New Release CIVIL ENGINEERING 1. Engineering Mechanics Dr. R.K. Bansal 1. Basics of Statics of Particles; 2. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies; 3. Properties of Surfaces and Solids; 4. Dynamics of Particles; 5. Friction and Elements of Rigid Body Dynamics. ISBN: 978-81-318-0078-2 EDITION: Third, 2013 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 573 PRICE: ` 380.00 IMPRINT: LP 2. A Textbook of Strength of Materials Dr. R.K. Bansal 1. Simple Stresses and Strains; 2. Elastic Constants; 3. Principal Stresses and Strains; 4. Strain Energy and Impact Loading; 5. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia; 6. Shear Force and Bending Moment; 7. Bending Stresses in Beams; 8. Shear Stresses in Beams; 9. Direct and Bending Stresses; 10. Dams and Retaining Walls; 11. Analysis of Perfect Frames; 12. Deflection of Beams; 13. Deflection of Cantilevers; 14. Conjugate Beam Method, Propped Cantilevers and Beams; 15. Fixed and Continuous Beams; 16. Torsion of Shafts and Springs; 17. Thin Cylinders and Spheres; 18. Thick Cylinders and Spheres; 19. Columns and Struts; 20. Riveted Joints; 21. Welded Joints; 22. Rotating Discs and Cylinders; 23. Bending of Curved Bars; 24. Theories of Failure; 25. Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre; 26. Objective Type Questions. ISBN: 978-81-318-0814-6 2-Colour Edition with CD EDITION: Fifth, 2012 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 1160 PRICE: ` 625.00 Bestseller 2,25,000 IMPRINT: LP COPIES SOLD 3. A Textbook of Hydrology Dr. P. Jaya Rami Reddy 1. Introduction; 2. Hydrometeorology; 3. Probability and Statistics; 4. The Catchment; 5. Precipitation; 6. Streamflow Measurement; 7. Evaporation and Evapo transpiration; 8. Infiltration; 9. Groundwater; 10. Runoff; 11. Hydrograph Analysis; 12. Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph; 13. Flood Routing; 14. Design Flood; 15. Sedimentation. ISBN: 978-93-80856-04-9 EDITION: Third, 2011 SIZE: 5 1′′ 1′′ ×8 2 2 PAGES: 523 PRICE: ` 375.00 IMPRINT: USP 4. Basic Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (For Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal ) Part-A: Basic Civil Engineering Unit I, Unit II, Unit III Part-B: Engineering Mechanics Unit IV, Unit V Dr. R. K. Bansal, Rakesh Ranjan Beohar, Ahmed Ali Khan ISBN: 978-93-80856-67-4 EDITION: Third, 2011 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 309 PRICE: ` 395.00 IMPRINT: USP 1 More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 5. Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics Prof. A.V. Narasimha Rao Part-A: Basics 1. Introduction; 2. Basic Definitions and Simple Tests; 3. Clay Mineralogy and Soil Structure ISBN: 978-93-80386-79-9 EDITION: First, 2010 Part-B: Index Properties and Soil Classification 4. Particle Size Analysis; 5. Plasticity Characteristics of Soils; 6. Classification of Soils SIZE: 7 Part-C: Engineering Properties 7. Permeability of Soils, Seepage Analysis and Concept of Effective Strees; 8. Consolidation of Soils; 9. Shear Strength of Soils 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 213 PRICE: ` 140.00 IMPRINT: USP 6. Basic Principles of Analysis and Design of an RCC Framed Structure Prof. H.R. Surya Prakash, S. Krishna Murthy 1. Design Principles of RCC Structures; 2. Loads on Structure; 3. Material Used in RC Structures; 4. Characteristic Strength and Load; 5. Classification of Beams; 6. Bending Moment and Shear Force; 7. Sign Conventions; 8. Relation between Shear Force and Bending Moment; 9. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for Statically Determinante Structure; 10. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for Statically Indeterminate Structure; 11. Methods of Design; 12. Design Example (RCC Framed Structure). ISBN: 978-93-80386-70-6 EDITION: First, 2010 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 112 PRICE: ` 100.00 IMPRINT: USP 7. Material Management Indian Railways Dr. C.L. Bansotra 1. Importance of Purchasing Function; 2. Store Organisation and Function; 3. Stores Nomenclature and Price Lists; 4. Purchase of Stores Policy and Rules Purchases Policy; 5. Contracts; 6. Scrutiny of Contract/Indents; 7. Contract Estimates; 8. Purchase Procedure: Direct Purchases by the Administration; 9. Purchase Through Directorate General of Supply and Disposal; 10. Purchase of Sleepers; 11. Purchase of Stationary, Printing Stores and Printing of Form; 12. Instruction to Tenderers; 13. Legal Aspects on Purchasing; 14. Import Procedure and Clearance of Important Cargo at Kolkata Port; 15. Material Quality Improvement through Standardisation; 