CLAVE(BIBLIO) TK454 .A62218 1996 QA76.9.S84 .Y6818 HF5548.2 . A553 Cd HF5548.2 . A553 HF 5667.12 .M85 QA76.73.C15 .C42 2002 Cd QA76.73.C15 .C42 2002 QA303 .S7818 2008 QA303 .S73218 2007 QA303 .S7318 2008 QA372 .Z5518 2009 QA303 .L44218 1998 TJ223.M53 .M3318 2007 QA76.6 .T3618 2000 QA273 .M4618 2010 QA76.9.D3 .K7618 2003 Cd QA76.9.D3 .K7618 2003 TK7885.7 .M392 TA1634 .P35 2008 Cd TA1634 .P35 2008 QA76.9.D3 R64 QA445 .B34 TK5105.8885A52 .M37 QA267.5.C45 M35 QA304 .M37 2008 QA76.76.C672 B4618 2011 T58.5 .I57 QA303 .L3718 2006 QA76.9.M35 .L64 QA76.9.D5 .T36 2007 QA76.9.A43 C67 QA76.73.J38 D4218 QA76.9.D3 .G66 EJEMLARES 3 5 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 2 5 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 AUTOR TITULO Análisis básico de circuitos eléctricos Yourdon, Edward Análisis estructurado moderno / Análisis y diseño detallado de aplicacio Análisis y diseño detallado de aplicacio Muñoz Razo, Carlos. Auditoría en sistemas computacionales / Ceballos, Fco. Javier. C/C++ : Ceballos, Fco. Javier. C/C++ : Stewart, James. Cálculo de una variable : Stewart, James, 1941Cálculo : Stewart, James, 1941Cálculo : Zill, Dennis G., 1940Ecuaciones diferenciales : Leithold, Louis. El Cálculo / MacKenzie, I. Scott. Microcontrolador 8051 / Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Organización de computadoras : Mendenhall, William Introducción a la probabilidad y estadís Kroenke, David. Procesamiento de base de datos : Kroenke, David. Procesamiento de base de datos : Maxinez, David G. VHDL : Pajares Martinsanz, Gonzalo. Visión por computador : Pajares Martinsanz, Gonzalo. Visión por computador : Roldán Martínez, David. Oracle. introducción y conceptos básicos Baldor, J. Aurelio Geometría plana y del espacio : Martín Sierra, Antonio J. Ajax en J2EE / McIntosh, Harold V. (Harold Varner), 192 One dimensional cellular automata / Matemáticas elementales / Benstead, Luke. Programación de videojuegos con Open GL Introduccion a las tecnologias de la inf Larson, Ron, 1941Cálculo de varias variables / Lógica matemática para informáticos : Tanenbaum, Andrew S., 1944Distributed systems : Corona Nakamura, María Adriana. Diseño de algoritmos y su codificación e December, John. Introducción a Java / González Pérez, Alfons. Gestión de bases de datos Cd QA76.9.D3 .G66 QA 76.9.V5 .G85 2010 QA76.73.P76 .O73 QA76.73.J38 .M37 2008 Cd QA76.73.J38 .M37 2008 QA76.73.J38 M37 2010 TJ213 .O3218 2003 QP363.3 .A52 TK7874 .M54 QC665.E4 .C63 QA43 .M37 QA76.76.O63 .T3718 QA76.6 .C34 2005 QA76.76.S65 .M43 QA76.76.O63 D38 QA76.73.J38 .D4418 QA76.6 .A44 QA76.73.P76 .R6318 QA76.76.D47 .F66 QA76.9.O35 .S3218 Cd QA76.9.O35 .S3218 TK454 .D6718 2006 QA184 .G7618 2008b QA551 .L44218 QA76.73.J38 .J69 QA76.73.C15 .D4418 QA76.73.J38 .W4518 QA76.73.J38 .H6718 2006 TK7868.D5 .F5618 QA76.758 .P7318 2010 QA76.73.C154 C422 2010 QA152 .L4318 QA303 .G72218 TK7888.3 .M3618 2003 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 González Pérez, Alfons. Gestión de bases de datos Guía de campo máquinas virtuales / Orenga y Ortega, J. M. Prolog : Martìn Sierra, Antonio J. Programador certificado Java 2 : Martìn Sierra, Antonio J. Programador certificado Java 2 : Martín Sierra, Antonio J. Programador certificado JAVA 2 Ogata, Katsuhiko Ingeniera de control moderna / Anderson, James A. (James Alfred), 1940- Redes neurales / Microelectrónica : Cogollos Borrás, Santiago. Campos electromagnéticos / Matemàticas elementales/ Tanenbaum, Andrew S., 1944Sistemas operativos modernos / Cairó Battistutti, Osvaldo. Metodología de la programación : Medición y estimación del software : Dávila Sguerra, Manuel. Gnu/Linux y el : Deitel, Harvey M., 1945Cómo programar en Java / Algorítmica : Robinson, Phillip R. Aplique turbo prolog / Fontela, Carlos UML : Schch, Stephen R. Análisis y diseno orientado a objetos co Schch, Stephen R. Análisis y diseno orientado a objetos co Dorf, Richard C. Circuitos eléctricos / Grossman, Stanley I Álgebra lineal / Lehmann, Charles H. Geometría analítica / Joyanes Aguilar, Luis Programación en Java 6 : Deitel, Harvey M., 1945Como programar en C/C++ / Weiss, Mark Allen Estructura de datos en Java : Horstmann, Cay S., 1959Core Java 2 Floyd, Thomas L. Fundamentos de electrónica digital / Pressman, Roger S. Ingeniería del software : Ceballos Sierra, Fco. Javier (Francisco Enciclopedia de Microsoft Visual C# Lehmann, Charles H. Algebra / Granville, William Anthony, 1863-1943. Cálculo diferencial e integral / Mano, M. Morris Diseño digital / QA76.73.C153 D4418 2007 Cd QA76.73.C153 D4418 