TECHNICAL SCIENCES National Curriculum Statement (NCS) Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement GRADES 10 – 12 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) GRADES 10 – 12 TECHNICAL SCIENCES CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 1 DISCLAIMER In view of the stringent time requirements encountered by the Department of Basic Education to effect the necessary editorial changes and layout adjustments to the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements and the supplementary policy documents, possible errors may have occurred in the said documents placed on the official departmental website. If any editorial, layout, content, terminology or formulae inconsistencies are detected, the user is kindly requested to bring this to the attention of the Department of Basic Education. E-mail: or fax (012) 328 9828 Department of Basic Education 222 Struben Street Private Bag X895 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: +27 12 357 3000 Fax: +27 12 323 0601 120 Plein Street Private Bag X9023 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: +27 21 465 1701 Fax: +27 21 461 8110 Website: © 2014 Department of Basic Education ISBN: 978- 4315-0573-9 Design and Layout by: Department of Basic Education Printed by: Government Printing Works 2 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER Our national curriculum is the culmination of our efforts over a period of seventeen years to transform the curriculum bequeathed to us by apartheid. From the start of democracy we have built our curriculum on the values that inspired our Constitution (Act 108 of 1996). The Preamble to the Constitution states that the aims of the Constitution are to: • heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights; • improve the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of each person; • lay the foundations for a democratic and open society in which government is based on the will of the people and every citizen is equally protected by law; and • build a united and democratic South Africa able to take its rightful place as a sovereign state in the family of nations. Education and the curriculum have an important role to play in realising these aims. In 1997 we introduced outcomes-based education to overcome the curricular divisions of the past, but the experience of implementation prompted a review in 2000. This led to the first curriculum revision: the Revised National Curriculum Statement Grades R-9 and the National Curriculum Statement Grades 10-12 (2002). Ongoing implementation challenges resulted in another review in 2009 and we revised the Revised National Curriculum Statement (2002) to produce this document. From 2012 the two 2002 curricula, for Grades R-9 and Grades 10-12 respectively, are combined in a single document and will simply be known as the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12. The National Curriculum Statement for Grades R-12 builds on the previous curriculum but also updates it and aims to provide clearer specification of what is to be taught and learnt on a term-by-term basis. The National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12 accordingly replaces the Subject Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment Guidelines with the (a) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) for all approved subjects listed in this document; (b) National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12; and (c) National Protocol for Assessment Grades R – 12. MRS ANGIE MOTSHEKGA, MP MINISTER OF BASIC EDUCATION CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 3 CONTENTS SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENTS FOR TECHNICAL SCIENCES GRADES 10 – 12 5 1.1 Background 5 1.2 Overview 5 1.3 General aims of the South African Curriculum 6 1.4 Time Allocation 7 1.4.1 Foundation Phase 7 1.4.2 Intermediate Phase 8 1.4.3 Senior Phase 8 THE AIMS AND PURPOSE OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES 9 SECTION 2: 2.1 The Aims and Purpose of Technical Sciences 9 2.2 Overview of Topics 10 2.3 Overview of Practical Work 12 2.5 Weighting of Topics [40 Week Programme] 15 2.6 Overview of Formal Assessment and Recommended Informal Experiments 15 SECTION 3: THE AIMS AND PURPOSE OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES 16 SECTION 4: ASSESSMENT 56 4. Assessment 56 4.1 Introduction 56 4.2 Informal or daily assessment 56 4.3 Formal assessment 57 4.3.1 Control tests & examinations 57 4.3.2 Practical investigations & experiments 57 4.3.3 Projects 57 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Programme of Assessment 58 4.4.1 Programme of formal assessment for Grades 10, 11 and 12 58 4.4.2 End-of-year Examinations 59 Grades 10 and 11 (internal assessment) 59 Grade 12 (external assessment) 59 Year-end Examination Content for Paper 1 and Paper 2: Technical Science 60 Weighting of topics in papers 1 and 2 60 Recording and reporting 61 4.5.1 Recording and reporting in the first, second and third terms 61 4.5.2 Recording and reporting on the Assessment Tasks and SBA in the Programme of Assessment 61 4.5.3 Recording and reporting at the end of the academic year 61 Moderation of Assessment 61 4.6.1 SBA 61 4.6.2 PAT 62 General 62 4.7.1 [National Protocol of Assessment] An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding the National Protocol for Assessment (Grades R – 12). 62 4.7.2 Progression and Promotion Requirements Grades 1 – 12. 62 4.7.3 Subject specific exam guidelines as contained in the draft policy document: 62 4 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENTS FOR TECHNICAL SCIENCES GRADES 10 – 12 1.1Background The National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 (NCS) stipulates policy on curriculum and assessment in the schooling sector. To improve implementation, the National Curriculum Statement was amended, with the amendments coming into effect in January 2012. A single comprehensive Curriculum and Assessment Policy document was developed for each subject to replace Subject Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment Guidelines in Grades R – 12. 1.2Overview (a) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 (January 2012) represents a policy statement for learning and teaching in South African schools and comprises the following: (i) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements for each approved school subject; (ii) The policy document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12; and (iii) The policy document, National Protocol for Assessment Grades R – 12 (January 2012). (b) (c) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 (January 2012) replaces the two current national curricula statements, namely the (i) Revised National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 9, Government Gazette No. 23406 of 31 May 2002, and (ii) National Curriculum Statement Grades 10 – 12 Government Gazettes, No. 25545 of 6 October 2003 and No. 27594 of 17 May 2005. The national curriculum statements contemplated in subparagraphs b (i) and (ii) comprise the following policy documents, which will be incrementally repealed by the National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 (January 2012) during the period 2012 – 2014: (i) The Learning Area/Subject Statements, Learning Programme Guidelines and Subject Assessment Guidelines for Grades R – 9 and Grades 10 – 12; (ii) The policy document, National Policy on assessment and qualifications for schools in the General Education and Training Band, promulgated in Government Notice No. 124 in Government Gazette No. 29626 of 12 February 2007; (iii) The policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), promulgated in Government Gazette No.27819 of 20 July 2005;CAPS) (iv) The policy document, An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding learners with special needs, published in Government Gazette, No.29466 of 11 December 2006, is incorporated in the policy document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 5 Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12; and (v) The policy document, An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding the National Protocol for Assessment (Grades R – 12), promulgated in Government Notice No.1267 in Government Gazette No. 29467 of 11 December 2006. (d) The policy document, National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12, and the sections on the Curriculum and Assessment Policy as contemplated in Chapters 2, 3 and 4 of this document constitute the norms and standards of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12. It will therefore, in terms of section 6A of the South African Schools Act,1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996,) form the basis for the Minister of Basic Education to determine minimum outcomes and standards, as well as the processes and procedures for the assessment of learner achievement to be applicable to public and independent schools. 1.3 General aims of the South African Curriculum (a) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 gives expression to the knowledge, skills and values worth learning in South African schools. This curriculum aims to ensure that children acquire and apply knowledge and skills in ways that are meaningful to their own lives. In this regard, the curriculum promotes knowledge in local contexts, while being sensitive to global imperatives. (b) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 serves the purposes of: • equipping learners, irrespective of their socio-economic background, race, gender, physical ability or intellectual ability, with the knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fulfilment, and meaningful participation in society as citizens of a free country; • providing access to higher education; • facilitating the transition of learners from education institutions to the workplace; and • providing employers with a sufficient profile of a learner’s competences. (c) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 is based on the following principles: • Social transformation: ensuring that the educational imbalances of the past are redressed, and that equal educational opportunities are provided for all sections of the population; • Active and critical learning: encouraging an active and critical approach to learning, rather than rote and uncritical learning of given truths; • High knowledge and high skills: the minimum standards of knowledge and skills to be achieved at each grade are specified and set high, achievable standards in all subjects; TECHNICAL SCIENCES • Progression: content and context of each grade shows progression from simple to complex; • Human rights, inclusivity, environmental and social justice: infusing the principles and practices of social and environmental justice and human rights as defined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 is sensitive to issues of diversity such as poverty, inequality, race, gender, language, age, disability and other factors; • Valuing indigenous knowledge systems: acknowledging the rich history and heritage of this country as important contributors to nurturing the values contained in the Constitution; and • Credibility, quality and efficiency: providing an education that is comparable in quality, breadth and depth to those of other countries. 6 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) (d) The National Curriculum Statement Grades R – 12 aims to produce learners that are able to: • identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking; • work effectively as individuals and with others as members of a team; • organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively; • collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information; • communicate effectively using visual, symbolic and/or language skills in various modes; • use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and the health of others; and • demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem solving contexts do not exist in isolation. (e) Inclusivity should become a central part of the organisation, planning and teaching at each school. This can only happen if all teachers have a sound understanding of how to recognise and address barriers to learning, and how to plan for diversity. The key to managing inclusivity is ensuring that barriers are identified and addressed by all the relevant support structures within the school community, including teachers, District-based Support Teams, Institutional-level, Support Teams, parents and Special Schools as Resource Centres. To address barriers in the classroom, teachers should use various curriculum differentiation strategies such as those included in the Department of Basic Education’s Guidelines for Inclusive Teaching and Learning (2010). 1.4 Time Allocation 1.4.1 Foundation Phase (a) The instructional time for each subject in the Foundation Phase is indicated in the table below: Subject i. ii. iii. Languages (FAL and HL) Mathematics Life Skills • Beginning Knowledge • Creative Arts • Physical Education • Personal and Social Well-being Time allocation per week (hours) 10 (11) 7 6 (7) 1 (2) 2 2 1 (b) Total instructional time for Grades R, 1 and 2 is 23 hours and for Grade 3 is 25 hours. (c) To Languages 10 hours are allocated in Grades R – 2 and 11 hours in Grade 3. A maximum of 8 hours and a minimum of 7 hours are allocated to Home Language and a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 3 hours to First Additional Language in Grades R – 2. In Grade 3 a maximum of 8 hours and a minimum of 7 hours are allocated to Home Language and a minimum of 3 hours and a maximum of 4 hours to First Additional Language. (d) To Life Skills Beginning Knowledge 1 hour is allocated in Grades R – 2 and 2 hours are allocated for Grade 3, as indicated by the hours in brackets. CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 7 1.4.2 Intermediate Phase (a) The table below shows the subjects and instructional times allocated to each in the Intermediate Phase. Subject i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Time allocation per week (hours) Home Language First Additional Language Mathematics Science and Technology Social Sciences Life Skills Creative Arts Physical Education Religious Studies 6 5 6 3.5 3 4 1.5 1.5 1 1.4.3 Senior Phase (b) The instructional time for each subject in the Senior Phase is allocated as follows: Subject Time allocation per week (hours) i.Home Language 5 ii. First Additional Language 4 iii.Mathematics 4.5 iv.Natural Sciences 3 v.Social Sciences 3 vi.Technology 2 vii. Economic Management Sciences 2 viii.Life Orientation 2 ix.Arts and Culture 2 1.4.4 Grades 10 – 12 (a) The instructional time for each subject in Grades 10 – 12 is allocated as follows: Subject i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Time allocation per week (hours) Home Language First Additional Language Mathematics (Technical Mathematics) Mathematical Literacy Life Orientation Three Electives 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 2 12 (3x4h) The allocated time per week may be utilised only for the minimum number of required NCS subjects as specified above, and may not be used for any additional subjects added to the list of minimum subjects. Should a learner wish to pursue additional subjects, additional time has to be allocated in order to offer these subjects. ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) 8 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) SECTION 2 2.1 THE AIMS AND PURPOSE OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES The main aim of Technical Sciences is to support learners in the three focus areas of technology, namely Mechanical Technology, Electrical Technology and Civil Technology. Learners will have an NQF level 4 competence in Technical Science. Learners at Technical High Schools will be able to integrate scientific knowledge in a more informed way in their subject offerings in technology. Scientific concepts and skills will be more accessible to learners that have a technical orientation in schooling. Technical Sciences will address the needs of the industry and the technology subjects by being an enabling subject to promote technology study in schools. Skills that learners will acquire include classifying, communicating, measuring, designing an investigation, drawing and evaluating conclusions, formulating models, hypothesizing, identifying and controlling variables, observing and comparing, interpreting, predicting, problem-solving and reflecting. The main skills will be practical application and observing simulations. Technical Sciences will prepare learners for further education and training, employment, citizenship, holistic development and socio-economic development. Learners choosing Technical Sciences as a subject in Grades 10 – 12 will have improved access to applied technology courses, vocational career paths and entrepreneurial opportunity. Technical Sciences will also promote skills development in the fields of technology, thus promoting economic growth and social well-being of more citizens in our country. The six main knowledge areas that Technical Sciences comprises of are: • Mechanics • Matter and Materials • Electricity and Magnetism • Waves, Sound and Light • Heat and Thermodynamics • Chemical Change CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 9 2.2 OVERVIEW OF TOPICS TOPIC CONTENT Mechanics Matter and Materials Grade10 Units and measurements, Scientific notation, Working with formulae, Rate, Vectors and scalars (Vectors, scalars, graphical representation of vectors), Motion in one dimension: (position, displacement, distance, speed, velocity, acceleration), Introduction of Force (Definition of force, contact force, non-contact force), Kinds of forces (Tension, normal force, force of gravity, frictional Force), Force diagram and free body diagram, Resultant and Equilibrant, Equilibrium of forces in one dimension, Moment of a Force (Torque) (Laws of moments), Simple Machines (Lever, fulcrum, types of levers, mechanical advantage), Energy (gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, mechanical energy) (53 hours) Grade 11 Introduction to Mechanics (Sign conventions, graphs, Theorem of Pythagoras), Co-linear vectors, co-planar vectors, Resultant of forces in two dimensions (head-to-tail method, Theorem of Pythagoras, Parallelogram of forces), Resolution of a forces into components, Frictional forces (Static frictional force, Kinetic frictional force) (32 hours) Grade 12 Newton’s laws of motion (Newton’s First Law of motion, inertia, mass, acceleration, Newton’s Second Law of motion, Newton’s Third Law of motion), Momentum (Impulse and change in momentum), Work energy and Power (Work, Energy, Conservation of mechanical energy, Power, Power and velocity). Elasticity (Deforming force, restoring force, elasticity, perfectly elastic body, elastic limit, stress, strain, Hooke’s Law,) Viscosity (effect of temperature on viscosity, motor oil viscosity grades), Hydraulics (Thrust, pressure, practical unit of pressure, fluid pressure, Pascal’s Law, hydraulic lift) (46 hours) Grade 10 Classification of Matter (Pure substances, elements, compounds, naming of compounds, cation and anion table, molecular formulae, balancing of equations), Metals, Metalloids and Non-metals, Electrical conductors, semiconductors and insulators, Thermal conductors and insulators, Magnetic and non-magnetic, Structure of the atom (Atomic Number, mass number, isotopes, The Periodic Table, electron configuration) (31 hours) Grade 12 Electronic Properties of Matter (Semiconductor, intrinsic semiconductor, doping, n-type semiconductor, p type semiconductor, p-n junction diode) (4 hours) Organic chemistry (Organic molecules, molecular and structural formulae, functional group, homologous series, saturated hydrocarbons, unsaturated hydrocarbons, isomers, IUPAC naming and formulae, physical properties of organic compounds, reactions of organic compounds, plastics and polymers) (12 hours) Waves and Sound Grade 11 Pulses (Transverse pulses, longitudinal pulses) Waves (Transverse wave, longitudinal wave), Wave Terminology (Amplitude, crest, trough, points in phase, wavelength, period, frequency, wave speed) Superposition of waves (constructive interference, destructive