Sample New Testament Survey Study Questions

BI 111 New Testament Survey - Study Questions for Exam 1
NAME____________________________________________ Date:______________
Match each characteristic with the person whom it describes:
1. ___ was the son of Herod
2. ___ was the husband of Esther
3. ___ was taken captive to Babylon
4. ___ gave first orders for Jews to return to Palestine
A. Daniel
B. Archelaus
C. Cyrus
D. Xerxes
E. Jeremiah
5. T/F The Southern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria in 586 BC.
6. ___ Which is not true of the Septuagint?
A. It was published during the Maccabean Period
C. it was used all over the empire
E. all are true
p. 1-2
p. 1
p. 1-2
B. it was a translation of the O.T. into Greek
D. it was used even after the coming of Christ
7. ___ Members of the Syrian ruling class were the
A. Ptolemies B. Maccabees
C. Seleucidaes
p. 3
8. ___ Which group of periods is in chronological order?
A. Maccabean--Roman--Syrian
C Persian--Grecian--Egyptian
p. 1-4
9. ___ The period of influence of the Maccabees was
A. 331-323 BC
C. 198-168 BC
E. 63 BC-70 AD
10. ___ The emperor at the time of the death of Paul was
A. Claudius
C. Herod the Great
E. None of the above
B. Roman--Syrian--Grecian
D. Egyptian--Syrian--Persian
p. 3
B. 539-331 BC
D. 168-63 BC
p. 4-5
B. Markus
D. Herod Antipas
11. ___ Which of the following is correct chronologically?
A. Christ's baptism/Paul's conversion/Jerusalem council
B. Paul's conversion/Paul's imprisonment/Paul's first missionary journey
C. Christ's temptation/Christ's baptism/Christ's death
D. Christ's birth/Jerusalem council/Christ's death
p. 5
12. ___ The dates for the birth of Christ, and the death of Christ respectively are:
A. 4 BC, 33 AD
B. 5 BC, 35 AD
C. 5 BC, 32 AD
D. 1 BC, 35 AD
E. 1 AD, 28 AD
p. 5
13. ___ The gospel takes Christ's genealogy back to Adam:
A. John B. Matthew C. Luke D. Mark
E. None
p. 6
BI 111 New Testament Survey - Study Questions for Exam 1
14. ___ This gospel takes Christ's genealogy back to Abraham:
A. Mark
B. John C. Luke D. Matthew E. None
p. 6
Match the following authors with their emphases:
15. ___ Matthew
A. Christ as God
16. ___ Mark
B. Christ as king
17. ___ John
C. Christ as servant
18. ___ Luke
D. Christ as son
E. Christ as man
p. 6
19. T/F The gospel of John has no genealogy because people are not interested in the genealogy of a servant. p. 6
20. ___ Which gospel was written last?
A. Matthew
B. John
p. 6,7,23,25,27
C. Luke
D. Mark
E. Acts
21.___ Which of the following is a distinctive purpose of the book of Matthew?
A. to prove Jesus is God and man in one person
B. to show Christ as servant of Jehovah
C. to record the founding of the church
D. to demonstrate that Christ is the rightful heir to Abrahamic and Davidic covenant promises
E. all of the above
22. ___ One of the best arguments for Matthew's authorship is
A. the tradition of the early church fathers
C. it is named "the gospel according to Matthew"
E. all of the above
p. 7
B. other N.T. writers claimed that Matthew wrote it
D. Matthew claims to have written it
23. ___ Which is NOT a distinctive feature of the gospel of Matthew?
A. contains more O.T. quotes than other gospels
B. traces genealogy back to Adam
C. shows Christ's crucifixion as a civil verdict
D. traces Jesus' legal right to the throne
E. all are distinctive features
24. ___ The key scripture of Matthew is
A. 1:18 B. 28:29
C. 17:6-8
p. 7
p. 7
p. 7
D. 23:37-39
25. ___ John the Baptist may be considered the
A. oldest of Jesus' brothers
C. forerunner of a prophet
p. 8
B. ambassador of the king
D. master preceding the servant
26. T/F When the Magi followed the star, they were led to the manger where they worshipped Jesus.
27. ___ It can be said of Matthew's genealogy of Christ that
A. a curse affects it
B. it goes back to Abraham
C. it shows a legal right to reign
D. it is through Solomon
E. all of the above
p. 8
p. 7-8
28. ___ Jesus was tempted in 3 areas-- the world, the flesh and the devil. Where else do we find reference to this
BI 111 New Testament Survey - Study Questions for Exam 1
same method?
A. Jacob and Esau
C. Galatians 6:1
E. Paul in Ephesus
B. the Christians in I John 2
D. at the giving of the Law
29. T/F Believers of the church age should be baptized in order to follow Jesus' example.
p. 8
30. T/F Believers of the church age should be baptized in order to follow Jesus' commandment.
p. 8
31. ___ Which of these is similar to the influence the subjects of the kingdom are to have?
A. pizza
B. leaven
C. figs
D. seeds
E. salt
p. 9
32. ___ What was the primary purpose of Christ's miracles?
