No.LI1019/5/2014-0&M Government of India Department of Commerce (Supply Division) 1\ _.jl,-- Dated the December, 2014 Office Memorandum Subject: Advisory for use of email and web services in compliance of the order of High Court of Delhi under Public Records Act, 1993 - reg. ****** 1.,.,_ .('). ~ r:t:Ytif''' llf(~\CV) A copy of Department of Commerce's No.9!85!2014-FT -Coordination dated 8'h December, 2014 alongwith O.M. No.2 (l03)/2014-CERT-In dated 27.11.2014 received from Department of Electronics and information Technology, New Delhi, on the subject mentioned above, is enclosed for information and compliance. . Encl: As above. (Ajay Kumar) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Ph. 23062946 To '/ 2. 3. 4. DG (S&D), DGS&D, Jeevan Tara Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi CCA, Department of Commerce (Supply Division, 16-A, Akbar Road Hutments, New Delhi Director (IF), IF Wing, Jeevan Tara Building, New Delhi/IF wing KolkattalIF Wing, Mumbai v ~ (1Ft) fJ'eW ~ All Under Secretaries/Section Officers in Supply Division (Sectt.) I l/~~~ \ \'11\'''1 \)..;{ IV '-\ " \ 'i f\ . /VV • , . MOST IMMEDIATE No. 9/85/20 14-FT (Coord) Government of India Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Commerce Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi. Dated, the q-f!",., December, 2014. '. Office Memorandum Subject: Advisory for use of email and web seNices in compliance of High Court of Delhi under Public Records Act, 1993. of the order' The undersigned is directed to convey that DG, CERT-In, Department of Electronics and information Technology has issued an advisory for use of email and web services in compliance with the order of High Court of Delhi under Public Records Act, 1993. (Copy of DeitY OM No.2(103)/2014-CERT-ln dt.27.11.2014 is enclosed). The advisory inter alia highlights the need for all Government seNants tQ use the email/web services provided by NIC only, to ensure that no security breach . occurs in using these services. All concerned should either use e-mail services provided by NIC only or they should use, e-mail and web services provided by a service provider within India only, for all official communication as a security measure. In this regard, security guidelines/advisories, as issued from time to time by CERT-In should be followed, without exception. 2 A copy of the CERT-In Advisory, for use of email 'and web services In. compliance to the order of High Court of Delhi under Public Records Act, 1993! alongwith a cornpliance certificate has also been uploaded in the DoC's webslte.' which may be perused by officers and staff in the Department of Commerce at (DoC NIC) intranet, under heading-Notice Board as Advisory for use ore-mail and web services"> CERT-In Guidelines regarding vuinetebitities in the Desklop Seerch utility software. 3. All officers/staff of DoC are requested that the relevant rules as well as the advisory for use of email and web services are strictly complied, with immediate effect. Since the compliance report in this regard is to be reported to the Commerce Secretary, it is requested that all officers and staff of DoC may fill up the compliance certificate in the proforma enclosed and furnish the same to FT(Coordination) Section latest by 31.12.2014 with a copy to the concerned Establishment Section (E-I, E-II, E-III, E-IV, GA Section etc.). Jt-'I(,L~_.