French 1A - Lee County School District

Quarterly Content Guide 2015-2016
French 1A
Adopted Instructional Materials:
T’es Branché 1
Introduction to French
Basic skills
Who I am and what I like to do
School Life
Family and Home
Quarter 1 – 43 Days
Quarter 2 – 47 Days
Quarter 3 – 47 Days
Quarter 4 – 43 Days
Major Concepts/Content:
French 1A- introduces students to the target language and its culture. The student will develop communicative skills in all 3 modes of communication and crosscultural understanding. Emphasis is placed on proficient communication in the language. An introduction to reading and writing is also included as well as culture,
connections, comparisons, and communities.
Quarter 1-At the end of this unit, learners exchange personal information with others. Learners can introduce oneself and others. They can appropriately greet and
say good-bye according to social register. They can also use numbers to tell time and express dates and birthdays.
Quarter 2- Learners will exchange personal information with others. Learners can introduce oneself and others. They can appropriately greet and say good-bye
according to social register. They can also use numbers to tell time and express dates and birthdays.
Quarter 3-At the end of this Unit learners can describe and compare school schedules, classes, and school supplies in both their own school and schools in Frenchspeaking countries. Learners can also express opinions about their classes, teachers, and school. They can describe and sequence their class schedule. They can
locate and identify classroom items. Finally, learners can ask and answer questions about school life.
Quarter 4- Learners can describe physical characteristics and relationships. Learners can also describe their family size and members. They can talk about how
families differ within communities and between cultures. They can also describe activities that different family members do.
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Updated: August 19, 2015
Additional Course Information
World Languages Modes of Communication
(Standards indicators 1,2,3,4,…,9)
1. Interpretive Listening:
The student will be able to understand and
interpret information, concepts, and ideas
orally from a variety of culturally authentic
sources on a variety of topics in the target
9. Interpretive Reading:
The student will be able to understand and
interpret information, concepts, and ideas in
writing from a variety of culturally authentic
sources on a variety of topics in the target
9. Interpersonal Communication:
The student will be able to engage in
conversations and exchange information,
concepts, and ideas orally and in writing with a
variety of speakers or readers on a variety of
topics in a culturally appropriate context in the
target language.
4. Presentational Speaking:
The student will be able to present
information, concepts, and ideas to an
audience of listeners on a variety of topics in a
culturally appropriate context in the target
5. Presentational Writing:
The student will be able to present
information, concepts, and ideas to an
audience of readers on a variety of topics in a
appropriate context in the target language.
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Professional Development
Book Adoption Training
World Language PLC Training
Differentiation Learning Training
Technology in World Languages
General Resources
Updated: August 19, 2015
Intercultural Standards
6. Culture:
The student will be able to use the target
language to gain knowledge and demonstrate
understanding of the relationship among
practices, products, and perspectives of
cultures other than his/her own.
7. Connections: The student will be able to
acquire, reinforce, and further his/her
knowledge of other disciplines through the
target language.
8. Comparisons: The student will be able to
develop insight into the nature of the target
language and culture by comparing
his/her own language(s) and cultures to others.
9. Communities: The student will be able to
use the target language both within and beyond
the school setting to investigate
and improve his/her world beyond his/her
immediate surroundings for personal growth
and enrichment.
Helpful Websites
State Assessment Information
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Updated: August 19, 2015
Academic Plan 2015-2016
Quarter: 1
Adopted Instructional Materials:
French 1A
Pacing Range: 43 days
T’es Branché 1
Big Idea Description: At the end of this unit, learners exchange personal information with others. Learners can introduce oneself and others. They can
appropriately greet and say good-bye according to social register. They can also use numbers to tell time and express dates and birthdays.
World Languages Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Florida Standards
WL.K12.AH.1.1: Demonstrate understanding of basic words, phrases, and
questions about self and personal experiences, through gestures, drawings,
pictures, and actions.
WL.K12.NM.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in
simple messages and announcements on familiar settings.
WL.K12.NM.1.4: Demonstrate understanding of simple information supported
by visuals through a variety of media.
WL.K12.NM.1.6: Follow short, simple directions.
WL.K12.NM.2.1: Demonstrate understanding of written familiar words, phrases,
and simple sentences supported by visuals.
WL.K12.NM.2.4: Recognize words and phrases when used in context on familiar
WL.K12.NM.3.1: Introduce self and others using basic, culturally-appropriate
WL.K12.NM.3.2: Participate in basic conversations using words, phrases, and
memorized expressions.
WL.K12.NM.3.5: Understand and use in context common concepts (such as
numbers, days of the week, etc.) in simple situations.
WL.K12.NM.4.1: Provide basic information about self and immediate
surroundings using words and phrases and memorized expressions.
WL.K12.NM.4.2: Present personal information about self and others.
WL.K12.NM.4.5: Role-play skits, songs, or poetry in the target language that
deal with familiar topics.
WL.K12.NM.5.1: Provide basic information in writing using familiar topics, often
using previously learned expressions and phrases.
WL.K12.NM.5.2: Fill out a simple form with basic information.
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LAFS.910.SL.1.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on
grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing
their own clearly and persuasively.
Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material
under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from
texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, wellreasoned exchange of ideas.
Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decisionmaking (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of
alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed.
Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate
the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate
others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.
Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of
agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own
views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and
LAFS.910.SL.2.4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly,
concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and
the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose,
audience, and task.
Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NM.6.1: Recognize basic practices and perspectives of cultures where
the target language is spoken (such as greetings, holiday celebrations, etc.)
WL.K12.NM.8.1: Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired in the target language
in order to compare words that are similar to those in his/her own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.2: Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and
compare them to own language.
WL.K12.NH.3.4: Ask and answer a variety of questions about personal
WL.K12.NH.4.4: Present personal information about one’s self and others.
WL.k12.NH.7.2: Use maps, graphs, and other graphic organizers to facilitate
comprehension and expression of key vocabulary in the target language to
reinforce existing content area knowledge.
Big Idea
Knowledge of the French language and culture is a valuable asset in our global world
Essential Outcome Questions
In what ways is learning another language beneficial?
How do I share basic personal information to get to know others?
Where is French spoken in a global world?
Aligned Learning Goals
District Adopted
Introduce oneself and others, respond to an introduction, and respond
to/initiate greetings and farewells.
Ask/give personal information
Understand and use numbers (0-20) and dates in context (memorized
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• Maps from text
• Unité 1A
• Unité 1B
• Tu vs Vous: Unité 2A
• Numbers: 0-20: Unité
2C: p78 and p80 # 3
• E visuals Unite 1A
• Workbook unit 1A/1B
• Communicative
activities manual
• Listening activities
• Rendez-vous á Nice
episode 1
Strategies for
Why learn a foreign
Language: Jigsaw
Vocabulary Presentation:, Search:
Unite 1A, 1B
Cooperative Groups:
Give an index card with a
name and nationality to
each student. Have
students introduce
themselves in small
Pair-Share: Resources:
Communicative Activities
Updated: August 19, 2015
Learning Activities:
• Listen to descriptions •
• Surveys
of students’ personal
• Read simple
descriptions about
• Exchange text
messages with a
friend about
meeting others
Create Facebook
Page with personal
Formative Assessment Options:
• Numbers quiz
• Greetings/leave taking quiz
• Tu vs. Vous quiz
• True-False Cognates
• Exit Ticket on lesson
Summative Assessment(s):
Unit Assessment
Performance Assessment
• Interpretive Listening: Listen to basic information questions and
match the correct answer
• Interpersonal Communication: Interview/ survey others about
personal information
• Presentational: Written introduction of self.
