Billy Hyatt Facilitator (806) 782-5709 Carmen Flores Co-Facilitator (806) 928-4372 Roy Gonzales Tech Support (806) 831-8406 Anthony Rodriguez Nov 2014 Greetings! Lubbock ACTS Core would love to welcome you to our new Lubbock ACTS Newsletter. We will now be featuring more interactive links with live videos as well as the ability to take live polls to better serve Lubbock ACTS. We are the living vessels for the word of Jesus Christ. We hope you enjoy, and if you have any feedback or suggestions for the newsletter please feel free to contact the newsletter department at (806) 7781288 or LUBBOCK ACTS CORE Community Relations MISSION STATEMENT INTRODUCTIONS Ignacio Vasquez TACTS Liaison (806) 790-6422 Mission Statement The members of the ACTS community will strive to assist members of the parish family to Wendoli Flores with fellow parishioners through: Financial Coordinator (806) 928-8064 attain a deeper relationship with our Lord and Adoration: The call, acceptance and response to God. Raquel Padilla Community: Love and caring for each other Registration as members of the body of Christ. Theology: Linda Edwards Study of our faith through scripture. Database Service: To God, each other and our parish family. Dixie Mendoza Follow up To achieve this goal, there will be two major (806) 891-4492 focus points: First, We will sponsor weekend lay retreats, Lezlie Olibas which are patterned after the description of the Secretary early church in the Acts of the Apostles. o (Acts 2: 42-47) Mike West Second, We will focus on spiritual development, Supply service orientation and on-going community (806) 577-9722 building among those who have attended ACTS retreats. This mission is continued and enhanced by retreat reunions, scheduled Adam Salines gatherings of the ACTS Community, prayer Retreat Support groups, evangelization, community service, projects, and other faith enriching events. Rudy Bermea The governing body of the ACTS community will Newsletter be a group of men and women known as the (806) 778-1288 ACTS Core. As with all parish ministries ACTS Core shall solicit the support of and be governed by the pastor. The greater good of the parish shall be the primary focus in activities of the Meet Lubbock Acts Core Issue Lubbock Acts Core ACTS MISSION STATEMENT Billy Hyatt Bio Roy Gonzalez Bio Anthony Rodriguez Bio Ignacio Vasquez Bio Wendoli Flores Bio Core and ACTS Community. We are proud to introduce your new 2014 Lubbock ACTS Core Members. Raquel Padilla Bio Linda Edwards Bio Dixie Mendoza Bio Lezlie Olibas Bio MIke West Bio Adam Salinas Bio Rudy Bermea Bio Priests for Lubbock Diocese ACTS Missions Evangelization Video Quick Link Click Below Lubbock Catholic Diocese Billy Hyatt ACTS Retreat: Aug. 2011 Before ACTS, I was lost and needing something to open my eyes. I was introduced to ACTS by Michael Sandoval. ACTS took me down a road that has made my life better and complete. With ACTS I was able to meet my wife again and also transform my family into all Catholics. I have served on 2 ACTS teams and 1 TACTS team. Both were great experiences. I have 4 children: Corey, Britany, Ryleigh and Billy. I like the outdoors and anything that has to do with it. Most importantly, I would have to say if you have not been, you need to go! Carmen Flores I received my invitation to attend ACTS from Fr. David Cruz of Our Lady of Grace. I attended my ACTS retreat in November of 2009. I feel I renewed and gained control of my spiritual life. I was able to redefine myself after becoming an empty nester with my husband. I believe I carry a servant's heart within me. Currently, I am assigned to be in charge of the meals for retreats or reunions. As a Core member, I must be willing to be an extension of any of the positions. I have been married to a wonderful, kind, loving man for over 33 years. We have been blessed with two children, our daughter Mary Angel and our son David Eric. Last year, our daughter married an incredible young man, Daniel. We are expecting the arrival of our first grandchild next May. Our family has created homes for four furry family members. Our family became members at Our Lady of Grace, Lubbock in 1968. As a child I remember standing on the edge of the big hole that was going to be the new church. I'm currently the middle school and high school Parish Catechetical Leader. Roy Gonzalez My name is Roy Gonzalez. My position on ACTS Core is Tech Support which includes the Prayer Line. I am on my third and final year on Core. I have really enjoyed it and all the ACTS brothers and sisters I have served with. My wife, Myriam, and I have been married for two years now. I have two grown boys. Erik is a senior and Ian a sophomore at Shallowater high school. They are both involved in TACTS. Myriam and I are also very involved in ACTS. Since my retreat in July 2006, I have not looked back. Thank you to all ACTS brothers and sisters for your support with Core and the retreat itself. Much love from YBIC, Roy Gonzalez Anthony Rodriguez Hello, my name is Anthony Rodriguez and I serve on the