2007 QA76.73.C15 .S7718 QA76.9.D3 .P47 2008 QA76.27 .F86 QA303 .G7318 TJ223.P76 .P35 2009 TK5105.8885.S76 .M37 Cd TK5105.8885.S76 .M37 QA76.9D3 .U4418 QA297 .B8718 QA76.73.J38 .C42 2011 QA9.58 .L67 QA76.76.O63 .S5518 2008 TK7885.7 .M392 QA76.76.C672 B4618 2011 QA76.625 .R52 QA76.6 .V57 TK3001 .G5218 TK5105.888 .M373 Cd TK5105.888 .M373 QA303 .S78218 QA305 .C34 TJ211 .C72 2006 TJ223.P76 .P35 2009 Cd TJ223.P76 .P35 2009 TK7888.3 .P34 2006 Cd TK7888.3 .P34 2006 QA76.73.C15 .C42 2002 Cd QA76.73.C15 .C42 2002 QA76.73.P224 .L66 QA76.73.P224 .L67 2010 QA76.9.S88 .J64 TA342 .A3318 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Deitel, Harvey M Deitel, Harvey M Stroustrup, Bjarne Pérez López, César. Granville, William Anthony, 1863-1943. Palacios Municio, Enrique. Martín Sierra, Antonio J. Martín Sierra, Antonio J. Ullman, Jeffrey D. Burden, Richard I. Ceballos Sierra, Fco. Javier (Francisco López, gustavo Silberschatz, Abraham. Maxinez, David G. Benstead, Luke. Richter, Jeffrey. Viso Gurovich, Elisa. Lago, Gladwyn Vaile, 1917Martín Sierra, Antonio. Martín Sierra, Antonio. Stewart, James, 1941Craig, John J., 1955Palacios Municio, Enrique. Palacios Municio, Enrique. Palacios Municio, Enrique Palacios Municio, Enrique Ceballos, Fco. Javier. Ceballos, Fco. Javier. López Quijano, José López Quijano, José Johansen Bertoglio, Oscar. Akai, J. Terrence Cómo programar en C # / Cómo programar en C # / Lenguaje programación C++ : Oracle 10g : Fundamentos físicos y tecnológicos de la Cálculo diferencial e integral / Microcontroladores PIC16F84 : Struts / Struts / Introducción a los sistemas de bases de Análisis numérico / Java 2 : Análisis y diseño de algoritmos : Sistemas operativos / VHDL : Programación de videojuegos con Open GL Applied Microsoft .NET framework program Introducción a la teoría de la computaci Teoría de sistemas y circuitos / Desarrollo de aplicaciones web con ASP.N Desarrollo de aplicaciones web con ASP.N Cálculo diferencial e integral / Cálculo diferencial e integral, I / Robótica / Microcontroladores PIC16F84 : Microcontroladores PIC16F84 : Microcontroladores PIC16F84 : Microcontroladores PIC16F84 : C/C++ : C/C++ : Domine PHP y MySQL : Domine PHP y MySQL Introducción a la teoria general de sist Métodos numéricos : QA76.76.C65 .A37 2007 QA76.5 .B795 2011 QA76.9.H85 .R44 2011 QA76.76.D47 .A73 QA76.73.C153 .H36 2002 QA76.9.M65 .Q56 2011 QA76.87 .F38 QA76.9.H85 .H85 2004 QA267 .H66 2007 QA76 .S53 QA76.9.A43 .L48 2012 T58.64 .U49 QA76.73.L23 .W56 1989 QA267.3 .L59 2006 QA76.9.A43 M38 2008 GV1469.15 .E93 2010 QA3 .L28 QA76.76.H94 .D41 QA9 .C38 2006 QA76.76.O63 .T37 2006 QA76.758 .S42 QA76.87 .H39 2009 T57.7 .R37 1998 QA76.76.H94 .L82 QA76.73.C154 .L57 TA1634 .S52 TJ223.P76 .P36 QA76.87 .P74 QA267.3 .S83 2005 QA76.76.C672 .W32 QA76.9D343 .H36 2012 TJ211.495 .H65 Cd TJ211.495 .H65 TA1637 .K53 5 5 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 1 5 5 5 2 2 5 1 1 1 Bryant, Randal. Reeves, Stuart T. Arlow, Jim, 1960Hanly, Jeri R. Quinn, Michael J. (Michael Jay) Fausett, Laurene V. Hopcroft, John E., 1939Shackelford, Russell L. Levitin, Anany. Ulrich, William M. Winston, Patrick Henry. Linz, Peter. McConnell, Jeffrey J. Ma, Jin, 1956David, Matthew, 1971Causey, Robert L. Tanenbaum, Andrew S., 1944Seacord, Robert C. Haykin, Simon S., 1931Rardin, Ronald L. Lippman, Stanley B. Shapiro, Linda G. Parchizadeh, G. Hassan. Príncipe, J. C. (José C.) Sudkamp, Thomas A. Watkins, Adam. Han, Jiawei Holland, John M. Holland, John M. Klette, Reinhard. Compilers : Computer systems : Designing interfaces in public settings Enterprise patterns and MDA : Essential C++ for engineers and scientis Ethics for the information age / Fundamentals of neural networks : Human-computer interaction / Introduction to automata theory, languag Introduction to computing and algorithms Introduction to the design & analysis of Legacy systems : Lisp / An introduction to formal languages and Analysis of algorithms : Evaluating user experience in games : Forward-backward stochastic differential HTML5 : Logic, sets, and recursion / Modern Operating Systems / Modernizing legacy systems : Neural networks and learning machines / Optimization in operations research / Pro HTML5 Programming : C# primer : Computer vision / PIC projects : Neural and adaptive systems : Languages and machines : Creating games with Unity and Maya : Data mining concepts and techniques / Designing mobile autonomous robots / Designing mobile autonomous robots / Digital geometry : QA76.758 .C45 QA76.73.O213 .O64 QA76.64 .D47 T385 .B57 2006 QA76.76.C65 .C67 2012 QA76.76.C672 .A42 Cd QA76.76.C672 .A42 QA402.5 .G635 HD69.P75 .S39 2011 DVD HD69.P75 .S39 2011 An HD69.P75 .S39 2011 QA76.76.O63 .L67 2010 TR897.7 .M36 QA76.73.J38 .H46 Cd QA76.73.J38 .H46 QA76.76.C672 .A87 QA267.7 .P36 QA447 .P73 QA76 .B74 2012 An QA76 .B74 2012 QA76.9.C65 .K84 H61.25 .T42 HD30.2 .G88 QA184 .G7618 2008b QA157 .S6418 2007 TK454 .H3918 2007 HF5667.12 .A92 2001 QA303.3 .A9718 2010 QA304 .B462 QA 76.9.D35 F72 .2002 QA76.73.C15 .P462 2004 Cd QA76.73.C15 .P462 2004 QA76.758 .B7218 QA76.6 .C34 2005 1 4 1 5 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 5 7 2 4 2 5 4 2 2 2 2 3 Chisholm, Malcolm, 1953- How to build a business rules engine : OpenCL programming guide / Design patterns : Birn, Jeremy. Digital lighting and rendering / Cooper, Keith D. (Keith Daniel) Engineering a compiler / Ahlquist, John. Game development essentials : Ahlquist, John. Game development essentials : Goldberg, David E. (David Edward), 1953- Genetic algorithms in search, optimizati Schwalbe, Kathy. Information technology project managemen Schwalbe, Kathy. Information technology project managemen Schwalbe, Kathy. Information technology project managemen Love, Robert (Robert M.) Linux kernel development : Maraffi, Chris. MEL scripting a character rig in Maya / Hèofele, Claus. Mobile 3D graphics : Hèofele, Claus. Mobile 3D graphics : Astle, Dave. Beginning OpenGL game programming / Papadimitriou, Christos H. Computational complexity / Preparata, Franco P. Computational geometry : Brookshear, J. Glenn. Computer science : Brookshear, J. Glenn. Computer science : Kuhl, Frederick, Dr. Creating computer simulation systems : Thalmann, Daniel. Crowd simulation / Guttman, Michael. Real-life MDA : Grossman, Stanley I Álgebra lineal / Spiegel, Murray R Álgebra Superior / Hayt, William Hart, 1920Análisis de circuitos en ingeniería / Auditoría informática : Ayres, Frank. Cálculo / Benìtez, Rene Cálculo diferencial para ciencias básica Franch Gutiérrez, Xavier. Estructuras de datos : Peñaloza Romero, Ernesto. Fundamentos de programación CC/++ / Peñaloza Romero, Ernesto. Fundamentos de programación CC/++ / Braude, Eric J. Ingeniería de software : Cairó Battistutti, Osvaldo. Metodología de la programación : TK7895.M5 .A54 2006 QA76.73.C15 .G6718 2005 QA76.73.C15 .G6718 2005 QA76.87 .M37 2007 QP363.3 .A52 TA165 .P35 2007 QA76.76.O63 .M36 2004 TK454 .I7918 QA76.73.C15 .C42 2002 Cd QA76.73.C15 .C42 2002 QA303 .T4618 2006 QA76.758 .P7318 2010 QA184.2 .K6518 2005 QA184 .L39718 2007 Cd QA184 .L39718 2007 QA303 .S7318 2008 An QA3303 .S7318 2008 QA76.63 .C66 TJ223.M53 .V34 TH6012 .R65 2011 TA1634 .P34 Cd TA1634 .P34 QA76.9D3 K5518 2007 QA76.73.J38 .C42 2011 QA76.73 .J692 QA76.73.J38 .F76 2008 Cd QA76.73.J38 .F76 2008 TS176 .K3418 2002 QA39.2 .G7418 1997 TA403 .A8418 QA276 .I53 1990 QA76.9A73 .M52 TJ223.M53 .V34 QA76.9.C643 S7318.2006 2 5 4 2 7 5 3 2 1 1 1 5 2 2 2 5 5 3 5 2 2 2 2 5 4 2 2 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 Angulo Usategui, José María. Microcontroladores PIC : Gottfried, Byron S., 1934Programación en C / Gottfried, Byron S., 1934Programación en C / Martín del Brío, Bonifacio. Redes neuronales y sistemas borrosos / Anderson, James A. (James Alfred), 1940- Redes neurales / Pallás Areny, Ramón Sensores y acondicionadores de señal / Márquez García, Francisco Manuel. Unix : Irwin, J. David, 1939Análisis básico de circuitos en ingenier Ceballos, Fco. Javier. C/C++ : Ceballos, Fco. Javier. C/C++ : Thomas, George B. (George Brinton), 1914Cálculo : Pressman, Roger S. Ingeniería del software : Kolman, Bernard, 1932Álgebra lineal / Lay, David C. Álgebra lineal y sus aplicaciones / Lay, David C. Álgebra lineal y sus aplicaciones / Stewart, James, 1941Cálculo : Stewart, James, 1941Cálculo : Construccion lógica de programas : Valdés Pérez, Fernando E. Microcontroladores : Romero Morales, Cristóbal Domótica e inmótica : Pajares Martinsanz, Gonzalo. Ejercicios resueltos de visión por compu Pajares Martinsanz, Gonzalo. Ejercicios resueltos de visión por compu Silberschatz, Abraham. Fundamentos de diseño de bases de datos Ceballos Sierra, Fco. Javier (Francisco Java 2 : Joyanes Aguilar, Luis. Programación en java 2 : Froufe Quintas, Agustín Java 2 : Froufe Quintas, Agustín Java 2 : Kalpakjian, Serope, 1928- . Manufactura, ingeniería y tecnología / Grimaldi, Ralph P. Matemáticas discreta y combinatoria : Ashby, Michael F. Materiales para ingeniería 1: Infante Gil, Said. Métodos estadísticos : Microprocesadores RISC Evolución y tende Valdés