TxEIS W2 Processing 1. In TxEIS Human Resources, January payrolls can be processed without having run the W2’s first. It is recommended that the First Payroll of the Calendar Year Checklist be reviewed before running the first January payroll. This is located in HR by clicking the Help button in the top right corner. On the left side of the screen click on HR Checklists>First Payroll of the Calendar Year. The 2016 tax tables will be provided when they become available to us. We realize some districts pay on the 1st of the month and we expect the information to be released before the holiday break. 2. We recommend starting now and preliminarily balancing and verifying the W2 information. This will allow time to research any numbers that do not balance. 3. It is important to print the reports listed on the W2 Process Checklist as these will be used to verify the W2 information. 4. Be sure to use the ‘How W2 Box Amounts Are Populated’ on page 12 of this document. The table will be handy for verifying the data and understanding how the W2 Box amounts are determined. 5. The W2 form must be provided to employees by February 1, 2016. We recommend submitting the W2’s electronically. The Social Security web site address for Business Services Online (BSO) is: www.ssa.gov/employer. If submitted electronically, the due date to file the W2s will be March 31, 2016. Otherwise, the W2s/W3 report must be mailed by the end of February. We recommend waiting to submit the W2s through BSO until mid-March in order to be able to take care of any issues that need to be corrected before submitting the W2s. 6. The W2report File should be verified through AccuWage software downloaded from the Social Security Administration Web Site at http://www.ssa.gov/employer/accuwage/. AccuWage software identifies most of the common format errors in wage submissions. Using this software greatly reduces submission rejections. Please note it is common to receive an Alert message indicating the EIN Submitter and Employer are an exact match. This is an alert only and can be disregarded. 7. If reporting more than 250 W-2 forms, make sure the Affordable Care Act requirements for Tax Year 2015, W-2 information for Box 12 – DD (Employer Sponsored Health Coverage) is correctly coded. In the deduction code table, the applicable employer paid AC (TRS Health Insurance) and HI (hospital indemnity or specified illness [Cancer]) deductions should have the W-2 Health Care box checked. Reference the chart beginning on page 14 for more detailed information on which deductions should be reported. A Combined YTD Deduction Register (Reports > HR Reports > Year To Date Reports > Combined YTD Deduction Register) can be run to verify the last column of the report, W2 Emplr, is Y for all deductions that should be included in Box 12-DD. If the last column is N indicating the box was not checked for all or part of the calendar year, please contact us for instructions to update the information. 1/4/2016 Page 1 of 15 Suggested Verification Process 1. Using the Calendar YTD report and the How W2 Box Amounts are Populated (page 12), verify the Withholding Gross (W2 Box 1) by using the calculation provided on the chart. 2. A quick method of verifying all W2 totals is to use the District Totals from: Calendar YTD (HRS3000): On the Calendar YTD report (example below), number your fields. (Example: #1 = Taxable Gross, #2 = Withhold Tax, #3 = FICA Gross, #4 = FICA Tax, #5 = Medicare Gross, #6 = Medicare Tax, etc.) Give the same number to the matching fields on the 941 Worksheet and W2 Processing report. 941 Worksheet (HRS5000) W-2 Processing report (HRS5100) If a spreadsheet with totals from the Payroll Earnings Register was created to tie to the submitted 941 quarterly forms, the amounts for each 941 quarter should tie to the W2 amounts. Remember that these totals include all regular payrolls, supplemental payrolls, and adjustments. Reports>HR Reports>Year to Date Reports>Calendar YTD 2 1 1/4/2016 Page 2 of 15 Reports>HR Reports>Quarterly/Annual Reports>941 Worksheet 1 2 Reports>HR Reports>Quarterly/Annual Reports>W-2Forms (**NEW** select V for the first parameter) 1 2 1/4/2016 Page 3 of 15 W2 Process Checklist The W2 Process checklist located in Help, left side of screen under HR Checklists>W2 Checklist guides you through the process of verifying and producing the annual W2 submittal for all district employees. If your district has multiple payroll frequencies, only one W2 is created for each employee when no specific payroll frequency is selected. Note: The Social Security Administration recommends that all employers who have the ability to create EFW2 files use the Business Services Online to file their reports because: It offers a later filing deadline (March 31) – a full month later than the deadline for filing on tape or paper. It provides users with an electronic receipt they can print as proof of timely filing. It is completely paperless – there is nothing to mail to SSA. It allows filers to track the status of their report online. 