Answers to Jeopardy Questions Evolution/Natural Selection 200: How are genes, proteins, and traits related? Genes code for different proteins. Those proteins then go and create physical traits in organisms. 400: Why can’t a father who gets his hair dyed blue pass down the blue hair trait to his offspring? There is no genetic basis for the blue hair trait, therefore it cannot be passed down. 600: How are Evolution and Natural Selection related? Natural Selection causes Evolution to occur. NS means that one individual has a trait that makes it better able to survive. So, that organism reproduces and passes down the helpful trait, while organisms without the trait are less likely to survive and reproduce. Over many, many generations, the majority of the organisms in that population will have the helpful trait. This is evolution. 800: What does the term “genetic variation” mean? Why is this important for the survival of species? Genetic variation means that organisms have unique sets of DNA. This is important for the survival of a species, because new genes can cause new traits to evolve over time, which will increase the chances of survival of a species. If organisms all had the exact same DNA they would all be the exact same. If conditions changed or a pathogen came along that could kill the organisms, then all of the organisms in a species would die, because none of them could evolve resistance to the pathogen or change as a response to the changing environment. 1,000: Write the captions in the comic (On Power Point) 1. Moths reproduce sexually, creating offspring that have unique DNA (genetic variation). 2. Some of those moths randomly received the trait to have a darker color. 3. Moths that were darker were less likely to be eaten by predators than lighter moths, because they were able to hide. This means that darker moths were more fit and therefore more likely to survive to reproduce and pass on the dark moth trait. 4. Over time, the population of dark moths increased and the population of light moths decreased. This is because the dark moths had an adaptation that enabled them to survive and reproduce better than the light moths. So, the dark moth trait was passed down more frequently than the light moth trait. BIG IDEAS 200: Explain this diagram. (On Power Point) Diffusion is happening in this diagram. Diffusion is when molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. In this case, the dye is really concentrated in one area when it is first put into the cup. Over time, the dye molecules collide and push further apart from each other. Eventually the dye molecules reach equilibrium and are equally spread out thoughtout the cup. 400: In which beaker will diffusion happen faster? How do you know? (On Power Point) Diffusion will happen faster in Beaker A, because the concentration difference is much greater. 600: The atmosphere of the planet Jupiter is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium gases. Aliens on the planet Jupiter breathe in Hydrogen and breathe out Helium as ingredients and waste products of alien cellular respiration. Gas exchange occurs in their hair. Which alien is better suited for gas exchange? How do you know? (On Power Point) Alien A is better suited for gas exchange, because his hair has a larger surface area. This means that there is more room for gases to diffuse into and out of the alien’s hair. 800: What is the purpose of cellular respiration? What is the purpose of photosynthesis? How are they related? Cellular Respiration: To use oxygen to break apart glucose to release stored energy Photosynthesis: To capture sunlight energy and store it in a glucose molecule They are related because photosynthesis is the way that plants capture energy from the sun and make food for themselves. Cellular respiration is how organisms actually break down their food to release and use energy to carry out life functions. 1,000: How do increased surface area and the fact that diffusion does not require energy make the process of cellular respiration more efficient? Increased surface area means that there is more room for an organism to bring the ingredients for cellular respiration into the body and get the waste from cellular respiration out of the body. No energy for diffusion is great, because it means that the organism does not need to spend any energy during the process of making energy (cellular respiration). If the organism was constant spending energy to get the ingredients/get rid of the waste, then any energy created in cellular respiration would be spent immediately trying to make more energy. Osteichthyes 200: How do bony fish maintain buoyancy? How is it different from the way that sharks maintain buoyancy? Fish maintain buoyancy with their swim bladder. Sharks maintain buoyancy with a large, oily liver. 400: Mouth shape and where/what they eat. (On Power Point) 600: Define the following terms: pelagic, benthic, rover, ambush, planktivorous (On Power Point) Pelagic: free swimming in the middle of the ocean. Benthic: living on or near the bottom, but not attached Rover Predator: constantly swimming and searching for food Ambush Predator: hide and wait for food to swim by then surprise attack Planktivorous: fish that eat plankton. Swim with mouths open and plankton get caught in gill rakers 800: Describe the defense strategies of these fish. (On Power Point) A. False Eye Spot: predators aim for the eye of prey, when the aim for the back end of the fish, the fish is able to swim away. B. Spines: sharp and prickly; makes the prey hard to eat C. Schooling and/or silver coloration: makes it difficult for the predator to pick out just one fish to hunt down and attack D. Disruptive coloration: disrupts the fish’s outline so that the predator can’t pick it out. 1,000: Tail Shape and Body Shape and Swimming