A. authenticate His message and person
B. show compassion for people
C. show His disciples His
D. restore physical health to sickly people
E. none of the above
p. 9-11
33. T/F The basic interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount is for all believers.
p. 10
34. ___ Which is not true of Christ's relation to the Law?
A. He rejected the Pharisees' teaching
C. He abolished it
35. ___ It can be said of the unpardonable sin that
A. it can not be committed today
C. some Pharisees were guilty of it
E. all of the above
p. 9
B. He clarified it
D. He rejected the Pharisees' practice of it.
p. 12
B. it was blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
D. it claimed Satan was working through Christ
36. T/F The unpardonable sin can be committed today by unbelievers.
p. 12
37. T/F Jesus expected to be accepted by the Jews.
38.___Jesus' response to rejection was
A. to continue as He always had
C. to try more persuasive teaching
39. ___ The promised Jewish kingdom is
A. pictured by Peter's ministry
C. presently the nation of Israel
E. none of the above
p. 12
p. 12-13
B. to begin speaking in parables
D. to shake the dust off His feet
p. 13
B. not presently in existence
D. typified by the parable of the dragnet
40. T/F The parables of Matthew 13 cover a period from the departure of the King to the Second coming.
p. 13
41. T/F John the Baptist at one time doubted whether Jesus was really the Messiah.
p. 13
42. ___ Which parable shows the monstrous growth of the Church?
A. hidden treasure B. mustard seed C. leaven D. sower
p. 13
E. wheat and tares
43. ___ The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is pictured as the glory returning to Jerusalem by what prophet?
A. Daniel B. Isaiah
C. Ezekiel D. Jeremiah
BI 111 New Testament Survey - Study Questions for Exam 1
44. ___ Which is the Roman Catholic view of Christ's words to Peter in Matthew 16?
A. The church was built on Peter's confession.
B. The church was built on Christ.
C. The church was built on Peter.
D. The first church was located on the ground where they stood.
E. None of the above
45. ___ Which of these passages does not deal with divorce?
A. I Corinthians 7
B. Mark 10
C. Romans 6
D. Matthew 19
E. none of the above (all do)
p. 15
p. 16
46. ___When Jesus said, "There are some standing here who will not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in
His Kingdom" (Matt. 16:28), He was referring to
p. 15
A. the church's fulfilling Israel's kingdom promises
B. the transfiguration
C. the ascension
D. the spiritual kingdom in men's hearts
E. none of the above
47. ___ The worst portion of the Tribulation will occur:
A. during the last 3 1/2 years
p. 19-20
B. during the first 3 1/2 years
48. ___ Matthew 24:4-8 (the first half of the tribulation) generally parallels
A. I Corinthians 5
B. Revelation 13
C. Daniel 14
D. Revelation 6
E. Ezekiel 10
p. 19
49. T/F The church must get the gospel to all the world before the rapture can occur.
p. 19-20
50. ___ "The kingdom of God" will be taken from you (Matthew 21:43) refers to
A. the millennial church
B. the church
C. the apostolic band
D. the sovereign rule of God in history
E. none of the above
p. 17
51. ___ The event that starts the tribulation is:
A. Christ's return to earth
B. the breaking of that covenant
C. signing a peace treaty between the Anti-Christ and Israel
D. the rapture
E. all of the above
p. 19-20
52. T/F In Matthew 24, Jesus gives an outline of prophesied events corresponding to Daniel's 70th week. p. 19-20
53. T/F In the pre-trib view, wars, rumors of war and famines are signs of the Rapture.
p. 19-20
54. T/F Even though Matthew 24:13 says, "He that endures unto the end, the same shall be saved" refers to the
present age, it does not refer to spiritual salvation.
p. 19
55. T/F Signs in the heavens will precede Christ's second advent.
p. 20
56. ___ What "generation" was Christ referring to when He said, "this generation shall not pass away until all these
things be fulfilled"?
p. 20
A. generation standing before Him
B. the nation of Jewish people
BI 111 New Testament Survey - Study Questions for Exam 1
C. generation which sees these events begin to occur
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
57.____ The parable which is an exhortation to watchfulness is
A. the 10 virgins
B. the talents
C. the lost sheep
p. 20-21
D. the lost coin
58. ___ The parable which is an exhortation to faithfulness is
A. the lost sheep
B. the lost coin
C. the talents
p. 20-21
D. the 10 virgins
59. ___ Christ's commission to His disciples is found in
A. Mark 10:19 B. Matt. 28:16-20 C. Matt. 18:24-26
D. Luke 4:32-36
p. 22
60. T/F After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to many unbelievers whosubsequently believeD.
p. 22
61. ___ The writer of Mark was
A. Roman
B. Jewish C. Paul's close relative D. Gentile
p. 23
62. T/F The book of Mark was written to Romans.
p. 23
63. T/F Mark was Paul's faithful companion since the first missionary journey.
64. T/F John Mark was one of Jesus' apostles.
p. 23
p. 23
65. ___ On whom does John Mark rely for much of his gospel material?