1. Print the HRS3000, Calendar YTD Report. (Reports>HR Reports>Year to Date Reports>Calendar YTD) (See page 2) 2. Print the HRS5000, 941 Worksheet. (Reports>HR Reports>Quarterly/Annual Reports>941 Worksheet (See page 3) 3. Add the totals of all four 941 Quarterly Reports previously filed by the district. Compare the 941 Quarterly Report totals to the 941 Worksheet totals and the Calendar YTD totals (Taxable Gross, Withholding Tax, FICA Gross, FICA Tax, Medicare Gross, and Medicare Tax). Note: We recommend waiting to submit the 4th Quarter 941 until W2 processing is complete. 4. Enter Third Party Sick Pay. (HR>Maintenance>Calendar YTD>Third Party Sick Pay) The Third Party Sick Pay tab is used to display and maintain the third-party sick pay or disability pay that was paid directly to the employee(s). The statement for payments from the third party provider will be used to manually enter data into this tab. Be sure to select the appropriate calendar year before adding data. 1/4/2016 Page 4 of 15 To create a third-party sick pay record: (This is usually a non tax amount unless deduction was tax sheltered under Section 125 cafeteria plan.) a. From the Maintenance menu, select Calendar YTD Data. The Calendar YTD window is displayed with Calendar YTD as the default tab. b. Click the Third-Party Sick Pay tab. c. In the Calendar Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format. d. In the Employee Nbr field, type the employee number, if known. e. In the Name field, type the employee name, if known. As the user types the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select the employee name you wish to select. Click Retrieve. The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes will be lost. f. Next click the Add button to retrieve the information to be populated. g. In the Non-Tax Sick Pay field, type the amount paid directly to the individual. NOTE: If paid directly to the individual, taxes have already been deducted and Withholding, Medicare or FICA fields will not need to be completed. h. Under Withholding, complete the following fields: In the Gross field, type the gross taxable amount. In the Tax field, type the amount of taxes withheld. i. Under Medicare, complete the following fields: In the Gross field, type the gross taxable amount. In the Tax field, type the amount of taxes withheld. j. Under FICA, complete the following fields: In the Gross field, type the gross taxable amount. In the Tax field, type the amount of taxes withheld. To delete the record, click Delete. Click Save to save the changes. To Add another employee repeat the steps above. 5. Print the HRS5200, Third Party Sick Pay Report, Reports>HR Reports>Quarterly/Annual Reports to verify totals with the third party provider’s statement. 6. Create the W-2 Validation report by selecting Reports>HR Reports>Quarterly/Annual Reports>HRS5100-W2 Forms. **NEW** Select Validation Rpt (V) for the first report parameter and complete the minimum report selections as circled in Step #7 below. Run Preview will generate a preview of the W-2 Processing validation report that can be saved and/or printed in pdf or csv format. Use this report to verify totals with the Calendar YTD report and the Third Party Sick Pay report. The combined totals for these two reports should balance to the Validation report. Although the Third Party Sick Pay withholding tax displays as a separate amount on the Validation report, it is already included in the employee’s withholding tax amount. Please refer to How W-2 Box Amounts are Populated for clarification on how the system is now handling the Third Party Sick Pay Amounts and 457 Deferred Compensation contribution and/or withdrawal amounts. If any system processes are performed (e.g., check issues, check voids, or deduction refunds) that change the employees' calendar year-to-date information, recreate the reports and verify. 