Pérez, Fernando E. Microcontroladores : Stallings, William. Organización y arquitectura de computado QA76.73.C153 J68 2005 TJ211 .S2418 QA76.9.C65 .S55 2009 TK5101 .C6818 2008 TK5105.585 .R392 TK5101 T45 1999 TK7885.7 .P37 2011 QA39.2 .G7418 1997 QA76.9.N38 .N83 QA76.9.A43 .S42 Q335 .N43 2005 Q335 .D42 TJ211.495 .F33 QA76.73.C15 .H36 2001 QA76.73.J38 H67 2008 TA1637 .W36 Cd TA1637 .W36 QA279.5 .K67 2010 TR897.7 .G68 TA1637 .N58 2008 QA76.76.I58 S33 QA76 .P367 2004 QA76.76.E95 .A34 TA1634 .D392 2005 QA76.76.C672 .M43 T385 .M62 QA76.758 .S33 2011 TJ211.4 .L3 TK5103.4 .U92 TJ211 .P74 An TJ211 .P74 QA76.76.A65 .S55 QA76.8.I64 .A45 QA76.9.A43 .S43 2011 5 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 4 Joyanes Aguilar, Luis. Saha, Subir Kumar Couch, Leon W. Raya Cabrera, José L. Pardo Carpio, Fernando. Grimaldi, Ralph P. Nugues, Pierre M. Sedgewick, Robert, 1946Negnevitsky, Michael. Dean, Thomas L., 1950Fahimi, Farbod. Hanly, Jeri R. Horstmann, Cay S., 1959Wang, Meiqinq. Wang, Meiqinq. Korb, Kevin B. Gould, David A. D. Nixon, Mark S. Schalkoff, Robert J. Patt, Yale N. Akerkar, Rajendra. Davies, E. R. (E. Roy) Mechtley, Adam. Schach, Stephen R. LaValle, Steven Michael, 1968Predko, Michael. Predko, Michael. Silva, Vladimir. Ali, Maher. Sedgewick, Robert, 1946- Programación en C : Introducción a la robótica / Simulación : Sistemas de comunicación digitales y ana TCP/IP en Windows NT Server / Telecomunicaciones móviles / VHDL : Matemáticas discreta y combinatoria : An introduction to language processing w An introduction to the analysis of algor Artificial intelligence : Artificial intelligence : Autonomous robots : C program design for engineers / Core Java / A concise introduction to image processi A concise introduction to image processi Bayesian artificial intelligence / Complete Maya programming : Feature extraction and image processing Intelligent systems : Introduction to computing systems : Knowledge-based systems / Machine vision : Maya Python for games and film : Mobile 3D graphics with OpenGL ES and M3 Object-oriented and classical software e Planning algorithms / UWB communication systems : 123 robotics experiments for the evil ge 123 robotics experiments for the evil ge Advanced Android 4 games / Advanced iOS 4 programming : Algorithms / QA76.76.A65 .B87 QA76.76.A65 .D56 QA76.76.C672 .M67 Cd QA76.76.C672 .M67 QA76.76.C672 .Z43 TK5105.8885.A26 .S63 QA76.8.I64 .M37 QA76.73.J38 .L5 2005 QA76.73.J38 .R57 QA76.9.D3 .H49 QA76.76.D47 .M33 2004 QA402.5 .P36 QA76.76.A65 .S26 QA76.9.U83 .T53 2011 QA76.59 .H66 HD30.213 .M85 2010 QA76.73.S67 .K75 QA76.9.A43 .Z58 TJ213 .M33 QA76.9.U83 .R83 2008 QA76.73.C15 .S74 2010 QA76.76.D47 .H43 QA76.73.J38 .S54 2005 Q335 .H48 QA76.3.S67 .H54 2008 TR897.7 .L84 QA76.76.H94 .H37 QA76.76.H94 .P55 QA76.625 .M332 TR897.7 .D47 QA76.73.A8 .S49 QA76.6 .I58 2009 QA76.6 .M37 2010 QA76.73.J38 .B87 2011 5 2 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 4 2 2 4 1 1 2 3 2 5 5 5 2 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 3 Burd, Barry DiMarzio, J. F. Morrison, Michael, 1970Morrison, Michael, 1970Zechner, Mario. Spaanjaars, Imar. Mark, Dave. Li, Sing. Rischpater, Ray. Hewitt, Eben. McConnell, Steve. Papadimitriou, Christos H. Sanders, Jason. Tidwell, Jenifer. Hoober, Steven. Muir, Nancy, 1954Kriegel, Alex. Zivkovic, Dejan MacNeill, Daniel. Rubin, Jeffrey, 1949Stellman, Andrew. Sierra, Kathy. Luhta, Eric. Harris, Andy Pilgrim, Mark. Mackey, Alex. Derakhshani, Dariush. Seyfarth, Ray. Marsh, Nicholas, 1948Burd, Barry A. Android application development : Android : Beginning mobile phone game programming Beginning mobile phone game programming Beginning Android games / Beginning ASP.NET 4 in C# and VB / Beginning iOS 5 development : Beginning J2ME : Beginning Java ME platform / Cassandra : Code complete / Combinatorial optimization : CUDA by example : Designing interfaces / Designing mobile interfaces / Discover SAP / Discovering SQL : Foundations of algorithm design and anal Fuzzy logic : / Handbook of usability testing : Head first C# / Head First design patterns / Head first Java / Heuristics, probability, and casuality : High performance MySQL / How to cheat in Maya 2012 : HTML5 for dummies quick reference / HTML5 : Introducing .NET 4.0 with Visual studio Introducing Autodesk Maya 2012 / Introduction to 64 bit intel Assembly la Introduction to algorithms / Introduction to the command line : Java for dummies / QA76.73.J38 .D45 2012 An QA76.73.J38 .D45 2012 Cd TK5105.8885.J86 .K73 TK5105.8885.J86 .K73 TK5105.8885.J86 .B87 