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• Alphabet
(in context)
• Aujourd’hui est…
• Accent
• Je m’appelle…
• J’ai…
• Je suis (Name)…
• C’est…
• Subject Pronouns: Je,
tu, il/elle,...
•Points de departs:
Cultural reading plus
workbook extension
activities related to the
unit.(pgs. 9-12,20-23)
Progress Monitoring Assessment
• I CAN… statement
• Data folder
Updated: August 19, 2015
Academic Plan 2015-2016
Quarter: 2
Adopted Instructional Materials:
French 1A
Pacing Range: 47 days
T’es Branché 1
Big Idea Description:
At the end of this unit, learners can describe their personality. Learners can also express likes and dislikes. They can discuss their favorite activities and
where they go to do those activities. They can also describe the weather and seasons.
World Languages Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Florida Standards
WL.K12.NM.1.1: Demonstrate understanding of basic words, phrases, and
questions about self and personal experiences, through gestures, drawings,
pictures, and actions.
WL.K12.NM.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing
with simple and concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow,
and repeated speech.
WL.K12.NM.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in
simple messages and announcements on familiar settings.
WL.K12.NM.1.4: Demonstrate understanding of simple information supported
by visuals through a variety of media.
WL.K12.NM.1.6: Follow short, simple directions.
WL.K12.NM.2.1: Demonstrate understanding of written familiar words, phrases,
and simple sentences supported by visuals.
WL.K12.NM.2.2: Demonstrate understanding of short, simple literary stories.
WL.K12.NM.2.4: Recognize words and phrases when used in context on familiar
WL.K12.NM.3.1: Introduce self and others using basic, culturally-appropriate
WL.K12.NM.3.2: Participate in basic conversations using words, phrases, and
memorized expressions.
WL.K12.NM.3.3: Ask simple questions and provide simple responses related to
personal preferences.
WL.K12.NM.3.4: Exchange essential information about self, family, and familiar
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Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneon-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics,
texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and
Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material
under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from
texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, wellreasoned exchange of ideas.
Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decisionmaking (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, and presentation of
alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed.
Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate
the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate
others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.
Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of
agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own
views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and
reasoning presented.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the
course of the text.
Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NM.3.5: Understand and use in context common concepts (such as
numbers, days of the week, etc.) in simple situations.
WL.K12.NM.3.6: Use appropriate gestures, body language, and intonation to
clarify a message.
WL.K12.NM.4.1: Provide basic information about self and immediate
surroundings using words and phrases and memorized expressions.
WL.K12.NM.4.2: Present personal information about self and others.
WL.K12.NM.4.3: Express likes and dislikes.
WL.K12.NM.4.4: Provide an account of daily activities.
WL.K12.NM.4.5: Role-play skits, songs, or poetry in the target language that
deal with familiar topics.
WL.K12.NM.4.6: Present simple information about a familiar topic using visuals.
WL.K12.NM.5.1: Provide basic information in writing using familiar topics, often
using previously learned expressions and phrases.
WL.K12.NM.5.2: Fill out a simple form with basic information.
WL.K12.NM.6.3: Participate in age-appropriate and culturally authentic activities
such as celebrations, songs, games, and dances.
WL.K12.NM.6.4: Recognize products of culture (e.g., food, shelter, clothing,
transportation, toys).
WL.K12.NM.8.1: Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired in the target language
in order to compare words that are similar to those in his/her own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.2: Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and
compare them to own language.
WL.K12.NM.9.1: Use key words and phrases in the target language to
participate in different activities in the school and community settings.
WL.K12.NH.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of short conversations in familiar
WL.K12.NH.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of short, simple messages and
announcements on familiar topics.
WL.K12.NH.1.5: Demonstrate understanding of simple stories or narratives.
WL.K12.NH.2.1: Determine main idea from simple texts that contain familiar
vocabulary used in context.
WL.K12.NH.3.3: Exchange information using simple language about personal
preferences, needs, and feelings.
WL.K12.NH.3.4: Ask and answer a variety of questions about personal
WL.K12.NH.4.1: Provide basic information on familiar topics using phrases and
simple sentences.
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Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NH.4.4: Present personal information about one’s self and others.
WL.K12.NH.5.2: Write simple statements to describe aspects of daily life.
WL.K12.NH.5.4: Write short personal notes using a variety of media.
WL.K12.NH.6.2: Identify examples of common beliefs and attitudes and their
relationship to practices in the cultures studied.
WL.K12.NH.6.3: Recognize different contributions from countries where the
target language is spoken and how these contributions impact our global society
(e.g., food, music, art, sports, recreation, famous international figures, movies,
Big Idea
Knowledge of who I am and what I like to do to help me get to know others.
Essential Outcome Questions
How do I share information about who I am to get to know others?
Aligned Learning Goals
District Adopted
Sharing descriptions of people and their personalities (personality and
Textbook: Unite 2A, 2b,
physical traits, …)
Textbook unite 5B p232
• Teacher-made
Express likes and dislikes about everyday activities (activities, sports,
Textbook unite 5A
• Teacher made
(vocabulary p221-222
(physical descriptions
only, exclude family
Describe when, where and why I do activities and using the calendar to
Textbook Unite 8A(p396)
talk about dates (places in the community, “why” statements, etc…
Continue with Numbers
0-20: Unité 2C: p78 and
p80 # 3
Exam View
Talk about the weather, seasons, and months of the year (weather
Communicative activities
expressions, seasons, months, days, numbers 0-20, …)
Rendez-vous à Nice
(episode 2)
Listening Activities
manual (units above)
Assessment (units above)
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Strategies for
Kagan seating
See additional and
specific differentiated
strategies in TE
Updated: August 19, 2015
• Survey and interviews • Listen to descriptions
about likes and dislikes
and personality
dislikes and personality
• Exchange text messages • Listen to/ interpret simple
with a friend about likes
weather reports and
and dislikes
• Speed
inner/outer circle
Learning Activities
• Role-plays/skits
of • Position of adverbs
describing likes and • Gender of nouns and
definite articles
Verb: être and adjective
• Create a storyboard
agreement (p 132-133)
about likes and dislikes
• Verb: -er, present tense,
and personality
Verb ‘aimer’
• Mini presentations to
• Verb ‘faire’ (p404-405)
classmates about self
• Negation:Ne (n’)…pas
• Write a weather report
• Points
Cultural reading plus
activities and workbook
related to the unit. (Pages:
237-238, 57-60,
• Teacher reading resources
in target language.
Other Learning Activities (optional):
• Practice verb activities with être and aimer
• Simulated weather reports
• Listen to/interpret songs and videos
• Graph and analyze data from survey likes and dislikes and/or personalities
Formative Assessment Options:
• Verb quizzes: être, aimer
• Adjective quiz
• Weather quiz
• Activities (verb)
• Adverbs of frequency
Summative Assessment(s)
• End-of unit test
• Performance Assessment:
• Read about people sharing their likes and dislikes
• Interview/survey others about personal information
• Give who am I presentations using different visual media
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Progress Monitoring Assessment
• I CAN… statement
• Data folder
Updated: August 19, 2015
Academic Plan 2015-2016
Quarter: 3
Adopted Instructional Materials:
French1 A
Pacing Range: 47 days
T’es Branché 1
Big Idea Description:
At the end of this Unit learners can describe and compare school schedules, classes, and school supplies in both their own school and schools in Frenchspeaking countries. Learners can also express opinions about their classes, teachers, and school. They can describe and sequence their class schedule. They
can locate and identify classroom items. Finally, learners can ask and answer questions about school life.