('. »<> (M.C. Luther) J\II All All All All Ali Director (Coordination) EPABX NO.503 Sr. Officers at and above the rank of Joint Secys in the DoC Directors/Dy Secys in DoC Under Secretaries in DoC Section Officers in DoC Sr. PPSs/PPSs/PAs in DoC DEOs in DoC, DGFT,DGAD, DGS&D, DGCI&Setc (through Gen.Section) Copy to .- NIC, DoC-with the request to upload the above mentioned advisory alongwith the compliance proforma. Soft copy of these have also been forwarded. Copy to:- PPS to CS ... -;:' tiei; f2t·~·~~ ~\.-;~~_~·'t~·,,!: 1. ..._ ______ at (name of the officer/official) working Room No, perused _____ 8.S _. , BhawanfBuilding. New Delhi hav« and noted the contents of the O.M.No.2(103)/2014~CERT-ln dated 27.112014 relating to use of email and web services. I hereby certifythat, for ;lil server/gateway: only. I confirm' that I am not using email/web 'services for offir:j;)! ~9_~~~~t;ip~ti9rtgzyjt9~~: ,Q\{..anY.q1b~~. ~~.rvj9~.~:~~~YLq:<;~*,!1Q.:il; ~n*G~~~~_~i~~'Q¥b~~f-'£ ~: co~~~;. '1~~~J: ~::£':f,'~" . :.--~;"t~.~,?-~~~';~ , . .,- :. - - ~~ _. ," .; ~.'~t._.~_.~.~_,~.:-v,t.~.:_ ..t.0.~ ..•.:_=,.~.:,'::"-r ,.~ -- . ~- . . . ; .. ~~.i'; -----,,---------_."---'---- 'Place Signature of the Officer/official --------~-------------- ( Name of the Officer/official Employee Code No: Designation _ ----- FT(Coordination) Copyto:Concerned Establishment Section ; J • I J! ~11Jri.: , j i .' .,:~. ~'.- ;,r~~llffl'i,- *l . '!'!" -,. . ", '.• <1.i 1} .. ~ • ,;t ~;.~ ~ .f.. :- '~tj_~ , ~).~ (j__ ,.,~...: -, ./11 C .. "/ ' .:. . / 41d~:,- No. 2(103)/2014-CERT-In G overnmentoflndia :(11 P Mini t f c· .', \.y_ ,~_s., .. I IS ,ry 0 . ommunkation & IT _!'/ Department QIElectrcinics and Information:f;chnology ; f J (\ .I~ \(0' C' v- ." ',.E'o:; ,...~',. ..: ~\ ~.. ~ , tVJ ; ~/I \v. r \._ . . ~ "~;/~i;f~?~~~ir~:'~~~.;:." 'z, .. ~r1-#""_--~"':'_~" "··":f;.C:'e lyr r/) I.',. ,.. ·····gt·'_ . (2::.:.., '('~';'7 :( F"'~_"""""~,,, EJectronicsNiketan New Delhi. Dated 27.11.2014 ~ OFFICE MEMORANDUM~ ./ Subject: Advisory for use of email and web services in respect of com pliance to the order of High Court of Delhi under Public Records Act, 1993 Internet has given the flexibility of accessing information from anywhere, any time through variety of techniques and technology be it computer system, mobile phone or 'Tablets. The email and the wel> services have emerged today as one of the most essential mode of communication between people to people, people to organizations, and organizations to organizations. At the same time security risks have also increased while accessing information over the Internet through email or web as some of the adversaries have launched. targeted attacks ____ .,._-_ ,E_ '__'_'~ ', •. , to steal or damage theTnfbhnation for different purposes and interests. 2. There ,are number of organizations in the country as well as outside the country providing email and web services . ._to any person irrespective of the location. _. , _. '. -- __ .'~ - '.