?ht’yd6lA”f 1897-1917 , 1897-1901 nns'go~u7nlnlu%~~l~~l~Q~~~~~~~ 1897 The Dingley Tariff Act - 7 flN~Qlfl¶J 1898 tionJusztu’Fl - 15 paJn1YhJi m.mn'u~n;- I’,, The Teller Resolution - 20 IUIMJW nJn5luatlh.l -onI% - 2 5 1aJYlUU Fkimiz~afl- 4 n5ng-m~ iim$nmaiu - 7 nsnginu @mmGin'aul- 17 nmginu (l~"lssu~H~l",=7a'll'ilun'aui%q~tph% 13 dwnu - 1ohaww ~~RseJEnadaUuoaH~lnl~~i~a -2C1a-m~ The Gold Standard Act - 14 %llfllJ The First Open Door Note - 20 %JltW The Foraker Act - 12 LUWIUU fwgihau -i%ymw The Second Open Door Note - 3 flsflQlFW The Army Act or The Platt Amendment - 2 hlfloJ n]5=61ul7El~ll~~n"u~~~~~~~ 6 fhul~Uh=cdu~~~ 14 n'UUlUU 1901-1909 n~sqgalll~mn7u$m"ni~~i~~~~~~~~~gnlaan"- 1901 The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty - I8 WQflkllUU 1902 The Newlands Reclamation Act - 17 %jUlfJU P,, The Spooner Act - 28 @UlUU The Philippines Government Act - 1 fl~flQlt%J 1903 ~~ns=nsaarn~aiurla=w7lrd - 14 fpniihi The Elkins Act - 19 ?%lnl&Ji The Hay-Herran Treaty - 17 GUlftU y~~fi?NlW5U""uO"al~~l- HI 483 pnu 3 Il&%ihhJ1- t?iwYl?idlulul 3 wqn7muu - 6 wqff%~lUU The Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty - 18 Yi~&flltlU 1904 The Roosevelt Corollary - 6 6'u'JlflU aanm~nl7"-&/U (1904-1905) 1905 The Taft-Katsura Agreement - 29 fl3flQlflU The Treaty of Portsmouth - 5 n"UUlUU 1906 The Hepburn Act TheLmgk UO9 Upton Sinclair The Meat Inspection Act - 30 @UlUU The Pure Food and Drug Act - 30 %jUlUU ywlafldlUlaJ1(1906-1914) 1907 The Inland Waterways Commission The Gentleman’s Agreement - 24 fj¶Jfllw”wb” The Great White Fleet - 16 ~UU?lRU 1908 The White House Conservation Conference - 13 WtJWllflU The Root-Takahira Agreement - 30 Wt)fl?ftlfJU 1909 The North American Conservation Conference - fpJfllw"u; 1909-1913 aHs'goloJ~nlnlu%Xnlrii7uo;3al"aulJ 1909 The Payne-Aldrich ‘Act - flWlg1W.d mr.IYvi- P, The Ballinger-Pinchot Affair (1909-1911) 1910 The Mann-Elkins Act - 18 @UlUU The Publicity Act - 25 fkjUlUU 1~Ull~"l5ds~~~nl~~~~~~~-25 Q$UlUU 1913 The Sixteenth Amendment - 25 f$Jfllw'u~ 1913-1917 nn~~oroJ~nlnlu%~ms~lu~~~~~~ 1913 &“*~nsaawX?lltu’-4 i~"ml5NLTQJlU 4 Ti?ai% - P, ih1nlJ -4 ihm, HI 483 The Seventeenth Amendment - 31 ‘MlIlnlnoJ The Underwood Tariff Act - 3 ~~IFIIJ The Federal Reserve Act - 23 k’ualnol 1914 The Smith-Lever Act - 8 W)IlfllflI.J t~f~rsf~ The Panama C&&t 1912 - 11 GgUlUU The Sarajevo Crisis - 28 $UltrU flsns&“?l!~ti 1 (1914-1918) The Federal Trade Commission Act - 26 f%JUlUU The Clayton Antitrust Act - 15 ~tl'l?l¶J 1915 dQ~Mlfll4 Faraba GO& - 28 &lfl¶J ti0lRMfl5 Lusitania pfl2i~ - 7 VKpWlliW d&iUQM~ Arabic ‘Qfl% - 19 danlflu 1916 The Federal Farm Lok Act The Adamson Act The Keating - Owen Act . &ln~t"l3m% -4 dw1ml The Jones Act - 29 ~WlflU The National Defense Act The Big Navy Act 1917 The Zimmerman Telegram - 19 ¶JfI5l’M ~~~?111&w'u~~lsnl~~~~~~~~l~~ -3 fpJn1w"ui The Selective Service Act The War Industrial Board The War Finance Corporation The Emergency Fleet Corporation The Railroad Adminsitration The Fuel Adminsitration The National War Labor Board HI 483 5 The War Labor Policies Board HI 483 William McKinley 1843-1901; Ohio Republican ' In office: 1897-1901 President Vice Presiders Secretary of State Secretaly of Tr.ra.wJty %c;i;etl:y cf wz Attorney HI 483 General William McKinley Garret A. Hobart Theodore Rooseveh John Sherman Willii R. Day John Hay Lyman 1. Gage 1897-1901 1897-1901 1901 1897-1898 1898 1898-1901 1897-1901 