16. Computerisation of Stores Accounts and Stores Functions; 17. Rolling Stock Components; 18. Work done of Purchaser in CON Constructions of N-F Railway; 19. Tender Section; 20. Local Purchase Section; 21. Establishment Section; 22. Work done in the Controller Source of Construction Organisation; 23. Office Order; 24. Steam Locomotives Parts and Fittings; 25. Material Management EOQ Formula; 26. Stores DepotsReceipt and Custody of Stores; 27. Stores Depots-Issue of Stores; 28. Depot Ledger; 29. Issue to and Receipt from Workshop Issue to Workshop; 30. Returned Stores; 31. Empties; 32. Imprest Stores (Other than Engineering Stores); 33. Engineering Plant Reserve Costudy, Receipt and Issue; 34. Carriage of Railway Materials; 35. Surplus Stocks; 36. Sale of Railway Materials; 37. Scrap and Auction Sales; 38. Priced Ledgers; 39. Check and Payment of Stores Bills; 40. Transfer Transactions, Stores Journal and Final Accounts; 41. The Annual Statement of Stores Transactions; 42. The Store Budget; 43. Stock Verification of Stores Depots by the Accounts Department; 44. Material Management Outline. 2 ISBN: 978-93-80386-57-7 EDITION: First, 2010 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 298 PRICE: ` 195.00 IMPRINT: USP More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 8. A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Dr. R.K. Bansal 1. Properties of Fluids; 2. Pressure and its Measurement; 3. Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces; 4. Buoyancy and Floatation; 5. Kinematics of Flow and Ideal Flow; 6. Dynamics of Fluid Flow; 7. Orifices and Mouthpieces; 8. Notches and Weirs; 9. Viscous Flow; 10. Turbulent Flow; 11. Flow Through Pipes; 12. Dimensional and Model Analysis; 13. Boundary Layer Flow; 14. Forces on Submerged Bodies; 15. Compressible Flow; 16. Flow in Open Channels; 17. Impact of Jets and Jet Propulsion; 18. Hydraulic Machines - Turbines; 19. Centrifugal Pumps; 20. Reciprocating Pumps; 21. Fluid System. ISBN: 978-81-318-0815-3 EDITION: Ninth, 2010 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 1130 PRICE: ` 550.00 IMPRINT: LP 9. Surveying and Field Work (Part I) (Hindi Medium) Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain 1. Fundamental Principles; 2. Linear Measurements; 3. Chain Surveying; 4. Compass Surveying; 5. Levelling; 6. Plane Table Survey; 7. Minor Instruments; 8. Simple Curves; 9. Computation of Area. ISBN: 978-81-318-0846-7 EDITION: Eighth, 2010 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 255 PRICE: ` 160.00 IMPRINT: LP 10. Surveying and Field Work (Part II) (Hindi Medium) Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain 1. Plane Table Survey; 2. The Theodolite; 3. Theodolite Traverse; 4. Trigonometrical levelling; 5. Tacheometric Surveying; 6. Contour Surveying; 7. Curve Surveying; 8. Computation of Area; 9. Computation of Volume; 10. Triangulation; 11. Photogrammetric Surveying; 12. Electronic Theodolites and Tacheometers. ISBN: 978-81-318-0861-0 EDITION: Eighth, 2010 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 334 PRICE: ` 195.00 IMPRINT: LP 11. Geoinformation for Development Peter Zeil; Stefan Kienberger 1. The Pressing Issues; 2. Methodologies and Tools; 3. Institutional Requirements; 4. Contributions from Panel Members and Session Chairs; 5. Summary of Final Panel Discussion. ISBN: 978-81-318-0718-7 EDITION: First, 2009 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 232 PRICE: ` 195.00 IMPRINT: USP 3 C-11/catalogue job 3/civ1 20-2-13 More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 12. Irrigation and Water Power Engineering Dr. B.C. Punmia, Dr. Pande Brij Basi Lal, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain Section I: Irrigation Practice 1. Introduction; 2. Methods of Irrigation; 3. Water Requirements of Crops Section II: Water Resources Engineering 4. Hydrology; 5. Ground Water: Well Irrigation; 6. Reservoir Planning; 7. Dams-I: General; 8. Dams-II: Gravity Dams; 9. Dams-III: Arch and Buttress Dams; 10. Dams-IV: Earth and Rockfill Dams; 11. Dams-V: Spillways; 12. Diversion Headworks Section III: Distribution System 13. Flow Irrigation; 14. Irrigation Channels: Silt Theories; 15. Design Procedure for an Irrigation Channel; 16. Water LogBestseller ging and Canal Lining; 17. Canal Outlets; 18. Canal Regulation 1,50,000 Works; 19. Cross Drainage Works COPIES SOLD Section IV: Miscellaneous Topics 20. River Engineering; 21. Water Power Engineering; 22. Water Resources Planning; 23. Important Dams of India. 