excel models - NavigatingAccounting.com

Excel Model Reference
Navigating Accounting
Excel Models
How Do I Use the Models?
Model Overview
EntryInputs Sheet Tab
Accounts Sheet Tab
BSE Sheet Tab
Focus on Event Button
Journal Entry Button 10
T-Account Button
BS Sheet Tab
Account Selection Button
Excel ® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft ® Office Excel ® is part of the
Microsoft Office system. All brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Navigating Accounting
Navigating Accounting includes several Microsoft Excel models we
have developed to help you learn accounting. This reference document
describes the common features for three Excel models for three fictitious
start-up companies: Cardinal, a retail company; Eagle, a manufacturing
company; and Mighty Mascot Software, Inc. (MMS), a software
development company. The illustrations (screen-shots) in this document
are from the Cardinal model, but they are similar for the other models.
These are pro-forma models: They provide pro-forma financial
statements, meaning statements that are estimated for planning purposes.
Start-up companies such as Cardinal, Eagle and MMS often include
monthly, quarterly, and annual pro-forma statements in their business
plans. However, the Excel model reports annual statements only. The proforma record-keeping entries used to create these annual statements are
based on the financial measures in the model’s EntryInput worksheet.
The annual entries aggregate structurally identical planned entries: Most
of the pro-forma entries aggregate several first-year entries expected to
be recorded separately during the year. For example, there is a single
entry for planned first-year customer collections. When the company
commences operations, it will record separate entries for actual customer
collections and other events as they occur throughout the year, and make
adjusting entries at the end of each reporting period (month, quarter,
and year). The aggregate entries are structurally identical to the separate
entries the company will record during the year in that the same accounts
are affected and the direction of these effects (whether the accounts
increase or decrease) are the same.
Navigating Accounting’s files have only been tested on
Microsoft Windows platforms. In particular, they have
not been developed for, nor tested on, Apple machines
and they have features that may not work on Macs.
Recently, the Mac version of Microsoft Excel no longer
allows macros that use Visual Basics. Unfortunately, the
models require you to enable macros.
If you don’t have access to a PC, we have developed a few
work-a-rounds. For the Cardinal and Eagle models, we
have videos that walk through the models as if you were
checking your answers. These are mostly silent movies
with menus to go directly to the entry you want to check.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Excel Model Reference
In most exercises, you record entries and check your answers in provided
Now, you can check your record keeping entries using the Excel models
and you can determine how entries affect the balance sheet, income
statement, and the cash-flow statement. In addition, you can easily
identify the entries that affect an account, which is an essential skill for
reverse engineering these entries.
Prior to using the models, students often have the misconception that
they will record entries into the Excel models. Instead, you record entries
manually on paper and check your answers against entries recorded in
the Excel model.
To record entries, you will use the chart of accounts and descriptions of
its entries. Then check your answers in the model as described herein.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Navigating Accounting
The following describes the basic functionality of the Excel models. In
particular, it will help you check your answers in the model and trace the
consequences to the financial statements.
• If you do not already have Excel installed on your
computer, purchase and install it before continuing.
• You must weaken the security settings in Excel before you
open the file (since it contains macros).
Once you open the model, you will see they have several sheets arranged
in the order information flows through the model (see the tabs at the
bottom of the model). Here are the sheets that are common across the
three models:
• EntryInputs Sheet: The EntryInputs sheet arranges data that
facilitates recording entries. It describes each event and the related
amounts. This is the starting point for recording entries.
• Accts Sheet: Entries are recorded into accounts, which are essentially
places where financial measures are accumulated. The Accts sheet
contains the chart of accounts used in the model.
• BSE Sheet: Based on information in the EntryInputs and Accts
sheets, the model records entries into the balance-sheet-equation sheet
(BSE). Note that data flows from EntryInputs and Accts into BSE
and that BSE stores data in a form that can be accessed easily to create
financial statements. The BSE sheet also has buttons that reveal the
related journal entries and T-accounts.
