Curriculum Map Discipline: Foreign Language Course: French 1-2 Teacher: Mary Zwilling August/September: Standards: 28 A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. NETS 3: Technology production tools/Students use technology to enhance learning. NETS 6: Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools. Students use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share, Magnet summary, Sticky Note discussions, One sentence summaries, Jigsaw, 15-30 second monologue Essential Questions: What basics will help me start to understand and use the French language? How important are cognates for learning French? What roles do they play? Content: Basic language sound system MacLab Df1 CD review Numbers 0 - 60 Masculine/Feminine articles/nouns and references intro Basic conversations: Greetings, how are you, good-bye Telling time Days/Months/Date Basic math addition/subtraction Formules de Politesse La Bise Current music: Corneille (Qu'est-ce que tu te fais? / Comme un fils Paris Match magazines (Cognate work) Music: Vanessa Paradis + Johnny Depp intro article from Star Skills: Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand words Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand simple sentences Be able to write and spell words and basic sentences Be able to respond in French to questions (date, time, people, descriptions, places, numbers) Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will understand simple questions regarding content and respond (written/oral) Students will be able to pronounce (say), read, write and understand the content basics from above Students will be able to use technology (interactive CD) to review and build both tech and language skills Assessment: Oral quizzes/question and response drill Repetition drills Written homework/in-class work Written quizzes Exams?Leçons Préliminaires Listening Lab sheets/In-class listening activities MacLab checklist Paris Match searches and reporting on findings Puzzles October: Standards: 28A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share, Magnet summary, Sticky Note discussions, One sentence summaries, 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane notes Essential Questions: How can I describe myself and others--physically, by activity, by nationality, by relationship. Are students similar the world over? Yes, No, Explain. How can I increase my comfort and confidence level in learning a foreign language? Content: Ch.1 BV Vocab:boys/girls/friends/sister/brother BV video + sheet Basic Colors MacLab CD practice Concept of cognates (oral and written) French and English names M or F: articles, adjectives, nouns Video: Batteries Not Included (cognate work) Singular and Plural forms of être Article review (un, une, des, le, la, l', les) Numbers 30 - 60 Personal adjectives Negation Music: Manau excerpt (rap) Halloween in France-- puzzles (extra) Skills: Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand words Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand simple sentences Be able to write and spell words and basic sentences Be able to respond in French to questions (date, time, people, descriptions, places, numbers) Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will understand simple questions regarding content and respond (written/oral) Students will be able to pronounce (say), read, write and understand the content basics from above Students will be able to use technology (interactive CD) to review and build both tech and language skills Assessment: Oral quizzes/question and response drill MacLab checklist Chapter 1 exam Repetition drills Person description sheet (picture + 6 sentences) Written homework/in-class work PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction Written quizzes BV video viewing worksheet Exams?Leçons Préliminaires Listening Lab sheet completion November: Standards: 28A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, One sentence summaries15-30 second monologue, 6 pane notes Essential Questions: How do formal vs. informal language forms, as well as plurals affect what is said or written in French? What will knowing être and how to use it greatly enhance student abilities n French? What, exactly, will it enable them to do, know, understand? Content: Lectures Culturelles: Un Parisien, Une Martiniquaise, Le Français en Afrique, Un Artiste français/Toulouse-Lautrec (Ch. 1) France: Geography Video: Batteries Not Included (Cognate work) Ch. 1 Plurals: Articles, Pronouns, Adjectives Etre Subject - Verb and Adjective agreement School, Home activity vocabulary #'s 0 - 100 Accent marks Alphabet + spelling en French Pronunciation: Silent final consonants and verb ending -ent My Autobiography Skills: Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand words Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand simple sentences Be able to write and spell words and basic sentences Be able to respond in French to questions (date, time, people, descriptions, places, numbers) Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will understand simple questions regarding content and respond (written/oral) Students will be able to pronounce (say), read, write and understand the content basics from above Students will be able to use technology (interactive CD) to review and build both tech and language skills Assessment: Ch.1 and 2 Exams Practice Exams PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction Oral quizzes/question and response drill MacLab checklist Repetition drills Puzzles Written homework/in-class work Whiteboards Written quizzes Notecard schedules (SDL created) Listening Lab sheet completion Magnetic verb scramble (être) December: Standards: 28A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, One sentence summaries, 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane notes Essential Questions: What are critical verbs to