A. Barnabas B. Paul C. Peter D. his own observation E. Timothy
p. 23
66. ___ Which gospel would not be expected to have a Sermon on the Mount?
A. Acts
B. Luke
C. Matthew
D. Mark
E. John
p. 24
67. ___ The key word in Mark used 42 times is
A. believe
B. minister
C. immediately
p. 24
D. sign
68. ___ The oldest manuscripts of Mark end at
A. 18:6
B. 16:18
C. 8:16
D. 16:8
E. 20:6
69. ___ The key verse in Mark is
A. 6:11
B. 4:15
D. 16:8
E. 4:45
p. 24
C. 10:45
70. ___ The least chronological of the gospels is
A. Luke
B. Matthew
71. ___ Luke's hometown was most
A. Troas
B. Philippi
p. 24
p. 25
C. John
D. Mark
p. 25
C. Berea
72. The gospels record Jesus praying ________ times.
D. Rome
E. Ephesus
p. 25
73. Luke records ________ of them.
74. ___ of them are found only in Luke.
A. 9
B. 15
C. 10
D. 11
75. ___ Luke does not record Jesus praying
E. 7
p. 25
BI 111 New Testament Survey - Study Questions for Exam 1
A. at the transfiguration
B. when left behind at the temple (at age 12)
C. before choosing the 12
D. on the cross
E. all of these are recorded in Luke
76. ___ Which gospel might be called the ERA gospel because of its references to women and children? p. 26
A. Luke
B. Matthew
C. Mark
D. John
77. ___ Which is not an event in the life of Jesus which Luke connects to the Holy Spirit?
A. conception
B. healing the widow's son
C. the Great Commission
D. temptation
E. baptism
78. ___ The key scripture of Luke is
A. 10:13
B. 28:32
C. 10:45
p. 26
D. 19:10
79. ___ John (writer of the gospel) was a
A. tentmaker
B. fisherman C. tax collector
80. ___ Which is not a key word in John?
A. believe
B. signs
C. king
p. 27
D. doctor
E. shepherd
p. 27-28
D. life
81. ___ The first of Jesus' miracles recorded by John is
A. feeding the 5000 B. raising Lazarus C. turning water to wine
p. 27
D. walking on water
Indicate the chapter of John in which each of the following events appears:
82. ___ Healing at the pool of Bethseda
A. 2
83. ___ Raising of Lazarus
B. 6
84. ___ Walking on water
C. 11
85. ___ Healing of the blind man
D. 5
86. ___ Changing water to wine
E. answer not given
Match the following key words or phrases with the gospel they feature.
87. ___ straightway
A. Matthew
88. ___ "you have heard. . . but I say"
B. Luke
89. ___ most about prayer
C. John
90. ___ Jesus is God
D. Mark
91. ___ In John 1, Jesus is called the
A. King
B. Servant
C. Word
p. 26
p. 27
p. 23-28
p. 29
D. branch
92. ___ The discourses of Jesus with their correct book and chapter reference are in which of the following?
Upper Room
Sermon on the Mount
A. Matt. 13-16
Luke 5-7
John 5-7
B. Matt. 24-25
Matt. 12-14
Luke 5-7
C. Matt. 5-7
John 13-16
Matt. 24-25
D. John 10-11
Matt. 5-7
Matt. 12-14
E. John 13-16
Matt. 24-25
John 13-16
93. ___ Which is not one of the 7 "I am's" of Jesus?
A. good shepherd B. true vine C. bread of life
94. ___ Which is not one of the 7 "I am's" of Jesus?
A. way, truth, life B. door C. light of the world
p. 27-28
D. comforter
E. all are
p. 27-28
D. resurrection E. all are
BI 111 New Testament Survey - Study Questions for Exam 1
95. ___ The key scripture of John is
A. 15:2 B. 1:1
C. 30:21 D. 20:31
p. 28
96. ___ Who anointed Jesus' feet?
A. Mary B. Simon C. Peter
p. 29-30
D. Martha
97. T/F The Lord's Prayer in John 17 speaks of the spiritual unity of all believers.
Match the following:
98. ___ chief shepherd
99. ___ great shepherd
100. ___ good shepherd
p. 31
A. John 10
B. John 15
C. I Peter 5
D. Hebrews 13
1. Demonstrate from the distinctive features that Matthew wrote his gospel for Jews p. 7
2. Did the wise men (magi) come to see the baby Jesus at the same time as the shepherds? p. 8
3. Explain why Jesus had to be virgin born (curse of Coniah) p. 8
4. How may the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5-7) be used for believers today?p. 10
BI 111 New Testament Survey - Study Questions for Exam 1
5. Explain the "unpardonable sin" (Matt. 12). Include an answer to, "Can it be committed today?" p. 12
6. Explain what Jesus meant when He said, "On this rock I will build My church." p. 15
7. When Jesus said, "this generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled," what did He mean by
8. Explain John 15:1-6.
9. T/F I have completed the reading assignment (-10 points if answer is false).