THE BY LET Iffi. GREAT P ARTI CI" L A R S ADDITIONAL TI'eTeniLJe JJaltle at Mauass Cajviufe of tf Hii i tins .",K00 Jrliuie MiLet ai:d Knlielsl Rules BATTLE knowledge that we lnvc thus far had the advantage of our enemy in success a well Among others captures as mairnauimity. was a color guard oi' bix Yankees, inelu.l ing a lieutenant, lfie lellow had loa bravely, aud was finally obliged to yield 10 his antagonists, yet s;u-!- was the courle with which he was treated, lhat with tc: in his eyes he acknowledged his gratitude and his foolishness in taking up an. is against these who l;ad beeu Lis brothers He tald he deserved suootiyg, and would rather die than live 111 the prese:ic3 of men who were acting 10 him the p.irt of broth ers, while he was playing the part ot fratricide. CONGRESSIONAL. 2LiiiT5i nil a ripnmnn. . I v:i... I wwttT'f f(ivr:it"y;4 EXTRA. SESSION Washington, July i Senate. The bill prohibiting fhesale of intoxicatimr lmuors in th District of Coluiuli.i to foiuiers passed. The House then parsed Uis Scnare Mil to puniih fraud m coutraets with th United States. Mores Captured. Mr. DA WES culled up the Ore iron ecu From the Kkbinoml Examiner. July .'(;. A private eugaged ia tlie great battle of election case. iw; Committee ou tested kAis yesterday city trai:;s Two arrived in this Klcc: ions roporit-- that Mr. Shell was en Manassas, a member of the 4Lh Alabama together bringing M eveuius lroiu titled to a scat and not Mr. Thayer. Tue regiment, was in t!ie ciiy yesterday, and one hundred and seventy sick aud wound f jnuer was then sworn in. iully con Grins tbe jrevlous reports of the ed soldiers. aaiouL' whom were ten or a From Washington Drafting for the Th; joint resolution approving the act REBELS SOUNDING THE POTOMAC Yar- - Startling Developments. immense slaughter of the Federal troops, dozan Yankees. The only thing particu ot lh'3 President were taken up. is wounded our among the The thoroughly special larly informed cor noticeable Mr. PEARCK spoke at length capture including cannon, Sher The of 56 frequency 01 wounas in uie lower ei.irem respondent of the Baltimore Exchange against the resolution, and said the Presi man's battery ,and killiug.or taking prison ities. the'feet and less. Preparing to Take Washington. dent had no power to sui press the wrii of rs all the men but ouc attached to this Many of the committee who were sent of Saturday, furnishes the following intel lu'beax corpm or imprison the com ikmous battery. He says that their dead up to see after the wounded, returned in ligence about matters and things in Wash missioneis of Baltimore. The resolution yesterday evening. They train the last ington : was postponed till left on the Held of battle amounted to represent the country for miles beyond The taritf bill was theu taken up and The d of terror are again upon us CAIRO TO BE ATTACKED 2,500, and that more than twice that nun bull Kun as tnic&iy strewn witn tlie un Since theiys bv the following votes: passed Yeas disorganiz uion of the army thou tper m m wounded. The scene of carnage buried dead of the enemy. Anthony, Baker. Clark. Callamer. Cowan. 6ands ol soldiers throng streets every the Yesterday, the time lor lirst sines the Dixon, boolittle, Fesseuden, Foot, Foster, Tv sis horrible and fearful to behold, with of last battle, the Yankees sent up a nag of hour of the day and night, iiowe, iMug, Avine, ot ina., jticuougni, the dead, dyinir, and wounded scattered truce and the very inadequate force of mem ueasuy intoxicated. Their appear GREAT EXIITEJIEXT Morrill, Pomeroy, Simmons, Sumner, Ten ance THERE. generally is shocking, characterized men to bury tneir slain, and by for miles amid the wreck of wagons am twenty-liv- e F.yck, Wilkinson, Wilmot, Wilson, 22 nothing but roe's and tilth. Bui lew tnese aecanea attempting tne ollice, alleg- ladies x.rc:is,s.e-tinl.inces. at horses, and the ing Nays Bayard, Breckiniidge, Britrht, are seen upon the streets even du that the 6tate of putrefaction in which Browning, Carlisle, Grimes, Harlow, Harequipments of the soldier. Baggage wag the corpses were found to be. rendered It ring aiy, aud these are Invariably accom- Federal Txoops Must Leave ris, Johnston, of Tenn., ot Mo., Johnson, by an also panied were escort to wagons, protect them from ns and ammunition impoFsioie. And there these many bun- Their Arms Behind. e, uiaam, rearce, ioik, ivenneav, and perhaps outrage. taken, with about . 5,000 Minie muskets, urea uncarea ior corpses must lie tester-in- insult Rice, Powell, Saukbury and Trumbull, IS. There were more than fifty fights be the 6un and poisoniutr the breeze The bill to suppress insurrection was come 2,000 Enfield rifles, and a wagon load untilunder our Generals can nud the time to have tween tne soiaiers yesterday and last night. arms, taken tip. Seven men small liie were other and others stabbed and four revolvers of them sunk beneath the soil they came to Mr. TRUMBULL spoke in favor of it, 6hot. One man who was shot at the cor store of provisions and rations taken, was conquer. A message from the House, announcing ner or lhirteenth and D streets, la6t night Ahe portion of the field to battle whole of From the Washington. value Derhans the large, very also me passage 01 me tax bin and a resolution more thickly 6trewu than auv other with about twelve o'clock, is in a precarious WAsniKGTON, July Capt. Cot, the te adjourn on rriday was received. 