know in French and what value do they have in enabling you to make statements? What kinds of statements? About what? What connection do they have to the vocabulary? How do regular -er verbs also fit here? Content: Vocabulaire Ch 3 Pendant et Après Les cours -er verbs/vocab from text/phrases (francais/anglais) Schaum -er verbs être review Dictionary use lesson La fourniture scolaire #'s through 100 - 1000 Pronunciation: Consonnes finales Video: La France/study guide Ch. 2 --Les cours/Les Profs vocabulaire (review) Adjectifs personnelles Tu/Vous Articles/Adjectifs/L'accord/Les pluriels Skills: Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand words Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand simple sentences Be able to write and spell words and basic sentences Be able to respond in French to questions (date, time, people, descriptions, places, numbers) Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will understand simple questions regarding content and respond (written/oral) Students will be able to pronounce (say), read, write and understand the content basics from above Students will be able to use technology (interactive CD) to review and build both tech and language skills Assessment: Ch.3 Exam Oral quizzes/question and response drill MacLab checklist Repetition drills Crossword PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction Written homework/in-class work Written quizzes Listening Lab sheet completion January: Standards: 28A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. NETS: 1 Basic operations and concepts Students are proficient in the use of technology (Publisher) 3 Technology productivity tools Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity and promote creativity. Students use productivity tools to collaborate in construction technology-enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, One sentence summaries, 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane notes Essential Questions: In which ways can we describe out daily lives at home and school using past and present vocabulary/verbs? What personal statements can we make about our lives or average life and family in France? Content: Final's Review/Final Manau reading p. 101 (on final) -er verbs/être/phrases Supplemental DVD: Ch. 4 Giverny/Martinique Négatif Ch. 4 La Famille et la Maison Vocabulaire Quelques adjectifs (irréguliers) Avoir and expressions Chez Nous Scholastic Magazine: Tony Blair Vs. Jacques Chirac Skills: Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand words Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand simple sentences Be able to write and spell words and basic sentences Be able to respond in French to questions (date, time, people, descriptions, places, numbers) Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will understand simple questions regarding content and respond (written/oral) Students will be able to pronounce (say), read, write and understand the content basics from above Students will be able to use technology (interactive CD) to review and build both tech and language skills Assessment: Ch.4 Exam Sem 1 Finals Lab Project: Brochure/Self-Evaluation Oral quizzes/question and response drill MacLab checklist Repetition drills Puzzles Written homework/in-class work Scholastic Language Magazine worksheet Written quizzes Listening Lab sheet completion **08 Implemented more formal final's review PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction and actual scontron practice. February: Standards: 28A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, One sentence summaries, 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane notes NETS 3 Technology productivity tools. Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. Essential Questions: How critical are basic regular and irregular verbs to expressing oneself in French? How do families and individuals eat in francophone countries. What types of things do they eat? Content: Ch. 4 Adjectifs Irreguliers: beau, nouveau, vieux and personal adjectives Lecture Culturelle/Language Lab Possessive Adjectives Family vocabulary House/Apartment living vocab er verbs (conjugation and meaning) Ch. 5 Intro to Vocab: Food: eating/ordering/preparing Mardi Gras: History, vocabulary puzzle aller prendre immediate future Skills: Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand words Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand simple sentences Be able to write and spell words and basic sentences Be able to respond in French to questions pertaining to current content. Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will understand simple questions regarding content and respond (written/oral) Students will be able to pronounce (say), read, write and understand the content basics from above Students will be able to use technology (interactive CD) to review and build both tech and language skills Assessment: Ch.4 Exam Begin Ch 5 Oral quizzes/question and response drill MacLab checklist/On-line work Repetition drills Written homework/in-class work PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction Written quizzes Listening Lab sheet completion March: Standards: 28A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, One sentence summaries, 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane notes NETS 3 Technology productivity tools. Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. Essential Questions: How well will I be able to purchase and order food in the target language. In which other scenarios will I need this vocabulary and an understanding of social proprieties? What cultural beliefs/values/practices exist regarding food and how it is prepared, consumed or purchased? Content: Ch 5: Restaurants, food, drinks, table setting, ordering Video (in French): Ice Age II er verbs (conjugation + more verbs)/sentences with verbs aller (Review of avoir, être) Song: Chouboup (Jenifer) aller + infinitif (immediate future) DVD: La Vie en Rose (auditorium) prepositions à and de (contractions) prendre Review family vocab Skills: Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand words Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand simple sentences Be able to write and spell words and basic sentences Be able to respond in French to questions (date, time, people, descriptions, places, numbers) Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will understand simple questions regarding content and respond (written/oral) Students will be able to pronounce (say), read, write and understand the content basics from above Students will be able to use technology (interactive CD) to review and build both tech and language skills Assessment: Ch.5 Exam Book Assessment Non-linguistic representation: table setting Oral quizzes/question and response drill MacLab checklist/Online text site(quiz/activities) Repetition drills Written homework/in-class work puzzles (crossword/word search) Written quizzes Sentence Dictée PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction Listening Lab sheet completion site visit + other grammar sites (exam prep) April: Standards: 28A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, One sentence summaries, 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane notes NETS 3 Technology productivity tools. Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. NETS 5: Technology research tools. Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. Students use technology tools to process data and report results. Essential Questions: How well will I be able to purchase and order food in the target language. In which other scenarios will I need this vocabulary and an understanding of social proprieties? Where and how will I buy what I need? Content: Ch. 6 Shops and Foods -- Vocabulary Faire pouvoir and vouloir Le partitif vs. l'article défini Quantities/Packaging Skills: Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand words Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand simple sentences Be able to write and spell words and basic sentences Be able to respond in French to questions (date, time, people, descriptions, places, numbers) Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will understand simple questions regarding content and respond (written/oral) Students will be able to pronounce (say), read, write and understand the content basics from above Students will be able to use technology (interactive CD) to review and build both tech and language skills Assessment: Ch.5 Exam Book Assessment Begin Ch. 6 Instructional Lab: Paris Shops Oral quizzes/question and response drill MacLab checklist Repetition drills Written homework/in-class work puzzles (crossword/word search) Written quizzes Sentence Dictée Listening Lab sheet completion PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction site visit + other grammar sites (exam prep) May/June: Standards: 28A, B, C Use the target language to communicate within and beyond the classroom setting. A Understand oral communication in the target language. B Interact in the target language in various settings. C Understand written passages in the target language 29A Use the target language to develop an understanding of the customs, arts, literature, history and geography associated with the target language. A Understand manners and customs of various target language societies. 30A Use the target language to make connections and reinforce knowledge and skills across academic, vocational and technical disciplines. A Use the target language to reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines. CRISS: Graphic and Pictorial Organizers, Cognitive Mapping, Think-Pair-Share Sticky Note discussions, One sentence summaries, 15-30 second monologue, 6 pane notes NETS 3 Technology productivity tools. Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. NETS 5: Technology research tools. Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. Students use technology tools to process data and report results. Essential Questions: How well will I be able to purchase and order food in the target language. In which other scenarios will I need this vocabulary and an understanding of social proprieties? Where and how will I buy what I need? How does knowing clothing vocabulary (nouns and verbs) affect what can be selected and/or purchased. Regarding this and shopping, how are items similar or different from the US or food shopping? Content: Ch.6 & 7 Vocabulary: Food, Shops and Clothing/shops/verbs (mettre, croire, voir) Comparisons: More, less than, Colors (Review) Adjective Use and agreement Final's review (Ch. 5 - 7) Ch 7 (primarily clothes and colors) Skills: Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand words Be able to pronounce, recognize and understand simple sentences Be able to write and spell words and basic sentences Be able to respond in French to questions (date, time, people, descriptions, places, numbers, food, clothes) Students will be able to recognize, define and use vocabulary (written/oral) Students will understand simple questions regarding content and respond (written/oral) Students will be able to pronounce (say), read, write and understand the content basics from above Students will be able to use technology (interactive CD) to review and build both tech and language skills Assessment: Ch.6 Exam Book Assessment Second Semester final Review sheets/activities Oral quizzes/question and response drill MacLab checklist Repetition drills Final's revision with Urbana's 11 words Written homework/in-class work puzzles (crossword/word search) Written quizzes Sentence Dictée PPT/On-line Web/Computer Assisted Instruction Listening Lab sheet completion Google Earth (francophone countries) site visit + other grammar sites (exam prep)