interference). Sound waves (Speed of sound in different media, reflection of sound, echo, pitch, loudness, range of sound frequencies) (33 hours) Grade 12 Light (Reflection of light, Refraction, Critical angle, total internal reflection, Dispersion, lenses) Electromagnetic radiation (Nature of Electromagnetic radiation, properties of electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic spectrum, uses of electromagnetic radiation, photons, energy of a photon) (12 hours) 10 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Electricity and Magnetism Grade 10 Electrostatics (Two kinds of charge, charge conservation). Electric circuits (Components of a circuit, current, potential difference, emf, measurement of voltage and current), resistance, resistors in series, resistors in parallel) (25 hours) Grade 11 Magnetism (Magnets, the magnetic field, poles of permanent magnet, direction of magnetic field, magnetic field of a bar magnet, force a magnet, properties of magnetic field lines, earth’s magnetic field) (8 hours) Electrostatics (Coulomb’s Law, electric field, electric field lines, electric field between parallel plates, applications of electrostatics) (10 hours) Electric circuits (Ohm’s Law, ohmic and non- ohmic conductors, circuit calculations, emf, internal resistance) (17 hours) (Total = 35 hours) Grade 12 Electrostatics (Capacitor, capacitance, factors affecting capacitance) Electric circuits (Power, heating effect of electric current) Electromagnetism (Magnetic effect of a current-carrying conductor, electromagnetic induction Faraday’s Law, magnetic flux, magnetic flux density, Lenz’s Law, transformer, generator, motor) (28 hours) Heat and Thermodynamics Grade 10 Heat and Temperature (Heat, temperature, different types of thermometers, Celsius scale, kelvin scale) (6 hours) Grade 11 Heat (Specific heat capacity and heat capacity, practical application of heat capacity, Law of conservation of heat) Thermodynamics (Terminologies, thermodynamic system, surrounding, open system, closed system, isolated system, thermodynamic variables or co-ordinates, internal energy of a thermodynamic system, first Law of Thermodynamics, working substance, heat engine, efficiency of heat engine, second law of thermodynamics, refrigerators) (13 hours) Chemical Change Grade 11 Oxidation and reduction (Oxidation, reduction, oxidizing agent, reducing agent, assigning oxidation numbers) Electrolysis (Electrolyte, cathode, anode) (14 hours) Grade 12 Electrochemical cells (Electrolytic cells, galvanic cells, components of galvanic cells, half reactions, net reaction, standard conditions, ionic movement, standard cell notation, emf of a cell) Alternate Energies (Biodiesel, fuel cells, photovoltaic cells) (10 hours) CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 11 2.3 OVERVIEW OF PRACTICAL WORK Practical work must be integrated with theory to strengthen the concepts being taught. These may take the form of simple practical demonstrations or even an experiment or practical investigation. There are several practical activities given alongside the content, concepts and skills columns throughout Section 3. Some of these practical activities will be done as part of formal assessment and others can be done as part of informal assessment. Below is a table that lists prescribed practical activities for formal assessment as well as recommended practical activities for informal assessment across Grades 10 to 12. Grade Grade 10 Term Prescribed Practical Activities Formal Assessment Recommended Practical Activities Informal Assessment Term 1 Experiment (formal): Use spring balances to demonstrate the resultant and equilibrant. Term 2 Experiment (formal): Experiment: Use a meter stick and mass pieces to Determine the mechanical advantage of a prove the laws of moments. type 1 lever. Experiment (formal): Determine the potential energy of an object at different heights. Term 3 Project (formal): Do a research project related to Technology. Example: Use of levers in Technology. Experiment (formal): Determine the electrical conductivity of different materials. Term 4 Experiment: Measure the velocity of a trolley. Experiment: Measure the weight of different objects using a spring balance. Experiment: To investigate the insulation ability of polystyrene cup. Experiment: To determine whether a given material is magnetic or nonmagnetic. Experiment: To investigate the two kinds of charges. Experiment: Construct an electric circuit to measure current through a resistor and the voltage across a resistor; draw diagrams of the circuits. Experiment: Investigate the factors that affect the resistance of a conductor. Experiment: Assemble a circuit to show that a series circuit is a voltage divider, while current remains constant. Experiment: Assemble a circuit to show that a parallel circuit is a current divider, while potential difference remains constant. Experiment: Measure the melting point of wax. 12 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Grade Term Term 1 Grade 11 Prescribed Practical Activities Formal Assessment Experiments (formal): Use the parallelogram of forces to: a) Determine the resultant of two forces acting a point. b) Determine the weight of given body. Recommended Practical Activities Informal Assessment Experiment: a) Determine the relation between the force of limiting friction and the normal force. b) Determine the coefficient of friction between a block and horizontal surface. Experiment: Determine the north pole of the earth by using a bar magnet. Experiment: a) Determine whether a material is a magnetic material or a magnet. b) Determine the polarity of the magnets. Experiment: Mapping a magnetic field. Term 2 Experiment (formal): a) Determine the speed of sound in air. b) Determine whether sound travels in a vacuum. Experiment: Use a ripple tank to demonstrate constructive and destructive interference of two pulses. Experiment (formal): Determine the difference between pitch and loudness using an oscilloscope. Term 3 Term 4 CAPS Experiment (formal): Determine the resistance of an unknown resistor. Project: Do a research project related to Technology. Example: Use of electrostatics in Technology. Experiment: Obtain current and voltage data for a piece of copper wire and semi-conductor, and determine which obeys Ohm’s law. Experiment: Determine the internal resistance of a battery. Experiment: Determine the heat capacity of a solid. Experiment: Electrolysis of a salt solution. TECHNICAL SCIENCES 13 Grade Term Prescribed Practical Activities Formal Assessment Recommended Practical Activities Informal Assessment Term 1 Experiment (formal): Experiment: Determine the relationship between Show that the action-reaction pairs cancel acceleration and force for a constant mass. each other. Experiment: To determine if momentum is conserved during a collision. Experiment: Determine the power output of a learner. Term 2 Experiment (formal): Determine the path of a ray of light through a glass slab for different angles of incidence. Experiment: Determine the position of an image in a flat mirror. Term 3 Experiment (formal): To determine the electrode potential of a Cu-Zn electrochemical cell. Experiment: Determine the power dissipated in bulbs connected either in series or parallel or both in series and both in parallel. Experiment: Determine the current rating of a fuse. Experiment: Determine the effect of the change in magnetic field or magnetic flux in a coil. Experiment: Study the characteristics of p-n junction diode. Grade 12 Term 4 2.4 14 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) 2.5 WEIGHTING OF TOPICS [40 WEEK PROGRAMME] TOPICS GRADE 10 GRADE 11 GRADE 12 % % % Mechanics 46 25 47 Waves, sound and light 0 26 13 Electricity and magnetism 22 28 18 Matter and materials 27 0 13 Chemical change 0 11 10 Heat and thermodynamics 5 10 0 2.6 OVERVIEW OF FORMAL ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDED INFORMAL EXPERIMENTS For Grades 10 and 11, FOUR prescribed experiments are done per year as formal assessment (one experiment per term for terms 1 to 4). For Grade 12, THREE prescribed experiments are done per year as formal assessment (one experiment per term for terms 1, 2 and 3). TWO control tests and TWO examinations are written as formal assessment in each of Grades 10 and 11. ONE control test, ONE midyear examination, ONE trial examination and ONE final examination are written as formal assessment for Grade 12. ONLY in Grade 10 and Grade 11, ONE project is done per year as formal assessment or an integrated Chemistry/ Physics project (started in term 1 and assessed in term 3). Any ONE of the recommended projects can be done or any ONE of the experiments can be done as a practical investigation, or any other topic of choice can be used as a project. It is recommended that the project topic is given to learners early in the first term so that learners can start the project. The final assessment of the project is done and recorded in the third term. In Grade 12 NO project is done. There are 11 informal experiments for Grade 10, nine recommended informal experiments for Grade 11 and nine recommended informal experiments for Grade 12. CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 15 SECTION 3 TECHNICAL SCIENCES CONTENT (GRADES 10 – 12) TERM 1 GRADE 10 MECHANICS Time Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills 3 hrs Units and measurements • • • • • • 2 hrs Scientific notation • • 2 hrs Working with formulae • • • • • 2 hrs Rate • • 6 hrs CGS units. List seven fundamental units of SI system. Derived units. Prefixes. Conversion of units: CGS units to SI units and vice versa. Focus on conversion on units related to technology. Scalars 16 Focus on conversions within metric system to basic SI units. Focus on conversions from km to m and from h to s. Use scientific notation to express number as a power. Focus on examples using scientific notation related to technology. Identify the correct formula. Substitute the given values into the formula. Solve for the unknown quantity. Develop examples to solve problems using equations from Technology. Reinforce the meaning of the symbols in the formula e.g. P-pressure, p-momentum V-volume, v-velocity Rate is the change in a physical quantity in unit Give additional time. examples related Give examples related to the concept of rate in technology. technology. Vectors and scalars Vectors Guidelines for Teachers Test learner’s knowledge in identifying vectors and scalars. • Define a vector quantity. • • • Define a scalar quantity. Give examples from Give examples of vectors and scalars. technology and IKS. Differentiate between vector and scalar quantities. CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Time Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills Graphical representation of vectors • • Maximum of four Represent vectors graphically. Identify the properties of vectors: equal vectors, vectors. negative vectors, addition and subtraction of vectors. N.B. Use one dimension applications only. • • 6 hrs Guidelines for Teachers Define resultant vector as: The resultant of two or more vectors is the single vector which can produce the same effect as the two or more vectors. Find resultant of two or more vectors in different directions: (a) (b) graphically use the tail-to-head method. by calculation. Motion in one dimension • Position • Distance • Define one dimensional motion as motion Use conceptual examples to show along a line either forward or backward. that distance is a Define position as location of an object relative scalar and to the origin. displacement is a vector. Define distance as actual path length between two points. SI unit: m Displacement • Define displacement as the shortest path between two points in a particular direction. SI unit: m • Differentiate distance. CAPS between displacement and TECHNICAL SCIENCES 17 Time Time Time Time 2 hrs and distance. between displacement • Differentiate and distance. • Differentiate between displacement Guidelines for Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills Teachers Guidelines for and distance. Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills Teachers Guidelines for Topic Grade 10 • Define Content, Concepts Speed speed as rate&ofSkills distance. Teachers Guidelines for Topic Grade 10 Content,speed Concepts & Skills Speed • Define as rate of distance. Teachers Speed = Speed • Define speed as rate of distance. Speed • Define speed as the rate of change of distance. Speed = SISpeed unit: m.s Speed = -1 SI unit: m.s-1-1 Velocity SI unit: m.s -1 as rate of • Define SI unit:velocity m.s Velocity displacement. • Define velocity as rate of • Define velocity as rate of change of Velocity Velocity displacement. • Define velocity as rate of displacement. displacement. Velocity = Velocity Velocity = = SIVelocity unit: m.s =-1 Acceleration SI unit: m.s-1-1 SI unit: m.s Acceleration • Define acceleration as the rate of SI• unit:Define m.s-1 acceleration Acceleration as the rate of change of Acceleration change velocity. • Defineof acceleration as the rate of velocity. change velocity. as the rate of • Defineofacceleration Acceleration change of velocity. Acceleration == Acceleration SI unit: m.s-2 = SIAcceleration unit: m.s-2 = Experiment 1 -2 calculations using the above concepts. SI•unit:Do m.s Experiment 1 -2 • Do calculations using above SIDetermine unit: m.sthe velocity ofthe Experiment 1 a trolley concepts. Experiment 1 • Do calculations using the above (Materials: Ticker timer, tape, power supply, trolley, concepts. • ruler Do calculations using the above etc.) concepts. Introduction of Force Determine the velocity of a trolley (Materials: timer, of tape, power DetermineTicker the velocity a trolley • Define force as a push or a pull. Definition of force supply, trolley, ruler etc.) (Materials: timer,oftape, power Determine Ticker the velocity a trolley supply, trolley, ruler etc.)tape, power (Materials: Ticker timer, SI unit of force is newton (N) supply, trolley, ruler etc.) 23 23 23 18 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) 2 hrs Non-contact force forces. • In non-contact forces the forces bodies must be in contact one contact and • In non-contact forces thewith forces work over a distance without actual another. non-contact work over a distance without actual contact. Non-contact force contact. forces. 2 hrs Kinds of forces • In non-contact forces the forces Guidelines for work over a distance without actual Tension • Define tension as force acting in a Time Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills Teachers contact. string or rope. Demonstrate Kinds of forces Contact force • In contact forces the interacting bodies must Identify some contact force 2 hrs Normal Kinds of forces the directions physically touch one another. and non-contact • Define normal force, Tension Non-contact •force Define tension as force acting in a , as the of each of the forces. • In non-contact forces the forces work over Tension • Define tension as force acting in a perpendicular force exerted by a string or rope. Demonstrate a distance without physically touching different one forces. 2 hrsforceKinds ofgravity forces Force of string oronrope. Demonstrate Normal another. surface an object that lies ondirections that the Normal • force Define normal force, , as the the directions 2 hrs Kinds of forces Demonstrate the of each Tension •surface. Define tension as force acting in a of the • Define normal force, , as the directions perpendicular force exerted by a of each of theof each of different forces. string or rope. Demonstrate • Define tension as force acting in a string or Tension the different forces. Force of gravity force exerted bythe a surface on an•perpendicular object that on that different forces. Define forcelies of gravity, , as Normal force rope. the directions Force of gravity surface on anby object that, lies on that surface. •force Define normal the exerted the earth onthe an Normal force of each of the • Define normalforce, force, , as as perpendicular surface. force exerted by a surface on an object that perpendicular force exerted by a object. The force of gravity is also different forces. lies on that surface. Force of gravity • Define force of gravity, , as the Frictional Force surface on an object that lies on that known as weight. . •by Define force ofof gravity, Force of gravity Define force gravity, , ,asasthe the force of force exerted•surface. the earth on an It actsattraction vertically downwards. exerted by the earth on forceofexerted byalso the earth on an an object. object. The force Discuss Thegravity force ofisgravity is also known as weight. Frictional Force The of gravity also known as weight. .of ••object. Define forceforce gravity, , is asand the .between Differentiate mass different ways Frictional Force Discuss different ways known as vertically weight. . an • Itexerted acts downwards. weight. It acts vertically downwards. force by the earth on to reduce Experiment 2 to reduce friction • Differentiate between massis and weight. It acts vertically downwards. Discuss Frictional Force object. The force of gravity also using examples in friction using • Define force, theforceways • Define frictional force, , as the parallel Discuss Frictional Force • Differentiate between mass and technology. different known asfrictional weight. . as in to the surface that opposes the motion ofexamples an • Differentiate mass and weight. force parallel tobetween thein surface that different ways to reduce Experiment 2 It actsobject vertically downwards. and acts the direction opposite totechnology. the weight. opposes theof motion of an object and to reduce Experiment 2 motion the object. friction usingDiscuss • Define frictional force, , as the Experiment 2 • Measure the weight of different a in the direction opposite toobjects the using friction using in different •acts Differentiate between ways •to Define frictional force,mass , examples asand the spring balance. force parallelweight. the surface that motion of the object. examples in technology. Experiment 2 mass pieces, etc) to reduce force parallel tobalances, the and surface that opposes the (Materials: motion ofSpring an object technology. friction using 4 hrs Force diagram and free opposes the motion of an object and acts in the direction opposite to the • Define frictional force, , as the Measure the weight of different body diagram examples in acts in the direction opposite to the motion of theforce object. objects using a spring balance. parallel to the surface that technology. Force diagram various motion ofthe the object. • A force diagram is thean representation (Materials: Spring balances, mass opposes motion of object andof all the Give situations for learners forces acting on the object drawn as arrows. • Measure the weight different acts in theofdirection opposite to the to draw the force •aMeasure the weight of different spring balance. Free body objects using• 24 free In aoffree diagram the object is replaced by diagrams and motion thebody object. diagram objects using balance. a balances, point with a allspring the forces acting on it as arrows. body diagrams. (Materials: Spring mass Spring balances, 4 hrs Resultant • Define the the resultant of different two ormass more forces as Give various • (Materials: Measure weight of the single force which can produce the same situations for Equilibrant Experiment 3 (Formal) 1 hr Equilibrium of forces in one dimension CAPS 24 objects using a spring learners to calculate effect as two or morebalance. forces. Spring balances, massthat has the the resultant24and •(Materials: Define the equilibrant as the force same magnitude as the resultant but acts in equilibrant of a number of forces. the opposite direction. 