TK5105.8885.J86 .B45 2011 QA76.73.P76 .B53 QA76.73.P22 .S39 2011 QA76.73.P98 .L877 2009 TR897.7 .M35 DVD TR897.7 .M35 TR897.7 .M35 QA76.9.D3 .B64 2011 TK5105.5 .L69 2011 QA76.642 .S33 TJ223.M53 .W55 TJ211 .I58 TJ211.4 .P74 TK5105.8885.A26 .E87 Q336 .B73 2012 P325.5.D38 .B53 TK6553 .G56 TK6553 .B76 TJ211.412 .M36 Cd TJ211.412 .M36 TK2851 .S26 TK5105.8885.S24 .S37 Cd HF5679 .P33 HF5679 .P33 QA76.76.I57 .A53 TS161 .S27 QA76.58 .H42 T385 .P53 2000 QA76.73.C153 .B37 5 5 5 5 2 5 2 1 1 1 5 5 8 7 3 2 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 1 Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Paul J. Kramer, Jen. Kramer, Jen. Burge, Stephen, 1978Bellamy, Seamus. Blackburn, Patrick, 1959Schwartz, Randal L. Lutz, Mark. McKinley, Michael (Michael T.) McKinley, Michael (Michael T.) McKinley, Michael (Michael T.) Boehm, Anne. Lowe, Doug, 1959Scarpino, Matthew, 1975Williams, Douglas H., 1967Iovine, John. Esposito, Dino, 1965Bratko, Ivan, 1946Blackburn, Patrick, 1959Glover, Bill, 1968Brown, Dennis E. Manseur, Rachid. Manseur, Rachid. Sandhu, Harprit. Schreckenbach, Sebastian. Padhi, S. N. Padhi, S. N. Anderson, George W. Hwang, Kai. Xiang, Zhigang. Barton, John J. Java : Java : Joomla! : Joomla! : Joomla! explained : Joomla! for dummies / Learn prolog now! / Learning Perl / Learning Python / Maya studio projects : Maya studio projects : Maya studio projects : Murach's ADO.NET 4 database programming Networking all-in-one for dummies / OpenCL in action : PDA robotics : PIC robotics : Principles of robot motion : Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4 / Prolog programming for artificial intell Representation and inference for natural RFID essentials / RFID implementation / Robot modeling and kinematics / Robot modeling and kinematics / Running small motors with PIC microcontr SAP administration : SAP ERP financials and FICO handbook / SAP ERP financials and FICO handbook / SAP implementation unleashed : SAP MM handbook / Scalable parallel computing : Schaum's outline of theory and problems Scientific and engineering C(( : QA76.9.C65. .R67 2006 QA76.758 .P74 2009 P98 .J87 2009 HB141 .M35 TK6570.M6 .S75 Cd QA76.76.A65 .D37 2012 QA76.76.A65 .D37 2012 DVD TK5105.8885.a26 .M58 TK5105.8885.A26 .M58 Cd QA76.73.C153 .C33 2011 QA76.73.C153 .C33 2011 QA76.73.C153 .L53 2009 QA76.76.H94 .L46 2011 QA76.76.H94 M45 QA76.8.I64 .R39 2011 QA76.73.J38 .C33 2012 Cd TK5105.888 .P47 2008 TK5105.888 .P47 2008 QA76.76.I57 .A53 2011 QA76.73.S67 .F67 2004 QA76.73.S67 .S74 QA76.73.B3 .F69 DVD QA76.73.B3 F69 DVD QA76.73.C154 .D67 QA76.73.C154 .D67 NC1765 .W55 QA76.76.C672 .S34 PN1995.9.P7 .H37 2008 QA76.6 .M36 DVD ND2885 .M38 ND2885 .M38 QA76.76.H94 .M49 NC1766.U5.D5 .T46 QA76.8.I64 .S23 2012 1 1 1 5 1 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 6 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 4 5 5 1 5 5 2 5 5 Ross, Sheldon M. Pressman, Roger S. Jurafsky, Dan, 1962Malliaris, A. G. Stichbury, Jo. Darcey, Lauren, 1977Darcey, Lauren, 1977Mitchell, Scott. Mitchell, Scott. Cadenhead, Rogers. Cadenhead, Rogers. Liberty, Jesse. Lemay, Laura. Meloni, Julie C. Ray, John, 1971Cadenhead, Rogers. Anderson, George W. Forta, Ben. Stephens, Ryan K. Foxall, James Foxall, James Dorman, Scott, 1973Dorman, Scott, 1973Williams, Richard, 1933Schell, Jesse Hart, John Manna, Zohar. Mattingly, David B., 1956Mattingly, David B., 1956Meyer, Jeanine. Thomas, Frank, 1912-2004. Sadun, Erica. Simulation / Software engineering : Speech and language processing : Stochastic methods in economics and fina Symbian OS explained : Sams teach yourself Android application Sams teach yourself Android application Sams teach yourself ASP.NET 4 complete s Sams teach yourself ASP.NET 4 complete s Sams teach yourself C++ in 24 hours. Sams teach yourself C++ in 24 hours. Sams teach yourself C++ in one hour a da Sams teach yourself Web publishing with Sams teach yourself HTML, CSS, and JavaS Sams teach yourself iPhone application d Sams teach yourself Java in 24 hours / PHP, MySQL and Apache all in one / PHP, MySQL and Apache all in one / Sams teach yourself SAP in 24 hours / Sams teach yourself SQL in 10 minutes / Sams teach yourself SQL in one hour a da Sams teach yourself Visual Basic 2010 in Sams teach yourself Visual Basic 2010 in Sams teach yourself Visual C# 2010 compl Sams teach yourself Visual C# 2010 compl The animator's survival kit / The art of game design : The art of the storyboard : The deductive foundations of computer pr The digital matte painting handbook / The digital matte painting handbook / The essential guide to HTML5 : The illusion of life : The iOS 5 developer's cookbook : QA76.76.O63 .K47 TR897.7 .T63 QA76.758 .B76 TK5105.8885.J86 .M37 TJ223.P76 .M67 2005 TJ211 .J39 2010 QA76.9 C65 .Z45 2000 TR897.5 .W45 2009 TK5105.8885.J86 .S48 QC20.7.E4 .G56 2006 QA76.9.H85 .W46 TK5105.8885.W66 S23 2011 QA76.59 .S25 TK454 .I7918 T385 .S342 TK7871.58.O6 .C6818 1999 QA76.9.S88 .K4518 2011 Q335 .R86 2010 Q335 .L83 2009 QA303 .P8718 2007 QA303 .M3818 P43 TK454 .N54218 LB2369 .M86 2011 Cd QA76.73.C15 .D4418 2009 QA76.73.C15 .D4418 2009 QA76.73.J38 .D4518 2008 Cd QA76.73.J38 .D4518 2008 QA76.76.C65 .A3618 2008 TK5105 .S73182 2004 TS156 .B4718 2009 Cd TS156 .B4718 2009 An QA76.9.H85 .S56 2010 QA76.9.H85 .S56 2010 T57.62 .D57 2004 5 2 5 4 5 1 2 5 4 1 5 5 1 1 3 2 5 1 1 4 2 7 4 7 7 5 5 2 2 2 2 4 4 1 Kerrisk, Michael Tobon, Ricardo. Brooks, Frederick P. (Frederick Phillips Marriott, Jennifer. Morton, John, 1980Jazar, Reza N. Zeigler, Bernard P. 1940Whitaker, Harold. Severdia, Ron. Giordano, Nicholas J. Sabin-Wilson, Lisa. Salmre, Ivo. Irwin, J. David, 1939Scherer, Manuel. Coughlin, Robert F. Kendall, Kenneth E., 1948Russell, Stuart J. (Stuart Jonathan) Luger, George F. Purcell, Edwin J. Marsden, Jerrold E. Nilsson, James William Muñoz Razo, Carlos. Deitel, Harvey M., 1945Deitel, Harvey M., 1945Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Paul J. Aho, Alfred V. Stallings, William. Besterfield, Dale H. Besterfield, Dale H. Shneiderman, Ben. Shneiderman, Ben. The Linux progamming interface : The mocap book : The mythical man-month : The official Joomla! book / The PIC Microcontroller : Theory of applied robotics Theory of modeling and simulation : Timing for Animation / Using Joomla / Computational physics / Whole body interaction / WordPress for dummies / Writing mobile code : Análisis básico de circuitos en ingenier ZBrush 4 sculpting for games : Amplificadores operacionales y circuitos Análisis y diseño de sistemas / Artificial intelligence : Artificial intelligence : Cálculo / Cálculo vectorial / Circuitos eléctricos / Cómo elaborar y asesorar una investigaci Como programar en C++ / Como programar en C++ / Java : Java : Compiladores : Comunicaciones y redes de computadores/ Control de calidad / Control de calidad / Designing the user interface : Designing the user interface : Discrete-event system simulation / TJ230 .M6718 2006 Cd TJ230 .M6718 2006 TJ230 .N6718 2011 Cd TJ230 .N6718 2011 Cd TK7888.3 .M3618 2003 TK7888.3 .M3618 2003 QA371 .C37 2011 QA371 .E3918 2009 QC532 .S47 TK7867 .B6918 2009 TK7881.15 .H3718 TA350 .B4218 2008 QA76.73.J38 .W4518 QA76.9.M35 .K6418 1997 QC21.2 .F56 QC21.2 .S47218 2009 QC21.2 .F5718 2009 TK7888.4 .M36218 QC760 .CH4618 T385 .H3918 2006 TJ213 .O3218 2010 QA76.758 .S6518 2011 TA350 .H5218 2010 QA76.9.D3 R64 Q335 .R8618 2004 T57.6 .T3318 2012 QA76.73.J38 .B4518 2011 QA76.8.I2594 .A23 TK7888.3 .M3718 QA76.8.I292 .B7318 2006 TA330 .M3818 2002 QA76.9.M35 .J6318 2005 QA39.2 .M5418 2006 QA76.9.A73 .M37 2 2 2 2 13 13 2 2 2 4 1 2 4 2 2 4 4 3 2 2 2 4 2 1 2 4 5 3 3 2 2 9 1 2 Mott, Robert L. Mott, Robert L. Norton Robert L. Norton Robert L. Mano, M. Morris Mano, M. Morris Carmona Jover, Isabel Edwards, C. H. (Charles Henry), 1937Serrano Domínguez, Víctor Gerardo Boylestad, Robert L. Hart, Daniel W. Bedford, Anthony. Weiss, Mark Allen Kolman, Bernard, 1932Flores Moreno, Norma Esthela. Serway, Raymond A. Young, Hugh D Mano, M. Morris, 1927Cheng, David K. Hearn, Donald. Ogata, Katsuhiko Sommerville, Ian. Hibbeler, Russell. C. Roldán Martínez, David. Russell, Stuart J. (Stuart Jonathan) Taha, Hamdy A. Bell, Douglas. Abel, Peter, 1932Mano, M. Morris, 1927Brey, Barry B. James, Glyn. Johnsonbaugh, Richard Miller, Charles D. Martínez Garza, Jaime Diseño de elementos de máquinas / Diseño de elementos de máquinas / Diseño de máquinas : Diseño de máquinas : Diseño digital / Diseño digital / Ecuaciones diferenciales / Ecuaciones diferenciales y problemas con Electricidad y magnetismo : Electrónica : Electrónica de potencia / Mecánica para ingeniería : Estructura de datos en Java : Estructuras de matemáticas discretas par Física moderna / Física : Física universitaria con física moderna Fundamentos de diseño lógico y de comput Fundamentos de electromagnetismo para in Gráficos por computadora con OpenGL / Ingeniería de control moderna / Ingeniería de software / Dinámica / Oracle. introducción y conceptos básicos Inteligencia artificial : Investigación de operaciones / Java para estudiantes / Lenguaje ensamblador y programación para Lógica digital y