Engineering Analysis (650201) lec(2) – CH 1 Separable DE


Philadelphia University/ Faculty of Engineering

Communication and Electronics Engineering

Engineering Analysis (650201) lec(2) – CH 1

Separable DE

Instructor: Eng. Nada



Ordinary differential equation (ODE) , Partial differential equation (PDE) y

′′ +

4 y


0 ,

∂ 2 u /

∂ x

2 + ∂ 2 u /

∂ y

2 =


Order : highest derivative in equation dx

= dt x

+ t 1 st order equations d d t

2 x



3 dx

= t dt

Implicit solution, explicit solution

2 nd order equation y

= g ( x ) ( y


2 e

2 x

), G ( x , y )


0 ( x

2 + y

2 =

1 )

General solution, particular solution y

= ce

2 x

, y


2 e

2 x

٢ lec 2_ch1_Separable DE Nada khatib .


Separable DE

A separable DE is any DE that we can write in the following form.

g ( y ) dy

= f ( x ) dx

The variable y appears only on the left side

The variable X appears only on the right side

How to solve it?

٣ lec 2_ch1_Separable DE Nada khatib .


Separable DE

Step 1: rewrite the DE as the following form: g ( y ) dy

= f ( x ) dx

Step 2: integrate both sides

∫ g ( y ) dy

= ∫ f ( x ) dx

+ c lec 2_ch1_Separable DE Nada khatib .

Eng ٤

Examples lec 2_ch1_Separable DE Nada khatib .

Eng ٥

Reduction to Separable DE

Certain DEs are not separable but can be made separable by the introduction of a new unknown function.

We discuss this technique for a class of

ODEs of practical. DE of the form y

′ = f ( y x

) cos( y x

) , ( y x


3 lec 2_ch1_Separable DE Nada khatib .

Eng ٦

Reduction to Separable DE

The form of such an ODE suggests that we y set ; thus x

= y

= ux

By product differentiation

Substitution into

Then gives:

This can be separated:

٧ lec 2_ch1_Separable DE Nada khatib .


Examples lec 2_ch1_Separable DE Nada khatib .

Eng ٨
