4_ Gas transport

Allied Science Physiology 09-10. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
Transported in 2 modes:
a)  1.5% dissolved in plasma
–  At rest we consume 250 mlO2/min
–  CO = 5 l/min
–  O2 breathed per min: 1 liter
–  In arterial blood: 200ml O2 / 1 l of blood
–  3 ml of O2 / 1l blood dissolves
b)  98.5% bound to haemoglobin (Hb)
–  Hemoglobin located in red blood cells
–  4 globins (structural; CO2 binding site)
–  4 heme groups per haemoglobin (each with an iron atom)
–  Oxygen binds reversibly to heme group (iron) in Hb
–  Thus each hemoglobin can bind 4 O2 molecules
–  Amount of O2 bound to Hb is a function of the PO2
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
Hb + O2
Figure 17.6
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
Binding of oxygen to hemoglobin follows
Law of Mass Action
–  More oxygen  more binds to hemoglobin
–  Non-linear relationship
•  Positive cooperativity
Saturation of hemoglobin is a measure of how much oxygen
bound to hemoglobin
–  100% saturation  all 4 binding sites on hemoglobin have
oxygen bound to them
98.5 % saturated in arterial blood (arterial PO2=100mmHg)
75% saturated in mixed venous blood (venous PO2 = 40mmHg)
Summarised by: Hemoglobin-Oxygen dissociation curve
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
Figure 17.7
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
Figure 17.8
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
•  Rightward shift (unloading,
decreased affinity):
–  Tissue level
–  H+ ( pH, Bohr effect)
–  PCO2
–  Temperature
–  2,3 DPG
•  Leftward shift (loading,
increased affinity):
–  Lung level
–  H+ ( pH, Bohr effect)
–  PCO2
–  Temperature
Figure 17.9
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
•  Increase in metabolic
activity increases
•  Increase in temperature
decrease Hb
affinity for O2
•  Decrease affinity
increases oxygen
unloading in tissue
Opposite effect at lung level
Figure 17.10a
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
•  When oxygen binds to
hemoglobin, hydrogen
ions are released
•  Hb + O2  Hb.O2 + H+
•  Active tissue produces H+
This increases oxygen
unloading in tissue
(equation to the left)
Opposite effect at lung level
Figure 17.10b
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
•  CO2 reacts with Hb to form
Hb + CO2  HbCO2
•  Increased metabolic activity
 increases CO2  reaction
to the right  change in Hb
conformation and decreases
Hb affinity for O2
•  Increases oxygen unloading in
active tissue
Opposite effect at lung level
Figure 17.9
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
•  2,3-DPG = 2,3-diphosphoglycerate
•  Produced in red blood cells under
conditions of low oxygen such as
anemia and high altitude
•  High HbO2: inhibit DPG synthesis;
Low HbO2: stim. DPG synthesis
•  In tissue: 2,3-DPG decreases
affinity of hemoglobin for O2
enhancing O2 unloading
At lung level: decreases affinity of Hb
for O2 (negative side)
Figure 17.9
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
•  Hemoglobin has greater affinity for carbon
monoxide (CO) than for oxygen (24 times!)
•  Prevents oxygen from binding to hemoglobin
•  Toxic, can be fatal
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
•  3 modes of transport:
–  5 – 6% transported dissolved in plasma
–  5-8% transported bound to hemoglobin
–  86-90% transported dissolved in the plasma as
bicarbonate ions
Carbonic Anhydrase
CO2 + H2O  -----------------  H2CO3  H+ + HCO3Law of Mass Action:
An increase in CO2 causes an increase in bicarbonate and
hydrogen ions (note that bicarbonate is transported out of the
erythrocyte into the plasma)
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
Figure 17.11
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
Oxygen decreases affinity of hemoglobin
for carbon dioxide
Figure 17.12
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.
-Haldane effect: O2 decreases affinity of Hb for CO2
-Bohr effect: Hb + O2  Hb.O2 + H+
-Carbomino effect: Hb + CO2  HbCO2
Figure 17.13
Allied Science Physiology. Respiratory System. Lecture 4.