INTRODUCTION TO DRILLING FLUIDS TECHNOLOGY 21 – 25 APRIL 2014 | KUALA LUMPUR | MALAYSIA Selected Training only INTRODUCTION TO DRILLING FLUIDS TECHNOLOGY 21 – 25 April 2014 | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia The demands placed upon drilling fluids have increased dramatically over the last two or three decades. The drivers include reducing environmental impact, maximising well productivity, accessing high temperature reservoirs, extended reach drilling, and deep water drilling. Course participants will learn about the fluid systems and additives developed to meet these demands, as well as basic introductions to drilling fluids, clay chemistry, and polymer chemistry. The molecular structure and functionality of various fluid additives is presented to gain an insight into how things work and how fluid formulations are designed to meet specific well parameters From attending this five day school, participants will gain the following: An understanding of the composition and properties of drilling and completion fluid systems and additives Insights into how things work, and where they do not work Grounding in clay chemistry and polymer chemistry and their importance to drilling fluid design An appreciation of the importance of efficient solids control A background in the mechanisms of formation damage, reservoir fluid design to maximise productivity, completion fluid systems, and the field applications of completion brines. Who Should Attend The course is intended for drilling supervisors and engineers, tool pushers, managers, all field or office personnel who design or implement drilling programs, and those just wanting a refresher in drilling fluids (Drilling Muds).This course will not cover a Mud Lab. About your Expert Trainer: Dr. Gary W. Reid, Ph.D., P.Eng. 1995 Ph. D. Petroleum Engineering Mississippi State University 1991 M. Sc. Petroleum Engineering University of Wyoming 1988 B. Sc. Engineering (Petroleum) Texas Tech University 1970 Diploma (Geology) Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Dr. Gary Reid's oilfield experience includes greater than 30 years of petroleum engineering. Industry experience includes extensive project management, training & development, reservoir & drilling engineering and environmental evaluations. Major strengths include development and training in drilling engineering; international onshore and offshore drilling engineering experience and international integrated team project management. Independent Consultant Consultant, Manager and training Coordinator for Kuwait Oil Company for subsurface personnel training (1100+ personnel), inclusive of staff, vendors, instructors and training evaluation. Sr. Reservoir Engineer (Consulting) - Australia; SANTOS, Cooper Basin - East Coast Canada; Petro Canada, Hybernia and Rose - Mexico; PeMex - Mexico; BP, Gulf Coast Region Project Manager, Reservoir and Drilling Engineer - Tingar International Inc. - Northern Mexico project to develop hydrocarbon exploitation program, reservoir characterization and economic models Drilling Technologist - W.J. Oil Ltd. (United Kingdom) - Support field engineering teams. Well planning, drilling optimization, drilling fluids and solids control management, cementing operations. Drilling Fluids Specialist to Area Operations Manager - IDF International, Ltd., Fluids Specialist; International - Hunting D, F & E, Technical Mgr/Asst Mgr; Trinidad, Venezuala - Magcobar, Ltd., Area Operations Manager; Libya Floor-hand to Relief Driller - Day to day drilling operations Alberta and Arctic. Train Your Whole Team At A Convenient Time And Location Through In-House Training. Call us at +65 6741 9927 to enquire or email your query to Visit us at for more information. INTRODUCTION TO DRILLING FLUIDS TECHNOLOGY 21 – 25 April 2014 | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia 5 DAY COURSE AGENDA BASIC GEOLOGY a. Porosity & Permeability b. Reservoir properties c. Hydrocarbon reservoirs and origins 4 hours PRESSURE DETECTION a. Development & causes of Abnormal Pressure b. Overview evaluation of Abnormal Pressure 3 hours FRACTURE GRADIENT a. Introduction –What is a Fracture Gradient b. Fracture Gradients –Importance? INTRODUCTION TO DRILLING FLUIDS 3 hours a. History of Drilling Fluids (Mud) b. When / How ‘MUD’ came to be used in the Oil & Gas Industry c. Functions of a drilling mud RHEOLOGY & HYDRAULICS a. Physical properties of drilling ‘muds’ b. Bit hydraulics 3 hours BASIC CHEMISTRY & DRILLING FLUIDS CHEMISTRY a. Concepts & terminology b. Chemical types and reactions c. Water chemistry d. pH and Alkalinity - Control 3 hours CLAY CHEMISTRY a. Fundamental Clay Structure a. Interaction with water - Control 2 hours POLYMERS a. Types b. Use 1 hours WATER BASE DRILLING FLUID (WBM) a. Components b. Miscellaneous Specialty Functions c. Clays - Use - Interaction d. Loss Circulation - Why - Materials 4 hours e. Different WBMs - Classification/s f. Contaminates - Salt - Solids - Oils - Acid gases - Leading to property changes g. Common Calculations used