diseño de computadores Microprocesadores INTEL: Matemáticas avanzadas para ingeniería / Matemáticas discretas / Matemática : Organización y arquitectura de computado QA273 .P7618 2007 TK5105.5 .T3618 2012 QA76.73 .C153 S2918 2007 QA402 .O6618 1994 QA76.9.D3 .E4518 2007 TK5101 .T65218 2003 QA402.3 .O3218 TK7868.D5 .T6218 2007 Cd TK7868.D5 .T6218 2007 QA76.76.O63 .S72318 QA76.76.O63 .T3718 2009 QA76.9.D5 .T3618 2008 TK5102.9 .P7618 2007 TJ213 .O3218 2010 QA76.76.D47 .B6518 2006 TJ211 .C72 2005 QA303 .T4618 2006 QA303 .E3218 2008 QA76.73.B3 C42 2011 QA76.889 .K39 T57.62 .H36 TK6570.M6 .M63 DVD TK6570.M6 .M63 QA76.76.D47 P357 QA76.87 .B57 TK5105.55 .S43 QA76.76.D47 .B6518 2006 QA76.73.A8 .D86 2009 BD541 .P43 2009 TJ211.415 .D83 2010 QA76.9.U83 .D57 T57.84 .Y36 P98.5.S83 .M36 TK7888.4 .B76 2009 2 2 2 3 2 2 9 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 5 1 2 5 2 1 2 Probabilidad y estadística para ingenier Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Redes de computadoras / Savitch, Walter J., 1943Resolución de problemas con C++ / Oppenheim, Alan V., 1937Señales y sistemas / Elmasri, Ramez. Fundamentos de sistemas de bases de dato Tomasi, Wayne. Sistemas de comunicaciones electrónicas Ogata, Katsuhiko. Sistemas de control en tiempo discreto / Tocci, Ronald J. Sistemas digitales : Tocci, Ronald J. Sistemas digitales : Stallings, William. Sistemas operativos: Tanenbaum, Andrew S., 1944Sistemas operativos modernos / Tanenbaum, Andrew S., 1944Sistemas distribuidos : Proakis, John G. Tratamiento digital de señales / Ogata, Katsuhiko Ingeniería de control moderna / Booch, Grady. El lenguaje unificado de modelado / Craig, John J., 1955Introduction to robotics : Thomas, George B. (George Brinton), 1914Cálculo : Edwards, C. Henry. Cálculo con trascendentes tempranas Ceballos Sierra, Fco. Javier (Francisco Visual Basic .NET : Kaye, Phillip. An introduction to quantum computing / Handbook of simulation : Mobile phone programming and its applica Mobile phone programming and its applica Pastor, Oscar. Model-Driven architecture in practice : Bishop, Christopher M. Neural networks for pattern recognition Sharp, Robin, 1942Principles of protocol design / Booch, Grady. El lenguaje unificado de modelado / Duntemann, Jeff Assembly language step by step : Pearl, Judea Causality : Dudek, Gregory, 1958Computational principles of mobile robot Distributed user interfaces : Yang, Xin-She Engineering optimization : Manning, Christopher D. Foundations of statistical natural langu Brown, Stephen D. Fundamentos de lógica digital con diseño Cd TK7888.4 .B76 2009 QA76.9H85 .R64 QA276 .M66 1974 QA76.6 .I58 2009 TJ211.415 .S53 2011 QA76.9.T48 .M26 QA274 .S63 G70.212 .D46 2009 T57.62 .H36 TK7898.L6 .M37 Cd TK7898.L6 .M37 QA76.9.A73 .H82 QA76.9.A43 .H37 2004 QA76 .K36 2002 QA76.76.A65 .A53 QA76.73.C154 .P63 Cd QA76.73.C154 .P63 QA76.73C154 .M36 QA76.73.C153 .C63 2002 Cd QA76.73.C153 .C63 2002 TK5101 .L46 2004 TK5105.5 .T36 1996 TK5105 .F67 2004 QA76.73.J38 .C64 QA76.9.D35 .C643 QA76.9.U83 .T53 2011 QA76.76.D47 .W54 QA76.73.F25 .C36 2008 QA76.73.J38 .R68 TK7868.L6 .B76 Cd TK7868.L6 .B76 TK7868.L6 .B76 TK5103 .S77 1990 TA1637 .M33 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Brown, Stephen D. Rogers, Yvonne Mood, Alexander McFarlane, 1913Siegwart, Roland. Manning, Christopher D. Spall, James C. DeMers, Michael N. Marcovitz, Alan B. Marcovitz, Alan B. Hwang, Kai. Harel, David, 1950Kamin, Samuel N. Pohl, Ira. Pohl, Ira. McManus, Jeffrey P. Cohoon, James P. Cohoon, James P. Leon-Garcia, Alberto. Tanenbaum, Andrew S., 1944Forouzan, Behrouz A. Collins, William J. (William Joseph) Collins, William J. (William Joseph) Tidwell, Jenifer. Williams, Shirley A. Chapman, Stephen J. Rowe, Glenn (Glenn W.) Brown, Stephen Brown, Stephen Brown, Stephen Stremler, Ferrel G. McAndrew, Alasdair. Fundamentos de lógica digital con diseño Interaction desing : Introduction to the theory of statistics Introduction to algorithms / Introduction to autonomous mobile robots Introduction to information retrieval / Introduction to stochastic search and op Fundamentals of geographic information s Handbook of simulation : introduction to logic desing / introduction to logic desing / Advanced computer architecture : Algorithmics : An introduction to computer science usin Android application development / C# by dissection : C# by dissection : C# developers guide to ASP.NET, XML and C++ program design : C++ program design : Communication networks : Computer networks / Data communications and networking / Data structures