ability Chondrichthyes/Agnatha/Fishing Gear 200: Describe how Lampreys eat and how Hagfish eat. Lampreys: Most (not all) are parasitic and suck the blood from other fish Hagfish: Eat dead and decaying things 400: List 3 distinctive characteristics of agnatha -­‐No jaw, circular ring of teeth -­‐No stomach, long digestive tube instead -­‐No paired fins, long snake shaped body 600: What is bycatch? How can fishing gear reduce the amount of bycatch? Bycatch is a fish or other marine species that is caught unintentionally while catching certain target species and target sizes of species. Bycatch is either of a different species, undersized individuals of the target species, or juveniles of the target species. Fishing gear can reduce the amount of bycatch by being more selective (making sure the bait is correct, the mesh size is correct, location in the water is correct) so that they increase their catch of target individuals. 800: What are 3 distinctive characteristics of chondrichtyes? 1. Large oily liver 2. Ampullae of Lorenzini 3. Marching Teeth 1,000: What types of predators are sharks A and B? How do you know? (On Power Point) A. Pelagic Rover Predator: Fusiform body suggests fast efficient swimmer. Counter shading coloration shows a mid water habitat. Lunate type tail additionally suggests constant swimming. Terminal mouth and teeth show that it’s a predator B. Benthic Ambush Predator: Cryptic coloration suggests that it hangs out on the bottom and hides until prey comes by. Depressed body shape also suggests living on the bottom. Barbels show that it can sense its surroundings on the bottom. Marine Invertebrates 200: List all of the phyla/classes of the marine invertebrates and give an example of each. Phylum: Echinoderms -­‐ sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, sand dollars Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Crustaceans – green crabs, lobsters, barnacles Phylum: Porifera – sea sponges Phylum: Cnidaria – anemones, jellyfish, corals Phylum: Mollusca Class: Cephalopoda – squid, octopus, cuttlefish Class: Gastropoda – snails, nudibranchs Class: Bivalvia – mussels, scallops 400: What is the difference between a suspension feeder and a filter feeder? Give an example of each. A suspension feeder is able to grab food as it floats by in the water column. Example: anemones, corals, jellyfish, and barnacles. A filter feeder brings water into its body and removes the food from the water. The food remains trapped in the organism’s body and the water is released. Examples: bivalves and sponges. 600: Put these unique structures in the proper category: tube feet, nematocysts, large brain, incurrent and excurrent siphon, single piece external shell, no symmetry, and exoskeleton. 800: Why can some invertebrates regenerate limbs while we humans cannot? Invertebrates are incredibly simple organisms. Their bodies are not super complex, so they are able to regenerate limbs, because the structures inside are simple and easy to regrow. Humans (vertebrates) are unable to regenerate limbs, because we are much more complex. In order to regrow an arm we would have to regrow muscle, tendons, ligaments, bone, and millions of capillaries, nerves, and skin cells. 1,000: What do the following names mean: Echinoderm, Cephalopod, Gastropod, Bivalve Echinoderm: Spiny Skin Cephalopod: Head Foot Gastropod: Stomach Foot Bivalve: 2 shells Genetics/Taxonomy 200: List the classification levels in order from BROAD to SPECIFIC. What are these classification levels based on? -­‐Life, Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species (Do Kittens Prefer Cream Or Fish Generally Speaking?) -­‐This classification levels are based on characteristics that organisms have in common. 400: How are chromosomes and genes related? Where from where do you get your DNA? Genes are found on chromosomes. We get our DNA from our biological parents. We get 23 chromosomes from our biological mother and 23 chromosomes from our biological father. 600: Manatee taxonomy (On Power Point) **Remember to italics/underline scientific name. Genus is capitalized and species is lower case.** 800: Rabbit genetics. Fill in the chart: homozygous/heterozygous, genotypes, phenotypes. (On Power Point) 1,000: Which organisms are the least related on this phylogenetic tree. How do you know? (On Power Point) The lancelet and the leopard are the least related. They are the farthest apart on the phylogenetic tree, which means that they share the least amount of characteristics. The more characteristics two organisms share, the more closely related they are. Since the lancelet and the leopard share the fewest characteristics, they are the least related. Reproductive System: 200: What types of contraception protect against STDs? Condoms (barrier to contact) and Abstinence 400: Draw the pathway of fertilization 600: What is the difference between an active virus and a hidden virus? An active virus IMMEDIATELY takes over a cell and begins reproducing itself when it enters the host cell. A hidden virus enters a host cell and WAITS, its DNA becomes part of the host cell’s DNA during this time. Then, when conditions are right (immune system is weak, there is stress, or a person is sick) the hidden virus becomes active, takes over the host cell and multiplies. 800: Select 3 STD’s and identify the causal pathogen, consequences, asymptomatic or not, and curable or not curable. 1,000: Why do we need to use meiosis to make gametes rather than mitosis? Gametes have to be haploid (23 chromosomes) and genetically unique. Meiosis makes gametes haploid with 2 rounds of division and it makes genetically unique gametes through the process of crossing over. Mitosis produces offspring that are genetically identical and diploid (46 chromosomes). Mitosis does not produce the right kind of cells to make gametes.