World Languages Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Florida Standards
WL.K12.NM.1.1: Demonstrate understanding of basic words, phrases, and questions
about self and personal experiences, through gestures, drawings, pictures, and
WL.K12.NM.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing with
simple and concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow, and
repeated speech.
WL.K12.NM.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in simple
messages and announcements on familiar settings.
WL.K12.NM.1.4: Demonstrate understanding of simple information supported by
visuals through a variety of media.
WL.K12.NM.1.6: Follow short, simple directions.
WL.K12.NM.2.1: Demonstrate understanding of written familiar words, phrases, and
simple sentences supported by visuals.
WL.K12.NM.2.4: Recognize words and phrases when used in context on familiar
WL.K12.NM.3.1: Introduce self and others using basic, culturally-appropriate
WL.K12.NM.3.2: Participate in basic conversations using words, phrases, and
memorized expressions.
WL.K12.NM.3.3: Ask simple questions and provide simple responses related to
personal preferences.
WL.K12.NM.3.4: Exchange essential information about self, family, and familiar
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Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and
logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization,
development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and
Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NM.3.5: Understand and use in context common concepts (such as numbers,
days of the week, etc.) in simple situations.
WL.K12.NM.3.6: Use appropriate gestures, body language, and intonation to clarify a
WL.K12.NM.4.1: Provide basic information about self and immediate surroundings
using words and phrases and memorized expressions.
WL.K12.NM.4.2: Present personal information about self and others.
WL.K12.NM.4.3: Express likes and dislikes.
WL.K12.NM.4.4: Provide an account of daily activities.
WL.K12.NM.4.5: Role-play skits, songs, or poetry in the target language that deal with
familiar topics.
WL.K12.NM.4.6: Present simple information about a familiar topic using visuals.
WL.K12.NM.5.1: Provide basic information in writing using familiar topics, often using
previously learned expressions and phrases.
WL.K12.NM.5.2: Fill out a simple form with basic information.
WL.K12.NM.5.3: Write simple sentences about self and/or others.
WL.K12.NM.5.4: Write simple sentences that help in day-to-day life communication.
WL.K12.NM.6.2: Recognize common patterns of behavior (such as body language,
gestures) and cultural practices and/or traditions associated with the target
WL.K12.NM.6.4: Recognize products of culture (e.g., food, shelter, clothing,
transportation, toys).
WL.K12.NM.8.1: Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired in the target language in
order to compare words that are similar to those in his/her own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.2: Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and
compare them to own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.2: Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and
compare them to own language.
WL.K12.NH.3.4: Ask and answer a variety of questions about personal information.
WL.K12.NH.4.1: Provide basic information on familiar topics using phrases and simple
WL.K12.NH.4.4: Present personal information about one’s self and others.
WL.K12.NM.7.1: Identify key words and phrases in the target language that are based
on previous knowledge acquired in subject area classes.
WL.K12.NH.7.2: Use maps, graphs, and other graphic organizers to facilitate
comprehension and expression of key vocabulary in the target language to reinforce
existing content area knowledge.
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Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NM.8.1: Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired in the target language in
order to compare words that are similar to those in his/her own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.2: Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and
compare them to own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.3: Identify celebrations typical of the target culture and one’s own.
WL.K12.NM.9.1: Use key words and phrases in the target language to participate in
different activities in the school and community settings.
WL.K12.NM.9.2: Participate in simple presentations, activities, and cultural events in
local, global, and/or online communities.
WL.K12.NH.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of short conversations in familiar
WL.K12.NH.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of short, simple messages and
announcements on familiar topics.
WL.K12.NH.1.5: Demonstrate understanding of simple stories or narratives..
WL.K12.NH.2.1: Determine main idea from simple texts that contain familiar
vocabulary used in context.
WL.K12.NH.2.2: Identify the elements of story such as setting, theme and characters.
WL.K12.NH.2.3: Demonstrate understanding of signs and notices in public places.
WL.K12.NH.2.4: Identify key detailed information needed to fill out forms.
WL.K12.NH.3.2: Exchange information about familiar tasks, topics and activities,
including personal information.
WL.K12.NH.3.3: Exchange information using simple language about personal
preferences, needs, and feelings.
WL.K12.NH.3.4: Ask and answer a variety of questions about personal information.
WL.K12.NH.4.1: Provide basic information on familiar topics using phrases and simple
WL.K12.NH.4.2: Describe aspects of daily life using complete sentences.
WL.K12.NH.4.4: Present personal information about one’s self and others.
WL.K12.NH.5.2: Write simple statements to describe aspects of daily life.
WL.K12.NH.5.3: Write a description of a familiar experience or event.
WL.K12.NH.5.4: Write short personal notes using a variety of media.
WL.K12.NH.6.1: Use information acquired through the study of the practices and
perspectives of the target culture(s) to identify some of their characteristics and
compare them to own culture.
WL.K12.NH.6.2: Identify examples of common beliefs and attitudes and their
relationship to practices in the cultures studied.
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Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NH.6.3: Recognize different contributions from countries where the target
language is spoken and how these contributions impact our global society (e.g., food,
music, art, sports, recreation, famous international figures, movies, etc.)
Aligned Learning Goals
Big Idea
School systems reflect their culture.
Essential Outcome Questions
How is school an important part of my life?
Why do I go to school?
What is my school day like?
How do concepts of time differ culturally?
How do I succeed in school?
District Adopted
Describe schedule, classes, and teachers(class subjects, schedules,
Ask questions and give opinions(question words)
Identify school locations
Describe school activities(activities, school sports)
Identify and locate classroom items(classroom items, prepositions of
Tell time(24 hour clock, time)
Page 14 of 45
• Textbook Unité 3A,
3B, 3C
• Workbook unité 3
• Numbers 20-100
• Numbers 100-900
• Textbook short videos
• E visuals
• Quizzes
• Rendez-vous á Nice
episode 3
• Listening activities
• Communicative
• Assessment manual
and online
• Exam view
Strategies for
Projects Finaux (155-159)
See specific
Differentiated Learning
in TE of T’es Branché
Unité 3
Paired Practice
Cooperative groups
Kagan strategies
Updated: August 19, 2015
Learning Activities:
Interpersonal :
• Survey/interviews about • read and interpret school • create a presentation
classes, schedules, and
about your school life
• listen to description of • leave
• inner/outer circle
school schedule
describing your favorite
• write emails to each other • view and interpret T’es
about school life
Branché videos
• describe your class to
another student
Other Learning Activities:
• practice –er verbs activities
• preposition activities
• draw and classroom items
• research school life in French speaking countries
Formative Assessment Options:
• time and number quiz
• classes and classroom vocabulary quiz
• verb quiz
• articles/adjectives/noun agreement
Summative Assessment(s)
• End of Unit Assessment
• Performance Assessment
• Listen to and read and comprehend a school schedule and class
• Students discuss and interview each other about Schools.