13. Structural Analysis (Vol. I) (Hard Bound) ISBN: 978-81-318-0763-7 EDITION: Sixteenth, 2009 SIZE: 5 1′′ 1′′ ×8 2 2 PAGES: 980 PRICE: ` 595.00 IMPRINT: LP Dr. R. Vaidyanathan, Dr. P. Perumal 0. Introduction; 1. Deflection of Determinate Structures; 2. Slope Deflection Method; 3. Moment Distribution Method; 4. Matrix Flexibility Method; 5. Matrix Stiffness Method; 6. Model Analysis; 7. Strain Energy Method; 8. Kani’s Method. ISBN: 978-81-318-0385-1 EDITION: Fourth, 2008 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 446 PRICE: ` 850.00 IMPRINT: USP 14. Structural Analysis (Vol. II) (Hard Bound) Dr. R. Vaidyanathan, Dr. P. Perumal 1. Rolling Loads; 2. Influence Lines; 3. Influence Lines for Indeterminate Structures; 4. Arches; 5. Cables and Suspension Bridges; 6. Beams Curved in Plan; 7. Space Trusses; 8. Plastic Analysis of Structures; 9. Redundant Frames; 10. Rapid and Approximate Analysis of Building Frames; 11. Introduction to Finite Element Method. ISBN: 978-81-318-0408-7 EDITION: Third, 2008 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 452 PRICE: ` 850.00 IMPRINT: USP 15. Building Construction Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kr. Jain, Arun Kr. Jain 1. Introduction; 2. Foundations-1: General; 3. Foundations2: Shallow Foundations; 4. Foundations-3: Deep Foundations; Bestseller 5. Masonry-1: Stone Masonry; 6. Masonry-2: Brick Masonry; 7. Masonry-3: Composite Masonry; 8. Load Bearing Walls; 9. Cavity 1,25,000 COPIES SOLD Walls; 10. Partition Walls; 11. Floors-I: Ground Floors; 12. FloorsII: Upper Floors; 13. Lintels and Arches; 14. Stairs; 15. Roofs and Roof Coverings; 16. Carpentry and Joinery; 17. Doors and Windows; 18. Shoring, Underpinning and Scaffolding; 19. Plastering and Pointing; 20. Painting, Distempering and Whitewashing; 21. Damp Proofing; 22. Termite Proofing; 23. Fire Protection; 24. Thermal Insulation; 25. Plain and Reinforced Cement Concrete; 26. Formwork; 27. Ventilation and Air-conditioning; 28. Acoustics and Sound Insulation; 29. PERT and CPM; 30. Plumbing for Building; 31. Buildings Plans; 32. Earthquake Resistant Building. 4 ISBN: 978-81-318-0428-5 EDITION: Tenth, 2008 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 666 PRICE: ` 425.00 IMPRINT: LP More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 16. Elements of Civil Engineering H.C.M. Swamy 1. Introduction; 2. Introduction to Engineering Mechanics; 3. Composition and Resolution of a Force System; 4. Centroid; 5. Lamies Theorem; 6. Determinate and Indeterminate Structures; 7. Friction; 8. Moment of Inertia. ISBN: 978-81-318-0558-9 EDITION: First, 2008 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 161 PRICE: ` 110.00 IMPRINT: USP 17. Basic Civil Engineering Rakesh Ranjan Beohar (For Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal ) UNIT 1 : CIVIL ENGINEERING 1. Stones; 2. Bricks; 3. Lime; 4. Cement; 5. Mortar; 6. Cement Concrete; 7. Aggregate; 8. Timber; 9. Other Important Building Materials UNIT 2 : BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 1. Elements of Building Construction; 2. Foundation; 3. Brick Masonry; 4. Stone Masonry; 5. Dampness and its Prevention; 6. Floors; 7. Roofs; 8. Doors and Windows; 9. Arches and Lintels; 10. Stairs; 11. Plastering and Pointing; 12. Formwork and Scaffolding; 13. Cost Effective Construction Techniques UNIT 3 : SURVEYING AND POSITIONING 1. Introduction; 2. Chain Surveying; 3. Chain Triangulation; 4. Compass Surveying; 5. Plane Table Surveying; 6. Levelling; 7. Theodolite UNIT 4 : MAPPING AND SENSING 1. Mapping and Sensing UNIT 5 : DISASTER RESISTANCE BUILDING 1. Disaster Resistant Building; 2. Disaster Management; 3. Introduction to Various I.S. Codes. 18. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete C-11/catalogue job 3/civ1 20-2-13 EDITION: Second, 2008 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 348 PRICE: ` 210.00 IMPRINT: USP Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain 1. Reinforced Concrete Materials; 2. Design Concepts: Limit State Design; 3. Limit State of Collapse in Flexure: I Singly Reinforced Rectangular Sections; 4. Limit State of Collapse in Flexure: II Doubly Reinforced Rectangular Sections; 5. Limit State of Collapse in Flexure: III Non-Rectangular Sections; 6. Limit State of Collapse in Flexure: IV Flanged Sections; 7. Limit State of Collapse in Shear: Design for Shear; 8. Limit State of Collapse in Bond; 9. Limit State of Collapse in Torsion; 10. Limit State of Serviceability in Deflection and Cracking; 11. Design of Beams and Slabs; 12. Two Way Slabs; 13. Circular Slabs; 14. Flat Slabs; 15. Design of Stair Cases; 16. Limit State of Collapse in Compression: I Axially Loaded Colums; 17. Limit State of Collapse in Compression: II Columns with Axial Load and Uniaxial Bending; 18. Limit State of Collapse in Compression: III Columns with Axial Load and Biaxial Bending; 19. Limit State of Collapse in Compression: IV Slender Columns; 20. Yield Line Theory and Design of Slabs; 21. Redistribution of Moments; 22. Design of Footings; 23. Design of Retaining Walls; 24. Building Frames; 25. Prestressed Concrete; 26. Design of Miscellaneous Structures; 27. Detailing of Earthquake Resistant R.C. Structures. 