24 • Use spring balances to demonstrate the resultant and equilibrant are equal. (Materials: Three spring balances, string, etc) • A body is in equilibrium when the resultant force is zero. TECHNICAL SCIENCES 19 Time Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills Guidelines for Teachers TERM 2 GRADE 10 Moment of a force (Torque) 3 hrs Laws of moments 5 hrs 5 hrs Moment of a force about a point is defined as Familiarise learners • It• is measured as the product of the torque in the the turning effect of the force about that point. with the concept of force and the perpendicular distance field of • It is measured as the product of the force and torque in the field of from the point to the line of action of technology . the perpendicular distance from the point to technology. the force. the line of action of the force. Torque = = Torque .. unit:N.m N.m SISIunit: • Useformula the formula to calculatetorque torque.. • Use the to calculate For a body in equilibrium the sum of the clockwise moments about a point must be • For a equal body to in the equilibrium the sum of sum of anticlockwise moments the clockwise about a point about themoments same point. must be equal to the sum of that the clockwise • Do calculations to show anticlockwise about the momentmoments is equal to the anti-clockwise moment. Laws of same point. • Use a meter stick and mass pieces to prove moments the laws of moments. (Materials: Meter sticks, massthat pieces, Experiment 4 (formal) • Do calculations to show the retort stand etc.) Beams Beams Experiment 4 (formal) Cantilever • clockwise moment is equal to the anti-clockwise moment. • a single rigid length of material • Use aDefine meterbeam stickasand mass pieces supported horizontally to carry to prove the laws of moments. vertical loads. • Define Meter cantilever as a beam (Materials: sticks, masswhere one end is fixed and one end is free to move. pieces, retort stand etc.) Define a simple supported beam as a beam resting on two supports and the beam being free to bend under the action of the forces. • Shear force is the algebraic sum of all the Shear force Beams external forces perpendicular to the beam on side of section.rigid length • Defineone beam asthat a single Bending moment horizontally is the algebraic of•material supported to sum of all Bending moments the moments of the forces on one side of that Beams carry vertical loads. section. A beam is in equilibrium if it is at rest and obeys Conditions of equilibrium • the simple rules of equilibrium. Simple supported beams • Simple Machines Cantilever Lever 4 hrs Simple supported beams Shear force 20 • Define cantilever as a beam where one end is fixed and one end is free to move. Use IKS to demonstrate how simple machines are • Define simple supported beam as a made or used in daily beam resting on two the to make life. • Understand that supports machines and are used beam being free to bend under the work easier. • Define a lever as a simple machine. action of the forces. Bending moments • Shear force is the algebraic sum of all the external forces perpendicular to the beam on one side of that section. Conditions of equilibrium • Bending moment is the algebraic sum of all the moments of the forces on one side of that section. 26 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Time Time Topic Grade 10 Fulcrum Topic Grade 10 Types of levers Fulcrum Types of levers Mechanical advantage Mechanical advantage Content, Concepts & Skills • A Fulcrum is the turning point of the lever. (The lever rotates about this point) Guidelines for Teachers Content, Concepts & Skills • Type 1, type 2 and type 3. Define a fulcrum as the turning point of the Identify different types of levers used lever. (The lever rotates about this point) in daily life. • Define type 1, type 2 and type 3 levers. Guidelines for Teachers • Identify different types of levers used in daily life. • Define mechanical asthe theratio of • Define mechanicaladvantage advantage as ratio load of load to effort. to effort. • learners’ Test Test learners’ knowledge of levers knowledge of • Do calculations using the above formula. levers • Do calculations using the • Mechanical advantage hasabove no unit. equation. MA= MA= • Experiment 5 Energy Gravitational potential Experiment 5 energy Experiment66 Experiment 7 hrs Energy Gravitational potential energy Time Experiment TopicGrade Grade 10 Time Topic 10 6 7 hrs Kinetic energy Kineticenergy energy Kinetic Mechanical energy Mechanical Mechanical energy energy = Determine the mechanical advantage of type • Mechanical 1 lever. advantage has no unit. (Materials: Stick, mass pieces, knife edge etc). • Determine the mechanical • Define gravitational potential energy of an object as the energy it has because of its advantage of type 1 lever. position from themass surface of the earth. (Materials: Stick, pieces, knife etc). =the •Determine Determine potentialenergy energyofofan an •Eedge potential = mgh or (Uthe mgh) P objectatatdifferent differentheights. heights. object •(Materials: Do calculations using the above equation. kgmass mass piece, meter (Materials: 11kg piece, meter •stick, Define gravitational retort stand etc)potential • Determine theetc) potential energyenergy of an object at stick, retort stand of andifferent object heights. as the energy it has Guidelinesfor for Guidelines Content,Concepts Concepts Skills Content, &&Skills (Materials: 1of kgitsmass piece, meter because position in the stick, retort stand Teachers Teachers etc) gravitational field. Define kinetic energy asas the energy •••Define kinetic energy as the energy Define kinetic energy the energy of an ofan an object due to its motion. ofE object due to its motion. object due to its motion. P = mgh or (U = mgh) (K== oror )) ) or(K (K • Do calculations using the above • Do calculations usingthe the above equation. •Do Docalculations calculations using theabove above • equation. using equation. equation. • Define mechanical energy as the sum of the gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy. Definemechanical mechanicalenergy energyas asthe the • •Define sumofof the gravitational sum the gravitational • Do calculations using the above equation. potential and kineticenergy. energy. potential and kinetic 27 Docalculations calculationsusing usingthe theabove above • •Do equation. equation. Matterand andMaterials Materials Matter Revisethe thedifferent differentproperties propertiesofof • •Revise materials: materials: Strength,thermal thermaland andelectrical electrical Strength, conductivity,brittle, brittle,malleable malleableoror conductivity, ductile,magnetic magneticorornon-magnetic, non-magnetic, ductile, density(lead/aluminium), (lead/aluminium),melting melting density Classificationofof Classification pointsand andboiling boilingpoints. points. points 20hrs hrs Matter Matter 20 CAPS Puresubstances substances Pure Elements Elements Defineaapure puresubstance substanceas asaasingle single • •Define typeofofmaterial material(elements (elementsoror TECHNICAL SCIENCES type compounds). compounds). Definean anelement elementas asthe thesimplest simplest • •Define 21 Time Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills Matter and Materials Classification of Matter • Strength, thermal and electrical conductivity, brittle, malleable or ductile, magnetic or nonmagnetic, density (lead/aluminium), melting points and boiling points. 20 hrs Pure substances • Elements • Compounds • • Naming of compounds • Cations and anions • • • Molecular formulae • • • • • • • Balancing of equations • • 22 Revise the different properties of materials: Define a pure substance as a single type of material (elements or compounds). Define an element as the simplest type of a pure substance. Define a compound as a substance made up of two or more elements in the exact ratio. Classify substances as pure, compounds or elements. Name compounds using the names of the elements from which they are made. Define the terms cation and anion. Identify cations and anions List the common compound anion, only sulphate, carbonate, sulphite, hydroxide Use cations and anions to write formulae. Write the name of a compound when a molecular formula is given. Write the molecular formulae when given the names of compounds. Use stock notation, like iron II oxide for example, to write formulae. Write formulae for binary compounds like magnesium oxide. Use suffixes like -ide, -ite and -ate to name compounds. Use prefixes like di-, tri- etc to name compounds. Represent reactions in equations and balancing of equations. Use suitable examples from technology, like the reaction in a catalytic convertor. CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Guidelines for Teachers Term 3 Time Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills 7 hrs Metals, Metalloids and Non-metals • Electrical conductors, semiconductors and insulators Experiment 7 Guidelines for Teachers Classify substances as metals, metalloids and non-metals using their properties. • Identify their positions on the Periodic Table. • Describe metalloids as having mainly nonmetallic properties. • Revise the classification of materials as: electrical conductors, semiconductors and insulators. • Give examples of electrical conductors, semiconductors and Insulators. • Identify the substances and the ‘appliances or objects’, which are in common daily use in homes and offices, that are specifically chosen because of their electrical properties (conductors, insulators and semiconductors). • Determine the electrical conductivity of different materials. (Materials: Battery, ammeter, connecting wires etc.) Classify materials as thermal conductors and insulators. • Give examples of materials that are thermal conductors and insulators. • Test the insulation ability of polystyrene cups. (Materials: Four polystyrene cups, scissors, 500 ml beaker, 2 thermometers, Bunsen burner, stop watch or clock etc.) • Thermal conductors and insulators Experiment 8 (Formal) Magnetic and nonmagnetic materials Experiment 9 4 hrs Structure of the atom Atomic Number Mass Number Isotopes Periodic Table Classify materials as magnetic and nonmagnetic. • Give examples of materials that are magnetic and non-magnetic. • Give examples of the use of magnets in our daily life. • To determine whether a given material is magnetic or non-magnetic. (Materials: Bar magnets, different types of metals and non-metals etc.) • Define the atomic number of an element as the number of protons in the atom. • Define the mass number as the number of protons and neutrons in the atom. • Define an isotope as atoms with the same atomic number but different mass number. • Introduce the periodic table. Use a periodic table to determine the number of: a) protons b) electrons c) neutrons in different elements. • • CAPS State the charge of a proton, neutron and electron TECHNICAL SCIENCES 23 Electrostatics Time 3 hrs Electricity • Explain that all materials contain positive charges (protons) and Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills negative charges (electrons). Electron Configuration Two kinds of charge Time Give electronic arrangement of the first 20 in the has periodic • Explain that anelements object which an table using Aufbau principle (using (↑↓)) notation. equal number of electrons and Order filling in the different energy levels. protons is •neutral (noofnet charge). • Differentiate between core electrons and valence electrons. • Explain that positively charged Give spectroscopic electron configuration of objects are• electron deficient and the first 20 elements in the periodic table using negatively charged objects(1shave 2 the notation , 2s2,an 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2). excess of electrons. • Determine the nuclear composition of some of the elements found in technology. Two kinds of charge Topic Grade 10 Experiment 10 Explain that all materials contain positive Guidelines for charges (protons) and negative charges Content, Concepts & Skills (electrons). Teachers • theExplain that of an charges. object which has an equal • Investigate two kinds number of electrons and protons is neutral (no charge). • Use any of thenet following: • Explain that positively charged objects are 1. A Perspex rod, a Polythene electron deficientrod, anda negatively charged objects have an woollen cloth, small pieces ofexcess paper.of electrons. • Describe how objects (insulators) can be 2. Van der Graaf generator. charged by contact (or rubbing). Experiment 103. 4 hrs • • Describe how objects (insulators) Electricity can be charged by contact (or rubbing). Electrostatics 3 hrs Guidelines for Teachers • • electroscope. Investigate the two kinds of charges. Gold leaf Charge conservation • Use any of the following: • The principle of conservation of 1. A Perspex rod, a Polythene rod, a woollen charge states that the net charge of cloth, small pieces of paper. an isolated system remains constant 2. Van der Graaf generator. during any physical process. 3. Gold leaf electroscope. Give various to • Apply the•principle of conservation Charge conservation The principle of conservation situations of charge states that the net charge of an calculate isolated system the of charge. remains constant during any physical chargeprocess. when • Apply the principle of conservation of charge. • Determine the charge of two objects two charges • Determine the charge of two objects touch after and they Give various after they touch and separate using: touch and separate using: separate. situations to calculate 4 hrs • Use the above equation to solve problems the charge when two charges touch and separate. • Use the aboveinvolving equation to solve charges. NOTE: This equation is only true for identical conductors. 4 hrs 24 Electric circuits • Components of a circuit • 32 Draw the components of a circuit using Practice drawing appropriate circuit symbols. circuits using circuit symbols. Give the meanings of all symbols used. CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) circuit Time Topic Grade 10 Time Current Topic Grade 10 used. • Give the meanings of all symbols Content, Concepts & Skills used. symbols. Guidelines for Teachers Guidelines for Teachers •Content, Define current, I, as&the rate of flow Concepts Skills of charge. It is measured in Guidelines for Time Content, & Skills CurrentTopic Grade 10 • Define (A), current, I,Concepts as thesame rate ofasflow Ampere which is the Teachers of charge.per It is measured in Coulomb Current • second. Define current, I, as the rate of flow of charge. Ampere (A), which is the same It is measured in as Coulomb per second. Ampere (A), whichusing is the same as Coulomb • Calculate the current flowing per second. the equation • Calculate the current flowing using • Calculate the current flowing using the equation the equation • Indicate the direction of the current in circuit diagrams (conventional). • Indicate the direction of the current in circuit • Indicate the direction the current diagramsof (conventional). circuitpotential diagrams (conventional). •inDefine difference terms in terms of work PotentialPotential • Define potentialin difference done and charge. difference (terminal pd) done and of work charge. difference • Define potential difference in terms Potential pd) (terminal of work done and charge. difference the emf and Measure the Measure (terminal pd) potential difference of emf and a cell. Emf • emf is the• potential Emf Emf isdifference the potential difference across thethe cell Measure potential across the cell when nocurrent current when no is is flowing in emf the circuit and (open difference of a Emf • emf isinthe difference circuit). flowing thepotential circuit (open circuit). potential cell. across the•cell when nodifference current between is Give the emf and potential difference of a difference. in difference the circuit (open circuit). •flowing Give the between emf cell. • difference. emf and pd are measured in volts (V). and potential Do calculations • Give the •difference betweenusing emfthe above equations. potential difference. Measurement of voltage • are Draw diagrams to show how to measure •and emf and pd measured in volts 3 hrs (pd)and current(V). voltage and current in a circuit. Experiment 11• emf and • Build an electric circuit to measure current pd are measured in volts through a resistor and to measure the voltage (V). • Do calculations using the above across a resistor; draw diagram of the circuit. equations.(Materials: Conducting wire, cells, Voltmeter, Do calculations using the above Measurement of •• Draw diagrams show how toetc.) resistor, to Ammeter, Switch equations. 3 hrs voltage (pd) measure voltage and current in a Measurement of circuit. • Draw diagrams to show how to and current 3 hrs voltage (pd) measure voltage and current in a and current circuit. 33 33 CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 25 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs opposition to the flowConducting of electric wire, cells, (Materials: • Resistance defined as the opposition to theisflow of electric Current. Voltmeter, resistor, Ammeter, Switch opposition to the flow of electric Current. etc.) Current. •1 = 1 V.A-1. Term 4 • 1 = 1 V.A-1. -1 Electricity • 1 =a 1microscopic V.A . Term 4description of • Give Guidelines for • Give description of resistance in terms of electrons Electricity Time Topic Grade 10 a microscopic Content, Concepts & Skills Teachers • Give through ainmicroscopic description resistance termsa of electrons moving conductor and of Guidelines for Time Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills resistance in terms of electrons Resistancemoving • with Resistance is defined as the Teachers through a conductor and colliding the particles of which moving through a conductor and 3 hrs opposition to the flow of electric colliding with the(metal) particles of which the • conductor is made andopposition to the Resistance Resistance is defined as the colliding with the particles ofand which Current. 3 hrs flow of electric the conductor (metal) is madeenergy. thereby transferring kinetic theCurrent. conductor (metal) is energy. made and thereby transferring kinetic -1 -1kinetic energy. thereby transferring • and == 11V.A . . • 11 explain V.Afactors • State that affect • Give a microscopic description • State and explain factors that the resistance of a substance.affectof resistance in State• and explain factors that affecta conductor terms of moving through Giveof aaelectrons microscopic description of the •resistance substance. and colliding with the particles of which the resistance of a substance. resistance in termsfactors of electrons Experiment 12 • Investigate the following that the conductor (metal) is made and thereby moving through conductor Experiment 12 • Investigate the following that and affect the resistance of aafactors conductor: transferring kinetic energy. Experiment 12 affect • Investigate the following factors colliding with the particles ofthat which a conductor: • Temperature •the resistance State and of explain factors that affect the affect the resistance of a conductor: the conductor (metal) is made and • Temperature • Thickness resistance of a substance. • Temperature thereby transferring kinetic • Thickness • Length Experiment 12 • Investigate the following factorsenergy. that affect the • Thickness • Length • Type ofresistance materialsof a conductor: • Length • Temperature State and explain factors that affect • Type • of materials (Materials: Copper and nichrome • Type of materials the resistance of a substance. (Materials: Copper and nichrome wires • of different Thicknessthicknesses, Cells, (Materials: Copper and nichrome wires thicknesses, Cells, Voltmeter, Ammeter, switch etc.) •of different Length wires of different thicknesses, Cells, Experiment 12 • Investigate the following factors that Voltmeter, Ammeter, switch etc.) 4 hrs Resistors in • Resistors are series when they • Type of in materials Voltmeter, Ammeter, switch etc.) affect the resistance of a conductor: 4 hrs Resistors • Resistors are Copper inend series when they series in are (Materials: connected toand end such that nichrome wires of different 4 hrs series Resistors in • Resistors are in series when they • Temperature thicknesses, Cells, Voltmeter, Ammeter, are connected end to end such that the current has only one path throughswitch etc.) series are end endwhen such thatare connected • Resistors Thickness current has only one path through each resistor. 4 hrs Resistors in series the • connected are intoseries they the current has only one path through • end Length to end such that the current has only one each . resistor. each resistor. path through each resistor. • Type of materials . • The same current flows through (Materials: Copper and nichrome . same • The current flows through each resistor. wires of different thicknesses, Cells, • The same current flows through each • resistor. The same current flows through each resistor. Voltmeter, Ammeter, switch etc.) each resistor. 