EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT PART 1 – INITIAL SCREENING 1. Name of the policy / function / service development being assessed? Supervised Injecting Service at Marina House; change of Tuesday opening hours from 4-6pm to 2.30-4.30pm The supervised injecting service offers a highly structured intensive treatment 7 days a week, twice daily. Service users attend daily (once or twice) to inject prescribed injectable opioids under supervision. Flexible medication regimes are available for those who cannot attend, for example take home oral methadone can be given to those who have other commitments. 2. Name of person responsible for carrying out the assessment? Rob van der Waal 3. Describe the main aim, objective and intended outcomes of the policy / function / service development? Aim: Change of opening hours on Tuesday afternoon from 4 - 6pm to 2.30 - 4.30pm Objective: to align pm opening hours to 2.30-4.30 on all weekdays. Intended Outcomes: increased efficiency of using staff resources; increased consistency for service users 4. Is there reason to believe that the policy / function / service development could have a negative impact on a group or groups? NO Which equality groups may be disadvantaged / experience negative impact? Race NO Disability NO Gender NO Age NO Sexual orientation NO Religion / belief NO Equality Impact Assessment V2 Last amended 31.01.07 by Kay Harwood. Contact: kay.harwood@slam.nhs.uk 1 5. What evidence do you have and how has this been collected? Substantial – Staff has been consulted and is positive about the change. Service users have been consulted and have provided individual feedback. For most the change is positive and convenient. One service users said that the change could be inconvenient due to weekly hospital appointments on Tuesday afternoon, however he is going to change this to ensure he can continue to attend twice daily on Tuesdays. 6. Have you explained your policy / function / service development to people who might be affected by it? Yes If ‘yes’ please give details of those involved Staff/service users 7. If the policy / function / service development positively promotes equality please explain how? n/a 8. From the screening process do you consider the policy / function / service development will have a positive or negative impact on equality groups? Please rate the level of impact and summarise the reason for your decision. Neutral: High (highly likely) Reason for your decision: Staff and service users have been consulted. For most the change is positive and convenient. One service user will change weekly hospital appointment on Tuesday afternoon to a more convenient time. Date completed: 27/10/2010 Print name: Rob van der Waal If the screening process has shown potential for a negative impact you will need to carry out a full equality impact assessment Equality Impact Assessment V2 Last amended 31.01.07 by Kay Harwood. Contact: kay.harwood@slam.nhs.uk 2