2e estimated at millions of dollars. the Yankee dead, is said to be the loealitj' condition, the ball, it is supposed, bavin present chief clerk ary of the The tax bil was taken up and referred Depart occupied by the Rhode Islacd Spraguo's) entered his lunirs. me committee ou tinauce. There is as yet no actual insubordination ment , w in i.e appoiniea Assistant Secreto' A Plan to Frek the Negroes. Love. imu nailery, wnose guns were except uilici. uuuer me recent Mr. McDougal spoke at some length. cre amonir those who are to ca home ij ui joy, of Illinois, has got through Congress even huer than the iamous Sherman's bat lie comenueo mat me resident was per- .Sth, 00ih and Wlh regiments return to ating mat olnce. a resolution to the eilect that if the negroes tery, was planted on the top of a consider- The Douglas Democrats have repeatedly leenjr The ew in nu ne nad done. as also do the 1st. 2d and SI loriv. eminence, up which our troops had to mentioned the fict that, though their par- After further discussion the bill was of the South run away from their masters, able toil in their attack. lleaju, of dead men and Connecticut, in a few davs: the 1st. 2d acd ty has largely contributed volunteers jKstponed for till 3d New Jersey and 1st Rhode Island have the soldiers have no business to interfere horse fOix cnentnber the where on me war, they have been neglected in the special oroer ior 1 o clock. and made the uitdo; morning lat a'l ita lite and annua. already gone. The 1st and 2d Ohio leave appointment of Generals. The complaint The vote stood W to 55. The A message was received from the IIoiha a lew in as days, as well 28th Pennsyltbe ton ana itopejm vnjuetter. is likely to be soon arbitrated in part by that they had disagreed to the amendment L'nion men of Virginia, the bogu mem-leraud perhaps many others of which I the 10 tne right of tins locality, and on the vania, selection CoL of 111., McCleruand, to the taritf bill, aud asked a convention of of Carlisle, fcc, tried to prevent its pasam not miormed. same eminence, stands a small a member of the House, as Brigadier-Generaconierence. fcucu committee was appoint The of Gen. Mansfield, promulga This resolution house, torn and riddled on every wooden sage, but it was useless. side by ted onorder ed, and the Senate then adjourned. Wednesday, has had no elfect as S veral days ago the Ilouse adopted a uuiicis ui uuiu paruea. jli me time ytt. Officers affects the "Union meuM just as much as House. Mr. OLIN, from the Military of companies are olten resolution of the battle, it was occunied bv a asking for the grounds rea and the "Rebels," and it shows that the Ad- and threatened with by arrest their superiors sons why the police a urn uuuiuir to tae woman and her daughter, lor "i'uhiu commissioners of vuiuiiiuni, disobedience. every West a number equal to that Deserters Point Cadets leave ministration party is evidently ia earnest iov " junker vouiiir. v neti in day, and when arretted are mmmore were arrested and imprisoued. ot Senators and Representatives, released with to be possible. "slavery," wiping nghl began daughter out vicinity if in their the about out reprimand. The Department is afraid The President declines to furnish the in- selected from the States on the recomleaving her mother, una'jle to move to formation asked for, deeming that to do mendation ot the members An instructive sight it is to see a govern- tied, execute the relating laws to Congress desertion of us from her in the second story, where upon volunteers, but do not hesitat m so would be incompatible with the public prescribed by the former law. When thc ment waging a war against the property of some timebed,aunu-me day sue was shot punisntheregulars. This spirit of mrtinlitv interest. Special to the New York Post lists neglect to send Representatives to its own citizens, even those who they ana tinea. has done ulniost as much to demoralize the claim are loyal ! A party of Itebels were observed last Congress, the President shall lill the va (From the Richmond Enquirer, Jnlr 20.1 army as did the ignominious rout of Suu- cancies corresponding with the representa. night engaged in sounding the depth of Hon We have conversed with a very intulli- - aav last. of such districts. All Cadets now in geui geniieman, wuo, on .Monday last, rede The Rich Mountain I'ijht. There is evidently a very irreat chnnora the Potomac at Coon's Ford, above Great or who may hereafter enter the Military 111s. The Indiana volunteers engaged in the over a considerable portion of the battle in the Catholic Irith who have rnlisti bwear 10 support tne ConBeauregard has sent parties of troons stitution, Buau held of the previous day. The on nf M iuy of them declare bear true allegiance to the they were iu- - into Loudouu coun:y, "Western Virginia raid and the Kich MounVirginia, to procure tioual Government, tne scene of the fiercest slrile is somewhat uuecu 10 euusL uf tne that representation and maintain ard dc- tut tain affair, have returned home, aud but ainereut lrom the sreneral idea. their Churches hid all been burned down provisions and wagons. Geu. McClellan has issued an order for- leud tne sovereignty ol the L nited States On the turnpike road, which. Mmin in the South, and that all the Sisters of jirecious few M ill ever go back. Many of any paramount to and all alleiriance. sov. Centerville. crosses Hull linn r cnanty had. been turned out of the Con bidding the departing soldier from taking eignty or fealty or country whatsoever, and them have been heard to declare that their through their arms with them. the Stone Bridge, and at a point about a vents, which had been converted into bar Two companies went out vesterd.iv on that they will obey all orders of sujerior casualties were ten times as utwh as repre- jnue ana a uaii west ot said bridge (ou the racks. Ihey are amazed to find the state the railroad, a distance of teu miles from officers. Any Cadet refusing to take this sented in the dispatches, and that the opposite biue irom centerville (a two story ment so utterly lalse, and to learn how saw no traces of the enemy. oatn is to be dismissed from the acidemy. bat stone many uimaing on stands 01 as boy6 were as brave the northern Georgia lions, aud their coantrvmen are enlisted on iiLLA.Ul(illAM objected. 