ACTS Core Team with Community Relations. I attended my ACTS retreat in February 2006 at the urging of my wife Dina (April 2005 Retreatant). Our experience on the retreat inspired us to bring a spirit of service to our home parish of St. John Neumann. Dina, our daughter Ashley, and I are ushers. Dina is an Eucharistic Minister, and our son Joshua has been an altar server and helps with media. We all are involved with our parish CCE program: Dina as a coordinator, Joshua and Ashley as classroom assistants and I as a Confirmation teacher. My ACTS retreat helped me to gain an appreciation of my faith that I, as a cradle Catholic, had begun to take for granted. This reenergizing of my faith led me to want to serve not only my parish, but also my Diocese through becoming a Knight of Columbus (4th Degree), a member of Catholic Charities Board of Directors, and a member of the ACTS Core. My family is truly an ACTS family. Dina and I have been blessed to serve on retreat teams. My son Joshua has attended a Teen ACTS and been on a Teen team. We are excited that our daughter Ashley is attending her Teen ACTS this January. I look forward to serving the ACTS community this coming year and bringing ACTS to as many people as possible. God Bless, Anthony Rodriguez Ignacio Vasquez TACTS Liaison Retreat- February 2012 Hello my name is Ignacio Vasquez, and I have been involved with ACTS since my retreat in 2012. I have been married to my wife Debbie Vasquez for 17 years and have two boys. I retired from the Navy reserve in 2010 with 22 years of service. I've been employed with the Department of Veterans Affairs for 21 years. My parish is Saint John Neumann, and my family has been parishioners since 2005. I'm involved with our youth group and our scouting program. Wendoli Flores I attended my ACTS retreat in April 2006, and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. My relationship with Christ became stronger than ever, and I continue to follow Him daily. My wonderful husband, Adam Flores, and I have been married for 10 years and have two children. Adan is 10 years old, and Alexandria is 7. They are the center of our world, and we feel blessed that God entrusted us with their lives. Our family attends St. John Neumann in Lubbock, where I serve as the Scheduler/Trainer for Eucharistic Ministers of Communion and Readers. I myself serve in both these ministries as well. My husband and I lead an Arise small group in our home, and we also serve on Engaged Encounter retreats. As a member of Core, I serve as the Finance Coordinator. In prior years, I have served as the Newsletter Coordinator (2012-13) and the Database Coordinator (2013-14). Serving on Core is a true ministry of love, and I feel honored to have been called to serve such a beautiful and loving community. It is quite evident that the ACTS movement has been anointed by the Holy Spirit, and the growth is overwhelming. I am thankful for a community that leads me to Christ and that makes the words of our beloved St. Augustine resound deep in my heart, "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you." Let's keep living for the Lord! Blessings, Wendoli Raquel Padilla Hi, my name is Raquel Padilla. Amarillo in 2003. I attended my ACTS retreat in I went alone, and it was my first time to attend a spiritual, life-giving retreat. for me. ACTS was life-changing I began serving in the church and fully participating besides attending weekly Mass. and service for the Lord. I devoted more of my time It was a slow process but a beautiful learning process of the journey God was asking of me. learned that saying fiat to Him is the key. has taught me, her child so much. I The Blessed Mother I am ever grateful for what ACTS has planted in my life. It is up to me to water and nourish those seeds for them to bear fruit. I hope to do that in this ministry of serving in ACTS and in the doors God opens for me....for "He must increase; I must decrease." John 3:30. Linda Edwards Dear ACTS Community, Life growing up consisted of traveling with my family all over the United states and England. My Father was in the Air Force, and we traveled. My Father was Henry Edwards, and my Mother was named Ruth Campbell and both are presently deceased. I have been a registered nurse for over 39 years, and presently I am a consultant for the Home Health Industry servicing the United States. I presently attend Saint Elizabeth University Church and serve as a Eucharistic Minister. I am a lay associate for the Sisters of Charity of Incarnate Word. Before being involved with ACTS, I lived in Wichita Falls, Texas from 2000 to 2011. In February of 2011, I attended a Footsteps in Faith Event at Holy Spirit Church in Lubbock where I listened to Scott Hahn. As I was looking around, I saw an ACTS sign on the wall. This made me curious, so I asked the people sitting next to me because I did not know anyone and they explained the ACTS purpose of ministry. I was very impressed being from a different parish to experience the Lubbock Catholic Community. I was invited to