International Journal of Economics Aims The International Journal of Economics (IJE) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal devoted to publishing high-quality theoretical and empirical papers in economics. The interaction between empirical work and economic policy is an important feature of the journal. The Journal however, will also consider other types of papers provided they are of extremely high quality. Editorial Information Editor Constantinos Alexiou Aristotle University - Polytechnic School Department of Urban-Regional Planning and Development Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece, email: Associate Editor Lefteris Tsoulfidis University of Macedonia Department of Economics Egnatia Street 156 P.O. BOX 1591 Thessaloniki Greece e-mail: Editorial Board Paul Alagidede: University of Stirling, Scotland George Anastasiadis: ACT, Greece Georgios Argitis: University of Athens, Greece Theodora Asimakou: London Metropolitan University, UK Ilhan Ozturk, Cag University, Turkey Kyriakos Chourdakis: De Putron Fund Management, London, UK Menelaos Karanasos: Brunel University, UK Michail Koubouros, University of Liverpool, UK Frederic Lee: University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA Valerio Lintner: London Metropolitan University, UK Theodoros Panagiotidis: University of Macedonia, Greece Andrew. B. Trigg: Open University, UK Persefoni Tsaliki: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Andrew. B. Tylecote: University of Sheffield, UK Instructions to Contributors Submission of Manuscripts Papers must be written in English. To expedite the reviewing process, papers are encouraged to be submitted electronically in Word format, to the following e-mail address: For those who prefer hard-copy submissions papers should be sent in triplicate to: Constantinos Alexiou Assistant Professor, Department of Urban-Regional Planning and Development Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, email: The cover page of the manuscript should contain: (i) The title, (ii) the name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s). (iii) Correspondence details i.e. address, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the author(s) should be provided at the bottom of the page. Papers submitted to IJE should be original, unpublished work that has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Paper Format: Papers should not exceed the 8000 world limit. Manuscripts should be typewritten and double-spaced (font size: 12 points), and all pages should be numbered consecutively. The first page of the manuscript should contain the following information: (i) The title, (ii) The name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s). (iii) An abstract of not more that 100 words, followed by the respective JEL classification numbers (iv) Correspondence details i.e. address, phone and fax numbers and e-mail address of the author(s) should be provided at the bottom of the page. (v) Acknowledgments may be given in a footnote on the first page of the manuscript. Footnotes/endnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively throughout the text Tables, graphs, and figures should appear on different pages indicating the exact place in the text. Titles and subtitles should be short. The list of references in alphabetical order should appear at the end of the main text (before any appendices, Tables, etc). References: Journal articles: Buiter, W. (1999) Alice in Euroland, Journal of Common Market Studies, 37(2), 181-209. Books: Cowling, K. and Sugden, R. (1992) Current Issues in Industrial Economic Strategy, Manchester, Manchester University Press. Articles or chapters in edited book: Boltho, A. (1998) Should Unemployment Convergence Precede Monetary Union?, in Forder, J. & Menon, A. (eds.) The European Union and Macroeconomic Policy, Routledge, London and New York. "Articles published in this journal are classified by the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) published by American Economic Association" =============================================================== The International Journal of Economics (IJE) is published twice a year by SERIAS PUBLICATIONS. Subscriptions and other inquiries should be directed to the Publisher, Serial Publications. 4830\24, ANSARI ROAD DARYA GANJ, NEW DELHI 110002 (INDIA). Phone: 91-11-23245225 Fax No. 91-11-23272135 E-mail: or