• Students write a blog entry about their day
Page 15 of 45
• Point
• Continue with verb “être”
cultural readings plus
• Indefinite articles
• Plurals of articles and nouns
• Verb: “avoir”
(pages 111-115, 126• Verb: “aller”
129, 140- 143)
• Telling time structure
• Continue with adjective and • Teacher Resources
noun agreement
• Forming questions with “estce que”
• A + definite article
• Continue with –er verbs
Progress Monitoring Assessment
• Data folders
• I CAN… statement
Updated: August 19, 2015
Academic Plan 2015-2016
Quarter : 4
Adopted Instructional Materials:
French 1A
Pacing Range: 43 days
T’es Branché 1
Big Idea Description: At the end of this unit, learners can describe physical characteristics and relationships. Learners can also describe their family size
and members. They can talk about how families differ within communities and between cultures. They can also describe activities that different family
members do.
World Languages Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Florida Standards
WL.K12.NM.1.1: Demonstrate understanding of basic words, phrases, and
questions about self and personal experiences, through gestures, drawings,
pictures, and actions.
WL.K12.NM.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing
with simple and concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow,
and repeated speech.
WL.K12.NM.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in
simple messages and announcements on familiar settings.
WL.K12.NM.1.4: Demonstrate understanding of simple information supported
by visuals through a variety of media.
WL.K12.NM.1.6: Follow short, simple directions.
WL.K12.NM.2.1: Demonstrate understanding of written familiar words, phrases,
and simple sentences supported by visuals.
WL.K12.NM.2.2: Demonstrate understanding of short, simple literary stories.
WL.K12.NM.2.4: Recognize words and phrases when used in context on familiar
WL.K12.NM.3.1: Introduce self and others using basic, culturally-appropriate
WL.K12.NM.3.2: Participate in basic conversations using words, phrases, and
memorized expressions.
WL.K12.NM.3.3: Ask simple questions and provide simple responses related to
personal preferences.
WL.K12.NM.3.4: Exchange essential information about self, family, and familiar
Page 16 of 45
Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric,
identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.
Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and
logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization,
development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the
course of the text.
Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NM.3.5: Understand and use in context common concepts (such as
numbers, days of the week, etc.) in simple situations.
WL.K12.NM.3.6: Use appropriate gestures, body language, and intonation to
clarify a message.
WL.K12.NM.4.1: Provide basic information about self and immediate
surroundings using words and phrases and memorized expressions.
WL.K12.NM.4.2: Present personal information about self and others.
WL.K12.NM.4.3: Express likes and dislikes.
WL.K12.NM.4.4: Provide an account of daily activities.
WL.K12.NM.4.5: Role-play skits, songs, or poetry in the target language that
deal with familiar topics.
WL.K12.NM.4.6: Present simple information about a familiar topic using visuals.
WL.K12.NM.5.1: Provide basic information in writing using familiar topics, often
using previously learned expressions and phrases.
WL.K12.NM.5.2: Fill out a simple form with basic information.
WL.K12.NM.6.3: Participate in age-appropriate and culturally authentic activities
such as celebrations, songs, games, and dances.
WL.K12.NM.6.4: Recognize products of culture (e.g., food, shelter, clothing,
transportation, toys).
WL.K12.NM.8.1: Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired in the target language
in order to compare words that are similar to those in his/her own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.2: Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and
compare them to own language.
WL.K12.NM.9.1: Use key words and phrases in the target language to
participate in different activities in the school and community settings.
WL.K12.NH.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of short conversations in familiar
WL.K12.NH.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of short, simple messages and
announcements on familiar topics.
WL.K12.NH.1.5: Demonstrate understanding of simple stories or narratives.
WL.K12.NH.2.1: Determine main idea from simple texts that contain familiar
vocabulary used in context.
WL.K12.NH.3.3: Exchange information using simple language about personal
preferences, needs, and feelings.
WL.K12.NH.3.4: Ask and answer a variety of questions about personal
WL.K12.NH.4.1: Provide basic information on familiar topics using phrases and
simple sentences.
Page 17 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NH.4.4: Present personal information about one’s self and others.
WL.K12.NH.5.2: Write simple statements to describe aspects of daily life.
WL.K12.NH.5.4: Write short personal notes using a variety of media.
WL.K12.NH.6.2: Identify examples of common beliefs and attitudes and their
relationship to practices in the cultures studied.
WL.K12.NH.6.3: Recognize different contributions from countries where the
target language is spoken and how these contributions impact our global society
(e.g., food, music, art, sports, recreation, famous international figures, movies,
Big Idea
The definition of family and home differs from culture to culture
Essential Outcome Questions
Why is family important?
What is family?
How do I describe myself and family?
How do family relationships differ from culture to culture?
How do homes differ within communities and between cultures?
Who lives in my home?
Aligned Learning Goals
District Adopted Materials
Textbook Unité 5A (220-230)
Describe family, self, and others ( adjectives, family members, pets,
Textbook Unité 5C (248-262)
possessive adjectives, …)
Numbers: 1,000,000-3,000,000
Textbook: Unité 7A (340-344)
Textbook Unité 7C (371-376)
Describe relationships (family members, family trees, …)
Textbook short videos
E visuals
Describe what family members do and like to do (ask and answer
Rendez-vous á Nice episode 3
questions about family)
Listening activities manual
Communicative activities
Describe house (house and furniture items)
Assessment manual and online
Exam view
Strategies for
express possession ( possessive adjectives, bedroom items)
Page 18 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
• Survey and interviews
about family members
and home
• Have an email exchange
(format on paper) with a
friend to describe family
Learning Activities :
• Listen to descriptions of • Perform
a skit to
family members
done with family
• Interpret family trees
• Describe your favorite
• Read about families
family member in detail
• Create a family tree
• Possessive Adjectives
• Indefinite
negative sentences
• Verb: ‘Mettre’ p365-367
• Comparative of adjectives p
• Continue with être and avoir
• Verb: Present tense
Points de departs: Cultural
reading plus activities and
activities related to the
unit.(p236-238, 253-256,
345-349, 376-379)
Other Learning Activities (optional):
• Drawing items in rooms based on a descriptions
• “guess who” game
• Practice verb activities with être and aimer
• Simulated weather reports
• Listen to/interpret songs and videos
• Graph and analyze data from survey likes and dislikes and/or personalities
Formative Assessment Options:
• Adjective agreement quiz
• Family/physical description quiz
• Chore (Ex: mettre la table,…) quiz
Summative Assessment(s)
Progress Monitoring Assessment
• End of Unit Assessment
• I can …. Statement
• Performance Assessment
• Data folders
• Interpretive
Answer questions about family relationships on a family tree
• Interpersonal
Ask and answer questions about family members
• Presentational
Describe a real or imaginary
Page 19 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
Quarterly Content Guide 2015-2016
French 1B
Adopted Instructional Materials:
T’es Branché 1
World Language Projects Studies
Clothing and shopping
Quarter 1 – 43 Days
Quarter 2 – 47 Days
Quarter 3 – 47 Days
Quarter 4 – 43 Days
Major Concepts/Content:
French 1B- introduces students to the target language and its culture. The student will develop communicative skills in all 3 modes of communication and crosscultural understanding. Emphasis is placed on proficient communication in the language. An introduction to reading and writing is also included as well as culture,
connections, comparisons, and communities.
Quarter 1- At the end of this unit learners can order and pay for food in a restaurant and recognize table settings. They can use culturally appropriate restaurant
etiquette. They can also compare eating habits in French- speaking cultures.
Quarter 2Quarter 3- Learners can identify foods, beverages, and food groups. Learners can also express likes and dislikes about food. They can also compare foods and
eating habits in French-speaking countries.
Quarter 4- At the end of this unit learners can identify stores and shops for clothes needed for certain occasions. Learners can describe future shopping trips and
talk about their clothing preferences.
