Process Analysis & Redesign Purpose 2. Reduce Complexity Once a process has been mapped it must be analysed for improvement opportunities. Complexity often arises because of the number of branches in a process. These are usually associated with decision points. The more branches the greater the potential for delays, rework and checking as well as communication and decision making difficulties. A complex process is usually a sign that the input is highly variable or that the process is trying to do too much in one sequence. Efficient processes have minimal complexity. When to Use it When the team understands the current process and is ready to make improvements. How to Use it 1. Classify Activities: Activities can initially be classified into Primary and Secondary activities. Primary activities are those that contribute directly to providing a service or product to a customer, such as signing checks, taking an order or answering a sales query. Secondary activities are those that internally support the primary activities, such as correcting system errors, training staff or reconciling accounts. These activities can then be further classified into value adding and non-value adding activities. The value of a step is its value to the customer. The questions in the table help determine whether an activity is value or non value adding. Questions Value adding answer Would the customer notice a loss in quality or service level if this activity were missing? Yes Would the customer be prepared to skip this activity if it meant a price reduction? No If this activity is a checking activity, does it detect many faults? Yes In an emergency, could this activity be skipped? No Linkages in a process are the points where responsibility for the process changes hands. The higher the number of linkages the more potential for wasted time, errors, poor communication and the need for greater coordination and supervision. In an efficient process, one person should be responsible. Count the number of linkages or points where responsibility changes. 4. Eliminate, Combine or Speed-up Activities From the process map and the data collected about it, identify opportunities for improvement: • eliminate all non value adding steps from primary or secondary activities • minimise secondary activities • eliminate any delays in the process • eliminate rework loops from the process • minimise long cycle times or build ups of product or paperwork 5. Set Priorities for Improvement Opportunities Rank opportunities for improvement. If the answer to any question is different to the value adding answer then the activity is nonvalue adding and should be eliminated if possible. For example, if the answer to the first question was ‘No’, then consider eliminating that activity (or step of the process). 3. Reduce Linkages. Criteria for ranking could include for example potential for improvement, ease of implementation and impact on the customer. This priority list forms the basis for an improvement plan. Page 1 of 2 Before Letter received by Records Need to record? Y Identify Dept & Officer Register letter 3 Deliver letter reduce Director reviews - issue guidelines for officers N Director reviews Deliver to Dept Clerk marks to relevant section head & delivers Section off-site? reduce delays - use E-Mail Director's secretary places in file movement tray Y N Data Annual volume 9,000 items Monthly variation 600 to 950 items Customers’ perceptions 22% unsatisfactory Director marks to relevant section Correspondence response times: 27% < 1 week reduce paper movements 5 2 Wait for mail run Officer actions 5 reduce delays - use E-Mail 47% 1 to 3 weeks 26% more than 3 weeks Causes of delays: 4 Site superintendent passes on to supervisor responsible actioning officers could draft on PC - reduce delays Supervisor actions 39% held up by other staff Other sections to action other items? Send for action 17% sent to wrong person 14% sender late Wait Draft letter Send to WP 5 Review draft N OK? 10% wrong file Response in writing required? Wait response 8% file elsewhere send acknowledgement immediately, say when detailed response will be sent Revise N Y N Section head reviews OK? Yes Director reviews OK? Y Sensitive matter? N Y Council approves? 3 Wait for Council meeting Refer to Council 1 level of review only issue guidelines on who can decide what END FILE Send response After Mail delivered to Records Records distribute Section head reviews & refers to action officer Action officer drafts response on PC Central recording/filing required? Arrange file END Action Council decision Wait Council meeting File Refer to Council? Send response Sensitive matter? Director reviews Page 2 of 2