- -" The National Informatics . Centre (NIC)'under Department of Electronics and Information Technology -'"-,--~:~-; (DeitY) has hosted email and web hosting services in the country for use by employees of Government, be 11Central or State Government, for government related communications within government as well as outside the government. and disseminating the information NIC has been quite liberal in creating the email and web accounts for Government employees both in the Central and State governments. They arc also regularly engaged in strengthening the infrastructure both from the point of view of faster access and security. It has been observed that a number of officials in the Ministries/Departments 3. central and state government are using the private mail services particularly from outside India for official communications. in the hosted and operated Such official communications are government and also the public records, It is to mention that data pertaining to such emails and web services is stored by these service providers outside India and is fully under their control. At the time of or data loss it becomes very difficult to obtain . data from those .. securitv breach incident - any -', service providers apart from the possibility of leakage of information as they are controlled by the service providers outside the country. _ V""'1"~_6Q:;-": Govern mcnt: Provided thaI no such prior approval shall he required II ,II1Y _- puhl ic rec()rcb ;II'\..' '_'::-:~--.'-'" taken or sent 'c,;;[of' India for any ~)rficial purpose" The lli gh Court of Delhi in a writ petition 'i, 3672/2()12,K,N,.~G0yiI1(Jac:lilrya W,P,(C) versus Union () r India has: been particularly concerned with the official commun!ca~i{)11s made . through email and web ~lfsiIlg services provided .~country: . .,j.,c '{{,;f:' .. '. t'~"= . -_ n, by and from service provjdet~Ul~idc .; ~.i ; .... ....... :-;;- . ': '£..~~ ~'-> -v-. ":'_'i-- )' Keeping in view the observations of the High Court of Delhi, the Public Records Atl, .' 19<)3 and Data Privacy$;P9s~,LQHi.ty ~f'misusing/le~J<ingQfda!a ;--:_-_ .. the ._ .. .,' :"',-'._ :- ._',,,!~ ,"" '>< _k;,~.~"~_''::' .._;-< '.'_';'~if:',,_,,:,:_. _;; -"",-~' __ ,' ~ _ -~~'-~;,""- "',C_ exchang~4.,t!~i,~:~(!~Rmail ,7~':-"~ :. -: -i ~,:-'':''_~ -~~~ ,;,,;,,~,';'">40 __ ~~~ '. -;':-" .' ~,;, . __~"';, J:!.... .;,~' ..._._ '·c()lnltitllliditiof.f.~'> !'b~sej-vic€"pt(~jders':1_T{ltstdettt~tt?"is "'~'"'~fi$-rfr '.- ~.~:, __ , ~-. ':-:. _ ~,_~.: ;:':;,':"~"':~"'~_':_'-"'_,_:_~.~ __ :."" -'.~. ,:_.<~:-,~:-.~~-. ,,' ,,~,:~c_~__.::___", ~' ,,~~:_,', ",;" _ ':', -: ' __ .__ , i"~_:::.:-_:'_~_r::-~~i.iii;_>;- _:"":;~.-:'~~'~~ , ~--4;-. . I~Cq~lcstcd ilult th~I)TfiCi~I~1!jj!6~tr';fY1Jhlstri as:wcU .as "Organizations. unacr:th~rttfi'!l'fiim'(ui*~t'; :l~'tH .2' . -', ",~ ::_-:,~'. -',~':;'~:~,~;>,,;'" ~_,'~-::;""::' .'. c.ontrol oflhe Ministry may be>tcqueste,'l4that; --.:'-:-'"'--'-~"" t, > "',_. . '_',:".,... ,. .,,',E ~ '.3, .~t·;~_-i;;~~~$-i~~~~·: ,~:~~,~~;({j ~:~,,~L,., .' ,(_ :"'~::{:~"~:;:~~"~""f,' --"S::-~, . ':.