Page 20 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
Academic Plan 2015-2016
French 1B
Pacing Range: 43 days
Quarter: 1
Adopted Instructional Materials:
T’es branché 1
Big Idea Description: At the end of this unit learners can order and pay for food in a restaurant, recognize table settings, and use culturally appropriate
restaurant etiquette. They can also compare eating habits in French- speaking cultures and identify various locations around town.
World Languages Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
WL.K12.NM.1.1: Demonstrate understanding of basic words, phrases, and
questions about self and personal experiences, through gestures, drawings,
pictures, and actions.
WL.K12.NM.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing
with simple and concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow,
and repeated speech.
WL.K12.NM.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in
simple messages and announcements on familiar settings.
WL.K12.NM.1.4: Demonstrate understanding of simple information supported by
visuals through a variety of media.
WL.K12.NM.1.6: Follow short, simple directions.
WL.K12.NM.2.1: Demonstrate understanding of written familiar words, phrases,
and simple sentences supported by visuals.
WL.K12.NM.2.3: Demonstrate understanding of simple written announcements
with prompting and support.
WL.K12.NM.2.4: Recognize words and phrases when used in context on familiar
WL.K12.NM.3.2: Participate in basic conversations using words, phrases, and
memorized expressions.
WL.K12.NM.3.3: Ask simple questions and provide simple responses related to
personal preferences.
Page 21 of 45
Florida Standards-Language Arts Performance Standards (LAPS)
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneon-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics,
texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and
a. Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material
under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to
evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to
stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas.
b. Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decisionmaking (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues,
presentation of alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and
individual roles as needed.
c. Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate
the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively
incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge
ideas and conclusions.
d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of
agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify
their own views and understanding and make new connections in light
of the evidence and reasoning presented.
Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NM.3.4: Exchange essential information about self, family, and familiar
WL.K12.NM.3.6: Use appropriate gestures, body language, and intonation to
clarify a message.
WL.K12.NM.3.7: Understand and respond appropriately to simple directions.
WL.K12.NM.3.8: Differentiate among oral statements, questions, and
exclamations in order to determine meaning.
WL.K12.NM.4.2: Present personal information about self and others.
WL.K12.NM.4.3: Express likes and dislikes.
WL.K12.NM.4.5: Role-play skits, songs, or poetry in the target language that deal
with familiar topics.
WL.K12.NM.4.6: Present simple information about a familiar topic using visuals.
WL.K12.NM.5.1: Provide basic information in writing using familiar topics, often
using previously learned expressions and phrases.
WL.K12.NM.5.3: Write simple sentences about self and/or others.
WL.K12.NM.5.4: Write simple sentences that help in day-to-day life
WL.K12.NM.5.5: Write about previously acquired knowledge and experiences.
WL.K12.NM.5.6: Pre-write by drawing pictures to support ideas related to a task.
WL.K12.NM.5.7: Draw pictures in sequence to demonstrate a story plot.
WL.K12.NM.6.1: Recognize basic practices and perspectives of cultures where
the target language is spoken (such as greetings, holiday celebrations, etc.)
WL.K12.NM.6.2: Recognize common patterns of behavior (such as body
language, gestures) and cultural practices and/or traditions associated with the
target culture(s).
WL.K12.NM.6.3: Participate in age-appropriate and culturally authentic activities
such as celebrations, songs, games, and dances.
WL.K12.NM.6.4: Recognize products of culture (e.g., food, shelter, clothing,
transportation, toys).
WL.K12.NM.7.1: Identify key words and phrases in the target language that are
based on previous knowledge acquired in subject area classes.
WL.K12.NM.8.1: Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired in the target language
in order to compare words that are similar to those in his/her own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.2: Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and
compare them to own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.3: Identify celebrations typical of the target culture and one’s own.
WL.K12.NM.9.2: Participate in simple presentations, activities, and cultural
events in local, global, and/or online communities.
Page 22 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NH.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of short conversations in familiar
WL.K12.NH.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of short, simple messages and
announcements on familiar topics.
WL.K12.NH.1.5: Demonstrate understanding of simple stories or narratives.
WL.K12.NH.1.6: Follow directions or instructions to complete a task when
expressed in short conversations.
WL.K12.NH.2.1: Determine main idea from simple texts that contain familiar
vocabulary used in context.
WL.K12.NH.2.3: Demonstrate understanding of signs and notices in public places.
WL.K12.NH.3.1: Engage in short social interactions using phrases and simple
WL.K12.NH.3.2: Exchange information about familiar tasks, topics and activities,
including personal information.
WL.K12.NH.3.3: Exchange information using simple language about personal
preferences, needs, and feelings.
WL.K12.NH.3.4: Ask and answer a variety of questions about personal
WL.K12.NH.3.5: Exchange information about meeting someone including where
to go, how to get there, and what to do and why.
WL.K12.NH.3.6: Use basic language skills supported by body language and
gestures to express agreement and disagreement.
WL.K12.NH.3.7: Ask for and give simple directions to go somewhere or to
complete a task.
WL.K12.NH.3.8: Describe a problem or a situation with sufficient details in order
to be understood.
WL.K12.NH.4.1: Provide basic information on familiar topics using phrases and
simple sentences.
WL.K12.NH.4.2: Describe aspects of daily life using complete sentences.
WL.K12.NH.4.3: Describe familiar experiences or events using both general and
specific language.
WL.K12.NH.4.4: Present personal information about one’s self and others.
WL.K12.NH.4.5: Retell the main idea of a simple, culturally authentic story in the
target language with prompting and support.
WL.K12.NH.4.6: Use verbal and non-verbal communication when making
announcements or introductions.
WL.K12.NH.5.1: Write descriptions and short messages to request or provide
information on familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences.
Page 23 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NH.5.2: Write simple statements to describe aspects of daily life.
WL.K12.NH.5.3: Write a description of a familiar experience or event.
WL.K12.NH.5.5: Request information in writing to obtain something needed.
WL.K12.NH.5.7: Pre-write by generating ideas from multiple sources based upon
teacher- directed topics.
WL.K12.NH.6.1: Use information acquired through the study of the practices and
perspectives of the target culture(s) to identify some of their characteristics and
compare them to own culture.
WL.K12.NH.6.2: Identify examples of common beliefs and attitudes and their
relationship to practices in the cultures studied.
WL.K12.NH.6.3: Recognize different contributions from countries where the
target language is spoken and how these contributions impact our global society
(e.g., food, music, art, sports, recreation, famous international figures, movies,
WL.K12.NH.6.4: Identify cultural artifacts, symbols, and images of the target
WL.K12.NH.7.2: Use maps, graphs, and other graphic organizers to facilitate
comprehension and expression of key vocabulary in the target language to
reinforce existing content area knowledge.
WL.K12.NH.7.1: Use vocabulary acquired in the target language to access new
knowledge from other disciplines.
WL.K12.NH.8.1: Distinguish similarities and differences among the patterns of
behavior of the target language by comparing information acquired in the target
language to further knowledge of own language and culture.
WL.K12.NH.8.2: Compare basic sound patterns and grammatical structures
between the target language and own language.
WL.K12.NH.8.3: Compare and contrast specific cultural traits of the target culture
and compare to own culture (typical dances, food, celebrations, etc.)
LAFS.910.SL.1.3: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of
evidence and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or
distorted evidence.
LAFS.910.SL.2.4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly,
concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and
the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose,
audience, and task.
LAFS.910.RH.1.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or
secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas
develop over the course of the text.
