Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences (CG) 1, Sem. I, 2007-08 Approaches to the Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science Required Texts ! Kellogg, R.T. 2007. Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology ! Readings available on WebCT6 WEBCT6 Go to to log in. Your short ID is a field in the Electronic Address Book (EAB); find your name: Your password the first time is your SIS # Check the calendar on WEBCT6 for scheduling of topics, readings, and class lectures during the semester. Syllabus I. Introduction What is cognitive science? Theoretical issues Methodological issues Modularity Cognitive architecture ! ! ! Kellogg, ch. 1, pp. 1-30. WebCT reading: Pinker, S. ch. 2, Thinking Machines, in How the Mind Works, pp. 59-93. WebCT reading: DeLoche, J.S. 2001. Becoming symbol-minded. Trends in Cognitive Science, 8, 66-70. II. Cognitive Architecture Systems: Higher level vision Object recognition Visual search Object representation Visual Processing Streams – What & Where The binding problem Neglect Mental Imagery Category specificity: Are faces special? Readings ! Kellogg, ch. 2, pp. 31-53, 61-62; ch. 3, pp. 84-89; ch. 7, pp. 196-202. ! WebCT reading: -- Bar, Moshe, 2001. Viewpoint dependency in visual object recognition does not necessarily imply viewer-centered representations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13, 6, 793-799. -- Roskies, A.L. 1999. The binding problem. Neuron, 24, 7-9. CG1 Approaches to the Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science 2 --Hancock, PJB, Bruce, V, Burton, A.M. 2000. Recognition of unfamiliar faces. Trends in Cognitive Science, 4, 330-337. -- Kurson, R. Crashing Through, excerpts. III. Concepts and Categories Meaning in the Brain Category specificity for objects The link between perception and language Representation of Categories Formal definitions Probabilistic theories Prototypes and exemplars Readings ! Kellogg, ch. 7, pp. 183-193; reread pp.194-211. ! WebCT reading: -- Slotsky, V.M. 2003. The role of similarity in the development of categorization. Trends in Cognitive Science, 7, 246-251. -- Markman, A. and Dietrich, E. 2000. Extending the classical view of representation. Trends in Cognitive Science, 4, 470-475. IV. Cognitive Architecture Systems: Language Theory of language Levels of representation Language processing Sound structure Categorical perception Lexical processing Sentence processing Neural basis of language Sensory-motor integration Readings ! Kellogg, ch. 2, pp. 53-61; ch. 8, pp. 213-243. ! WebCT reading: -- King, A.J. and Calvert, G.A. 2001. Multisensory integration: Perceptual grouping by eye and ear. Current Biology, 11, R322-R325. -- Sachs, O. A Neurologist’s Notebook: Recalled to Life. In The New Yorker, Oct.21, 2005, pp. 46-53. V. Cognitive architecture: Resources Memory Attention The amnesias Readings attention: CG1 Approaches to the Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science ! ! 3 Kellogg, ch. 3, pp. 63-84; reread 44-45, 84-91. WebCT reading: -- Simons, D.J. and Levin, D.T. 1997. Change blindness. Trends in Cognitive Science, 1, 261-267. -- Strayer, D.L. and Johnston, W.A. 2001. Driven to distraction: Dual task studies of simulated driving and conversing on a cellular telephone. Psychological Science, 12, 462-466. memory and amnesia: ! Hunt/Ellis, ch.4, pp. 111-138; ch.5, 139-173; ch. 6, 174-201; ch. 7, pp.202-231. ! WebCT reading: -- Schacter, D., Kotstaal, W., and Normal, K.A. 1997. False memories and aging, 1, 229-236. -- Luria, A.R. The Mind of a Mnemonist, excerpts. VI. Modeling: Computation and Representation Modeling the Mind Reasoning and decision making Models as tools Cognitivism: The Mind as Computer Information processing and symbolic representation Artificial Intelligence Connectionism: Neural Modeling Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) Models of the mind and networks in the brain Readings ! Kellogg, ch.10, pp.279-309 (skim). ! WEBCT Reading: -- Pinker, S. Replaced by a machine. In How the Mind Works, pp. 98-148. -- Harnad, S. 1990. The symbol grounding problem. Physica, 42, 335-346. VII. Nature/Nurture Critical periods Bird song Child language acquisition Readings ! WEBCT Reading: -- review Kurson, R. Crashing Through, excerpts in vision folder. Gregory, R.I. 2003. Seeing after blindness. Nature Neuroscience, 6(9), 909-910. -- Fine, I. et al. 2003. Long-term deprivation affects visual perception and cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 6(9), 915-916. -- Margoliash, D. 20004. Behavioral biology: Name that tune. Nature, 432 (7018), 682-683. CG1 Approaches to the Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science 4 -- Pallier, C., Christopher, A., and Mehler, J. 1997. Language-specific listening. Trends in Cognitive Science, 1, 129-132. VIII. Big ideas Emotion Evolution Theory of mind Consciousness Readings Emotion ! Kellogg, pp. 13-14; 299-300. Evolution ! WEBCT Readings: -- Fitch, W.T. 2000. The evolution of speech: a comparative review. Trends in Cognitive Science, 4, 258-267. Theory of Mind ! WEBCT Readings: -- Greene, J., and Haidt, J. 2002. How and where does moral judgment work. Trends in Cognitive Science, 6, 517-523. Consciousness ! Kellogg, pp. 12-13. ! WebCT Reading: -- Atkinson, A.P., Thomas, M.S.C., and Cleermans, A. 2000. Consciousness: Mapping the Theoretical Landscape. Trends in Cognitive Science, 2000, 4, 372-382. -- Churchland, P. Self-representation in nervous systems. Science, 296, 308-310. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Exercises Exercise 1 due in class: Friday, Sept. 28 Exercise 2 due in class: Friday, Oct. 12 Exercise 3 due in class: Friday, Oct.26 Paper topic due in class: Monday, Nov. 5 paper (10 pages) due: Monday Dec. 3 by 5 pm final: Saturday, December 15 @ 2 pm Instructor Professor Sheila Blumstein 222 Metcalf Research ext. 3-2849; h 245-2114 office hours: Wed. 2-4 and by appt. Graduate TAs CG1 Approaches to the Mind: Introduction to Cognitive Science Phil Fernbach 136 Metcalf Research ext. 3-1167 Office hours: Thurs. 12-2 Erika Scilipoti 206 Hunter Lab ext. 3-9986 Office hours: Thurs. 2-4 Jean Vettel 229 Metcalf Research ext.3-1678 Office hours: Tues. 2-4 5