M.B.A. Syllabus I SEMESTER 1.1 Organizational Behavior Module 1

M.B.A. Syllabus
1.1 Organizational Behavior
Module 1
Nature of organizations, why organizations exist, organizational effectiveness, nature or
organizational behavior, (OB), foundations of OB, importance and shortcomings of OB,
historical roots of OB, interdisciplinary focus, approaches to OB
Module 2
Foundations of individual behavior, personal factor, environmental factor, organizational
systems and resources, psychological factors. Personality - Structure, determinants, personality
traits and OB.
Perception - Perceptual process, attribution, errors in perception, managing perception.
Learning - how learning occurs, principles of learning. Attitudes - formation, factor, changing
attitudes, job satisfaction.
Value - types. Motivation - challenges, importance, content theories and process theories.
Applied motivation practices - rewards, job design, socio technical systems OB model,
empowerment, goal setting. Work Stress - stress model, cause, consequences, coping
Module 3
Group and Interpersonal behavior - group dynamics - why groups form, types, group norms,
cohensiveness, decision making / styles, strategies for improving decision making teams special types of groups, types of teams, Power and political behaviour - sources of power,
effective use of power. Organisational policies, forces creating political behaviour, forces
creating political behaviour, personality and political behaviour. Conflict - Sources and
strategies to resolve conflict. Leadership - styles, contemporary developments. Interpersonal
communication - essentials, networks, communication
technologies, non - verbal communication, barriers, strategies to overcome barriers
Module 4
Organizational process
Organizational design - types and their behavioral implications.
Organizational change - cause for change, why change resisted - managing change.
Organization culture - how is culture created and sustained.
Module 5
OB - Emerging challenges, managing diversity, globalization, technology transformation, ebusiness, promoting ethical behavior
1.2 Business Economics
Module 1
Introduction to business economics. Basic concepts - marginalize, costs, time perspective,
discounting, risk and uncertainty, profits, firm, industry and market. Economic and econometric
The theory of demand. The theory of consumer behavior, The Cardinal Utility Theory. The
indifference Curve Theory, the Revealed Preference Theory, the consumer surplus. The market
demand. Market demand, determinants of demand, elasticity's of demand. Market demand,
total revenue and marginal revenue. The constant elasticity demand function, distributed - log
models of demand, linear expenditure systems. The Demand of the product of a firm.
Module 2
The production function for a single product.
Law of production, returns to scale and variable proportions. Forms of production functions.
Technology and production function. Equilibrium of the firm - choice of optional combination of
factors of production, single decision of the firm, choice of optimal expansion path. Derivation of
cost functions from the production function. Theory of costs: Traditional theory of costs, modern
theory of costs, engineering cost curves. Economies of scale, real economies, pecuniary
economies. Statistical cost studies, engineering cost studies, survivor technique. Shape of cost
curves and decision making.
Module 3
Theory of firm:
Perfect competition, monopoly, price discrimination and monopolistic competition.
Oligopoly - non collusive and collusive.
Neoclassical theory of the firm.
The Marginalist Controversy.
Full Cost Pricing, For dons' Attack on Marginalism; Defense the Marginalsm.
Model of average cost pricing - demand and cost schedules, price
determination, the 'markup' rule.
Bain's limit Pricing Theory.
Concept of competition and entry.
Models of Sylos - Labini, Franko Modigliani, Bhagawati and Pashigian.
Management theories of the firm.
Baumol's theory of Sales Revenue Maximisation.
Marris Model of the Managerial Enterprises.
Williamson's model of Management Discretion.
The Behavioural Model of Cyert and March.
Module 4
Macro economic concepts - growth, investment, aggregate supply aggregate demand, output,
output gap, incrementalism and aggregate price, inflation, unemployment and general price
National income accounting - GDP, GNP, NNP, National Income, Disposable income, identities.
Two sector, three sector models. the consumption function, equilibrium income and output.
MPC, the Multiplier. The aggregate supply curve, the aggregate demand curve, fiscal policy the classical case, crowding out. IS - LM Analysis. Monetary expansion under classical
conditions. Supply side economics - Effects of cutting, tax notes on aggregate
demand and supply.