P.uss~!ss-!! A. A!ger Elihu Root Joseph McKenna John W. Griggs Philander C. Knox James A. Gary Charles E. Smith John D. Long Gmelim hl. Bliss Ethan A. Hitchcxk James Wilson 1897-1899 1899-1901 1897-3898 1898-1901 1901 1897-1898 1898-1901 i897-1901 1897-1899 1899-1901 1897-1901 7 Theodore Roosevelt 18584919; New York Republican Irk office: 1901-1909 ‘Pddmt , Viit%dmt ~$+r&aq of Snta pO1+39 $os$~~ 1901-1905 1905-1909 1909 noWig 19o~A9Q7~ l!wfKq 1!301~1904 lSO4-1908 19084909, 1901-1904 l9C+WO6 19X-1909 1901-1902 1902-1904 1904-1905 1905-1907 1907-1909 1901-1902 1902-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906 1906-1908 19084909 1901-1907 1907-I!%9 1901-1909 Sccremq of Navy sccremq of Interior .smaq of Atjricultum sccmmq of L&x and ciJmmerce 8 George 8. Conelyou Victor H. Metcalf oscar s. Stnlu Charles Nag4 1903-1904 19%1906 1906-1909 1909 HI 483 William H. Taft 1857-1930; Ohio Republican In office: 19094913 The Tab Mmln$tntkm President Vice President secretary of Stare secretary of TrearUry SecretaIy of War HI 483 William H. Taft Jams S. Sherman Philander C. Knox Franklin MacVeagh 1909-1913 1909-1913 190s1’213 1909-1913 Jaccb M. Dick&m Henry L. Stimson George W. Wickenham Fm& H. Hitchcock 1909- l!)l 1 1911-1913 190%I!)13 1909-1!n3 George van L. Meyer Richard A. Ballinga Walter-L Fisher Jamca ,Wilson MB-1!)13 1909-1911 1911-1913 1909-1913 Charlep 190%1913 Nag4 9 Woodrow Wilson 18561924; New Jersey Democrat In office: 1913-1921 1 0 F’mldaht Woocimw \Wiljon 1913-1921 V&C Tlimti i913-1921 President R. Marshall Secretary of State William J. Bryan Robert Laming Bainbiidge Colby 191.3-1915 1915-1920 1920-1921 secretary of TreaJury William G. McAda, carter Gh I)avid F. Houston 1913-1918 19%10x 1920-1921 Secremry of war Lindley M. Garrian Newton p. Baker 1913-1916 1916-1921 Attorney James C. McReynolds Thomas w. Grepry A. Mitchell Palmer General 1913-1914 !914-i9!9 1919-1921 Postmaster GCIlCd Albert S. BurIeson 1913-1921 Secretary of Navy Jorephur Danielr 1913-1921 secretary of Interior Franklin K. Lane John B. Payne 1913-1920 1920-1921 Secretar), of Agriculture David F. Houston Edwin T. Meredirh 1913-1920 1920-1921 Secretary of Commerce William C. Rrdheld Joshua W. Alexander 1913-1919 1919-1921 Secreraq Wilbam B. Wilson l913-192i of Labor HI 483 QUEEN HI 483 LILIUOKAIANI OF HAWAII 11 12 HI 483 hmib Islands Tk Hawaiian Islands tmvided the United States with bodt a ccmuenienr stopping joinr on the way w Asian market.5 ad a strategic naual station in the Pa&. Celebrating the Annexation of Hawaii American r&dents of Hawaii gather in front of lolqi Palace, the principal government building of Honolulu, to celebrate the 1898 annexation of the islands by the United States. HI 483 13 14 HI 483 opposing war This: popular song of 1915 conoeys the antiwar sentiment that swept America after lhe European war began in 1914. HI 483 15 EMIL10 AGUINALDO. PHILIPPINE REVOLUTIONARY n “ P a n c h o ” VfUs, P brilliant borsemnn w a s thought of by many Mexicans as a modern’Robin Hood. 16 HI 483 John HEY (1838-19os) ‘He became a headlinecatching secretory of dote under President &Kinley, notably with the Open Door. (library of Congress.) HI 483 17 Sausage-Making, c. I906 WhiteJacketed inspecton like these on the right made some pmgt-es in dedng up the septic slaughterhouses aper the possoge ofthe Meot lnspecrion Act in 1906. 18 HI 483 HI 483 I I A 7‘ T L A IV . I C HI 483 21