'A A slave, who has just arrived here from 01 tne road. The turnpike is also the side of the South. margin coi.loquy took place between Mr nothing but overwhelming numbers won crossed here by a the Springlield Station, Virginia, reports personal Mr. Thomas F. Meairher. who wa in t.h road which runs northMr. Olin and Vallandiirham. the day. west to Bull Run. about two miles distant fight on Sunday last, yesterday told one of that there are no Kebels at that point, but Mr. STEVENS moved to lay the bill on a considerable number of the enemv that and southwest to Manassas Junction. priests the here, me that he would never again are posted at Burk's tauie. Motion lost. The bill was uh Station, five miles sequently t3?The U. S. Inspectors at Cleveland The enemy, in their Hanking movement, taKe up arms against passed. the South, that God continue almost daily to stop clothing, marched up Bull Run, several miles was on their side, and that if he fought aoove. Mr. SrAL LDING offered a resolution. Gen. Robert Anderson visited Secre the Bridge, above the Stone crossing again before it would be for them. Loots, shoes, dry goods, and merchandize which wub auopieo, mat, me Senate con and then advanciuj, met our troops in the Ihe state of feelio'r at the North Til II St. tary of War curnng, both Houses close the present generally, on the way from Eastern cities vicinity Special t the X.V. World. of the 6toue building above noted. shortly undergo a great change. Northern on Friday next, at noon. session to merchants in Louisville. They say It was in this locality the battle raged for men will hardlv allow themselves to Ik; The Confederate forces are movinc Mr. ENGLISH, from the Committee ou "contraband," and uuder this wretch- ten hours. On the one part the Northern impressed into the army for the purpose Northeast and Southwest from Manasaaa. Naval Atlairs, reported a bill for the tem egions and their numerous batteries. Sher of establishing, by force of arms, the Re They intend three simultaneous attacks on porary increase of the number of ed plea they seem determined to put an ef- man s among them, thundered arainst. our publican party on a military b isis. Nine- - the approaches to Washington. The cenat the Naval Academy. He fectual stop to the trade of our city. And olunins, aud on the other the heroic J ilm- - tenuis 01 ttie soldiers now in the field are ter will make a feigned attack on Arlington cipiamcu mm mc would oe to add vet there are some men here who seem 6ton and his gallant bands performed prod- - members of the Democratic oartv. and or Alexandria. There are pickets not five l:4 new pupils, there being 120 vacancies they learned enough to cause them, on miles apart on the Potomoc and Chesa- irom me disioval States. iea 01 aior. Killing to grin and bear it. On the bills and behind the hills in thr their return home, to ignore the sectional peake, lrom Harper's Ferry to Fort MonMr. BURNETT oppossd the bill rear of the stone houscand in the vale nH cause Mr. RICE, of Massachusetts, from the thev have thus fa- - surworted: roe. "According to the reports of the ou the hills in front, on both sides of the but fewwhich of the tbrcj month's men will ?tci(il to the X.r. TribuneNav:d Committee, reported a bill authorNorthern press, the only division of the turnpike, and on both tides of the crossCols. Farnham aud Slocum are both im izing the construction of twelve small sWIa. Gen. Scott oflirms that he cannot finish proving. wheel steamers of light draught and great Grand Army that retreated in good order road, the battle raged and roared, receded and with furious pertinacitj-- . the campaign without the number of men u mncss, and appropriating Ihe regiment of teachers aud students fnr from the bloody field of Manassas was the Two advanced, o'clock came, and brought he has Specified to the War Denarttnent. tendered by President Horey, of the Illi- the purpose. He said th it the naval force brigade of CoL Miles, lie checked the reinforcements to our greatly outnumbered and has advised Secretai v Cameron to have nois University, has been accepted. was not adequate to maintain an effective Eebel cavalry, covered tLe panic stricken out uuaauniea soiaiers. Against a great the various Governors of the State call John Underwood, of Virsinia. has been blockade and suppress privateering. The masses of his own si le, and no ws hiir disparity of cumbers they had held the lor volunteers. If this be not rosnonded conlirmed as Fifth Auditor of the Treasury. ucparimeiu is engaged in ascertainiip' though still to, he advises that recruiting sergeants for even lu mtle scale. eiij s cany "a vuai vessels are suitable for these inr. iuv iunnuuiB that he is to be outnumbered, thev drove their enemy over districts be appointed, and mtn mho negroes appeared atwiti fortress .Monroe, Fri- poses. The steamers proposed, bein of not paused day tie hills nud across the ? night, and claimed protection, it. js ae topk Jht wje of forty fic, the maAmvvi uuiu:iil, uiu IeueiraiC luto said Hampton was to be attic ked by the j ud inlets, and can each carry one or "two lotteries and chased them down the ra7- -. . vd iiit,n$C!i??!a drafted. 5 Some of the "business men" of Cin- their rond to Centeirille, and to Fairfax, and beKebels, and th.y inhumanly so The prisoners were who been uirs. advised to flee russfd. cinnati at a meeting, the other day, cen- yond Fairfax. Night closed treated by the soldiers while pnssing to the Fortress. Gen. Butler ordered them ! Mr. PJTTK1I fiotn the Select Commit down sured the Lincoln Government severely for the fugitives aud pursuers and stoppeduin tee appointed to ascertain the number of the through this city a few days ago, are lying to leturn. persons emplojed m the several departin the Capitol Hospital, unable to sit up, fighting the battle at Maaassas on the Sab- slaughter. The stone bearing ments who are known to entertain sentipersons still on above house their the marks was, it of noted will I'roni Missouri. bath day, be seen, not far from the centre of the the cowardly treatment which they receivMexico, Mo., July l0.- - Brigadier General ments of hostility to the Government and f ccne rom ed army shifting have of the refused to take the oath of allegiance of the Union. battle, though the Pope has issued a special order assigning tS The Lincolnites are trying to make ground laythe a report A large number of Wall street mainly on the east side, towards in part. The ComBrigadier-GenerHnrlbut to command made out that but few of their men were killed at the Stone Bridge. mittee asked leave to continue the same The visit of our friend and bankers are at the National aud s U. S. forct along the Hannibal and St. the Manassas. It would have beeu greatly more on Monday mornhig revealed much that Hotels. Nothing can be learned of Joseph railroad. Col. (irant will command during the recess of Congress. Agreed to. horrifying. The stone building had their intentions, though it is whispered at Mexico to their credit if more of their meu had bit was on the Nortli Missouri road. been appropriated as a hospital for tu enthat they desire better security than treas- Coi. lioss