Unemployment : Measure, types and impact of it.
Inflation : Measure, demand full, cost - push, impact on economy.
Rational expectation.
Module 5
Indian economy - Characteristics, features - changing scenario.
Sector wise analysis.
Structural adjustments since 1991.
Business sector implications.
The future scenario.
1.3 Mathematics and Statistics
Module 1
Mathematical basis for managerial decision making.
Functions - linear, quadratic, exponential - applications of functions.
AP, GP and their managerial applications.
Differential, maxima and minima - applications.
Matrix Algebra - addition, multiplication and inverse.
Integration - Theorems on integration, definite integrals, indefinite
integrals, geometric interpret ion .
Markov theory Decision making under certainty, uncertainty and risk.
Decision Tree.
Module 2
Business statistics and scope.
Application of statistics in managerial decision making.
Primary and secondary data collection methods, drafting of questionnaire.
Classification and tabulation of data.
Graphical representation of data Sampling and sample method, merit and demerits of sampling.
Measures of central tendency.
Measures of dispersion
Module 3
Probability theory - Meaning and importance.
Calculation of probability.
Theorems of probability.
Probability distributions - binominal, poison, normal and
exponential, Bayes' Therom.
Module 4
Estimation, confidence intervals.
Hypothesis testing basic concepts.
Hypothesis testing for mean and proportions for small and large samples. Chi - square test for
goodness of fit and independence. Index numbers, construction of index numbers, index
number in use. ANOVA Presenting of data tables, graphs presentation and presentation of
Module 5
Correlation analysis - Meaning and Types.
Methods of Correlation analysis.
Lag and Lead in Correlation.
Regression analysis - meaning and uses.
Regression equations, model building, curvilinear, non linear regression model, ste wise
regrestion, variable selection procedures. Comparison of correlation and regression.
Module 6
Steps in forecasting.
Methods of forecasting.
Business forecasting and time series.
Components of time series, methods - staring line method, semi averages method - least
squares method, Non - linear trend, methods of moving averages, measurement of components
of Time series and limitations.
1.4 Indian Society
Module 1
Integrative Process:
Indian Society and Nationalism.
Indian heritage - interpersonal development and social objectives.
Indian and westerners - the age of reason vs. the caste system.
The Indian State:
Mughal, British and Modern India and continuity.
Growth without development.
Blockages to development.
Module 2
Psychological Security and Identity:
Social, political economic and cultural consequences.
Monetisation; the role of education.
Social Institutions:
Family, religion, marriage and education.
Its structure and relevance to Indian society.
Module 3
Indian Democracy
Principles of democracy, its roots in Indian society and polity,
ruling and representing people.
Criminalisation of politics, stakes, abuse of electoral process,
politics and crime - legitimacy. Effectiveness of political institutions - change in form of
government and governance.
Module 4
Sustainable Development and Ruler Poor
degradation; the role of voluntary organizations, social cost.
Agricultural marketing organizational perception, relevance and decline; the next step.
Poverty, bonded labour, unemployment, women empowerment, Societal skills and social
Module 5
Managing Transition of India:
Liberlisation, globalisation and privitisation Changes across Euro, Third World and USA and
their impact on India. Equality, efficiency and excellence.
Module 6
Indian Society, History and Industrialisation
Social and Political Institutions
Political processes and social change.
Urban - Rural reansformation
Regional trends
Decentralisation of power - Panchayath raj institutions, the bureaucracy; linguistic states paradigm shifts - post independent Indian literature and society. Any theme of current interest
affecting Indian Society
1.5 Accounting for Managers
Module 1
Financial accounting - concepts, conventions, importance, principles,
GAAPs, accounting systems, preparation of financial statements under
double entry system.
Module 2
Disclosure of information, Indian accounting standards, Human resource accounting, Fixed
assets and depreciation accounting, inventory valuation (Basic).