5 ISBN: 978-81-318-0505-3 ISBN: 978-81-318-0241-0 EDITION: First, 2007 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 936 PRICE: ` 575.00 IMPRINT: LP More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 19. Design for RCC Slabs—A Ready Reckoner K.C. Jain 1. Introduction; 2. Simplification of Loads; 3. Material; 4. Limit State Method of Design; 5. Simplified Proposition of Reinforcement; 6. Parameters of Design; 7. Analysis; 8. Design of Slabs; 9. Special Designs of Slabs; 10. Detailings of Reinforcement. ISBN: 978-81-318-0566-4 EDITION: Second, 2007 SIZE: 8 1′′ 2 × 11″ PAGES: 437 PRICE: ` 395.00 IMPRINT: USP 20. Structural Analysis (Vol. I) Dr. R. Vaidyanathan & Dr. P. Perumal 0. Introduction; 1. Deflection of Determinate Structures; 2. Slope Deflection Method; 3. Moment Distribution Method; 4. Matrix Flexibility Method; 5. Matrix Stiffness Method; 6. Model Analysis; 7. Strain Energy Method; 8. Kani’s Method. ISBN: 978-81-318-0781-1 Bestseller EDITION: Third, 2007 COPIES SOLD SIZE: 7 25,000 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 446 PRICE: ` 275.00 IMPRINT: LP 21. Structural Analysis Through Short Questions and Answers Dr. R. Vaidyanathan & Dr. P. Perumal 1. Classification and Behaviour of Structures; 2. Static and Kinematic Indeterminacies of Structures; 3. General Theorems and Strain Energy Method; 4. Slope-Deflection Method; 5. Moment Distribution Method and Naylor’s Method; 6. Deflection of Determinate Structures; 7. Matrix Flexibility Method; 8. Matrix Stiffness Method; 9. Rolling Loads; 10. Influence Lines for Statically—Determinate Structures–Beams and Trusses; 11. Influence Lines for Intermediate Structures; 12. Model Analysis; 13. Arches; 14. Cables and Suspension Bridges; 15. Space Trusses; 16. Beams Curved in Plan; 17. Plastic Analysis of Structures; 18. Redundant Frames; 19. Introduction to Theory of Elasticity; 20. Introduction to the Finite Element Method; 21. Kani’s Method; 22. Rapid and Approximate Analysis of Building Frames. 22. Civil Engineering EDITION: Second, 2007 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 198 PRICE: ` 125.00 IMPRINT: USP Dr. P. Jaya Rami Reddy (OBJECTIVE TYPES) (With Multiple Choice Questions and Answers, Including Brief Theory) 1. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines; 2. Engineering Mechanics; 3. Strength of Materials; 4. Hydrology; 5. Water Resources Engineering; 6. Water Supply Engineering; 7. Sanitary Engineering; 8. Soil Mechanics; 9. Highway Engineering; 10. Railway Engineering; 11. Building Materials; 12. Building Construction; 13. Theory of Structures; 14. Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures; 15. Steel Structures; 16. Surveying; 17. Construction Planning, PERT, CPM; 18. Estimating and Quantity Surveying; 19. Air Pollution. 6 C-11/catalogue job 3/civ2 20-2-13 ISBN: 978-93-80386-50-8 ISBN: 978-81-318-0878-8 EDITION: First, 2007 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 777 PRICE: ` 495.00 IMPRINT: LP More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 23. Structural Analysis (Vol. II) Dr. R. Vaidyanathan & Dr. P. Perumal 1. Rolling Loads; 2. Influence Lines; 3. Influence Lines for Indeterminate Structures; ISBN: 978-81-318-0782-8 4. Arches; 5. Cables and Suspension Bridges; 6. Beams Curved in Plan; 7. Space Trusses; EDITION: Second, 2006 8. Plastic Analysis of Structures; 9. Redundant Frames; 10. Rapid and Approximate Analysis of Building Frames; 11. Introduction to Finite Element Method. 