attend an ACTS retreat in July of 2011 by Sonia Comacho. She signed me up, and it all worked out because I was moving to Lubbock the month of the retreat. I tried to back out; However, I am so happy I attended. I have reconnected with the Church where God was missing. Hobbies I would love to pursue in the future are photography and sewing. I am excited and look forward to serving the ACTS Community. God Bless, Linda Edwards Dixie Mendoza (Bio Coming Soon) Lezlie Olibas My name is Lezlie Olibas, and this is my first year as an ACTS Core Member. I was born and raised in the small west Texas town of Pecos, and I moved to Lubbock in 2000 with my younger sister. In 2006, God introduced me to Fr. Gerard "Jerry" Kenney, and I immediately knew St. John Neumann was the place I wanted to call home, and it is where I continue to worship today. Along with being a member of St. John Neumann, I am also fortunate to be a part of an extremely close-knit family, which is attributed to my amazing parents. I also have two sisters who double as my best friends, and they are married to my wonderful (and highly patient) brothers-in law who I completely adore. Last, but most definitely not least, I am the extraordinarily proud aunt to three outstanding nephews and the most incredible and brilliant niece one could possibly be blessed with! Throughout my life, I have always believed that surrounding myself with my family is all I needed. I tended to enclose myself within an invisible guard, and I now understand that fear held me back from allowing others into my life. I feared defeat, rejection, loss, and the unknown. As a result, I set out to do whatever it took to protect myself from any disagreeable situation I could. However, it was not until I attended my first ACTS retreat that I realized that I had nothing to fear and how important it is to be part of a larger community of individuals committed to a greater good. On April 29, 2010, a new chapter in my life began when I attended my ACTS retreat. On that retreat, my faith was strengthened, I became part of a remarkable community, and most importantly, I felt God's presence and fully understood how to "put God in my life." I have met the most phenomenal individuals in my ACTS community, and I am truly humbled by the love and devotion they demonstrate daily to others and to our Lord. When I was asked to be a member of ACTS Core, I was thrilled. Not only would I be able to participate in yet another facet of ACTS, but it also gave me the unique opportunity to collaborate alongside some remarkable people who share the same objective of providing a safe and loving atmosphere for people to develop a deeper and more intimate and spiritual relationship with God. I am in complete awe of the wide range of experiences, capabilities, and gifts that other Core members possess, and I am excited to be a part of such a dedicated group of individuals. While I know the future will hold many bumps, trials, and tribulations, I also know that there is nothing we cannot overcome with God in our corner. It is during these times of hardship and pain when I return to April 29, 2010, and where I am reminded of my retreat theme, "The Lord is at my side. I do not fear." Psalm 118:6 Mike West Dear ACTS Community, My name is Mike West. This is my second year to be on Core, and I am currently the Supply Coordinator. I attended my ACTS retreat in February 2006 in Slaton. I married my wonderful wife, Kelli, in March of 2007 at St. John Neumann, where we are still parishioners, ushers, Eucharistic ministers and lectors. My mother-Âin-Âlaw introduced us to ACTS after she attended her retreat in Amarillo in 2003, before the movement had even reached Lubbock. Almost everyone in our families has attended a retreat and become involved. The ACTS movement has been instrumental in our spiriÂtual growth and desire to live out the "S" in ACTS, service, to our parish and our comÂm unity. I look forward to the ACTS movement growing and spreading throughout the world. I thank the community for all of your dedication and service to help the ACTS movement continue to grow. Love and God Bless, Mike West Supply Coordinator Adam Salinas Hello my name is Adam Salinas. I am one of the new members on ACTS Core, and my position is Retreat Support. My first few months on Core have been a great experience as we move forward and try new ways to grow as a community and spread ACTS to the surrounding areas. I want to first begin by sharing a little about myself and how ACTS impacted my life. I'm 27 years old, middle child of three, child of Ruben Salinas and Alicia Salinas; growing up with the strictest dad on earth and a loving mother that can never be replaced. I was born and raised in a small town south of Lubbock known as Lamesa, TX, where I made all my sacraments through the Catholic Church, and had the greatest Godparents who showed me the right ways of life. As a few years went on, 7 years to be exact, I was going through 2 years of college finding a fulltime job as a diesel mechanic, working long