Module 3 (Fifteen Sessions)
Analysis of financial statements, compact statements - highlights, funds flow analysis, ratio
analysis, trend analysis, value added statements and cash flow analysis.
Module 4
Cost accounting, concepts, cost classifications, cost ascertainment, methods of costing (only
description). Managing Accounting - nature and scope.
Module 5
Marginal costing - short term decision making, budgetary control - Zero based budgeting,
performance budgeting, standard costing, cost control and cost reduction.
Activity based costing, target costing life - cycle costing, strategic cost management.
1.6 Research Methodology
Module 1
Research - features, types, phases and problem formulation. Business research, the Manager Researcher relationship. Styles of thinking, the thought process, scientific attitude,
understanding theory - components and connections. Concepts, constructs, definition,
parameters, variables, propositions, hypothesis, theory and models.
Module 2
The Research Process: The management research question hierarchy, research process
problems, the favoured technique syndrome, problem definition, designing the study, sampling
design, resource allocation and budgets, valuing research information, the research proposal,
pilot testing, data collection, analysis and interpretation, reporting the results and ethics in
Module 3
Research Design - exploratory studies, qualitative techniques, secondary data analysis,
experience survey, focus groups, two stage design, descriptive studies and causal studies.
Measurement Problems:
Data types, the characteristics of sound measurement - validity and reliability.
Scaling design Definition, classification, response methods, rating scales, ranking scales, scale
construction, arbitrary scales, consensus scaling, item analysis factor scales and advanced
scaling techniques.
Sampling design:
Nature, types of sample design probability and non probability sampling methods. Probability
sampling methods - SRS WOR, SRSWR, Systematic sampling stratified sampling, cluster
sampling, double
sampling, stage sampling, phase sampling and inverse sampling. Non probability sampling
methods: Convenience, judgment, purposive, quota and snowball sampling
Module 4
Sources of Data:
Secondary data - the library the internet and search engines.
Survey methods:
Personal interviews, telephone interviewing, self administered surveys and out sourcing.
instrument of research - communication, question structure, content, wording sequence and
response strategies - questionnaire construction and design. Observational studies :
Experimentation - principles of experimental designs, CRD, RBD, Latin square design, factorial
designs and control groups.
Analysis of Data:
Coding, data entry, tabulation, cross tabulation, data mining.
Hypothesis Testing:
Null and alternate hypothesis, level of significance, one and two
sample tests.
Measure of Association:
Correlation and regression analysis, contingency coefficient.
Non parametric Tests:
Test of randomness, Kolmogorov - Smirnov test, Cramer's V. Proportional reduction error
(PRE), Goodman and Kruskal's Tau, and gamma, and kendall's tau.
Multivariate analysis Multiple regression, discriminant analysis, MANOV, LISREL, Conjoint analysis, factor analysis,
cluster analysis, and multi dimensional
scaling. Preparation of Reports The Written research report - its components and oral presentation
II sem
2.1 Operations Research
Module 1
Introduction to OR
Importance of OR
Scope of OR in business activities.
Optimization concept, OR Models.
Module 2
Linear programming
Introduction to LP
Graphical method of problem solving
Alternate solution of LP
Simplex method (two phase method)
Duality in LP
Formulation of dual problems, advantages.
Transportation Models
Nature and s7cope of transportation and allocation models.
Methods of allocation
Tests for optimality
Imbalance in total availability and total allocation.
Alternate methods of solutions.
Scope of transportation models.
Assignments Problems
Traveling salesman problem.
Module 3
Queing theory (waiting line)
Essential features of queing system.
Operating characteristics of queing system.
Probability distribution in queing system.
Sequencing Problems
Processing 'n' jobs through 2 machines
Processing 'n' jobs through 3 machines
Replacement Models
Replacement of items deteriorating with time
Replacement of items that fail completely
Module 4
Network Models.
Introduction to PERT, CPM techniques.
Network components, precedence, events, activities, errors and dummies.
Critical path analysis, float.
Probabilities in PERT analysis, project time calculations.
Project crashing, time cost considerations.
Module 5
Inventory models
Meaning and importance of inventory management.
Types of inventory control methods.