1/4/2016 Page 5 of 15 Note: The Roth Annuity does not display on the validation report, but it does display on the W-2 as code BB in box 12. The Emplr Sponsored Health Coverage will display on the W-2 as code DD in box 12. Caution: Do not continue until all reports have been verified and balanced. If any manual adjustments are made to the Calendar YTD, the 941 and Calendar YTD reports should be verified again before proceeding. 7. HRS5100-W-2 Forms. In HR, go to Reports>HR Reports>Quarterly/Annual Reports. Select HRS5100-W-2 Forms using N for the first parameter. **NEW**The W-2 Forms report is generated as a pdf. The report prints W-2 wage and earnings statements for each individual. It can also create a W2REPORT file that is saved to a user-defined drive/folder and enables the user to file using the electronic file format. When W-2s are verified and completed, the user can then create a W-2 historical file which populates the employee's W2 Inquiry tab on the Calendar YTD page. The W-2 historical file data can be updated or changed as often as required by selecting Y for the final run. Changes are added and updated in the W-2 historical file. 1/4/2016 Page 6 of 15 Required fields are: Parameter Parameter Description W2 Forms - Copy A (A), V – Print the validation report **NEW** W2 Forms - 3 Up (U), A - Print the statement on Form LW2A. Non-preprinted - 3 Up (N) or U - Print the statement on Form L3UP. W2REPORT File (F) N - Print the front of W-2 on regular paper in three-up format, and print statement on Form L3BL. F - Create a W-2 extract file only. This is a required field. Final Run - Create W-2 Historical Record? (Y/N) Y - Create the W-2 historical record on the final run. N - Do not create the W-2 historical record on the final run. This is a required field. Sort by Alpha (A), SSN (S), or Pay Campus (C) A - Sort the report alphabetically. S - Sort the report by social security number. C - Sort the report by pay campus. This is a required field. Select Frequency(ies), or blank for ALL Type a one-digit frequency number separating multiple frequency Select Pay Campus(es), or blank for ALL Type the three-digit campus ID number, including all leading zeros and separating multiple campus ID numbers with a comma (e.g., numbers with a comma (e.g., 5, 6). Or, click to search for payroll frequencies. Otherwise, leave blank to use all payroll frequencies. 001, 098). Or, click to search for pay campuses. Otherwise, leave blank to use all campus ID numbers. Select Employee(s), or blank for ALL Type the employee number separating multiple employee numbers Tax Year (####) Type the tax year in the YYYY format, which will be included on the report. This is a required field. with a comma. Or, click to search for employees. Otherwise, leave blank to use all employee numbers. NOTE: The fields below are not required when creating the Validation report. These fields need to be completed when you are prepared to print the final W2’s or when the W2 Submission File(W2REPORT) is created Company Name (up to 57 characters) Type the company name to be displayed on the report. This field can be a maximum of 57 characters. Company Street (up to 22 characters) Type the company street address to be displayed on the report. This field can be a maximum of 22 characters. 1/4/2016 Page 7 of 15 Company Location Address (up to 22 characters Type the submitter’s location address (e.g. Attention, Suite, Number, etc.). This field can be a maximum of 22 characters. Example: 2nd Floor, Suite 234 If the submitter does not have a location address, then enter the company street address. Company City (up to 22 characters) Type the company city to be displayed on the report. This field can be a maximum of 22 characters. Company State : (2 characters) Type the company state to be displayed on the report. This field can be a maximum of 2 characters. Company Zip (#####-####) Type the company zip code to be displayed on the report. This field can be a maximum of 9 digits. Resubmit W2 Indicator (0) or (1) 0 - Set the W2 indicator to 0 if the RA - submitter record file is not being resubmitted. 1 - Set the W2 indicator to 1 if the RA - submitter record file is being resubmitted. Resubmit WFID sent by SSA If the Resubmit W2 Indicator (0) or (1) report parameter is set to 1, type the WFID (Wage File Identifier) displayed on the notice sent to you by the Social Security Administration. Otherwise, leave blank. Problem Notification Code (1) or (2) 1 - Indicate that the preferred method of contact is by e-mail or Internet. 