hours and keeping myself busy with things I wanted to do. I was quickly falling away from the church to the point where church was the last thing on my mind, and I had stopped practicing my faith completely. As we all know, hard times will come when we turn ourselves away from God and try to live our lives our way. I realized that my views, thoughts and ways that I perceived life was the reason why my happiness came up short. I started attending mass at St. John Neumann for a couple of months, a shy guy sitting in the back pew. It didn't take long until I got asked by a special person, my brother in Christ Michael Sandoval, about attending a Men's ACTS Retreat on August 25-28, 2011. As most of my ACTS family knows, I did attend that retreat and I can say that it was one of the most beautiful experiences that I will never forget. The theme of the retreat was Jeramiah 29:11, "'For I know the plans I have for you' declares the Lord, 'they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future full of hope."' As I stop and look back, I truly believe that God is always calling us to be with Him and calling us to serve Him as well as others. I continue to try my best every day to listen and follow Jesus by serving in my parish and being involved in ACTS; having my mother, sister and friends experience an ACTS retreat, receiving the blessing of two adorable God-children this year, going through the RCIA program as a family, participating in Mass together, and serving the Lord brings great joy to my heart and is proof that the beauty of the Holy Spirit can impact not only myself but others closest to my life. I want to end with saying, "Thank you to all my brothers and sisters of ACTS and the miracle God gives through ACTS." Rudy Bermea Newsletter Hello My Name is Rudy Bermea. I attended my first retreat over 7 years ago. I grew up in Friona, Texas, a farming community. Our Family was involved with Saint Theresa of Friona, Texas Since 1972. My parent's names are Joe and Angela Bermea. I have three brothers and two sisters. We worked hard for the church as a family. I remember sitting in a small church building in the late 1970's in the heat of July with no air conditioning, listening to an Irish priest speak. Father O'brien was a Catholic Priest that taught me what Adoration, Community,Theology, and Service could do when the church community worked together serving God. Within months, the congregation came together to formulate a plan to build a new Catholic Church. This committee was headed by my father and continued for over 10-15 years. Today, St. Theresa's Church in Friona stands because of our Community's hard work in fundraising and most importantly our Faith and giving of our Service to the church. I thank all those parishioners and priests that instilled in me our beautiful Catholic faith. I married my wife Sylvia Bermea and have two children, Jacob and Cassondra Bermea. I also have two pets. One is named Pudge, named after the great Texas Ranger baseball catcher and Ziggy named after Zig Zigler the great sales motivational speaker. I have served on Parish Council at Saint Theresa in Friona, Texas and have taught CCE at Saint John Neumann. I enjoyed being able to work with the Saint John Neumann community to fundraise and teach our Catholic faith. I have also had the pleasure of assisting my son with his music ministry, creating a passion for Christian music. The Promise Music Ministry traveled in a 1991 Toyota 4Runner all over Texas, proclaiming God's Word for the Lubbock and Amarillo Catholic Diocese. Presently, Jacob Bermea plays and sings at Saint Elizabeth University Church along with his wife Megan . He will be Graduating from Texas Tech this December. I enjoy picking up the tambourine and praising God. My Daughter Cassondra Bemea is presently attending the field of Service. She is pursuing a degree in the medical profession. I give credit to my wonderful wife Sylvia for all the love she gave to our family as I traveled across the state with my furniture profession in the mid years of our children's lives. I later chose a profession that did not require traveling, so I am presently employed at Haverty's Furniture in furniture sales. I did this to be back with my family and enjoy the day-to-day interaction with people. I would love to say the ACTS community has shown me a true God's love. There is no other kind of love than when an ACTS Brother or Sister shows you God's love through their words, time, listening and most of all their HUGS!!!!!! This is why I said "yes" to Core, because if God loves me that much, I must become a vessel for the Holy Spirit to Serve our Community. I look forward to writing news stories relevant to the ACTS Community and utilizing Interactive Software Programs to better serve the community with Adoration, Community, Theology and Service. Thank you community for giving me this opportunity to Serve. God Bless, Rudy Bermea ACTS Newsletter Lubbock Acts Newsletter | (806) 778-1288 | LbkActsNews | Click here to visit our Lubbock Acts Website