will occupy Warrenton, From Chicago, Col. the dust than kicked it. emy's wounded. The enemy's Generals ury notes or United States bonds for any Palmer will post his regiment at and Chicago, July 'M. A special to the TriKenick had been invited by (Jen. Beauregard to cash which they may hereafter advance, aud Sturgeon, making Ids head quarters at bune from Cairo says rumors of approachSfThe Buffalo Commercial Advertiser send surgeons and attendants to aduiinie-te- r and wish to mike some arrangement by Ilcnick. ing rebels and an intended assault are keepto their relief. In this building were which they may receive State securities lor and other Black Republicans are exceedThese several districts will be divided ing the town and camp in a ferment of exwounded, many of them dread- their money. The United States Treasury into ingly anxious that the '"traitors" John C. thirty-twcitement, but are never traced to any reliaexceeding not seven fully mr.ngled by cannon hot. There was is empty. There is not cash enough iu tlie miles in ble source. Our scouts report a large bodv offiBreckinridge end Vallandighatu should but a single surgeon, and he was voung vaults to pay the interest due on the 1st cers are extent, and the commanding dis- of mounted rebels daily coining up instructed to report to the be mobbed at Washington. and apparently inefficient. Meu lay cm the ef August on paper which has already b jen trict headquarters at Mexico, the kind of through Sykesville, the terminus of the lloor with their clotted wounds still un- issued by the Government. Cairo aud Fulton roud, and concentrating persons be superinto appointed suitable Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts, the leader tendents Some had died and not been refSTLe Cincinnati Enquirer svs J. M. dressed. Ou and assistant superintendents, iu the vicinity of Watkins Camp, 40 miles a few hundred of the Senate majority, and ciiulrmau of whose duty it shall be to protect the railmoved. the road.-idfrom here. They threaten our position at Chenoweth, who was required to give yards lrom tne hospital, the two severely committee ol Military Affairs, holds road property in their respective divis- Bird's Point. Our encampment there is J?5,000 bail by Judge Leavitt, on a charge wounded Northern men who lay there, that there is no salvation for his party ex- ions. doubly vigilant and numbers i.nd war of treason, had not obtained the required begged our informant to report their cases cept in the triumph ot the Northern amis, Men of property and respectability, munitions are thoroughly prepared tor deto their surgeon, and asked to be taken to and that such a success can only be attained without security up to a late hour Monday night. fence. regard to political opinion are to the hospital. He did so. The surgeon by the raising and supporting of a lare be selecaed A dispatch to the Tribune from Quincy for the positions. All illegal said his olliccrs had sent him no help. He standing army to serve for ut least live assemblages 3T Moses IL GriuneU, Charles II. Mar- was will be promptly broken up says the 2d regiment has been withdrawn years. there alone. The in wounded theu the from the West and oif the Hannibal aud and sdl persons taken in armsagaiust the shall, and other leading Kepublieans ia hospital had all been brought in, he said, Railroad. Also that Col. Heck-er- s .New York, are calling loudly for a reo 1'airfax Reoccupied Dastardly Out- United States will be sent to Mexico to be St. Joseph by the Confederate men. Col. Ross reiriments from the and ot by disposed commanding the General. rages of the Hessiuii. Over the hill, behind this hospital, lay a of Lincoln's Cabinet. No um-6twill be made for opinions sake, North Missouri road. This leaves two regfew of our dead, who had not yet been Correspondence of the Richmond Dpateh. unless the parties are engaged in open acts iments of infantry and one company of up. The elain of the eliemy lay C. II., July 22, lsol. Fairfax of tifThe correspondent of the Cincin- gathered or arc stimulating others to cavalry guardiug the road between Hannihostility, heaps on all sides. By the highway and Once more we are free. S ins Deo, alter nets by inflammatory words or publi- bal and St. Joseph. The removal of the?e nati Gazette says Edward Taylor, ol that in in the fields, heaped here and scattered a reigu of terror lor live days since the en- such cations. The restoration of peace and troops no doubt has close connection with city, was captured at Manassas. there, he saw them at every turn. emy entered, we, the citizens of this place, safety to a region distracted by civil comthe rtcent reports from Cairo and Bird's Our own hospital was ou the road from have been under a surveillance which w e motion, t and the of the infa- Point. the Stone House to Manassas. The supply could scarcely brook; but, thanks to Al- mous a:sassins The Davis Cuards. and incendiaries infest surgeons there wao excellent, and they mighty God, we are once more lree. From Trotress 3Ionroe Th Norfolk correspondent of the Peters- of ing the country is announced to were busily engaged in fieir humaue serTerry, Col. Tex morngallant the m, this be" FoETituss Monroe, July 24. Two imExpress the mission of tbe forces in North Mishas the following in refer- vices. burg A number of wounded enemies ing, with a detachment of Ciptaiu Whiteare taking place ence to the Louisville company, the Davis who had been gathered here, were not ne- head's Rangers, from Amherst, entered our souri and the troops are cautioned against portant reconnoisances excesses of an kind, and especially against here today. A Hag of trues glected- Indeed, the only murmur our in(Guards : village. Soon he, with his own unerriug depredations on the possessions or proper- Newport News to Yorktown went from with was from some of our own rilie, shot away the stars and snipes, (which Capt. Benj. XL Auderson, of the Davis formant heard ot Missouri, aud any in- two ladies aud a geu.leman, who wished, who conceived that the care of the Lincolnites had placed upon the cupalo ty of any citizens Guards the company of Keutucklaus at- sutlerers, under discipline military peculiar fractions of aud good circumstances, to return to enemy interfered too much with atten- of the Court House,) once