1′′ 1′′ SIZE: 7 × 9 4 Bestseller PAGES: 452 COPIES SOLD IMPRINT: LP PRICE: ` 295.00 25,000 24. Reference Book on Computer Aided Design Laboratory 2 Dr. M.N. Shesha Prakash, Dr. G.S. Suresh ISBN: 978-81-318-0601-2 1. Computer Aided Analysis and Design; 2. Computer Program for Analysis of Beams; 3. Programs for Design of RCC Beams; 4. Analysis of Beams and Frames using Software; EDITION: First, 2006 5. Use of Spread Sheet—Excel; Appendices. SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 168 PRICE: ` 125.00 IMPRINT: USP 25. R.C.C. Designs Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain Part I: Working Stress Method 1. Introduction; 2. Theory of Reinforced Beams and Slabs; 3. Shear and Bond; 4. Torsion; 5. Doubly Reinforced Beams; 6. T and L-Beams; 7. Design of Beams and Slabs; 8. Design of Stair Cases; 9. Reinforced Brick and Hollow Tile Roofs; 10. Two-way Slabs; 11. Circular Slabs; 12. Flat Slabs; 13. Axially Loaded Columns ; 14. Combined Direct and Bending Stresses ; 15. Continuous and Isolated Footings; 16. Combined Footings; 17. Pile Foundations; 18. Retaining Walls Part II: Water Tanks 19. Domes; 20. Beams Curved in Plan; 21. Water Tanks—I: Simple Cases; 22. Water Tanks— II: Circular & INTZE Tanks; 23. Water Tanks—III: Rectangular Tanks; 24. Water Tanks—IV: Underground Tanks ISBN: 978-81-318-0942-6 EDITION: Tenth, 2006 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 1246 PRICE: ` 750.00 IMPRINT: LP Part III: Miscellaneous Structures 25. Reinforced Concrete Pipes; 26. Bunkers and Silos; 27. Chimneys; 28. Portal Frames; 29. Building Frames Part IV: Concrete Bridges 30. Aqueducts and Box Culverts; 31. Concrete Bridges Part V: Limit State Design 32. Design Concepts; 33. Singly Reinforced Sections; 34. Doubly Reinforced Sections 35. T and L-Beams; 36. Shear, Bond and Torsion; 37. Design of Beams and Slabs; 38. Axially Loaded Columns; 39. Columns with Uniaxial and Biaxial Bending; 40. Design of Stair Cases; 41. Twoway Slabs; 42. Circular Slabs; 43. Yield Line Theory and Design of Slabs; 44. Foundations Part VI: Prestressed Concrete and Miscellaneous Topics 45. Prestressed Concrete; 46. Shrinkage and Creep; 47. Form-Work; 48. Tests For Cement and Concrete. 7 C-11/catalogue job 3/civ2 20-2-13 More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING Dr. R.K. Bansal 26. A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics 1. Properties of Fluids; 2. Pressure and its Measurement; 3. Hydrostatic Forces on Submerged Surfaces; 4. Buoyancy and Flotation; 5. Fluid Kinematics; 6. Dimensional Analysis; 7. Fluid Dynamics; 8. Fluid Flow Measurements; 9. Flow Through Pipes; 10. Viscous Flow; 11. Flow Past Immersed Bodies; 12. Compressible Flow. ISBN: 978-81-318-0294-6 EDITION: First, 2005 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 501 PRICE: ` 325.00 IMPRINT: LP Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain 27. Surveying (Vol. I) 1. Fundamental Definitions and Concepts; 2. Accuracy and Errors; 3. Linear Measurements; 4. Chain Surveying; 5. The Compass; 6. The Theodolite; 7. Traverse Surveying; 8. Omitted Measurements; 9. Levelling; 10. Contouring; 11. Plane Table Surveying; 12. Calculation of Area; 13. Measurement of Volume; 14. Minor Instruments; 15. Trigonometrical Levelling; 16. Permanent Adjustments of Bestseller Levels; 17. Precise Levelling; 18. Permanent Adjustments of Theodolite; 19. Precise Theodolites; 20. Setting Out Works; 1,725,000 21. Special Instruments; 22. Tacheometric Surveying; COPIES SOLD 23. Electronic Theodolites; 24. Electro-Magnetic Distance Measurement (EDM). ISBN: 81-7008-853-4 EDITION: Sixteenth, 2005 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 536 PRICE: ` 350.00 IMPRINT: LP Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain 28. Surveying (Vol. II) 1. Curve Surveying I: Simple Circular Curves; 2. Curve Surveying II: Compound and Reverse Curves; 3. Curve Surveying III: Transition Curves; 4. Curve Surveying IV: Vertical Curves; 5. Trigonometrical Levelling; 6. Hydrographic Surveying; 7. Mine Surveying; 8. Triangulation; 9. Survey Adjustments and Theory of Bestseller Errors; 10. Topographic Surveying; 11. Route Surveying; 1,60,000 12. Special Instruments; 13. Field Astronomy; 14. Photogrammetric COPIES SOLD Surveying; 15. Electro-Magnetic Distance Measurement (EDM); 16. Remote Sensing. ISBN: 81-7008-883-6 EDITION: Fifteenth, 2005 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 658 PRICE: ` 425.00 IMPRINT: LP Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain 29. Higher Surveying III 1. Field Astronomy; 2. Photogrammetric Surveying; 3. Electro-Magnetic Distance Measurement (EDM); 4. Remote Sensing; 5. Geographical Information System (GIS). ISBN: 81-7008-825-9 EDITION: Fifteenth, 2005 SIZE: 7 Bestseller 1,25,000 COPIES SOLD 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 274 PRICE: ` 195.00 IMPRINT: LP 8 C-11/catalogue job 3/civ2 20-2-13 More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 30. Soil Mechanics and Foundations Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain [In S.I. Units] Part I: Elementary Properties 1. Introduction; 2. Preliminary Definitions and Relationships; 3. Determination of Index Properties; 4. Classification of Soils; 5. Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy Part II: Soil Hydraulics 6. Soil Water: Effective and Neutral Stresses; 7. Permeability; 8. Well Hydraulics; 9. Seepage Analysis; 10. Seepage Below Hydraulic Structures; 11. Drainage and Dewatering Part III: Elasticity Applied to Soils 12. Elements of Elasticity; 13. Stress Distribution-I; 14. Stress Distribution-II ISBN: 81-7008-791-0 EDITION: Sixteenth, 2005 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 916 PRICE: ` 565.00 IMPRINT: LP Part IV: Compressibility 15. One Dimensional Consolidation; 16. Three Dimensional Consolidation; 17. Compaction Bestseller Part V: Strength and Stability 2,00,000 18. Shear Strength; 19. Failure Envelopes; 20. Earth Pressure; 21. Bulkheads and Coffer-Dams; 22. Shafts, Tunnels COPIES SOLD and Conduits; 23. Stability of Slopes Part VI: Foundation Engineering 24. Bearing Capacity; 25. Shallow Foundations; 26. Pile Foundations; 27. Well Foundations; 28. Machine Foundations Part VII: Pavement Design 29. Design of Flexible Pavement; 30. Design of Rigid Pavements; 31. Stabilisation of Soils Part VIII: Miscellaneous Topics 32. Site Investigation and Sub-soil Exploration; 33. Advanced Measuring Instruments; 34. Reinforced Earth and Geotextiles 31. Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS Dr. S. Kumar 1. Remote Sensing; 2. EMR Interaction with Atmosphere and Earth Materials; 3. Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing; 4. Geographic; Information System (GIS); 5. Miscellaneous Topics; Examination Papers. ISBN: 978-81-318-0544-2 EDITION: First, 2005 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 140 PRICE: ` 125.00 IMPRINT: USP 32. Management Concepts for Civil Engineers 1. Management Concepts; 2. Business; 3. Function of Management; 4. Production Management; 5. Inventory Control; 6. Introduction to Marketing Management; 7. Marketing Segmentation; 8. Positioning; 9. Marketing Research Management; 10. Marketing Planning; 11. Financial Management; 12. Material and Equipment—Introduction, Planning and Scheduling; 13. Procurement; 14. Cost Reduction and Material Management; 15. Resource Management; 16. Vendor Rating; 17. Buyer-Seller Relationship; 18. Personnel Management— An Overview; 19. Functions of Personnel Management; 20. Man Power Policy and Planning; 21. Recruitment and Selection; 22. Training; 23. Performance Appraisal; 24. Wage and Salary Administration; 25. Trade Union and Collective Bargaining; 26. Accidents and Safety; 27. Absenteeism and Turnover; 28. Grievances; 29. Conflict, Identification and Resolution; 30. Construction Management—Planning and Scheduling; 31. Resource Allocation; 32. Project Management Information System; Appendices. 9 C-11/catalogue job 3/civ2 20-2-13 K. Anbuvelan ISBN: 978-81-318-0627-2 EDITION: First, 2005 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 322 PRICE: ` 250.00 IMPRINT: USP More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 33. Theory of Structures Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain Part I: Moving Loads 1. Rolling Loads; 2. Influence Lines; 3. Influence Lines for Girders with Floor Beams; 4. Influence Lines for Stresses in Frames; 5. The Muller-Breslau Principle Part II: Statically Indeterminate Structures 6. Statically Indeterminate Beams and Frames; 7. The General Method; 8. Three Moment Equation Method; 9. The Slope Deflection Method; 10. Moment Distribution Method; 11. The Column Analogy Method; 12. Method of Strain Energy; 13. Deflection of Perfect Frames; 14. Redundant Frames ; 15. Cables and Suspension Bridges; 16. Arches Part III: Miscellaneous Topics 17. Welded Joints; 18. Method of Tension Coefficients; 19. Space Frames; 20. Plastic Theory; 21. Building Frames; 22. Kani’s Method; 23. Unsymmetrical Bending. 34. Basic Civil Engineering ISBN: 81-7008-618-3 EDITION: Twelfth, 2004 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 648 PRICE: ` 425.00 IMPRINT: LP Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain 1. Stones; 2. Bricks; 3. Timber; 4. Glass; 5. Cement; 6. Cement Mortar; 7. Cement Concrete; 8. RCC, PSC and Ferro-Cement; 9. Steel; 10. Fundamentals of Surveying; 11. Chain Survey; 12. Compass Survey; 13. Plane Table Surveying; 14. Levelling; 15. Contouring; 16. Building Plans; 17. Foundations; 18. Water Supply and Sanitation. ISBN: 81-7008-403-2 EDITION: First, 2003 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 446 PRICE: ` 275.00 IMPRINT: LP 35. Project Planning and Control with PERT and CPM Dr. B.C. Punmia and K.K. Khandelwal (I.A.S.) 1. Project Management; 2. Bar Charts and Milestone Charts; 3. Elements of Network; 4. Development of Network; 5. PERT: Time