~;'l- ,,,,~,;,~~:,~~\.,:::i ,,;;'; l ',~;l',,: i~:~ ~<.' - _ . ,_- Al["flle MinlsCtrics7Departnie'~of Cciifral"and'Statc-GoVci'nnlc'ntsCs --~- c~ml\i1services provided by National Informatics Centre (NIC) or they sbould use thch' own .e-mail and web services, being fully controlled by them and hosted in India for.. o'ffici~l ~ommu'nication, . . . time to time should be follo~ed. , CERT-In security guidelines/advisories' as issued . " , , This issues with the approval of Secretary, DeitY. _, "~~ (Gulshan --~-l Rair. Director General, CERT':In, DeitY Phone: 01I-24368544 To, • :.ii. .:~,:,;t : J~ H ..~ -:._ .;;.:~- 1. ~The Secreta.n:'. Departmenti;,)f Agriculture and Cooperation ~,LI':lb,~·.:_6 f 2. The Secretary, Department of Agricultural Research and Educ~tion ~'-'.:,:: 3.'. . The Secrcetary,.,.D~Partrrlent of,Animal Husbandry, Dairying andfiS,heries ~.~ i;~ The Secre~ry,~JJ)~l!.~jii~fAtomk Ener~,~~.~ ~; ~ 4." -' ; , '".." f ..~ , ,.~.• ,;4', J·lIr.;iI:,b 1'I,'f; .i_." .:11'..'.."'-' JLI , ! J. . ~a . ~_ ..., __lf-c'.'".,'r ·,.--·~,#,~,~~;.,·~,.,t·""'t -~ t"ii"'~-tt. *.-.t '. ./';;.",~.. It" -: ~ ~ , ,:' n • J'--1. '_cZ: ... + . i. ' ~'.f i {" H.' _ ~ -- ~~s';:> ,- .It'i~~ .... . .-.. .,..,. - .- ~.' - -_._. ,.... !f..•• t.......... '!'-~"'.,. .. "'!' . .. ,1 :.;. --~"..,...~,._-,.- .,I.-~~>~·::~;t~~>_~~~;~~:t'-~ .. -_.:,i -, -:-0:-: ~~_'!"- ~,..! !ii!'!!:~,,;c .•• ~- ;p..~ .... ;: , ~ ~ -'!-~ ~ ~ £ . -t.' +'" +.~~,,>:~~"_,_;.:>~:-.$J' ~>·~-,!!:'-Y-:: ~-~-~ ~- ,~' ;;' '":~: 'Thf i ..~' "L"lMf!"~",~ ,~~ ~.~;~.ij;:titf •• ~~,.~ -+~'~~_:~;4_4~,i '0:,- _" Secretary, Department""oTChemicals and Petto'" Chemicals '6io<~~Th~'Secretary, Departma'Ot"Feliilizers .. ".-~~~ --_.~=C',,":,"' The Secretary, Deparlril~rl16fPharmaceuticals ..: ~:Jli~ Sectetary,' Dep~errt'brqgmm.erce " e. 4 ...•...." ..•. '. . .~." ~. .a ~ .. '" 9, I :d3rhe$ecretary, Depa.rin1",;~:Pfiriciu§t,rial Policy antfP~molion 10. The Secretary, Dep~rtment ofTeleco~unications " ~..., .... 11. The Secretary, Department of Posts 12. The Secretary, Department of Electronics & Information Technology 13. The Secretary, Department of Food and Public Distribution 14. The Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs 15. The Secretary, Department of Defence 16. The Secretary, Department of Defence Production 17. The Secretary, Department of Defence Research and Development 18. The Secretary, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare 19, The Secretary, Department of Financial Services 20. The Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs 21. The Secretary, Depa.rt.rfientofExpenditure . '22. The Secretary, Department of Revenue 23. The Secretary, Department of Disinvestment 2~ ..__...._The..S_e.cretary_,.llep_artm..ent, .QfH~al1J:H1Jld_EarnilY.. _ W~lfqre '. ~,.,~~." _ ..-~--25':-~"-TlWS'ecfetary;-])e.1Ja1il1ient-(Jf:A:"YtlSfl~_"_"""'~~"'--'.~"'" -"_n,·",~-. -. ~- ••. -~.-----'-'-~-"~"'--~~~'~-~~' ,rC-._, f.._-~',_"_'_'" .-~:. :..26., ;27. ...'28 ~' 29. . 30. :~:31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. ._~ _.~ '.. -, .0. . '".., The Secretary, :QepaJ.1nl~lt_ofHealthResearcli.