4 hrs Resistors in • Series•circuits Resistors in series when they areare called potential • Series circuits are called potential dividers. series are connected end to end such that • Series circuits are called potential dividers. the current has only one path through • Series circuits are called potential dividers. each resistor. dividers. . 34 • The same current flows through 34 each resistor. 34 Resistance • Series circuits are called potential dividers. 34 26 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) current • Set upremains a circuitconstant. to show that series Content, & Skillswhile circuits areConcepts voltage dividers, • (Materials: Set up a circuit to show series Light constant. bulbs orthat resistors, current remains circuits area voltage while batteries, switches, connecting leads, • Set up circuit todividers, show that series current remains constant. ammeters, voltmeters etc.) circuits are Light voltage dividers, while (Materials: bulbs or resistors, Teachers Guidelines resistors in learners that for as Remind series Teachers you add more learners as resistance Experiment 13 Remindthat resistors in you add more increases. learners that as series resistors you addinmore resistance Guidelines for current remains constant. Time Topic Grade 10 Content, Concepts & Skills batteries, switches, connecting leads, series 4 hrs Resistors in •(Materials: Resistors are inbulbs parallel they Teachers resistors in increases. Light or when resistors, ammeters, voltmeters etc.) resistance parallel are connected to the same series Experiment 13 • Set up a circuit to show that series circuits batteries, switches, connecting leads, Remind learners that (Materials: Light bulbs orhas resistors, increases. point such that the current are voltage dividers, while remains ammeters, voltmeters etc.) 4 hrs Resistors in •batteries, Resistors are in parallel when theycurrentresistance as you add more switches, connecting leads, constant. different paths through each increases.resistors in series parallel are connected to the same ammeters, voltmeters (Materials: Light bulbsetc.) or resistors, 4 hrs Resistors in •resistor. Resistors are in parallel when theybatteries, resistance increases. pointswitches, such that the current has connecting leads, ammeters, voltmeters parallel are connected to the same 4 hrs Resistors in • Resistors arethrough in parallel when they different each etc.) paths point such that the current has parallel are connected to the resistor. 4 hrs Resistors in parallel different • paths Resistors aresame in parallel when they are through each point such that the current has point such that the connected to the same resistor. • different Alternatively, when have current haswedifferent paths through each paths through each two resistor. resistors in parallel we can use the resistor. Remind formula • Alternatively, when we have two learners that as resistors in parallel we can use the you add more • Alternatively, when we have two Remind formula resistors • Alternatively, when we have two resistors resistors in parallel we we canhave use the Remind learnersinin that as learners that • Alternatively, when two Remind parallel we can use the formula parallel as you formula you add more add more parallel we can each use the • resistors Voltage isinconstant across learners as resistance Remindthat resistors inresistors in parallel formulaconnected in parallel. resistor, resistance decreases. you add more decreases. learners that as parallel resistors • Voltage is constant across each you addinmore resistance parallel resistor, parallel.across eachdecreases. • connected Voltage is inconstant resistor, in resistors • Voltage isconnected constantinacross each resistance parallel. parallel resistor, connected in are parallel. • •Resistors in constant parallel current decreases. Voltage is across each resistance dividers. resistor, connected in parallel. decreases. • Resistors in parallel are current dividers. • Resistors in parallel are current dividers. • Resistors in parallel are current Experiment 14 (Formal) • Set up a circuit to show that parallel circuits dividers. • •Set up a circuit to show parallel areincurrent dividers, while potential difference Resistors parallel arethat current Experiment 14 remains constant. circuits are current dividers, while dividers. (Formal) (Materials: Light bulbs or resistors, batteries, potential constant. • Setswitches, up difference a circuit toremains show that parallel voltmeters connecting leads, ammeters, Experiment 14 circuits etc.)are current dividers, while (Formal) • (Materials: Set up a circuit show parallel Lightto bulbs orthat resistors, Experiment 14 potential difference remains constant. circuits area current dividers, while batteries, switches, connecting leads, (Formal) • Set up circuit to show that parallel Experiment 14 potential difference remains constant. ammeters, voltmeters etc.) circuits are Light current dividers, while (Materials: bulbs or resistors, (Formal) potential difference remains constant. batteries, switches, connecting leads, (Materials: Light bulbs or resistors, ammeters, voltmeters etc.) batteries, switches, connecting leads, (Materials: Light bulbs or resistors, ammeters, voltmeters etc.) batteries, switches, connecting leads, ammeters, voltmeters etc.) Time Experiment Topic Grade 1310 35 35 35 35 CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 27 Heat and Thermodynamics Time Topic Grade 10 1 hr Heat and Temperature Heat Content, Concepts & Skills • Guidelines for Teachers Define heat as a form of energy. SI unit of heat is joule (J). Temperature • Temperature is an indication of how hot or cold a body is. SI unit of temperature is kelvin (K). 2 hrs Different types of thermometers • Temperature is measured with a thermometer in degree Celsius (). • Alcohol thermometer, Mercury thermometer, Use a mercury Thermoelectric thermometer. thermometer to measure the Give the application of thermometers in temperature of the following substances: technology. (a) ice water (b) tap water (c) boiling water. • 3 hrs Celsius scale Kelvin scale • • Celsius scale is used to measure temperature for general purposes. Fahrenheit (not for The Kelvin scale is used for thermodynamical assessment but for enrichment only). calculations. T = t+273 T is the temperature in kelvin. t is the temperature in degree Celsius. • Experiment 15 28 Use the above equation to convert temperature from Celsius to Kelvin. • Measure the melting point of wax. (Materials: Paraffin wax, Bunsen burner, Thermometer, 500 ml beaker, boiling tube, clamps, etc.) CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Sign conventions • Use the Cartesian coordinates system to indicate the directions (+ve X and +ve Y as positive). TERM 1 GRADE 11 • Use compass directions to indicate MECHANICS the directions. Time Topics Grade 11 4 hrs • Express Introduction to Mechanics Sign conventions 4 hrs 4 hrs Graphs Graphs Recall that vectors have magnitude and direction. Guidelines for Teachers Content, Concepts & Skills the direction using bearing by measuring on the north line in the clockwise the vector. • direction Use the toCartesian coordinates system to Recall that vectors indicate the directions (+ve Xmethods and +ve Ytoas positive). • Use the above • Use compass determine the directions ofdirections vectors. to directions. • Demonstrate the direct proportion direction using graphs•in theExpress contextthe of technology. indicate the have magnitude and direction. Recall that bearing line by straight measuring on the north line in the clockwise graphs are direction to the vector. • Demonstrate the indirect proportion represented by • Use the above methods to determine the graphs in thedirections contextofofvectors. technology. y = mx+c and hyperbolic • Demonstrate the direct proportion graphs in Recall that straight graphs are line graphs are the context of technology. representedrepresented by by xy graphs = k. in y = mx+c and • Demonstrate the indirect proportion hyperbolic graphs are represented by xy = k. the context of technology. 2 hrs Theorem of • Determine the resultant of two Pythagoras vectors•acting perpendicular to each Recallacting theorem 2 hrs Theorem of Pythagoras Determine the resultant of two vectors perpendicular to each other using the theorem Recall theorem of other using the theorem of of Pythagoras. of Pythagoras: Pythagoras. Pythagoras: • Use the theorem of Pythagoras to calculate • Use the theorem of Pythagoras the resultant of forces, toin the context of calculate thetechnology. resultant of forces, in the context of technology. Guidelines for Content, Concepts & Skills Time Topics Grade 11 2 hrs Co-linear vectors • Define co-linear vectors as vectors that have the same line of action. Co-planar vectors • Define co-planar vectors as vectors that are in the same plane. • Draw the resultant of two co-linear vectors. CAPS Teachers 37 TECHNICAL SCIENCES 29 Time Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills 8 hrs Resultant of forces in two dimensions. Head-to-tail method • Theorem of Pythagoras • Parallelogram law of forces • Use the head-to-tail method to determine the resultant of two vectors at right angles to each other. Use the theorem of Pythagoras to determine the resultant of forces acting at right angles to each other. The Parallelogram law of forces states that if two forces acting at a point can be represented by the adjacent sides of a parallelogram both in magnitude and direction, then the diagonal from the point gives the resultant of the two forces. Use the parallelogram law to determine the resultant of two forces acting at an angle to each other. Using scale drawing (Do not do calculations involving the resultant.) • • Experiment 1 (formal) 6 hrs Guidelines for Teachers Recall the resultant of forces. Use the parallelogram of forces to: a) Determine the resultant of two forces acting on a point. b) Determine the weight of a given body. (Materials: Force board with two pulleys, mass pieces, pins, sheet of paper, light strings etc.) components force into its parallel and • calculations. Resolution of forces • components into components Given force acting at an angle to the Do scale drawing and perpendicular components force ainto its Fparallel and calculations. calculations. horizontal axis, resolve the force intocomponents). its parallel (Rectangular perpendicular components and perpendicular components (Rectangular (Rectangular components). Frictional forces • Define frictional force as the force components). 6 hrs 6Frictional hrs Frictional forces forces • 6 hrs that opposes the motion • Define frictional force as the force Define frictional force as the force that opposes thatmotion opposes motion of an object. the of an the object. of an object. Static frictional • The static (limiting) frictional force Recall the Recall the normal normal force. • The static (limiting) frictional force acts force acts between the two surfaces when Static frictional • The static (limiting) frictional force Recall the force. between the two the surfaces when object thetwo object is the stationary. is givenforce. by force acts between surfaces whenis Itnormal stationary. It is given by the object is stationary. It is given by Kinetic frictional force Kinetic frictional Kinetic frictionalforce • The kinetic (dynamic) frictional force force frictional acts between the two surfaces • The kinetic (dynamic) force acts • The kinetic (dynamic) frictional whenthe the object is moving. It is given force acts two surfaces between the between two surfaces when the object is when the moving. It is object given by byis moving. It is given by • Use the above equation to solve problems • Use the above equation to solve involving frictional problems forces. • Useplane the above equationinvolving to solve frictional forces. (No inclined problems) (No inclined problems) problems involving frictionalplane forces. Experiment 2 (No inclined plane between problems) a) Determine the relation the force of limiting friction anda) theDetermine normal force. the relation between Experiment 2 the coefficient b) Determine of friction between therelation force ofbetween limiting friction and the a) Determine the a block and horizontal surface. Experiment 2 normal force. the Aforce of limiting friction (Materials: wooden block, a set of 50 and gramthe normal force. weights, weight box, pan, horizontal table fitted with b) Determine the coefficient of friction a pulley etc.) between a block and horizontal b) Determine the coefficient of friction surface. between a block and horizontal (Materials: A wooden block, a set of surface. 50 gramblock, weights, weight box, pan, (Materials: A wooden a set of horizontal table fitted with a pulley 50 gram weights, weight box, pan, horizontal tableetc.) fitted with a pulley CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) etc.) Magnetism and Electricity Static frictional force 30 Magnetism and Electricity Time Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills Guidelines for Magnetism and Electricity Time Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills 8 hrs Magnet • The magnetic field • • • Poles of permanent magnet Direction of magnetic field • Magnetic field of a bar magnet • Force of a magnet • Properties of magnetic field lines Experiment 3 • Experiment 4 a) Guidelines for Teachers Describe a magnet as an object that has a pair of opposite poles, called north and south. Even if the object is cut into tiny pieces, each piece will still have both a N and a S pole. Define the magnetic field as the region in space where another magnet or ferromagnetic material will experience a force. Like magnetic poles repel each other and opposite poles attract each other. Use a compass to determine the direction of the magnetic field. Give examples of Sketch the magnetic field of a bar magnet. magnets relevant to technology. Predict the behaviour of magnets when they are brought close together. Discuss the properties of magnetic field lines. Determine the north pole of the earth using a bar magnet. (Materials: Bar magnet, string, wooden stand, etc.) • b) Determine whether a material is a magnetic material or a magnet. Determine the polarity of the magnets. (Materials: Bar magnets, magnetic material, string, wooden stand, etc.) Experiment 5 Earth’s magnetic field CAPS • Mapping of magnetic field. (Materials: Bar magnet, compass needle, drawing board, paper, pin, etc.) • Compare the magnetic field of the earth to the magnetic field of a bar magnet. • Explain the difference between the geographical North pole and the magnetic North pole of the earth. • Give examples of phenomena that are affected by earth’s magnetic field e.g. Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) & magnetic storms. • Discuss qualitatively how the earth’s magnetic field provides protection from solar winds. TECHNICAL SCIENCES 31 TERM 2 GRADE 11 WAVES AND SOUND Time Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills 4 hrs Pulses • Transverse pulses Longitudinal pulses Experiment 6 3 hrs Waves Transverse wave Crest Longitudinal wave Trough Define a pulse as a single disturbance in a medium. • Define a transverse pulse as a pulse in which the particles of the medium vibrate at right angles to the direction of propagation of the pulse. • Define a longitudinal pulse as a pulse in which the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of propagation of the pulse. • Observe the motion of a single pulse travelling along a long, soft spring or a heavy rope. (Materials: Slinky spring, rope etc.) • • • • • Wave Terminology Amplitude Points in phase • 8 hrs Crest Trough • Wavelength • Points in phase • Wavelength • Period Frequency Period Guidelines for Teachers • • Define a wave as a succession of pulses. Define a transverse wave as a wave in which rest (equilibrium) position. the particles of the medium vibrate at right angles to the direction of propagation of the wave. • Define crest as the uppermost Draw theatransverse. point on a transverse wave. Define a longitudinal wave as a wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave. • Define a trough as the lowermost Drawon thealongitudinal wave. point transverse wave. • Define in phase any two Define points amplitude as asthe maximum displacement of a particle from of its rest points that are in the same state (equilibrium) position. vibration. Define a crest as the uppermost point on a transverse wave. • Define wavelength ( as the Define a trough as the lowermost point on a distance between two successive transverse wave. points in phase. Define points in phase as any two points that SIare unit: m same state of vibration. in the Define wavelength (as the distance between • Draw and label transverse two successive points in phase. and longitudinal SI unit: m waves. Draw and label transverse and longitudinal • Define waves. the period (T) as the time taken to the complete oneaswave. Define period (T) the time taken to SIcomplete unit: s one wave. SI unit: s Relationship • Define frequency (f) as the number (f) as the number of waves period • ofDefine wavesfrequency per second. per second. and frequency SISIunit: (Hz) unit:hertz hertz (Hz) Frequency between Relationship between period and frequency Note: 1 1Hz Note: 1 Hz = s-1 = • • 1 s-1 • T= T= Use the the above problems • Use aboveequation equationto tosolve solve involving period and frequency in the content problems involving period and of technology. frequency in the content of technology. Guidelines for Time Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills Teachers 32 • Define POLICY wave speed as the(CAPS) distance CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT STATEMENT Wave speed travelled by the wave in one second. Time Time Time Time Topics TopicsGrade Grade11 11 Topics Grade 11 Topics Grade 11 Wave Wavespeed speed Wave speed Wave speed • Use theinvolving above equation to solve problems period problems involving periodand and problems involving period and frequency frequencyin inthe thecontent contentof of frequency in the content of technology. technology. technology. Guidelines Guidelinesfor for Content, Content,Concepts Concepts&&Skills Skills Guidelines for Teachers Teachers Content, Concepts & Skills Guidelines for Teachers Concepts & Skills ••Content, Define speed as Definewave wave speed asthe thedistance distance Teachers • Define wave speed as the distance travelled by wave in travelled bythe the wave inone onesecond. second. • Define wave speed as the distance travelled by travelled the wave in one second. the wave inby one second. vv== vv = or or or or or vv v === ff vvv=== or or v = or v = f • Use the above equations to solve problems 5 hrs Superposition of waves ••involving Use above equations to solve Usethe thespeed, above equations tofrequency, solve wavelength and •distance, Use thetime, above equations to solve in the content problems involving speed, problems involving speed,of technology. problems involving speed, distance, wavelength and wavelength andfrequency, frequency, distance, wavelength and frequency, distance, • Constructive interference • Destructive interference • • Experiment 7 • Define the superposition as the algebraic sum of the amplitudes of the waves that meet at the same point simultaneously. Define constructive interference as the superposition of the two waves which are in phase. Define destructive interference as the superposition of the two waves which are out of phase. Demonstrate the phenomenon of constructive and destructive interference using transverse wave pulses. Use a ripple tank to demonstrate constructive and destructive interference of two pulses. 