EOQ formula, economic lot size.
Problems based in EOQ formula.
Module 6
Theory of games - introduction
Two person zero - sum games.
Introduction to basic concepts.
Simulation Procedures.
Application of simulation.
2.2 Financial Management
Module 1
Overview of Financial Management
Activities of financial management, risk and return, trade off,
Indian Financial System
Regulatory framework: SEBI and Company law regulations pertaining to I.P.O, rights issue
bonus issue, capitalization of reserves, dividend and reserves, promoter's contribution,
underwriting etc.
The Indian financial system, markets, institutions and instruments.
Basis Techniques of Financial Management Time value of money Valuation of bonds and
shares Risk and return of portfolios CAPM, APM and option pricing
Module 2
Sources of Finance
Financing by shares, debentures and Term loans
The Indian capital market - on overview.
Primary and secondary markets
Equity shares, preference shares, rights issue, public placements,
private placements, capitalization of retained earnings and reserves, bonus shares.
Types of institutional finance - funded and non - funded, term loans,
loan syndication, consortium advance, participation certificate, covenants.
Debt: debentures, types of debentures, covenants, credit rating.
Leasing , hire purchase, venture capital, securitization, DPG.
Working Capital Sources:
Trade Credit, commercial banks, overdraft, cash credit, loan, bill
purchase, factoring, Bill discounting, packing credit limit, export
finance. Tendon Committee, Chore committee, latest methods like BAP maximum
permissible bank finance based on balance - sheet and actual appraisal system.
International Sources of Finance( concepts and definitions)
Foreign Exchange concepts
Exchange Rate Definitions.
Exchange Rate Quotations.
Foreign Exchange management Act (FEMA) over view.
Methods of Payment
Clean payment
Open Account
Documentary Collections
Documentary letters of Credit.
Managing foreign Exchange Risk
Transaction Exposure
Translation Exposure
Economic Exposure
Other Concepts
ECB, FDI, GDR, ADR, Euro Bond, hard Currency Loans, Soft Currency
Loans etc., FCNR Deposits, IMF, IBRD,
Module 3
Working Capital Management
Principles of Working Capital
Concepts of Working capital, estimating working capital requirement,
operating, cycle, cash cycle.
Accounts Receivable Management
Terms of payment, Credit policy.
Credit evaluation.
Control of receivables.
Cash Management
Cash forecasting
Cash budgets.
Investing surplus cash.
Inventory Management
ABC Analysis.
Inventory control.
Module 4
Investment Decisions
Consideration of non financial factors in capital budgeting.
Basics, Cash flows, principles of estimation, merits and problems of
various methods.
Risk and sensitivity analysis in capital budgeting.
Cost of Capital : debt. equity, WACC.
Module 5
Capital Structure & Dividend Policies
Leverages : financial & operating
Financial leverage
Operating leverage
Capital structure theories
Net Income Approach.
Net Operating Income Approach.
Modigliani and Miller Hypothesis.
Planning the capital structure
EBIT - EBS analysis.
ROI - ROE analysis.
Dividend Theories
Dividend relevance - Walter Gordon Models.
Dividend irrelevance - M M Hypothesis.
Dividend policy and Practice
Dividend policy payout ratio policy
Legal and financial aspects.
Bonus shares and stock splits.
Multinational financial system, Multinational working capital
management, international investment analysis, capital structure and
financing operations.
Module 6
Functioning of Multi National and Trans
National Companies
2.3 Human Resource Management
Module 1
Overview and introduction to human resource management (HRM) functions and objectives, organizational design, careers in HRM,
environment of HRM, strategic HRM.
Module 2
Employment - Job analysis, job design, human resource planning - factor affecting HRP,
techniques of HRP, recruitment - factors affecting, sources, selection, process of selection, tools
for selection, orientation and placement orientation programs.
Module 3
Development - training and development, needs assessment, methods and techniques,
evaluation, performance management - criteria, methods errors in rating, overcoming errors,
legal issues in performance assessment. Employee and executive remuneration - elements,
benefits and service, perquisites.
