campus connection - The Gathering Place

Christian Campus Ministry-Oshkosh
Fall 2013
Ministering to Students
Since 1968
Connie Weiss
John Hobbins
Campus Ministers
Sharon Raimann Ziebert
Administrative Assistant
Amanda Roberts
Sarah Wood
Andrew Schwerin
Clayton Shaw
Angela Bergman
Samantha Wallenta
Kirsten Nyberg
Emily Trusk
Alyssa Kreitzman
A New School Year
Well here we are! Another school year is starting and so much is happening at
The Gathering Place. Once again, we will offer two worship services. And two
seems to be the magic number—for we are blessed to be able to have two fall
interns to help us in the areas of worship and hospitality along with a strong team
of Peer Ministers. Needless to say, the ministry is in good hands. After much discerning, I have entered the candidacy process and have begun taking classes at
Wartburg Seminary. And those classes are providing a lot of inspiration! This
year’s theme, called “This I Believe”, will take students on an individual and corporate faith journey. Built around the Apostles’ Creed, we will dig deep on issues of
faith in worship, Bible Study and discipleship. In God’s perfect timing and wisdom,
this year’s faith journey will be quite an adventure! And I thank God for that!
Connie Weiss
Campus Minister
Here we are again for sure! I very much look forward to worship and Souper
Mondays and small group studies with The Gathering Place community this Fall.
The GP has many strengths. One of them is hospitality in the name of Christ. In
His name we welcome all, believer and seeker alike. Another is that this fellowship is where a “walk to Emmaus” occurs for many students and faculty. “Were
not our hearts burning [within us] while ... on the way ... how he was made
known to them in the breaking of the bread” (Luke 24:32). We gather for a purpose. God calls each of us into ministry along the way.
Rev. John Hobbins
Campus Minister
Patty Koplitz-President
Nate Wielgosh-VP
Sue Elbing-Treasurer
Rev. John Worzala-Dumke
Beverly Schaefer
Rosemary Veith
Chris Schlender
Rev. Maurice Schaus
Mondays & Thursdays
9:30 am - 8:30 pm
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Rev. Chuck Davis-President
Linda Eroh-Treasurer
Kathleen Corley
Rev. Jakes Volker
Alice Riemer McKee
Ken Redmer
Rachel Basel
Alex Green
The Gathering Place
620 Elmwood Avenue
Oshkosh, WI 54901
FB: Gathering Place UWO
Twitter: #gatheringplaceoshkosh
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C a m p u s Co n n e c t i on
Our Active Ministry in Great Financial Need
Additional Funds Needed for Rapidly Growing Ministry
From all appearances, the campus ministry at The Gathering Place is solid.
From a ministry and student involvement perspective, we’ve never been better!
And, we continue to grow! The last year has provided us immense opportunities of growth through our service to others. We have been blessed with a strong and vibrant staff
and board, and are even more blessed as we preparet o welcome 3,600 incoming freshmen to UW
Oshkosh this fall.
While we continued to grow our family — doubling our worship services, we have also doubled the amount of home cooked dinners that we prepare for students who come for a welcoming
meal, and to hear God’s Word. While the year has provided us with incredible opportunities, insurmountable growth potential and a commitment to self and community; we have been challenged
throughout this incredible journey. As the purpose for our need grows, we continue to face the
financial realities – our financial support has continued to lessen. Unlike a church, this young adult
congregation is unable to financially support this ministry. Therefore The Gathering Place must find
its own sources of income and support. And, we cannot do it without your help.
Consider partnering with us by donating to this ministry. Your financial support today helps us
to maintain normal operations, and continue to support the spiritual, emotional and physical needs
of students throughout Oshkosh. Please, share this need with your parishioners as well as, your
Church Council. Please consider supporting this active and much-needed young adult ministry.
Electronic donations are also accepted at
Donations can be made out to LCM-Oshkosh and sent in the enclosed envelope or to..
The Gathering Place
620 Elmwood Avenue
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Grateful for Generous Hearts
Sigma Pi Befriends Ministry
Amanda Adam and Kirsten
Nyberg talk about GP
Milestone Ministry program
at ECSW Annual Synod
Assembly Workshop at KI
Center in Green Bay.
Campus Greek organization Sigma Pi has
formed a very special friendship with the
ministry. Alumnus of GP and the fraternity—Ken Redmer (pictured 3rd from left)
introduced the Greeks to the ministry after
finding out the fraternity was in need of satisfying volunteer hours. Since then, Sigma Pi
has donated numerous hours volunteering at
the GP by raking leaves, cleaning the basement and assisting with computer issues.
We want to take a moment to personally
thank the members of the Appleton Odd Fellows for their financial support. Their support
has helped us purchase a new laptop computer
for our Campus Minister. A thank you also
goes out to the Konemic Lodge No. 47 Odd
Fellows for their donation of marketing items
that will be distributed throughout events during the first few weeks of the fall semester to
incoming freshmen at UW Oshkosh.
You can learn more about the Appleton Odd
Fellows by visiting their website at ...