42 42 42 (Materials: Ripple tank apparatus) CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 33 Time Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills 8 hrs Sound waves Speed of sound in different media • • Reflection of sound • • Echo • Experiment 8 (formal) • Sound waves are longitudinal waves. Demonstration: Investigate the speed of sound waves in Make sound using different mediums (gas, liquid or solid). a vuvuzela, string, tuning-fork, loudDefine the reflection of sound waves as the speaker, drum-head. bouncing back of the wave from a surface. Define an echo as the reflection of a sound wave. Determine the speed of sound in air. (Materials: Tuning forks, rubber hammer, meter stick, etc.) Pitch Loudness Range of sound frequencies Experiment 9 (formal) 34 Define pitch as a measure of how high or low a note is. • Frequency of sound determines its pitch. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch. • Loudness is determined by the amplitude of the sound. • The higher the amplitude, the louder sound. • Use wave patterns to demonstrate pitch and loudness. • Infrasound: frequencies less than 20 Hz. • Audible sound: frequencies from 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz. • Ultrasound: frequencies greater than 20 000Hz. • Application of infrasound and ultrasound related to technology. • Determine the difference between pitch and loudness using an oscilloscope. (Materials: Oscilloscope, function generator, loudspeaker, etc) • 4 hrs Guidelines for Teachers CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Demonstrate that sound needs a material medium (air) to propagate. generator, loud-speaker, etc) TERM 3 GRADE 11 Electricity and Magnetism TERM 3 GRADE 11 Electrostatics TimeElectrostatics Topics Grade 11 Electricity and Magnetism Content, Concepts & Skills Guidelines for Teachers Guidelines for • Coulomb’s LawConcepts states that the force Content, & Skills Teachers of attraction or repulsion between Coulomb’s Law two point • charges Coulomb’s Law states that the force of 4 hrs Coulomb’s Law is directly attraction or repulsion between two point proportional to the product of proportional their charges is directly to the product 4 hrs charges and inversely proportional to proportional to of their charges and inversely the square ofthe thesquare distance between of the distance between the two charges. the two charges. Time Topics Grade 11 • Use the calculate • above Use equation the above to equation to calculate the force the force andand charge. charge. 6 hrs Electric fieldfield Electric 6 hrs Define the electric as a region of space in • Define•the electric field as afield region which an electric charge experiences a force. of space in which an electric charge experiences a force. • Electric field lines • Electric field lines Time • Topics Grade 11 •Use Usethe the above equation to calculate above equation to calculate the force, the force, and electric field. charge andcharge electric field. 44 The direction of the electric field at a point is direction that of a positive test charge (+1C) •the The direction the electric field at if placed at that point. awould pointmove is the direction that a positive Drawcharge electric (+1C) field lines: test would move if placed at thata point. (a) Around positive charge •(b) DrawAround electric field lines: a negative charge (a) Around a positive charge (c) Between a positive and a positive (b) Around a negative charge charge (c) Between a positive and a (d) Between negative and a negative positive acharge charge (d) Between a negative and a (e) Between positive and a negative negativea charge charge. (e) Between a positive and a negative charge. Content, Concepts & Skills • Electric field between parallel plates. Electric field between parallel plates Guidelines for Teachers • Do calculation by using the above equation. • Discuss the relationship between E, V and d. Applications of electrostatics CAPS Electric circuits 8 hrs Ohm’s Law • Draw electric lines between two parallel plates. • Discuss application of electrostatics related to technology. TECHNICAL SCIENCES • Ohm’s law states that the current in a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across it, at 35 negative charge (e) Between a positive and a negative charge. Time Topics Grade 11 Time Content, Concepts & Skills Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills Guidelines for Guidelines for Teachers • Electric field between parallel Electric field between Electric field between parallel plates. plates. • Teachers parallel plates Electric field between parallel plates Applications of electrostatics Electric circuits Ohm’s Law 8 hrs Applications of electrostatics Electric 8 hrs • Do calculation bycalculation using thebyabove • Do using the above equation. equation. • Discuss the relationship between E, V and d. • Draw electric lines between two parallel plates. • Discuss • the relationship between E, Discuss application of electrostatics related to V and d. technology. • Draw electric lines twothe current in a conductor • Ohm’sbetween law states that parallel plates. is directly proportional to the potential difference across it, at constant temperature. V= IR • Discuss application of electrostatics Use the above equation to do calculations related to • technology. (include graphical calculations). • Determine the resistance of an unknown Experiment 10 (formal) resistor. circuits (Materials: Battery, ammeter, voltmeter, a resistance Ohm’s Law • Ohm’s law states thatkey, the connecting current inwires etc.) wire, Rheostat, Ohmic and non-aOhmic conductor proportional to Ohm’s law is called • is directly Any conductor that obeys conductors the potential difference it, at an Ohmic across conductor. constant temperature. • Give examples of Ohmic conductors. V= IR • A conductor that does not obey Ohm’s law is called non-Ohmic conductor. • Give examples • Use the above equation to of donon-Ohmic conductors. Experiment 10 11 calculations Experiment • (include Obtain graphical current and voltage data for a piece (formal) calculations). of copper wire and semi-conductor and determine which one obeys Ohm’s law. Ohmic and non- • Determine the resistance of an (Materials: Copper wire, semiconductor connecting wires, ammeter and voltmeter etc.) 6 hrs 3 hrs 36 Use series and parallel resistors in combination45 with Ohm’s law. Circuit calculations • Emf • Emf is defined as the potential difference across a cell when the circuit is open. Internal resistance • Internal resistance is defined as the resistance inside the cell when current flows through it. (No calculation needed) Experiment 12 • Determine the internal resistance of a battery. (Materials: Battery, multimeter, connecting wires, switch, etc.) CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) required to increase the temperature of 1 kg of the substance by 1 or Heat capacity 1K. Guidelines for Time Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills SI unit: Teachers • Define the capacity (C) of a Heatheat and Thermodynamics substance as the amount of heat 4 hrs Heat to increase the temperature required to increase the temperature Specific heat capacityrequired • Define the specific capacity (c) of a substance required to increase the temperature of the by 1 or11 K. of whole 1 kgas ofsubstance the substance orto the required to increase temperature the amount of heatby required increase the of 1 kg of the substance by 1 or SI unit: temperature of 1 kg of the substance by 1 1 or Heat capacity 1K. of 1 kg of the substance by Heat capacity Heat 1K. • Ccapacity = cm SI unit:or 1K. 1K. unit: unit: where m is the of a substance. •SISI Define themass heat capacity (C) of a SI unit: Heat capacity •substance Define theasheat capacity (C)heat ofcapacity • Define the heat capacity (C) ofa aGuidelines substance the amount of • Define the heat (C) of afor Time Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills as the amount of heat required to increase the substance as the amount of heat required to increase thewhole temperature Teachers substance as the amount of heat temperature of the substance by 1or 1 required to increase thetoby temperature of the whole substance 1 or 1 K. required increase the temperature • Use the above equation to do K. ofSIthe whole substance by substance 1 or 1 K. by 1 or 1 K. of the whole SI unit: unit: calculations. •SI•Cunit: = cm C = cm SI unit: Practical •where C = cm where m is aofsubstance. isthe the•mass mass a substance. C =ofcm application of heat • Discuss practical application of heat where m is the mass substance. • in Use the above to do calculations. whereequation mofisa the mass of a Guidelines substance. for capacity capacity technology. Time Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills Guidelines for Guidelines for Teachers Time Practical Topics GradeTopics 11 Content, Concepts & Skills Time Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills application of Teachers • Discuss practical application of heat capacity 4 hrs Law of capacity • Law of conservation of heat states Teachers • Use the above equation to do heat in technology. •the Use the above equation to do conservation of that calculations. amount of•heat lost equals Use the above equation to do 4 hrs heat Law of conservation of • Law of conservation of heat calculations. the amount of heat gained, when no states that the Practical calculations. heat amount of heat lost equals the amount of heat Practical of Practical heat•isDiscuss lost.gained, application heat practical application when no heat is lost.of heat application of heat • Discuss application of application heat capacity capacity inpractical technology. application of heat • Discuss practical of heat capacity capacity in technology. • Amount of heat lost or gained is • Amount of heat lost or gained is given by: capacity capacity in technology. Q== mc given• Law by: Qof mc 4 hrs Law of conservation of heat states 4 hrs conservation Law of • Law of conservation of heatequals states of heat states of that the amount of heat lost 4 hrs Law of SI unit of specific • Law of conservation -1 -1 heat capacity: Jkg K . conservation of thatof the amount ofthe heat lostwhen equals SI unit specific heat capacity: heat the amount of heat gained, no lost equals conservation of that amount of heat -1 -1 heat the ofthe heat gained,ofwhen no Experiment 13 heat Jkg heat K .amount is lost. amount heat gained, • Do calculations using the above equation.when no heat is lost. heat is lost. Determine heat • Do•calculations using the above capacity of a liquid. Amount of heat lost or gained is • Determine the heat capacity of a solid. • Amount of heat lost or gained is Determine heat equation. given by: QCalorimeter, = •mc Amount of heat lost or gained (Materials: thermometer, balance, lead is(Informal) Experiment 13 given by: Q = mc capacity of a or sand, water etc.) given by: Q = mc the heat capacity of awith theliquid. • unitInof thermodynamics deal processes 5 hrs Thermodynamics • Determine SI specific heatwe capacity: -1 -1 SI unit of specific heat capacity: solid. (Informal) involving heat, work and energy. Experiment 13 Jkg-1K-1. SI unit of specific heat capacity: Terminologies -1 -1 Experiment 13 Jkg K . (Materials: Calorimeter, Experiment 13 Jkg K . Thermodynamic system thermometer, balance, lead the or system sand, Define thermodynamic • • Do calculations using aboveas a portion of • Do calculations using the above matter. E.g. Gas enclosed inside cylinder, water etc.) Determine heat equation. • Do calculations usinga the above fitted with a piston. Determine equation. 5 hrs Thermodynamics • In thermodynamics we deal with the capacity of heat a Determine heat equation. Surrounding • Define the surrounding as anything outside capacity of a capacity of a processes involving heat, work andof a • Determine the heat capacity liquid. the system whichcapacity has someofbearing on the • Determine the heat a liquid. Terminologies energy. solid. (Informal) • Determine of a liquid. behaviour of the system.the heat capacity solid. (Informal) (Materials: Calorimeter, solid. (Informal) Open system • Define an open system as a system which (Materials: Calorimeter, Thermodynamic • Define thermodynamic system as a thermometer, balance, lead or energy sand, with the (Materials: Calorimeter, can exchange matter and thermometer, balance, lead balance, or sand, lead or sand, system portion of matter. E.g. Gas enclosed surroundings. water etc.) thermometer, etc.) fitted inside cylinder, piston. waterwith etc.) 5 hrs Thermodynamics •water Ina thermodynamics wea deal with the 5 hrs Thermodynamics • In thermodynamics we deal with processes involving heat, work andthe 5 hrs Thermodynamics • In thermodynamics we deal with the processes involving heat, work and Surrounding • Define the surrounding as anything Terminologies energy. processes involving heat, work and TerminologiesTerminologies energy. outside the systemenergy. which has some on the behaviour of the Thermodynamic bearing • Define thermodynamic system as a Thermodynamic • Define thermodynamic system as a system as a system portion of matter. E.g. Gas enclosed Thermodynamic • Define thermodynamic system portion of matter. E.g. Gas enclosed fittedofwith a piston. systeminside a cylinder, portion matter. E.g. Gas enclosed47 inside a cylinder, fitted with a piston. inside a cylinder, fitted with a piston. Surrounding • Define the surrounding as anything Surrounding Surrounding • Definethe thesystem surrounding anything outside which has some as anything • Define theas surrounding outside the system which has bearing on theoutside behaviour of thesome the system which has some bearing on thebearing behaviour of the on the behaviour of the CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 47 47 37 47 1K. substance amount of heat 1 kg as of the substance by 1 or SIofunit: required required required torequired increase to1K. increase to to increase the temperature the the temperature temperature increase the temperature Heat capacity • Define the heat capacity (C) of a of 1 of kg 1of of kg the 1of kg substance the the substance substance by 1 by or 1byby1or1 oror 1 K. of the substance SIofwhole unit: substance as the amount of heat HeatHeat capacity Heat capacity capacity1K. 1K. 1K. SI unit: • Definetothe heat capacity (C) of a required increase the temperature SI unit: SI unit: SI •unit: C substance = cm as the amount Guidelines for of the whole substance by 1of heat or 1 K. Time Topics Grade•11 Content, Concepts Skills Define • Define •the Define heat the the heat capacity heat capacity capacity (C)&of (C) of aof a where m is the mass ofa a(C) substance. required to increase the temperature Teachers SI unit: substance substance substance as the asthe amount the aswhole the amount amount ofsubstance heat ofsystem heat of heat Guidelines for of by 1 or 1 K. Closed system • Define a closed as a system which • C = cm Time Topics Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills required required required to increase toSIincrease to increase the temperature the the temperature temperature can energy not matter, with the unit: Teachers where mexchange is the mass ofonly, a substance. surroundings. of the ofwhole the of •the whole substance whole substance substance by 1 by or 1 by 1 1 or K. 1 or K. 1 K. • C cm equation to do Use the= above Guidelines for system •Content, Define anthe isolated system as a system SI unit: SI 11 unit: SI calculations. unit: Time Isolated Topics Grade & Skills where mConcepts is mass of a substance. Teachers • C= • cm C•= C cm = cmwhich is not influenced by its surroundings. Guidelines for Practical (No exchange of heat or energy with the Time Topicswhere Grade 11 Content, Concepts & Skills • is Use the above equation to do where m where is m the m mass the is the mass of mass a of substance. a of substance. a substance. Teachers application of heat • Discuss practical application of heat surroundings). calculations. Guidelines Guidelines Guidelines for for for capacity capacity in technology. • Use the above to isdo • Concepts The thermal state of a system defined by its Thermodynamic variables TimeTime Time Topics Topics Grade Topics Grade 11 Grade 11 Content, 11Content, Content, Concepts Concepts & Skills & Skills & equation Skills Practical Teachers Teachers Teachers temperature (T), pressure (P) and volume (V). or co-ordinates calculations. application of heat • Discuss practical application of heat These quantities called thermodynamic • Use• Use the• Use above the above equation above equation equation to doto are do toheat do states 4 hrs LawPractical of •the Law of conservation of capacity capacity in technology. variables. calculations. calculations. conservation ofcalculations. that •the amount of heatapplication lost equalsof heat application of heat Discuss practical Practical Practical Practical heat the amount of heat gained, when no capacity capacity in technology. energy 4 hrsInternal Law of of a of conservation of heat •• Law Define internal energy of a states thermodynamic application application application of heat of heat of• heat Discuss • Discuss • Discuss practical practical application application application of heat heat of heatand potential heatpractical issystem lost. thermodynamic system. as the sum ofof the kinetic conservation of that the amount of heat lost equals capacity capacity capacity capacity capacity in technology. in• technology. in technology. 4 hrs Law ofcapacity Law of conservation of heat states energies of all thegained, molecules of the system. heat the amount of heat when no Amount of heat lost orheat gained is conservation of • • that the amount of lost equals The first law of thermodynamics states that if First Law of heat is lost. given by: Q = mc 4 hrs4 hrs 4Law hrsLaw of Law of ofheat • Law • Law of•conservation Law of conservation of conservation of heat of heat states of heat states states heat energy Q is given to a system, it is Thermodynamics the amount heat gained, when no used in heat two ways: conservation conservation conservation of of that of that the that amount the the amount amount of heat lost of heat equals lost lost equals equals heat isoflost. • Amount of heat lost the or gained is (i) In increasing internal SI specific heat capacity: heatheatheat the amount the the amount amount ofunit heat ofofheat gained, of heat gained, when gained, when no when no noenergy of the given = mc( U) system -1 by: Q Experiment 13heat . heat is lost. heat isJkg lost. is-1•K lost. Amount heat lost or gained is (ii) In of doing work against external given by: Q = mc W). capacity: SI unit of pressure. specific (heat • Do theisabove • Amount • Amount • Amount of heat ofcalculations lost of-1 heat or lostgained lost orusing gained orisgained is -1heat Experiment 13 Jkg K . givengiven by:given Qequation. by: = mc Q by: Q mc = mc • Q = of U+specific W SI=unit heat capacity: Determine heat -1 -1 capacity of a equation to calculate the Experiment 13 •• Do JkgUse K the . aboveusing calculations the above internal energy, work done and the amount of • unit Determine the capacity of a liquid. SI unit SI of unit SIspecific of specific of specific heatheat capacity: heat capacity: capacity: Determine heat -1-1equation. supplied. Experiment Experiment Experiment 13 13 Jkg 13 -1Jkg K-1.-1Jkg Ksolid. . K•-1Do . heat calculations using the above (Informal) capacity of a (Materials: Calorimeter, Determine heat equation. Working substance • Determine the heat capacity of a liquid. • Define working the substance thermometer, balance, lead orassand, • Do•calculations Do• calculations Do calculations usingusing the using above thesubstance the above above capacity of a solid.that absorbs heat fromthe source. E.g. Air(Informal) in water etc.) Determine Determine Determine heat heatheat equation. equation. equation. • Determine the heat capacity of a liquid. petrol and diesel engines. (Materials: Calorimeter, • It absorbs heat from a hot body of a of aof a 5 hrs Thermodynamics • In thermodynamics we deal capacity withcapacity thecapacity solid. (Informal) Teachers thermometer, balance, lead or sand, (source), converts a part of it into • Determine • Determine the(Materials: heat the the heat capacity heat capacity capacity of a ofawork aofliquid. aand liquid. liquid. processes involving heat, Calorimeter, Define heat engine converts Heat Engine • Determine etc.) • It•water absorbs heat from a as hotdevice bodywhich work and rejects the rest to a cold solid.solid. solid. (Informal) (Informal) (Informal) heat energy into mechanical work. Terminologies energy. thermometer, balance, lead or sand, 5 hrs Thermodynamics(source), • In thermodynamics withbody the (sink). converts a partwe ofdeal itheat into Efficiency (Materials: (Materials: (Materials: Calorimeter, Calorimeter, Calorimeter, • It absorbs heat from a hot body (source), Efficiency of heat engine water etc.) processes involving heat, work and work and rejects the rest to a cold engine a part it into Thermodynamic • Define thermodynamic system as arejects thermometer, thermometer, thermometer, balance, balance, balance, lead lead or of sand, lead or sand, orwork sand, 5 hrs Thermodynamics • (sink). Inconverts thermodynamics we dealand with the the Heat converted to work W Terminologies energy. Efficiency of heat body rest to a coldE.g. bodyGas (sink). Efficiency,= = system water portion of matter. enclosed water etc.) water etc.)etc.) processes involving heat, work and Total heat absorbed engine 1 a cylinder, fitted with athe piston. 