the emblem of tached to the First Louisiana Regiment, at the to themselves. order will be visited with the greatest se- their homes in Virgiuia. f reedom, but now a standard under whic h Camp Vincent, near Pig's Point having tion ScVeral rearticles under the of verity possible rifled war. cannon have Between Stone Bridge and Centerville meu are lighting who do not recolltct. If resigned his commission, 1st Lieut. Robarrived here from New York. Some scene presented is indiscribable. With- ever they knew, the associations connected St. Louis, July 30. It is 6tated on reli- cently will be mounted on the Rip Raps. ert L. Van Osten has beeu elected to the the a distance of three miles your corresin with it, and have by their acts converted it able authority that George Watkins, who A Japtaincy; 1st Sergeant, Wm. E. Jones. has pondent saw of artillery officers, recently every article that into the ensign of dishonor and degradahas been in command of the Rebel forces from number been appointed 1st Lieutenant, and Ji Ser- could possiblyscattered Fortress Monroe, are among this enter into the composition Soutbejst tor some in tion. Missouri time past, geant, Geo. B. Appleby, -- nd Lieut. The of a wtll equipped army blankets, missing iu defeat at Manassas. the The gdlant Colonel soon found the Stars resigued on Saturday last, and strongly shoes, There was an alarm last nighr, and it i junior 2Dd Lieutenant is A. G. Duncan. cartridge boxes, cops, knap- and Bais which the gallant South Carolinrged all his troops to disband, saying expected that Col. We hear it rumored that Capt. Anderson havelocks, Magruder will shortly canmuskets, equipments, nians had given to a lktle boy of the vil- that he would have nothing more to do make a demonstration lias been appointed to a higher position, sacks, in this direction. teens by the lage, thousands, axes, was it a is and Watkins with man rebellion. this ihe of upon raised flag stall' nd called to a stirring fild of duty in the medicine chests, grape 6hot, perciu-fcioMax. Webber now commands in which they had erected at their heaUquir-ter- s large property, and the reison assigned for CoL Hampton. West. The regiments there have been caps, powder boxas, and even several hunin the village, and from whicu the sudden change in his conduct is the drawn inside the cutrenchments, which dred handcutl', which were intended to be floated the bauuer, amid the rollinghad of contemplated passage of the confiscation nearly surrounded the village. Delaware Heard Troin. upon their prisoners, when they got drums and the shouts of our citizens. Col. bill by Congress. used Dispatch to the Philadelphia Enquirer. them. One of the most valuable captures Terry was accorded the privilege and honThe payment of the three months' Miswas a batch of papers, specification and or 01 driving the first nail into our flag souri volunteers commenced Lewes, Del , July 2(5, 1S01. $:;c0,-00ate& The secessionists are very violent here drawings, evidently the property of a Gen- which ullixed it upon the pole they had having been received here for that puroliicer, A eral number relating to the movements of raised, Senator Thomas the second houor, pose. of excursionists jostnow. from Dover, calling themselves the "Peace the Federal Army. Among other facts, it and Messrs. Chichester and Grinnell the Gen. Fremont's headquarters were BY S. C. IILXRY Ac CO. Party," came whore yesterday, headed by was stated that the attacking force would next. connected by telegraph with all the lines Mr. Ridgcly, the Secretary of State. Early consist of lift j three thousand, aiid the I wUdt I had time to tell you ot the. outEast and North. A'KtioiiU'Mrmt i;iHite ZitieitU llotil, in the day Ridgely cheered luttily for Jell. list of regiments engaged was enumera- rages they committed, upou entering this Omaha, July SC. Five companies of the IMITATION' ROSEWOOD. MAHOGANY. WALplace; but let it suffice to say, that almost Davis, Beauregard Jc Co., entreating other ted. NUT, OAK, AND C1IKSRT FCRNITUKE; MAregiment of Nebraska volunteers, Col. Scott expected to march upon our left every house was entered, aud the whole 1st of our citizens to fall in with his crew. commanding, left in the steamer Slioyer HOGANY. WALNUT, AND OAK HALL AND They remained on shore all day, Ridgcly, wing, turn it with ease, get in the rear of property of every description entirely de- West Wind this morning for St. Joseph. PAItLOll CHAIRS; JNNY USD AND stroyed. in the meantime, becoming beastly intoxi- our little army, said, with his overpower"cannon with them. of pieces two They ROCKIXQ CIIAIKV; DOUBLE CANE. take ing forces, surround and cut us to pieces, cated. The house of our Senator, II. W. Thomweather is extremely warm and the SKAT DINING AND SEWING CHAIRS; DIletters, fouud upon the field and as, seemed to be the especial object of The The citizens met and quelled the traiheavy. are crops ROOM NING AND CHAMBER tors for a time, but last night, alter being along the line of retreat, state this fact in their hate. They mounted tin fences of CHAIRS; TEX1TUX. HEMP AND COTTAGI JekitrsON Citt, J uly 0. The convenreinforced, they agiin assembled on the plain words. Others, which I have read, his beautiful enclosures, yelling like declared vacant the offices of CARETS; AND FRENCH ENGRAVINGS (IN bank of the creek, and yelled like savages request of distant communications after fiends, aud soon entered his house Mid en- tion GILT FHAMEh). Sunday next, to mail future correspondtirely demolished every thing of value in Governor, Lieut. Governor and Secretary for the Confederate States. and the scats ents to Ma lass is or to Richman d, as the it. The houses of poor wid ws and other of State by a vote of 56 to ATAl't'TIOX! of preoeut the members General otthe may be. citizens 6hared the same fate. MORNING (THURSDAYS AU" The Ktixed avd Wounded at Manas- case declared by a vacated Assembly weie vote same The gentleman, from whom I have A GUsf 1?T. AT IU O'CLOCK. Germantown, a village composed of mesas A dispatch to the Charleston Courier gathered the above of -' to 28. anil nonsekefp-iin details, states entirely, chanics CyThoge also that wait wa3 it burned, aud all the of the 25th 6ays : The Convention adopted, without matearticles would .io well to ttna uiiale. Our the