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Fall 2013
Student Produces a GP Video
Short video will help promote the growing ministry
Andy Schwerin, an active student at the ministry,
brought classmates from his Radio, TV & Film class
to The Gathering Place this spring for a class project. Andy and team videotaped and produced a 30second video of the ministry at The Gathering Place.
The crew videotaped during a Thursday night grillout prior to worship. Students from The GP happily performed for the camera. Fellow GP member,
Clayton Shaw, was on-camera host for the video.
Clayton welcomes the viewers to the ministry as he
walks through the house into the living room where
students are gathered for worship. The ministry
will use this class video as a promotion piece on
Titan TV and The Gathering Place web site. This
video will be a great source of outreach to students.
The ministry is blessed to have so many young
adults who use their gifts to serve God and spread
the good news each and every day on campus!
Radio, TV & Film students work with fellow classmate and
current GP UMC Co-President Andy Schwerin (on right).
GP LCM Co-President, Clayton Shaw, hosts the video—
welcoming and inviting viewers to the ministry.
Exciting Events Planned for the 2013-14 School Year!
Souper Monday Free Lunch
Dinner, Worship & Fellowship
“This I Believe” Bible Study
Outreach Table at Reeve
Dinner Worship & Fellowship
Rec Fest-Welcome Back Students
Taste of Oshkosh/Plant Giveaway
“One-Down” Non-Alcoholic Party
Homecoming Hospitality Table
Student Weekend Retreat
Ecumenical Christmas Worship
Frosting Cookies with Youth
Speaker—Amy Jill Levine
Alternative Spring Break Trip
GP Students get help from Pastor Kim Krogstad and youth group from All Saints
Lutheran Church, Oshkosh to frost cookies for giveaway on campus during finals
Second Worship
Service was wellreceived last year
and will continue
to be offered on
Monday nights
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C a m p u s Co n n e c t i on
Students Passionate
about Social Justice
The ministry continues to be passionate about
social justice issues on campus and in the community. This past school year, students led the
fight for awareness and solutions on issues of
homelessness, cancer, sexual assault and gender violence, discrimination, hunger and those
who are differently abled. Members of The GP
were leaders in many programs that seek to
make this world a better and safer place. Ultimately, these young adults were busy making
Christ known through their compassion for
others who are in need.
(L-R) Clayton Shaw, Carl Schemm, Samantha Wallenta and Angela
Bergman teamed up at Relay for Life. Samantha has lost several
family members to cancer and fellow GP friends supported their
friend and a very worthwhile cause.
“Learn to do good;
seek justice,
correct oppression;
bring justice to the
fatherless, plead
the widow's cause.”
Isaiah 1:17
Humera Sentia
The Ministry Sports
a Brand New Look!
The Gathering Place is pleased to be sporting a brand new logo design. LCM
Board member and alumni of UWO—Nathan Wielgosh put his creative gifts
to work and designed the logo. The circle of people reflect the four colors
found in the ELCA globe. The red person-icon in the upper left also intentionally placed to reflect the red found in the UMC cross & flame logo. Nate also
de si gn e d t he m ini st r y web sit e . C hec k it o ut at Thank you Nate for donating so much of
your time and talents to the ministry!
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Fall 2013
Connie Weiss
Patty Koplitz
Campus Minister
LCM Board Pres.
Buffalo, New York
Spring Break was an incredible experience for our ministry participants this year. We have grown
in numbers . So, when it came time to organize and plan for an Alternative Spring Break trip – we
had 17 young adults commit to the trip. We decided to do something different and partnered with
Collegiate Habitat. It was the most active service work we have experienced in the past six years
since Connie has been a campus minister. The 19 participants were physically exhausted following
every day of service. The work was so physically challenging – and, we witnessed amazing attitudes
of joy and purpose. Because of your support, we were able to transport all 19 cross-country to
Buffalo, NY. We, who work in campus ministry, are so blessed to be in the presence of some pretty important spiritual formation
happening within the lives of
young adults in their brief time
with us.
“This trip has taught me to be
thankful for all that I have
(friends, family, a warm place to
live, food, education, etc.) and
has also made me realize how
many people are in need and
how little things and small time
commitments can make a huge
difference.” - Kirsten Nyberg
(Top) Row 1, L-R: Sarah Komasa, Andy Schwerin, Sarah Wood, Kirsten Nyberg
Row 2: Andi Schaefer, Amanda Adam, Sarah Klein, Tara Hoppman, Chelsea Robach
Row 3: Nic Templin, Andrea Koplitz, Emily Trusk, Jenna Meer (far right) Amanda Gauger
(Bottom) Row 4: Josie Golla, Jenna Nyberg, Angela Bergman
Peer Ministry
Program Expands
2012-13 Peer Ministers: Top Row: Samantha Wallenta, Middle
Row: , Andrea Schaefer and Emily Trusk
Last school year, the Peer Ministers took
their program to a whole new level. The
Peers restructured the program with clearly
defined roles of its leaders.