• BS, IS, SCF Sheets: These sheets report the balance sheets (BS),
income statements (IS), and statement of cash flows with indirect
operating sections (SCF).
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Excel Model Reference
EntryInputs Sheet Tab
To go to the EntryInputs sheet, which contains brief descriptions of the
entries, click the EntryInputs tab.
The screen below appears.
Entry code
Brief qualitative description
Related quantitative data
Link to PowerPoint Slides
As indicated, the relatively large cells in the center of the EntryInputs
sheet describe the entries qualitatively in adequate enough detail so that
an expert could record the entry.
The numbers in the adjacent cells to the right provide related
quantitative data.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Navigating Accounting
Accounts Sheet Tab
To record entries, you will also need a chart of accounts.
Scroll to and click the Accts tab, which is immediately to the right of the
EntryInputs tab.
The figure below appears.
The Accts sheet lists accounts grouped into primary balance sheet
classifications (assets, liabilities, and owners’ equities). The owners’
equities are further classified as permanent or temporary.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Excel Model Reference
BSE Sheet Tab
Select the BSE sheet by clicking the tab immediately to the right of the Accts
The screen below appears.
Focus on Event button
Entry codes and
brief descriptions
Balance-sheet equation
One account per column
Recorded numbers
One entry per row
The BSE sheet is a large balance-sheet-equation matrix.
The exhibit above illustrates that the rows of the matrix are entries and
the columns its accounts.
You can scroll to see the matrix, but, there is a better way....
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Navigating Accounting
Focus on Event Button
Click the Focus on Event button (the second button above the list of
entries). The screen below appears.
“Focus on Event”
doesn’t work on macs.
Instead, watch the
video to check your
answers. The video
is on the web site
with the other model
First, select the event in the pop-up menu
Second, click on the Focus button
Clicking the Focus on Event button opens the Focus on Event pop-up
Here we focus on Car0.03, purchase inventory on account, to see how it
is recorded:
1. Select the entry in the pop-up window: Use the scroll bar on the right
to scroll to the entry and then click on Car0.03. This will highlight the
entry as indicated below.
2. Click the Focus button on the right side of the pop-up window.
The screen on the next page appears.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Excel Model Reference
Click to see the focused
entry’s journal entry
Focused entry’s
mini equation
Clicking Focus on Event, the model hides all of the rows and columns
in the balance-sheet-equation matrix except those related to the focused
Thus, focusing on an entry reveals the entry’s mini
equation. This allows you to quickly determine how an
entry is recorded after you try to record it on your own.
To view the entire mini equation, select the area that contains the entry
and then choose Selection in the Zoom box. You will see the cells in the
exhibit below.
Focusing color-codes the entry’s numbers so that you can trace them
to journal entries, T-Accounts (discussed shortly), and the financial
statements. The colors have no inherent meaning. For example, green
always pertains to the first account in the equation, blue to the second,
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Navigating Accounting
Journal Entry Button
Focusing also reveals the Journal Entry button, which is immediately
below the entry’s description.
Click the Journal Entry button.
The screen below appears.
“Journal Entry” doesn’t
work on macs. Instead,
watch the video to
check your answers.
The video is on the
web site with the other
model resources.
Click a Taccount button
to see how an
account is
Focused entry’s journal
entry, color codes so that
you can trace numbers from
the BSE to the journal entry
affected by the
focused entry
and by other
Clicking the Journal Entry button reveals a color-coded journal entry.
This coding will help you understand how the two record-keeping
models described in this chapter relate to each other.
In particular, the color coding provides a convenient way to practice the
rules for converting balance-sheet-equation entries to journal entries.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Excel Model Reference 11
T-Account Button
To view the T-Account for a specific account, click the T-Account button
immediately above the account’s abbreviation in the balance-sheet
Click the T-Account button for Merchandise inventories, MerInv.
