PANTHER PREP (Public Speaking): Informative Speech with Visual Aid North Central High School Doc Miller, M.Ed. PANTHER PREP: Informative Speech with Visual Aid Time Limit: 5 – 7 minutes Sources of information: You will need to use at least 2 outside sources for your speech. For each source give the specific magazine or book, or web site, etc. it was taken from, title of the article or report, author’s full name, date of publication, and the chapter or pages telling where the material was found. If a source is a person, identify him or her completely by title position, occupation, etc. List these in outline form. You should be referring to your sources as you paraphrase and/or quote at least two or three times in this speech. Outline your speech: Prepare a detailed outline. It must include a bibliography for all sources used. You will need 2 copies of your outline. One must be turned in before the speech and one is for you to use during the speech. Visual Aids: You must use a PowerPoint presentation as a visual aid in this speech. It should support your central and main ideas. You must print out your PowerPoint presentation (6 slides per page) and turn it in to the instructor with your outline. EXPLANATION OF THE INFORMATIVE SPEECH WITH VISUAL AID: The speech to inform people provides them a clear understanding of the speaker’s ideas upon a subject. It also arouses interest in the subject because the material, which is presented, is relevant to the lives of those who hear it. The speaker must provide this relevant material with its accompanying interest, if he is to inform intelligently. To accomplish the ends of informative speaking one is obligated to select a subject of interest to himself/herself and the listeners. This can be done by an apt analysis of the audience – in this case your classmates. You as the speaker are charged further with the serious responsibility of knowing what you are talking about, knowing more about it, in fact, than anyone in your audience does. For this reason, your speech demands that you study not one but several sources for information. Under no consideration should you satisfied to glance hurriedly through an article in a popular magazine, jot down a few notes, toss the periodical aside, and rush off to “coffee”, content with the world a “sloppy” job of acquiring knowledge. This kind of preparation does not even begin to prepare you to give an informative discourse. *Select a topic that interests you and that is appropriate to the audience you are to address. Be sure that you can find information about the topic you select. Do not put off choosing the topic. HOW TO PRESENT AN INFORMATIVE SPEECH WITH VISUAL AID: Use an easy, energetic presentation. Be sure to be enthusiastic and original in what you have to say. Draw pictures, exhibit charts, in fact, do whatever is necessary to make your ideas understood and interesting. Take stage properly, utilize expressive body action, maintain direct eye contact, observe time limits, and stop when your speech is finished. Your conclusion should be as strong and appropriate and as well prepared as your beginning remarks. *This is a good time to work on word selection and vocabulary. *Since this is a class speech, you should inform the class if they need to consider themselves a different audience. *Be sure to USE your visual aid as an enhancement to your speech. 1 PANTHER PREP (Public Speaking): Informative Speech with Visual Aid North Central High School Doc Miller, M.Ed. GUIDE: Planning an Informative Speech The Introduction: 1. Get attention by using one or more of the following: - illustration or story - startling statement - quotation - rhetorical question - non-verbal action - suspense - reference to the subject – not appropriate for classroom situations - reference to the occasion (what makes this day unique) – not appropriate for classroom situations 2. Motivate audience interest in your subject by alluding to: - the practical value of the information for your audience/a reason to listen - the audience’s curiosity 3. Establish your right to inform (speaker credibility) by: - alluding to any first-hand experience you may have had - alluding to sources of information you have consulted 4. Thesis Statement/Preview of main points: - One complete sentence stating the subject and something about the subject - Include a preview of your main points (Signposting) Other appropriate information: - defining any technical terms you will be using - supplying any background information that would better enable listeners to understand the information The Body: 1. Choose 3-5 main points of equal weight that directly support your specific purpose. 2. Organize your major points in logical way: - spacial order - chronological or step-by-step order - topical - causal 3. Support your main points with appropriate evidence: - analogies - factual examples and illustrations - statistics - hypothetical examples and illustrations - testimony (authority) 4. Make your information understandable by using visual aids: - charts, drawings, slides - objects or models of objects - diagrams, maps 5. Make your information interesting by: - using vivid imagery and concrete language - adapting it to the level of your audience - involving something recent, impending, or physically near to your audiences and familiar, vital, unusual, suspenseful or active using appropriate humor The Conclusion: 1. End the speech appropriately with a summary and restatement of main points. 2. End the speech providing the audience with a “reason to remember”: - a quotation - an allusion to the introduction - a story - any other technique to arouse interest in further investigation Requirements: 1. At least one visual aid (PowerPoint.) 2. The outline must be detailed enough for a 5 – 7 minute speech. 2 PANTHER PREP (Public Speaking): Informative Speech with Visual Aid North Central High School Doc Miller, M.Ed. OUTLINE GUIDE: Informative Speech with Visual Aid TOPIC: ____________________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL PURPOSE: SPECIFIC PURPOSE: THESIS/PREVIEW: INTRODUCTION: I. ATTENTION GAINING DEVICE: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ II. RIGHT TO INFORM: ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ III. MOTIVE FOR THE AUDIENCE TO LISTEN: _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ IV. THESIS/PREVIEW: ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ BODY: I._________________________________________________________________________________________ A._______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ B. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ C. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ II. ________________________________________________________________________________________ A. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ B. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ C. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ III. ________________________________________________________________________________________ A._______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ B. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ C. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ IV... (same pattern) CONCLUSION: I. ________________________________________________________________________________________ II. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 PANTHER PREP (Public Speaking): Informative Speech with Visual Aid North Central High School Doc Miller, M.Ed. RUBRIC: Informative Speech with Visual Aid (Instructor) Name: Topic: TOPIC Attention Getting Device Right to Inform Motive for Listening Thesis/Preview DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION Speaker uses specific technique to gain audience attention. POINTS MAXIMUM 5 Speaker establishes their qualifications to speak in the subject. Speaker gave the audience reason to pay attention to the speech. Speaker clearly established what the speech was going to be about and what to expect. 5 SUB TOTAL BODY The speaker has organized thoughts in a clear, understandable, and logical way. The speaker makes the major points of the speech clear. 20 The speaker uses enough quality information to make their points. Speaker uses research and sites it in the speech to improve credibility. 5 SUB TOTAL VISUAL AID The PowerPoint presentation was professional, clear, and easy to read. The PowerPoint presentation was relatively without errors. 20 Speaker used the PowerPoint presentation to enhance the speech and did not read from it. PowerPoint does not distract the speaker or the audience. 5 SUB TOTAL SPEECH TECHNIQUE Speaker clearly, but smoothly moves from topic to topic during the speech. Speaker effectively uses outline, notes, or note cards with minimal distraction. Speaker is poised, confident, and maintains eye contact with audience. Speakers volume, articulation, and rate of speaking is appropriate. 20 SUB TOTAL 20 5 5 NOTES: Organization Clarity of Major Points Subject Knowledge Information Support 5 5 5 NOTES: Construction Error-Free/Proofed Aid to Speech Distraction 5 5 5 NOTES: Transitions Use of Outline/Notes Confidence Voice Quality 5 5 5 5 NOTES: Word Choice SPEECH QUALITY Speaker uses good word choices and variety. 5 Body Language Speaker’s body language is appropriate and open. 5 Gestures Speaker uses appropriate gestures to enhance speech. 5 Use of Space Speaker uses space available and does not lock himself or herself behind podium. 5 NOTES: SUB TOTAL 20 TOTAL 100 4 PANTHER PREP (Public Speaking): Informative Speech with Visual Aid North Central High School Doc Miller, M.Ed. RUBRIC: Informative Speech with Visual Aid (Peer) INSTRUCTIONS: Evaluate one peer during each speech session. If you give them a 5 or a 3 and below, you must write in the “note” section the reason for this score. Name: TOPIC PEER NAME & DATE: Introduction Body Speech Technique Speech Quality DESCRIPTION POINTS TOPIC: Speaker started strong, got my attention, and made me interested in listening. Speaker was able to provide information in a clear and understandable way, and was credible. Speaker seemed confident, spoke clearly, and did not seem distracted. Speaker used appropriate grammar and was overall professional in their presentation. MAXIMUM 5 5 5 5 NOTES: TOTAL PEER NAME & DATE: Introduction Body Speech Technique Speech Quality TOPIC: Speaker started strong, got my attention, and made me interested in listening. Speaker was able to provide information in a clear and understandable way, and was credible. Speaker seemed confident, spoke clearly, and did not seem distracted. Speaker used appropriate grammar and was overall professional in their presentation. 20 5 5 5 5 NOTES: TOTAL PEER NAME & DATE: Introduction Body Speech Technique Speech Quality TOPIC: Speaker started strong, got my attention, and made me interested in listening. Speaker was able to provide information in a clear and understandable way, and was credible. Speaker seemed confident, spoke clearly, and did not seem distracted. Speaker used appropriate grammar and was overall professional in their presentation. 20 5 5 5 5 NOTES: TOTAL PEER NAME & DATE: Introduction Body Speech Technique Speech Quality TOPIC: Speaker started strong, got my attention, and made me interested in listening. Speaker was able to provide information in a clear and understandable way, and was credible. Speaker seemed confident, spoke clearly, and did not seem distracted. Speaker used appropriate grammar and was overall professional in their presentation. 20 5 5 5 5 NOTES: TOTAL 20 GRADE 50 INSTRUCTOR NOTES: 5 PANTHER PREP (Public Speaking): Informative Speech with Visual Aid North Central High School Doc Miller, M.Ed. RUBRIC: Informative Speech with Visual Aid (Self) Presenter’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Content (What could you have done to improve the content? i.e. topic, organization, evidence, source citations, quotes, examples, visual aids, etc.): Delivery (What areas do you see as being strengths & weaknesses i.e. eye contact, voice – pitch, tone, volume; articulation, grammar, pronunciation, gestures, movement, poise, posture, enthusiasm, dynamics): Distracting Habits (Do you have any, and what specific steps will you take to correct them? examples: uh, uhm, OK, fidgeting with hands, looking somewhere other than at the audience members, speaking too fast or too slow, awkward pauses, stumbling over words, rocking back & forth, etc.): Honestly, what kind of preparation & practice did you do? Does the amount of time you spent on this speech have anything to do with the final performance? What are your goals for next time? Overall comments regarding the speech: Total Points / 10 6