Estimates; 6. PERT: Time Computations; 7. PERT: Network Analysis; 8. CPM: Network Analysis; 9. CPM: Cost Model ; 10. CPM: Updating; 11. Resources Allocation. ISBN: 978-81-318-0698-2 EDITION: Fourth, 2002 SIZE: 5 1′′ 1′′ ×8 2 2 PAGES: 250 PRICE: ` 155.00 IMPRINT: LP 36. Mechanics of Materials Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain 1. Mechanical Properties of Materials; 2. Simple Stresses and Strains; 3. Elastic Constants; 4. Analysis of Stress: Principal Stresses; 5. Analysis of Strain: Principal Strains; 6. Strain Energy, Resilience and Impact Loading; 7. Theories of Elastic Failure ; 8. Centroids and Moments of Inertia of Plane Areas; 9. Shear Force and Bending Moment; 10. Bending Stresses in Beams; 11. Shearing Stresses in Beams; 12. Deflection of Beams : I Double Integration Method; 13. Deflection of Beams: II Area Moment Method; 14. Deflection of Beams : III Conjugate Beam Method; 15. Deflection of Beams: IV Strain Energy Method; 16. Fixed Beams; 17. Continuous Beams; Bestseller 18. Combined Direct and Bending Stresses; 19. Masonry 50,000 Structures (Retaining Walls, Dams and Chimneys); 20. Columns; COPIES SOLD 21. Torsion of Shafts; 22. Springs; 23. Thin Cylinders and Spheres; 24. Thick Cylinders and Spheres; 25. Analysis of Perfect Frames; 26. Riveted Connections; 27. Welded Connections. 10 C-11/catalogue job 3/civ2 20-2-13 ISBN: 978-81-318-0646-3 EDITION: First, 2001 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 952 PRICE: ` 595.00 IMPRINT: LP More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 37. Ground Improvement Techniques (Hard Bound) Dr. P. Purushothama Raj 1. Formation and Development of Ground; 2. Compaction; 3. Drainage Methods; 4. Precompression and Vertical Drains; 5. Vibration Methods; 6. Grouting and Injection; 7. Mechanical, Cementing and Chemical Stabilization; 8. Geosynthetics; 9. Miscellaneous Methods. ISBN: 978-81-318-0857-3 EDITION: First, 1999 SIZE: 7 1′′ 4 ×8 1′′ 2 PAGES: 265 PRICE: ` 750.00 IMPRINT: LP 38. Ground Improvement Techniques (Paper Back) Dr. P. Purushothama Raj 1. Formation and Development of Ground; 2. Compaction; 3. Drainage Methods; 4. Precompression and Vertical Drains; 5. Vibration Methods; 6. Grouting and Injection; 7. Mechanical, Cementing and Chemical Stabilization; 8. Geosynthetics; 9. Miscellaneous Methods. ISBN: 978-81-318-0594-7 EDITION: First, 1999 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 265 PRICE: ` 225.00 IMPRINT: USP 39. Comprehensive Design of Steel Structures Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain [In S.I. Units] ISBN: 978-81-318-0645-6 1. Introduction; 2. Loads and Stresses; 3. Steel Work Connections: I—Riveted Connections; 4. Steel Work Connections: II—Bolted and Pinned Connections; 5. Steel Work Connections: III—Welded Connections; 6. Design of Tension Members; 7. Design of Compression Members; 8. Design of Flexural Members: Beams; 9. Gantry Girders; 10. Beam Columns; 11. Design of Column Bases and Footings; 12. Riveted Beam Connections; 13. Welded Beam Connections; 14. Design of Plate Girders; 15. Unsymmetrical Bending; 16. Design of Roof Trusses; 17. Design of Round Tubular Structures; 18. Design in Light Gauge Steel; 19. Design of Steel Chimneys; 20. Design of Steel Tanks; 21. Design of Towers and Masts; 22. Influence Lines for Stresses in Frames; 23. Space Frames; 24. Multi-storey Buildings; 25. Industrial Buildings; 26. Plastic Analysis and Design; Bestseller 27. Bridges I: General; 28. Bridges II: Loads & Stresses; 60,000 29. Bridges III: Plate Girder Bridges; 30. Bridges IV: Truss Girder COPIES SOLD Bridges; 31. Bridges V: End Bearings; 32. Timber Structures; 33. Design of Masonry Structures. EDITION: Second, 1998 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 1156 PRICE: ` 695.00 IMPRINT: LP 40. Environmental Engineering—2: Wastewater Engineering Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain (Including Air Pollution) 1. Introduction; 2. Collection and Conveyance of Sewage; 3. Wastewater Flow Rates; 4. Hydraulic Design of Sewers; 5. Construction of Sewers; 6. Sewer Appurtenances; 7. Sewage Pumping; 8. Wastewater Characteristics; 9. Natural Methods of Waste Water Disposal; 10. Unit Operations for Waste Water Treatment; 11. Preliminary Treatment; 12. Sedimentation and Chemical Clarification; 13. Biological Treatment—I: Sewage Filtration; 14. Biological Treatment—II: Activated Sludge Process; 15. Biological Treatment—III: Miscellaneous Methods; 16. Treatment and Disposal of Sludge; 17. Septic and Imhoff Tanks; 18. Advanced Waste Water Treatment ; 19. Industrial Wastewater Treatment; 20. House Drainage; 21. Rural Sanitation; 22. Solid Waste Disposal; 23. Air Pollution. 