Module 4
Managing human resources - safety and health - reason for accidents, ways of avoiding
accidents. Health - Physical and mental, work place violence, sexual harassment, child labor,
alcoholism and drug abuse. Employee welfare - principles, welfare measure.
Module 5
Employee relations - reasons for disputes, ways of resolving disputes, trade unions, recent
trends in union movement.
Module 6
Ethical issues in HRM - dilemmas and ways of overcoming Challenges before HR manager, eHR.
2.4 Marketing Management
Module 1
Marketing an Introduction
Nature of marketing? Definition, meaning and scope: Core Concepts of marketing. Company
orientation towards marketing Role of marketing in Indian economy, emerging trends in Indian
Marketing environment.
Module 2
Understanding the Consumer
Role of consumer in the marketing process: factors influencing consumer behavior.
Buying decision process: stages in buying decision process Business buying behavior; business
market versus consumer market; buying decisions.
Module 3
Market Segmentation, Target Marketing and Positioning Identifying marketing segments and
selecting targets markets. Product Life cycle and new product development. Positioning the
Module 4
Managing Marketing Mix
Concept and components of marketing mix
Product and product mix decisions
Management of product lines: branding, packaging and labeling.
Pricing strategies and programs : managing price changes
Managing marketing channels - characteristics, components, channel design decisions
Marketing communication; advertising and sales promotion
Module 5
Marketing Applications
Marketing research and Information systems Managing sales force.
Issues related to marketing products globally
The growth and benefits of direct marketing
Channels of direct marketing, face to face selling, direct mail,
catalog marketing, tale marketing, direct response marketing, kiosk marketing.
Online marketing challenges.
Network marketing.
Developing marketing strategies.
Module 6
Rural Marketing
Rural market environment
Rural demand and rural market index.
Problems in rural marketing
Marketing if agricultural inputs, produce, rural industry products,
consumables and durables.
Rural marketing strategies.
2.5 Production and Operation Management
Module 1
Production Operation Management, Introduction and Overview.
Production Operations Management - An Introduction Why study POM?
Historic milestone in POM
Factors affecting POM today
Different approaches to the study of POM
Design and operating production systems.
The influence of Japanese manufacturers.
What world class producers do?
Developing trends in POM as a part of corporate strategy.
Productivity, Competitiveness, and Strategy - Using Quality, Cost, Service as Competitive
Today's global business conditions competition & productivity.
Reality of global competition and competitive strategies.
Challenges of quality, customer service & cost.
Social responsibilities of business - environmental issues.
Operations strategy - elements.
Operations strategy for services.
Forming operations strategies.
Linking operations and marketing strategies.
Forecasting in POM - Starting point of all planning
Quantitative forecasting methods - forecasting accuracy.
Long range forecasts - cycles, trends and seasonality - linear
progression and correction.
Short range forecasts - moving average method, exponential smoothing
method, exponential smoothing with trend.
How to have a scientific forecasting system - accuracy and control of
Computer software for forecasting.
Module 2
Strategic Decisions - Design of Production systems
Designing and developing products and services - selection & design of
production process - manufacturing & service organizations.
Designing & developing products & services - designing for
Production, designing for quality, designing and developing new
Product life cycles.
Robust design, concurrent engineering, computer aided design, Modular
design quality function deployment.
Process planning and design.
Major factors affecting process design decisions - product focus,
process focus and group technology / cellular manufacturing.
Interrelationships among product design and inventory policy.
Deciding among processing alternatives, batch size, capital requirements, economic analysis,
assembly charts and process charts.
Production Technology - Selection & Management
Proliferation of automation
Types of automation - NCM / AIS.
Automated production systems.
Factories of the future - CAD /CAM
Automation in services.
Deciding among automation alternatives.
Long Range Capacity Planning and Facilities Location
Long range capacity planning
Definition of production capacity.
Measurements of capacity.
Forecasting capacity demand.
Ways of changing capacity.
Economies of scale.
Facilities location
Factors affecting location decisions.
Types of facilities and their dominant location features.