The screen below appears.
“T-Accounts” doesn’t
work on macs. Instead,
for Eagle, use the
Affects on Accounts
PDF to check your
answers. This on the
web site with the other
Eagle model resources.
Clicking the T-Account button for MerInv reveals a color coded TAccount. T-Accounts are the debits-credits- model analogue of columns
in the BSE matrix.
The T-Account and Journal Entry buttons are toggle switches that cause
the related content to be visible or hidden.
Click the MerInv T-Account button and Journal Entry button to hide
these items.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Navigating Accounting
BS Sheet Tab
The Excel model uses color coding to help you assess entries’ financial
statement consequences. This assumes you are still focused on a particular
To see how Car0.03 affects Eagle’s balance sheet, click the BS button that
is immediately to the right of the Focus on Event button or the BS tab at the
Click the BS button to see how an entry affects
the balance sheet. Alternatively, click the BS tab.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Excel Model Reference 13
The screen below appears.
Click the Record Keeping and Reporting icon to return to the
BSE sheet. Alternatively, click the BSE tab.
Color coding doesn’t
work on macs. Instead,
watch the video to
check your answers.
The video is on the
web site with the other
model resources.
• Notice that Merchandise Inventories and Accounts
payable are highlighted in the same colors that they were
coded in the balance-sheet-equation entry.
• This gives you the visual indication of where the entry
affected the statement.
To return to the BSE sheet, you can click the BSE tab, or click the record
keeping and reporting icon in the upper left corner.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Navigating Accounting
Click these buttons to see how Car0.03 affects the
statement of cash flows (SCF), income statement (IS), and
operating section of the direct cash flow statement (DCFO).
Alternatively, click the appropriate sheet tab.
• You can view how Car0.03 affects the other financial
statements by clicking the buttons to the right of the
Focus on Event button.
• Alternatively, you can use the sheet tabs on the bottom
(IS, SCF) to go directly to the statement.
• Don’t be alarmed if you click on another statement
and don’t see any color-coding. Not all entries affect all
To view another entry, click Focus on Event and select another event from
the pop up menu and repeat the earlier steps.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Excel Model Reference 15
To exit the focused state and thus return the model to its initial state,
select Focus on Event and then select No Focus in the pop-up window.
Click No
Focus to exit
focused state
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Navigating Accounting
Account Selection Button
The Excel model has a feature that will help you identify the entries that
affect accounts.
To view the entries that affect an account, click the Account Selection
button, which is immediately below the Focus on Event button.
Click Account Selection and the pop up menu in appears.
“Account Selection”
doesn’t work on macs.
Instead, for Eagle,
use the Affects on
Accounts PDF to
check your answers.
This on the web site
with the other Eagle
model resources.
Click account selection to see the entries that affect an account
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Excel Model Reference 17
To view the entries that affect an account, select it from the list in the
pop up menu and click the Select button on the right side of the pop up
Select the accounts receivable (gross) account from the list and click Select.
To view the entries that affect an account,
select it from the list and click Select
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson
Navigating Accounting
Depending on the size of your screen, sometimes you will have to use the
scroll bars to see the selected account.
For the example, we see that no entries affect accounts receivable during
year 0. The beginning and ending balances are zero and no entries are
recorded during the year. There are no accounts receivable year-0 entries
because Eagle does not start selling goods to customers until year 1.
For year 1, we see that Eagle records $563,643 of sales on account
(Car1.02) and $558,006 of customer collections (Car1.04). You can
confirm that these are the only year 1 entries by scrolling down through
the other entries.
You can also confirm that the ending balance is $5,636, the difference
between the year-1 billings and collections.
To view the entire BSE sheet when you have finished studying accounts,
click Account Selection button, select SHOW ALL ACCTS from the list
and click Select.
© 1991–2011 NavAcc LLC, G. Peter & Carolyn R. Wilson