time of several thousand of the volun- neighboring despoiled and rial CoL Wade Hampton and Gen. E. II. 11. and sirend Inrtices to are whole the of order the alteration, it remainder teers expired on Saturday, but they were pillaged; but, thank God, we begin to see Smith, who were wounded, are doing iuformed b closed our to py rvh advance. of the report of the committee of eight, uiut that they couldn't be paid otT until the end. CO.. Auctioneer. jjUl d2 8. G. JlkNItY well. The list of killed and wounded in the following reported. as heretofore Monday, Every office lawyer's and not wou!d then and enwas 6tore J lampion's Legion is the only official rewill Convention The appoint unless they participated in tered, libraries and private papers entirely port not yet completed. There are no be discharged, forward movement of Sunday. Thus defaced und destroyed, and you may well a Provisional Governor, Lieutenant GovYankees this side of the Potomac. The the Secretary of State. forced into the OP BUSINESS! battle and defeated. It is no imagine the joy we experienced when we ernor, andGamble, woBDded are well cared lor, and are 6ent of St. Louis, John B. CHANGE Judge wonder that saw they when they gallant the retreated, Colonel enter in pursuit We of are vicinity. buryto the towns in the Gen. and Thomas L. Price Henderson are went straight to Washington and demand- the demons. I have not time to write more ing the enemy's dead and carina: for thi ed their S. ROTHCHILD, each spoken of for Governor. They are wages, that they might return to now, but more anon. wounded. Their loss is about S00 killed, their homes. men. The Convention will P. S. I open to say that the gallant Colo- all Union adjourn Sseond and Third On Market ftreet. lttoe 3,000 wounded, and 1,000 taken prisoners. doubtless Our men have not yet completed the nel is now in possession of the flag they Jfa. S17. Souih tidt, Oars is about GOO killed and 1,200 woun ded. burial of the enemy's dead, and they yet raised upon the court house, and the very announce to the eltlienj of LoalsTtlle TV0ULD From Baltimore. remain by scores upon the held where they large flag which they boasted was to wave VI and Ticinity. thmWie haa opened a larre Al he AND COMMISON BUSINESS, where Baltimore, July SO. It proves to be unstream of salt water was yesterfell, black, mangled, putrifying masses over Manassas. on hand a Urge lot of DOMKSTI0 have true that the Confederates gave the Fededay struck eight feet one lech below, low of what was once humanity, filling the at.BOOTS AND SHOES, and During the battle of Bull's Run, ral troops at Newport News notice to quit. GOODS water mark, in blisting for a founda tion mosphere with stench. CLOTHING, at auction price. t Auction Salee erery da from 9 until U o'ciooa. for the new water works building. A botIt is worthy of note In this connection James Woolridge, of Capt. Blaiikiushlp's The Confederate flag of truce was sent for and in the evening from 7 until 10 o'clock. tle of it has been submitted for our in- that many of the bodies had lying near (Ga.) Company, who was wounded, made another purpose. Sale promptly attended to. On the arrival here of the steamer Baltispection. It should be thoroughly ana Cash advanced on consignments, them a pile of crackers and a cup of wa- lor a tree, which would afford him protecmore, with CoL Duryea's regiment, SaturThis ie, we believe, the hrst time a ter, which had been left by onr volunteers tion, but just as he arrived there a N B. All persona Indebted to mo will plea accounts will bo day, several contraband negroes who had come forward and settle, orforthecollection. vein of salt water has been struck in this as sustenance until they conld be removed came op, who disputed the possesthe hand of aa officer Ticiniij. Cin. Enq. sion of the tree. Woolridge ran his bay- smuggled themselves on board, were point- putm2Sin dtf - ROLHCUILD. from the field. We have several surgeons who are pris- onet through the Yankee, killing him in- ed out to the police by the Colonel, and stantly. A Federal officer then rode up, they were immediately arrested and placed Coatzacoalcoa pro oners, bat they refuse to do anything whatjyThe steamship reeded from Alexandria down the river at ever for their wounded comrades. They and while Woolridge's bayonet was still In custody. on an entertainment trip have thus imposed upon us the duty not in tbe body of his victim, ordered him to 10 a. m. From Trenton. by M. O. Roberts, Esq., her owner. She is only of administering relief to the livinir, surrender. The proposition, however, did n pounds washed and rx- Trextos.N. J., July SO. Goveronr to try Gen. James' celebrated rifled canon but of performing the offices of humanity not aecord with Woolridge's idea, for in an WASHED WOOL wanted a call from the general AUeUUU received was instant bayonet his withdrawn, when on the trip. A large company of for the dead. for which wt will Py the highest market regiments five for volunofficer he the of gentlemen were aboard. Wassathave full benefit Government the of to It, perfectly appear be NOCK, WICKS CO., The prisoners nrice. Main street hington Star, 'tfth. teers for three years or the war. jell isfied with their treatment, and frankly ac- - and killed him, too, t,COO Federals Killed ISO U Hi; Ambulant-on. TwoOveiCanities.1,000 HlanJvCt 1,200 coals nndau I in a. en e amount ui Array Iannsas The I'ieM .Second Rattle. I'loni of tie iba.-sa- e. ABE Sil?E.lE BU1AT0R KeWiSI ive I'or EYA.wILI.K, LOlIIbVILiLXj;. :J0. jlvlx wi:n.EsnY siuhm.m; ns i.t tr rrr ttt thk m uuats l Reason I Acts. two-third- s i g JIISSOITRI MATTERS! iuc.aj d 1 l. u them-jacIv- loo-it- i IVTO.'l INDrLSO.V. I C o;.tuo, kj. Kva I aa.ft.VALS. Jvly Troy; v Ui. t.MTED br.VTt! tL Tae y. the-ar- - 11 Ni'', k Oil HE.t r KtcLR. V. 3. Xa-Cunt. An.irrwi, i .e!y lroci.PoitUi..i ti.T:y .f )Murd or to For freight or p.:u-r- ? pj.-;- y ' Voox;s.ti ( a.. a t The Kivf.r commenced reeedicg : day, with lour feet and an Inch or two .V Ji. IL P KK T KOU water in the canaL Ihe weather wa " i r. -- ofrn a i KV .i - ille. steamed cloudy and tool in the nioruing, with a .Ufw--?r.irr MAm.M.; GEM. light but very warm in the evening. rmA Wi'.l leave Lui ilk-- for anv At Cincinnati, yesterday, ihe river had rV fallen borne seven inches. i:h !. 