5 hrs5 hrs 5Thermodynamics hrsThermodynamics Thermodynamics • In thermodynamics • In •thermodynamics Ininside thermodynamics we we deal we withdeal with the with the Terminologies energy. Heatdeal converted to work W 1a Thermodynamic • Define thermodynamic system as Second law of Second law ofprocesses Efficiency,= (No calculation on efficiency Efficiency,= = = processes processes involving involving involving heat,heat, work heat, work andwork andand Total heatE.g. absorbed system portion of matter. Gas enclosed thermodynamics 1 1 thermodynamics Surrounding • (No Define the surrounding as Terminologies Terminologies Terminologies energy. energy. energy. Thermodynamic • calculation Define thermodynamic system on efficiency of aanything heat engine). ofasa aheat engine). 1 inside a calculation cylinder, fitted with a piston. Second law of ( No on efficiency outside the system which has some system portion of matter. E.g. Gas enclosed thermodynamics 1 bearing the behaviour the Thermodynamic Thermodynamic Thermodynamic • Define • Define •thermodynamic Define thermodynamic thermodynamic system system as system aaofas aasa apiston. • It on is impossible tofitted get continuous of inside athe cylinder, with of a• Define heat engine). • Itsupply is impossible to get a continuous Surrounding surrounding as anything Refrigerators from body by cooling it to a temperature system system system portion portion of portion matter. of matter. ofwork E.g. matter. E.g. GasaE.g. Gas enclosed Gas enclosed enclosed supply of work from a body by outside the system which has some lower than the lowest of its surroundings. inside inside a inside cylinder, a cylinder, a cylinder, fitted fitted with fitted with a piston. with a piston. a piston. Surrounding • Define the surrounding as anything • It bearing is impossible get a continuous lower than on thetobehaviour of the cooling it to a temperature Refrigerators 47 outside thefrom system which has some supply of work a body by the lowest of its surroundings. • It is the reverse of a heat engine. Surrounding Surrounding Surrounding • Define • Define •the Define surrounding the the surrounding as as anything as anything bearing theanything behaviour of than the cooling it tosurrounding aon temperature lower outside the outside system the the system which system which has which some has has some some Refrigerators outside the• lowest its surroundings. It isliquid the reverse of 47 a heat engine. The ofworking substance (coolant •e.g. bearing bearing bearing on the onbehaviour the on the behaviour behaviour of the of the of the ammonia, Freon etc.) absorbs heat from a 47 cold body (freezer), withengine. the help of •anThe external • It is the reverse of a heat working substance (coolant agency (compressor), and rejects it to the hot e.g. liquid 47 ammonia, 47 47 Freon etc.) body (atmosphere). • The working substance (coolant absorbs heat from a cold body e.g. liquid ammonia, Freon etc.) (freezer), with the help of an absorbs heat from a cold body external agency (compressor), and (freezer), with the help of an rejects it to the hot body external agency (compressor), and (atmosphere). rejects it to the hot body (atmosphere). 38 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) TERM 4 GRADE 11 TERM 4 GRADE 11 Te TERM 4 GRADE 11 Chemical Change Guidelines for Teachers Time Topics Grade 11 8 hrs Oxidation and Reduction • Oxidation is defined as the loss of electrons. Oxidation Reduction • • • Give examples of oxidation. Reduction is defined as the gain of electrons. Give examples of reduction. Oxidizing Agent • An oxidizing agent is defined as a substance that undergoes reduction. Reducing Agent • A reducing agent is defined as a substance that undergoes oxidation. Assigning Oxidation Numbers • Rules for assigning oxidation numbers. • Assign oxidation molecules. Electrolysis • Electrolysis is the decomposition of a substance when an electric current is passed through it. Cathode • Cathode is the electrode where reduction takes place. Anode • 6 hrs Experiment 15 CAPS Content, Concepts & Skills numbers in various Anode is the electrode where oxidation takes place. • Electrolysis of a salt solution. (Materials: Carbon electrodes, beaker, copper chloride, water, power source, connecting wires, switch, etc.) TECHNICAL SCIENCES 39 TERM 1 GRADE 12 MECHANICS Time Topics Grade 12 13 hrs Newton’s Laws of motion Newton’s First Law of Motion • Inertia • Mass • Acceleration • • Newton’s Second Law of Motion Guidelines for Teachers State Newton’s first law: An object continues in a state of rest oruniform (moving with constant) velocity unless it is acted upon by an unbalanced (net or resultant) force. Define inertia as the property of a body to resist any change in its state of motion or rest. Define mass as a measure of the inertia of a body. SI unit is kg. Give examples to illustrate Newton’s first law. Define acceleration as the rate of change of velocity. SI unit is m.s-2 • State Newton’s second law: When a net force, Fnet, is applied to an object of mass, m, it accelerates the object in the direction of the net force. Fnet = ma SI unit is N. • Use the above equations to solve problems involving force, massand acceleration in the content of technology. (Do not include pulley problems and lift problems). Experiment 1 (formal) • Newton’s Third Law of Motion • State Newton’s third law: When object A exerts a force on object B, object B simultaneously exerts an oppositely directed force of equal magnitude on object A. • Give examples to illustrate Newton’s third law, using action-reaction pairs. Experiment 2 40 Content, Concepts & Skills Determine the relation between acceleration and force for a constant mass. (Materials: Mass pieces, Trolleys, string, ticker timer, etc.) Show that the action-reaction pairs are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. (Materials: Two spring balances, mass pieces, etc). • CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Recall vector and scalars. SI unit is kg.m.s-1 Time Impulse and change in momentum Momentum Topics Grade 12 • Use the above equations to solve problems involving momentum, mass -1 content of and velocity, in the SI unit is kg.m.s Content, Concepts & Skills technology. Guidelines for Teachers Discuss examples of 12 hrs • • Use Momentum is defined as the product of mass the above equations to solve • Impulse is the effect of large force impulse in our and velocity. problems SI unit is involving kg.m.s-1 momentum, mass p = mv acting on a body for a small interval of everyday lives. Impulse and and velocity, in -1the content of SI unit is-1kg.m.s time. change in SI unit is Discuss kg.m.s •technology. Use the above equations to solve • problems Use the involving above equations to solve problems momentum examples of momentum, mass Impulse= F • Impulse is the effect of large force • Use theand above equations solveand involving momentum, mass Impulse and velocity, in theto content of velocity, in theimpulse in our SI unit is N.s acting onofamomentum, body for a small everyday lives. involving massinterval of Discuss content technology. change in problemstechnology. Discuss examples • Impulse is defined as the change in time. Impulse momentum and and velocity, in the content of examples of impulseofin our Impulse and change in • momentum. Impulse is the effect of large force acting on a Impulse= change in technology. Discuss everyday • Impulse is the effect of large force impulse in lives. our momentum SIbody unitforisaN.s small interval of time. Impulse= F momentum examples of acting on a body for a small interval of everyday lives. •SI F unit is N.sof large force • Impulsetime. is the=effect impulse in our Topics Grade Guidelines for • Impulse is defined as the change in acting on a body for a small interval of everyday lives. • Impulse is defined as the change in momentum. Time Content, Concepts & Skills 12 Teachers momentum. time. Impulse= F Impulse= Impulse= •SI Use the above equations of impulse unitis N.s unit isisN.s N.s SISI unit to solve problems force, time FF = is definedinvolving • •• Impulse Impulse= as the change in and change in momentum in the SI unit N.s Topics Grade • ismomentum. Use the above equations of impulse to solveGuidelines for Impulse= Time Content, Concepts & Skills of involving technology. force, time • Impulsecontent isproblems defined as the change in and change inTeachers 12 SI unit is N.s momentum in the equations content of technology. momentum. Impulse= • Use the above of impulse •F = • Force is defined as the rate of • Force is defined as the rate of change SI unit istoN.s solve problems involving force, time inGuidelines for Topics Grade momentum. change in momentum. Time Content, Concepts & Skills • F = and change in momentum in the 12 Teachers FF = theofabove content technology. Topics Grade Guidelines for • Use equations of impulse Time Content, Concepts & Skills • to Give of involving applicationsforce, of impulse 12 Teachers solveexamples problems time and momentum in the context of road safety. • above Force is defined as the rate of brick, • Use theand equations of stand, impulse (Materials: change inRetort momentum instring, the Conservation of• problems Conservation of The law of conservation of momentum change in momentum. to solve involving force, time • ticker Give examples of applications of states timer, trolley etc.) content of technology. momentum that the total linear momentum of an isolated momentumand change in the in the impulse and momentum context and Fsystem =in momentum remains constant in magnitude content of technology. road is safety. •ofForce defined as the rate of direction. 10 Work energy • change in momentum. Explain the concepts elastic and inelastic Conservation of • Force is defined as the of • The law of conservation of collision. hrs and Power F = • Give examplesrate of applications of momentumchange in momentum. momentum states thatof the linear • impulse theand conservation momentum •Use Define work as the product theto solve momentum in total theofcontext problems involving momentum, in the content of momentum of an isolated system Work F= offorce roadapplied safety. on an object and the technology. remains constant in magnitude displacement in the direction ofand force. Conservation of Give examples of applications of during Experiment 3 • •direction. To determine if momentum is conserved momentum • The law of momentum conservationinofthe context Experiment 3 impulse and a collision. Conservation of W=F momentum statesstring, that brick, the • Give(Materials: examples of applications of total stand, tickerlinear timer, of roadRetort safety. momentum • •Explain elastic and Use thethe above equation to solve trolley etc.) momentum ofconcepts aninisolated system impulse and momentum the context inelastic collision. problems involving work, forceand and in magnitude 10 hrs Work energy and of road safety. •remains The lawconstant of conservation of displacement. Power direction. states that the total linear momentum Experiment 3 • of Use the conservation of momentum Topics Grade Guidelines for • The lawmomentum conservation of ofasan isolated system Time Content, Concepts & Skills • to Define work the product of the force applied Teachers Work 12 solve problems involving • Explain the elastic and momentum thatconcepts the total linear remains in magnitude and in the onstates an constant object and the displacement momentum, in the content of • If a force and the displacement are at inelastic collision. momentum of an isolated direction of force. system direction. technology. Experiment 3 an angle to each other: remains constant in magnitude and W=F thethe Use conservation of momentum direction.•• W=F Explain concepts elastic Experiment 3 •To determine if momentum isand problems • Work is a scalar quantity. • inelastic thecollision. above equation to solve toUse solve problems involving conserved during collision. involving force and displacement. SIconcepts unit: work, joule (J)acontent inelastic the of • Explainmomentum, the and technology. inelastic •collision. Use the conservation of momentum Explain that no involving work is done when a to• solve problems 52 force acts at right angles to the •To determine if momentum • Use themomentum, conservation momentum in of the content of is directioninvolving ofduring motion. conserved a collision. to solve technology. problems Energy momentum, in the content of • Define energy as the capacity technology. •To determine if momentum is to do 52 work. conserved during a collision. •To determine if momentum is Conservation of • during It is a scalar quantity. conserved a collision. 52 mechanical SI unit: joule (J) 41 energy TECHNICAL SCIENCES 52 • The conservation of mechanical energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant. CAPS •W=F If a force and the displacement are at •an Use the to above angle eachequation other: to solve problems involving work, force and W=F displacement. • Work is a scalar quantity. SI unit: joule (J) Topics Grade Guidelines for Guidelines for Time Content, Concepts & Skills Topics Grade 12 Content, Concepts & Skills 12 Teachers Teachers that nodisplacement work is done when aat ••IfIfExplain force and displacement • aaforce and thethe are at are an angle force acts rightother: angles to the an angle toateach to each other: direction of motion. W=F W=F Energy •Work Workis is a scalar quantity. • a scalar quantity. unit: (J) (J)as the capacity to do •SI Define energy SI unit:joule joule work. • that no work is done force acts •Explain Explain that no work is when doneawhen a at right angles to the direction of motion. Conservation of force • It is acts a scalar quantity. at right angles to the mechanical SI unit: joule (J) direction of motion. Energy • Define energy as the ability to do work. energy Energy The conservation of mechanical ••ItDefine energy as the capacity to do • is a scalar quantity. energy states that the total energy of work. SI unit: joule (J) an isolated system is constant. Conservation of Conservation of• •The It isconservation a scalar quantity. of mechanical energy states mechanical energy that the total energy of an isolated system is Power •SI Munit: = E + E mechanical joule E k p(J) constant. energy Use conservation the above equation to solve •• The of mechanical • ME = Ek + Ep problems involving kinetic energy states that the totalenergy, energy of potential energy and velocity in one an isolated system is constant. • Use the above equation to solve problems dimension, potential energy and involving kinetic Power •velocity ME = Eink + Epdimension only. one • Define power as the rate at which Power done. • Define power as the rate at which work is done. •work Use is the above equation to solve W problems involving kinetic energy, PP = t potential energy and velocity in one SI unit: unit: watt (W) SI watt (W) dimension only. Time • • Practical units of power in technology: Practical units of power in ••(i) Define kWpower = 1000 as W the rate at which work done. (ii) isHorse power (hp) = 746W P= W 53 Solvet problems involving work, power and SI unit: watt time, with the(W) emphasis on conversions of the practical units. Power and velocity Experiment 4 42 • •When Practical units of power in an object travels at a constant velocity we • Solve problems involving power, force and velocity with the emphasis on conversions of the practical units. use: P = Fv. • Determine the power output of an individual. (Materials: Sturdy wooden box to step on, meter stick, stop watch, bathroom scale etc). CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) 53 Time Topics Grade 12 6 hrs Elasticity Deforming force Restoring force Elasticity Time Time Guidelines for Teachers Content, Concepts & Skills • A force which changes the shape and size of a body is called a deforming force. • The force developed inside the body which tries to bring the body back into its initial size and shape. • The restoring force is equal and opposite to the deforming force applied. Elasticity of a body is the property of the body by virtue of which the body regains its original Guidelines for Guidelines shape& and size when the deforming forcefor is Concepts Skills Concepts & Skills Teachers removed. Teachers • Topics Topics Grade Grade Content, Content, 12 12 Perfectly •• A Perfectly plastic plastic A body body which which does does not not show show a a body tendency to regain its original shape A body which regains its original shape and size Perfectly elastic body body tendency to•regain its original shape and deforming is completely whenforce the deforming force is removed and size size when when the the deforming force is is called a perfectly elastic body. removed. removed. • Give examples of perfectly elastic bodies. Elastic •• Give perfectly plastic Perfectly plastic bodyexamples • Aof which does not show a tendency to regain Elastic limit limit Give examples ofbody perfectly plastic its original shape and size when the deforming bodies. bodies. force is removed. Stress Stress •• The force that The maximum maximum forceexamples that can canofbe be • Give perfectly plastic bodies. applied to body so that the body applied to body so that the body form completely on Elastic limit regains regains its its original original completely • Theform maximum force on that can be applied to removal of the force. body so that the body regains its original form removal of the force. completely on removal of the force. Stress Strain Strain •• The The internal internal restoring restoring force force per per unit unit • The internal restoring force per unit area of body area of body is called stress. area of body is called stress. is called stress. -2 -2 SI or N.m SI unit: unit: Pa Pa SI or unit: N.mPa or N.m-2 •• Use equation to • Use the above equation to calculate stress, force Use the the above above equation to calculate calculate stress, force and area or diameter. and area or diameter. stress, force and area or diameter. Strain • asDefine strainof the ratio of •• Define ratio change in Define strain strain astothe the ratio ofas change in change in dimension the original dimension. dimension dimension to to the the original original dimension. dimension. •• Strain not have any unit. Strain does does havedoes anynot unit. • notStrain have any unit. Elasticity Elasticity Topics Topics Grade Grade Time Time 12 12 Hooke’s Hooke’s law law CAPS TERM TERM 2 2 GRADE GRADE 12 12 Content, Content, Concepts Concepts & & Skills Skills •• Hooke’s Hooke’s law law states states that, that, within within the the limit of elasticity, stress is limit of elasticity, stress is directly directly proportional proportional to to strain. strain. stress strain stress strain = =K; K; a a constant constant known known as as modulus modulus of elasticity of the material of the of elasticity of the material of the body. body. Guidelines Guidelines for for Teachers Teachers TECHNICAL SCIENCES 43 TERM22GRADE GRADE12 12 TERM Elasticity Elasticity TERM 2 GRADE 12 TopicsGrade Grade Guidelinesfor for Topics Guidelines Time Content,Concepts Concepts&&Skills Skills Content, ElasticityTime 12 Teachers 12 1 hr Viscosity • Define viscosity as the property of the Teachers Guidelines for Time Topics Grade 12 law Concepts &states Skills Hooke’s law Content, •Hooke’s Hooke’s law states that, within the Hooke’s •fluid law that, within the to oppose relative motion between Teachers limit of elasticity, stress is directly limit of elasticity, stress is directly the two adjacent layers. Hooke’s law • Hooke’s law states that, within the limit of 1 hr Viscosity •proportional Define viscosity as the proportional property oftothe proportional strain. totois strain. The effect of elasticity, stress directly strain. fluid to oppose relative motion between stress strain strain •stress Discuss the effect of temperature on temperature on stress strain the two adjacent layers. viscosity in the field of technology. viscosity =K; constant known as modulus of constant known asmodulus modulus == K;K;aaaconstant known as The effect of elasticity of the material of the body. ofelasticity elasticity thematerial material thebody. body. ofof the ofofthe •of Discuss the effect of temperature on temperature Motor oil on -2 -2 Pa -2or Unit: Nm Unit: Nm or Pa Unit: Nm or Pa • Discuss motor oil viscosity grades. viscosity in the field of technology. viscosity viscosity grades • Use the above equation to calculate stress, •Use Usethe theabove aboveequation equation calculate ••strain totocalculate oil and Modulus elasticity. 