Analyzing industrial facility location.
Facilities Layout - manufacturing & Services
Manufacturing facilities layouts
materials handling
Product layouts.
Process layouts.
Cellular manufacturing layouts.
Fixed position layouts.
Hybrid layouts.
Analyzing manufacturing facilities layouts.
Planning process and warehouse layouts.
Operational sequence analysis.
Planning product layouts - line balancing.
Planning cellular manufacturing layouts.
Service facilities layouts.
Types and analysis.
Design of Work Systems - Learning Curves and Analysis
Job design
Behavioral approaches to job design.
Team and team working.
Work study
Method study
Work measurement - PMTS
Work sampling
Individual incentives
Group incentives
Knowledge based pay systems.
Assignments, case study discussion, quiz, seminar, project work
presentations etc., on module 2.
Module 3
Operating Decisions - Planning
Production to Meet Demand
Production Planning Systems - Aggregate Planning and Master Production
Production planning hierarchy
Aggregate planning, aggregate demand.
Master production scheduling.
Types of production planning and control systems.
Push pull systems.
Theory of constraints - focusing on bottlenecks.
Independent Demand Inventory Systems
Why do we hold inventories?
Nature of inventories.
Fixed order quantity system
Fixed order period system
Issues in inventory planning - ABC classification, EOQ,
computerization, and inventory Planning.
Resource Requirement Planning System, Material Requirement Planning,
Capacity Requirements Planning, Capacity Requirement Planning
Material requirement planning (MRP)
Objectives of MRP, elements of MRP
Lot sizing in MRP
Evaluation of MRP
Capacity requirement planning (CRP)
Load schedules.
Shop Floor Planning and Control in Manufacturing
Shop floor planning and control.
Finite and infinite loading.
Sequencing rules, minimizing total production time.
Scheduling process focused manufacturing.
Batch scheduling
Line balance method.
Computerized scheduling system.
Planning and Scheduling of Service Operations
Nature of services - types of service operations.
Scheduling quasi - manufacturing service operations.
Product, process focused service operations.
Scheduling customer as participants - service operations - waiting lines.
Scheduling customer as product - service operations.
Using computer simulation in service operations and its evaluation.
Just - in Time Manufacturing Systems
JIT philosophy
Prerequisites of JIT Manufacturing.
Elements in JIT manufacturing
Eliminating waste, enforced problem solving, continuous process improvement.
TQM, parallel processing.
Kanban production control.
JIT purchasing
Reducing inventories through setup reduction.
Benefits of JIT manufacturing
Success and JIT manufacturing.
Supply Chain management
Introduction to SCM
JIT purchasing
Bench marking the performance of materials managers.
Third party logistics management providers.
Project Management - PERT / CPM
Introduction to Project Management
Project life cycle.
Behavioral aspects of project management.
Module 4
Control Decisions: Planning and Controlling of operations for
productivity, quality and reliability
Quality Management - Concept of TQM / Six Sigma
Nature of quality - dimensions, determinants and cost of quality.
Modern quality management - Quality drives productivity
Quality standards - ISO 9000 / ISO 14000.
TQM programs - customer involvement, designing products for quality,
developing supplier relationships, customer service, distribution,
building empowered teams.
Quality management in services.
Introduction to six sigma concepts.
Quality Control - Acceptance Sampling
Statistical methods in QC sampling.
Control Charts - Attributes & Variables.
Acceptance plans - single, double sequential, OCC, average outgoing quality curves.
Computers in QC
Qc in services.
Maintenance Management & Reliability
Repair programs
Preventive maintenance programs.
Machine reliability.
Trends in maintenance management
Maintenance issues in service management.
2.6 Management Information Systems
Module 1
Basic Concepts of MIS and a Systematic Approach
of Management
MIS - an Introduction
Importance of information
Information System Activities.
Information System Resources.
Information as a Tool.
Systems Approach
Steps involved in this approach.
Organizational Sub Systems.
Environmental Sub Systems.
Operational Support Systems.
Management Support Systems.
Expert System, Knowledge Management System.