1iivr riin sp;.y on l.o jr.I or to rot frciKtil or iu the mcrnicz. it. 1. CU HKV. Aient. The Ciucinhati Enquirer, of yesterday, Va't Wall street announces the following as the list of Navy TI HlttV p KKT FROM (Government) pilots lor the war Heel of REGI LR fr: :ir sea ;a..sencrr sreame 4 a, !r"" a .The We understand that the followin-- person LoL IsVll.LK. J Couihe. master I HU1 le:vs have been sworn in as pilots ou the three hj e at 1 o cln,-P. M. . I Caff-e- gun-boat- 1 ; m5i I.t'Tinifiin ...j John and Cuarles fcebm-tiiin- . Jox-pMet am , , .,..,.. Hniiaia .MtenDoroueti, iwu, and Aarou Jordan. f$T Thanks to Mr. Dve, clerk of the Trio, from Kentncky river, for a mauirest. iiid Kesolar U. S. Mail Lane For Uen vrrvo, and Uurdiy. The Trio, Capt. Combs, returns to BR tiKBI R;, LEtVrUORTH, and all points along Kentucky FOR MKHH K POKT D LO EKpoKT, river this evening at '2 o'clock. U. I.E. H H V I. TO . T KLL J I TV, TKV. RfH hPOK r, mVK 23f The Poland started down the river RO,KVA.NLLK A.0 IIE.UHU.Vib. yesterday to ply the Evansvllle or some !L ' s Th;p,,t?:'! ,:r,,'eT,K','steaia- other trade. t-' ' grher.tu.iinp.ui Cart. J. M. Are will lenv i on every The Masonic Gem. Capt. Caffrey, is Monday and Friday tW at a o'rh, k P M And the steamer LINDEN. the regular mail, passenger, and iret'ght Cat.!. Andrews, wl'i Loui!iille eTery , and locket this evening at 3 o'clock Irom Port- hfave atfrom a o'clock P. M. land fur Henderson aud all way points. board or to f or freihtor pasaace 5PlTM. jor.iiVMN. I. RT The Linden, Capt. Andrews, is the iel2 t N. 7 WallAent. AtrMt. mail packet in place ol the little Grey Eagle for Evansville, Henderson, and all way U.w.M.IL LITtK FOa THX KAftT. places this evening. The clerk, Mr. Lusk, is always attentive. steamere v. aai JAOB trrai w feUAPU No.l waiea for BVEttY RECEIPTS UK T 11 CUtUSui MOR.l.6 At 13 0 clock, which Insure :'a aaktn; ef the I o'clock mown- fey Car-rollt- V. - Lni-vill- y H'e.lnr-tda- sator-day- lp?W :ER, Embracing only U14 eonaectims iiIrod from tu the Nortu and paa-tajapn.i 93 biarJ ervo Mall LlneWaarf-i-j- . foe; Tluidureet . import. J.: Ppf CIXCrXXATT packages butter, 1. tor freight or a 1 cak liicou. II B e liilord M vuiive. n iu uaj- -u uo,.nurew riuctiauan &, Co 23 tux collce, Sc.iliy 3 cask bat on, to & bro 1 t k ba ou, 10 bax'-- cotfee, Bushman TM ba codec, Newcorub Jc Bro 12 ,1 ... bans corn. M.;rk-- i Ji l.l.U il,ijL-- r 1...... & co 100 b!.U whisky, Ioem A Ilu he vi ca k baron, Guthrie Jc t o 7 hhd tobacco, 18 boxi'S tobacco, ti bales hops, ft boxes cheese, s UJ. bid alcohol, consignees KENTUCKY KlYKR TVr .t...m. tvi l'l ba's oat, McCatlum ? hhd tobacco. !iih-WarCUOUSeS 7 hlllls tilh:v.i Pi. r 100 hogs, package lurniture, lot sundries, to ee tl lac dt woticsT " swawersCHAaLET J??K "arivsJtd aa ViUaLt: n.a. CfWtmillo thoroncb Pisa retuy lor the season to doranaii tia-towine to any poiat above or beiow .a iTZ?113- w i hrJs.of tne reasonable rt-Bcln in ooairurn. ;oev will te h to laipart s. l the most evi-oce.i ati3loa " n(re ,nir services. , srare or H corner ci rouria MuioK Water street. wlt aai with prompt atten'.!3a. ... Wl,a . meet . Alcx-indria- e ins tp?.!- o'cii-c- i t0..iA(nt. i .r;HK.Ll.E M i Oi TT at i int.. wharf. Superior. Cia; . a e wi I''.ivrl. fr.jia tit t at pari '.. :. nith p.ivUeae I !y 01 boar-- t orto t. ri AM si TI. S Df?AS.rci:3. IicLili-r.'ui!- : W.:i ' .IBl f, COLl cviao. ...t ... .... The'.: "st., at 4 u'vWk P. a S. a - Tli.- - r Tii! a,. I ti...i ;t. Lj-- .s t ri rerii.,n 2. f. t Ue..ttr M'..-lwJ31 ;.! .M:fc,nic liem. . IVa; rili?ril. ter..f. !. INl-K- S.irenor. rtn; j'ij tf.r Saatnooi'. MAOMC Tr.o, 31 To Da y isa Jdhtrtitnt.rUl, wa. V ?ir Jtur'.icul'.rs k. .T7" .A TAXBL. CapUla. Ki. AOTICE. C3?Si many cf aiy "INFANTRY AC BITLE TACTICS" havina '.ate!? !.e-- n puhUshed. I think it due to both the Pu&Lc a 1 Puhasher3 to state: That the COPTRIGIIT ETITIX of my IN FAX-TUand RIFLE TACTICS. piMNhtd by 5. H. O lF.T7.EL A CO.. is t',? e COVPLETE. COR- OFFICE LOUISVILLE COUKIE1I, Ti'esiut, July 3J. f There is nothing new to report in commercial Circles Th rifn.-mfor the leading article of tr:.,!. c...u RECT and REVISED E.litlf.n. ar. I t!iis Edition only The receipts of wneat continue small, but contains the improvement anl ehknpes which I cquai 10 tne ueuunu. Money matters are have recently made, adaptir.4 tbe nunaal to the e of the arms ftmer;iv In the hands of the unchanged. troops In the Confederate Flock and Grain Hale of hhu o.k) bnshels wbt-- it flour at $4 ;)0('5 at ooVaCoc; ','00 bushels corn at 40e; oats are lirm at oOc. Whisky Sales of 000 bbls at 141 'c. SlIEETlSGs Js.ilea of lit) blc t 01 C .'c. Batting Small sales at Vie. Potatoes Sales ol 12d bill nnf.unN $1 OOtfl t t W. J. HAHDE2, Dailf Reriew Louisville .Market. Colonel Confederate States Army Foar Moaa.ts, June vi. JUST OUT! THE IMPROVED EDITION . Culese Small sales at Tc. GllOCF.KIES Sales V hhda siimr it VSV 0c; 40 bbls molasses at o.'c; bags coT-lee at 16.;c. Pnovisioxs There OF HARDEE'S nothing doing . U b-- Wil-lard- 's o e, s TELECiKAPl'l MARKETS. Cincinnati. July 30- -r. . yiour unchanged; demand in qnite liiiht: u- (WQ-IX extra family 35, and pertlne$:i 'l $!&t fancy brands $-- C'4 75. ool demand for wheat at T0!s.7:i for red. uud 80jA?5 for white. Corn firm at Oat in light Mipplv aud buo yant at 23. Some partie asking 21. Whisky advanced to 14 and in rood demand. Xo change in provision and nothini done mes pork ut hulk meats 4. $14 50; bacou Z.r und : 200U acmanu lor ura at fcjts.H, latter lor kesr; groceries firm and in moderate demand at for cotlee, aud Sif for h (a'J for suar, 11 4 molasses. TSsw Tops, July C) r. n. Cotton market continues iu fair rcaucct but materially restricted by the firm ness of holders; sales ol 1,1 v. bi.les at Vt t it middling uplands. Hour market loss uoin; tne market for common ami medium sondes are o cents lower; s.iles of i:i.C0bbis at $1 0to$t U5 forsnper-tln- e State, and $1 25f.4 50 for extra do, 1 Ik) to for mpertme w estern, ana fl 40 0? for common to mcdiniti esira western. Whisky market continues dull and drooping sales 25 bbls at IT. (irain Wheat the demand is K'Js' active and the nixrkct scarcely so firm to sell freelv the holder would have to eubmit to a decline of ut bushel of least 2 V bushel; Sides of marw inter reU western, $1 UQ1 11. Corn ket opened steady aud closed a shade firmer w ith a brisk demand for export and home con sumption: sales lfil.Ouo huhels at V(tAi tor very choice w estern; 44(g,4v for western yellow. lTovisions rork maiket is a shade firmer; moderate business doine: sales 4."iO bbls at ilj jOfor mess and $10 2.1C11U M tor prime. Lard coutinues steady; sales !U0 bbls at 8 ij,' auction 0 y KLIZA-EEI- .V- c farm-house- s AUCTION NOTICE! tA RtADY-MAD- Oat-do- WOOL WANTED1 AI-de- distin-ruishe- d y lt i a nnn linme-diaU- . RIFLE TACTICS. o. iul punh-hmeu- y AND New York Stock 3Iarket, Kxw Tori, July .v r. Second Bard - Stocks a shade higher; onlj moderate business doing: l'V N.York Central --."' Harlem 111. t'etitral Scrip R2l4 Ilanem preierr a 21 21 Pacific Mail Co. Ztu Krie Teueessee 6s ... 