5 hrs Motor Hydraulics Hydraulics (fluidofmechanics) is a topic stress, strain and Modulus of elasticity. strain and of elasticity. Discuss motor oilModulus viscosity grades. viscosity grades• •stress, in applied science and engineering Viscosity Define viscosity as the property of the fluid to oppose relative motion between the two adjacent Thrust dealing with mechanical properties of layers. 5 hrs Hydraulics • Hydraulics (fluid mechanics) is a topic liquids. 5555 in• applied science Define thrust asand the engineering normal force The effect of • Discuss the effect of temperature on viscosity in Thrust dealing with properties of exerted by mechanical a liquid at rest on a given temperature on viscosity the field of technology. liquids. surface in contact with it. Motor oil Topics viscosity Grade • Define thrustoil asviscosity the normal force Guidelines for • Discuss motor grades. Time Content, Concepts & Skills grades exerted by a liquid at rest on a given 12 Teachers Hydraulics • surface Hydraulics (fluid mechanics) in contact with it. is a topic in applied Pressure •science Pressure at a particular point is the and engineering dealing with mechanical Topics Grade Guidelines for thrust acting on the unit area around propertiesConcepts of liquids. & Skills Time Content, 12 Teachers that point. Thrust • Define thrust as the normal force exerted by a Taarust F point Pressure • Pressure particular is the with it. liquid at restaton given surface in contact Pressure = thrust acting on the unit area around area A Pressure • Pressure at a-2particular point is the thrust acting SI Nm Pascal that point. on unit: the unit areaor around that(Pa) point. T rust equation F • Use the above to calculate Practical unit of Pressure Pressure = pressure, thrust and area. area A pressure -2 SISIunit: orPascal Pascal (Pa) unit:Nm Nm-2 or (Pa) the above above equation to calculate atmosphere = pressure, Use(i)the equation to(atm) calculate Practical unit of unit of • • Use Practical 5area. thrust and area. pressure, thrust and pressure 1,01 10 Pa pressure (ii) bar: 1 bar = 105 Pa Fluid pressure (i) atmosphere (atm) = 1,01105 Pa (i) atmosphere = torr =(atm) 133 Pa 5 (ii) (iii)bar: 1torr: bar =110 5 Pa (iii) torr:1,01 1 torr =10 133Pa Pa (ii) bar: 1 bar = 105 by Pa the • Fluid pressure is given Fluid pressure (iii)pressure torr: torr = Pa Fluid pressure following equation: • Fluid is1given by133 the following equation: P= •• Use theabove aboveequation equation to P= Use the to calculate Pascal’s law • Fluid pressure is given by the and fluid pressure, and density. calculate fluidheight pressure, height following density. equation: Pascal’s law • law states that in a continuous P=Pascal’s • Use the above equation toliquid at Pascal’s law equilibrium, the pressure applied at any calculate fluid height • Pascal’s lawpressure, states that in a and point is Hydraulic lift transmitted equally to other parts of the liquid. density. continuous liquid at equilibrium, the pressure applied any point is • Hydraulic lift is used at to lift heavy loads. Hydraulic lift • Pascal’s law states that in a transmitted equally to other parts of the Hydraulic lift • Discuss the use of hydraulics in technology. continuous liquid at equilibrium, the liquid. pressure applied at any point is hydraulic Examples: carjacks, lifts and jacks, Examples: car lifts and hydraulic brakes, dentist chairs etc. transmitted equally to other of the Examples: car and jacks, hydraulic dentist etc. •brakes, Hydraulic lift lifts ischairs used to liftparts heavy • liquid. In hydraulic lifts: lifts: brakes, dentist chairs etc. • In hydraulic loads. ••In hydraulic Discuss thelifts: use of hydraulics in • Hydraulic lift is used to lift heavy technology. loads. Where •Where Discuss the use of hydraulics in Where • Use the above equation to calculate technology. 56 • Use Usethe the above equation to • above equation to of calculate force, area force, area and radius thecalculate pistons. and radius the pistons. force, areaofand radius of the pistons. 1 hr 5 hrs 44 Matter and STATEMENT Materials(CAPS) CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY Topics Grade Time Topics Grade 12 Time 12 4 hrs Electronic Matter and Materials Content, Concepts & Skills Content, Concepts & Skills 56 Guidelines for Guidelines Teachers for Teachers Matter and Materials Guidelines for Teachers Time Topics Grade 12 Content, Concepts & Skills 4 hrs Electronic Properties of Matter • A semiconductor is a material which has electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator such as glass. Semiconductor • Explain semiconductor with an example. (No energy band theory). Intrinsic Semiconductor • An intrinsic semiconductor is a pure semiconductor. Doping • Doping is the process of adding impurities to intrinsic semiconductors. n-type semiconductor • Discuss n-type semiconductor. p type semiconductor • Discuss p-type semiconductor. p-n junction diode • Discuss the construction and working of a p-n junction diode. Experiment 5 • Study the characteristics of p-n junction diode. (Materials: Semiconductor diode, Voltmeter, milliammeter, Rheostat, switch, battery connecting wires etc.) CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 45 Time Topics Grade 12 12 hrs Organic Chemistry Organic molecules • Define organic molecules containing carbon atoms. as molecules Molecular and structural • formulae Write molecular formulae and structural formulae for organiccompounds of up to six carbon atoms for alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkylhalides, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters. Functional group • Define functional group as an atom or group of atoms that determine the chemistry of a molecule. Homologous series • Define homologous series as a series of compounds that have the same general formula and where each member differs from the next by –CH2. • Distinguish series. between different homologous Saturated hydrocarbons • Saturated hydrocarbons contain only single covalent bonds between the carbon atoms. Unsaturated hydrocarbons • Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain covalent double or triple bonds between the carbon atoms. • Distinguish between saturated and unsaturated homologous series. • Organic molecules with the same molecular formula but with different structures are called isomers. Write structural formulae for given isomers and name the isomers. Isomers • 46 Guidelines for Teachers Content, Concepts & Skills CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Time Guidelines for Teachers Topics Grade 12 Content, Concepts & Skills IUPAC naming and formulae • Give the IUPAC name when given the formula for alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkylhalides, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters. • Give the formula when given the IUPAC name for alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkylhalides, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters. • Discuss physical property relationships (boiling point, melting point, vapour pressure and viscosity) in alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alkylhalides, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters. • Compare physical homologous series. • Oxidation • • • • • Substitution Addition Halogenations Hydrohalogenation Balance equations for the above reactions using molecular and structural formulae. Describe the terms polymer, macromolecule, chains and monomers. Define plastics and polymers. Discuss the industrial use of polythene as a basic application of organic chemistry. Physical properties of organic compounds Reactions of organic compounds Plastics and polymers • • • CAPS properties of different TECHNICAL SCIENCES 47 Waves and Sound Time Topics Grade 12 12 hrs Light Content, Concepts & Skills Reflection of light • Experiment 6 • Refraction • Critical angle Total internal reflection Define refraction as the bending of light when it passes from one medium to another. Discuss the laws of refraction. Determine the path of a ray through a glass slab for different angles of incidence. Demonstrate (Materials: Rectangular glass slab, pins/ray box, white the total internal paper, Protractor, etc.) reflection of light using semi-circular • Define the critical angle as the angle of incident glass (Perspex box), in the denser medium such that the refracted ray protector, paper, ruler, just passes through the surface of separation of ray box etc. the two media. • • • • 48 Discuss the laws of reflection. Determine the position of an image in a flat mirror. (Materials: Flat mirror, Paper, drawing board pins, ruler etc.) • Experiment 7 (formal) Guidelines for Teachers When the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, the ray of light reflects into the original medium. Discuss the conditions of total internal reflection. Give uses of total internal reflecting prisms. CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Time Topics Grade 12 Content, Concepts & Skills Dispersion • Lenses • Guidelines for Teachers Define the dispersion of light as the Show that white light phenomenon whereby white light breaks undergoes dispersion up into its component colours. when it passes through a triangular prism (Ray Discuss frequency and wavelength of the box, triangular prism, etc). various components of light. • Discuss the transmission of light through convex and concave lenses. • Discuss applications concave lenses. Nature of electromagnetic radiation • Define an electromagnetic wave as a changing magnetic and electric field mutually perpendicular to each other and the direction of propagation of the wave. Properties of electromagnetic radiation • Discuss the properties of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic spectrum • Uses of electromagnetic radiation • Discuss the electromagnetic spectrum in terms of frequency and wavelength. Give the uses of electromagnetic radiation. Photons • Describe a photon of light as a quantum of energy. Energy of a photon • Energy of a photon of light is given by E = hf. • Use the above equation to do calculations involving energy, frequency and wavelength of light. of convex and Electromagnetic radiation CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 49 Electricity and Magnetism 6 hrs Electrostatics calculations involving energy, frequency and wavelength of light. TERM 3 GRADE 12 TERM 3 GRADE 12 • DefineContent, a capacitor as a &device for Guidelines for Concepts Skills Magnetism Teachers Capacitor storing electrical charge. 6 hrs Electrostatics TERM 3 GRADE 12 • Define a capacitor Capacitance • Give examples of capacitors used as a device for Electricity and Magnetism Capacitor storing electrical charge. in technology. Time Topics Grade 12 and Electricity 6 hrs Electrostatics Capacitor Capacitance • Give of capacitors • Define aC,capacitor for storingused • The capacitance, ofexamples a as a device in technology. electrical charge. capacitor indicates how much Capacitance charge it can store per volt. The • Give • examples of capacitors in The capacitance, C, of used a relationship between capacitance, technology. capacitor C, charge on either surface,indicates Q, and how much charge it can per volt. The voltage,•V, is:The capacitance, C, ofstore a capacitor indicates relationship between capacitance, how much charge it can store per volt. . C, charge between on either surface, Q, The relationship capacitance, C, and SI units: F charge voltage, V,surface, is: on either Q, and voltage, • Use the above equation to V, is: . calculate the capacitance, charge SI units: F SI units: F and the voltage between the Use the above to calculate • Use the equation above equation to the plates. • charge and the voltage -1 capacitance, calculate the capacitance, charge 1 F = 1 CV between the plates. and the voltage between the 1 F = 1 CV-1 • The capacitanceplates. can also be -1 1 F = 1 CVcan • as: The capacitance also be expressed as: expressed • The capacitance can also be expressed as: ( εo = 8,85 x 10-12Fm-1) Factors affecting capacitance 50 • Use the above equation to calculate the capacitance, area and the distance between the plates. • Discuss the factors affecting capacitance. CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) 61 61 6 hrs capacitance capacitance Electric circuits Discuss the the factors factors affecting affecting •• Discuss capacitance. capacitance. Power • Define power as the rate at which electrical energy is converted in an electric circuit. Guidelines for hrs Grade Electric circuits 66Topics hrs Electric Time 12 circuits Content, Concepts & Skills Teachers 2 or P=VI or P=I R or 6 hrs Electric circuits Power Define power as as the the rate rate at at which which Power •• Define power SI unit of power is W. electrical energy is is converted converted in in an an electrical energy • Define power as the rate at which electrical Power electric circuit. electric circuit. energy is converted in an electric circuit. • Practical unit of power is kWh. 22 2R or or P=VI or P=I P = or o r P=VI P = V Ior o rP=I P = IR R or or P= power equations to SI unit unit is W. SI unitofof ofpower power is W. W. SI power is Experiment 8 Time 6 hrs • Use the calculate power, voltage, current and resistance. • unitunit of power is kWh. Practical unit of power power is kWh. kWh. ••Practical Practical of is • the equations toto • Determine power dissipated •Use Use thepower power equations tocalculate •the Use the power equations power, voltage, current and resistance. in bulbs connected either in series calculate power, voltage, current current calculate power, voltage, or parallel, orand both series and and resistance. resistance. Experiment 8 • Determine the power dissipated in bulbs parallel. Heating effect of Experiment Experiment 88 connected either in series or parallel, or (Materials: Bulbs, batteries, Determine the power dissipated dissipated ••both Determine the power electric current series and parallel. conducting wires, crocodile clips, in bulbs connected either in series series in bulbs connected either in (Materials: Bulbs, batteries, conducting wires, bulb holders, battery holders, crocodile clips, bulb holders, battery holders, or parallel, parallel, or or both both series series and and or ammeters, voltmeters etc.)etc.) ammeters, voltmeters parallel. parallel. Heating effect effect of of Heating (Materials: Bulbs, Bulbs, batteries, batteries, (Materials: electric current electric current Heating effect of electric • produced The heat produced incrocodile a resistor inclips, a circuit • The heat in awires, resistor in conducting wires, conducting crocodile clips, current is given by: a circuit is given bulbby: holders, battery battery holders, holders, bulb holders, ammeters, voltmeters voltmeters etc.) etc.) ammeters, SI unit is J SI unit is J • Use the equation to • above the above equationin toaacalculate The heat produced in resistorheat in ••Use The heat produced resistor in produced, current and resistance, and time calculate heat produced, current circuit is is given given by: by: aa circuit and resistance, and time Guidelines for SI unit unit is is&JJSkills SI Topics Grade 12 Content, Concepts Use the the above above equation equationTeachers to •• Use to calculate heat produced, current calculate heat produced, current Electromagnetism and resistance, resistance, and and time time and Guidelines for for Guidelines Magnetic effect of • A current carrying conductor Time Topics Topics Grade Grade 12 12 Content, Concepts Concepts & & Skills Skills Time Content, current-carrying produces a magnetic field around Teachers Teachers hrs Electromagnetism Electromagnetism 66 hrs Magnetic effect effect of of Magnetic current-carrying current-carrying current carrying carrying conductor conductor •• AA current produces aa magnetic magnetic field field around around produces 62 62 62 CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 51 Guidelines for Demonstrate Demonstrate Teachers direction of the directionthe of 6 hrs Electromagnetism • Determine•the Determine direction of the magnetic directionthe of the thethe magnetic magnetic around the field current magnetic field aroundfield the current aroundfield the around the Magnetic effect of current• A current carrying conductor produces a carrying conductor. current carrying carrying conductor. current carrying carrying conductor magnetic field around it. conductor. conductor. Demonstrate the • Draw the magnetic (Using several • Draw the magnetic field lines field lines (Using several direction of the • Determine the direction of the magnetic around: around: compasses compasses ormagnetic fieldoraround field around the current carrying conductor. the current carrying Electromagnetic a straight current carrying wire. fillings) Electromagnetic i) a straight i) current carrying wire. fillings) conductor. (Using a current Induction Induction ii) a current ii) carrying loopcarrying (single)loop of (single) of several compasses or • Draw the magnetic field lines around: wire. wire. fillings) i) a straight current carrying wire. Magnetic flux Magnetic flux ii) a current carrying loop (single) of wire. Define the electromagnetic • Define the•electromagnetic as electromagnetic the induction•asinduction the process of process ofinduction as Define the Electromagnetic Induction the process of motion. generating generating electricity fromelectricity motion.from generating electricity from Time conductor it. conductor Topics Grade 12 it. Content, Concepts & Skills motion. Magnetic flux • Define magnetic Magnetic flux • Define magnetic flux as the flux as the Define flux asperpendicular the number of field Magnetic flux density number ofperpendicular field lines density number of field linesmagnetic lines perpendicular to the the given surface. given surface. to the given to surface. • SI unit is WbSI unit is Wb SI unit is Wb • Define magnetic • Define magnetic flux density flux as density as Magnetic flux density • Define magnetic flux density as the number number of field lines through unit the number the ofoffield lines field lines perpendicular perpendicular perpendicular through unitthrough area. unit area. area. B A B A T SI unit: T SISIunit: unit: T -2 = 1 Wb.m-2 -2 1T 1T 1 Wb.m 1T = 1 Wb.m Time Useequation the to determine the • Use the above above equation to • Use the• above toequation magnetic flux, magnetic flux density and determine magnetic flux, determine the magneticthe flux, area. magnetic magnetic flux density flux and density area. and area. for Guidelines Guidelines for TimeGrade Topics 12 Concepts Content,&Concepts & Skills Topics 12 Grade Content, Skills Teachers Teachers Faraday’s •law Faraday’s Lawwhen states that when Faraday’s law Faraday’s •Law states that the magnetic fluxthe linked with the the magnetic flux linked with coil an emfinis induced in coil changes, anchanges, emf is induced coil. Theof magnitude of the the coil. Thethe magnitude the emf is directly proportional induced emfinduced is directly proportional the rateofofmagnetic change of magnetic to the rate oftochange flux. flux. Lenz’s law Lenz’s law (-ve sign indicates (-ve sign indicates that the emfthat is inthe emf is in opposite direction the oppositethe direction to the