Module 2
Database Management and Processing System
Transaction Processing System
Data Base Management.
Online Transaction Processes.
Module 3
Overview of systems design and development the
initiatives and methodologies and implementations job plan.
The process of feasibility study and analysis.
Design specifications including input, interface, output and controls.
Life Cycle Approach & Prototype Approach.
Case Study, Discussions.
Module 4
Understanding Decision Support System
An Overview
Managerial Decision Marking Process.
Models for decision support including Simon's model for decision support.
Software for Decision Support.
DSS Generator and Capabilities.
Supporting Model Base.
Supporting Database
Supporting Interactive Dialogue ( DG/MS)
GDSS & Video Conferencing
Case Study Discussions.
Module 5
Strategic Role of Information Systems
Effects of IT on strategy and competition
Building Value Chain.
Case Study Discussions.
Module 6 (Fifteen Sessions)
Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis and Design and Trends in
Management Information system
Introduction to abject oriented design
Introduction in M.I.S overview of
Enterprise wide computing
Enterprise Resource Planning
E - commerce
2.7 Business Law
Module 1
Introduction - Overview of Business laws in India - Sources of law and interpretation of law
The constitution of India with special reference to economic principles enshrined in the
constitution - decision by the supreme court.
Module 2
The contract Act - features - The international contracts - features and Problems.
Business forms: Different types - companies - The companies Act 1956
The multinational corporations - Mergers Amalgamation etc., Legal
issues and judicial decisions.
The consumer protection Act - features, issues and court decisions.
Sales: Indian Sales of Goods Act - Brief Review - International Sales
Contract united nations conventions and contract in the Sale of
International Sale of Goods (G.I.S.G)
Foundations of international law - Islamic law, Socialist law, Common
law and Civil law
Principles of International law - sovereignty, international
jurisdiction doctrine of comity, act of state doctrine, treatment and rights of aliens.
International treaties and conventions.
Module 3
Trade in Goods
Theories of International Trade - Broad features of contemporary
International Organizations - GATT W.T.O - Critical Review.
Financing of foreign Trade - Different Types - Role of foreign
Exchange Management Act (FEMA) critical review.
The Indian contract act - features - international sales contracts - feature and problems.
Sale of goods act - brief overview, international sales contracts - united national conventions
and contracts in the international sale of goods (CISG)
Forms of business ownership - the Companies Act, 1956. The multinational corporation managers and acquisitions - legal issues and judicial decisions.
Module 4
Intangible aspects of property
The intellectual property Acts on India - Copyright, Trade mark, patents etc, Information
Technology Act, International intellectual Property Organizations - treaties and International
Transfer of Intellectual Properties.
Module 5
Environmental Law
Introduction : Cost of Economic Growth, Theories, Critical evaluation.
Laws relating to prevention of pollution - Air, Water and sound - judicial approach.
Overview and concluding remarks.
Student presentations - case law etc., (20 sessions)
Contemporary Management Practices (CMP)
G1 CEO's Diaries
G2 Indian Business Maharajas
G3 Winning Strategies in Corporate Environment
F1 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
F2 Banks & institutional Management
F3 Fiscal Policies & Taxation Management
M1 Consumer Behaviour
M2 Business Marketing
M3 Marketing of Services
Human Resources
H1 Training and Development
H2 Compensation Management (Including Performance Appraisal)
H3 Employee Relations Management
Production & Operations Management
P1 Supply Chain Management
P2 Productivity Techniques & Total Quality Management
P3Technology Management
S1 Systems Analysis & Design
S2 Software Engineering Management
S3 Database Concepts & Administration
F4 Intl. Financial Management.
F5 Strategic Financial Management
F6 Project Appraisal & Finance
M4 Sales & Distribution Management
M5 International Marketing
M6 Advertising Management
M7 Rural Marketing
Human Resources
H4 Organizational Culture, Change & Development.
H5 Learning Organizations, Leadership & Change
H6 International Hrm.
S4 Enterprise Resource Planning & Business Process Re - Engineering
S5 Electronic Commerce
S6 E - business Strategies