Mochica Weaving Scene Bibliography

Mochica Weaving Scene Bibliography
Anonymous. The Huarochirí Manuscript: A Testament of Ancient and Colonial Andean
Religion. Translated from the Quechua by Frank Salomon and George L. Urioste.
Annotations and Introduction by Frank Salomon. Transcription by George L. Urioste.
Austin: University of Texas, 1991.
Basiten, Joseph W. Qollohuaya Rituals: An Ethnographic Account of the Symbolic Relations of
Man and Land in an Andean Village. Doctoral Thesis, Cornell University, 1973.
Bauer, Brian S. and David S. P. Dearborn. Astronomy and Empire in the Ancient Andes: The
Cultural Origins of Inca Sky Watching. Austin: University of Texas, 1995.
Bawden, Garth. The Moche. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1996.
Benson, Elizabeth P. The Mochica: A Culture of Peru. New York: Praeger, 1972.
Betanzons, Juan de. Narrative of the Incas. Translated and edited by Roland hamilton and Dana
Huchanan from the Palma de Mallorca manuscript. Austin: University of Texas, 1996.
Campana D., Cristóbal. “El Entorno Cultural en un Dibuja Mochica.” Mochica: Propuestas y
Perspectivas. SantiagoUceda y Elías Mujica, editores. Actas del Primer Colquio sobre la
Cultura Mochica., Trujillo, 12 al 16 de abril de 1993. Trujillo, Peru: Universidad Nacioal
de la Libertad, 1994.
Cieza de León, Pedro de. The Incas of Pedro de Cieza de León. Translated by Harriet de Onis.
Edited, with an Introduction, by Victor Wolfgang von Hagen. Norman, Olahoma:
Univeristy of Oklahoma, 1959.
Corduan, Nicholas. Mochica Face Paint. Collected notes and materials, 1995.
Donnan, Christopher B. Mochica Occupation of the Santa Valley Peru. Berkley: Universoty of
California, 1973.
-----, ed. Ethnoarchaeology. Los Angeles: Univerity of California Institute of Archaeology,
-----. Mochica Art of Peru: Pre-Columbian Symbolic Communication. Los Angeles: Fowler
Museum of Cultural History, 1978.
-----. “Mochica Funerary Practice.” Ms, nd.
Donnan, Christoper B. and Carol J. Mackey. Ancient Burial Patterns of the Mochica Valley,
Peru. Austin: Univerity of Texas, 1978.
Farge, Henry A. la, ed. Museums of the Andes. Introduction by Junius B. Bird, text by Elizabeth
P. Benson and Sergio J. Conklin. Great Museums of the World. Tokyo: Newsweek,
Hagen, Victor W. von. The Desert Kingdoms of Peru. Greenwich, Connecticut: New York
Graphics Society, 1964.
Harcourt, Raoul d’. Textiles of Ancient Peru and Their Techniques. Edited by Grace G.
Dennyand Carolyn M. Osborne. Translated by Sadie Brown. Seattle: University of
Washington, 1962.Orig., Les textiles anciens du Pérou. Paris: 1934.
Hocquenghem, Anne Marie. Iconorafía Mochica, Segunda Edicion. Lima, Peru: Fondo
Editorial de la Pontífiia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1987.
Kroeber, Alfred Louis. Peruvian Archaeology in 1942.
Anthropology, 4. New York: Viking Fund, 1944.
Viking Fund Publications in
Larco Hoyle, Rafael. La Escritura Peruana Sobre Pallares. Bueonas Aires: Sociedad
Argentina de Antropologia, 1944.
-----. Peru. Translated from the French by James Hogarth. Archaeologia Mundi. Series
directed by Jean Marcadé. Orig., Geneva: Nagel, 1966. Cleveland: World,
Meisch, Lynn A., editor. Traditional Textiles of the Andes: Life and Cloth in the
Highlands. The Jeffrey Appleby Collection of Andean Textiles. New York:
Thames and Hudson. San Fransisco: Finest Museums of San Fransisco, 1997.
Montell, Gösta. Dress And Ornaments in Ancient Peru. London: Oxford University,
Nieves, Ana C. Mochica Bean Warriors (Masters Thesis). Charlottesville: University of
Virgina, 1995.
Poindexter, Miles, Ll.D. The Ayar-Incas, Volume One: Monuments, Culture, and
American Relationships. New York: Horace Liveright, 1930.
Poma, Don Felipe Humán de Ayala. Letter to A King. A Peruvian chief’s Account of
Life Under the Incas and Under Spanish Rule. Translated, Arranged, and Edited,
with an Introduction, by Christopjher Dilke. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1978.
Shimada, Izumi. Pampa Grande and the Mochica Culture. Austin: University of Texas,
Strong, William D. and Clifford Evans, Jr. Cultural Stratigraphy in the Viru Valley,
Northern Peru: The Formative and Florescent Epochs. New York: Columbia
University, 1952.
Towle, Margaret A. The Ethnobotany of Pre-Columbian Peru. Forward by Gordon R.
Wiley. Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology, 30. Chicago: Aldine, 1961.
Vega, Garcilaso de la. The Incas: The Royal Commentaries of the Inca. Translated by
Maria Jolas from the critical, annotated French edition of Alain Gheerbrant. With
an introduction bu alain Gheerbrant. New York: Orion, 1961.
Von Hagen, Victor W. The Desert Kingdoms of Peru. Greenwich, Connectivutt: New
York Graphic Society, 1965.
Vreeland, James M., Jr. “Day of the Dead.” Archaeology (November/December 1992):
Waisbard, Roger and Simone. Masks, Mummies, and Magicians: A Voyage of
Exploration in Pre-Inca Peru. New York: Praeger, 1966.