effectto the effect that that produces it)produces it) 63 52 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) 63 magnetic flux density and area. Time Time Guidelines for Teachers Topics Grade 12 Content, Concepts & Skills Faraday’s law • Faraday’s Law states that when Guidelines for the magnetic flux linked with the Content, Concepts & Skills Teachers coil changes, an emf is induced in • Lenz’s law thewhen the • Faraday’s Lawstates statesthat that the coil. The magnitude of the magnetic with the emf coil changes, directionflux of linked the induced in the induced emfan is emf directly proportional is induced in the coil. The magnitude coil opposes the effect that to the rate ofofchange of magnetic the induced produces it. emf is directly proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux. flux. Topics Grade 12 Faraday’s law • Use examples from technology to demonstrate Lenz’s law. (-ve sign indicates the emf (-ve signthat indicates that is theinemf is in the oppositethe direction the effect oppositetodirection to the effect that • Determine Experiment 10 produces it) the effect of the that produces it) change in magnetic field or magnetic flux inthat a coil. Lenz’s law • Lenz’s law states the direction of the (Materials: galvanometer or induced emf inCoil, the coil opposes the effect that produces it. ammeter, connecting wires, bar • Use examples magnet, etc). from technology to Lenz’s law Experiment 10 Transformer • • Transformer • • • demonstrate Lenz’s law. Determine the effect ofasthe change in • Define transformer a device magnetic field or magnetic flux in a coil. used to step up or step down the (Materials: Coil, galvanometer or ammeter, voltage. connecting wires, bar magnet, etc). Define the transformer as a device used to • The determined step upoutput or step voltage down the is voltage. by the number of turns in the The output voltage is determined by primary andofsecondary andand the number turns in thecoils primary the input coils voltage: secondary and the input voltage: • Use the above equation to Use the above equation to determine the determine input voltage, input voltage,the output voltage, and output number voltage, andprimary number turns incoils. the of turns in the andof secondary primary and secondary coils. Time Topics Grade 12 63 Content, Concepts & Skills • A transformer that increases the voltage is called a step-up transformer. Guidelines for Teachers • A transformer that decreases the voltage is called a step-down transformer. Generator • Define a generator as a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. • Explain the basic principle of an AC generator (alternator). • Explain how a DC generator works and how it differs from an AC generator. Construct an electric motor, 64 CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 53 Time Topics Grade 12 Generator Content, Concepts & Skills • A transformer that increases the voltage is called a step-up transformer. • A transformer that decreases the voltage is called a step-down transformer. • Define a generator as a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. • Explain the basic principle of an AC generator (alternator). Explain how a DC generator works and how it differs from an AC generator. • Motor 54 • Define a motor as a device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. • Explain the basic principles of an electric motor. CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) Guidelines for Teachers Construct an electric motor, Time Topics Grade 12 Guidelines for Teachers Content, Concepts & Skills Chemical Change 10 hs Electrochemical cells Define the electrolytic cell as an electrochemical cell that converts electrical energy to chemical energy. (Nonspontaneous cell). Electrolytic cells • Experiment 11 • Electrolysis of copper chloride (Materials: Copper chloride, beaker, water, cells, connecting wires, etc). • Define the galvanic (voltaic) cell as an electrochemical cell that converts chemical energy to electrical energy. (Spontaneous cell). Galvanic cells State the functions of all components of the galvanic cell. Components of galvanic cells • Experiment 12 (formal) • Half reactions • Give the half-reactions at the anode and cathode. Net reaction • Give the net reaction. Standard conditions • Give the standard conditions under which standard electrode potentials are determined. Ionic movement • Describe the movement of ions through the solutions and the salt bridge. Standard cell notation • • Emf of a cell • Alternate Energies Biodiesel fuel cells (photovoltaic cells) CAPS Determine the electrode potential of a CuZn cell. (Materials: Two beakers, zinc electrode, copper electrode, copper sulphate, zinc sulphate, potassium nitrate, connecting wires, salt bridge, voltmeter, etc). Use standard cell notation or diagrams to represent a galvanic cell. Calculate the emf of the cell using the standard electrode potential table: Emf=Ecathode- Eanode Discuss the use of alternate energies and their environmental impact. TECHNICAL SCIENCES 55 SECTION 4 4.ASSESSMENT 4.1Introduction Assessment is a continuous planned process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about the performance of learners, using various forms of assessment. It involves four steps: generating and collecting evidence of achievement; evaluating this evidence; recording the findings; and using this information to understand and thereby assist the learners’ development in order to improve the process of learning and teaching. Assessment should be both informal (Assessment for Learning) and formal (Assessment of Learning). In both cases regular feedback should be provided to learners to enhance the learning experience. Assessment is a process that measures individual learner’s attainment of knowledge (content, concepts and skills) in a subject by collecting, analysing and interpreting the data and information obtained from this process to: • enable the teacher to make reliable judgements about a learner’s progress • inform learners about their strengths, weaknesses and progress • assist teachers, parents and other stakeholders in making decisions about the learning process and the progress of the learners. Assessment should be mapped against the content, concepts and skills, and the aims specified for Technical Sciences, and in both informal and formal assessments it is important to ensure that in the course of a school year: • all of the subject content is covered • the full range of skills is included • a variety of different forms of assessment are used. 4.2 Informal or daily assessment Assessment for learning has the purpose of continuously collecting information on a learner’s achievements that can be used to improve their learning. Informal assessment is a daily monitoring of learners’ progress. This is done through observations, discussions, practical demonstrations, learner-teacher conferences, informal classroom interactions, etc. Informal assessment may be as simple as stopping during the lesson to observe learners or to discuss with learners how learning is progressing. Informal assessment should be used to provide feedback to the learners and to inform planning for teaching, but need not be recorded. It should not be seen as separate from learning activities taking place in the classroom. Learners or teachers can mark these assessment tasks. Self-assessment and peer assessment actively involves learners in assessment. This is important as it allows learners to learn from and reflect on their own performance. The results of the informal daily assessment tasks are not formally recorded unless the teacher wishes to do so. The results of daily assessment tasks are not taken into account for promotion and certification purposes. Informal, on-going assessments should be used to structure the acquisition of knowledge and skills and should be precursors to formal tasks in the Programme of Assessment. 56 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) 4.3 Formal assessment PROGRAMME OF ASSESSMENT School-based Assessment – SBA Practical Assessment Task – PAT Final Examination 25 % 25 % 50 % All assessment tasks that make up a formal programme of assessment for the year are regarded as Formal Assessment. Formal assessment tasks are marked and formally recorded by the teacher for progression and certification purposes. All Formal Assessment tasks are subject to moderation for the purpose of quality assurance and to ensure that appropriate standards are maintained. Formal assessment provides teachers with a systematic way of evaluating how well learners are progressing in a grade and in a particular subject. Examples of formal assessments include tests, examinations, practical tasks, projects, oral presentations, demonstrations, performances, etc. Formal assessment tasks form part of a year-long formal Programme of Assessment in each grade and subject. 4.3.1 Control tests & examinations Control tests and examinations are written under controlled conditions within a specified period of time. Questions in tests and examinations should assess performance at different cognitive levels with an emphasis on process skills, critical thinking, scientific reasoning and strategies to investigate and solve problems in a variety of scientific, technological, environmental and everyday contexts. 4.3.2 Practical investigations & experiments Practical investigations and experiments should focus on the practical aspects and the process skills required for scientific inquiry and problem solving. Assessment activities should be designed so that learners are assessed on their use of scientific inquiry skills, like planning, observing and gathering information, comprehending, synthesising, generalising, hypothesising and communicating results and conclusions. Practical investigations should assess performance at different cognitive levels and focus on process skills, critical thinking, scientific reasoning and strategies to investigate and solve problems in a variety of scientific, technological, environmental and everyday contexts. The difference between a practical investigation and an experiment is that an experiment is conducted to verify or test a known theory, whereas an investigation is an experiment that is conducted to test a hypothesis, i.e. the result or outcome is not known beforehand. 4.3.3 Projects A project is an integrated assessment task that focuses on process skills, critical thinking and scientific reasoning, as well as strategies to investigate and solve problems in a variety of scientific, technological, environmental and everyday contexts. This requires a learner to follow the scientific method to produce either a device or a model, or to conduct a practical investigation. A project will entail only one of the following: (i) Construction of a device e.g. electric motor. (ii) Building a physical model in order to solve a challenge you have identified using concepts in the FET Technical Sciences curriculum. (iii) Practical investigation. Note: CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 57 The learner has the option to include a poster as part of the presentation of his/her project. The assessment tools used, specifying the assessment criteria for each task, will be dictated by the nature of the task and the focus of assessment. Assessment tools could be one or a combination of rubrics, checklists, observation schedules and memoranda. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADE 10, 11 AND 12 PRACTICAL WORK In Grades 10 and 11 learners will do FOUR prescribed experiments for formal assessment and ONE project. This gives a total of FIVE formal assessments in practical work in Physical Sciences in each of Grades 10 and 11. In Grades 10 and 11 it is recommended that learners do TEN experiments for informal assessment. This gives a total of FIFTEEN assessments in practical work in Technical Sciences in each of Grades 10 and 11. In Grade 12 learners will do THREE prescribed experiments for formal assessment and one project. This gives a total of FOUR assessments in practical work in Technical Sciences in Grade 12. In Grade 12 it is recommended that learners do FIVE experiments for informal assessment. This gives a total of FIVE informal assessments in practical work in Technical Sciences in Grade 12. Grades 10 and 11 Table 2: Practical work for Grades 10 and 11 Practical work Number of tasks Prescribed experiments (formal assessment) 4 Project (formal assessment) 1 Experiments (informal assessment) 10 TOTAL 15 practical activities Grade 12 Table 3: Practical work for Grade 12 Practical work Number of tasks Prescribed experiments (formal assessment) 3 Project (formal assessment) 1 Experiments (informal assessment) 5 TOTAL 9 practical activities 4.4 Programme of Assessment The Programme of Assessment is designed to spread formal assessment tasks in all subjects in a school throughout a term. 4.4.1 Programme of formal assessment for Grades 10, 11 and 12 Assessment consists of three components: SBA (25 %), PAT (25%) and the final examination which makes up the remaining 50%. The following table illustrates the assessment plan and weighting of tasks in the programme of assessment for Technical Sciences Grades 10, 11 and 12. 58 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) PROGRAMME OF ASSESSMENT FOR GRADES 10, 11 and 12 ASSESSMENT TASKS (25%) + PAT (25%) TERM 1 END-OF-YEAR ASSESS-MENT (50%) TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 Type Mark Type Mark Type Mark Experiment (SBA) 20 Experiment (SBA) 30 Experiments (PAT) 100 Control Test (SBA) 20 Mid-Year Examination (SBA) Project (PAT) 40 Trial Examination (Grade 12) Control Test (Grades 10 and 11) (SBA) 40 Total: 40 marks Total: 120 marks 50 Total: 140 marks Final Examination (2 x 150 marks giving a total of 300 marks for papers 1 and 2) Total: 300 marks Total = 600 marks FINAL MARK = 25% (ASSESSMENT TASKS), 25 % (PAT) + 50% (FINAL EXAM) = 100% * PAT will consist of two experiments (one in Physics and one in Chemistry) + One Project. These will be set annually by the DBE. 4.4.2 End-of-year Examinations Grades 10 and 11 (internal assessment) The end-of-year examination papers for Grades 10 and 11 will be internally set, marked and moderated, unless otherwise instructed by provincial departments of education. The internally set, marked and moderated examination will consist of two papers. Grade 12 (external assessment) The external examinations are set externally, administered at schools under conditions specified in the National policy on the conduct, administration and management of the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and marked externally. The core content outlined in the Technical Sciences Curriculum and Assessment Policy (CAPS) document is compulsory and will be examined through Papers 1 and 2. Note that all the topics in the Grade 12 curriculum are examinable in the end of year examination. Multiple-choice questions could be set in examination papers. However, such questions should have a maximum weighting of 10%. The examination paper may also consist of conceptual type questions. The final end-of-year examination is nationally set, marked and moderated. The nationally set, marked and moderated examination will consist of two papers: • Paper 1: (3 hours, 150 marks) • Paper 2: (3 hours, 150 marks) • All of the questions will focus on content as stated in the National Curriculum Statement. CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 59 Year-end Examination Content for Paper 1 and Paper 2: Technical Science Grade Paper 1 Paper 2 10 Mechanics and Electrostatics Matter and materials, Chemical change, Heat and thermodynamics 11 Mechanics, Magnetism and Electricity Chemical change, Heat and thermodynamics, Waves and Sound 12 Mechanics, Magnetism and Electricity Organic chemistry, Chemical change, Waves, Sound and Light Weighting of topics in papers 1 and 2 Grade 10 Paper Content Percentage Total marks per paper Duration (hours) Paper 1 Mechanics 68 150 3 Electricity and Magnetism 32 Matter and materials 84 Chemical change 0 Heat and thermodynamics 16 150 3 Waves, Sound and Light 0 Paper Content Percentage Total marks per paper Duration (hours) Paper 1 Mechanics 47 150 3 Electricity and Magnetism 53 Paper 2 Grade 11 Paper 2 Chemical change 23 Heat and thermodynamics 21 Waves, Sound and Light 56 150 3 Paper Content Marks Total marks per paper Duration (hours) Paper 1 Mechanics 72 150 3 Electricity and magnetism 28 Organic chemistry 36 150 3 Chemical change 28 Waves, Sound and Light 36 Grade 12 Paper 2 60 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) 4.5 Recording and reporting Recording is a process in which the teacher documents the level of a learner’s performance in a specific assessment task. It indicates learner progress towards the achievement of the knowledge and skills as prescribed in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements. Records of learner performance should provide evidence of the learner’s conceptual progression within a grade and her/his readiness to progress or be promoted to the next grade. Records of learner performance should also be used to verify the progress made by teachers and learners in the teaching and learning process. Reporting is a process of communicating learner performance to learners, parents, schools and other stakeholders. Learner performance can be reported in a number of ways. These include report cards, parents’ meetings, school visitation days, parent-teacher conferences, phone calls, letters, class or school newsletters, etc. Teachers in all grades report in percentages against the subject. 4.5.1 Recording and reporting in the first, second and third terms Schools are required to provide quarterly feedback to parents on the Programme of Assessment using a formal reporting tool such as a report card. The schedule and the report card should indicate the overall level of performance of a learner. Schools should use the following weighting for reporting purposes only and only in the first, second and third terms of Grades 10, 11 and 12: Weighting Practical Work Control test/mid-year exam 50 % 50 % 4.5.2 Recording and reporting on the Assessment Tasks and SBA in the Programme of Assessment Schools are also required to provide quarterly feedback to parents and learners of the marks obtained by learners in the assessment tasks as given. 4.5.3 Recording and reporting at the end of the academic year The weighting of tasks in the Programme of Assessment must be strictly adhered to when calculating the final mark of the learner for promotion purposes in each of Grades 10, 11 and 12, at the end of the academic year. 4.6 Moderation of Assessment 4.6.1 SBA Moderation refers to the process that ensures that the assessment tasks are fair, valid and reliable. Moderation should be implemented at school, district, provincial and national levels. Comprehensive and appropriate moderation practices must be in place for the quality assurance of all subject assessments. All Grade 10 and 11 tasks are internally moderated. The subject head or head of department for Technical Sciences at the school will generally manage this process. All Grade 12 tasks should be externally moderated. The subject head or head of department for Technical Sciences at the school will generally manage this process. CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 61 4.6.2PAT The final phase of the PAT (both project and experiments) will be assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the Provincial subject specialist, for Grade 12 only. Each Province will set out dates for external moderation. Learners will be selected randomly to demonstrate skills from PAT (both project and experiments). 4.7General This document should be read in conjunction with: 4.7.1 [National Protocol of Assessment] An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding the National Protocol for Assessment (Grades R – 12). 4.7.2 Progression and Promotion Requirements Grades 1 – 12. 4.7.3 Subject specific exam guidelines as contained in the draft policy document: National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statement, Grades R – 12. 62 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS) CAPS TECHNICAL SCIENCES 63 64 CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENT (CAPS)