Page 24 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
Big Idea
Perspectives about eating out inform us about other cultures.
Essential Outcome Questions
What role does eating out play in different cultures?
How does eating out vary among cultures?
How do I order and pay for a meal appropriately in a restaurant?
How do I identify various places around town?
Aligned Learning Goals
District Adopted Materials
Recognize table settings (table arrangements, eating utensils,
Order and pay for a meal in a restaurant (restaurant setting, currency)
Page 25 of 45
Textbook: Unité 4 B (
Textbook Unité 8B (410-414)
Textbook Unite 7B (355-358)
Textbook short videos
E visuals
Rendez-vous á Nice episode 4
Listening activities manual
Communicative activities
Assessment manual and online
Exam view
Strategies for
See differentiating
instruction in teachers
edition (TE)
Identify various places around town
Updated: August 19, 2015
Learning Activities:
• Practice restaurant role
plays/ dialogues
• Listen to restaurant
• Read menus
• Watch videos of people
in restaurants
• Create a menu
• Write a restaurant
• Participate in a
restaurant scenario
• Question formation
• Verb prendre
• Manger (er present
tense review)
• Verb aller+ á
• Present tense –re(
• Partitive article (p320322)
• Je voudrais …(
expressions only)
• Points de departs:
Cultural reading plus
activities and workbook
extension activities
related to the unit (415418, 185- )
Summative Assessment(s) (Progress Monitoring Assessment)
• Read and comprehend an authentic menu
• Role-play a restaurant scenario
• Create and present a menu
Formative Assessments
Table setting vocabulary quiz
Restaurant phrases/ vocabulary quiz
Ir/ir a infinitive quiz
Page 26 of 45
Other Summative assessments
Practice verb activities
Set a table
Activities with place settings and prepositions of location
Restaurant etiquette practice
Updated: August 19, 2015
Academic Plan 2015-2016
Quarter: 2
Adopted Instructional Materials:
French 1B
Pacing Range: 47 Days
T’es Branché
Big Idea Description: At the end of this unit students will have created a French project that will relate to target language. Students will be required to
write and then present a project in the target language their own personal project in spoken form to an audience of their peers. In addition projects
may then be considered for the Foreign Language Fair in the following quarter of the year.
World Languages Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Demonstrate understanding of basic words, phrases, and questions about self and
personal experiences, through gestures, drawings, pictures, and actions.
Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing with simple and concrete
daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow, and repeated speech.
Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in simple messages and
announcements on familiar settings.
Demonstrate understanding of simple information supported by visuals through a
variety of media.
Follow short, simple directions.
Demonstrate understanding of written familiar words, phrases, and simple sentences
supported by visuals.
Demonstrate understanding of short, simple literary stories.
Demonstrate understanding of simple written announcements with prompting and
Recognize words and phrases when used in context on familiar topics.
Page 27 of 45
Florida Standards
Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly,
concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of
reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are
appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
Updated: August 19, 2015
Participate in basic conversations using words, phrases, and memorized expressions.
Ask simple questions and provide simple responses related to personal preferences.
Exchange essential information about self, family, and familiar topics.
Understand and respond appropriately to simple directions.
Differentiate among oral statements, questions, and exclamations in order to determine
Provide basic information about self and immediate surroundings using words and
phrases and memorized expressions.
Express likes and dislikes.
Role-play skits, songs, or poetry in the target language that deal with familiar topics.
Present simple information about a familiar topic using visuals.
Provide basic information in writing using familiar topics, often using previously learned
expressions and phrases.
Write simple sentences about self and/or others.
Write about previously acquired knowledge and experiences.
Pre-write by drawing pictures to support ideas related to a task.
Draw pictures in sequence to demonstrate a story plot.
Recognize common patterns of behavior (such as body language, gestures) and cultural
practices and/or traditions associated with the target culture(s).
Recognize products of culture (e.g., food, shelter, clothing, transportation, toys).
Page 28 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
Identify key words and phrases in the target language that are based on previous
knowledge acquired in subject area classes.
Identify (within a familiar context and supported by visuals), basic information common
to the world language classroom and other disciplines.
Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired in the target language in order to compare
words that are similar to those in his/her own language.
Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and compare them to own
Identify celebrations typical of the target culture and one’s own.
Use key words and phrases in the target language to participate in different activities in
the school and community settings.
Participate in simple presentations, activities, and cultural events in local, global, and/or
online communities.
Demonstrate understanding of familiar topics and frequently used expressions
supported by a variety of actions.
Demonstrate understanding of short conversations in familiar contexts.
Demonstrate understanding of short, simple messages and announcements on familiar
Demonstrate understanding of key points on familiar topics presented through a variety
of media.
Demonstrate understanding of simple stories or narratives.
Follow directions or instructions to complete a task when expressed in short
Determine main idea from simple texts that contain familiar vocabulary used in context.
Page 29 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
Identify the elements of story such as setting, theme and characters.
Demonstrate understanding of signs and notices in public places.
Engage in short social interactions using phrases and simple sentences.
Exchange information about familiar tasks, topics and activities, including personal
Exchange information about meeting someone including where to go, how to get there,
and what to do and why.
Ask for and give simple directions to go somewhere or to complete a task.
Describe a problem or a situation with sufficient details in order to be understood.
Provide basic information on familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences.
Describe aspects of daily life using complete sentences.
Describe familiar experiences or events using both general and specific language.
Write descriptions and short messages to request or provide information on familiar
topics using phrases and simple sentences.
Write simple statements to describe aspects of daily life.
Write a description of a familiar experience or event.
Write short personal notes using a variety of media.
Request information in writing to obtain something needed.
Prepare a draft of an itinerary for a personal experience or event (such as for a trip to a
country where the target language is spoken).
Pre-write by generating ideas from multiple sources based upon teacher- directed topics.
Page 30 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
Use information acquired through the study of the practices and perspectives of the
target culture(s) to identify some of their characteristics and compare them to own
Identify examples of common beliefs and attitudes and their relationship to practices in
the cultures studied.
Recognize different contributions from countries where the target language is spoken
and how these contributions impact our global society (e.g., food, music, art, sports,
recreation, famous international figures, movies, etc.)WL.K12.NH.6.4:
Identify cultural artifacts, symbols, and images of the target culture(s).
Use maps, graphs, and other graphic organizers to facilitate comprehension and
expression of key vocabulary in the target language to reinforce existing content area
Use vocabulary acquired in the target language to access new knowledge from other
Distinguish similarities and differences among the patterns of behavior of the target
language by comparing information acquired in the target language to further
knowledge of own language and culture.
Compare and contrast specific cultural traits of the target culture and compare to own
culture (typical dances, food, celebrations, etc.)
Use key target language vocabulary to communicate with others within and beyond the
school setting.
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study;
explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other
research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of
Page 31 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making (e.g.,
informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate views), clear
goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed.
Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the
current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the
discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.
Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement
and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and
understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning
Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric,
identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.
Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically
such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development,
substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an
accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing
claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among the
claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying data and evidence for each
while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a
discipline-appropriate form and in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge
level and concerns.
Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create
cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons
and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.
Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the
norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the
argument presented.
Big Idea
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Updated: August 19, 2015
Big Idea
Project focused on using French in written, spoken and listening format presented to an authentic audience.
Essential Outcome Questions
How can I create in French a project written in French and presented in French?