2 - Indicate that the preferred method of contact is by US Postal Service. Preparer Code (A), (L), (S), (P) or (O) A - Indicate the statement was prepared by an accounting firm. L - Indicate the statement was self-prepared. S - Indicate the statement was prepared by a service bureau. P - Indicate the statement was prepared by a parent company. O - Indicate the statement was prepared by other. User ID (8 characters) Type the user identification to be displayed on the report. This field can be a maximum of 8 characters. Contact Name (up to 27 characters) Type the contact name to be displayed on the report. This field can be a maximum of 27 characters. Contact Phone Number (######-####) Type the contact phone number to be displayed on the report. Contact Phone Extension (#####) Type the contact phone extension to be displayed on the report. Contact E-mail (up to 40 characters) Type the contact e-mail address to be displayed on the report. This field can be a maximum of 40 characters. This is a required field. 1/4/2016 Page 8 of 15 Contact Fax (###-###-####) Type the contact fax number to be displayed on the report. Business Terminated? (Y/N) Y - Indicate this as the last tax year that W-2s will be filled for this employer ID number. N - Do not indicate this as the last tax year that W-2s will be filled for this employer ID number. Kind of Employer (F), (S), (T), (Y), (N) F - Indicate the employer is the federal government. S - Indicate the employer is a state and local government agency. T - Indicate the employer is a tax-exempt agency. School District will use S Charter School will use Y Y - Indicate the employer is a state and local tax-exempt agency. N - Indicate that none of the options is applicable. This is a required field when creating the W-2 file. This field is not valid for Puerto Rico employers. IMPORTANT PRINTER SETTINGS: Depending on the version of Adobe you are using, when printing the 3Up Blank W2 forms using Adobe Acrobat, Reader XI or later choose Page Size & Handling: Actual Size and Orientation: Auto portrait/landscape. Verify that the forms are printing properly by running a test pattern or selecting to print only the first employee’s form before printing all W2 forms. 8. Verify all employee W2 forms have printed successfully. When generating the W2 forms and the Validation Report, the Pay Status field is not a criteria. Inactive employees can be separated from the Active employees before the 3 UP W2 forms are distributed to your staff. (Print the 2015 Calendar YTD Report by Pay Campus for Inactive Employees to use in identifying the terminated employees.) 9. Create the W2REPORT for electronic filing. In the W2 Forms field, type F to create the W2REPORT for electronic filing. Note: The Social Security Administration recommends that users check their W2 Report file before submission using the free AccuWage software available for download at http://www.ssa.gov/employer/accuwage/. Caution: Do NOT Continue until the W2 Report has been verified with AccuWage. Once verified, complete the Final Run field to update the employees' W2 Inquiry tab. In the Final Run field, type Y to update the historical file of employee data on the W2 Inquiry tab. When Y is selected, the W2 Inquiry tab is updated. When W-2s are verified and completed, the user can create a W-2 historical file, which populates the employee's W2 Inquiry tab on the Calendar YTD menu selection. The W2 Inquiry tab is located in HR>Maintenance>Calendar YTD Data>W2 Inquiry tab. Note: If it is found that a W2 is incorrect and a new W2 must be created, then the Y for Final Run can be selected again as often as needed. If an employee loses their W2 and needs another, simply complete the minimum fields on the page, enter the applicable employee number and process the single W2. 10. Verify employee’s W2 data is displayed on the W2 Inquiry tab. If W2 data does not display for any employees, perform the Review HRS5100-W2 Forms step again. Ensure that the Final Run field is set to Y to update the historical file. 1/4/2016 Page 9 of 15 1/4/2016 Page 10 of 15 Employee Access (if applicable) The final step is to enable W-2 information access and update the latest year in Employee Access. This step must be done in order for the employee to have access to the W-2 Information page and print W-2s in Employee Access. Human Resources>Tables>District EA Options 1. Under Enable, select W-2 Information to enable the W-2 Information page in Employee Access. If not selected, the W-2 Information menu option is grayed out in Employee Access. **NEW** If the W-2 Information box is selected giving the employee access to the Employee Access>Inquiry>W-2 Information page, the employee will be prompted to select Yes or No for the W-2 Electronic Consent whether or not the