French 1 Pre-IB - Riverdale High School

World Languages Department—IB group 2
Incoming Freshman-- French 1-Pre-Diploma
Your summer assignment is simply to watch, listen to some French video on the internet and complete the required
assignment below. The objective of this assignment is to introduce you to French language and communication
during the summer, so watch and list as many times you want, but complete the attached handout. Each video is
about 20-25 minutes and you won’t be expected to learn any word or structure in depth from the video. This
assignment is due on the first day of school in august.
Watch, listen and Write (assignment--Video assignment)
Log on: and the directions below:
1. Scroll down and find the teacher resources tab on the left, to select a discipline, click on
Foreign Language—and choose grade 9-12
2. On the next page, double click on 3rd available program entitled “French in Action”
3. Scroll down, double click watch the following videos. (Please set time aside to watch the
video otherwise you will defeat the purpose and don’t wait until the last minute.)
a. Orientation:
An introduction to French in Action: its creation, its components, and its functioning.
How to work with the video programs and how to integrate them with the audio and print components.
This is the only program in English; the others are entirely in French.
b. Planning and Anticipating I through III: Greeting and leave-taking; talking about health;
expressing surprise; planning and anticipating; expressing decisiveness and indecisiveness. Subject
pronouns; masculine and feminine adjectives and nouns; definite and indefinite articles; immediate
future; agreement in gender and number; aller; être; present indicative of -er verbs.
c. Names and Origins: Numbers; expressing age; giving commands; necessity; negation. Numbers 129; avoir; avoir in expressions of age; ne ... pas; imperatives of -er verbs; il faut and infinitives.
d. Physical Characteristics I and II:
Reality and appearance; describing oneself; talking about
sports. Numbers 30-100; faire; aimer and faire with sports; questions with intonation, inversion, and estce que.
4. Jot down at least 10 to 15 vocabulary words in french, 2-3 cultural notes, and 2-3
French expressions. All learning should be from comprehension and not the
commentator’s notes about the subject or topic being covered in the video.
Vocabulary Word: Bonjour (good morning)
French Expression: Je m’ appelle (My name is…)
Cultural note: It is common for people to kiss on both cheeks in France as a way
to greet each other and greeting people is somewhat a common knowledge.
Due Date
Due on the first day of class and is worth 4 grades: 2 quiz and 2 homework grades.
Riverdale High School, Fort Myers| IB Diploma Programme
Return on first day of School --Summer Assignment
French 1-Pre
a. Orientation
vocabulary, expressions and phrases, cultural and grammar notes learned
Vocabulary Word:
French Expressions:
Cultural note:
b. Planning and
Anticipating I
Vocabulary Word:
French Expressions:
Cultural note:
c. Planning and
Anticipating II
Vocabulary Word:
French Expressions:
Cultural note:
Riverdale High School, Fort Myers| IB Diploma Programme
Vocabulary Word:
d. Planning and
Anticipating III
French Expressions:
Cultural note:
e. Names and
Vocabulary Word:
French Expressions:
Cultural note:
f. Physical
Vocabulary Word:
Characteristics I
French Expressions:
Cultural note:
g. Physical
Vocabulary Word:
Characteristics II
French Expressions:
Cultural note:
Riverdale High School, Fort Myers| IB Diploma Programme