11 C-11/catalogue job 3/civ2 20-2-13 ISBN: 978-81-318-0596-1 EDITION: Second, 1998 SIZE: 5 1′′ 1′′ ×8 2 2 PAGES: 660 PRICE: ` 325.00 IMPRINT: LP More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 41. Stochastic Hydrology (Hard Bound) Dr. P. Jaya Rami Reddy 1. Introduction; 2. Probability; 3. Some Characteristics of Distributions; 4. Continuous Distributions; 5. Discrete Distributions; 6. Estimation and Probability Plotting; 7. Correlation and Regression; 8. Stochastic Processes; 9. Autocorrelation Analysis; 10. Spectral Analysis; 11. Univariate Stochastic Models; 12. Multivariate Stochastic Models; 13. Generation of Random Variates. ISBN: 81-7008-086-X EDITION: Second, 1997 SIZE: 5 1′′ 1′′ ×8 2 2 PAGES: 259 PRICE: ` 200.00 IMPRINT: LP 42. Soil Testing (Laboratory Manual and Question Bank) K.V.S. Apparao and V.C.S. Rao 1. Determination of Moisture Content; 2. Determination of Specific Gravity; 3. Determination of Bulk Density and Dry Density; 4. Determination of Specific Gravity by Pycnometer; 5. Determination of Specific Gravity and Water Content; 6. Field Density Test; 7. Grain Size Analysis; 8. Determination of Consistency Limits; 9. I.S. Light Compaction Test; 10. Density Index Test; 11. Permeability Test; (a) Constant Head (b) Falling Head; 12. Vane Shear Test; 13. Shear Shear Test ; 14. Unconfined Compression Test; 15. Undrained Triaxial Test; 16. Consolidation Test; 17. California Bearing Ratio Test; 18. Question Bank. ISBN: 978-81-318-0715-6 EDITION: First, 1995 SIZE: 7 1′′ 1′′ ×9 4 2 PAGES: 153 PRICE: ` 125.00 IMPRINT: USP 43. Environmental Engineering—I: Water Supply Engineering Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain 1. Water Systems; 2. Hydrology; 3. Surface Source; 4. Ground Water: Wells; 5. Water Demand and Quantity; 6. Quality of Water; 7. Unit Operations; 8. Screening and Aeration; 9. Sedimentation; 10. Filtration; 11. Disinfection; 12. Water Softening; 13. Miscellaneous Treatment Methods; 14. Pumps and Pumping; 15. Conveyance of Water; 16. Distribution of Water; 17. Water Supply for Buildings. ISBN: 978-81-318-0703-3 EDITION: Second, 1995 SIZE: 5 1′′ 1′′ ×8 2 2 PAGES: 584 PRICE: ` 325.00 IMPRINT: LP 44. Reinforced Concrete Structures (Vol. I) Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain Part I: Beams and Slabs 1. Introduction; 2. Theory of Reinforced Beams and Slabs; 3. Shear and Bond; 4. Torsion; 5. Doubly Reinforced Beams; 6. T and L-Beams; 7. Design of Beams and Slabs; 8. Design of Stair Cases; 9. Reinforced Brick and Hollow Tile Roofs; 10. Two-way Slabs; 11. Circular Slabs; 12. Flat Slabs Part II: Compression Members 13. Axially Loaded Columns; 14. Combined Direct and Bending Stresses Part III: Foundations and Retaining Structures 15. Continuous and Isolated Footings; 16. Combined Footings; 17. Pile Foundations; 18. Retaining Walls Part IV: Water Tanks and Miscellaneous Structures ISBN: 978-81-318-0644-9 EDITION: Seventh, 1992 SIZE: 5 1′′ 1′′ ×8 2 2 PAGES: 1140 PRICE: ` 475.00 IMPRINT: LP 19. Domes; 20. Water Tanks-I; 21. Form-Work; 22. Tests for Cement and Concrete Part V: Limit State Design Method 23. Design Concepts; 24. Singly Reinforced Sections; 25. Doubly Reinforced Sections; 26. T and L-Beams; 27. Shear Bond and Torsion; 28. Design of Beams and Slabs; 29. Design of Columns; 30. Miscellaneous Designs; 31. Yield Line Theory and Design of Slabs. 12 C-11/catalogue job 3/civ2 20-2-13 More Titles CIVIL ENGINEERING 45. Reinforced Concrete Structures (Vol. II) Dr. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain & Arun Kumar Jain Part I: Water Tanks 1. Beams Curved in Plan; 2. Domes; 3. Circular and INTZE Tanks; 4. Rectangular Tanks; 5. Underground Tanks Part II: Pipes, Silos and Chimneys 6. Reinforced Concrete Pipes; 7. Bunkers and Silos; 8. Chimneys Part III: Concrete Frames 9. Portal Frames; 10. Building Frames Part IV: Concrete Bridges 11. Aqueducts and Box Culverts; 12. Concrete Bridges Part V: Limit State Method 13. Design Concepts; 14. Singly Reinforced Sections; 15. Doubly Reinforced Sections; 16. T and L-Beams; 17. Shear, Bond and Torsion; 18. Design of Beams and Slabs 19. Axially Loaded Columns; 20. Columns with Uniaxial and Biaxial Bending; 21. Design of Stair Cases; 22. Two-way Slabs; 23. Circular Slabs; 24. Yield Line Theory and Design of Slabs; 25. Foundations Part VI: Prestressed Concrete and Miscellaneous Topics 26. Prestressed Concrete; 27. Shrinkage and Creep. 13 C-11/catalogue job 3/civ2 20-2-13 ISBN: 978-81-318-0666-1 EDITION: Fifth, 1992 SIZE: 5 1′′ 1′′ ×8 2 2 PAGES: 1144 PRICE: ` 525.00 IMPRINT: LP