IG Questions / Answers

Bangor High School
Junior Reserve Officers Training Corp
Formal Inspection Questions
Basic Knowledge
1. Q: What does JROTC stand for? (1pt)
A: Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps
2. Q: What does LET stand for?(1pt)
A: Leadership Education and Training
3. Q: What does JCLC stand for?(1pt)
A: JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge
4. Q: What is the mission of JROTC?(1pt)
A: To motivate young people to be better citizens.
5. Q: What is the key to success in JROTC?(1pt)
A: The key to success in JROTC is teamwork.
6. Q: What are the three levels of distinction that JROTC units can earn?(1pt)
A: Merit Unit, Honor Unit and Honor Unit with Distinction.
Q: What is the key to success in life?(1pt)
A. Education
Q: When does a cadet end a salute to a superior? (1pt)
A. When the salute is acknowledged
9. Q: What are the three leadership styles? Explain each (1pt ea)
A: 1.
Delegating – Giving decision making authority to subordinates.
Participating – Involving subordinates in the decision making process.
Directing – Instructing subordinates.
10. Q: What are the seven Army values? (1pt ea)
A:1. Loyalty
5. Honor
2. Selfless Service
6. Respect
3. Personal Courage
7. Integrity
4. Duty
11. Q. Define "Teamwork". (1pt)
A. The effort of a group to complete a task or mission
12. Q: What is the definition of leadership? (1pt)
A.The ability to influence people to accomplish a task or mission
13. Q: What are the responsibilities of a leader? (1pt)
A. Mission accomplishment and the welfare of the men
14. Q:List four of the leadership traits. (1pt ea)
A:1. Bearing
2. Courage
5. Endurance
6. Enthusiasm
7. Initiative
9. Judgment
10. Justice
11. Knowledge
13. Tact
14. Unselfishness
8. Integrity
12. Loyalty
Drill and Ceremonies
15. Q: What are the two parts of a command? (1pt ea)
A: 1. Preparatory command
2. Command of execution.
16. Q: What foot do you call the command Rear, March on? (1pt)
A: The right foot.
17. Q: On which foot can you give command of halt? (1pt)
A: Either foot.
18 . Q: How many inches in a normal step in marching? (1pt)
A: 30 inches
19. Q: What position are you allowed to speak while in formation? (1pt)
A: The position of “REST”
20. Q: All stationary commands are given from which position? (1pt)
A: The position of “ATTENTION”
21. Q: What is the rate of march for “Double Time”? (1pt)
A: 180 steps per minute
IV. Map Reading
22. Q.What is the definition of a map? (1pt)
A: A portion of the earth’s surface as seen from above and, drawn to scale
23. Q:What does red represent on the map? (1pt)
A: Major cities, seaport, and highways
24. Q: What does brown represent on the map? (1pt)
A: Elevation and relief
25. Q: What does black represent on the map? (1pt)
A: Man-made objects
Q: What are the 5 major terrain features? (1pt ea)
A:1. Saddle 2. Depression 3. Hill 4. Ridge 5.Valley
27. Q: What instrument would you use to determine a magnetic azimuth in a field?
environment? (1pt) A: Compass
28. Q: What instrument is used to determine grid azimuth on a map? (1pt)
A: Protractor
29. Q: How many North’s are found on a military map and what are they called?
(1pt) A: Three,
1. True North
2. Magnetic North
3. Grid North
V. First Aid and Health
30. Q: What are the 4 basic life-saving steps? (1pt ea)
A. 1. Open airway
2.Stop bleeding
3. Treat for Shock
4.Dress and bandage wounds
31. Q: What is the definition of First Aid? (1pt)
A: Aid rendered to an injured person before receiving professional help
32. Q: What is the Heimlich maneuver used for? (1pt)
A: To clear a blocked airway
33. Q: What do the letters “CPR” stand for and what is it used for? (1pt ea)
A:1. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
2. to restore a heartbeat and restores breathing to a patient.
34. Q. What is mouth-to-mouth resuscitation used for? (1pt)
A: To restore breathing.
VI. Chain of Command
35 Q: Who is the ________________?(1pt ea)
Commander-In-Chief – President Barack H. Obama
Secretary of Defense – Honorable Robert Gates
Secretary of Army – Honorable John Mc Hugh
Army Chief of Staff – General George W. Casey Jr.
Commanding General, Cadet Command – MG James M. McDonald
Commander, Army JROTC-Col Hubert E. Bagley
Commander, 2nd Brigade – Colonel Goldman
Chief, 2ND Bde – Mrs. Brenda Gainey
Chain of Concern
Sergeant Major of the Army – CSM Raymond F. Chandler III
Command Sergeant Major, Cadet Command – CSM Hersel Turner
Command Sergeant Major, 2nd Brigade – SGM Kevin Cotes
Other important political leaders
Secretary of State – Honorable Hillary Clinton
Speaker of the House – Honorable Nancy Pelosi
President of the Senate – Vice President Joseph Biden
President pro tempore of the Senate – Honorable Daniel Inouye
36. Q: Who is the Senior Army Instructor (SAI)? (1pt)
A: LTC Kevin Harris
37. Q: Who is the Assistant Senior Army Instructor (AI)? (1pt)
A: MSG Bernice A. Dill
Q: What are the three branches of the government? (1pt)
A: Executive, legislative and judicial.
39. Q: Who is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? (1pt)
A: NAVY, ADM Michael Mullen
** All cadets should know the Hierarchy of Cadet Rank (officer and enlisted) and should be able to describe the
cadet rank insignia for each rank. ***
** All Cadet chain of command and ranks from both Cadet and Active Duty enlisted and officers**
American History and Citizenship
40. Q: Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner? (1pt)
A: Francis Scott Key
41. Q: What do the 13 stripes on the United States flag represent?(1pt)
A: The 13 original colonies.
42. Q: What are the three types of flags? (1pt ea)
A: 1.Post 2.Garrison 3.Storm
43. Q: When may the U.S. Flag be flown at night? (1pt)
A: When well illuminated
44. Q: When may the flag be flown upside down? (1pt)
A: In times of distress
VIII. Military Customs and Courtesies
45. Q: Name the five basic staff positions found in most large military
organizations. (1pt ea)
A: S-1: Administrative
S-2: Information/Security
S-3: Operations and Training
S-4: Logistics/Supply
S-5: Public Information
46. Q: What is the UCMJ? (1pt)
A: The Uniform Code of Military Justice.
47. Q: Who were the primary antagonists during World War I (who did the U.S.
and its allies fight)? (1pt ea)
A: 1. Germany
2. Austria
48. Q: Who were the primary antagonists during World War II (who did the U.S.
and its allies fight)? (1pt ea)
A: 1. Germany
2. Italy
3. Japan
49. Q: What happened on, 7 December, 1941 in Hawaii? (1pt)
A: The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor
50. Q: Who was the Commander of the Revolutionary Army? (1pt)
A: George Washington
51. Q: Which war accounted for the most American casualties? (1pt)
A: The U.S. Civil War
52. Q: What war was fought during the 1960’s and 1970’s? (1pt)
A: The Vietnam War
53. Q: What country did the U.S. and its allies fight in the Gulf War? (1pt)
A: Iraq
54. Q: What are the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution known as? (1pt)
A: The Bill of Rights
55. Q: Which amendment guarantees the “Freedom of Speech”? (1pt)
A: The First Amendment
56. Q: What age is a U.S. Citizen first allowed to vote? (1pt)
A: 18 years old
57. Q: What are the two primary political parties? (1pt ea)
1. The Republican Party
2. The Democratic Party