At the end of the school year, the Peers held an election of officers. The leadership program comprises
two student co-presidents; one represents Lutheran
Campus Ministry and the other represents United
Methodist Campus Ministry. Next, the student congregation elected one vice president, a treasurer and a
secretary. The other peers work together with the
student officers to serve the young adult ministry at
The Gathering Place.
The promise of peer ministry lies in the opportunity to
involve students directly in ministry tasks while they
learn Christian leadership skills useable for the whole
Church. Well developed and supervised programs do
much to ensure the present and future vitality of the
Body of Christ. The goal is to appreciate and nurture
the gifts of each Peer Minister (on the campus ministry
team. Students and the campus ministers serve together as coequal participants in the work of Jesus. The
Gathering Place is devoted to training Christians to
intentionally minister to others in a faith program that
is flexible but structured enough to offer accountability
and ensure quality ministry.
“With God's Grace and
patience, I hope I will find
myself jumping into bigger
tasks helping communities
near and far.”
- Andrew Schwerin
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C a m p u s Co n n e c t i on
To Everything There is a Season
Billie Jo Searl
May-Aug. 2012
Sharon Raimann Ziebert
Feb 2013-Present
We were blessed to have Billie Jo for four
brief months before moving on for another opportunity. Sharon Raimann Ziebert joined
the ministry staff in February as our newest Administrative Assistant. She has experience in
data base management, payroll, computer training, maintaining older homes, and working as a
caregiver. We welcome her to our Gathering
Place family.
The Gathering Place
received a facelift from
neighbor Mike Lyster.
Amra Erd
Grad Student
Amanda Gauger
Amra transferred out of Oshkosh, became engaged to Tuvshinbold Bold and
now lives in Rockford, IL. Amra is now
attending NIU's master of public health
program. Following school, she looks forward to returning to Mongolia . Amanda
transferred to UW Eau Claire where she
will be working at earning a degree in Kinesiology. Both girls will be missed and we
wish them God’s blessings.
Building a Strong Internship Program
The GP Offers Paid Internships due to the Generous Donations from the Methodist Wesley Fund
Carl Schemm
Andrew Schwerin
Amanda Roberts
Sarah Wood
Carl served as our Outreach Intern during
the spring semester. Carl worked at
reaching out to students on campus and
strengthening existing relationships with
members of the ministry.
Amanda was hired as our Fall Worship
Intern. Amanda will be helping to put on
the two worship services this fall along
with planning music and powerpoint programs for those services.
Andy just finished up as our Summer Intern. Andy’s focus was on building strong
programs and events for fall and reaching
out to new students as well as returning
students. Andy now serves as the Methodist Campus Student President.
Sarah was hired as our Fall Hospitality
Intern. Sarah will be in charge of the coordination, preparation and clean-up of
both meals prior to the worship services
and for the Souper Monday events.
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Fall 2013
Congratulations to our
Campus Minister
Degree in Human Services
Bachelor's of Science-Liberal Arts
Degree in Psychology.
Degree in Biology
Maria works at Family Services
in Green Bay and is training to
be a Bilingual Family Support
Worker. She hopes to get a
masters degree in Social Work
in the near future. Maria was a
resident of The GP for 2 years.
Shauna is currently working at
a summer camp with children.
After camp she will be working
full time at a daycare. It is her
hope to work in the Milwaukee
area as a child life specialist.
Sarah resides in Sheboygan
and looks forward to working in
a laboratory some day. Sarah
was extremely active at The
Gathering Place and always
participated in the alternative
spring break trips.
Gathering Place
Mary Schwind (Tubbs)
(May, 2011) Married Adam
Schwind on June 28h. Mary
works as a cashier for Roundy’s
Pick n’ Save in Fond du Lac.
Christine Minzlaff (Schuh)
(May, 2009) Married Josh
Minzlaff on June 20th. Chris
is Director of Business Development for Jay Development
in Oshkosh.
Wish List
The Gathering Place is in
need of items that will help
its ministry run or just
needs replacing. We are
looking for donations of the
Dustin Anderson (May 2009)
Dustin and wife Kristen celebrated the birth of their daughter
Charis Noelle on Dec. 22, 2012.
They live in Plano, Texas where
Dustin attends Dallas Theological Seminary.
Rev. Stuart Dornfeld
(May 2000) Stuart is serving
as the Associate Pastor at
Peace Lutheran Church in
Green Bay. Prior to Peace,
Stuart served 6 years as
pastor at Emmanuel Lutheran in Brandon, WI. He also
served on the board of this
campus ministry and often
preached at the Gathering
Place. Currently, he lives in
Polaski with his wife Megan
and their three children.
Flat Screen TV
Upright Freezer
Grocery Gift Cards
Donated Meals
New Bibles
In need of volunteer property mgr.
If you can help,
please contact
Connie or Sharon at
The Gathering Place
Campus Connection
The Gathering Place
620 Elmwood Avenue
Oshkosh, WI 54901
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“Where Jesus Christ is Lord
Everyone is Welcome!”
LCM-Oshkosh, Inc.
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