifications and Fortified Houses (iii)
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Castles, Fortifications and Fortified Houses (v)
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There follows a section on books and articles covering the following topics:
Historical Archaeology
Comparanda: North America
Comparanda: Britain
Comparanda Europe
These lists are not meant to be definitive, but were found to be
of use to the contributors of this bibliography.
Historical Archaeology
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Historical Archaeology, vol. 34, no. 1, Tucson AZ, 97-110.
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no. 1, Tucson AZ, 20-38.
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Comparanda: North America (ii)
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of Virginia, Richmond, Dietz Press.
Egan, G. & Michael, R.L. (Eds) 1999
Old Worlds and New: Historical/ Post-Medieval Archaeology Papers from the Societie’s
joint conferences at Williamsburg and London 1997 to mark thirty years of work and
achievement. Oxbow Books, Oxford.
Garvan, A. 1951
Architecture and Townplanning in Colonial Connecticut. Yale University Press.
Goodwin, L.B.R. 1994
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Hodges, C. T. 1993
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Publication No. 30 of the Archaeological Society of Virginia, Richmond, Dietz Press.
Hoffman, R. 2000
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Carolina Press.
Horn, J. 1994
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Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg Virginia, University of
North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Comparanda: North America (iii)
Horning, A. 2005
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the Chesapeake’ in Green, A. and Leech, R. (eds) in Cities in the World. Society for Post
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Kennedy, L. 1996
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Kupperman, K. O. 2000
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Lacey, B. 1979
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McCarthy, J.P. and Ward, J.A. 2000
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Privies’ in Wheeler, K.L. (ed.) ‘View from the Outhouse: What We Can Learn from the
Excavation of Privies’, Historical Archaeology, vol. 34, no. 1, Tucson AZ, 111-129.
McCartney, M. 1999
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54(4): 178-196.
Comparanda: North America (iv)
Merrell, J. H. 1991
‘The Customes of our Country’, in Bailyn, B. and Morgan, P. (eds) Strangers within the
Realm: Cultural Margins of the First British Empire. University of North Carolina Press.
Metz, J., Jones, J., Pickett, D. and Muraca, D. 1998
‘Upon the Palisado’ and Other Stories of Place from Bruton Heights. Department of
Archaeological Research, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, Virginia.
Miller, H. 1999
‘Archaeology and Townplanning’ in Egan, G. & Michael, R.L. (eds) Old Worlds and
New: Historical/ Post-Medieval Archaeology Papers from the Societie’s joint conferences
at Williamsburg and London 1997 to mark thirty years of work and achievement. Oxbow
Books, Oxford, 97-105.
Miller, H. 1998
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Mouer, D. 1998
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Mouer, D. 1993
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& Pogue, D.J. (eds) The Archaeology of Seventeenth Century Virginia. Special
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Noël Hume, I. 1969
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Comparanda: North America (v)
Orser, C.E. 1996
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conferences at Williamsburg and London 1997 to mark thirty years of work and
achievement. Oxbow Books, Oxford, 147-154.
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Excavation of Privies’, Historical Archaeology, vol. 34, no. 1, Tucson AZ, 3-19.
Comparanda: Britain
Journal: Post-Medieval Archaeology (UK, 1967-)
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Comparanda: Europe (ii)
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