~:;, Departri1entbf AIlSs'-Controf t:T3~:'. .The Secretary, , -'-~,>~_..':-q: -',=-'- The Secretary Department of Heavy IndUStri~T¥. The Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises" The Secretary, Departmentof Home Affairs CflS;>Jp.e Secretary) The Secretary, Department of Official,Langu~~~;~ The Secretary, DepartmentofBorder Management The Secretary, Department of Inter State Council Secretariat The Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy The Secretary, Department of Higher Education The Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs The Secretary, Department of Justice The Secretary, Department of Legislative Depmiment The Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training 111eSecretm'Y, Deprutment of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievance The Secretary, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare The Secretary, Depaliment of Rural Development The Secretm'y, Depaltment of Land Resources The Secretal'Y, Depaltment of Science and Teclmology The Secretary, Depruiment of Scientific alld Industri~l Research The Secretary, Deprutment of Bioteclmology The Secretary" Departrnent of Social Justice & Empowermel1t The Secretary, Department of Disabilit)1 Al.ifairs The Secretary, Department of Space The Secretary, Deprutment of Sports j t ~ ~~ ~~ 1 ~ i ~; 1 4 ;:..:~. .~;, .e :;,_,';;-- f. :~ ; : 1" -~ , ;; ~i .~. ; ." :; ~ '~'~'.J'.-tf .. -~ -. ...,~. ;,,"L'~~~ •.; . ':::,';:'~ .;~ \'..elypm~!nl ~'/ or N(lrth Eastcr!1~~f(:t"l' g Water Ministry of y, & Sanitatioll; ~:C~i'.~:;:~ ,~x "he Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences The 'Secretary, Ministry of EnVihJl1l1lcnt,Forests & ClimatctC':il;IIlf.!L' (,() _ LIlL:;;l'~relary. Ministry of External Affairs . __ ,~~~ o l. I 'Ill: SI.~CI:e!;lry,Ministry of' Food Processing Industries _ (l2 lhc Secretary, Ministry oqJot:f.§if!.g& Urban Poverty 6.Jlc,Yi~!i~('11 (,I, (he-St~cr~t;lrY,Ministry of Inforln8tinl1 & Broadcasting (14, The!' Sccrl~tilry;- Ministry Of Labour & Employment • ~ C :::::- '~, fc, '" (l~, The·~~c<.:'rG~ary; Ministry oi'Mines . ,,6<1. J'hG'S~retary) Ministry o(Jvfiqority Affairs ?~g~ ".... "... .. o.~.'~"· .: 67. ;. ;;;f'h~d'ereta:fyc;'Minlstrv-~f,'MiCfu"Slnall & MeditJm!f:ht(:h'ft~<;tw··:~",,,:.;;~ ..',,£,~-,,,:,.,~,... :~~.~6R, ~'~"fhe~fSedr~t~y~Mihistry 't;i~w:&Renewable Energy'~;;" ;.:~{~':t~ .~.,<_.:~ . i"'~~ 69, . The- Secretary, Ministry ofO;vers~as Indian Affairs '. " ,~ f.: 70, . Tlic Secretary, Ministry bCl'arliarilentary Affairs ~t) Fc'.~ t 7J," , .,The ~.; .~::)·Y.~Mil1i.stty· ~ ~ 1%-, c~:~~flf.~ ; ~ni~tI·Y ,. ~, .. .. ~" •• 'Ral' tri't'i[i f.""R-m1ilPJ'i~.~ ;~;;V t£~~~~~i~[~::~ <•.', "F J~,rilitt·1Ii.I'''!1 .•. ' 75 .....~,~'·I'h(lti~t~gt~ry;.·fjiflt!;try :'·~~,.';'~,~~.iIW:..~~:i,·:t~f·,: .~·~~i~l~:~~ffi~i{t,· 78. 7<). 80. S'I.'" 82; 83. 84, 85, 86. ,87. The Secretary, Ministry of Steel The Secretary, Ministry of Textiles The Secretary, Ministry.of.Tourism The Secretai'y, Ministry of'l'r'ilJai AITairs Th~ Secretary, lvUnistry of.~rban Development The Secretal'y, Ministry of Water Resources The Secretary, Millistryof \}lomen and Child development The Plallning Commission • The Chairman, Railway Board Tlie 'Principal Secretary to,Prime Minis~er. ..'''.....-.:.q_~:_',-' ,'0: ". ,< .' "', ': ,., _ '," _"'". , ' .. -:, ~~~'~- l'r"'t',:j;-* k ;~_,~: ~~ __ f -:';;IF.':_ ~';"'~...i&Ji.."!" , :-: ";:---_-':i"f' -', . ::'~~'~:~ . ;_;,.: ~:~i:;'; ~_'!. -f * -- -: ::;"-i-t ..¢t 1~{ ,.;. ..h , , i ..ief,. '.: ... ' . "\ ... , ,c, -: ~