Aligned Learning Goals
Strategies for
Present in target language
T’es Branché
Write in target language
Formative Assessment Options:
Summative Assessment(s)
• Project
Page 33 of 45
Progress Monitoring Assessment
• Data folders
• I AM ……
Updated: August 19, 2015
Academic Plan 2015-2016
Quarter: 3
Adopted Instructional Materials:
French 1B
Pacing Range: 47 days
T’es Branché 1
Big Idea Description: At the end of learners can identify foods, beverages, and food groups. Learners can also express likes and dislikes about food. They
can also compare foods and eating habits in French-speaking countries.
World Languages Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
Florida Standards- LAPS
WL.K12.NM.1.1: Demonstrate understanding of basic words, phrases, and
questions about self and personal experiences, through gestures, drawings,
pictures, and actions.
WL.K12.NM.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing
with simple and concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow,
and repeated speech.
WL.K12.NM.1.3: Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in
simple messages and announcements on familiar settings.
WL.K12.NM.1.4: Demonstrate understanding of simple information supported
by visuals through a variety of media.
WL.K12.NM.1.6: Follow short, simple directions.
WL.K12.NM.2.1: Demonstrate understanding of written familiar words,
phrases, and simple sentences supported by visuals.
WL.K12.NM.2.4: Recognize words and phrases when used in context on
familiar topics.
WL.K12.NM.3.1: Introduce self and others using basic, culturally-appropriate
WL.K12.NM.3.2: Participate in basic conversations using words, phrases, and
memorized expressions.
WL.K12.NM.3.3: Ask simple questions and provide simple responses related to
personal preferences.
Exchange essential information about self, family, and familiar topics.
Page 34 of 45
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-onone, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics,
texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and
Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under
study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and
other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned
exchange of ideas.
Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decision-making
(e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of alternate
views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed.
Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate
the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate
others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.
Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of
agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own
views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and
reasoning presented.
LAFS.910.SL.2.4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly,
concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the
organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose,
audience, and task.
Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NM.3.5: Understand and use in context common concepts (such as
numbers, days of the week, etc.) in simple situations.
WL.K12.NM.3.6: Use appropriate gestures, body language, and intonation to
clarify a message.
WL.K12.NM.3.7: Understand and respond appropriately to simple directions.
WL.K12.NM.3.8: Differentiate among oral statements, questions, and
exclamations in order to determine meaning.
WL.K12.NM.4.3: Express likes and dislikes.
WL.K12.NM.4.4: Provide an account of daily activities.
WL.K12.NM.4.5: Role-play skits, songs, or poetry in the target language that
deal with familiar topics.
WL.K12.NM.4.6: Present simple information about a familiar topic using
WL.K12.NM.5.1: Provide basic information in writing using familiar topics,
often using previously learned expressions and phrases.
WL.K12.NM.5.4: Write simple sentences that help in day-to-day life
WL.K12.NM.6.1: Recognize basic practices and perspectives of cultures where
the target language is spoken (such as greetings, holiday celebrations, etc.)
WL.K12.NM.6.2: Recognize common patterns of behavior (such as body
language, gestures) and cultural practices and/or traditions associated with
the target culture(s).
WL.K12.NM.6.4: Recognize products of culture (e.g., food, shelter, clothing,
transportation, toys).
WL.K12.NM.7.1: Identify key words and phrases in the target language that are
based on previous knowledge acquired in subject area classes.
WL.K12.NM.7.2: Identify (within a familiar context and supported by visuals),
basic information common to the world language classroom and other
WL.K12.NM.8.1: Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired in the target language
in order to compare words that are similar to those in his/her own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.2: Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and
compare them to own language.
WL.K12.NM.8.3: Identify celebrations typical of the target culture and one’s
WL.K12.NH.1.1: Demonstrate understanding of familiar topics and frequently
used expressions supported by a variety of actions.
Page 35 of 45
LAFS.910.RH.1.2: Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or
secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas
develop over the course of the text.
Updated: August 19, 2015
WL.K12.NH.1.2: Demonstrate understanding of short conversations in familiar
WL.K12.NH.1.4: Demonstrate understanding of key points on familiar topics
presented through a variety of media.
WL.K12.NH.1.6: Follow directions or instructions to complete a task when
expressed in short conversations.
WL.K12.NH.2.3: Demonstrate understanding of signs and notices in public
WL.K12.NH.3.1: Engage in short social interactions using phrases and simple
WL.K12.NH.3.2: Exchange information about familiar tasks, topics and
activities, including personal information.
WL.K12.NH.3.3: Exchange information using simple language about personal
preferences, needs, and feelings.
WL.K12.NH.3.4: Ask and answer a variety of questions about personal
WL.K12.NH.4.1: Provide basic information on familiar topics using phrases and
simple sentences.
WL.K12.NH.4.2: Describe aspects of daily life using complete sentences.
WL.K12.NH.4.4: Present personal information about one’s self and others.
WL.K12.NH.5.2: Write simple statements to describe aspects of daily life.
WL.K12.NH.6.3: Recognize different contributions from countries where the
target language is spoken and how these contributions impact our global
society (e.g., food, music, art, sports, recreation, famous international figures,
movies, etc.)
Big Idea
Attitudes about food inform us about other cultures.
Essential Outcome Questions
How does food play an important part of culture?
What role does food play in my life?
How do foods compare across cultures?
What foods do I and not like to eat?
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Updated: August 19, 2015
Identify and talk about foods, beverages, and food groups (foods,
beverages, food groups, and meals)
Aligned Learning Goals
Describe likes and dislikes (foods, beverages)
Compare foods and eating habits (foods, cultural perspectives,
Extend/Accept/Refuse an invitation
District Adopted Materials
Unite 4B
Unite 2A
Unite 1C (p28-32)
Textbook short videos
E visuals
Rendez-vous á Nice episode 5
Listening activities
Communicative activities
Assessment manual and online
Exam view
Formative Assessment Options:
• Food/beverage vocabulary quiz
• Aimer + food quiz
• -er , re, and –ir verb quiz
Other Learning Activities:
• Practice –er, re and –ir verb activities
• Research foods from French-speaking countries
• Separate foods into food groups (pyramid)
• Graph and analyze date from survey about food likes and dislikes
Learning Activities:
surveys Interpretive: listen to Presentational:
and interviews about food descriptions of foods and • draw and label foods;
dislikes; beverages; read about • compare typical dishes from
cultural French-speaking countries;
conversations about food different
perspectives on food and
make food plate and/or food
meals; read about people’s
pyramid; songs and poems
eating habits
about foods
Page 37 of 45
Strategies for
USDA French food
Teacher-made food vocab
instructions in TE
Additional food vocab (not
fruits and vegetables)
• Review food likes and
• Review aller+ a
• Verb pouvoir (381-383)
• Verb
Points de departs: Cultural
reading plus activities and
activities related to the unit
(4b, 2a, 1C cultural readings)
Updated: August 19, 2015
Summative Assessment(s)
End of Unit assessment
Performance Assessment
• Interpretive: Read and answer questions about food
pyramid/food plate.
• Interpersonal: Describe a meal.
• Presentational: Present a scenario/play about a meal.
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Progress Monitoring Assessment
• Data Folders
• I Can… Statement
Updated: August 19, 2015
Quarter: 4
Academic Plan 2015-2016
French 1B
Pacing Range: 43 days
Adopted Instructional Materials:
T’es Branché 1
Big Idea Description:
They can also understand the cultural practices of shopping in French-speaking countries.
