
1. Purpose of Physics 225
Bridge to fill in the gaps between PHYS/MATH 2xx and upper-level courses (PHYS 325 onwards)
Problem #1: PHYS 21X courses often have > 1,000 students, from many different curricula
 we can’t use the level of math that we would like to for physics majors’ intro courses
e.g. can’t use complex numbers, 3D differential calculus, serious integrals,
 some math / math application gets lost between MATH 2X1 and PHYS 325++
e.g. Taylor approximations, setup of multi-D integrals, use of complex numbers,
non-Cartesian unit vectors (not covered at all in MATH 241), …
 but upper-level courses assume you’ve had plenty of practice applying
calculus to elementary physics problems
Problem #2: Move Special Relativity out of PHYS 325 to make room for other material
 moved Lagrangian mechanics from 326  325 (as not everyone takes 326 anymore)
 added some fluid dynamics to 326 (not covered elsewhere)
Problem #3: Physics majors/minors can’t find each other in vast sea of 21X students!
Things to be aware of: using style of an upper-level course, which means
 you must TAKE NOTES YOURSELF (both discussion & lecture)
 problems are NOT SINGLE-STEP, and *never* multiple choice
 homework & exams are HANDWRITTEN: must show *reasoninig*
 averages on exams will be LOW: typically 60%  don’t freak! this is normal!
 GO TO OFFICE HOURS  you may not have needed to in 21X, but go now!
Sequence of material each week
1. learn it in Discussion: discover & derive new things yourself
2. wrestle with it in Homework: solve as much as you can.
3. refine it in Lecture: we'll tackle example problems similar to those on the homework to
illuminate key techniques, answer all your questions, and cover some subtleties
4. wrap it up in Office Hours: we will happily go through all of your homework solutions before
you submit them, to make sure the week's material is 100% clear. Homework is
*Training*, it is *not* a quiz, and the goal is to provide you with enough help to get
full marks every time.
The order of points 2 and 3 is key, and reflects my experience of how I learn things:
==> It is *USELESS* to listen to an expert (lecture instructor, conference speaker, posted solution, etc)
unless you have *ALREADY*wrestled with the material yourself.
Practical Matters
 Weekly Sequence for introduction of material
 Homework: due every Thursday 11 am in homework box; posted on web previous Friday
 Homework grading: must show reasoning! no work, no points
 Exams: 1 hour midterm in lecture period of week 8 worth 15%, 3 hour final worth 40%
 Other grades: homework 35%, discussion attendance 10%
 Office hours: Greg Monday 4 – 6 pm for 1 hour on Tuesdays after lecture;
TA’s on Sunday 3 – 5pm and Wednesday 5 – 7 pm
2. The Physicist’s Toolbox  Tools 1 & 2
Introduce quickly the 3 tools that experienced physicists apply to problems automatically:
 Units!
 Sketches with labels!
 Limiting cases!  coming up in a couple of weeks
2.1 Units
Imagine you are doing a real calculation in real life, for which there’s no answer at the back of any book
and on which actual money depends … you’ll find yourself checking units at every line of your work
without even thinking about it!
Example: You’re doing summer research in astrophysics and your adavisor asks you to calculate the
gravitational force between a meteor of mass m and a gas nebula of some complicated structure with
total mass M. The size and shape of the nebula are characterized by two length parameters d and D, and
the distance between the centers of the two objects is r.
Do you email these answers to your supervisor?
(a) F 
With a bit of practice looking for this mistake at every line, you’ll spot it without thinking.
Happens easily! e.g. mis-copying from one line to the next
Exam scoring: automatic –2 points for any final answer with mixed units (motivation! ;-))
(b) F 
 MIXED UNITS: can’t add / subtract apples & oranges
r(r  d 2 )
r(r  d)
Easiest way to check: compare with any similar formula you can remember, e.g. F=GMm/r2
Exam scoring: automatic –1 for any final answer with incorrect units unless you notice it
and write that down. (“I know I made an error because …” is worth points!)
Example: Actual final exam question + solution from an actual student (scanned below)
A thin rod has length 2L, is placed along the z-axis, and carries a non-uniform charge per unit
length (z) = z where  is a constant with units C/m2. Calculate the electric field E(z) at points
on the z axis above the rod (i.e. for z > L).
(a) Can you spot the error in the final boxed answer?
Answer: Mixed units in parentheses! 4L/(z2–L2) has dimensions, log is dimensionless.
(b) Can you find where the error occurred? Debugging technique: search backwards until you find a
point where the units were ok.
Answer: End of 2nd-last line is ok  everything in parentheses is dimensionless like
the logs. The bug is in the last step where the student’s “z” looks so much like a “2”
that (z2 + zL – z2 + zL) became “4L” 
2.2 Sketches with Labels: survival tool for real-world multi-step problems
Go straight to the first problem. Give them 4 minutes to work on it, then ask for some
answers for the crowd, and ask by show of hands how many agree with each one … then solve the
problem in detail showing good technique clearly and making these 4 points as they come up:
Make! A! Sketch! Don’t just grab the first formula you can think of!
Invent symbols for every parameter  don’t work directly with numbers! Makes algebra
harder, unit checking impossible, and impossible to keep track of what you’re doing in multi-step
Indicate clearly what you know and what you want to know  essential for strategy!
Don’t be concerned if you have to introduce a parameter that is neither a given quantity nor the
thing you want to solve for. Student from previous class: “I always feel that when I have to
introduce a variable that wasn’t given, I’m making a mistake!”  this feeling is a disease caused
by solving too many one-step problems!!! It is essential to introduce intermediate parameters in
most real-world = multi-step problems!
Example: Two speed skaters, Alice and Bob, are at the end of a race. As Alice passes the last-lap
marker, she is traveling at a constant speed of 20 m/sec. Bob is behind: he passes the last-lap marker
5 sec after Alice does, but he is traveling at 60 m/sec. His faster speed is just enough to catch up to Alice
and the race ends in a tie. How far was the finish line from the last-lap marker?
Important solution techniques:
Sketch! Best one in this case is actually an (x,t) PLOT of the two trajectories, but
whatever lets you visualize what’s going on is fine!
Sketch with labels! Pick symbols for everything, make them meaningful, and do NOT
work with numbers directly. (Putting numbers in early makes algebra much harder and
completely prevents unit- and limiting-case checking.)
Strategy Box: Summarize these quantities in a box next to the figure:
What do we know and what do we want to know?
 Know: vA = 20 m/s, vB = 60 m/s, tB = 5 s
 Want: d = ?
I often circle the goal “d = ?” so I always know where I’m heading; otherwise you can
easily get lost in multi-step problems.
Introduce a parameter, in this case for t = time of race end  it’s normal to do so in
multi-step problems. We know from our strategy that we must get rid of it … easy, set
up 2 equations for t & equate them. For this problem, the equations are:
(a) t = d / vA
(b) t = tB + d / vB
From our strategy box, we want d, while we neither know nor want t. Thus we get rid of
t by combining the two equations (e.g. solve for t with one of them and substitute
into the other)  d / vA = tB + d / vB
vA vB t B 20  60  5
 150 m
vB  v A
Example: A cannonball is launched at an initial speed v0 and at a launch angle of  with respect to the
ground. Calculate the launch angle  that maximizes the horizontal distance that the cannonball travels
before it hits the ground.
Similar technique points as the previous problem:
Sketch: symbols are given here but put them on the sketch anyway, as we must be able
to visualize the problem before we can solve it effectively
Introduce a parameter: total time T of cannonball trajectory
Strategy: what do we know?  v0, , constant g … what do we want to know?  x() = ?
sin  cos   sin 2
 max at  = 45