and the Java collections Data structures and the standard templat Designing interfaces / Discover Delphi : Fortran 95/2003 for scientists and engin From Java to C# / Fundamentals of digital logic with Veril Fundamentals of digital logic with Veril Fundamentals of digital logic with Veril Introduction to communication systems / Introduction to digital image processing QA267.5.S4 .M37 2011 QA76.73.J38 .B34 2003 QA76.73J38 .F75 Cd QA76.76.C672 .B87 QA76.76.C672 .B87 QA402 .C66 TJ217.5 .F4713 TA345 .C43 2002 QA76.76.O63 .C76 QA76.73C153 .T76 T385 .R64 1998 QA76.7 .A67 1997 QA76.9.D26 .S34 Q183.9 .H42 2002 QA76.758 .P74 2010 TK5102.9 .L43 TK5105.585 .F67 2003 QA76.6 .M36 QA267 .M67 QA76.76.O63 .D37 2006 QA402.5 .S862 QA76.76.I58 .W66 2009 LB1029.G3 .K56 QA76.9D5 .G46 QA76.87 .P36 TJ211 .T73 QA76.889 .S74 2006 TK6570.I34 .R45 TJ211.35 .S66 TK5104 .P72 2003 QA76.9.C65 .C48 QA76.758 .B73 2011 QA76.9.N38 .S86 TK6553 .D59 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 1 1 Martin, John C. Bailey, Duane A. Friedman-Hill, Ernest Busby, Jason. Busby, Jason. Cooper, George R. Ferber, Jacques. Chapra, Steven C. Crowley, Charles (Charles Patrick) Troelsen, Andrew Rogers, David F. Appleby, Doris. Sceppa, David, 1972Heath, Michael T. Pressman, Roger S. Lee, Edward A., 1957Forouzan, Behrouz A. Manna, Zohar. Moret, B. M. E. (Bernard M. E.) Das, Sumitabha. Sundaram, Rangarajan K. Wooldridge, Michael J., 1966Klopfer, Eric. Georgiou, Chryssis. Pandya, Abhijit S. Thrun, Sebastian, 1967Steeb, W.-H. Spong, Mark W. Pratt, Timothy. Chung, Christopher A. Braude, Eric J. Dobkin, Daniel Mark. Introduction to languages and the theory Java structures : Jess in action : Mastering Unreal technology : Mastering Unreal technology : Methods of signal and system analysis / Multi-agent systems : Numerical methods for engineers : Operating systems : Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 platform / Procedural elements for computer graphic Programming languages : Programming Microsoft ADO.NET 2.0 core r Scientific computing : Software engineering : Structure and interpretation of signals TCP/IP protocol suite / The deductive foundations of computer pr The theory of computation / Your UNIX : A first course in optimization theory / An introduction to multiagent systems / Augmented learning : Cooperative task-oriented computing : Pattern recognition with neural networks Probabilistic robotics / Problems and solutions in quantum comput RFID and sensor networks : Robot modeling and control / Satellite communications / Simulation modeling handbook : Software engineering : Supertagging : The RF in RFID : QA76.9.D343 .F45 HG4515.5 .W45 TA1632 .G73 Q387 .B73 QA76.76.C672 .R64 TR897.7 .P35 Cd TR897.7 .P35 QA279.5 .D37 TK7895.M5 .S54 QA76.9.C65 .F85 TK7882.P3 .D82 2001 QA76.9.U83 S74 2012 QA402.5 .F53 QA401 .P74 TJ223.P76 .P74 2008 QA76.59 .M54 QA76.889 .Y35 QA76.54 .L36 2012 QA76.73.J38 .G63 QA76.54 .L36 2012 TJ223.P76 .P35 2009 Cd TJ223.P76 .P35 2009 QA76.64 .L67 2011 TK5105.8885.S24 .S37 QA76.9.A43 .H37 2004 QA303 .S8318 QA303 .P8718 2007 TK7867 .B6918 2009 1 1 1 1 3 5 5 1 1 1 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 3 2 1 1 1 2 Feldman, Ronen, 1962Wellman, Michael P. Grauman, Kristen Brachman, Ronald J., 1949Rogers, Scott. Palamar, Todd. Palamar, Todd. Darwiche, Adnan, 1966Shen, John Paul. Fujimoto, Richard M. Duda, Richard O. Steimle, Jürgen. Fletcher, Roger. Predko, Michael. Mikkonen, Tommi. Yanofsky, Noson S., 1967Laplante, Phillip A. Goetz, Brian. Laplante, Phillip A. Palacios Municio, Enrique. Palacios Municio, Enrique. Lopez Roman, Leobardo. Schreckenbach, Sebastian. Harel, David, 1950Stewart, James, 1941Purcell, Edwin J. Boylestad, Robert L. The text mining handbook : Trading Agents / Visual object recognition / Knowledge representation and reasoning / Level up! : Mastering Autodesk Maya 2012 / Mastering Autodesk Maya 2012 / Modeling and reasoning with Bayesian net Modern processor design : Parallel and distribution simulation sys Pattern classification / Pen-and-paper user interfaces Practical methods of optimization / Principles of modeling and simulation : Programming and customizing the PIC micr Programming mobile devices : Quantum computing for computer scientist Real-time systems design and analysis / Java concurrency in practice / Real-time systems design and analysis / Microcontroladores PIC16F84 : Microcontroladores PIC16F84 : Programacion estructurada y orientada a SAP administration : Algorithmics : Cálculo de varias variables : Cálculo / Electrónica :