W-2 Electronic Consent box is selected. If the W-2 Electronic Consent box is selected, the W2 Consent button will display in Employee Access when the employee accesses W-2 Information allowing them to change their selection. We do not recommend checking the W-2 Electronic Consent box. 2. In the W-2 Print - Latest Year field, type the four-digit year of the latest year to which the user wants to grant permission for employees to print official W-2 copies. This field should not be updated until the LEA has run and finalized its W-2s. W-2s are copies and should not be used in lieu of the LEA generating W-2s. W-2s are printed in the official format (as determined by the IRS) and can be used as the original. The field contains the latest year available to print. If the field is left blank, employees will not have the option to print a copy of any of their W-2s. 1/4/2016 Page 11 of 15 How W-2 Boxes Are Populated W-2 Box W-2 Report Third Party Sick Calculation (from Calendar YTD page) 1 Withhold Gross WH Gross Contract Pay + Non-Contract Pay + Supplemental Pay + TRS Supplemental + Tax Emplr Ins Contr + Non-TRS Bus Allow + Non-TRS Reimbr Excess + N-TRS N-Pay Bus Allow + Tax Emplr Grp Ins Contr + Emplr Depend Care Taxable Annuities Cafeteria 125 TRS Salary Red 457 Emp Contr + Third Party Sick Pay W/H Gross 2 Withhold Tax WH Tax Withholding Tax + Third Party Sick Pay Withholding Tax 3 FICA Gross FICA Gross FICA Gross + Third Party Sick Pay FICA Gross 4 FICA Tax FICA Tax FICA Tax + Third Party Sick Pay FICA Tax 5 Med Gross Med Gross Medicare Gross + Third Party Sick Pay Med Gross 6 Med Tax Med Tax Medicare Tax + Third Party Sick Pay Med Tax 10 Dep Care Dependent Care + Emplr Depend Care 12C Taxed Cont Tax Emplr Grp Ins Contr 12E Annuities Annuities 12G 457 Comp 457 Emp Contr + 457 Emplr Contr 12J Non Tax Third Party Sick Pay Non-Tax 12L Emp Business Expense 12P Moving Exp Reimbr 12BB Annuity Roth 12DD Employer Sponsored Health Coverage 12W Health Savings Account HSA Emp Sal Red Contr + HSA Emplr Contr 14(TRS) TRS Salary Red 14(TXA) Non-TRS Reimbr Base + Non-TRS Bus Allow + Non-TRS Reimbr Excess + N-TRS N-Pay Bus Allow 14(TFB) Tax Fringe Bnft Taxed Fringe Benefits + Tax Emplr Ins Contr 14(CAF) Cafeteria 125 14(NTA) N-TRS N-Tax Bus Allow + N-TRS N-Tax N-Pay Allow 14(HEALTH) 1/4/2016 Health Ins Page 12 of 15 Form W-2 Reporting of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage The Affordable Care Act requires employers to report the cost of coverage under an employersponsored group health plan. Reporting the cost of health care coverage on the Form W-2 does not mean that the coverage is taxable. The value of the employer’s excludable contribution to health coverage continues to be excludable from an employee's income, and it is not taxable. This reporting is for informational purposes only and will provide employees useful and comparable consumer information on the cost of their health care coverage. Employers that provide "applicable employer-sponsored coverage" under a group health plan are subject to the reporting requirement. This includes businesses, tax-exempt organizations, and federal, state and local government entities (except with respect to plans maintained primarily for members of the military and their families). However, federally recognized Indian tribal governments are not subject to this requirement. Transition Relief For certain employers, types of coverage and situations, there is transition relief from the requirement to report the value of coverage beginning with the 2012 Forms W-2. This transition relief applies to the 2013 Forms W-2 and will continue to apply to future calendar years until the IRS publishes additional guidance. (Note: employers generally are required to provide employees with the 2013 Forms W-2 in January 2014.) Any guidance that expands the reporting requirements will apply only to calendar years that start at least six months after the guidance is issued. See the “Optional Reporting” column in the below chart for the employers, types of coverage, and situations eligible for the transition relief. Reporting on the Form W-2 The value of the health care coverage will be reported in Box 12 of the Form W-2, with Code DD to identify the amount. There is no reporting on the Form W-3 of the total of these amounts for all the employer’s employees. In general, the amount reported should include both the portion paid by the employer and the portion paid by the employee. See the chart, below, and the questions and answers for more information. An employer is not