Demonstrate understanding of basic words, phrases, and questions about self
and personal experiences, through gestures, drawings, pictures, and actions.
Demonstrate understanding of everyday expressions dealing with simple and
concrete daily activities and needs presented in a clear, slow, and repeated
Demonstrate understanding of basic words and phrases in simple messages and
announcements on familiar settings.
Demonstrate understanding of simple information supported by visuals through
a variety of media.
Demonstrate understanding of simple rhymes, songs, poems, and read aloud
Follow short, simple directions.
Demonstrate understanding of written familiar words, phrases, and simple
sentences supported by visuals.
Demonstrate understanding of short, simple literary stories.
Demonstrate understanding of simple written announcements with prompting
and support.
Page 39 of 45
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneon-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–10 topics,
texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and
Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material
under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from
texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, wellreasoned exchange of ideas.
Work with peers to set rules for collegial discussions and decisionmaking (e.g., informal consensus, taking votes on key issues, presentation of
alternate views), clear goals and deadlines, and individual roles as needed.
Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate
the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate
others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions.
Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of
agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own
views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and
reasoning presented.
Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric,
identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or distorted evidence.
Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and
logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization,
Updated: August 19, 2015
Recognize words and phrases when used in context on familiar topics.
Participate in basic conversations using words, phrases, and memorized
Ask simple questions and provide simple responses related to personal
Exchange essential information about self, family, and familiar topics.
Understand and respond appropriately to simple directions.
Differentiate among oral statements, questions, and exclamations in order to
determine meaning.
Provide basic information about self and immediate surroundings using words
and phrases and memorized expressions.
Express likes and dislikes.
Role-play skits, songs, or poetry in the target language that deal with familiar
Present simple information about a familiar topic using visuals.
Provide basic information in writing using familiar topics, often using previously
learned expressions and phrases.
Write simple sentences about self and/or others.
Write about previously acquired knowledge and experiences.
Pre-write by drawing pictures to support ideas related to a task.
Draw pictures in sequence to demonstrate a story plot.
Page 40 of 45
development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source;
provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the
course of the text.
Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or
opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships
among the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying data and evidence
for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and
counterclaims in a discipline-appropriate form and in a manner that anticipates
the audience’s knowledge level and concerns.
Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text,
create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons,
between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.
Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending
to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports
the argument presented.
Updated: August 19, 2015
Recognize common patterns of behavior (such as body language, gestures) and
cultural practices and/or traditions associated with the target culture(s).
Recognize products of culture (e.g., food, shelter, clothing, transportation, toys).
Identify key words and phrases in the target language that are based on
previous knowledge acquired in subject area classes.
Identify (within a familiar context and supported by visuals), basic information
common to the world language classroom and other disciplines.
Demonstrate basic knowledge acquired in the target language in order to
compare words that are similar to those in his/her own language.
Recognize true and false cognates in the target language and compare them to
own language.
Identify celebrations typical of the target culture and one’s own.
Use key words and phrases in the target language to participate in different
activities in the school and community settings.
Participate in simple presentations, activities, and cultural events in local, global,
and/or online communities.
Demonstrate understanding of familiar topics and frequently used expressions
supported by a variety of actions.
Demonstrate understanding of short conversations in familiar contexts.
Demonstrate understanding of short, simple messages and announcements on
familiar topics.
Demonstrate understanding of key points on familiar topics presented through
a variety of media.
Demonstrate understanding of simple stories or narratives.
Page 41 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
Follow directions or instructions to complete a task when expressed in short
Determine main idea from simple texts that contain familiar vocabulary used in
Identify the elements of story such as setting, theme and characters.
Demonstrate understanding of signs and notices in public places.
Engage in short social interactions using phrases and simple sentences.
Exchange information about familiar tasks, topics and activities, including
personal information.
Exchange information about meeting someone including where to go, how to
get there, and what to do and why.
Ask for and give simple directions to go somewhere or to complete a task.
Describe a problem or a situation with sufficient details in order to be
Provide basic information on familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences.
Describe aspects of daily life using complete sentences.
Describe familiar experiences or events using both general and specific
Write descriptions and short messages to request or provide information on
familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences.
Write simple statements to describe aspects of daily life.
Write a description of a familiar experience or event.
Write short personal notes using a variety of media.
Page 42 of 45
Updated: August 19, 2015
Request information in writing to obtain something needed.
Prepare a draft of an itinerary for a personal experience or event (such as for a
trip to a country where the target language is spoken).
Pre-write by generating ideas from multiple sources based upon teacherdirected topics.
Use information acquired through the study of the practices and perspectives of
the target culture(s) to identify some of their characteristics and compare them
to own culture.
Identify examples of common beliefs and attitudes and their relationship to
practices in the cultures studied.
Recognize different contributions from countries where the target language is
spoken and how these contributions impact our global society (e.g., food, music,
art, sports, recreation, famous international figures, movies,
Identify cultural artifacts, symbols, and images of the target culture(s).
Use maps, graphs, and other graphic organizers to facilitate comprehension and
expression of key vocabulary in the target language to reinforce existing content
area knowledge.
Use vocabulary acquired in the target language to access new knowledge from
other disciplines.
Distinguish similarities and differences among the patterns of behavior of the
target language by comparing information acquired in the target language to
further knowledge of own language and culture.
Compare and contrast specific cultural traits of the target culture and compare
to own culture (typical dances, food, celebrations, etc.)
Use key target language vocabulary to communicate with others within and
beyond the school setting.
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Updated: August 19, 2015
Big Idea
Clothing reflects personal and cultural identity?
Essential Outcome Questions
How does clothing affect my personal and cultural identity?
What do I like to wear?
How do I shop?
What do I shop for?
How does the weather affect my clothing choices?
Where do I go to shop?
How do my activities and plans affect my clothing choices?
Aligned Learning Goals
District Adopted
Shop for clothing(clothing items, accessories, colors, numbers)
Identify stores(stores)
Narrate in present and going future(shopping verbs, time expressions)
Give opinion about clothing (vocabulary to express opinion)
• Surveys and interviews
about clothing
• Plan a future shopping
with partner
• Conversation about
clothing preferences
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Textbook: Unite 6A, 6B,
Unite 9A (460-462vocabulary only)
Unite 9B(471-473vocabulary only)
• Read clothing catalogues, • Create a clothing
ads, and online resources
• Listen to people talk about • practice shopping
shopping trip
scenarios/role play
• Watch shopping videos
• Create an advertisement
for a clothing store
• Write about a future
shopping trip
Differences in
Shopping etiquette
School uniforms
Strategies for
See TE T’es Branché 1
Differentiated Learning
• colors
• Noun/adjective agreement
• Definite and indefinite
• Review aller
• Aller+ infinitive
• Review Pouvoir
• Verb: vouloir
• Coûter (C’est combien? Ca
coûte combien?)
• Review comparatives
• Je pense que …
• Je crois que…
• Je prefere…
• Je voudrais…
Updated: August 19, 2015
Formative Assessment Options:
• Er, -re, -ir quiz
• Clothing vocabulary quiz
• Aller+infinitive quiz
• Pouvoir/vouloir quiz
Summative Assessment(s)
• End of Unit assessment
• Performance Assessment
• Read and answer questions about clothing and shopping
• Ask and answer questions about clothing preferences/shopping
• Participate in a rehearsed shopping scenario
• Fashion show
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Progress Monitoring Assessment
• Data folders
• “I can” statements
• portfolios
Updated: August 19, 2015