in WBM OIL BASE DRILLING FLUIDS OR NON-AQUEOUS FLUIDS (OBM) 4 hours a. Types - Inverts - Mineral b. Common Calculations used in Oil Base Muds SOLIDS CONTROL a. During drilling a well b. Analysis c. Equipment 2 hours COMMON DRILLING PROBLEMS AND MUD REMEDIES USED TODAY 3 hours a. Formation Damage - Causes - Mechanisms b. c. Loss Circulation Stuck Pipe - Differential - Key Seating - Undergauged d. e. f. Kick Blowout Corrosion ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS 1 hour COMPLETION & WORKOVER FLUIDS 1 hour Train Your Whole Team At A Convenient Time And Location Through In-House Training. Call us at +65 6741 9927 to enquire or email your query to Visit us at for more information. INTRODUCTION TO FLUIDS TECHNOLOGY INTRODUCTION TODRILLING DRILLING FLUIDS TECHNOLOGY 2014 | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia R E 21 G–I25SApril TR ATION FORM EARLY BIRD NORMAL TEAM DISCOUNTS petroEDGE recognises the value of learning in teams. KUALA LUMPUR | MALAYSIA 21 – 25 April 2014 SGD 4200 SGD 4400 Group bookings at the same time from the same company receive the following: 3 or more at 5% off 5 or more at 7% off 8 of more at 10% All other promotions including early bird are exclusive of the group discount. petroEDGE In-house Training Yes, I would like to organise this training on-site and save on total course fees! For further information about On-site Solutions, please call +65 67419927 or email DELEGATE DETAILS Delegate 1 Mr Ms Mrs Dr Others: Name : Job Title : Department : PAYMENT METHODS By Cheque/ Bank Draft Make Payable to Asia Edge Pte. Ltd. By Direct Transfer Please quote your invoice number with the remittance advise Account Name: Asia Edge Pte. Ltd. Bank Number: 508 Account Number: 762903-001 Swift Code: OCBCSGSG Telephone No. : Email : Delegate 2 Mr Ms Mrs Dr Name : Job Title : Department : All bank charges to be borne by payer. Please ensure that Asia Edge Pte Ltd receives the full invoiced amount. Others: : Company : Address : Country Attention Invoice to : Postcode: : Telephone No. : Fax No. PAYMENT POLICY Payment is due in full at the time of registration. Full payment is mandatory for event attendance. By submitting this registration form, you have agreed to Asia Edge Pte Ltd’s payment terms CANCELLATIONS & SUBSTITUTIONS You may substitute delegates at any time. ASIA EDGE PTE LTD does not provide refunds for cancellations. For cancellations received in writing more than seven (7) days prior to the training course you will receive a 100% credit to be used at another ASIA EDGE PTE LTD training course for up to one year from the date of issuance. For cancellations received seven (7) days or less prior to an event (including day 7), no credits will be issued. In the event that ASIA EDGE PTE LTD cancels an event, delegate payments at the date of cancellation will be credited to a future ASIA EDGE PTE LTD event. This credit will be available for up to one year from the date of issuance. In the event that ASIA EDGE PTE LTD postpones an event, delegate payments at the postponement date will be credited towards the rescheduled date. If the delegate is unable to attend the rescheduled event, the delegate will receive a 100% credit representing payments made towards a future ASIA EDGE PTE LTD event. This credit will be available for up to one year from the date of issuance. No refunds will be available for cancellations or postponements. Telephone No. : Email Please note - Indicate if you have already registered by Phone +Fax +Email +Web - If you have not received an acknowledgement before the training course, please call us to confirm your booking. - Photocopy this form to register multiple delegates. : 4 EASY WAYS TO REGISTER Online: Email: Phone: +65 6741 9927 Fax: +65 6747 8737 ASIA EDGE PTE LTD is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration or cancellation/postponement of an event. ASIA EDGE PTE LTD shall assume no liability whatsoever in the event this training course is cancelled, rescheduled or postponed due to a fortuitous event, Act of God, unforeseen occurrence or any other event that renders performance of this training course impracticable or impossible. For purposes of this clause, a fortuitous event shall include, but not be limited to: war, fire, labor strike, extreme weather or other emergency. PROGRAM CHANGE POLICY Please note that speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing; however, circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such, ASIA EDGE PTE LTD reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible. This brochure may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or converted to any electronic or machine-readable form in whole or in part without prior written approval of ASIA EDGE PTE LTD ASIA EDGE PTE. LTD. Company Registration No: No. 200710561C Copyright@ 2005 ASIA EDGE PTE LTD. All rights reserved. Train Your Whole Team At A Convenient Time And Location Through In-House Training. Call us at +65 6741 9927 to enquire or email your query to Visit us at for more information.