required to issue a Form W-2 solely to report the value of the health care coverage for retirees or other employees or former employees to whom the employer would not otherwise provide a Form W-2. The chart below illustrates the types of coverage that employers must report on the Form W-2. Certain items are listed as "optional" based on transition relief provided by Notice 2012-9 (restating and clarifying Notice 2011-28). Future guidance may revise reporting requirements but will not be applicable until the tax year beginning at least six months after the date of issuance of such guidance. The chart reviews the reporting requirements for Box 12, Code DD, and has no impact on requirements to report these items elsewhere. For example, while contributions to Health Savings Arrangements (HSA) are not to be reported in Box 12, Code DD, certain HSA contributions are reported in Box 12, Code W (see General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3). 1/4/2016 Page 13 of 15 Form W-2 Reporting of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage Form W-2, Box 12, Code DD Do Not Report Report Optional X X Coverage Type Major medical Dental or vision plan not integrated into another medical or health plan Dental or vision plan which gives the choice of declining or electing and paying an additional premium Health Flexible Spending Arrangement (FSA) funded solely by salary-reduction amounts Health FSA value for the plan year in excess X of employee’s cafeteria plan salary reductions for all qualified benefits Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) contributions Health Savings Arrangement (HSA) contributions (employer or employee) Archer Medical Savings Account (Archer MSA) contributions (employer or employee) Hospital indemnity or specified illness (insured or selffunded), paid on after-tax basis Hospital indemnity or specified illness (insured or selfX funded), paid through salary reduction (pre-tax) or by employer Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) providing applicable Required if employer-sponsored healthcare coverage employer charges a COBRA premium On-site medical clinics providing applicable employerRequired if sponsored healthcare coverage employer charges a COBRA premium Wellness programs providing applicable employerRequired if sponsored healthcare coverage employer charges a COBRA premium Multi-employer plans Domestic partner coverage included in gross income X Governmental plans providing coverage primarily for members of the military and their families Federally recognized Indian tribal government plans and plans of tribally charted corporations wholly owned by a federally recognized Indian tribal government Self-funded plans not subject to Federal COBRA Accident or disability income Long-term care Liability insurance Supplemental liability insurance Workers' compensation Automobile medical payment insurance Credit-only insurance Excess reimbursement to highly compensated individual, included in gross income Payment/reimbursement of health insurance premiums for 2% shareholder-employee, included in gross income 1/4/2016 X X X X X X Optional if employer does not charge a COBRA premium Optional if employer does not charge a COBRA premium Optional if employer does not charge a COBRA premium X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 14 of 15 Report Other Situations Employers required to file fewer than 250 Forms W-2 for the preceding calendar year (determined without application of any entity aggregation rules for related employers) Forms W-2 furnished to employees who terminate before the end of a calendar year and request, in writing, a Form W-2 before the end of that year Forms W-2 provided by third-party sick-pay provider to employees of other employers Do Not Report Optional X X X The chart was created at the suggestion of and in collaboration with the IRS’ Information Reporting Program Advisory Committee (IRPAC). IRPAC’s members are representatives of industries responsible for providing information returns, such as Form W-2, to the IRS. IRPAC works with IRS to improve the information reporting process. Related Information: IR-2011-31, IRS Issues Interim Guidance on Informational Reporting of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage Notice 2010-69, Interim Relief with Respect to Form W-2 Reporting of the Cost of Coverage of Group Health Insurance Under § 6051(a)(14) Webinar, Reporting of Employer Healthcare Coverage on Form W-2. Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 02-Sep-2015 1/4/2016 Page 15 of 15