42 V Missouri Sixes.. 41 Treasury f., 2 j . ft. 1'. S. 5s T1; coup 7. SI N. Carol iua 0"s.. i'l'i, Ohio 6" CO Georgia 's 31oiicy 3Iarket. Cincinnati, July :i0 p. sc. Exchange is firm at ?i preia'.nm. Priiatc LiOUISVUJLli, JItdical Disofasary, Published and :cr Sa!a BY S.H.GOETZEL&CO. ;"We be leave to ca 1 ?isb"J .ignition to tbe fact that onr edition of COL. II taiEE i TA CTIC3 revi.-e--l is the only one that b hy rtvecti.the celebrated author uud thi july oue secured by . the Tlie work i pui.lUhed at. Iu 3 vols., houn.l, Stnio.. wir'j ..2 50 " pamphlet, "ri .. 3 (0 at. " .. 1 50 ir'tliOut at. o set lf.'r the of the two vo!umts, on rec-if which we will to a!l part. of mall them and prepay Wi Military Comr .i the Confederacy. panies, who order largely, will receive a liberal discount. who aresetl Those Booksellers and Publ"-h-in S?rUI0l"3 EDITIOJIi of COL, IIARDEirl TACTICS, will have to sndcr ti penalties of the' law: and the.-- who are buv:n; rjca editlor. we beg to assure that they a r all mutilated edition, those Improveand that not one of them ments andchane? which Col. Ilardee but recently adopted, and which can nnly be f uad in that edi tion, which we now brinj beJjr?) tae public. len :e, ie Mot respectfully, co., S. II. CIOETZEL Jk AND PfBLIS MOBILE, BOOKiELLEPJ y AL.'5l iyHdlin . COAL! COAL! by tbe barceand for saU. ar all I HATE eti!. and at he .PITTSiJCRfcs CAL. t rrice, be' tul-- t biACU SOTToM COAL at much io wer 1 J. . 5.?.Ll.uij'i. Arenv. at14 dt Third treet. pear corner ef Main. lowejma.-ki- t aw. Ai. Conducted on ths Ewrcptan TUit. For the Cere of all Private Diseases. Tho-- s afflicted anj d'lXaae of a 1?miatx who wuaid escap the impoi.rioe ci :teotz qukcs. ' thoald not fill to .rend "D. Gatbs Hkivat on 8i- 'MtwOAi. new a. J DAL Dissas." rAvuaeu ed;uon ri ou fiua- : ' a8llsoulc:y V V 7 ors't r V5N I f I I lotrfi.U! Kith DlkU: tai rl --JLCLy-' th rravinza in ctA:e af health and rn!t&! rrar.j nl hoth dlsea.-e- . Tr?atin 00 all jr!vt 41seas lac; Jett nad es to both bxc, uon is zneral -reiiiaetu, itn ml dtlilto', aotitary habits. pvtenc. c. ioebrrt!!tilTE'CKNlT. MK?I, I! MIDDLE-AOLD wbi, l to T0UG. bTindnlftirKttnsolltarvajiblto or e(cessive IndiiU ceace of their pakaiot:. hv produc-!- d gxn:i:l !n adTacceo' thel r jart. weakness, oradebilit w iheir form? heulUi At may be rst.-revioi rnisin? hixeJitie aplic-itionTO TH K LAi I KHhr. OtU: 's afrffut for M. LA TI HMP SEED, tR..-- fi '. tj CSiUVS Ucet th !TiiEtH t irir.M it-- " wh-- of their 1 1 froin oft&n; dancer to tii'.:h or k root.iij nv caaive. wiaato rings, can do yo ?ricc mu. i m. 3rid two po.ta-f- f stamps. m a.n u AUto BrJisK. VJirnAt PILLS 1 ife nd effeetnal rtmed for Irretralarl. Ao. Price, by tnaiL 41aadi ties, pojtA-- - ?tr.p. C At" Tit N .'These Pm sboold not ba tak-- n faaasAJiOT.u they art tor to product mis- OiaaiAca. To cerioca at distance, who wlah to be rnrd at home, we wiU. on the receipt of a brief rtateraent of their caae. end a lint of inch e.netions a w would aak on a peraona! Interview, and on receipt of the Kt filled out, we will forward medicines par tieulary adapted to the ease, free from damitt-- e obeervation. to aaj part of the coontry, with full directions for mse. Consultation may be held from 9 A. M. to 1 P. 4L. (or Sunday froci 8 to 11 A. .M.) ai hi office. Northeast, corner of Third and Marketu Private, entrmce on TLlrd street. Louis ille Ky. above bocines will hereafter be eondnetea HThe nderthe name and style of DR. H. G. MILLta h CO.. to whoa ail orders and letter should be addressed. Dr. GATES can, a heretofore, be eon. wltd personally, during btiMnea hour, on all diseases on which hi book treats. th Bam an inviolable! Dont et V CO., MiLLKa laoe. Addre b mail, rts. l8ecrecj auJdtfaw SOLDIERS, - J. D. BONDURANT, ptrrhiom cjl Cr'f Seed and Agricultural .VdmiPi,) Warehouse, I.Ol lILLE. KY. ALLO TTED. H UELE LL.Sc QUOTATIONS NOT taken. W' ite flat Dutch (deairahla for table :0 In ?prnnj) F.irly Ked. or Purpie Top WJ nan, to nuit b M'iiiH Stone Winter, or Rioina )" In Papers - M lUO ". gr;tk Liberal IJicoant to tbe Trade. J. D. BONDCRANT. eidtf NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. VO FREIOHTS wiU M received at Ihe Tepot 1 tbe Louisville and Nautili Sal.road after 5 o'clock P. M. VT. ? ARRIS, Arnl irM dtf The White Salphar Springs, Greenbrier Cosnty, Ya. THIS celebroted Wafer'ne Plae will b onec) reception of visitors on tbe ljtn Uwt, TUUI9 OF BOASJk. For th'rty davs or lews n 54 per day For any period alter the expiration ef per day 3 0 day While tervtnt price. Children ander It d and over 3 year and colored srTnts haif price. N. B. An abundant supply ot ice ha been secured. . ijX dtawlr J. HQTPHKETa. rrwl.iem. it. Of all kinds mad to order hi the bert nd most approved style and at the vary lowest price. Persons in want ef any. thine in my Has will nleasa siva mat call tflird door from Main, on Third street. JOHN CROSS my7dSn CO. B BV SHOEMAKERS WANTED OR Jl SHOEMAKERS 1 .pj ATTENTION! JWANTIO to make Iwip aadIabvill Saddles Harness, Sword., Pistols and Military Article, ZOUAVE CAPS jiUt received at jJ."J A. CKAIU'BL OTST 1861. IlirPLG, SEW CROP READY FOR V, OP thick work. Constant employ- sent and prompt pay. Enquire t CO.. R. S. HOLUNS 4 Ion Block. Nnvil o.Tepn. jy dim - ..j t3 REWARD. fTRATID. a lante Brindle COW; small streak of whit mark, eveest a down tbe back, and a small piece out I . the left ar. Kctmrn to Uie corner of Uray ana Wcond, OHt O. K1TZIR0 mj ji dtf - eW I . I